Links to diet sodas and depression?

1  2018-06-16 by Onpointson

Hey guys. No research done on my part at all, just personal experiences. Are there any? I quit drinking diet soda recently, been off it for a month. I was drinking 32-52 ounces a day and now that I've stopped my depression is gone. Completely. I'm only drinking water and milk.

Are there any studies?


It's likely just the lack of soda in general. You are consuming way less sugar and on top of that, you are likely now more hydrated than before.

Interesting. I have to mute a rather insidious diet cola (Pepsi I think?) commercial that seem to heavily fund MLB games. Some bimbo songs, “WE DO IT CAUSE IT FEEEEEELS RIGHT!”, while some brown shit colored liquid is poured.

Hey so what if this shit people are guzzling down is poison. They should do it cause it feels right (for the stock holders). Fuck em’. 🤑🇺🇸

I have not heard anything indicating depression risk correlating with diet soda intake, but it certainly wouldn’t surprise me.

Diet Pepsi was my poison. I know exactly the commercial you're talking about.

Was it Pepsi that had the "because I want to" commercial?

LOL “because I can”?! That seems even worse! “Hmm everyone says this is bad for me, not sure I should be on a steady IV drip of it and buy this case...hey you know what? I’m doing it, because I can!”

The psychology involved in the garbage they push on us is insane.

Ya it's crazy. It's like they are trying to condition people to be sheep, which I guess is no surprise.

But aren't we supposed to be the Pepsi generation?

Aspartame is an SOB.

It also breaks down if the xans are evee at 86 set F to formaldehyde a carcinogen among other things.

The aspartame also still triggers insulin response so body is flooded with insulin and no glucose. Causing metabolic syndrome like me I was raised on that crap or other issues.

Also the acid eats at the aluminum cans or plastic so another poison. Aluminum implicated in Alzheimer's and dementia. Probably depression as well.

Milk should be from grassfed cows/goats and if possible raw.

Glad you are feeling better. Just watch the tap water check local water quakiry. They add fluoride still and this also causes health problems. Lots of fluoride in soda too actually.

Http:// helped me change my life when I kicked my soda addiction in 2001.

Say no to vaccines and drugs. More formaldehyde and aluminum.

And yes I do think these toxic foods are on purpose and a conspiracy. Dumb and sick and exhausted we are easy to control. We also dont linger long after retirement as "useless eaters".

Why does milk need to be raw? When I was trying to research it before it seemed like homogenized was natural enough to not have an effect on the nutrients and pasteurization seemed to be a safety precaution.

It doesn't need to be raw, but many people have difficulty digesting it when the natural bacteria is removed. Digestive upset and mental health woes often come hand in hand, so if one is the type to have difficulty digesting pasteurized milk, raw milk may be the answer.

I actually didn't know the natural bacteria was removed, thanks for the answer

The aspartame also still triggers insulin response

I've seen studies linked before that said it didn't. Where are you getting this info?

I was with ya til the anti Vacc. I am anti do all of the vaccinations in a short time span at a super young age. But to be completely against vaccines is just too ignorant of most accepted scientific claims, even from some of the most fringe out there

Say no to vaccines

Opinion discarded.


Probiotics and prebiotics cure depression and anxiety. The problem? Doctors can't make money off this so it's kept from you

example 1

example 2

example 3

example 4

Oh yes, there are guards in the yogurt isle at my grocery store.....

"Kept from you" in the sense that the doctor will not tell you that it could help your condition.

Probiotics, prebiotics, sunlight, plenty of water, less sugar, routine sleeping pattern will cure any depression you have. But they can't sell you these things and you wouldn't become a lifelong customer of big pharma.

It's not all the doctors fault either. They need customers because a decade of overpriced med school puts them in massive debt. It's the system.

You eliminated literal garbage from your diet and now you feel better?

Insane sorcery at work.

Coke Zero was my goto beverage for a while and I realized that every time I drank it, it made my stomach feel like a rock. And yes, there are studies that show it kills off beneficial gut flora. Mood and depression are linked to this gut flora. It seems to mess with ph balance in the GI tract as well, causing acidity and inflammation.

Honest to God, Coke Zero has some kind of depressant effect on me. Not a fun alcohol effect, more like an antihistamine. I realized my mood was a lot better on days I didn't drink it, so I stopped.

This topic, but aspartame is absolutely awful.

For folks who need pop/soda, do yourself a favor and look up Bubly, Deer Park sparkling beverages, and La Croix stuff. It's all great; no calories, no sugar, and no aspartame.

But I'd be interested to see a study regarding everything that aspartame can do to someone after excessive consumption.

I was actually just looking at the Deer Park stuff today. I always drink their water.

Good for you, personally I haven't touched that shit in several decades. 'Diet' anything is really bad, full of chemicals.

If you need a fizzy drink, simply try sparkling water with ice-cubes and a single slice of (organic) lemon. It's that simple, and very refreshing. I know it sounds boring, but you get addicted to it.

OR you can make a cup of tea using only a little hot water (like a half cup with 1 bag of tea), then add just 1-2 tsp sugar, then lots of ice and more water. Boom, healthy ice tea with like 5% the sugar of a normal soda.

I looked up aspartame after the doctors told me I was type 1 diabetic. I read over 20 years ago what Aspartame did and how it got pushed through FDA. I have avoided it because they knew the side effects back then.

Its amazing to me the number of people that say yeah right and scoff or outright deny that they are when I tell them that they are literally drinking the shit of e.coli. Go with the devil ya know I guess even if it kills ya!