Why do these ideologies look identical in practice? It's just strange? Is Zionism really national socialism?

1  2018-06-18 by RMFN



Is Zionism is a form of national socialism for Judaism? Zionism promotes a ethnostate for a specific people from a specific bloodline and religion. Zionism ideology promotes A specific group above other groups in state legal apparatuses. Why isn't Israel equal? Why is Israel's ethnostate promoted as progress? Isn't it the most problematic thing on earth?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum

Settlements that seems a lot like "living space", lebensraum. Really odd what they became considering what they went through.."

Damn. Good comparison.

They are literally using the same justification for expansion Hitler used.. What the fuck.

No systematic genocide though.

What about Gaza it's literally a concentration camp? The Palestinians absolutely undergoing genocide.

just the palestinians

Hitler sued for peace after they liberated the territory gifted to them after WW1. Churchill refused all offers of peace and disarmament.

WW2 could have ended in 1933.

In the context of this post how is that fact relavent?

Hitler never wanted to conquer other countries. It was only done preemptively after numerous peace offers, and years of war drums by the allies.

The creation of Israel, and the extermination of Palestinians is far worse.

Israel is worse than Nazi Germany? That's a yuge claim..

All you have to do is look at the census numbers for Europe to find out the truth. Or the official red cross report.

What do you mean? Red Cross report?

That's only partially true. It's true that there were a lot of peace offers, but at the end Hitler was too in bed with the jesuits and the other oligarchs like for him to be the saint that the national socialists try to paint him as, he was still involved in the whole mess and led Germans into a war for the sake of fake ideals.

Ironically, in the context of this post, a lot more jews ended up dying from the terrible conditions of the country because of the allied bombing than whatever the national socialists did, despite the fact they weren't trying to hide their bias against them.

True, but I don't think we will ever know the true extent of media bias at the end of the war. It's all too obfuscated.

But I don't think the ideals of NS Germany were fake. Otherwise many other countries NS parties wouldn't have started to gain popularity after Germany fixed their economy. I think that was the true cause of WW2. NS was gaining popularity very quickly in the early 1930's and TPTB were terrified of NS spreading.

Not true. Hitler didn't reached his points of view about the jews by himself. The jesuits were the ones who created the anti-semitic myths in the first place. Hitler did not write Mein Kampf himself, it was written by a catholic priest.

Scared of NS? the jesuits created both NS and communism in the first place! Hitler was too deep into the whole mess.

The facts of creation do not belittle the outrage of Hitler, or the German people at their treatment by the Jews, and the French post WW1. They turned Berlin into a cesspool of moral depravity, and bought out the Germans when their money was worthless, and lorded over them.

If anyone deserves some sympathy is probably the Germans themselves, but not Hitler.

What would you have done had you been in his place and Judea Declares War on Germany.

You saw them pretty much destroying German culture with brothels, homosexuality, child slavery and sex.

You saw them practicing usury using resources they acquired for pennies on the dollar to starving people.

You saw people abused and whipped for just the hell of it.

What would you do if you were in power knowing that your enemy would not be stopped short of complete and utter ruin.

What? 1933?

They surely have similarities. It's pretty simple. The more people are convinced they are part of a "special" group the easier they are to manipulate.

i think a big difference between the two is that National Socialism wasn't supported by a religion while Zionism is.

Esoteric Hitlerism absolutely is a religion...

was that spread across the whole of Germany though?

It certainly was.

The vast majority of Zionist are not religious either. Unless you count "Holocaustinity" as a religion.

Christianity was the dominant religion in Germany at the time.

You posted the same damn thing yesterday.

I refined and polished the idea and posted it with more cotext. You don't like me doing that?

Why wouldn't people want me comparing Nazi Germany to Israel?

I refined and polished the idea and posted it with more cotext. You don't like me doing that?

I can't tell much difference between the two. I don't much care I just dislike spam.

Why wouldn't people want me comparing Nazi Germany to Israel?

Who cares?

Apparently you care enough to write at least 2 replies so far about how you don't care. If you really don't care, then just set the poster to blocked and be done with it.

Apparently you care enough to write at least 2 replies so far about how you don't care. If you really don't care, then just set the poster to blocked and be done with it.

I don't care about the issue of comparing Israel to Nazis, I really don't, the spam annoys me.

It certainly is a huge effort to type a response.

And yet you type another response. Again, just block the poster if you really don't care. Or perhaps you actually do care.

Yes, these posts are tiring.

I don't care about the issue, I care about what looks to me as disingenuous spamming.

I know where the block feature is and I choose not to use it. Why do you care?

Why do I care about which issue? Are you asking me why I care about the posting? Or why do I care about truth enough to spend time pointing that your behavior indicates that you also care, even if you write that you don't?

Why do I care about which issue? Are you asking me why I care about the posting? Or why do I care about truth enough to spend time pointing that your behavior indicates that you also care, even if you write that you don't?

Wow. Either.

You could just tell me where the block feature is again.

It's right next to the "reply" link. cheers :)

Talking about a subject over multiple days on a site with a 24hr cycle is not spam.

You don't think this is a conspiracy? If this isn't relevant to this forum then you should be able to come up with a pretty simple argument showing that.

If not, you're just a thot police.

Talking about a subject over multiple days on a site with a 24hr cycle is not spam.

Difference of opinion then.

You don't think this is a conspiracy?

Not really.

If this isn't relevant to this forum then you should be able to come up with a pretty simple argument showing that.

No, I'm not the forum police.

If not, you're just a thot police.

Hardly. Police have authority and power. I have a vote button and a keyboard same as you.

How is Zionism not a conspiracy?

It's not a secret.


trolls are gonna troll bro...

Why do you think you have the right to dictate to others what they want to discuss?

Where am I dictating......?

Uh ya go back to your normal TMOR account. I ain't that stupid.

Have a nice day

If it turns out you’re part jewish would that mean you’d admit you’re ok with being a nazi then? Just curious

Even if I was Jewish that doesn't automatically make me a Zionist. Get your facts straight!

Would you be afraid of samurais?

Petrified. I'm a pirate.

Why do you talk about jews, Israel and Zionism so much?

Because it's a yuge conspiracy... Who owns the banks? Who owns the media? Who controls Israel? Who is behind Zionism?

Did you know even Jesus Christ was a Jew? ... Did you know that?

Some context would be good to keep in mind. He was a real Jew. Not an Ashkenazi that immigrated from Khazaria who has no Israelite roots.

What about Gaza it's literally a concentration camp? The Palestinians absolutely undergoing genocide.

just the palestinians

It certainly was.

The vast majority of Zionist are not religious either. Unless you count "Holocaustinity" as a religion.

Would you be afraid of samurais?