[CMV] Calling for the "rich" to be taxed more...

1  2018-06-15 by Putin_loves_cats

... or for others to "pay their fair share", is a form of inciting violence, and should be handled just like any other call for inciting violence on this website (ie. against the rules).

How is it, you may ask? Well, in order to enforce taxation, you (the Government) must use violence (ie. theft, extortion, and coercion). If you don't pay your taxes, you will be violently kidnapped and thrown into a cage by the barrel of the Government's gun, or worse.

TL;DR: Taxation is theft (violence), and calling for others to be taxed (in general or more), is a form of inciting violence.


Eat the rich

Y so violent :(?

Bon appétit!

A significant/vast-majority portion of the rich's capital accumulation has to do with competence, specific knowledge, and work ethic.

One of the biggest reasons why marxist revolutions have had such catastrophic results is that the proletariat removed the only people in the economy capable of producing the goods necessary to sustain it... thus they killed not only the capital owning class... but also working class people who no longer had any food or tools.

Ukrainian starvation/genocide is a perfect example of this specific phenomenon, Cambodia and China basically did similar shit.

The fact that you are taxed depending on how much you make is a huge red flag to me. It doesn’t make any sense. Why do you think it’s setup that way?

Why do you think it’s setup that way?

Because the masses are ignorant, and enjoy being slaves who imagine they're free.

What makes you different?

I no longer suffer from Stockholm Syndrome :)

That's great but I don't consider the country I live in to be a hostage situation.

What actually makes you different?

Can you leave without paying extortion?

It's not extortion or ransom to vacate citizenship.

You know this.

You are asking for a service to be provided to you.

You don't want to.pay for it.

It's not extortion or ransom to vacate citizenship.

By definition, it is.

Consult a dictionary.

Freedom from nationality is not a quality that is withheld from you from birth.

If you have a problem with this please consult the Homo Sapiens developmental processes.

I didn't choose this, nor did I consent. Just like a hostage, no?

The government can always deny you your vacation.

What government?

Mine can't.

The US government. He did it by the book and they refused him because they had precognition.


He violated the law twice on each commission.

I have no sympathy for such an idiot.

This is a bad example.

I'm sure the state department are not superheroes for people willing to vacate, but this guy was a moron choosing this way

Ugh. You're a model citizen. Gross.

I agree, but I don’t think it’s set up this way for those reasons. What many consider “rich” isn’t. It’s obviously pretty subjective, but creating division is the goal and it works quite beautifully.

What many consider “rich” isn’t. It’s obviously pretty subjective, but creating division is the goal and it works quite beautifully.

I agree.

Taxation is still theft, though...

Fair enough, but I am ok with paying a fair share (say 10%) for basic needs like roads and emergency services. I’m not ok with a gluttonous MIC guzzling down trillions, because of some bullshit war on drugs/terror/Russia/insert bougeyman of the day here.

No way Jose? Just no taxes at all?

Your "taxes" do not go to any of that, though. That said, yes, consent and Voluntary interaction/transactions, no? Check out Voluntaryism :)

Your "taxes" do not go to any of that, though.

Yes they do.

No they don't.

So nothing of what /u/brofistnate pays on income, state, municipal or consumption taxes goes towards roads or emergency services?

Quite a statement.

So nothing of what /u/brofistnate pays on income, state, municipal or consumption taxes goes towards roads or emergency services?


Explicate that please


Wow so comprehensive

How do the municipal taxes get to the federal reserve?

A city is a Corporation, a State is it's Corporation, and the Federal Government is the parent Corporation of the two former.

I hesitate to repost my last comment.

Private roads and volunteer emergency services.

Taxation for basic needs like taxmen and billy clubs to collect more taxes and politicians to make more departments which demands more taxes and then you have the runaway MIC that we have today.

That’s a great point, it spirals out of control over time. The only real counterbalance is a well informed, vigilant citizen. That doesn’t happen, because people get distracted trying to pay the mortgage, while raising kids, complacent, and/or lazy.

Media doesn’t help. Most of my coworkers/friends/family just tune in. “Tell me what to think”. There’s a channel catering to your political persuasion, lazy ass.

No need for tollroads. That's more like a government thing. Private roads around here don't have tolls. They just aren't perpetually under construction because of overinflated budgets and crony construction companies.

My local road just got regraveled despite not needing it at all. The private street my buddy lives on oy gets fixed when he or his neigbors feel inclined to pony up the cash.

I've never seen a toll on a road that wasn't built under government supervision and sold under cronyist circumstances.

The fact that you are taxed depending on how much you make is a huge red flag to me.

So that those on the bottom don't get crushed.

They wouldn’t get crushed if everyone actually contributed evenly though. Instead the top hide their money in bullshit offshore accounts, shell corporations/charities, so someone has to make up the difference.

Plug the fucking holes and even the field? Nah we can’t do that. Correction: we won’t do that.

Furthermore, the payoff needed drastically drops when we stop funding endless wars, and stop allowing ourselves to get dragged around by private bank usury.

Why so many downvotes and no comments :(.

Citizens love taxes

I love education for my kids and healthcare for me, pension system for when I'm older and care for those who need it.

Fuck me, right?

I love critical thinking, my health, and financial independence, all of which are unassured by scholastic prisons, overworked and underpaid doctors, and disappearing pensions.

I’m commenting and downvoted nothing. I disagree on some of your views, but I want to hear you out and try to understand where you’re coming from. We are way more similar than they want us to believe.

Thanks for being intellectually honest.

We are way more similar than they want us to believe.

We probably are.

Maybe just some creative rebranding is needed.
Duty the opulent? Tariff the affluent? Excise the prosperous?

Now you're speaking like a true Marxist/Socialist!

Ha, not really. I just think 1960s income inequality and taxes were "ok". Like if we just stayed on that trajectory things wouldn't be so shitty now...or just less shitty. Not a fan of CEOs making 2,000x avg employee's salary. Most aren't that bright, just more risk taking and politically savvy. But it doesnt matter, the 80s happened and greed went hip, no now eveeyone is a selfish greedy dirtbag, weeee!

Eh, thanks for the comment and all, but, none of that has anything to do with my comment or OP.

Free market > Government taxation any day

There's very few things run by the government that I can't think would be handled better by the free market.

What do you think the Government can do better than a Free Market?

I can definitely name a lot of things the free market can do better than the government, but on the flipside of that, it's a challenging question.

I was thinking it's possible the government could spread culture better than the free market, just because the free market is so wide and has such varied interests.

Chew on this: If you are in say the bottom tax brackets, the taxes that are taken from you merely fund the ever expanding government apparatus that taxes the wealthy. I mean that’s technically about right.

...and the debt incurred via the Federal Reserve.

Well taxation is not theft by virtue of your choice to live on whatever country you like.

In order for me to leave the US (ie. give up Citizenship), I'm forced to pay a tax. Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/824ac5/til_there_is_a_renunciation_fee_of_2350_usd_for/. It's like I'm (all US Citizens) a prisoner(s). Feelsbadman.jpeg.

That's not being a prisoner.

You are free to leave at any time.

Find your admin fees on the free market.

I'm free to go to the next village bit I still need the bus fare.


Sorry to hear the point missed you

No... You're clearly missing it, and it's apparent. I've noticed what you've been doing here, as of late. Have a good one ;)


We can talk but please leave out the snide comments.

It's ugly.

Nah, I'm good.

Eh, that's like saying slavery isn't theft cause you can run away to a new plantation.

Yeah, if you consider citizenship to be slavery.

Which in all respect, I think is a bit mad.

The owners of this plantation own you and benefit off your labor. It drives me mad too. Until I realize they can't own all the happiness. That's mine. All mine.

The owners of this plantation own you and benefit off your labor. It drives me mad too. Until I realize they can't own all the happiness. That's mine. All mine.

Nobody benefits from my labor without my consent.

Nobody owns me.

What world are you living in?

Same as you. You've got the right attitude, even if you're naive.

Considering the rich got that way by luck or theft, violent theft against them is really just self defence, and that's not really violence, not really.

Considering the rich got that way by luck or theft

How do you know that?

violent theft against them is really just self defence, and that's not really violence, not really.


Firsthand knowledge of how wealth is accumulated. You're either cheating others in the market, or you get lucky enough that the market cheats others for you. Either way, it's the laws of nature - conservation of energy and all that. For every profit there is an equal and opposite deficit. Mostly we offload it onto poor folks and the environment, but since we're all one, we'll all pay for it sooner or later.

Everything is subjective, and yeh. The rich are the "they" in that poem. And I say that from their perspective. The poor have been getting fucked for centuries. If they never come for the rich, well, then the poem isn't really truthful.

PLC... I’m so disappointed. I’ve seen you say some pretty whacky shit, but this has got to top it.


I agree that taxation is theft, but your logic here is far reaching. Saying that if someone states they believe the rich should pay more taxes should be considered an act of violence... that’s a bit much.

Someone should hang, is no different than someone should be robbed/kidnapped by an armed assailant. Can't have your cake and eat it too, pookie....

Saying someone should hang, is no different than saying someone should be robbed/kidnapped by an armed assailant.

No, no it isn't.

And it's not like someone who may be taxed at a higher rate isn't free to move.

No, no it isn't.

Yes, it is.

Are you drunk or something. That comment makes absolutely no sense at all. Also who mentioned anything about someone being hanged? I certainly didn’t.

Let me break it down for you:

  1. Calling for someone to hang is inciting violence

So is:

  1. saying someone should be robbed/kidnapped by an armed assailant

Now, are you drunk, or is your reading comprehension really that bad? Pretty simple.

I just think your point is incredibly stupid. I understand what you are trying to get at, but once again, it’s a stupid idea. You want people to be punished for saying that the rich should be taxed more (which I never stated if I agreed with). That to me seems more like censorship of an idea than anything else. It is not a direct incitement of violence, nor do I think anyone who says that intends for the rich to be hurt physically. By that logic saying that murderers should be arrested is also “inciting violence”.

Dude, you are completely missing my point. I'll give you a hint, it involves hypocrisy with a bit of tongue in cheek.

Spell it out for me bud. If your point wasn’t your previous comment then I don’t understand what you’re getting at.

Reddit rules on inciting violence. Like, holy fuck... are you serious right now?

There was no /s.

For all I know you are 100% serious dude. Why try and play a game of riddles instead of just getting to the point? This is a text based platform it’s hard to tell if someone is being satirical or serious. By the looks of it most people ITT missed your attempt at satire.

There was no /s.

Why does there need to be one? Sounds like your problem, not mine.

Why try and play a game of riddles instead of just getting to the point?

I've expressed my point, quite clearly.

By the looks of it most people ITT missed your attempt at satire.

The masses are ignorant.

I would actually consider it to be your problem, considering no one understood your poor attempt at satire. Nice job of putting all the blame on the masses being ignorant, rather than admitting your post did a shit job of explaining what it was intended to. I’ve always thought you seemed a bit narcissistic, now I know for a fact you are. Also, obviously your point wasn’t expressed “quite clearly” otherwise at least one of the “ignorant masses” would have understood it. You are the exact type of person that gives conspiracy theorists a bad name. IaMvErYSmArT



Have a good one, Top Mind.

How did I know that you were going to accuse me of being a top mind? I think that TMOR is a cancerous shit hole of a sub that’s only purpose is to come and brigade/harass members of this sub. Fuck off with that bullshit, and don’t accuse me of such a gross thing just because your post was a bust. I’ve been coming to this sub for the past 3 years, I’ve watched it degrade since the 2016 election into a political battleground full of shills and vote manipulation. But yet here you are, making a completely baseless claim because you didn’t like me talking bad about your post.

Right back at cha' ;) .

Go look at my post history if you don’t believe me.

You've said enough. Have a good one.

Whatever man. I honestly couldn’t care less what you think about me.


Removed. Rule 10.

You're being a dick right now and regardless of whether you feel its justified or not... it isn't persuasive.

If you feel you are correct about this whole thing you have ample time to explain yourself in a descriptive and non-condescending way. If you don't like defensive responses and emotional reactions when youre unnecessarily being an asshole thats your own fault.

What do you think the Government can do better than a Free Market?

Someone should hang, is no different than someone should be robbed/kidnapped by an armed assailant. Can't have your cake and eat it too, pookie....

I just think your point is incredibly stupid. I understand what you are trying to get at, but once again, it’s a stupid idea. You want people to be punished for saying that the rich should be taxed more (which I never stated if I agreed with). That to me seems more like censorship of an idea than anything else. It is not a direct incitement of violence, nor do I think anyone who says that intends for the rich to be hurt physically. By that logic saying that murderers should be arrested is also “inciting violence”.