The so-called Alt Right is just repackaged "neo Nazism."

1  2018-06-18 by RMFN

It isn't any different. The term 'alt-Right' was literally chosen specifically to replace the normal designation of neo-Nazi (just like New Right and Third Position were before it), since calling yourself that wasn't cool in the halcyon days of 2010, and because it would obviously generate immediate push-back from the same people who wouldn't ally with Nazis for decades before then, and prevent politicians who couldn't openly support Nazis as political allies from joining them. So the entire term literally started as just a marketing campaign to trick the stupid and cowardly. The fact that some old school Nazis, racist skinheads, and/or gangs had a problem with the new generation of physically weak and cowardly racist dorks whose entire lives revolve around the internet a couple of times doesn't change anything. It has certainly grown to encase a 'wider variety' of white nationalists since 2010, but that is absolutely not how it started.



Anybody who says we defeated the Naziss needs to look around. Right wing Christians and Trunp supporters are awful reactionaries and closet Nazis. We need to stand up against this resurgence. We must stand up against the normalization of far right nationalisms.

Kind of taking it too far there my friend. You're playing into the media cesspool. I voted for the guy. I'm not a Christian zelot, a racist, or a Nazi. Please check your facts before you make yourself sound foolish.

It's #herturn

Right wing Christian here. I'd like to know how I am a nazi.

Do you think marriage is between a man and a woman?

Is that the test for what a NAZI is? Because under that test, Obama was a NAZI until 2013ish.

Any form of bigotry and discrimination is the litmus test.

Are you trolling?

Yes, he is. This user has admitted to creating troll and bait posts in the past. He seems to like starting arguments and stirring trouble around here.

He admits below this is a verbatim copy of a TMOR post.

I don't see the point.

Yeah, I just scrolled down and saw that. Going by his own statements in the past, I'm guessing he's just doing this bait people into arguing with him.

When I was "trolling" I was experimenting with the limits of this now unfamiliar sub. After a long thread in the inside many months ago I got the idea to attack rule ten. I went around posting very controversial subjects, the main one being that the Nazi Party was inspired by left wing totalitarianism. When tmor instantly attacked the posts i was able to label the attackers tmor, or chilly, or any other veiled name for shill. I wanted to protest rule ten by going around it.

Many of my posts are (yes I tell myself this) a complex form of satire that my post, Confessions of a Monarchist Pagan, outline. To some my humor may be trolling, but to me conspiracy would be dead if we couldn't have a laugh.

I can't imagine a less useful way to spend time.

That's high praise.

Yes. Historically it has been. I'm fine with homosexuals getting civil unions. I think the main problem is that Christians tend to think of marriage and holy matrimony as the same thing. If one of us slaps a different name on it, it might not be such a big deal.

Sorry for late reply. Busy at work.

That's fascistic thinking.

Debate me Fee Fee

I'll debate you. Gladly.

Do shills exist?

You're talking to one.

I'm a Trump supporter/voter and I'm not a closet Nazi. I'm Jewish! You also know me well enough from this site to know I'm a good person.

This post was a copy paste of a tmor comment. Lol ;D

Oh, okay! Whew!

They come up with some of the best theories I've seen. Just the perfect level of batshit for my particular flavor preferences.

I never go to their subreddit.

You should. It's full of good leads.

Yes, you've told me this before. I did check it out a few weeks ago, when they made a post about me. They've only targeted me once. Maybe I'll check them out tonight when I have more time.

Lol they have really been after me.

I know. I've heard this from your previous posts. I guess that means you are doing something right and they want to silence you. So keep up the good work!

Thank you!


Not everyone who is a Trump supporter is part of the "alt-Right", but if you're part of the "alt-Right" chances are really good you voted for Trump.

To put it another way, it would be inaccurate to say all (lets be generous and also say "most") Trump supporters are neo-Nazis, but most neo-Nazis are supporting Trump in the current American political climate.

No, alt right was literally made up by leftist to slander the people on the other side of the aisle. I know many many many conservative people and they don't fit any definition of nazi, but the left has definitely tried to label them as that.

Alternative Right was a "journal" site started by Richard Spencer. It had not been a known or promoted quantity prior to this. Labeling things Alt Right since has been done by people from all sides of the political spectrum, but a poor little rich boy Neo Nazi moron coined the initial term.

See, even i didn't know about it? Doesn't change that it's been used t slander pretty much all right wing people and organizations.

The conspiracy is that right wing extremism is going through a very problematic normalization process..

normalization? what do you mean by that? The 'right' is not trying to normalize nazism .. would you really think that?

i thought it was a controlled-opposition label

gosh was I wrong

the left actually uses this word for the "middle" conservative middle class and mixed them in a pot with the real swastika on the neck nazi guys. And now there is no middle just YOU ARE A NAZI if you are against what we want. The problem with this their enemy is twice the size and gets angrier by the day

While this has certainly been done, some who claim to be Alt Right themselves have attempted to infiltrate the Trump movement and various conservative causes, deliberately muddying the waters and hiding behind the popular zeitgeist on the right. Plenty of crossover in policy wishes (if not values) as we've seen.

like literally the moment in time atleast 4 humans existed

It didn't help either when The_Donald, a right subreddit, helped advertise the Alt-Right Unite the Right rally. The right kinda shot themselves in the foot promoting the Alt-Right.

I have to unite in these days.

Thats part of the reason they rebranded just like Monsato. Imagine the rally called Unite the White Supremists.

Instead they could easily advertise a rally to unite the various factions of white supremists and places like The_Donald could link directly to The Daily Stormer, a website by White Supremists, and all the while much of the right at The_Donald can claim ignorance of the role the subreddit played.

It is working as intended. As a side effect, it attempts to endear the Alt-Right to the right by having a similiar name. Smart marketing move by them.

I mean..the left woke up the lion. NOW there will be problems. They should not have done this everyone is a nazi shit

As outlined before, the left had little to do with this. The rebranding to Alt-Right was spearheaded by White Nationalists. Likewise, The_Donald is not very inclusive to the left. It can be deduced thier advertising of White Supremist rallies was more a decision by the right.

You know that the european antifa sided with Islamists in europe ? normal people are getting scared. And the real RIGHT wing is definetely strong enough to kick some antifa islamist ass. You have to sleep in the bed you made yourself you know

they all come together in their hate for israel and the west a d all that shit..we can't let that happen again that is why we have a alt right

Okay.... I'm not sure why your bringing up Antifa in the thread about the Alt-Rights formation but you do you.

Nah..did you forget the protests and all that stuff..the online bullshittery and all we know it is silent about antifa and all that right now but ..meh..since i cant post pictures here directly this is getting a little bit complicated.

You don't really see the big picture here i get it

What ever happened to the antifa supersoldiers that were supposed to be released on Chicago last year or so? Did the alt right hunt them all dow. Already? Or was that just more alt right scare propaganda?

"I was sad about people calling me a Nazi so I became a Nazi" isn't the best defense.

nah..sad because getting attacked for voicing an opionion that doesn't fit the agenda

That still doesn't justify becoming a racist manlet like Richie "Glassjaw" Spencer.

this guy got nothing to do with what you call the " alt right" or even the real right wing.

he's a guy who was friends with the bush's and does all kinds of shit to make the people looks stupid.

When he does a rally there are his people that nobody knows and everyone on the so called "right" hates him.

You can go to the most right wing or alt right sites on the interner and you will find no supporters pf that guy.

i don't know where you get your news but you definetely have no clue about the so called right wind at all..

Sure there are these skinhead type jail tattoo old school "nazi" guys but these guys are...come one

He believes in ethnic cleansing. The alt-right believes in ethnic cleansing. If he's just an agent provocateur then he's not good at it.

No he isn't

The only thing that keeps him alive are literally people like you. No shit. I don't know where he gets his money from but definitely not from so called "alt-righters"

Have you never heard him speak? He had a little feel-good rally in DC during Trump's inauguration, saying things like "Hail victory, hail Trump, hail our people" and regular-looking people in khakis (and a noticeable absence of swastika tattoos) were giving seig heils.

This wasn't irony. They call themselves white supremacists, and I'm content to take them at their word.

Yeah..that was the moment the "alt-right" heard the first time from him and immediately decided that he is a stupid idiot.

Then how do his beliefs tangibly differ from the alt-right?

there is no alt right believe system i don't know where you got that.

it is more like this. There are people who are not left but also not skinhead or whatever nazis. they are the around trump candidacy "alt right" THEN comes Spencer..calls himself the leader of the alt right..talks all kinds of shit.. And the left wingers took that happily and now we are at discussions like this..

While the alt right hated him since that speech and laughed about him when he got punched. this guy had a following before the trump era "alt-right" even knew about him.

i was on websites and between people who you definetely would call nazis and everyone was like who the fuck is that guy and what is he doing etc. Then they've done their internet magic and ..right before he crowned himself leader of the alt right he was on partys with the bushs and clintons etc and they laughed in pictures and all that. I mean..his wife who he kept secret before he started talking about ethno states is jewish shouldn't that give it away that he is not what he seems to be.

So the fine people in Charlottesville...were they all planted shills, as well?

Nah that was the lion the antifa awakened. You can only "counter-protest" normal people until they are fed up

I don't really feel comfortable referring to a bunch of doughy hog-faced incels as "lions"

I mean...we all have seen these antifa guys...against them these are chads.. most "chads" are alt right.. Yiu kniw that the neckbeard basement dwellers are the leftists right ? the nintendo switch face guys etc. Sure the alt right got formerly known as anonymus in the back but even them..go on /pol..most guys there are pretty much just conservatives and people confuse it with the transsexual and incel infested /b which is dominantly left wing

You must have missed the pictures of the lil' cuties prancing around with tiki torches. Not a fuckable dude among them.

"The left made us be Nazis!" Brought to you by the fine folks at: "Why do you make me hurt you?"

put a friendly dog in a corner and push him with a stick..again..and again...and again..and see how that ends

I wouldn't put anything in a cage and poke it, I'm not am authoritarian. But I agree that reactive behavior is animalistic.

I reject these labels and say we are unique indaviduals at diffrent levels of awarness to our surroundings with diffrent interpretations of said surrounds trying to label it all seem futile.

Let's rise above this label shyt and define ourselves.

Agreed. I was raised a Jehovahs Witness and they are instructed to be very neutral politically. So no voting, being a member of a political party, etc. Now that I'm not a member I have pretty severe distaste for labels. I argue with both liberals and conservatives alike and get labeled the other when I talk to one. I'm a moderate I suppose :( I just hate the lack of progress because of the extremists on both sides.

But reality is a scam and this will never work.

Not with thatattitude ๐Ÿ˜‚

The world is run by the equivalent of Nazis and falling for their fake political dialectics just makes one a victim of Nazi style propaganda. The brainwashed just continue on the false reality unawares.

The alt right was created to label right leaning view points as Nazis like you are doing now. Just go to r/fuckthealtright and have a look, they are not fighting Nazis just anything right of Stalin.

The label was self-created, don't lay that on anyone other than Richard Spencer and his crowd.

The label was created more for the Libertarians and Tea Party political groups. Neither of those groups were or are specifically associated with Neo-Nazi types.

It was the corporate politicians who decided that the new breed of Neo-Nazis that came out during the Obama administration and gained prominence during the next presidential election were to be labeled Alt right.

It's been quite an effective tactic.

This hasn't been the work of the left or the right. Instead, what we are seeing is a well thought out plan by those who hold the majority power in both parties attempting to fight back against a possible revolution in the way politics work in the US.

Both political parties had lost the confidence of their base. We saw that during the last election through the support both Sanders and Trump received.

Both parties are actually in a major upheaval. This creation and promotion of the alt right and alt left are designed to bring the base back towards the center while further alienating the true progressives on both sides of the political spectrum...

It's brilliant really.

Anything right of Stalin is wrong.

It was termed and created by Richard Spencer, a Nazi.

Now certainly, other small constituencies within the right's counter-culture -- MRAs, 4chan shitposters, gamergate people, etc. got on board with it, but it's core has always been racists and anti-semites.

It was termed and created by Richard Spencer, a Nazi.

Racists come up with A LOT of really stupid shit all the time but they do not get amplified through major media networks. I get who came up with it man, its the way its applied when people are accusing someone I have a problem with. Again just look at the example of the sub reddit I posted its a mirror of any leftie sub now where anyone who supports conservative ideas is "alt right" and idiots can point their fat fingers and can scream NAZI!

It didn't start getting amplified through major media until after Steve Bannon labeled Breitbart the "Home of the Alt-Right." When a fairly high-level figure within a Presidential campaign makes a claim like that, yeah, the major media is going to look into who he's talking about. (It also didn't help that Sebastian Gorka wore a Nazi-allied group's, Vitรฉzi Rend, medals to Trump's Inaugural Ball.)

I don't like my fellow lefties pointing fingers and screaming Nazi at people. If for no other reason, I think it's counterproductive, but more than that, I know what it's like to be called a Stalinist, or a communist, or a tree hugger, or unamerican, or unpatriotic, or a terrorist sympathizer, or a SJW, or a Feminazi, or a cuck, or a Neville Chaimberlain, or told that liberalism is a mental disorder, or told that if I have a problem with being called any of the above, that I'm snowflake.

I wish we could all take a step back and lower the level of our political discourse, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, and I can't even begin to talk to fellow lefties (I've tried) about toning down their shit when there's a guy like Trump in the White House, who is all about ramping up the negative discourse.

You are literally 100% wrong. Nazis were/ are against religion, democracy, and personal freedom. The exact things that the "right" fights to keep. Not to mention all the KKK, American Socialist Party founders and slave owners were die hard Democrats. Read a book.

are against religion, democracy, and personal freedom.

You poor human. You don't even know what the right wing is. There there.

You have to be retarded. Are you one of those who protested the police then demanded they take all the guns away? Socialism, communism, progressivism and liberalism all demand full government funding. This means centralized power and an out of control government. True conservative and libertarianism gives the power to the people. The problem you have is you don't want to concede that people who disagree with you deserve the same power and freedom to exist as you.

Actually retarded is thinking right wing is anti-religion and government. Also pro-gun.

True conservatives are fascists and libertarians just want corporations to rule everything for the sake of a "free market".

You don't understand the basics of ideology. Are you one of those, "right wing is real anarchy" types? LOL

Not anti religion. Anti BIG government for sure. Pro gun because the founders believed it was important enough to make it the second thing on the agenda to secure. Libertarianism does not mean corporation control it means stay the hell out of my business. Fascists week ultra left wing anti religion no personal freedom huge government revolutionary leaders. Like the liberal poster boy Che Guivera

Pro Gun I believe is supposed to be for militias. Which you are not. Militias were needed as the colonies just wanted to rape slaves and natives while pillaging the land, not create a government. So it was put into the constitution. It wasn't for right wingers to threaten killing everyone over a disagreement. Which right wingers always always do.

Also public shaming is not "censorship". If you feel bad about what you say or if you have a problem with a company exercising it's right to have you as an employee then I suggest you read the constitution. Otherwise you're just going to be another right wing fascist claiming everyone else is what they truly are.

Libertarianism does not mean corporation control it means stay the hell out of my business.

You flat out do not have the intellectual capacity for any more conversation. As you are just making up definitions of terms on your own. I don't speak stupid English. I speak American English.

  1. You have no understanding of the second amendment. It says well regulated militia is necessary to a free state. Not a requirement to own a firearm.
  2. The slave trade was not invented in 1776. The English, Dutch, French, and Spanish raped their way across the world for centuries. Americans didn't start the I'll treatment of the natives. They didn't exist yet. Europeans started that.
  3. Manifest destiny and slavery were horrible. But ancient cultures were doing it thousands of years before writing was invented.
  4. Name 1 "right winger" threatening anyone. Conservatives serve in the military and own most of the guns. If we wanted to take people out, you would know it already.
  5. Censorship? What are you talking about? Conservatives believe that every person should be judged on merit alone. If you want to hire, fire or serve someone that is your business. No government should regulate true fair trade.
  6. Fascism I'd a left wing political ideology. I don't care if you want to believe it or not. Anything that removes the right to vote for change is a left wing ideology.
  7. Yes. Libertarianism is as close to anarchy as possible without chaos. Just enough government to ensure rights and protection from foreign invaders. Otherwise stay out of my business. How do you confuse this for a corporate ran system?

Take a civics course and get off of Facebook every once in a while.

Wow, you are the most uniformed person I've come across in a while. No wonder you spend your days with anti-socialist propaganda.

1: My point proven.

2: No shit

3: Stupid argument. Other people genocided so what if we did. Then again you denied Americans did any ill treatment to natives.

4: You right there. "Conservatives serve in the military and own most of the guns. If we wanted to take people out, you would know it already." That is a threat. A common threat among Republicans who feel threatened by intellectual superiority.

5: Censorship like, no bad mouthing religion, No porn, no pot or drugs, no bad mouthing Trump.

6: Typical fascist lovers reply.

7: Libertartianism is fullof pedophiles who don't want cops or the government to look into their depravity.

  1. Your point is that you don't understand more than one idea in a single paragraph? Point I one that a well regulated militia is necessary to ensure a free state. Point two the people have the right to bear arms. Two points. It doesn't say membership in a militia is required. Learn how to comprehend what you read.
  2. Now you are changing your original argument. I believe my first few words were that these things are terrible no matter who is responsible. You insinuated that the founders of our country invented the idea 300 years after it had started. Never did I deny anything about natives. "manifest destiny was horrible". My quote, remember.
  3. No threat snowflake. I was pointing out that you can move out from under mom's skirt, no one is coming to get you. Have you read a paper (liberal owned) or watched the he need ( liberal owned) recently. A lot of left wing nut jobs and criminals are shooting the hell out of people, every day. Not a lot of NRA members or CCW permit holders doing that. Oh yeah, none of the shooting events have been NRA members. Huh. Strange.
  4. Libertarianism is the definition of freedom to piss on whatever you d OK my like. Trump, religion, whatever. Freedom of speech is #1 remember. If you two say fuck the Pope that's your business. I could care less. As far as Trump is concerned, he was a rich liberal from Manhattan until he ran as a Republican. Now he is a racist somehow. He married 2 immigrants remember. Also hired the first female superintendent on a sky scrapper build in the early 80s. Gave tons of money to o Jesse Jackson for years. But you know, the R behind the name is automatically for RACIST. Right? Also I am against dope. I think any pursuit of a buzz is wasted time and resources. If you want to concentrate the medical properties o f marijuana and administer it without the high then go ahead. But my libertarianism doesn't let me demand a government big enough to put my nose in your business. If you want my tax dollars to pay for it then I have a problem. What is wrong with porn anyway?
  5. What. I keep explaining over and over that fascism is an invention of the far left. It is not compatible in any way with a democracy or republic. 7 pedophile. Reaching on that one bud. How many Hollywood liberal elite Democrats have been busted in the last year alone diddling kids. Wow. You just take everything the left does and say that the right side does it.

Martin Luther King. Republican Benjamin Bedford Forrest. Democrat

David Duke, Stram Thurman. Democrat Abraham Lincoln. Republican

Open a book.

Not that I disagree with you assertion regarding some of these folks, but the term 'alt right,' like most political terminology, was coined by the left. So, if that term was chosen to replace the normal designation of neo-Nazi, then it was the left which chose to replace it.

Nope. It was coined and popularized by the right. Richard Spencer often gets credit for making the term as popular and ubiquitous as it is, though he may have gotten the term from another member of the Right's blog.

I'd also love to see any kind of evidence that "most political terminology" was coined by the left, but since you already failed out on this point, I'm not going to hold my breath.

So its been years now, YEARS of the left calling/labeling anyone even 1% agreeing with the current administration, as a nazi. Disagree with me? nazi. have some questions about.... Racist! To the point where people don't beleive it, and it has become a joke/meme.

So now, after all of the demonstrations and talking points you now decide to post this nugget of knowlegde in the redditt echochamber?

So brave. Not news. not a conspiracy by any means. You're either karma farming or a bot, probably both. And if not, omg you are so so so late to come up with your post.

Have a great life.

The so-called Alt Left is just repackaged "neo Bolshevism."

Yeah Bernie totes a neo Bolshevist.

found one

What's the matter? No left unity?

there are some good people on the left.

Then there's BLM + Antifa + SJW + Communists + SJW's/Safe Space/Snowflake'ism which is anti-gun, pro-censorship

So, you're not a leftist?

So, you're not a leftist?

hell no. Anything that is radical anarchy, antifa, BLM, soros, globalism, communism, SJW's/Safe Space/Snowflake'ism which is anti-gun, pro-censorship I already know I will eventually be on the front lines in a revolution fighting against in the future.

These losers already run google, twitter, FB, reddit, hollywood, majority of MSM, and so on and they call anyone who doesn't agree with them as Nazi's.

So you're okay with oligarchy and rampant corporatism because of BLM.

Okay dude.

So you're okay with oligarchy and rampant corporatism

Of course not. True capitalism has never been tried yet

because of BLM.

BLM is a Soros/DNC psyop. Fuck those radical operatives

BTW you complained about SJWs while crying about being called a Nazi.... which is SJWing.

This is typical of people like you my man.

I don't give a fuck if someone calls me a Nazi. I just laugh

This is typical of people like you my man.

"People like you" says the Bolshevik

You guys sound so simple minded when asking these questions. I'd say youre not even worth debating about conspiracies cause its obvious that msm and people that act in political interest created these words to reach their goal. But all you do is let them divide you. Meanwhile one group supports the ethic and morale side the other group the natural and logical one. When there are too many foreigners in your country and you know that 15y from now your country will turn in to a shithole because of that would you think ethically or logically? Yes, keep more migrants coming in and weaken your economy while they reproduce like rabbits in their home countries or say stop this is enough we cant allow more to join and lets try to solve the problems they suffer in their countries? Simple huh? Why do you need people to answer these fucking stupid questions? Beeing right winged always will be a natural process of natural human thinking. Always. Remember that.

Thank you! Well said bro

Nah bro. Reality has an alt right bias. Yes there are exceptions and we welcome them, but this experiment isnโ€™t working anymore

Anyone to the right of bernie is called alt-right, so no. Not being a socialist doesn't make you a nazi.

Alt right is the new untermench and anti fascists are fascists

Nazi dipshits have been around since forever. Skinheads and klansman. Don't act like this is some new thing.

These are just the children of skinheads.

Actually, the term "alt-Right" was created by the globalist controlled media in order to conflate any opposition to the policies with Nazism.

Lol no. Just no.

Okay.... I'm not sure why your bringing up Antifa in the thread about the Alt-Rights formation but you do you.

Yeah Bernie totes a neo Bolshevist.

are against religion, democracy, and personal freedom.

You poor human. You don't even know what the right wing is. There there.

there is no alt right believe system i don't know where you got that.

it is more like this. There are people who are not left but also not skinhead or whatever nazis. they are the around trump candidacy "alt right" THEN comes Spencer..calls himself the leader of the alt right..talks all kinds of shit.. And the left wingers took that happily and now we are at discussions like this..

While the alt right hated him since that speech and laughed about him when he got punched. this guy had a following before the trump era "alt-right" even knew about him.

i was on websites and between people who you definetely would call nazis and everyone was like who the fuck is that guy and what is he doing etc. Then they've done their internet magic and ..right before he crowned himself leader of the alt right he was on partys with the bushs and clintons etc and they laughed in pictures and all that. I mean..his wife who he kept secret before he started talking about ethno states is jewish shouldn't that give it away that he is not what he seems to be.