Elon Musk sends out company email regarding sabotage and data theft at Tesla plant. Apparently, the suspect is talking.

1  2018-06-18 by AIsuicide


This is going to be interesting. I have to find it in my comments, but I had suggested the strong possibility of a fire happening to cause Tesla more problems.

Also of interest to me is the "sensitive data" that was stolen. In regards to that...I point you to a post I made not too long ago.


This is a great conspiracy discussion as it possibly involves many players.


Submission statement so they don't delete

It's a self post...

Oh I didn't realize it worked that way. Good to know

Thanks for the heads up...regardless. It's always good to give users that heads up about the submission statement when applicable.

Yea no problem. Newcomers may not know

Could be a case of corporate espionage. Otherwise why would someone steal data or sabotage code?

Yeah, like I said, the list of possible players in this is quite large. The employee says they did it because they didn't get a promotion...that doesn't explain the highly sensitive data that was stolen and delivered to unknown third parties tho...

Yes, there's monetary incentive...but still, there are obviously third "parties" as in plural.

What would happen if the NSA or CIA were the third parties? China? Russia? GM or another large auto company?

Happy cake day. Nice post šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼

It ain't till tomorrow!! That's ok, thanks for reminding me..gives me time to get cake.....and ice cream...and I'll think of something else.

Balloons! Gotta have balloons for the cake day.

You called it weeks ago. Seems to me this is more than just a disgruntled employee.

Can't find my comment about a possible fire showing up yet...would be easier if I didn't talk so much.

Balloons on birthday = fire

source: reddit front page

I donā€™t recall the fire comment, so I canā€™t help you there. Hell, I didnā€™t even know there was a fire until this post. Now I need to go read about the fire.

It's a link in the article...there's 3 links at the beginning of the article...ones about the fire.

Iā€™m sure he was just turning the entire fleet into crypto miners. And needed to send the code off to get the program to work. I doubt he was trying to kill the company. Just make a few million before he got caught.

Holy shit imagine that. Every Tesla motor contribution the 5% Bitcoin generation. Let me see.

You're doing the calculation for how much Bitcoin could be mined by powering Antminer S4 ASICS with Tesla car batteries. Which is quite worthless, since you can't hook up every Tesla in the world to an Antminer S4 using a remote code exploit.

In fact, I don't think there's much reason to look at it from a power storage perspective at all. You can probably assume that a compromised Tesla would be able to mine crypto 100% of the time it's not in use for driving, since its processor demands such a tiny fraction of its overall battery capacity.

What you should really be calculating is how much Bitcoin a Tesla's main CPU - an nVidia Tegra 3 SoC - can mine. (Which is a calculation I don't care to do myself since relevant information on it doesn't seem to be easily available.)

You weren't kidding about the lack of documentation of the Tegra 3 with Bitcoin mining. Presumably because the cost of electricity is larger than the revenue from mining by a few orders of magnitude. Of course, that only matters if you're acquiring your own specific hardware and paying your own electrical bill.

The only thing I found was a Samsung experiment where they took a group of 40 Galaxy S5's and had them mine Bitcoin. The 40 phones were getting about 2500 kHash/hr in 2014. Today, that would be a joke, only $0.0003 per year. Tesla is expected to produce their 200,000th car this year. $0.0003 * 200,000 = $60. Add on a few orders of magnitude (probably realistic given the advancements made between the Galaxy S5 and the modern Tesla chip) and a you get $600 or $6000. Add on four orders of magnitude (a 10,000x more efficient BTC miner) and you get $600,000. It's hard to make this seem viable.

All in all, this is good news.

...for bitcoin.


that's diabolically brilliant...

Is my washer, fridge and microwave on the list?

For a modest royalty my diabolically brilliant idea can be adapted accordingly.

fuck that...ask for a very vain royalty...

fuck that...ask for a very vain royalty...

Kevin Leary is that you?

Also I have a feeling Musk is going to claim the Auto Pilot Software was sabotaged and thats the reason why Auto Pilot killed several people by steering them into a wall.

This would make that pesky NTSB investigation go away and shield them from all civil suits filed by pissed of Tesla owners and wrongful deaths suits filed by the family of the deceased.

source on the auto-pilot?

It'd be awkward if true. That would be manslaughter at a minimum.

I haven't it was GM Ford or Toyota. Given musk tweets of late, sounds like echelon fighting.

The employee says

Person x says that person y says that something happened, according to a news story.

Actually...it's according to what Musk states in the email...

"The full extent of his actions are not yet clear, but what he has admitted to so far is pretty bad. His stated motivation is that he wanted a promotion that he did not receive. In light of these actions, not promoting him was definitely the right move."

Did you get that quote from a news story?

You've made 15 comments in this sub...in 15 minutes..most of them add absolutely nothing to the conversations imo.

Keep up the good work.

Now you are attacking the questioner for no reason.

you call that attacking? Whatever Jep...

Anyways..I stand by my opinion...you've still added nothing. Should've just ignored you.

til; no reason=valid reason

And then he accuses people of trolling, derailing conversations etc.

He is actually John Le Bon and here to promote his videos and website. These comments are supposed to make him look smart so then you pay him $20/mo for his website. He doesn't believe in literally anything and calls himself the world's leading skeptic... he does not believe in anything from atoms, to molecules, to evolution, to the moon, the sun, the stars, space, satellites, gravity, dinosaurs, all of history, missiles, all mass casualty events, all wars, etc are all fake...

He thinks he is some intellectual heir to gustave le bon and is influencing the minds of people using crowd psychology...

The employee says they did it because they didn't get a promotion...that doesn't explain the highly sensitive data that was stolen and delivered to unknown third parties tho...

I don't think the reason he stole it was that mysterious. He knows that data is valuable to the right people, and being a disgruntled employee he took it with plans to sell it or secure a job with it elsewhere.

The recipients would be interesting because it could be a high level corporate/government espionage thing or something boring like he sent it to a few people he trusted as a backup and had yet to decide what to actually do with the data.

Occams razor does tend to be boring...most likely, you are correct tho.

I think both are pretty likely honestly. Shafting your workplace and securing a good payday somewhere else with a little theft is fairly common.

I've seen in when sales people will still lists of clients or prospects to bring over to another place.

Yeah, anyone could have done it, or it could have not happened and the message is to he people working at lower wages with they benefit being at a company at the forefront of tech. Everyone's a suspect, even Elon.

Sounds like a BS excuse to me...I've always wondered when people say "its because I didn't get X", do they really think doing something highly illegal and something that'll end in prison time will make things better?

It wouldnā€™t be the first time within Tesla.

Quoting the article:

In 2016, after a SpaceX rocket exploded while being fueled up before an engine test, Musk and SpaceX COO and President Gwynne Shotwell also looked into the possibility of sabotage.

Why though? Tesla can't even be bothered to make an affordable sedan.

Tesla is a luxury brand. Theyre not trying to appeal to the kia and hyundai market

Thereā€™s a great documentary on YouTube that breaks down how Tesla planned to break into the car market. Itā€™s like a food pyramid, the non-luxury final Tesla model comes last, and was projected for after 2020

its a smart business plan. i mean would anyone reading this not be more comfortable buying an econocar built by Ferrari vs a super car built by kia?

Is it? It's more like their non-luxury sedan will be to keep them from going under.

Tesla published the master plan on their website in 2006


I for one, love the idea of using the rich as crash test dummies.

"You wouldn't download a car."

wew lad, underated post of the month

Its the Battery code for power transmission that Tesla (the company) perfected; that's the 'golden fleece' in their company.

Itā€™s like what happened to Nikolai

Yes.. he had his patents stolen.. No one made enough noise about that..They must have all been suicided into silence..

Seems to be a trend with advancing tech. It's a norm now, we hear about someone making a breakthrough in tech, refusing to sell and they suddenly commit suicide by 2 shots to the back of the head.

They also commit suicide by taking off in planes that disappear.. Patents control the moneyflow... http://reflectionofmind.org/rothschild-inherits-patent-4-co-owners-disappear-mh-370/

Semiconducteurs... now they'll put that onto Lucent Techs PF computer chip and use Facebooks personal Radiowave based "Internet" satellites..

I had no idea rothchilds were connected to mh370, I assumed it was deep state stuff. Thank you!

If you want to go full conspiracy.......

Do you want to see more? https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/703856/MARK-OF-THE-BEAST-Secret-plan-to-implant-us-all-with-ID-chips-by-2017

RFID chips.. can be activated by high frequency radio signals..


I wonder if the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine has any computer chip components..

I wonder if the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine has any computer chip components..

It doesn't. Needle is too small

This will sound like sci-fi but someday needle size will be irrelevant: nanobots could assemble electronic devices using the body's trace minerals.

I'm always full conspiracy, Gary Mckinnon and our secret space program is my favorite.

Suicided into silence Hahahaha

Wouldn't opening the patents also open the codes? Or is it that anyone can use the technology but they have to start their own research and make their own thing?

Its the code that's important.. Having a patent is saying.. I own this.. its mine.. each time you use it, you have to pay me money.
Its how the ex Nazi's made so much money.. they stole all the patents in Europe. Musk made all the code open source, so its not a probleme, I have to imagine (because Im not Musk, nor do I work in Tesla) that the power transmission stayed 'secret' because that's what 'made' (i like "" today..) Tesla. Otherwise electtric cars have been made since the 1890s.. Tesla made one..Tesla the inventor that is..

Hmm...sounds plausible.

:) http://www.ipwatchdog.com/2017/05/11/tesla-battery-patents-elon-musks-duplicitous/id=81839/

Reading that however.. I think that maybe the sabotage had more to do with their Solar Power departement..

Makes sense in a way.. If you're making Space Rockets with your 'other' company.......(the man's a robot. I meant that in a .. wow he does a lot of work.. Im not claiming he's a robot...)

Yup sounds like the solar plant sabotage. So now that Tesla cars are stable he has basically moved on to solar and space. Thatā€™s freaking awesome. For all you know he is bionic.

Its an open patent. Download it all you want.

Patents aren't the same as copyrighted IP and trade secrets though. Although I agree that Tesla wouldn't be high on the list of corporate espionage targets since they're relatively transparent.

Sorry but I already own the patent on vehicles with 4 corners and rectangular shaped.

I would like to see this vehicle that has only four corners.

See you in Flatland.

That's good.

only because i couldn't. now i can

I would have no hesitation in downloading a car

This is constantly misquoted to fit the narrative. The original ad always said ā€œyou wouldnā€™t steal a carā€

bitch i would if i could

I've been downloading for a few years now, its just a super large file is all.

Lets see if any big car companies suddenly come out with their own revolutionary electric cars

Because elon calls out the jew.

Could be a case of corporate espionage. Otherwise why would someone steal data or sabotage code?

Could also be "rogue engineer" seeking revenge by sabotaging Teslas Auto Pilot software. This conviently allows Tesla to blame the sabetour for the numerous deaths and crashes that occourred while the AP was driving. It also saves them a shitload of money from the inevitable civil suits filed by family of the deceased.

Of course that's just a crazy theory I have with no eveidence to back it up. I got a weird gut feeling he's going to say it was the AP software that was sabotaged.

Musk said he corrupted software having to do with the manufacturing process. That sounds like something to do with the robotics in the plant, not the auto pilot software.

Foreign countries want to use autonomous vehicles to deliver weapon payloads.

I can totally see a 'reeee'ing autist getting his jimmies all rustled at a perceived slight, like not being suitable for a promotion. As Elon says, anyone who pulls petty revenge crap like this for their own inadequacy, clearly demonstrates they didn't warrant being promoted.

Likely sold/gave away the info on the side, or why bother exporting it rather than just damage/deleting it?

I haven't ruled out the possibility that this is faked in order to justify lagging production to the board members. Might not even go as high as Musk, could just be the machinations of middle managment who's under pressure.

Sound crazy, but no more crazy than a paranoid Elon blaming Wall St short sellers, Big Oil, and his competitors, in an email to all staff.

Well, that makes a lot of sense tbh.

I like the way at the airport they ask have you ever been involved in espionage.

My question is this person was able to get all kinds of sensitive information with a FALSE USERNAME?! You have no security systems in place to prevent that?! ummmmm oook.

political reasons for sabotage? Musk is heavily involved with gov't contracts.

Oh look, not even two weeks after Elon's "who do you think owns the media" bombshell he's already being infiltrated. What a coincidence.

This. And all of a sudden Hollywood celebrities Teslas are spontaneously catching fire and leftist comedians are crying that they will never drive another Tesla. Major fuckery going on since Elon became vocal.

Its like a flip of the switch. Its literally that quick and that organized. There are videos and gifs being posted of burning Teslas, etc, shit that was never seen before. All over imgur and on some subreddits.

I noticed this earlier today. Brace yourself, this subs about to get nuked with phony Elon hate.

Elons name back wards is 'Nole'

I'm not understanding the significance?

Nole backwards is elon

Then let me just register my genuine dislike for Musk now so I can't be accused of shilling if this sub becomes overwhelmingly pro-Musk.

If shit like this is happening to a billionaire...imagine what they can do to regular plebs like us.

You mean like Michael hastings?

Gary Webb?

Terrence Yeakey?

Aaron Swartz?

Seth Rich?


Why the sarcasm tab?

Because identifying at all with any talking point from The_Donald makes people think you're a retard.

Seth Rich was murdered though.

Skip McCowland?

Lucky for us, we wear the "who gives a damn" cloak of obscurity.

Some of us do

THIS is exactly what I thought. Mainly the hollywood celebrities teslas thing. Using the hollywood whores to really get it out to the impressionable minds.

Where are you seeing celebrities and Hollywood turn on Tesla? It still seems to be the most popular car among the eco-conscious rich and famous.

Precisely the problem.

all of a sudden Hollywood celebrities' Teslas are spontaneously catching fire

Are these kinds of death fantasies a common thing in your head?

You completely misunderstood him. He isn't fantasizing... that is being posted about all over in the past 24 hours

Are you suggesting that McCormack fire was suspicious?

Based on what evidence?

No I am not. I am STATING that the fires he refers to already took place.

Are you suggesting that your previous comment *wasn't* completely off the mark?

Nope, I am not.

Cool, so why did you post those links? How are they relevant?

To support his claim that the fires already took place.

Don't feed the troll my dude

'Fires taking place' was not the claim I initially responded to.

And this is obvious.

Are you this pedantic in real life?

People don't talk to him irl.

It's precisely things like this that has made him enemies. If Elon would learn to keep his mouth shut, he wouldn't have half his problems. I don't know exactly what it is, but he rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's because he forced the founders out 8 years ago and his ego know no bounds.

I think he has bit off more than he can chew, and his mouth is his undoing.

A certain group of people certainly does not like him anymore.

But why would anyone not like Elon Musk???


Anyone remember how Musk suspected ULA of sabotaging one of the Falcon rockets? That was pretty interesting too.

I don't care if people try to steal some numbers on a screen but trying to sabotage a whole fucking rocket?? Fucks wrong with people?

Well, at least it wasn't manned. This time anyway.

Lol yes messing with the code that drives thousands of cars in the US is totally fine.

No, they modified code in the manufacturing machines. Not the cars firmware.

Whoops. Thanks for clarifying. Thatā€™s what I get for commenting without reading.

And this is the interresting bit.

From a purely industry (IT) perspective....

Let's say I get wind that one of my 500 code contributers did something bad in the code.

I go, okay, the commits of this person get reset, we patch them over, we get back to the latest working version, while the people responsible for that sort of thing audit every line of code the guy wrote. I mean, fuck it, in an open source program, you cabn get volunteers to help you out.

That's what a version controll system is for. Shit, even your github can do this. All it takes is manpower to fix that.

However, think of this from a conspiracy angle. we have evidence of a couple of fires. that's the ONLY other thing that happened.

Would it be much of a stretch to suspect that if someone ENGINEERED those fires, instead of a state controlled federal bumblefuck investigation, you go, okay, this was industry espionage, chill, we got this? You present a patsee, he goes, ok, I admitted it....

because the idea that this is extremely bad? nope. Sad, but this is industry standard. Nothing to write home about.

You got the feds from taking too close of a look at your code, you got publicity, you get to print up that you are now making this many teslas....

Qui bono? Tesla.

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

Double conspiracy! Despite the numerous and terrible issues with this sub, it's the next-level skepticism that keeps me coming back.

see, I don't mind this. I just like seeing that people go over the accepted fact.

And if 99 people don't see a thing wrong with it, maybe the 100'st sees something wrong, because he has personal experience.

With me, I just fibnd it curious how this was phrased. you want to know? I maintain a few projects at work. If we found out that someone had injected code that made batteries go boom, I would promise you that I could within 4 days there would be an update that would roll back the dangerous code, to a pre-state that was not dangerous but still workable (let's say a few minor features are broken, but ok), and within a week, we would be up on going through all his committs, line by line, and making sure he has not injected something nefarious. And I say It straight out. My company is at best mid level, and the projects we are making are not small. if our code fails, maybe a few people have to stay longer, but that's it. I mean, our code is basically unimportant, big, and we can do 4 days, and all that happens when our code fails is "oh... well, I guess we will have to do it by hand. "

If you have a product where the battery can explode, the reasonable assumption would be to have a team which is well paid and has nothing else to do then jump in when shit goes down like this, and read code. Just to make sure there are not other surprises hidden.

With a dedicated specialised team, I cvould guarantee you even larger commit sets are not a problem.

If you now see how musk takes this..... it gives me a wrinkle.

I mean, just from the german perspective, if you say, sorry, industrial espionage, first thing is, you call it cyberterrorism, then you get aid from the people. Bump the minimum punishment for the fecker who broke the code up to a couple of years in prison, and you are good to go, cybersecurity unit looks good, yoiu look good, professional. If you are going internal, it is usually done to keep other people from looking at your code.

With one strange exception.

The project is open source. meaning everyone could have taken a look at the code.

Mind you, what I would have expected, is find the person who agreed to the contributer, slap him with conspiracy to commit terrorism , get the boys in blue to confiscate all his equipment, throw him in jail untill be breaks down and names names, and then go after the people. because the issue is, if the code don't work, it's sabotage. If the code don't work and it causes batteries to explode, it's terrorism. And of course you would be more then willing to work with the feds to ensure even the computers and internal files of the people who paidf him are checked , because if you can slap like general electric with a charge of cyberterrorism....

IF you play it down..... it don't fit the picture.

This is like motherfucking Shadowrun. Our cyberpunk future has arrived.

There's not even any cool gator shamans or body augs or sweet matrixes for me to jack into. This cyberpunk future SUCKS and im TIRED OF IT.

2 more years to get ready chummer

I swear we really are living in a cyberpunk dystopia now. Homeless people are former engineers put out of a job my the machines they helped to create, setting up charging and WiFi stations near bridges and canals, huddling together in camps.

clicks shadowrun install button on steam

Big 3 tried to take Tesla on in court and lost. Now they resulted to sabotage.

It's like the Tucker 2.0

Or, this is a false flag to railroad his workforce by creating the perception of a nonexistent threat so that he can take further measures to suppress the labor rights of his employees, including their right to organize/unionize. Elon hates his workers just as much as any other capitalist and has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent their unionization, to the point where (last I heard) the NLRB was taking Tesla to court.

Preach on, Brother!

Unions are the worst thing to happen to industry. Itā€™s best to just let the free market do what it does and reward good employers with good employees why the terrible companies get hit with lawsuits. Union members donā€™t work as hard for more pay as right to work employees and this results in factories in union states have one tenth the work force of right to work states. And they caused the factory flight to third world countries. Iā€™m telling you because Iā€™ve seen this in action. Texas factories have more employees who work harder for less pay than Ohio factories, which is unionized. Itā€™s just what happens in the real world.

Unions are the worst thing to happen to industry. Itā€™s best to just let the free market do what it does and reward good employers with good employees while the terrible companies get hit with lawsuits.

Holy shit this is childlike level of naĆÆvetĆ©.

How about think about what Iā€™m saying instead of being condescending. You know you learn nothing from anyone when you think your already right before even hearing the opposing view point.

All of this is what happens in the real world when you try to make people do things. You make a factory owner pay employees a certain price, they will employ less employees. Or they will open factories in states or countries that donā€™t care. Then you donā€™t have any minimum-wage/entry level jobs, you ignorant fuck.

Dude stop with the fantasies and literally look around you.

Dude, work in sales for a large company and youā€™ll be able to travel to different states which have different laws and you will see for yourself. Or work in a factory in a union state or for a unionized company. Then see that companies plant in another state or over sees. Itā€™s common sense. You force employers to pay higher prices while also hindering their ability to fire said employees they will move to another satiate or country. It what has been happening for years.

They will move to another country regardless. Youā€™re just allowing others to abuse your fellow Americans for profits in the process. Keep on believing itā€™s unions that made producing in the US less popular lol

Factories are leaving China for Myanmar now and thatā€™s not because of unions

Itā€™s really sad to see just how indoctrinated you are into believing this even though you can easily find out that the average American worker has the short end of the stick.

So whatā€™re you suggesting? A race to the bottom to try and compete with labor costs abroad?

FYI there are states with at will employment and that didnā€™t stop companies from leaving.

How dare you. Iā€™ve worked in the industry. I know the realities both good and bad. To say that everyone is out to fuck over everyone else is terribly ignorant and profoundly insulting. You just have no idea how companies can box themselves into corners competing in the market place. SOME of them result to fucking over their work force. Of those companies, all of them get caught as people leave and become whistle blowers. Thatā€™s how you know about these civil rights violations in he first place. You are just a indoctrinated communist and no amount of facts will change your mind because you donā€™t want any of it to be true. Pick your battles. Fight the corrupt companies by boycotting them. Get the word out about their practices. Or sue if you can. But donā€™t burn down the whole house to kill a rat.

lol couldnā€™t read after ā€œhow dare you. I....ā€ this is the internet snowflake. Whatever follows must be delusional

I laughed out loud after I read ā€œhow dare youā€ fucking great

Better faggot?

Fuck out of here with your pointless criticisms. Tell me something useful or why even comment.

Just as a customer going to places that have union staff is miserable. You have all these lifers who are practically trying to get fired all the time and act like itā€™s a huge favor when they do their jobs.

Anecdotal evidence based on nonsense. Cmon are we seriously still using union busting propaganda from the 60s?

Just make up stuff if you run out of arguments I guess

I grew up poor. Iā€™ve worked a lot of jobs. Never for a union. They were fine. I think unions were great options when businesses were letting employees die and we didnā€™t have the other mediums of recourse like we have today.

Some of us are union workers but weā€™re all customers and when Iā€™m around union workers I have to treat them like children and worry about their emotions and get on their good side to get anything done. When someone does their basic job Iā€™m so grateful like itā€™s a miracle because it basically is. Why donā€™t we make the entire world like the DMV so we can all be miserable all the time except when weā€™re working and can act entitled and make others miserable.

Iā€™m a progressive at heart, but the nature of experiments in progress like business and academics is mostly idealistic failures that need to be learned from and losses minimized

The problem is incentives and freedom. I believe people should be free to organize unions, and businesses and customers free to move to more competitive markets which they are doing. The experiment achieved huge success in making the world safer for workers. Just like trains and horses made the world much faster, but Iā€™m still not going to ride a horse because it once served a purpose

there are many employees that are a great fit for their jobs and out work others, universally coworkers will hate them for making them look bad and will tell them to chill out. The best thing about free markets is it gives the hard working people an excuse to work even when all the lazy people around them want to hold them back. When you stifle peopleā€™s incentives you will breed the wrong culture and reward the lazy and punish the prolific.

I canā€™t come up with another first world country where people are impoverished while working two full time jobs. But seems to me the ā€œfree marketā€ doesnā€™t really benefit poor individuals.


And Iā€™m not saying that companies donā€™t use unethical business practices but they usually suffer for it. Walmart lost a lot of business, including mine, thanks to that. I know HEB (a Texas grocery chain) exploded in the wake of Walmart cutting quality. It also allowed WholeFoods to build an organic/natural goods market which Walmart could have afforded to compete with and beat them out of it had not gambled everything on bulk low prices which they aggressively negotiate for (no actually they demand for their business). This has caused them to close many super stores and move to neighborhood markets which have give or take 10 employees. Literally the market in action.

Oh yes Walmart is really in dire straits now

Oh boy, you live in a small town donā€™t you? Or youā€™re young and you already know everything. That explains it. Do you remember Kmart? Or Sears? SPOILER: Box stores are on the way out. You will see a lot of change in your life time.

Yeah because of online shopping and failure to adapt.

Walmart is still making insane profits so I fail to see where theyā€™re getting punished. And I believe we where talking about shitty workers rights and union busting.

I live in Miami 3 months a year FYI and the rest in the Netherlands and Shenzhen a few weeks a year. Maybe youā€™re the one that needs to see how these things function abroad to see just how fucked the situation in America is.

So you know all about working conditions in Hong Kong then and donā€™t see a problem? Or is it just American companies that need unions even though we have the largest middle class in the world. And you know that the Netherlands has the less industry than the Rhineland, not to mention the rest of Germany. Because of restrictive regulations. In fact, Spain is more attractive than the Netherlands to American companies. So if you work all over then how do you not see the difference in quality and choices of American products to even European product choices and prices of quality goods?? Ether your full of it or you have no idea whatā€™s going on around you.

In fact, Spain is more attractive than the Netherlands to American companies.


And ā€œlargest middle class in the worldā€ is a useless metric if you canā€™t afford quality education, healthcare or rent on it.

And donā€™t even start about quality of goods. Go to a Dutch supermarket once and youā€™ll be embarrassed of what passes as ā€œfoodā€ in the US. Not to mention quality regulations are significantly lower in the US.

Youā€™re clearly wearing propaganda tinted glasses so letā€™s just leave this because youā€™re not even bothering to use facts. I donā€™t even know what youā€™re trying to say regarding the Rhineland...

FYI Hong Kong is not Shenzhen so no I donā€™t really have first hand experience of the working conditions in Hong Kong.

It has a cheaper work force.

They also pay twice as much for the same product.

Iā€™m sure they have similar working conditions.

Good night. Glad we had this talk.

It has a cheaper work force.

They also pay twice as much for the same product. Who?

The Rhineland is the largest industrial center in Europe. Along with being a population center.

Your point being? They have exponentially better working conditions, buying power, upwards mobility and welfare state than the US.

Iā€™m sure they have similar working conditions. Similar to whom?

Youā€™re not making any sense dude

google in Amsterdam

They picked an aesthetic location not a cheap workforce location. Forget google and know that Frito Lay has factories, because this is about unions, outside of Madrid.

Super markets in the Netherlands sell you the same produce but packed with regulatory fees which double its price

Jesus dude. If your not going to read what I was responding to then why even comment???

to Whom?

HongKong and Shenzhen

They picked an aesthetic location not a cheap workforce location. Forget google and know that Frito Lay has factories, because this is about unions, outside of Madrid.

Clearly has no clue about the Dutch tax haven

Super markets in the Netherlands sell you the same produce but packed with regulatory fees which double its price

Clearly has no clue about the exponentially better quality control and ingredient control. Not to mention average consumer buying power is much higher so those price difference are negligible while you have access to much more nutritious food. No food desserts for poor populations here

Jesus dude. If your not going to read what I was responding to then why even comment???

Youā€™re the one coming up with assumptions and misrepresenting numbers dude

to Whom?

HongKong and Shenzhen

Hongkong is not Mainland China? Whatā€™re you trying to say?

What does tax haven have to do with labor costs?

What is more nutritious about meat? Meat is meat. And we pay half the price. And our FDA regulations are the world standard. So idk how you can have twice as good of ingredients but somehow the US has the largest Organic market.

You clearly donā€™t know what the argument is about. You just like arguing.

Shenzhen is immediately north and part of the HongKong MSA regardless of it being a special Administrative Region.

our FDA regulations are the world standard.

Haha dude just stop

God damn, I have to teach you every point.

FDA is the most influential. EFSA (European food safety authority) was created in 2002 and has been constantly criticized for over regulation and conflicts of interest.



In 2008, our country posted FDA employees in foreign countries including Belgium and the UK.

coincidentally forgets to mention stricter regulations on food additives in the EU

I said over-regulations. I didnā€™t forget that they have purity laws based off the German Purity laws. But we have a bigger Organic market by a long shot and thatā€™s because the free market found profit in selling non-additive foods and found ways to fund it without needing tax dollars. You are trying to defend your world view but itā€™s just not standing up to reality. Tough.

Iā€™ll leave you in your bubble, itā€™ll just burst in time anyway

Get a job. Youā€™ll learn.

Point made even further..

Most people have jobs kid

So why are you so thick?

This depends entirely on owners being greedy fucks and is a great argument for why capitalism is an unsustainable model. Labor is the reason these people can make money in the first place.

Labor is the reason these people can make money in the first place.

You're ignorant on how big boy money is really made it seems

Capitalism actively incentivizes paying workers as little as humanly possible. Only a fool would sit idly by and let that happen to themself instead of trying to earn a more reasonable salary.

I agree, Yet some people want regulations to do it for them so that all product cost go up. But thank god the well off have better buying power in socialist society and the not as well off are subsidized by the government. Because thatā€™s such a great market to pull yourself up from your bootstraps.

If you don't like workers unionizing, and you don't want government regulation to do it, how do you expect people to get a more fair salary? Threatening your boss with quitting usually doesn't work unless you're in a job that is hard to fill.

I never said we donā€™t need government regulations. The only thing we need to do is update the Fair Labor Standards act of 1938. Minimum wage should be increased to a livable standard but I think it should be parallel to property values. This has been universally done in states like California but that hurts the rural Californians business competitiveness because with lower rent and prices on goods, they have the same standard of living as others who may make more but pay more to maintain said standard of living. When it is raised to reflect the NYC standard of living it hurts small towns which may get paid less but keep more and spend less.

Also we probably should make American companies stay in America or face taxes/fines so they donā€™t just move to other countries.

Pretty sure that would be considered illegal stock manipulation and something he would not be stupid enough to try.

Musk tanks his stock whenever he opens his mouth. I didn't realize r/conspiracy worshipped this dunce. Seems counter-conspiratorial to trust a CEO.

How is Elon a "Dunce"?

Probably thinks drumpf is a moron

Tbh heā€™s not and thank fuck we have someone striving for an alternative to gasoline. The faster we say bye bye to oil and turn to renewable energy, the better the human race will be

I was just trying to use some common sense. Surely it is possible to have an opinion on whether or not this claim would be illegal if untrue without "worshiping" Musk. I honestly don't see how one has anything to do with the other.

Not likely that American auto would be engaged in this; the competition has done wonders in bringing these companies up to speed - its like coke and pepsi - the competition is necessary with the AV innovation.

Foreign companies, Chinese Automotive Development... they thrive on espionage.

American auto killed electric cars before.

Yes, they did.

GM also famously conspired to kill street cars in major cities across the USA, by buying the companies that owned and operated them, and then proceeded to shut them down. And they mostly succeeded.

It's one of the most blatant and well-documented (and verified) conspiracies to have ever gone down. So yea I wouldn't trust American Auto farther than I could throw them.

god, the story of what happened to tucker was so depressing. just imagine what cars would be like today without all that conspiracy to bring him down?

I wonder what ā€œfalse usernamesā€ means.

I imagine it's just users within their internal system. Everyone has a username and password to login to the system. Maybe the employee is in a position to create or login to other user accounts while updating code so that the system doesn't see it as his own updates.

The git commit email/username is what came to my mind first.

git commit --author fall-guy -am "feature: extract processing power from all active Tesla's just like Silicon Valley did with refrigerators"

It's a shame the season is already over.



Its these kinds of practices that keep humanity held back from its potential. because of such happenings, american transport infrastructure was held back 50 yrs when compared to asian countries. If these people win, well still be driving petrol cars by 2100.

keep humanity held back from its potential

What is humanity's potential? Where would things be if you were in charge?

I would be a wrathful god, this world needs a cleanse.

One person isn't humanity as a whole dummy

It's because you are a notorious troll (and not even a good one)

'The one who asks questions is an evil doer! Downvote those who ask questions!'

Shh now, go back to your basement

Actually, he's got a point. All the people in charge do are exploit, rape, and pillage the environment for their personal benefit. Is it human nature to create such societies, and history would end up repeating itself? Or could humanity actually achieve greater things?

Don't you find it a bit.. odd.. that he mentions the "Model 3" ramp up 3 times in the last few paragraphs. It may be a leap, but what if Elon is being a sneaky fuck and scapegoating some unsavory ex-employee (who may even remain nameless?), in order to both artificially increase public perception of Tesla's manufacturing schedule (in light of recent, negative reports on the matter) and to virally advertise through word of mouth? Maybe he wanted this email to get leaked (or was it released publicly?).

Tesla is on really really shaky ground at the moment. Their earnings report isnā€™t going to look good and there is a lot of executive uncertainty. One thing musk is great at is PR. It seems like heā€™s getting ahead of some bad reports. Itā€™s likely heā€™s not going to get out of this hole so heā€™s setting the groundwork on who to blame.

The fall of Tesla has been suspected since the solar city acquisition when rumors started floating from people who were seeing their books that they couldnā€™t figure out how Tesla was going to pull themselves above water. They had critical milestones to hit which couldnā€™t be missed and most of them werenā€™t even close to being on course.

Actually Tesla is very close to being profitable. Once they turn profitable any heat will be off of them. The stock is at near an all time high and keeps going higher.

Board just voted to keep him CEO June 6...they must have some confidence.

Most would think that without Elon Musk there would be no Tesla.

Most replacements wouldn't take on the level of risk he does. He has been right almost every goddamn time though (insert time travel elon conspiracy here) - so ya, anyone else and it wouldn't be the same company imho.

It's losing $200+ million each month, I don't think that is very close.

I don't think you understand economies of scale...

Honestly, for a big company that's not as bad as it seems. I worked for a tiny startup, only around 25 employees, and at our worst we were burning through nearly 2 million a month.

Their earnings report isnā€™t going to look good

Can you also tell me next weeks lotto numbers?

You do realize these things arenā€™t complete mysteries right? There are ways to analyze and get a feel for what to expect. We know they are behind on production and mysteriously cancelled their Home Depot contract

We know

Yes, but you actually DONT know what the earnings will look like. Hence my joke. You are taking an educated guess. Ever heard of an "unexpected" earnings result? I guess not.

Oh gotcha... I thought you were trying to dismiss my entire analysis because it's impossible to have any idea of what's going on unless you have hard proof and Elon himself whispering sweet Falcon 9's into my ear.

Yeah, I wasn't at all. I think you're 100% correct too, I was just being pedantic for some reason yesterday.

Have a good one!

Tesla has never hit a production target..ever. he will definately use this as an excuse on the next anayst call.

That's cause 'Elon Time' baby!

I think he's just bringing the attention back to the task at hand. It seems appropriate.

Pretty sure that would be considered illegal stock manipulation and something he would not be stupid enough to try.

Because he is the smartest guy in the room?

Great call. The 2 pieces of information would not naturally appear in the same communication.


It's not a good idea to piss off the guy THAT MADE HIS OWN FLAMETHROWER!

The suspect will probably be in a crate on the shuttle at the next launch, or in the trunk of the next Tesla shot into space.

The obvious reasons for code hijacking would be to steal it or to hack it.. the thieves just want to make money, the hackers want to cause chaos. Imagine millions of teslas around the world going haywire at once..

What I take away from this is that Musk REALLY wants everyone to know how many cars per week he is making.

He's rubbing it in to the short sellers.

time to buy tsla calls CHO CHO

I'd love to work for this guy lol

just a setup for the next fail reporting

I guess Tesla has their own modern day slugworth....

I hope more info comes out soon

wow fuck this. I'm not like a huge fan of Musk like some are but I do appreciate some of what he's been doing to try to help bring us into the future. I really like how big of an impact he and Tesla have had on renewable energy and making it more accessible and efficient. With that being said, I seriously hope nobody with a more sinister agenda than simple payback or crypto mining has compromised and damaged the company, it would be a terrible shame.

6 million shekels Israel is behind it

Iā€™m choosing this particular top-level comment to post this contrarian viewpoint, in a thread thatā€™s apparently all about ā€œElonā€ worship.


Fuck elon lol. Believing in him is like believing in George Soros as the evil mastermind

Damn this sub is full off bootlickers.

This guy sees the working class of America is useful idiots to further enrich him and create his legacy. Why anyone would give a shit about what he does is beyond me.

Eat the richšŸ˜‚ preach on Karl.

No just fuck Elon musk

I can hope/cheer for the success of electric cars, solar homes, interplanetary exploration, and high-speed underground transportation without loving the guy, being a bootlicker, or caring how rich he gets off it, do you not think?

None of those are even remotely dependent on him. Heā€™s just amazing at marketing making you think heā€™s the one whoā€™s going to achieve any of that.

this is reddit, Elon Musk is god around here.

Because he's the only one in the private sector making any real progress on space tech for non government use.

So a useless waste of money, the environment and resources for about 95% of the population.

I bet your ancestors were the dumbies making fun of the guy creating the first tool.

Musk think he so special because he make fire. Fire not special. Only 5 people like fire. U/chrmanyaki like being cold. Fire stupid. Wood better. No use fire to cook out parasites. Scare parasites away by yelling and banging wood together.

Aaaaand scene.

This is a direct result of him backing Trump and challenging the media.

From what weve seen in the FBI its not hard to blame this on Trump Derangement Syndrome.

People are very shortsighted when it comes to understanding Tesla. They are not a car company. They are not even a battery company.

They are an automated manufacturing company. They are gearing up to be the Amazon of manufacturing where they can make anything at a lower cost at a higher quality than anyone else on the planet within 10-20 years. A lot of people are threatened by this. They want Tesla to go bankrupt. Thing is, it wonā€™t. Intellectual property and intangibles are what investors and banks look at before anything in todayā€™s climate.

Excellent comment, seriously. Understanding the scale of all the companies he's involved with is very important.

The efficiency curve is being improved on constantly, which, considering the fact that they are all leading edge technology makes it pretty impressive.

Not only are they constantly inventing new methods of doing things, they are inventing things they need to do it...inventing more reliable and efficient manufacturing methods and like I said...accurately assessing the scale needed to operate at the levels being anticipated.

More important to understand how he is a tiny blip in the manufacturing game compared to any major player. A tiny tiny blip.

I wrote years ago that it is infinitely more difficulty for Tesla to scale than it is for a Toyota or VW to do an electric vehicle better than a Tesla.

Utter bollocks. They are years behind in global manufacturing, distribution and quality.

Toyota, Ford, Samsung, Foxconn, VW etc etc are miles and miles ahead and wonā€™t be caught.

Kodak once owned the home photography market. They were miles ahead and seemingly could not be caught. Where are they now?

The world changes. Things are shifting.

No, I work for automated manufacturing company. Tesla buys our products lmao.

Tesla buys steering parts from Mercedes too. I don't see that as disqualifying.

This is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read on reddit. Do you manufacture the light bulbs you use in your plant? What about the nuts and bolts? Do I even need to list more examples?

you clearly have no idea what Iā€™m talking about, have a nice day in la la land

This couldn't be farther from the truth. Tesla is FAR behind other companies when it comes to manufacturing.

Fuck overy single one of the fake ass haters in this sub. Good post, as usual.

It has a cheaper work force.

git blame should solve the case

I wonder who still thinks that large companies always play nice?

Pretty flabbergasted at the amount of shilling Tesla posts and news cause. There are a lot of big players upset about this companies success. I hope he finds out exactly who it was and blasts them publicly with evidence. The era of corporate sabatoge is over. The era of suppression of free energy and technological advancements which truly benefits mankind are over. Let the cockroaches be exposed to the light

Truthfully, I'm surprised it took this long for somebody to hit Tesla like this. Will follow the investigation with interest.

Musk got in trouble for taking too much salary for his ponzy scheme of a company. That explains the lay offs, the 'sabotage', and the cover up right there. Excuse for him to take a huge salary while the company will continue to lose investor money.

I donā€™t think you know what a ponzi scheme is. Plus ceos take insane salaries at a loss all the time this is par for the course.

But he was publicly criticized by his shareholders for it, saying he should be removed as CEO.

And it is exactly a Ponzi scheme. Investors your money into it with no chance of the company ever making a profit. People buy cars years in advance and the money is long spent, and then new investors pay for that car to made long after the fact. Money is constantly losing value, so what you paid years ago is now worth a lot more than the price of the car that you paid for. It's 100% a Ponzi scheme, but instead of the cash payouts being paid for by the new investors, it's the car that is worth considerably less than it was sold for years ago that is paid for by the new investors.

Theranos, all over again?

If I had to guess, the highly sensitive data is most likely future plans for the company. Elon Musk has so far shown no signs of increasing his monetary gain through insidious means.

Well trump did want to start a space force šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


If i had to place a bet I would say the info got sent to china

The full extent of his actions are not yet clear, but what he has admitted to so far is pretty bad. His stated motivation is that he wanted a promotion that he did not receive. In light of these actions, not promoting him was definitely the right move.

In light of these actions, not promoting him was definitely the right move.

However, there may be considerably more to this situation than meets the eye, so the investigation will continue in depth this week. We need to figure out if he was acting alone or with others at Tesla and if he was working with any outside organizations.

It's really kind of odd to announce that an investigation is taking place to see if he acted alone. This would simply give a heads up to anyone else involved to cover their tracks.

If you know of, see or suspect anything suspicious, please send a note to [email address removed for privacy] with as much info as possible. This can be done in your name, which will be kept confidential, or completely anonymously.

How is email, especially using your own account, anonymous? You would set up an ombudsman type system that allowed truly anonymous reporting. Which they probably already have like most corporations have to report corruption. Nearly every government contractor has to have a system like that in place.

Just a bizarre email. I am not positing any theory about it. Just pointing out the oddity.

This is a fucking ad.

Fuck musk hes a fan of Margaret thatcher the children snatcher.

I didn't know this but I wouldn't be surprised, he does seem to be anti-union.

Itā€™s Ā«Ā milk snatcherĀ Ā»

I'm sure it was "milk snatcher". unless I've missed a few headlines somewhere.

Lol yeah, my dad told me that caused hes from England but I always thought children snatcher was also used but either way I said it n im sticking to it.

Lol, fair enough :)

Is the the appropriate place to bet that somehow Israel is involved and/or the guilty parties turn out to be connected to the Jewish religion or heritage in some way?

Unfortunate the recent behavior of the state of israel quite horrible and untrustworthy, beyond the pale. So question must be asked.

It is I admit a theory, so we will test it by making predictions.

You're fucking retarded

This story is how they will explain the "unexpected" burn that will put the roadster in Mars orbit. Oops, didn't mean to.

his empire is crumbling down. desperate lies from a desperate man!

fuck you musk! your li-ion batteries are a fucking scam!

I grew up poor. Iā€™ve worked a lot of jobs. Never for a union. They were fine. I think unions were great options when businesses were letting employees die and we didnā€™t have the other mediums of recourse like we have today.

Some of us are union workers but weā€™re all customers and when Iā€™m around union workers I have to treat them like children and worry about their emotions and get on their good side to get anything done. When someone does their basic job Iā€™m so grateful like itā€™s a miracle because it basically is. Why donā€™t we make the entire world like the DMV so we can all be miserable all the time except when weā€™re working and can act entitled and make others miserable.

Iā€™m a progressive at heart, but the nature of experiments in progress like business and academics is mostly idealistic failures that need to be learned from and losses minimized

The problem is incentives and freedom. I believe people should be free to organize unions, and businesses and customers free to move to more competitive markets which they are doing. The experiment achieved huge success in making the world safer for workers. Just like trains and horses made the world much faster, but Iā€™m still not going to ride a horse because it once served a purpose

there are many employees that are a great fit for their jobs and out work others, universally coworkers will hate them for making them look bad and will tell them to chill out. The best thing about free markets is it gives the hard working people an excuse to work even when all the lazy people around them want to hold them back. When you stifle peopleā€™s incentives you will breed the wrong culture and reward the lazy and punish the prolific.

Has this been substantiated? I don't doubt that it happens, but this has all the makings of a false flag.

My theory? Unless he presses full charges then nothing happened. The employees working at these billionaire tech giants are brilliant employees who work for less than they should be pa is just for the glitz of working at the cutting edge/forefront of these companies.

Why even include the motivation and point out that they were right to not be promoted? If they had the access that high they could stay on and sell information. Unless the job was industrial sabotage.

I don't know, just struck me weird, "to everyone." Then a little comment about how he was smart not to promote or pay them. Arguable.

I was just thinking this last night.. the way the news picks up Tesla fires like they're impacting absolutely everyone is a little too uncanny. Like they NEED us to believe they're dangerous

It was Al-Qaeda, they want to know how to make a car burst into flames.

It looks like a corporate espionage.

ā€œWe didnā€™t promote him, he retaliated, his retaliation is why we shouldnā€™t have promoted himā€

Sort of like ā€œI punched him first and he punched me back. Since he punched me it was clearly justified that I punched him.ā€

Nothing like that

Yeah, no. Thatā€™s a terrible analogy. Musk was saying his retaliatory actions are clear indications of his work ethic and show that he was right to not promote him.

  • I worry about that dude. That Elon. Like bro, what's going? What's really going on?

Faking cars in space for one.

They sabatoged themselves. Who performed the investigation? This reads like PR for a company that was behind schedule, losing money and needed a strawman.

Finally something to upvote on r/conspiracy.

Maybe someone doesn't want him mucking about in space.


Dear Elon, please stop f****** over all your employees.


testing for ban breadth...

Fucking douche bag thief!

Heā€™s going to be on jre and I hope he talks bout this mess

Tesla is little different from other car manufacturers in terms of how they approach the concept of "owning" your vehicle. They have some pretty nefarious and IMO unethical business practices.

Any bets on suspect being an H1B?

Could be a case of karma.

I've heard this guy is Jobs 2.0.

Quoting the article:

In 2016, after a SpaceX rocket exploded while being fueled up before an engine test, Musk and SpaceX COO and President Gwynne Shotwell also looked into the possibility of sabotage.

Why though? Tesla can't even be bothered to make an affordable sedan.

It ain't till tomorrow!! That's ok, thanks for reminding me..gives me time to get cake.....and ice cream...and I'll think of something else.

I imagine it's just users within their internal system. Everyone has a username and password to login to the system. Maybe the employee is in a position to create or login to other user accounts while updating code so that the system doesn't see it as his own updates.


Tesla is a luxury brand. Theyre not trying to appeal to the kia and hyundai market

Most replacements wouldn't take on the level of risk he does. He has been right almost every goddamn time though (insert time travel elon conspiracy here) - so ya, anyone else and it wouldn't be the same company imho.

Gary Webb?

So you know all about working conditions in Hong Kong then and donā€™t see a problem? Or is it just American companies that need unions even though we have the largest middle class in the world. And you know that the Netherlands has the less industry than the Rhineland, not to mention the rest of Germany. Because of restrictive regulations. In fact, Spain is more attractive than the Netherlands to American companies. So if you work all over then how do you not see the difference in quality and choices of American products to even European product choices and prices of quality goods?? Ether your full of it or you have no idea whatā€™s going on around you.

From what weve seen in the FBI its not hard to blame this on Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Yes.. he had his patents stolen.. No one made enough noise about that..They must have all been suicided into silence..

Fuck elon lol. Believing in him is like believing in George Soros as the evil mastermind

I can hope/cheer for the success of electric cars, solar homes, interplanetary exploration, and high-speed underground transportation without loving the guy, being a bootlicker, or caring how rich he gets off it, do you not think?

see, I don't mind this. I just like seeing that people go over the accepted fact.

And if 99 people don't see a thing wrong with it, maybe the 100'st sees something wrong, because he has personal experience.

With me, I just fibnd it curious how this was phrased. you want to know? I maintain a few projects at work. If we found out that someone had injected code that made batteries go boom, I would promise you that I could within 4 days there would be an update that would roll back the dangerous code, to a pre-state that was not dangerous but still workable (let's say a few minor features are broken, but ok), and within a week, we would be up on going through all his committs, line by line, and making sure he has not injected something nefarious. And I say It straight out. My company is at best mid level, and the projects we are making are not small. if our code fails, maybe a few people have to stay longer, but that's it. I mean, our code is basically unimportant, big, and we can do 4 days, and all that happens when our code fails is "oh... well, I guess we will have to do it by hand. "

If you have a product where the battery can explode, the reasonable assumption would be to have a team which is well paid and has nothing else to do then jump in when shit goes down like this, and read code. Just to make sure there are not other surprises hidden.

With a dedicated specialised team, I cvould guarantee you even larger commit sets are not a problem.

If you now see how musk takes this..... it gives me a wrinkle.

I mean, just from the german perspective, if you say, sorry, industrial espionage, first thing is, you call it cyberterrorism, then you get aid from the people. Bump the minimum punishment for the fecker who broke the code up to a couple of years in prison, and you are good to go, cybersecurity unit looks good, yoiu look good, professional. If you are going internal, it is usually done to keep other people from looking at your code.

With one strange exception.

The project is open source. meaning everyone could have taken a look at the code.

Mind you, what I would have expected, is find the person who agreed to the contributer, slap him with conspiracy to commit terrorism , get the boys in blue to confiscate all his equipment, throw him in jail untill be breaks down and names names, and then go after the people. because the issue is, if the code don't work, it's sabotage. If the code don't work and it causes batteries to explode, it's terrorism. And of course you would be more then willing to work with the feds to ensure even the computers and internal files of the people who paidf him are checked , because if you can slap like general electric with a charge of cyberterrorism....

IF you play it down..... it don't fit the picture.

Lol yeah, my dad told me that caused hes from England but I always thought children snatcher was also used but either way I said it n im sticking to it.