The guy in the "satanic" head dress isn't Obama.

1  2018-06-18 by onefingerattack

I am referring to this photograph, which has been doing the rounds on here.

  1. The head dress was designed by Miss G Design, who designs various types of elaborate-looking headwear.
  2. The man who wore this costume to Burning Man was featured in the following article.
  3. This caption below the photograph states that the man who wore it is Michael Madie.
  4. Michael is a well-known / publicly known estate agent who has been featured in various articles.
  5. You can easily see why he might look like Obama if most of his face is obscured by the head design that he wore.

Don't stop there call the guy n ask otherwise this is just as much speculation as the original.

Well not really, there was a lot less info in the original threads.

not true. There was also a bunch of information from the dates and posts of the instagram where the photo was first found.

You take this as being speculation, yet the obama one you consider fact?

"Just as much speculation "

Reading comprehension do you have it?!?

Wealthy real-estate agent Michel Madie throws sex parties and dresses them up as the latest thing; polyamorous explorations of what he calls “open sexuality” with a bit of eastern mysticism tossed in.

Degenerate. Now I'm convinced Barry borrowed it from him.

Wow, you are really digging in on this. It'd be admirable if it wasn't so absurd.

Common sense.

Do you have it?

Except obama is black and the guy in the photo is black(Obama) next to another black man(Chicago lol obama happens to be from??)

This. The Michel guy is white

Stop lying. Michel is of Algerian origin. He has dark olive skin in most of his photographs and 3-4 days at an event in the desert is going to make him look even darker.

Except the photo op shared clearly shows a light skin man.

Photo taken after sunset, 3-4 days in the desert. That’s some real mental gymnastics if I’ve ever seen it.

Who the fuck are you you don’t even post here, this account hasn’t been used in years

(Chicago lol obama happens to be from??)

Where are you even getting Chicago from?

The guy next to the subject in question is wearing a Chicago sports sweater, despite supposedly being some Alabama politician.

Where are you getting Chicago from? hahaha.

I can see the CAG on the right side, but you do know that Chicago is spelled C-H-I-C-A-G-O. The last letter on the left is certainly not an I.

You make a good point, I hadn't looked too closely at the logo. However, it still appears to be a White Sox logo with lettering similar to their older jersey designs. If I had to guess, it appears to be a button/snap down (the object above the first C), with the first C being overlapped in the sweater design (though not completely judging from the 2nd C).

It could be something else, I'm just telling you where people are getting Chicago from.

Downvoted for pointing out that the white man is not a black man. Alrighty brigade ;)

has anyone thought maybe she made more than one of those costumes and obama has one too?

Nah that would be logical

Come on. You know very well all this obama tripe is disinformation. Finally someone proved that the obama headdress situation was fake and you come up with that? Weak sauce.

Oh I forgot if someone on the internet says it’s disinfo that it’s disinfo. Ain’t shit been proven or disproved about this Weaker sauce

Look at this article on Michel Madie

Wealthy real-estate agent Michel Madie throws sex parties and dresses them up as the latest thing; polyamorous explorations of what he calls “open sexuality” with a bit of eastern mysticism tossed in.

pretty sure obama throws sex parties too muh dude

Where's the proof? Show me the beef, bitch.

$65,000 worth of hotdogs

You put "hotdog", did you mean open-faced sausage sandwich? 🌭

I'm a bot bleep, bloop

What kinda lolsorandom shit is this?

Good bot.


Victims of TDS typically aren’t the most reliable sources

The shilling on this sub is pretty entertaining to watch. Damage control like I’ve never seen.

Sorting by controversial is the only thing that makes me laugh anymore.

So true, goes for most the platform too

Lol, that's exactly how I find this thread.

I'm surprised it took them this long to come up with some kind of counter-narrative, though I also thought it would be better than this.

There was the same info up earlier today.

Thread got deleted.

Why does it have to be a "narrative"

Because he doesnt agree with it.

Right? Lawl.. Burning man..

It's no secret that the Republicans are pushing this so hard.

Excuse me... I should say... "radical centrists when convenient".

I have no political affiliation I just don't like or trust Obama

I have no political affiliation

Lie. Or convenient radical centrism.

I just don't like or trust Obama

Understandable. Satan isn't real. Sorry you had to find out this way.

Find what our? The judeo christian desert demon isn't real either but that doesn't stop it from governing people's actions. Satanic People are satanic it has nothing to do with a little red devil man.

People murder and conquer in the name of a God all the time. Be it called Satan or not. Catholic priests molest more kids on average when it's strangers. Acquaintance and family taking most of that cake.

Which goes to show you it doesn't matter what they call themselves it's their actions that matter.

hating a bad person (obama) doesnt require politics

They'll tell you you're for an agenda if you don't like him though.

See above.

same thing when you demand justice for the child sex trade. "you dont care about the kids you just care about attacking the left" - ugh politics has nothing to do with that

Yep, we're getting the downvotes now for even pointing out the bullshit of it all.


hating a bad person (Trump) doesnt require politics


That's true as well, but only one of those names brings you downvotes for disliking :)

you are proving my point

Gotta distract from your human rights violating border control policy somehow.

Unfortunately that's been happening a long time. The majority race doesn't want to be a minority. One must wonder why tho...

Deplorable people that just assume everyone else would be as deplorable as them given the chance. Hence stuff like seeing “virtue signaling” as an insult, as if no one could possibly be a decent human like they fail to be

You have it so backwards it's terrifying.

The trafficking cartels are the true abusers. The cartels South of the border are only low level pieces of a global criminal organization which has influence in the highest levels of the global elite in politics, media, and industry.

The Trump administration is not doing anything radical by separating families. What do you think happens when you get arrested for any other crime? They will detain your kids until they can find a suitable familial relation to watch them. You don't get to take your kids to jail. This is obvious. So what is the Trump administration doing? They are detaining the kids while they process the parents. However, the Trump administration is doing something radical, and this is a major hit to the cartel trafficking networks. They are going to the extra trouble to perform DNA testing and seek out familial relations in the US and Mexico to distinguish legitimate family units to adults posing as parents or relatives. Why would they do such a thing, though? One reason is to have a sympathy card to get across the border. Another reason is to smuggle the kids as slaves. This happens a lot more than you realize, and Trump is going to war with these trafficking cartels (that's what the wall is really about). The international human trafficking cartel has influence in the compromised global mass media, and they are plastering the sob story about separating families everywhere as a means of propaganda. Trump is actually protecting human rights of abused children, and a million morons (or shill-bots) on Reddit don't even realize they are completely brainwashed by global mafia propaganda.

Yeah, some families might be temporarily separated. Seeking asylum sucks, but they would stay home with the cartels if it wasn't worth it. Meanwhile, the kids sleep on regular beds in reasonable accommodations, nor cages. Their parents are right next door awaiting processing. Emotional manipulation doesn't change reality.

International law provides asylum to those fleeing the cartels. Detention and separation was not the expectation when these people set out to trek across Central America.

Sessions has ruled a zero tolerance policy in that all infractions are grounds for deportation- including 'illegal entry' for asylum. Immigrants seeking asylum used to be placed in a civil court system but now everyone is being detained and sent through criminal court.

So not only are the people fleeing these horrendous gangs being denied asylum, they are being separated from their families and turned away. This has a measurable and sometimes permanent effect on the psychological development of literal children.

This is simply a lie in multiple ways. Applying for Asylum isn’t a crime so there is no reason to separate these families when no other country or administration on earth does, and they’re essentially improsining both the kids and adults anyways so they may as well be allowed to “take their kids to jail” Not only that, but these children are being forced into cages, or “chain link walls” as some deflect, and don’t sleep in reasonable accommodations but instead are sleeping on mats on concrete Walmart floors with emergency blankets over them. The large lights overhead are never turned off, even at night, and these children are not even allowed to hug their siblings. Furthermore, their parents are not next door but are instead being processed in separate facilities, often waiting months without any prolonged contact with their children

So they are separating children from their families, and that's good for the kids? War is peace, my friend.

They are finding that a majority of the "families" being detained right now are fraudulent. Most of these children are either being used as sympathy cards, or worse, they are victims of trafficking. Yes, this is a good thing. Save your snark, we've got too much of it here already.

Sorry, but if you illegally cross the border into another country, you might face some problems. If there are a bunch of children and teens being trafficked around you, then you might face some scrutiny. If it turns out that your "child" is likely a trafficking victim, you better believe they will be taken into protective custody until we know what is going on. Real families are not being split up permanently. Being separated from your parents temporarily might be a bit scarring I suppose, but I promise living at home with the cartels running your neighborhood is worse. Otherwise they wouldn't have fled over harsh terrain across the border into another country.

Source for families being fraudulent?

That's not burning man bro. It's him.

You really really really think if Obama was a satanist he would

  1. Wear that in public
  2. Allow himself to be photographed

I don’t buy in to the whole “The Clinton’s rape babies for Satan” dialog, so I am skeptical in the first place, but really?


This narrative is some of the wackiest shit I have seen on this sub, assuming “The Clinton’s rape babies for Satan” dialog IS true. They rape babies in a fucking Pizza Parlor or in Tucson.

You really really think the Obama would allow himself to be photographed next to a recognizable public figure in his baby raping clothes.

If so man, I got nothing for ya.

I can't debate what or why he's wearing that but that is Barrack Obama standing right there. Hell, it may very well be a very good CGI to stir the public up. But that is him

I am wrong. Sorry

Ok guess I'm not wrong and y'all are a bunch of fucking assholes

Post this in the great awakening. Other people need to know.


They’ll eat OP alive.

Oh I forgot if someone on the internet says it’s disinfo that it’s disinfo. Ain’t shit been proven or disproved about this

This is the most retarded distraction. It keeps people from working all the other relevant subjects up in the air right now, and makes the CT subculture look like idiots.

I have very good friends on here that are all in on this crap, people who's opinions I respect a great deal. I just don't get it. Actual "satan as a real entity" worshipping cultists, i'm calling them judeo-xtian-satanists, are mostly a bunch of edgelord emo kids that grew up into moronic adults. Modern satanists, who are more atheistic and really worship "Self", don't really have evil beliefs per se, they are just pathologically selfish, by design. The likelihood of Obama being a satanist of the judeo-xtian variety is laughable.

Saturn/Baphomet/Moloch worshipping cults, on the other hand, I think are very real, and at the center of the power players in government, industry, and entertainment.

That this was branded and continues to be represented as Satanist just tells me it is bullshit.

More redirection for the sheeple. Satanists are extremely spiritual and do the most abhorrent things in order to gain favor with the demonic realm.

Ah yes, everyone knows that when you drain the blood of a goat and mumble some stuff real magic happens. Or is it a virgin? lol. If there were a demonic realm that could be tapped into to gain favor with supernatural beings, it would have been exploited for real power. It would be observable and quantifiable, or at least its effects would be.

Right. Which is why some random girl was allowed to snap a secret photo of President (at the time) Obama posing for photos wearing a satanic cult outfit...

Fucking apply barebones critical thinking.

Yeah exactly, this disinfo is a clear honey trap to get people to take the bait and in the process, embarrass themselves. Hence why it's so important for the truth to come out to put an end to this nonsense and get back to business,

It can't just be stupid opportunism, no?

-spread a bullshit conspiracy theory

-get found out

-claim it was all a setup top make them look bad

Not saying that this applies to you but that's not a good logic. This kind of bullshit gets pushed all the fucking time (remember the "Hillary is wearing children skin masks")

Yeah the obama satan hat theory is retarded, yet it's being pushed super hard. The only thread debunking it has new comments just reaming it saying it's bullshit.

Who is Baphomet? Someone that had his "head chopped off?" Augustus Caesar?

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 193992

bc who would want you to believe that baphomet is simply a corruption of muhammad

Saturn worship is real.

Yahweh is Saturn.

That's interesting. Saturn is Uranos, and I always thought Yaweh was Uranos, which is not a compliment. There's a reason Rhea turned on that sulky fucker and backed her son Zeus

Saturn is not Uranus. Uranus is Uranus.

Uranus was overthrown by his son, Saturn.

Saturn began to eat his children for fear of the same fate. Eventually, with some help, his son Jupiter overthrew him.

Until he came back, nuked us and took us back over.

That is a story that has yet ti be played out, methinks.

Appropriate username!

I'm positing that it happened in Biblical Times.

My definition for that is pretty loose so se are still in agreement ;)

Got it.

Yahweh = Saturn = Anu

Our creator might be Enki.

Lucifer = Prometheus

"Big ouch, sorry bout all dat bloodshed in the name of a benevolent god... Also sorry for putting my faith in a material object known as the and belief in the light are immaterial."

How people came to conflate the two i'll never know...

Just kidding, all we gotta do is traumatize some kids for a couple of generations, until their innate morals are gone. Remember our mission. To bring a benevolent god to you.

Lucifer= Venus. The planet, not the goddess.

Enki = Prometheus in my opinion.

However I do not believe Enki is Lucifer.


More people should know about Enki


Hmm, i couldn't say, i do know of enki, my 'theory' is Lucifer = prometheus = enki, depending on where you are standing in time

Lucifer means morning star AKA light bearer, so you see its easy to conclude they are versions of each other, yknow' with prometheus stealing fire

Lucifer = a Babylonian king

The lack of basic knowledge in this discussion is really depressing

'The Black Cube of Saturn' is pretty interesting rabbit hole.

Yahweh is the Demiurge. Satan is an analogue of Saturn.

Yahweh is a storm god.

Educate yourself.

Take your own advice. Enlil is the God of the air.

If you're here you should be far beyond caring what others think of you.

I DO care tjough, and you should too. I want them to join us so maybe we can make some changes. Us griping in our little backwater forums is just wind, until we get substantial numbers of normies on board with us. And this is like the renaissance of CT right now. Everyone believes one conspiracy or another.

You're not wrong; but there's no way to stop the wild theories being thrown around without substantial suppression.

Right, so we need to teach people to stop being lazy, do their own verification, make their own determination. I feel like our society has deliberately suppressed that skill in us.

Anything to deflect from Trump.

It is, and its tired. I'm from outside the US and dont think much of either side of US politics, but how long can they beat a dead horse?

Why is Obama's right hand man (Arthur Davis) standing next to him in this pic then?

Good question. I personally think he was shopped in. In the negative images, his relief isn't nearly as prominent as Osatan's.

Hey, still claiming that nobody has called this headdress "satanic"?

still blind and can't see that Arthur Davis is standing next to Obama with a jacket on with trees in the background? When according to you this is in the hot ass desert?

Saturn/Baphomet/Moloch worshipping cults, on the other hand, I think are very real, and at the center of the power players in government, industry, and entertainment.

Baphomet/Moloch Pan Baal etc etc... they are all very related symbolically to Satan.

Absolutely, but judeo-xtian satanists are too stupid to understand this relationship, and actual xtians would deny it and shove their heads in the sand.

Also, followers of Baphomet, etc. would probably object to the relationship with Satan as being fake and derivative as well. So, not really relevant to what I am talking about.

In what category do you put Crowley? When you spend your time worshiping hedonistic pleasure, summoning demons, and doing sacrificial rituals I usually just say satanist just for the sake of simplicity.

Not really. The Old Testament Satan was a part of the heavenly host an an agent of Yahweh.

The Christians then invented the idea about the snake being Satan being Lucifer, being the dragon and being evil.

The ideas are far more complex and intertwined than you believe.

Well said

another thing, the guy in the pic from burning man has no shirt underneath whatever the fuck that thing is, and the obama pic has a shirt under. why would he wear a shirt in one pic and not the other.

Are you asking why someone wouldn't wear a shirt in the desert, or at Burning Man?

No shirt in the article because it was taken during the day... in a desert. The "Obama" pic was pretty dark, so I assume that it was taken after sunset.

It gets cooler when the sun goes down.

Do you not know what a layer is?

You: this 200p, extremely high ISO, and digital zoomed photo is 100% Obama

Also you: this high res photo of someone wearing the same outfit and looking nearly identical to the first photo is an entirely different person because shirt

I didn’t say any of that actually

Here friend I got you, I think this is probably what you meant to say.

Follow the thread. Thread? Who has the most to gain from a resource war? Who first invented the shirt? Why does he use the @hanes email? FOTL((((Fruit of the Loom)))) The thread is unraveling. Temperature and location change? Why. Make it easier. They want you to know. What type of material does HRC prefer? Pull harder. -Q

God I really hope Q shitposts like this become a copypasta.

Yo they're downvoting this hard. People don't want this found out lol

Lol it’s so him even the girl who snapped the pic captioned it something along the lines of “you were my fav president.” Forgot exactly what she wrote but it was something like that. Just the very fact that this pic got the disinfo agents so riled up tells me that it’s him.

Anyone with even half a braincell would have known it was not obama. Even though you have proved it was not him, it doesn't matter. It is not about facts anymore, the right love peddling conspiracies like this because they know their type will fall for it every single time regardless of any conflicting evidence. They are lost causes at this point

Lol it’s so him even the girl who snapped the pic captioned it something along the lines of “you were my fav president.” Forgot exactly what she wrote but it was something like that. Just the very fact that this pic got the disinfo agents so riled up tells me that it’s him. Also it’s intersting how you cropped the pic and lowered the resolution, if you really wanted to discuss it you should have included the full info graphic another redditor made comparing the height of his good friend who is wearing the Chicago jacket. Definitely him.

the level of denial is through the roof. hmmm

"Class and grace, you're my favourite" which isnt even the American way of spelling favorite.

The fact that this has consumed this place for 2 days is hilarious.

Is that Obama cosplaying as Satin bro?

Nah thats not him

But hes standing next to a black guy with a chicago jacket who looks like someone Obama knows.

Well people looked into it, actually it's this other guy from burning man. There are articles about him and everything.

But what about the chicago black guy?

I dont know dude, that's probably not the same guy either. Clearly it's the same costume in the picture.

But what if there are multiple costumes and Obama has one too?

Jesus fuck.

This is where we are now. Arguing about whether or not its Obama wearing a devil costume. For fuck sake theres actually important stuff going on in the world and this whole fucking thing is embarrassing.

There's a lot of these people here who just eat up whatever fits their political bias, and then proceed to vomit it all over the sub repeatedly. They also have help and are encouraged by certain parties.

Plus, isn't school pretty much letting out for the summer? It's about to get really shitty here for a few months.

This is fact right here. A lot of times those same people happen to be the loudest/most active in subs and drown out the occasional rando who is just chiming in.

Yeah. Like the government using the Walmart concentration camps. In real life

They just use them as illegal alien children camps now. No cages to be found?

Perhaps bars would be better? If a electric fence?

You can see people in cages in the pictures just released, the ones that DHS released themselves

Its something shiny for people to look at to keep them from looking at the real shit that matters.

Nah that's not it.

It's that people are really really really fucking stupid, and really easy to very quickly believe any bad shit about someone they don't like.

the real shit that matters

You mean like war, healthcare, a debt based economy and for-profit currency creation? All things the 2 parties are in lock-step on.

The new Satanic Panic. The last occurred during the Reagan administration. Draw your own conclusions.

It's interesting, because there's definitely a wave of Satan Panic on the way. There's all the Q stuff that frames HRC and the rest as baby killing Satanists. It's even reflected in the current wave of Hollywood and indie horror that has satanic cults as the bad guys at the heart of it all- Hereditary, Paranormal Activity 2, The Witch etc. Then there's the whole slews of videos about how musicians and pop stars are using satanic and Illuminati symbolism in videos as proof of deals made with the devil.

You only need to Sessions and Sanders both turning to scripture recently, to reinforce the idea that the general public must unquestionably obey the government, to see some of the dots joining here...

Bernie or Sarah?

Also source plox?


Video contained with the link.

Here's her quote though -

I can say that it is very Biblical to enforce the law. That is actually repeated a number of times throughout the Bible. It's a moral policy to follow and endorse the law.

This comes off the back of Jeff Sessions and this quote, when asking about immigration law and separating children from parents -

"I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order. "Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves and protect the weak and lawful."

I said it before and I'll say it again: Devil worship in the government is the new reptilians in the government. It's made to make us look crazy and distract people from real things that are going on.

The Russia investigation is horseshit but this is a big deal....Grasping at straws much?

The Russia investigation is horseshit

Speaking as someone who has never commented on this pic: who cares? This is a conspiracy sub.

Because the truth matters.

This should be the mantra of everyone researching conspiracies.

Totally missing the point. People speculate on things when the truth isn’t certain, in order to potentially better under stand the truth. That’s completely fine. I think the reaction were seeing comes from people who want to protect Obama’s reputation.

Pretty sure the reaction we're seeing here is from idiots who thought Obama was dressed as a gay silver Satan

You're only calling them idiots because you're offended that anyone would discuss your precious Obama in that way. Its easy to call people idiots when they discuss conspiracy theories, the real idiots are the ones who feel the need to boost their ego.

I honestly can't decide which bit of the stupid in this comment to reply to first.

People are absolutely very defensive about Obama. Any criticism of him or perceived slight against him triggers the r/politics crowd.

Do you still think the picture is him?

And why do you think I love Obama? All I've said is its funny that you people think he's silver Satan.

Its funny that a guy wearing a costume who looks just like Obama, standing next to a guy who has been pictured with Obama, could be Obama? I think its funny that you people aren't capable of considering things that are outside of your narrative.

I think it's funny that you're still trying this bullshit after it got shot down with one Google search after 24 hours.

I think it's funny that you're insinuating I'm standing up for Obama because of some partisanship when you're clearly dying for it to be him due to your own.

It hasn't been debunked at all! It could certainly still be him, don't be fooled so easily.

So your answer to "it's the exact same outfit owned by a performer pictured elsewhere, who looks just like the guy in the photo" is

"here's some more pictures of Obama with horns, kinda, if you take the right frame with something behind him. Plus there's a guy there who looks sort of like one of the many, many, many people that Obama knows."

My God. How could I have ever called you an idiot. Clearly you have a scientific mind of genius proportions.

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Here's some other questions:

  1. At what ceremony was Obama dressing as Silver Satan?

    Was the photographer invited?

Why would they put it online, if it's his super secret Silver Satan outfit?

If Obama is wearing a mask to protect his identity, why doesn't the other guy get a costume and mask? Doesn't it defeat the post of the mask to have a buddy in the shot? Wouldn't you just use a different photo?

Did they only take one photo of the Silver Satan Sacrificial Spectacular? Is that why we got the one with his buddy in shot?

Is the guy who had the original outfit mad that Obama is stealing his style?

Did Obama borrow it for the day, buy it, or go to Burning Man and say "That's what I'm dressing as next year at Bohemian Grove"

Great questions, I hope that we get some more information so that some of those can be answered.

"I have no comeback"

I don't need a comeback. I don't care that you aren't capable of critical thought. That's your unfortunate problem, and probably why you will never be compensated much for your efforts.

What do you think the words "critical thought" mean?

You've gone quiet. You're not reading the Wikipedia page on Critical Thinking are you? Dear God man turn back.

Speculation is understandable when the truth is unknown. But at this point, it's pretty clear that wasn't Obama. So furthering this "speculation" looks more like an agenda.

How was it clear? I just saw images of a guy who looked like Obama in an costume. Some of these politicians are into some really weird stuff (ie Spirit Cooking), I don't think its really all that far fetched.

There is absolutely no proof that Obama is into spirit cooking or any other weird stuff - none at all. Nor is there anything to indicate that if Obama was into weird stuff he would parade around in public in a shiny, silver sequined Baphomet costume.

However, there IS proof that a guy who looks quite similar to Obama wore an identical costume at Burning Man.

Thinking Obama wore that costume, in public, in the first place was pretty far fetched. Holding on to that theory after the evidence presented is delusional.

I don't know about you, but I didn't come to the conclusion that it was definitely Obama after seeing that picture. I think its totally fine that people speculated about it, though. That is how you reach the truth. To see the picture and immediately think that there is no way it could be Obama is way more closed-minded.

Ah yes it's not a big deal if Obama was wearing a satanic head dress and we shouldn't look into it on a conspiracy sub. Thanks for clearing that up.

The problem is that there's been no 'looking into it'. Absolutely none. It's all been people simply feeling a certain way and convincing themselves based upon only that.
If that's all it takes for things in this community to have any merit, then fuck you all I quit.

This thread looked into it and I changed my mind after reading it...

But you did still insinuate that it was Obama with that original comment, and that's part of the problem around here.

Not at all, you're so caught up in it that you read it that way.

Quote yourself and unpack it for us, then.

Do you know what "if" means?

Ah Yes, it's not a big deal if You were formerly a believer in absolute garbage and claimed you had your mind finally changed.
Thanks for muddying that up for us.

It's not a big deal if you were a nice person on the internet. But you're not.

Don't talk about me, talk about what I'm saying. Your earlier ninja edit to assume that I'm angry about anything is a juvenile attempt at discrediting the very obtuse point I've made. Surely you can do better than this.

I'm sorry that you are delusional.

3 strikes. For such a 'not nice on the internet' guy, I sure am losing this ad hominem battle here, huh?

I said I forgive you, keep up with the ninja edits. If you knew what if means you wouldn't be so riled up right now.

Thanks for forgiving me.
It's super easy to do that when I haven't called you needlessly angry, delusional or a 'not nice' person in order to support my losing debate.

But you are all of those things. You are so angry about people thinking that Obama may have worn a stupid costume lol.

I hate to repeat myself, but everything that's come into my inbox from you is once again, part of the problem around here.

You know what happened yesterday when I posted exactly this?

Thread got put in contest mode, locked and then removed.

Who gives a shit if he wears a satanic headdress? Then what? Does that make Trump unfuck a prostitute while his wife is pregnant? Does that undo all the children in camps right now? Does it forgive all the lies the Trump administration has dropped since coming into power?

Who gives a shit if he gets 666 tattoo'd on his dick. He's not the leader of the world now. His tan suits, fancy mustard and wife's arms have fucking nothing to do with anything anymore.

Won't stop you retards from obsessing about him and Hillary while the world burns down, though.

$50,000 on hot dogs.

I hope you know that this is a completely unsubstantiated claim and it originated from a joke email sent but someone who opposes Obama?

It's really amazing how these things get spread and embedded into the public consciousness even when they are completely made up.

Cool story brah

Yeah, doesn't sound so sexy anymore, does it?

Your lies do not, no.

From: Fred Burton [] Sent: Thursday, >May 14, 2009 2:39 PM To: ‘Don Kuykendall’ Cc: ‘Aaric Eisenstein’; ‘Darryl O’Connor’; ‘Copeland Susan’ Subject: RE: Get ready for “Chicago Hot Dog Friday”

I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?

You were saying?

Who's lying, hmm?

Private party.

What doe you even mean? Do you think that this email is evidence that Obama spent 65000 on hotdogs and pizza for a party?

Because that is literally the only time anyone ever mentioned it.

If you haven't figured it out yet, hotdogs and pizza mean kids.

Ah, that one again.

According to one single poster from 4chan.

Nobody has ever been able to substantiate that claim. Nobody has shown that anyone ever used those words in that context.

And again, it's fascinating how bullshit like this gets stuck in the heads of people as facts even though it's demonstrably nonsense.

Cool story brah

And I could show that it is true if you cared for facts.

However since you are only interested in regurgitating pizzagate fairy tales, I won't bother.

Totally tubular tale dude

It's code but it could be anything they want to hide.

What makes you think it's code? Code for what?

$65,000 Actually.

For Obamas "taste of Chicago" annual congressional picnic.

It has fuck all to do with Satan lmao I can't believe you types anymore clinging to this abject bullshit. I used to argue, now I just laugh.

Lol nice try

Lol nice try

Is there any sub out there that is like what /r/conspiracy used to be?

You mean full of posts about 9/11, the Illuminati and the Jews?

Please let me know if you find one. I cannot stand the amount of pedo stuff on here. Which is the root of the satanic stuff.

But hes standing next to a black guy with a chicago jacket who looks like someone Obama knows.

Someone seriously claimed that the photo was taken in Chicago because that guy is wearing a Chicago jacket.

And yes, he was serious.

Wake up! That’s clearly Obama in a satanic sequence drag outfit. You’re tots obvs a #shilltrollbot.

Michael is light skinned. Obama is not. The person in the picture is definitely not light skinned.

I mean, you're the one that seems to be looking into all of the details..

Aw, man. I started working on a nice image to point all of this out but I guess you beat me to it, haha.

You should still post it, it's written in "their" language.

Needs more 4chan threads.

yeah its great. even though i didnt zoom in and read any of the text, i already know i agree with it and that obama is a satin worshiper and is selling the country to satin

"their" language.

You’re gonna have to help me out here. Whose language?

Qultist dipshits

Removed. Rule 4.

But thanks for your effort.

Them tinfoil nutter butters of course.

Methinks original post saying it was Obama was meant to be "debunked" later to further discredit the nutter butters.

This sub is the wonkiest of psyops.

Even if it’s not Obama, doesn’t change the fact that they both run in the same circles and worship these demons. In the article it clearly states that the guy is a French Algerian JEW.

You really think Obama was just chilling at Burning Man?

Nothing crazy like that.

Just that this Algerian (((real estate agent))) obviously has rubbed elbows with Obama at all the pedophile parties they both clearly go to. You seriously think they never had a quick chat over the baby meat buffet?

Just say Jewish this is taking forever m


Guy what are we going to do someone let a Jew in. Guess we only have two options at this point, kill it with fire or the one no one has tried before Poison Gas.

Has to be, only know way to get rid of a Jew infestation really.

Ya’ racist mook.

Rule 1

Lmao wait you’re telling me JEWS go to BURNING MAN?

Oh my GOD

Oh boy don’t name the Jew in this sub. The woke ass people here don’t like when things go that far.

Get off whatever rock you are sitting in because it is a weird one.

Look, I love a good conspiracy but really if there is some kind of global cabal, it is about money not heritage.

The world is so globalized that if there are bad actors it isn’t just the Jews anymore, if you buy into that.

You don’t think the Cartels, Yakuza, and Mob wouldn’t have some connections with this “Global Trafficking Ring”.

We are getting so focused on straight crap these days, if it exists, it is bigger than some dumb ass picture.

Supposing there are some nasties out there, calling Obama out for worshipping Satan, doesn’t kill the hydra.

Throwing races under the bus undermines the bigger picture.

Shits fucked up, only we can change it!

Well said.

This is the most centrist big brained garbage I’ve ever read. Who runs the banks? Who runs Hollywood? Who pushed PNAC and the greater isreali project. who is vastly over represented in all major fields of cultural and political influence in the west. No one is blaming ALL Jews but to say Jewish supremacy is not one of the biggest problems we face is just untrue. If yo can’t name the people behind the problems they will infiltrate every organic movement you/we create.

all this photo does is add fuel to the "its obama fire"

thanks for showing us obama does have that head vein just like in the pic

Uh what? Did... Did you know you can Google Obama and find literally thousands of photos of his face? It took this guy posting one to confirm it for you?

"adding fuel to the fire"

look it up

I know the saying.

Unless you used it incorrectly you're saying the photo supports the argument that the original photo is Obama because OP confirmed he has a vein on the side of his head as though it was up for debate.

You missed that this girl also posted other photos from burningman in 2016

Wait, which girl was at Burningman 2016? Do you mean the headdress maker?

The girl that posted the photo on her Instagram

I don't suppose someone can find a source for that? I checked her instagram myself and couldn't find anything, so either it's been deleted or you need an account to view those images.

It would give us a direct connection between the original IG poster and Madie at Burning Man 2016.

Just look at the image in the comment chain we are responding to.

OP should add this to their post, it's beautiful.

Thanks haha, but not yet! I have updated it a little bit since then (though nothing really major).

There's still one piece of evidence missing, so if someone can find that it's pretty much the final nail in the coffin.

That's a brilliant image. Well done.

If it is Obama, what is the big deal? How does it relate to anything else besides some weird shit?

Seeing a former POTUS dress as a woman satan? You are either a troll/shill or too young to be commenting.

He dressed up in a costume. I'm SHOCKED! Where is the conspiracy? Where is the alleged crime? There is none related to this image. What say you?


Buddy. You are in the wrong sub. Goodbye.

The way that you know when you have reached someone's mental limit is when they simply tell you to "leave". You don't have the mental ability to connect a weird picture with anything else?

Occult and power isn't a conspiracy. Oh gee. I bet bohemian grove is just play acting

It's sorta a weird costume , normies won't even know what that costume is

He dressed up in a costume

The entire point of this post is that it definitely isn't him..anyone that disagrees is getting mocked and down voted en masse...except you.

You basically concede it's him and ask what's the big deal and you get up voted.

I find this whole post fascinating.

The thing these brigaders don't seem to understand is that brigading is fn obvious and it really waters down the narrative they're trying to hard to push/stop.

I'm perplexed. Do you know of any other places that talk conspiracy? Lol I'm 62 downvotes for what I consider common sense.

Rule 10

Because T_D doesn't want you paying too much attention to those camps.

True or not this traitor will burn

Oh yeah? For what?

The 13 hidden gmail accounts mentioned in the IF report? What you got, I got loads more

I don't think you can post it in r/greatawakening. That subreddit to me is where this obama thing really took off and now that I tried to crosspost there, it won't even show up. I think that subreddit is already controlled allowing people to spread disinfo unencumbered.

I tried to downvote something in there earlier and it wouldn’t let me. Tried on multiple posts in the sub and it kept saying i couldn’t. Went out into other subs and it worked fine. I don’t know how the hell they would pull that but i found it really odd.

That's insane. Now that is a good conspiracy theory.

Are you able to comment or post?

Just tried and now it let me.

They don't care about being corrected because they only are interested in confirming the reality they've constructed for themselves.

There's no correlation between the alleged photo of obama and the other links

Hey why is obamas friend next to this micheal guy then

Those aren't the same people. If you look up Obama's "friend" and really compare the two, you will realize just because they are black they aren't the same guy.

Dude, this IS Obama... give it up.

This post makes me think bots are pushing an agenda

Look at OP's post history, they just purchase or commandeer these randumb accounts with various novelty subreddit posting history so they can all of a sudden swoop into this subreddit and "debunk" whatever conspiracy ideas are needed.

Yeah I don't know why I didn't look at it. Obviously a fake account. 23 and me posts and anti abortion memes. They are so stupid because all this does is make me believe it's real. Otherwise why the push against it?

Hey careful buddy, don’t you know we can’t call people you-know-whats? OP might get his feelings hurt and stop “debunking” stuff here after a single anti-conspiracy post.

Yeah I know don't really care but will change it for ya

lol I was just kidding man.

I rarely come to r/conspiracy, I once used to frequent this sub quite frequently. I come here today and this is what people are posting? Obama in a satanic costume? Wtf?

What about the guy who said it was easily found out to be photoshopped? Did he just happen to quickly find a picture of Obama with a very similar expression on his face at the same angle?

Yea he did...and it was easy because the guy looks just like Obama. I can find 40 pictures of Obama from that angle, especially being easy to match because you don’t know what his mouth is exactly doing.

Where? I have seen evidence that suggests otherwise.

Whether it's him or not, there is a lot of people using the "only a retard would believe this" or "so what much more important things going on" tactics . That's how you know its something to look into

lol yup.

People are freaking out about it.

This isn't a mistake. It's disinformation on purpose meant to distract people from Donald Trump's child concentration camps. Expect the right-wing smear machine to kick into overdrive even more than usual. Expect new Pizzagate and Seth Rich posts, maybe some new nonsense about Hillary or Obama.

THIS is the conspiracy. They are doing horrible things, doing horrible things to children specifically, and pushing a lot of nonsense to distract from it.

The detention centers were started during Obama’s presidency, weren’t they?

Probably long before Obama... it's not unusual to detain people caught illegally crossing the border.

There was never a policy to take kids away from their parents and throw those kids into cages until just now, with Donald Trump, and there's absolutely no oversight into what's happening to those kids.

What is the solution with these kids whose parents brought them into our country illegally? Or rather, since there is no easy solution, what would you propose?

Not separating them from their families is the main thing. Maybe just deport them? They say they are exercising their right to hold them as a "deterrent" but it seems like this is just away for elites to have easy access to children.

I’m all for outright deportation, but we don’t have a strong border in place to keep them from coming right back.

Is your concern that people are coming over illegally, or staying here illegally?

Are they not related?

I'm against both.

They are related, but they aren't the same thing. Before border security was beefed up in the 70s, most would cross the border to do some farm working or sell produce and then go home. People stay now because it's not as easy to live in one place and do business in the other. You can't keep crossing like that, so they just stay. I think the statistic, and I could be a bit off, is that four times as many people from Mexico started staying in the US illegally once we increased the consequences.

What is the solution with these kids whose parents brought them into our country illegally?

The solution is for you morons to put half the effort into protecting these real kids as you did for the fake kids in the fake basement of a pizza place last year.


Always with the name calling. Is that really necessary? Go back to your hole and let the grown ups talk.

Yes. Yes it is necessary. If you got all hot and bothered about pizzagate but you're not seeing the problem here, moron is very polite compared to the names I'd use.

Lol you went from trying to blame it on Obama’s to “why shouldn’t we throw kids in jail without trial if they’re illegal immigrants”.

Fucking hell

The OP literally called them Trump's concentration camps. I am simply pointing out the fact that the detention centers were around long before he came into office.

Again you’re changing your own words and not standing behind them.


...what did I change?

then why pin it on trump? The fuck.

People are pinning the separating kids from families on Trump, not the detainment itself.

they're blaming the whole thing on him as if the previous Administration didnt have a hand on this

then why pin it on trump? The fuck.

This is why.

Hey, aren't you the guy who harassed me for exposing this hoax? Why did you delete your posts?

See my response elsewhere in this thread:

Too many comments like this to write separate responses.

It's disinformation on purpose meant to distract people from Donald Trump's child concentration camps. Expect the right-wing smear machine to kick into overdrive even more than usual. Expect new Pizzagate and Seth Rich posts, maybe some new nonsense about Hillary or Obama.

this. we've seen the same strategy time and time again.

You mean the “concentration camps” are this weeks distraction from what Trump is doing in Korea, and a new grasp at cobbling together a platform to run on in 3 months.

This is hilarious, there is literally an organized left wing propaganda campaign that you can track from it's start and you are part of it. It's good old fashioned agitprop garbage on the Trump rotation. Go digging below the veneer and you will see what is happening to those kids and how you people are causing this by exploiting.

Yes it is. They're not at the same time or location.

Who posted that bullshit in the first place? I want to go on a blocking spree.

Obama is still a bisexual, satanist who is part of the child pedo cabal though.

This reveals the biggest problem with the state of the world in general. For a week, instead of research, the other guys only attempted to prove their own narrative. A little bit of actual research would have given them this result.

It’s embarrassing that people fall for these cheap conspiracy theories about Obama. Like people really think he was a Muslim fundamentalist agent bent on infiltrating our culture.

And will, out of the other side of their mouth, angrily complain about this supposed fundamentalist Muslim pushing so hard for the gay agenda.

When there is this much posting on one subject it is pretty clear evidence that they're winning. Keep fighting amongst yourselves over literally nothing.

told ya...shitpost

Let’s be honest. It really could have been him.

“Fake news”

Yes yes yes. Thanks for finding the sources to disprove this. I also never thought it actually resembled Obama, but was afraid to post that cause I knew I’d just be downvoted to hell and harassed about it. Might still be now.

FWIW, I think you should always speak up, in this sub especially. In my opinion it's important to speak up around here. You may be downvoted to hell, but it's worth it to avoid an echo chamber. Especially on something as ridiculous as this.

I was literally harassed for hours the other day for trying to disprove something in a thread. Just constant berating comments, and soon turned into direct messages. I agree that we should be able to speak up but it unfortunately gets to the point that going through that and then having to delete my own comments to stop it just makes it not even worth it.

I hear ya, that's happened to me in here a number of times and it sucks. You don't have to always engage, but again, I think it's important to speak up (in life and on Reddit) to prevent echo chambers.

Yea i stopped even trying to stick up for myself but the comments kept coming. It was the chat requests i was getting that finally just made me delete everything,

That sucks. This place gets nutty sometimes.


piece of advice.... stop caring about internet points

See above.

i gave you anupvote while at the same time giving you another opportunity to downvote me..... its fun try if.


I'm the one who exposed this. I got downvoted, harrased, ridiculed, called shill. My thread was locked, put in contrst mode and deleted.

Still worth it. Never let them prevent you from telling the truth.

I'm the one who exposed this. I got downvoted, harrased, ridiculed, called shill. My thread was locked, put in contrst mode and deleted.

I don't believe this, one bit.

Whats not to believe? Here is the thread

If its not true why are these threads so chock full of goddamn shills, shilling their goddamn little hearts out.

Honestly. There's a full court press on.

There are 650k members of this sub. Is it really that difficult to believe that a large number knew this Baphomet Obama was a bullshit claim?

Is it really easier for you to believe they are all shills?

You may want to check your paranoia just a bit.

I don't believe there are 650k real users of this sub either.

Maybe its not Obama. I'm fine with that.

But the obvious shills are still obvious.

You can never be wrong or open to growing and learning if everyone who points out you are wrong is a shill

Sad day when a whole post has to be dedicated to this trash.

How hard would it be to run a facial recognition program across tons of random photos to find matches to specific targets? I bet you could take any photo and find 95% matches and then filter those photos for ones that show suspect behavior or have something that can easily be taken out of context then use that photo for a propaganda effort.

Anyone who ever thought this was Obama has fucking brain damage.

even the person who took the photo and supplied the headpiece to him?

lol i can't even imagine what prompted this.


The fact that people here ran with this is pretty fucking embarrassing. I love this sub but some times yall MFrs are full retard

What is embarrassing is the upvotes the disinformationists received when claiming it to be shopped.

Removed. Rule 10. and

These don't really seem like reputable sources to me. I'm not sure I want to click on these links. Do you have anything, from lets say, a peer-reviewed refereed journal.

What peer reviewed referred journal would you submit burning man costumes to?

The guy in the provided imgur pics looks nothing like the guy in the original pic. Plus, the guy appearing with the guy in the first pic wearing the Chicago jacket has been seen with Obama frequently. I don't see how the comes any where near to debunking it. Also, the original pic doesn't look like its at Burning Man at all.

Those photos look nothing like the head dress wearer. The eyes specifically are far too big for the one wearing the head dress. The cheek is another example. In your photo, his cheek is splayed and when he smiles its concave. The head dress wearer has 2 and are much thinner and taller. Many more examples but you get the idea.

Agreed. This photo smells like a disinfo cover-up.

confirmed: Obama bi-sexual-Kenyan-satanic-disco-man-fashionista

but there is pictures of obama doing the iconic devil horn finger sign

Good find. This would be the only thing I have seen that could discredit the pic. Three things I did notice however. 1. Burning man is in the desert. There is clearly a tree behind them in original. If you have ever been there you would know there is no greenery to be found. 2. While it is the same outfit it is clearly a different color. 3. The guy in the original is a black man the guy and in the one you posted is a white guy. The one you posted does look like the one in her shop for sure. Think what you want though. I really don't care but your theory is Swiss cheese.

Who cares

Lmfao at the shills working overtime to convince people it's fake.

Have you ever thought, just for a moment, that people are trying to convince you it's fake because it is fake?

I mean, I know the answer, the thought that it isn't fake has never crossed your mind, because you just KNOW Obama is a secret Satanist so why would you listen to people arguing against that? But still. I wanted to ask.

Lmfao at the shills working overtime to convince people it's real.

I don't think they're shills I just think they're really really dumb and will believe almost anything.

You see all these sliding topics in r/new? They want this thread to disappear.

Wtf are you talking about this is the top post on /r/conspiracy.

You see all those rapper threads? They want one of them to take the top spot and knock of this one that I believe is #2 position. They do this any time a topic they don't want makes it to the top 3 on this subreddit. It's called sliding.

351 upvotes and THIS is the r/conspiracy thread that is allowed to hit the front page?

So completely, totally, not obviously intended to discredit anyone questioning any kind of narratiive. This is embarassing, Reddit.

Incredible, not a single post in this thread talking about the photographer admitting it was Obama! They don't even have the same hairline! Also the skin colors are completely different! Arthur Davis does not have the same skin tone as that man.

Incredible, not a single post in this thread talking about the photographer admitting it was Obama! They don't even have the same hairline! Also the skin colors are completely different! Arthur Davis does not have the same skin tone as that man. How is this upvoted to the top with no one questioning why Arthur Davis is in this photo?

yeah dont bother. they wont listen. just pointless insults. thats all they know.

i dont see what the problem is

its a gorgeous headdress

I would have got away with it too! If it weren't for those meddling people with facts!

i dont see what the problem is

its a gorgeous headdress


Any comment?

Yeah sure, the girl who supplied the mask and took the photo and posted it on instagram has confirmed this is Obama.

Balls in your court.

She hasn't

Why are you lying about this?

Oh, wow. A girl on Instagram has said it is so. Truly, it is so.

... She doesn't even say it's Obama. :I

She directly confirmed it is him.

Its. Right. There.

So, what I'm seeing is instagram user kellygil18_, who is not the poster of the picture, call it the "Obama pic" and ask why the poster, everysilversea, deleted it.

The poster, everysilversea, says she deleted the photo because of "too much hate".

Nowhere in that does everysilversea say that it was a picture of Obama. When you said some random girl on instagram said it was Obama, I at least assumed you meant something like, "I deleted my Obama pic because it was getting too much attention", not some random instagram girl not denying it's a picture of Obama. Jesus.

*citation needed

Hahaha. A random social media post by an unknown person.

Great citation. Would love to read your school papers

The fact that you think the poster is the content creator and a valid source. Really makes me question how long you have been on reddit. Haha

I mean, it's a hilarious mistake to make.

Another anti-conspiracy post, on the front page of r/conspiracy, by a non-conspiracy poster and non-conspiracy theorist, "debunking" a conspiracy theory as if to put it to rest.

Mayb some people value the truth more than the label of conspiracy.

You think OP is just a truth-seeking individual who decided his first conspiracy post would be this very weak and problematic yet highly-upvoted "debunk" of a recent controversial topic, you know, just to lend us all a hand?

You seem a lot more worried about the source and motivation rather than the content or truth. If you are concerned about motivation, start asking why someone is so desperate to paint a former, left leaning president as a satanist, so much that they accept this with no proof of the person's identity nor any proof that the outfit has anything to do with Satan.

This is not the first reason we have for believing Obama to be a Luciferian, it only reinforces our preexisting suspicions.

Oh this nonsense picture of not Obama confirms your bias you say? What a happy day for you.

I didn’t use the word confirms. But rest assured, no one has confirmed that the man in the photo which looks exactly like Barack Obama is not Barack Obama.

There is more proof that this is not Obama in this thread than there is evidence to support most of the things that get posted around here. Also there's no proof that even if it was him that this outfit is related to Satanism in any way. You've already admitted to your bias, but don't seem to be aware of how it distorts your perception.

There is a photo of another different-looking and not black guy in the same outfit. Wow such "proof" you have here.

So pictures of the guy in question wearing the costume at other events, named by name in the captions isn't proof, but a picture where you can only see the guy's eyes and someone next to him has a jacket that says Chicago is good enough? Oh right, because it fits your bias.

I’m not saying it’s “good enough” to confirm this is Obama. I’m saying it looks exactly like Obama which is why it because popular anyway. To me, another guy wearing the same costume isn’t enough to debunk this being Obama especially since — as I understand — it emerged days after this photo became controversial. I might be wrong about that timeline so feel free to correct me.

It emerged because people started looking for the explanation. The actual photos of this guy date to way before this joke of a controversy started.

Ok, I'd like to see some confirmation of that.

Did you actually read the OP? The article is from 2015.

When Satanism stories get trotted out its safe to ignore them. Especially somebody as thoroughly secular as Obama.

The guy in the Chicago jacket doesn't look like he's attending the Burning Man festival. #justsaying

Wonder who hired you to put this up here. Well played. Cute explanation, don't buy it.


Who paid you to promote right-wing propaganda?

I'm a non conformist. I'm not right wing. I'm black. So don't call me a white supremacist next to discredit me. That pic is not shopped. DYOR for once lib. Continue being force fed information and opinions. This sub is being astro turfed hard the last couple months. Wonder why...

I'm a non conformist.

eye roll

Really could give a flying fuck about your astro turfing up votes and responses. Your time is coming, it's soon.

Notice how all your replies have 7 upvotes and all mine have 7 down. Interesting huh?

Go back to watching cuck porn and crying re-watching Obama inaugural speech. Then writing into your echo chambers about how Trump is ruining your life when you can't make your own decisions

80k comment karma wow that's something to put on the resume. You sure do agree with a lot of people. You do well in echo chambers. Man, that's impressive. Soros pay you by the hour or comment? The earth would be exactly the same without you. Hope you realize that.

You act like I care what you say. You are sadly mistaken.

It's called having an original opinion. Try it sometime. Not one preconceived, pre-approved. I know it's hard for you to understand in your small intellectual, limited brain by but try.

think it looks more like obama tbh

Holy shit people actually thought that was Obama? I worry about some of the people here.

OP of the pic on IG confirmed it's him. Maybe it was some kind of a Halloween party or something, but that's him 100%. And the guy next to him is one of his entourage boys.

The 'burning man' guy has a similar face, but it's obviously not him in the photo.

LMAO look at this damage control. Everyone would eyes and a working brain can see that it is clearly Obama wearing that creepy outfit. One of his pet boy Congressmen is right behind him.

Lol this sub really wanted to believe that badly though.

How are there so many different posts about this?

How could anybody really know if it's genuine or not?

Why is everybody 'seeking proof' on a forum?

They're ALL Satanists. Who cares, that makes them fucking morons, opposed to just regular morons.

I guess him and Lady GaGa have the same fashion designer?

yes its him

Who the fuck is up voting this ridiculous post? Do you fools actually think that’s the same person?

Bots and zombies

Im now 100% sure that's Barry Sotero in that devil costume pic, no doubt about it.

Had to laugh that the article you link to promises us "stunning examples of radical self-expression", as if there was something radical about dressing up as a showgirl for the weekend.

I have no political affiliation

Lie. Or convenient radical centrism.

I just don't like or trust Obama

Understandable. Satan isn't real. Sorry you had to find out this way.

Come on. You know very well all this obama tripe is disinformation. Finally someone proved that the obama headdress situation was fake and you come up with that? Weak sauce.

Because he doesnt agree with it.

$65,000 worth of hotdogs

Ah yes, everyone knows that when you drain the blood of a goat and mumble some stuff real magic happens. Or is it a virgin? lol. If there were a demonic realm that could be tapped into to gain favor with supernatural beings, it would have been exploited for real power. It would be observable and quantifiable, or at least its effects would be.


There's a lot of these people here who just eat up whatever fits their political bias, and then proceed to vomit it all over the sub repeatedly. They also have help and are encouraged by certain parties.

Plus, isn't school pretty much letting out for the summer? It's about to get really shitty here for a few months.

Right. Which is why some random girl was allowed to snap a secret photo of President (at the time) Obama posing for photos wearing a satanic cult outfit...

Fucking apply barebones critical thinking.

Nothing crazy like that.

Just that this Algerian (((real estate agent))) obviously has rubbed elbows with Obama at all the pedophile parties they both clearly go to. You seriously think they never had a quick chat over the baby meat buffet?

Yeah. Like the government using the Walmart concentration camps. In real life

Its something shiny for people to look at to keep them from looking at the real shit that matters.

They’ll eat OP alive.

The new Satanic Panic. The last occurred during the Reagan administration. Draw your own conclusions.

The Russia investigation is horseshit but this is a big deal....Grasping at straws much?

Speaking as someone who has never commented on this pic: who cares? This is a conspiracy sub.

Get off whatever rock you are sitting in because it is a weird one.

Look, I love a good conspiracy but really if there is some kind of global cabal, it is about money not heritage.

The world is so globalized that if there are bad actors it isn’t just the Jews anymore, if you buy into that.

You don’t think the Cartels, Yakuza, and Mob wouldn’t have some connections with this “Global Trafficking Ring”.

We are getting so focused on straight crap these days, if it exists, it is bigger than some dumb ass picture.

Supposing there are some nasties out there, calling Obama out for worshipping Satan, doesn’t kill the hydra.

Throwing races under the bus undermines the bigger picture.

Shits fucked up, only we can change it!

Ah yes it's not a big deal if Obama was wearing a satanic head dress and we shouldn't look into it on a conspiracy sub. Thanks for clearing that up.

Well said.

But you did still insinuate that it was Obama with that original comment, and that's part of the problem around here.

Uh what? Did... Did you know you can Google Obama and find literally thousands of photos of his face? It took this guy posting one to confirm it for you?

$50,000 on hot dogs.

Is there any sub out there that is like what /r/conspiracy used to be?

Good question. I personally think he was shopped in. In the negative images, his relief isn't nearly as prominent as Osatan's.

My definition for that is pretty loose so se are still in agreement ;)

And will, out of the other side of their mouth, angrily complain about this supposed fundamentalist Muslim pushing so hard for the gay agenda.

You know what happened yesterday when I posted exactly this?

Thread got put in contest mode, locked and then removed.

Hey, still claiming that nobody has called this headdress "satanic"?

But hes standing next to a black guy with a chicago jacket who looks like someone Obama knows.

Someone seriously claimed that the photo was taken in Chicago because that guy is wearing a Chicago jacket.

And yes, he was serious.

Wake up! That’s clearly Obama in a satanic sequence drag outfit. You’re tots obvs a #shilltrollbot.

Michael is light skinned. Obama is not. The person in the picture is definitely not light skinned.

I mean, you're the one that seems to be looking into all of the details..

This is the most centrist big brained garbage I’ve ever read. Who runs the banks? Who runs Hollywood? Who pushed PNAC and the greater isreali project. who is vastly over represented in all major fields of cultural and political influence in the west. No one is blaming ALL Jews but to say Jewish supremacy is not one of the biggest problems we face is just untrue. If yo can’t name the people behind the problems they will infiltrate every organic movement you/we create.

Got it.

I honestly can't decide which bit of the stupid in this comment to reply to first.