The amount of occult symbolism in Back To The Future and other media is boggling. Why were they predicting 911 so hard?

1  2018-06-17 by Thetanster


SS: There is a conspiracy theory that the 911 catastrophe was predicted for decades before it happened in “popular” music, tv and film because the executives high up in the media were in league with the individuals who planned the obscenely violent occasion.

This video offers circumstantial evidence of this theory.

Got a working link? This seems interesting

‪Try this: Finis Temporis on occult symbolism in Back to the Future. #BitChute‬

Kabbalists rule the world. I can't prove this directly but other, smarter than me, people have claimed that there's encoded in the Zohar the claim that if you reveal your evil plans before, even if it's done in a cryptic manner, your karma remains untainted.

I have read this also. Plus I think 9/11 is one of their very symbolic numbers as it leaves out the number 10 which is the number of God. Think it might have been Freeman who talked about that.

Mark Passio does a good presentation on the gematria and dark magick of 9/11.

Oh yep, I enjoy his work. Will look out for it, thanks. 🙂

I believe this.

I can't remember where or the specifics but I've heard something that these individuals have to work based on free will. That they have to subtly show the world their plan and have the world accept this plan before they can act.

It makes the fact that they've made everyone read "1984" that much more sinister.

It’s undeniable that 9/11 was foreshadowed — in fact that seems like not strong enough a word for it — in everything from movies to cartoons to pro wrestling to Peter Gabriel concerts.

This only lends credibility to the fact that no planes hit any buildings that day. You don’t plan something for decades only to put all your faith in a neophyte hijacker hoping he can fly a plane faster than physically possible, keeping all passengers with their weaponized luggage at bay, evading the national air defense systems for an hour, only to hit a massive solid building which would allow no plane ingress through its reinforced steel trusses, steel core columns, and concrete slabs on every floor.

They knew they were bringing those buildings down that day. They didn’t do it with Muslims, they didn’t even use planes except for on television.

Predictive programming my friend.

What does that mean though, bro?

I’m assuming all the 9/11 pre-programming is some sort of “lesser magic” perhaps?

I assume they know something we don’t in terms of harvesting the energy released by everyone thinking of that area of NY that day

They feed off the negativity and pain

What does 'lesser magic' mean?

Sounds like an Alex Jones buzzword kind of term.

Google the term

I want to know what you mean by it, not what google thinks it means.

Fair enough!

Well i believe the elites really do sacrifice children in their rituals and harvest their energy through blood drinking etc - I’d consider this “higher magic” as they’re actually in the room and doing the killing by their own hands

“Lesser magic” would be the 9/11 ritual where they’re not particularly near the sacrifices at the time of death but can still harvest some of the energy released not only by the 3000 dead but also the energy of the people watching at home and directing their emotions at ground zero

Well explained

Cheers :)

You believe the 'elites' actually drink baby blood.

Yes as I said but it’s more likely anyone will do but young children are the preference

its true

It’s pretty obvious that it is.

I totally believe that. There’s a theory that they plant those nightmares in our brains to such a degree we all help them with their horrors and we become complicit without even knowing it.

Check out the video at around 35 seconds. No plane hit building 7 and it went down looking like a controlled demolition. People need to look into this to realize that we are being lied to every single day. Its even legal for them to lie to us.


Well explained

You believe the 'elites' actually drink baby blood.