i think i unlocked the secret of life and its all a simulation

1  2018-06-15 by mailord1

so,i think that i unlocked the secret of life, its all a simulation, and i think the simulation its to destroy the piramids in our society . what ya think? pls dont be an asshole, just want to chat. ill explain more as the comments pops


I don’t believe there is a secret to life. But you can elaborate if you want. Anyway, I hope you’re honestly thinking about this and not just really high lol or drinking :p

more than a secret, i answered the big question "why are we here?" and i think its just so the simulation continious and we as beings (or me, in the simulation i could be the only "thinking" thing and yall can be just "robots" to complete the goal, but i like to think that we are all in this togheter) can... destroy? or reacomodate the piramid of our society. anyways, the answer is live a good life and help the most you can so "life" (the simulation) can continiue bringing you in to achieve the goal. its like Jordan Peterson says: "life isnt a game, its a set of games, and the rule its never sacrifice victory across the set of games for victory in one game".

totally agree with the notion of life being a set of games. People actually find it detrimental to be super successful in only one thing like work or sports, yet neglect every other part of your life (family, friends, health, etc). Its all about the middle path. The best human you can be is one that is balanced in all facets. This is the game, constantly re-positioning yourself so that your scale is balanced and not tilted to one side or the other.


Why not both?

cuse if you sacrifice victory in one of the games, for example being a corrupt son of a b that kills his own ppl just for the sake of it. you lose the game and get ban-hammered from ever being alive again.

if you havent done so yet, get the kriya yoga secrets book, and start unlocking consciousness, the heart, the belly, etc. When the crown opens, you'll be able to OBE outside of the body and then really start to explore from there, plus the Oneness, the light, etc.

Just thinking about this stuff is low level. When you OBE you realize the body is just a vessel and that you as consciousness, both rpe-existed before having your memory wiped, and will exist after this body dies.

Now the question then, is if that too is the sim, however, when you OBE as pure consciousness, its like 1000 times more real (seemingly) then this physical limited sim.

Also manifest something into your life, anything. I started off by sitting on bench for a few hours manifesting a butterfly landing on the grass in front of me, and it happened. The off to bigger things, careers, money, women, etc. Its all movable, flexible, changeable

meh im too lazy to do yoga ill unlock it on my own by thinking.

thinking wont do it. There is a part of you that has to be realized and unlocked which is there, even if thinking is not present and not happening

The Egiptians didn't built the piramids

all of our society and most of religions (wich almost controlls our society) are based on piramids, what i think its that we are here now to eliminate that piramid.

Get rid of all pyramids, I'm for

A question for you and u/russianbot01

  1. Destroy all Pyramids

  2. Destroy 10th century churches and cathedrals

  3. Destroying no ancient structures and instead attempt investigate the structures to better understand human history.

Explain why there is a better argument for 1 than there is 2. Also why 3 isn't the best option.

Its important to learn from history, whether positive or negative. Therefore, I only mean metaphorical pyramids.

So pyramids as a metaphor for social hierarchy? (I was only trolling you with the misspellings). You want to tear down the leader/follower, president/populous, pope/parishioner cultural lines?

i dont want to do a shit xD i like games drugs and internet, but its nice to imagine a perfect society.
maybe somejuan gets inspired by this subredits and makes the whole world perfect. :D

No system is perfect because its made up of people who aren't perfect (who can be bribed, corrupted, etc). I was just trying to figure out your pyramid posts.

Maybe we are one of the millions of simulations and this one its testing the pyramid system

Who built the pyramids and what are they for?

The lost civilization that was around during Gobekli Tepe (12,000 - 8,000 BC). Was it the Nephillam? Atlantis? My longshot theories are they were used for life longevity (anti-aging technology) and perhaps as an ascension vehicle out of the reincarnation matrix (like a stargate but your body dies here).

or you can say that ancient civ made pyramids so everybody knows it place and no one its bigger than your ruler.

Ok, get to explaining then

well, lets make an easy example of what i think all of this its about, you are as a char model in the sim. data base, if you are good in this life you go back to the sim, cuse u helped humanity, if you are a bad person the sim. eliminates you. something like that more or less.

So who do you reckon is the judge of whether you’re good or bad? God? The universe itself?

humans knows what is good and bad without some one telling them whats good or bad, dem stuff are stuck in our dna.

Hmm maybe but you said we go back to a sim, the main source, so who’s controlling that a computer? So the computer judges?

maybe us in the future, maybe some grey bois, idk.

no you dont wanna come back in the sim ... after you die whatever you do, do not agree to any "soul contracts" or go into any "white light" .. its a memory wiper and the "sim" is just a energy sucking vortex

i would like to come back to life if i die tho.

What are the pyramids in our society?

when i say piramids i meant the hierarchy. the simple act of having a president makes a piramid.

Pyramids are not fair

thats just the way we are programmed my dude

It doesn't have to be only pyramids

it doesnt, but the think that made us advance in ancient civ its now destroying us. it made sence before, when your country had 25 peasants to have one ruler to make order, but now its one person for like 2 millions, it would be nicer if insted of having one president we could get everybody to propose their ideas and everybody deciding if it will be done.

Yes. There can be pyramids, but on a smaller, more local scale.

each country its a pyramid, now see life as a game and the objective its to destroy all of them


lets do it comrade, lets invade 'murik. it would be blyat-iful.

Been listening to David Icke I see,

no idea who he is xD lemme check.

no, i do not think i have come to save earth, im just a viewer in this.

Sometimes I wonder, if there was some all-knowing, all-powerful, limitless "being" in the universe, what would it do? Surely it would get terribly bored, complacent, lazy, etc, right?

What if it blinds itself, limits itself, and expresses itself through finite creatures, in order to experience the "regaining" of that knowledge, power, whatever...?

Not much more than a shower thought, but there it is.

there is not such think as a limitless being, but, what if there is one, and that one its all our consciousness together that creates a sim to see what posibile things he can be and imagine

The pyramids point to where our creators came from. This information has been hidden from us to keep us in the dark.

the pyramid its just a fisical representation of opresion by the one in the top, its not a secret weapon or something like that.

The shafts in the pyramids point to certain celestial objects. This is where our creator comes from.

they made its so the ruler its represented on a star, but its the same think, you cant be better than the top one.

What would you think of think of the idea that the simulation is designed to allow you to self train for use by an exploitive intelligence?


also thinked about that, but i would like to think that good stuff will happen and not just get exploited by something else.

There is no meaning to life whatsoever. We, as individuals, BRING meaning to life. The purpose of our being is within each of us. It is a complete waste of time and energy to contemplate the why or how we are meant to fit in - because in the best and most genuine version of it; you will not fit in anywhere - you will be a totally unique entity and participant in this thing. The trap we face everywhere are the people and paradigms who want you to believe that you sacrificing yourself to fit their mold, conform, find purpose in making widgets instead of doing, thinking, being what your heart tells you, are right and that you are not. In that scenario, meaning always lies beyond you - the ultimate undefinable thing - that you were born to push buttons, digest Doritos, and clap on cue... Life, and as living beings, is ours to define. Each of us is a unique meaning of life.

well i like to think that there is more to life than just eat and have kids.

I agree there is too. My point is that the meaning and purpose comes from within, rather than outside of us.



It comes down to ‘purpose’ and the end goal. I think I’ve discovered the end goal is to attempt to enable infinite continuance of wisdom of the human race. That’s the experiment. How far can we go before we take ourselves out.

that could be too.

That's definitely one model to use. I recommend not becoming too stuck on it though. There are so many other great ones to try.

well, lets make an easy example of what i think all of this its about, you are as a char model in the sim. data base, if you are good in this life you go back to the sim, cuse u helped humanity, if you are a bad person the sim. eliminates you. something like that more or less.