Calling it now, this Space Force talk is setting the stage for a false flag "Alien Attack"

1  2018-06-19 by NYC_Subway

Trumps plan to create a Space Force branch within the military is really the beginning of another carefully crafted 9/11 type event. We have always had a Space Force since probably the 60's yet they chose to announce its existence now because this "Space Force" will be the agency who will disclose the false alien attack to the public. It will be all over the news because it will be the 1st ever government declaration that we are not alone.


I believe either its to further advance the "there is no God, just aliens" psyop (closely related to the dinosaur psyop). Or to unite the country, diverting attention away from the satanic pedophile elites. Or maybe they will show us a real levitating ship, but I guarantee you it will not be of alien origin.


satanic pedophile elites

Satanic pedophiles are not elite.

This is the second outsider republican president to immediately want some kind of space defense platform. Maybe it is nothing, but it is interesting.

It's not "nothing" no matter how you slice it. There should be no doubt that the military industrial complex would be eager to install a new revenue stream. The MIC angle is enough of a reason for this topic to be of interest to us here even without even considering the fact that people have been talking about a possible false flag attack blamed on aliens for years.

It worked in Watchmen

There is a simpler explanation. It could be that enemy nations have or will have the capability to wipe out American satellites en masse. That would have profound ramifications for the military and the country. Imagine America trying to go to war with no GPS or imaging or whatever the hell else.

The simplest explanation being the most likely, I agree.

I do not think there will be an alien attack.

A sneak attack, from some other country. It will be just like Pearl Harbor, where they know what's coming... and let it happen on purpose.

Now here's where it gets interesting. Why?

Because space is different than the surface of the Earth or even the oceans. Space is infinite and it's 3D. So if you get to space first and establish a dominant position, it's the same as being in control of the entire world (above a certain altitude).

Space is the ultimate high ground.

They have the highground? Attack anyway, it's just lava!

Jokes aside.

You're probably right, but why an attack from another country... finish off whatever cities/countries you want gone and then have "War of the Worlds" where the "aliens" just drop dead... (cause you engineered them that way :p) then your friendly neighbourhood religion that believes in aliens can step in and be the one true faith (there are two take your pick)

It will be just like Pearl Harbor, where they know what's coming... and let it happen on purpose.

can you link a resource for me to learn about this?

Username checks out

Neither does op

Ever read Watchmen by Alan Moore?

The ending is different in the film.

The difference is significant, as is the book in general.

Will anybody bother to read?

Probably not.


Book by occultist Alan Moore openly reveals the fake alien hoax agenda, which is used to unify the lemming masses of the world into one cohesive community.

Book turned into film, film's ending is changed to make it a fake nuke attack.

Book reveals hideaway for 'artists' and other people to help engineer the propaganda.

Film does not include this part of the story.

[NOTE: 'occult' does not imply evil or bad. Moore is actually an enlightened guy. He also wrote V for Vendetta. Want to know more about these topics and more? PM me.]

One of the best videos I have watched about Alan Moore is called "The Author who tried to end the world."

I highly suggest it.

Cool username. Cheers.

Watchman seemed pretty much stolen from The Illumitus Trilogy IMO

Can you explain your case?

The whole general predicament and also the narrative technique; the whole constant jumping/switching scenes with the dialogue providing a link between them. Also both the endings were pretty silly.

Will anybody bother to read?

Probably not.

Why does every comment you make have to be so pretentious. How about you just type out what happens instead of bragging about how you have the ability to read. Watchman isn't even that obscure you fuck.

Why are you so mad all the time?

Because you are the most infuriating vague troll on this subreddit. I have never really been able to figure out what kinds of conpiracy guy you are tbh. I have thought flat earther for a while but not sure.

What are your beliefs anyway? Like the exact beliefs of what is happening in the world. Who, what and why. Maybe without asking vague open ended questions

That’s what I’m saying. 99% percent of his comments are just mysterious questions that don’t make any sense.

From what I’ve gathered he seems to believe everything happening on the world stage is all just a show and all of it is orchestrated. I think he has a weird thing with history all being false too. He also doesn’t think there were any planes on 9/11 I think.

That was the first thing I thought too. Lmao

He is on a different level of woke than most 3d plane entities Voltaire fake North korea fake 9/11 planes fake Stephen hawking fake

He is actually John Le Bon and here to promote his videos and website. These comments are supposed to make him look smart so then you pay him $20/mo for his website. He doesn't believe in literally anything and calls himself the "world's leading skeptic"... he does not believe in anything from atoms, to molecules, to evolution, to the moon, the sun, the stars, space, nuclear power, satellites, gravity, dinosaurs, all of history, missiles, all mass casualty events, all wars, etc are all fake...

His standard of evidence is he has to see something with his own eyes... but you cannot just show him and old book, or fossil, he literally has to have been there to see the dinosaur walking around.

So even if you have a radioisotope dating curve that you can extrapolate back to get an estimate of age that is not good enough for him because:

a) atoms dont exist cause he cant see them

b) radiation/ radioactive decay doesn't exist cause he hasn't seen it

c) just because it behaves this way now doesn't mean it worked that way even a second before you starting measuring.

Also if he does not get the science or maths it must be fake... and given his lack of education and maths/ science knowledge that is most things.

Also if he does not get the science or maths it must be fake... and given his lack of education and maths/ science knowledge that is most things.

Summed him up perfectly there. The fact that he is subreddit famous for being such a fuckwit is pretty funny though.

If you go to his website, he actually call himself "the world's greatest skeptic". I wouldn't mind if he wasn't out to promote his pay walled website and content without disclosing it as his and was not such an ass about his interactions.

We wouldn't be ok with the new york times or buzz feed trying to promote their own content by posing a redditors, why is this ok.

Also he is so condescending and arrogant but then, and this hilarious, made a post about how being a conspiracy theorists has made him humble.

If he was out to have a discussion or debate people fine, but he never adds anything to the discussion either... he already is banned from cryptocurrency reddits, just for some reason his behavior is tolerated here.

So even if you have a radioisotope dating curve

You do not have this.

When asked for evidence, all you do is make appeals to authority.

Which is totally cool, I don;t really care, just be honest about it.

He also thinks that nukes and space are fake as well


What are your beliefs anyway? Like the exact beliefs of what is happening in the world. Who, what, why. Maybe without asking vague open ended questions

Can you please reveal this one ? Like what is your personal cosmology of existence?

My take on this matter is remarkably similar to the one put forward by the world's leading skeptic.

See here.

Basically the tl;dr is this:

We have senses which can be used to gather and verify empirical evidence. The prevailing cosmology (spinning ball earth) involves dismissing our own senses, and deferring to authority. If we have the gumption to think for ourselves (and not be in the majority), then we will instead trust our own senses. Our senses tell us that that the sky moves as though it were spherical, plane flights only work on a spherical model, and we feel no spin.

So flat earth then? What type of flat earth? Guessing you think a god made all of this. and what about the filament that too?

So flat earth then?

Clearly not. Just read my post again, this time while taking a deep breath :)

Our senses tell us that that the sky moves as though it were spherical, plane flights only work on a spherical model, and we feel no spin.

What does that passage even refer to. Except making vague reference to how the you cant feel the spin. I am not as enlightenment as you sorry master.

put forward by the world's leading skeptic.

Jon you cant compliment yourself in third person, thats just weird.

Hilarious that he referenced himself in third person as the "world's leading skeptic". What a piece of work... its not just a compliment, he has given himself a title...

world's leading skeptic

Its even weirder that is bragging about not having nuance for any individual issue and just calls everything fake. Its just lazy and he thinks it makes him enlightened,

I think he is just incredibly ignorant, under-educated, arrogant, and unable to understand abstract concepts, complex abstracts and concepts that might require some level of expertise, intelligence and knowledge base to understand...

My take on this matter is remarkably similar to the one put forward by the world's leading skeptic.

I’ll admit, this raised a smile ;-)

we feel no spin.

Why would you expect to feel it?

There are long sections of Japan’s Shinkansen railway system that are so smooth, the rails so evenly laid, that it’a possible to trick your senses into believing the scenery outside is being projected onto the window.

Until you hit a bump, or a curve. The change in acceleration is what brings you back to reality.

In the conventional spinning ball earth model, the earth’s acceleration is constant, it doesn’t change.

So why would you expect to feel the spin, and more importantly, why would you suggest not feeling it supports a fixed ball Earth model?

There are long sections of Japan’s Shinkansen railway

Is this railway analogous to the earth?

Is an occupant of that train analogous to a person standing in a field?

Yes to both.

The key point of the analogy is that although the occupant is certainly moving, he only notices when that motion changes.

If train motion stays calm and consistent, as it often does on the Shinkansen, our occupant could fool his senses into believing he isn’t moving.

I’ve done this myself, it’s a little spooky.

The motion of the spinning ball Earth is perfectly calm and consistent, better than any Shinkansen train could ever achieve.

Although earth’s supposed rotational speed is fast by ground speed standards (several hundreds of miles per hour, depending on latitude), that movement covers a large, smooth radius of curvature (several thousand miles).

This explains why we don’t feel rotation. The rate of change of motion is simply too small to sense.

Yes to both.

I disagree. We are therefore at an impasse.

This will happen form time to time.

Fair enough.

Why do you think the analogy doesn’t apply?

From what I’ve gathered he seems to believe everything happening on the world stage is all just a show and all of it is orchestrated. I think he has a weird thing with history all being false too. He also doesn’t think there were any planes on 9/11 I think.

This is an accurate summary of some of my opinion, yes.

Notice his posts.

They are one of the several things:

1) John Le Bon videos, blogs, or podcasts including john le bon... he is John Le Bon, he is here to promote his content. He spams the same content because most of his content is behind a paywall for $20/mo on his website where he bills himself as the world's leading skeptic.

He does not believe in anything from atoms, to molecules, to evolution, to the moon, the sun, the stars, space, satellites, gravity, dinosaurs, all of history, missiles, all mass casualty events, all wars, etc are all fake... for something to be real he a) has to understand it b) has to see it. Since he is poorly traveled, under educated and arrogant this means he thinks very few things are real.

2) Gustave Le Bon content and John Tyler Gato links. These are his heroes. He thinks he is some intellectual heir to gustave le bon and John taylor gato and is influencing the minds of people using crowd psychology to wake up people to his genuis sketpicism ... he actually is kind of an antisocial walking example of the dunning krugger effect...

3) Aggressive, vague, condescending comments. Moves goal posts, nitpicks, demands unattainable evidence while providing non himself or presenting some vague random videos as evidence. This is to a) show his genuis so you subscribe to his content b) because he thinks he is influencing you using crowd psychology.

4) Antisemitic, misogynist, anti-psychiatrist/ medical doctor, aanti-marijuana. These seem personal. He is angry at women who he sees as out to steal men's money and sees marriage and relationships as ways to control men... against weed for some reason... dislikes jews... and hates psychiatrist... also seems personal.

Notice his posts.

clearly people do.

I am living in several heads rent-free right now.

The best part is that, eventually, some of you will put aside your dislike of my persona, and actually take the time to look into one (or more) of the topics I am discussing.

For example, I know that deep down you also wonder about 'history'. You wonder how we could possibly know what was happening 2,000 years ago. And you want to know: is it possible that we are being deceived yet again?

In time you will see I am your friend, not your enemy.

My real enemies are in my own mind, friend. And so are yours.

I am living in several heads rent-free right now.

skims quietabandon’s posting history

Holy cow. You’re practically the deed holder...

Why are you so mad all the time?

Because you are the most infuriating vague troll on this subreddit. I have never really been able to figure out what kind of conspiracy guy you are tbh. I have thought flat earther for a while but not sure.

What are your beliefs anyway? Like the exact beliefs of what is happening in the world. Who, what, why. Maybe without asking vague open ended questions

It is my opinion that S2TJ thinks that everything that others have supporting facts/evidence for is wrong and that thinking something is possible is more correct than having evidence that it is possible.

It is my opinion that S2TJ thinks

I am not so sure there to be honest.

People get upset at me for asking questions.

It is strange when you think about it.

It is strange when you think about it.

No it isn't because you ignore the answers and sometimes act like the question has never been answered before.

Yeah it's hard to read this sub without stumbling onto his comments. He'll rarely state his beliefs because he has no evidence for his beliefs. Doing so exposes his hypocrisy. He has the good sense of questioning evidence, but that's all he has intellectually, he's like a one trick pony. He cherry picks information to support his world view and to support his paid website. The thing is some of his ideas are interesting, but he's so hypocritical, dogmatic, and has such double standards that it's important to see his comments in context of who he is in terms of on this sub.

If you aren't aware, he abuses the socratic method of questioning only to disprove others (argument for argument's sake) and yet usually can't put forward his own beliefs because he knows he can only link back to his own website, random youtube videos without primary evidence. So he can only argue from ignorance, and use fantasy projection, two major logical fallacies.

The ironic thing is he uses the same tactic and has the same dogmatic binary thinking that the people and institutions he criticizes use as well. He just doesn't even see it with his blinders. It's a shame because he could add to many topics if he wasn't so conditioned.

I agree with everything except the conditioning and that he has something to add. Its no conditioning, Its arrogance and ignorance. He literally never concedes a point even when clearly wrong. People who think they are never wrong usually don't add much to discussion which is predicated on exchange of information and give and take.

He literally never concedes a point even when clearly wrong.

Can you give a single example?

Nukes are real. History is real. Earth is a globe. Atoms exist.

But Step my man, if you have made significant scientific discoveries such as being able to disprove the existence of nuclear fission or molecules you should publish your research in a peer reviewed setting and receive your Nobel peace prize for revolutionizing science.

Unless your only evidence is vague opened ended world salad followed by a link your paid website

Nukes are real. History is real. Earth is a globe. Atoms exist.

Those are your beliefs. And you are entitled to them.

But you do not 'rpvoe somebody wrong' by simply restating your opinions.

You ignored the rest of the comment. If you have made significant scientific discoveries and can reveal all of modern science/history as a hoax you should probably publish your new physics. Will you do that though? Or just link to your web$ite?

you should probably publish your new findings


Not behind a paywall. Also you have to prove your accretions not just throw shit on other ones. If you can prove the earth is flat please link your best evidence.

Also you have to prove your accretions


Do it then. Give me your best evidence. Just anything.

Also wow a typo wow you got me. *assertions

This guys just a useless troll, he really has no validation for his beliefs but himself. You cant tell him hes wrong because that's just his belief.

But if you don't concede it even when you are clearly wrong, you won't accept any example I give you because you think you are infallible. You have previously stated that you are almost never wrong...

The thing is some of his ideas are interesting

So why not focus on the good, rather than the bad?

Why shoot the messenger rather than pondering the message?

Because the ideas that are interesting have been better articulated by others and have not been handicapped by your hypocrisy, negativity, and binary thinking.

Even Piers Morgan has said things that are interesting. Doesn't make him interesting.

Still you focus on the messenger rather than the message.

You are missing out on the beauty of pondering.

What's your evidence that I'm missing out?

Your posting habits. wonder you can arrive at the beliefs that you have. But carry on.

So why not focus on the good,

You have never extrapolated on your views and no one with any brain cells wants to pay to get access to your shitty website.

More madness. Why be mad?

Because you have never extrapolated on your views

You need to work on reading comprehension you dont understand why people get annoyed at you here.

I'm onboard with you up until the "why"

The why is that there is a need for a national crisis to justify martial law. At first thought, I did not see this happening until there is a reduction in the number of firearms available (to the public) within the United States. But, if time is running out, and people are not yet begging to turn in their weapons in light of the pace of mass shootings, it could happen sooner than later.

My assumption was that an ebola outbreak within the United States was going to be the trigger for martial law, but a perceived alien attack would serve just as well.

Trump is going to incite his supporters into civil uprisings once the fire from Mueller's investigation gets too hot. That's whats going to cause martial law.

Its obvious hes trying to build things up to that boiling point.

The general public currently owns over half a billion legal guns. I dint think that is really a goood basis to go off of personally.

And martial law is hard to establish in this country. Even during the civil war it was deemed unconstitutional. As long as we have civilian courts that can function they cant really do it.

Plus inhonestly dont think theres many servicemembers that would participate knowing the types of people I served with combined with a stronger sense of individuality in the military blind obedience to orders is no longer a thing. Soldiers bitch and moan about anything you tell them to do. Its why I got out. Why my dad retired. And why my brother is getting out. Since about 2008 theres been a shift in the quality of new soldiers coming out if basic.

So based on those experiences I cant see martial law working.

I am going to stay positive on this one and think it's a step towards disclosure. Once people think we are protected then the shock of knowing we aren't alone won't be so bad. I think The War of the Worlds crisis was a psyop on the American people to see how they would react to the knowledge of other life in the universe. People failed and freaked out thinking the world was going to end. So we were deemed not worthy of the info. Now people will feel protected and the reaction will be less of a shock.

But the War of the Worlds broadcast begins with the aliens attacking humans. What kind of a test is that?

The War of The Worlds broadcast was listed in the newspaper radio guide. There was also an intro and outro to the show from Mercury Theatre. I'm sure the reports of people freaking out were radically overblown by the mainstream media of the era.

Lol even with a space force I give humanity a 1% chance of winning a intergalactic war without also nuking ourselves into dust.

"Disclosure is coming! Here it comes!" Since 1960

"Disclosure" is a psy-op. So is alien tech. Fallen angel tech however...

Amazingly, Donald Trump was the President when disclosure happened.

Sure, we’ve all seen disclosure before (atleast those of us that have been paying attention).

But once Trump became President, we have the Pentagon, or at least people associated with the Pentagon, straight up admit that there are UFOs that we can’t explain.

I think that before he leaves office, 911 will be on the table.

Giuliani is his lawyer, hes not touching 9/11

Is this that same Rudy that was NY governor or something of the sorts?

Mayor of NYC on 9/11

Or he thought it was going to be a big enough, futuristic enough announcement to take eyes off what's happening at the southern border.

Which, conveniently, also gives them a nice little black hole in the budget, that money can be siphoned in to, but which nobody truly believes will ever come to fruition.


6 million people that voted Obama swung to Trump.

Atleast 6 states that Obama won in the last election swung to Trump.

That isn’t racism.

That means that the status quo is dead.

That means that whatever racist, xenophobic, sexist bullshit the left has been selling is false.

That means the system is fundamentally false.

That's literally nothing to do with what I commented...

nah this is soft disclosure of the secret space programs

Dinosaur psyop? And why would they want to prove that God doesn't exist? Religion is the government's greatest asset to keeping the population dumb.

I don’t know what the Dino psyop is but I think they might be switching up their strategy.

Because Lucifer actually controls the world government, religions, media, education, and all institutions. He just wants you to burn in hell forever. That's why.

Repent and believe this to avoid;

1Co 15:1  Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 

1Co 15:2  By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 

1Co 15:3  For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 

1Co 15:4  And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 

More like the idea of Lucifer controls the people who worship him.

Oh god. Some days I forget that people actually believe this shit

1Co_1:18  For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

I just feel bad for people so fearful of the unknown as to need a fairy tale to define their reality and to help them sleep at night. Hate to break it to you, those verses you're clinging so dearly to were written by human beings, and they mean nothing.

Have you read into the whole Empress Theresa book fiasco? Some dude wrote a horrible book and violently defended it from terrible online reviews by using quotes from his book. It’s a really interesting vignette into that type of mindset.

Don't worry we are entering an era where you will realize that all these "crazy" religious ppl were actually right all along. Weather we know it or not, we have been in a battle against dark forces since our inception.

Whatever helps you sleep at night in the face of reality that you don't want to face


religion is a tool to control man, but doesnt refute that God actually exist.

Religion was only effective in countries and times when it encouraged submission to authority. In the current US and many other democracies, religion promises a morality and authority that is higher and more important than the State. This is unacceptable to those in power, of course. Remove religion, and humans--biologically no different from our tribal ancestors--will seek out direction and alpha authority from the State rather than a spititualized alpha figure, I.e. God.

Elites have been using belief to manipulate their supporters way too much in recent years for me to ever believe that they would want us to think otherwise

We give them fucking tax free status...

Just look a the current US for people not doing that. Sessions is saying that he's following the Bible and that's why he supports separating families a the border.

and that's why he supports separating families a the border.

congrats for making this a partisan discussion. good job. good job.

slow claps

I was just trying to point out that that was already happening in the US because leaders pander to those that claim to be deeply religious.

ah, gotchya.

[Insert quote about people's goodness blinding them to the evils of this world.]

Religion keeps people good ('blind') and divided. But I see what you're saying too.

Like that blind pastor, Martin Luther King Jr.

Wait what’s the dinosaur psyop

dinosaurs arent real, they were first discovered in the late 1800s and its only usually scientist that go out looking for them that seem to find them, all bones in museums are faked.

Wow. That's probably the stupidest thing I've ever heard. But I'll wait for some of the comments I get from saying that and that will probably change.

it actually makes a bit of sense when you read the posts on it. not 100% convinced but open minded

Reminds me of the Bill Hicks fundamental christian bit. around the 1:55 mark

You do not belong in this sub

Jeezus Krist - I hate these kinds of comments.

One does not have to deny scientific evidence to be in this sub. Also, one does not have to subscribe to every single nuttyass conspiracy to be in this sub.

Actually, I'd tend to agree with you. Dinos existed in my opinion. When they lived and how they died, however, probably has a different answer than what we were taught growing up.


its a psyop- to make you question the age of the earth creatures that may have existed, furthering the goal of evolution etc..

And what goal is that?


I’m saying, what’s the end goal of evolution. Are you saying the theory of evolution is a psyop as well?

I believe evolution is a psyop it takes creation away from God and substitutes it with a random explosion that created the entire universe down to the smallest strand of DNA so perfectly.. there is absolutely no evidence of creatures evolving over time we would have fossils or creatures beginning to change or evolve over the millennia if evolution was real.

Wait you think the conspiracy is that people are trying to hide the existence of god??? Not that man created god as a means of keeping us in check?

Let me ask you this, where do we come from? because science says matter can't be created or destroyed.

It's alright not to know. Just because we don't know the answer doesn't mean the first book we find trying to explain it is correct.

Correct its okay to be doubtful and as such you should question each and every theory evolution included. People try to defer to evolution because the unknown is to scary for them to handle. Now evolution in itself has never been proven, when you start to question it you'll see its an inorganic movement

You could replace the word "evolution" with the word "god" in that statement and it's even more accurate.

Interesting that you use the laws of science to make a point but if I qere to respond with "Evolution" you'd probably scoff

i use science as it sounded like you didnt have a stance on if God was created by man or not so i used something which you might find more credilbe. honestly i wont scoff at anything someone tells me if i dont agree.

Where does god come from? Nothing? Your god is bullshit just like everyone's god. Magic is not real, bible is full of bullshit (like god, talking snakes, talking donkeys, people living inside of whales, people being born of virgins and apocalypses) and religion is the root of all evil.

inb4 oh my godi god is eternal he's the lil pus called jesusarina omg god pls don't burn thru eternity ur so lovable omg goddy lmao

hey man, leave all that hate and hostility at the door, dont reply to my comment with your hate speech cause you want so desperately for him to not exist.

How can I hate an idea? Lmao dude, you're literally screaming "no don't use logic cause my religion doesn't allow it because if I do I realize how bullshit it is so I'll call it hate".

Maybe I'm being anti semitic lol.

> no evidence of creatures evolving over time we would have fossils or creatures beginning to change or evolve over the millennia if evolution was real.

have you ever heard of darwin's finches?

I am unaware, please inform me about them

Tl;dr (I believe this is accurate but still look it up on your own) On the Galápagos Islands, a very secluded string of islands, over the course of years Darwin was able to observe first hand the shift in population of birds of the same species; specifically that over time the majority of their beaks seemingly changed shape. This was because the birds with a random mutation for a specific beak shape were able to obtain the food they needed to survive, so anything without that mutation was less able to eat, and didn't have as high of a survival rate, diminishing the populations gene pool of the genes for their beak. Natural selection.

in 1831 during the second voyage of the HMS beagle darwin collected a bunch of birds of the galapagos islands. When he returned in 1837 he gave the bird specimens to John Gould a ornithologist noted that all the finches captured where of different species but very closely related. The finch which at one point in time had migrated from the south american mainland to the galapagos and thanks to the isolation of said islands and the slightly different biome of each galapago island the finch through survival of the fittest evolve to adapt better to the different diets available. The original mainlander finch being a ground dwelling seed eating finch turned into 14 different species of which 3 would stay ground welling seed eaters, 3 would live in cactuses and eat seeds, one tree dwelling and eat seeds and 7 would become tree dwelling and insect eaters

Thank you for the info, i will look more into this

doubt it, religion stops you from actually thinking rationally. Just leave jesus for mythologies, he's done nothing because he is nothing but a story.

Religion is a man made construct, the bible doesnt speak on religion. Man made religion not God. Man corrupted religion dont confuse the two

Man created religion and created your idea of god. Both are based on ignorance.

Do you actually believe that a god living in the skies (which is already ridiculous since we no longer need religion to know what's above the sky lmao) wrote a mythological book containing talking snakes, creation of the universe in 7 days, talking donkeys, apocalypses, people turning water into wine lmao, people being born of virgens or walking above water lmao by putting thoughts and dreams into this dimension on people's head? LMAO

But let's discontruct your comment and see religius minds work:

Religion is a man made construct, the bible doesnt speak on religion.

So the bible was miraculously written in magical rocks? Yeah, makes sense - for a religious person.

Man made religion not god.

Hmmmm, but incredibly all gods are made of people's beliefs. Zeus, Osiris, Allah, jesus, yahweh. All bullshit. You and I are both atheists, I'm just atheist towards one god more than you.

Man corrupted religion dont confuse the two

So man is more powerful than god's powers? Or god just doesn't give a fuck? Or the ol' grand uncle LUCIFER YOUR LORD AND FATHER beat god but god will beat him in the end but not really but yes really so it doesn't matter? Hahahahah

lmaoo man you soul is lost, i wont even bother to have a back and forth with you, there os no middle ground you made your choice, but know all will see him and answer to him. You enjoy the rest of you day troll.

Yeah, one day I might see something about one god that might exist and might show up when I die since there won't be any trace that mythology exists in reality.

Haha please try to answer my comment from before, it'd be funny since you haven't actually read because it defies your beliefs with logic and you know that no logic in the world will back up the belief in the absurd.

I really don't understand what he's on about. Wouldn't it be easier to create a psyop concerning God as to further strengthen people's faith and recruit others? Then they'd believe anything an evangelical told them.

I think the goal is to not have any religion.

Evolution was created to further promote the agenda of no God. Even Darwin himself never truly believed in evolution. It’s all very interesting when you research this...

The end goal of evolution, as taught by my environmental philosophy teacher (and he was qutoing a philosopher, not sure who) is us. In other words, the goal of evolution is for nature to become self aware. We are nature, and we are self aware.

Louder =/= smarter

i mean i did say furthering evolution, he clarified and i expounded on it...

cut the thesaurus shit lol

Don't comment if you don't like it, simple.

If Dinos are a psyop by the elite and trump is scheming an alien psyop to keep us from believing in god then why does he and other elites pretend that theyre Christians?

Mockery, the bible tells us the kings of the earth laaugh and want to make war with him, We are going to create a space force becuase we should be prepare for an attack by an enemy from space we cant prove exist or is out there..all lies they wish to war with God.

Revelation 19:19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army.

So trump's space force will try to fight Jesus when he returns?

In short yes.

Is trump the anti Christ?

No the antichrist will Fool the world into thinking they are the savior, i dont believe trump can fool anyone into believing that

Who is that person?

You sure? There are legions of evangelicals that legit believe trump has been sent here by "God" to do "His work" and they voted for him because so.

yeah they believe the God is using him the same way he used King Cryus.

Exactly. It's terrifying.

the bible tells us

No one cares about a book talking about gods in the sky, people living inside of whales or being born of virgins. No one cares about your mythology anymore, it's as fantasy as Greek or Egyptian mythologies.

And no, I won't burn for all eternity because your little god said so. Live in reality not fantasies or magic worlds.

tired of all your snarky little replies, if you just want to comment with rage and hate reply to someone else. Its weird how triggered hearing about God gets you riled up..

Nothing special about your god, just the same old stupidity.

Everything is special about my God just cause some douche on the internet doesn't agree doesn't change that fact

Believe all you want, won't make it real. Keep calling, keep praying, keep your head down. he won't appear to you and you'll be left with the excuse of "bbbbut I might have... felt... something...somewhere... sometimes".

Keep doubting, keep ridiculing. keep your prideful heart happy eat drink and be merry don't worry if you die and have to answer to him i hope this level of confidence serves you well.

Again with the fearmongering? I might see him when I die? hah, and you might see the Spaguetti God when you die lmao. Look forward to waste your whole life for a mythological god because he might fucking judge you when you die. Even tho he (in your mythological fantasy) created you and your mind in the first place, and he already knows exactly what will happen in your whole life he still thinks he's in position to judge you. What a moron god to believe in. And if you disagree with him he'll send you to hell to burn, cry, suffer, be tortured and live in hell for all eternity....... but he loves you. L.O.L

Yeah, I'll just be a good person on my own. I don't need a mythological book full of magical beings and fantasy to tell me how to be a good human being. And by the way, a book full of rape, death, genocide and gods telling people to kill others and their own children doesn't seem like a very good book for morality LOL.

Just loose your religious pride and leave religion for fantasy. You don't need a priest to tell you you've been a good boy. You don't need to fear a god to not steal. You don't need to believe in miracles, jesus, unicorns and all this bullshit to have what to live for. Just be good, be logical and leave the bullshit behind you.

Move on.

lol bro i didnt even read this comment, i made peace with trying to speak with you, you started off hostile then ridiculed, idgaf what you believe in just go in peace

Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better. I hate no one but religion. Fuck religion, fuck your imaginary gods. But I hope you have a good life - and would be even better without imaginary gods.

lmaoo you still replying, i didnt read your crap cause your tone of superiority you twat, you wanna act like your right and seem condescending i dont owe you jack shit, kick rocks

i didnt read your crap

How do you know it's crap without reading it? What a surprise that anything that's said against religion makes you chill and deny it completely without even reading it. But that's exactly what religion does: it blinds you.

Faith in the absurd is not beautiful, it's ignorance.

i dont owe you jack shit, kick rocks

Why would you owe me anything? Just like you don't owe me anything you also don't owe anything to an imaginary god.

you wanna act like your right

Well if your trying to talk about mythologies, fantasy and imaginary beasts as true then of course I'm right! lmao. Or do you think Zeus is real? Unicorns? Flying Spaghetti Monster? They are as relevant and the same as jesus, yahweh, allah, Aphrodites, Freya and so on.

It's all myth and stories bro.

cool story!

the bible? yeah, I guess for some it's cool. Nothing more than a story tho.

I'd say there a couple billion people in this world that care about that book.

There's also millions of people that actually believe the earth is flat, or that lizard people live underground, or that their imagination of a god is real.

Doesn't change our laws, doesn't change our lives. No one cares about your fantasy, you're free to believe whatever you want.

We’re at pretty much the best period in human history ever. But I guess if you’re an edgy cool atheist so you gotta be a contrarian.

That's true, and it's also the period where there are less religius people in history. Coincidence? I think not since the best countries are the ones who got rid of religion in their governments.

85% of the world is religious. You can’t say ‘no one cares about gods in the sky’ when you belong to the tiny minority that doesn’t care.

I was following the theory up to here lol

Still think it is feasible for the space force to be a cover for a fake alien attack with a bit of a stretch of imagination... But evolution is literally the same process that farmers use to breed funny feathered chickens.

Ps, you can believe in evolution and Abrahamic God at the same time.

True God spoke things into existence, so the big bang may be of his words.

I believe it is all part of the whole fake alien/space agenda also.


how about which part?

Such a shit theory. And you're wrong by the way. Regular blue collar workers find them while excavating construction sites and such. Men get put out of work for weeks or even months when this happens. Then paleontologists begin work on the site. Also, the whole thing is based on the premise that we suddenly happen to start finding them only after the initial discovery in the 1800s. People who buy into this think "well why didn't we find them before then!?" It's simply because we didn't know to even look for them before. Obviously if you know what you're looking for you have a much higher chance of finding it than finding something you're not looking for.

Shit theory it may be, but why dont you keep researching

Clearly a workers union led psyop

Damn son getting downvoted to hell for talking about a conspiracy. I'm with you though. I think every major conspiracy is to hide God and get us living in complete sin away from him.

once you realized almost all conspiracies are just under one larger major conspiracy it isnt hard to realize.

Dinosaur park Texas. Dinosaur footprints. On top of human foot prints. Hillbilly’s and moonshine and a scam.

Maybe dinosaurs did exist but dinosaur park Tex ass is highly controversial

Dinosaur Valley State Park. I live near it and take my dogs there all the time. The dino prints aren't that impressive.

Perhaps because mormons ride a bike? And amish rides a horse.

No. This space force stuff is to feed Trump ego. Luckily he can't waste our money and do this without congressional approval which will undoubtedly not be passed on a bipartisan level.

He seems to think the govt works for him and not the American people.

Lmfao why are you being downvoted I wonder?

Well they certainly don't act like they work for us

Thats.....probably the best argument I've heard all day.

Yeah up until it gets voted/passed he is just loving the attention. How is the wall coming? Is this the new wall? Also not happening?

Well someone is way ahead of you.

The similarities and mirror imaging of Trump and Reagan are way too coincidental.

Famous person
Considered an outsider as far as government is concerned (although Reagan was a senator first)
Dismissed as a serious candiate
Witty speaker (Trump has his moments)
Pro business, military and nationalistic
Removed regulations
Practiced trickle down economics
Want to build space weapons
Make America Great Again slogan
They are the oldest presidents ever elected at the time of their presidency
Reagan was the first divorced president, Trump the first thrice divorced president
Had strong Evangelical support
Had a combination of tax cuts and an increase in defense spending which leads to high deficits
Use to be Democrats
Talked directly to the people

Trump: Wants to build a wall
Reagan: Tore a wall down

Trump: Starting a trade war
Reagan: Spoke negatively about trade wars

Trump: Pro Russia and helping them build themselves up
Reagan: Against Russia and caused their collapse

Trump: No filter, no class, acts like a child
Reagan: Very respectful and courteous, acts like a responsible adult

Reagan game plan, entirely different execution.

Please elaborate on what you mean by "the dinosaur psyop" - that Satan placed fossils on the Earth to fool people into believing the world is older than 6000 years..?

Fossils are man-made, archeology is almost completely controlled field.

Fossils are man-made,

From wikipedia:

" A fossil is any preserved remains, impression, or trace of any once-living thing from a past geological age. "

You are saying all fossils are man-made hoaxes? Any traces of a once-living thing from a past geological age is a man-made hoax? So you are saying you dont believe in life existing more than, say, 50 000 years ago? Or do you not believe in geological ages because you deem the Earth is 6000 years old?

archeology is almost completely controlled field

Yeah, no shit, Graham Hancock is correct, ancient human civilization is real and archaeology is a controlled field, but what on the planet earth does that have to do with fossils? Fossils are millions and billions of years old, there are no fossils from human civilizations, as that's not a past geological age. Fossils are relevant to biology and evolutionary history, not human history :S

There are so many proven fakes that it would not be hard to argue maybe all are.

You are saying any preserved remains, impression, or trace of any once-living thing from a past geological age are fakes, and basing that on there being "so many proven fakes", without providing a single example. I'll say no more.

specifically dinosaur fossils, bones etc.

Just answer one of my questions please: how old do you believe the earth is? 6000 years?

This is what your link says btw:

The two principal abiogenic petroleum hypotheses, proposing that all petroleum is abiogenic, the deep gas hypothesis[further explanation needed] of Thomas Gold and the deep abiotic petroleum hypothesis,[further explanation needed] have been scientifically reviewed and largely rejected.[1][2][why?]

Earlier studies of mantle-derived rocks from many places have shown that hydrocarbons from the mantle region can be found widely around the globe. However, the content of such hydrocarbons in such rocks are extremely low and seem to lack accumulation in concentrations that would render them feasible for exploitation.[3] Scientific consensus on the origin of oil and gas is that all natural oil and gas deposits on Earth are fossil fuels and are, therefore, biogenic. Globally significant amounts of abiotic oil in the crust can even be ruled out.[

No that can't be it. Someone build Göbekli Tepe and the Sphinx roughly 11000 years ago. So that 6000 goes out of the window right there.

Today is a weird day to login in reddit. Fake dinos and alien invasions.

I am trying to tell you what some people believe and why they do so. I am not interested enough to have any belief since i have not done the research necessary.

So you accept the scientific consensus of 3.7 billion years old then I assume, since you have done no research yourself?

I have done enough research in other fields to know not to give much credit to "scientific consensus"

Once a person has done his research and made up his own mind what everyone else might believe should not matter much. But when you admit yourself you have done zero research and have zero arguments to oppose to scientific consensus, and not social scientists, opposing the scientific consensus among physicists and geologists, hard scientists just because you don't don't find consensus in other fields on other questions convincing is pure ignorance. But you are saying you accept the scientific consensus of around 4 billion yeara as you have zero arguments or evidence otherwise? That makes sense.

A long way to say nothing.

I have done more research than most doctors since i have researched so many fields. This has taught me that in many fields the consensus is propaganda, fabrication, lie. I dont know about archeology to say specifics, but i suspect it is completely same.

You have yet to say anything other than pure speculative statements void of any argument or evidence to back it up. Share some of your doctorate-level internet research than lead you to believe dinosaurs are "fake hoax"? Do you believe the earth is billions of years old? That is physics btw, not archaeology... I am not even saying that scientific consensus is sacred by any means, only that I expect some evidence or argument from someone who actually has researched the topic before I claim BS!

Care to share any of these "proven" fakes?

"Fossils are man-made......" I don't even know where to start.

Has critical thinking completely abandoned the human race?

My friend told me that a full dinosaur Skeleton has never been found intact. All the skeletons we see are randomly found honest put together like a puzzle and then they claim it’s a dinosaur.

Oh well if your friend said it!

Check it out.. the only pictures we ever see are ones where the bones are placed there to look like a skeleton. Those could be fucking wildebeest and cattle bones for all we know.

If you don’t see why and how they would lie to us about dinosaurs, then you need to do more conspiracy research lol

I genuinely do not see why they would lie to us about massive creatures walking the earth millions of years ago. On top of that I don't see how else they would show us the bones. Would it be more convincing if they were shown individually? Wildebeests and cattle don't have meter long bones either. Very little about this makes sense unless you know something I don't.

There have been many near complete dinosaur fossils found.

Sorry but, a friend told me? Hardly convincing evidence.

Do you expect a full skeleton to still remain after 66 million years?

Jesus wept.

Ive literally gone to the creek bed at my hunting camp, dug int the soil looking for arrow heads and have found fossils as well. wtf are you even on about.

I tried to explain to you what he meant. That dinosaur fossils are imaginary creations.

I completely disagree with you. Think of the scale things would need to be done at to fake an alien attack. You would have to globally fuck with radio/tv signals, have some kind of space ships, worry about technical failures somewhere along the line, factor in the reaction of people (shooting at the things), figure out the actual aliens, and a bunch of other shit. Then you need to convince your own countries armed forces who aren't all in on it that they need to fight back etc etc. This would have to be orchestrated world-fucking-wide.

Now, i'm not saying the above is not all possible to do - but if you wanted to impose martial law or some shit a fake virus pandemic would be MUCH easier to pull off and require far less people.

The one world government is already faking the entirety of "outer space" so throwing in Aliens really isn't hard to do.

Gulf of Tonkin was a complete hoax, which even the Navy admits. 9/11 was a false flag, with several military wargames occurring on the same day involving live fly hijack drills to disable air-force response. All American wars are started on false pretenses. Faking an alien attack wouldn't be so different.

Except that everyone knows we have planes. I would need to see something pretty god damned fantastic to believe it was aliens - and if it's a false flag they'd have to reveal that they have such tech.

The false flags you listed were US only.

Except the entire world "fell" for them. They were global deceptions.

The entire world FELL for them. The entire world did not ORCHESTRATE them. That's the difference. Those are still attacks on the US, not on the world. Aliens would be attacking the planet, not just the US. They wouldn't single out a single country as they could very well have no concept of countries. Almost every country in the world would have to see some kind of attacks by them.

There were multiple countries involved in 9/11—US, Saudi Arabia, Israel, England, and Pakistan, to name a few. Some leaders outside of the Western coalition have called out 9/11 as a false flag. An alien attack could be accomplished in the same manner. Why do you act like every single country has to be in on it?

Just the scale of it. Crashing a few planes into a few buildings is easy.

So crash a few "spaceships" (classified military hardware) into a building complimented with some CGI footage.

That's just a spaceship crash. Unless what you are getting at isn't a false flag that we're being attacked, but a false flag that hey there's aliens we MAY get attacked in the future?

Spaceship false flag with dead aliens (like in Watchmen) and maybe throw in a holograph or two like the holographic city in China.

maybe he is just wanting to be the "first" to publicly acknowledge the importance of space. remember, the world is not what it seems and what potential zero gravity devices being available it would make sense to launch this program and plus, its a good marketing move.

eventually those 'alien' UFOs we see will be common occurance and so this will help regulate control and keep them safe.

Its actually part of the plan layed out in the "Project for the new American century" That was created by American Enterprise Institute. One of their goals was/is to "Control the new 'international commons' of space and 'cyberspace,' and pave the way for the creation of a new military service--U.S. Space Forces--with the mission of space control."

you had me till "dinosaur psyopx

You think dinosaurs are a psyop?!

I....I have to sit down.

The natural history museum cabal is a powerful entity. They have close ties to the oceanic amusement park cartel too. Together they have made billions and continue to “discover” new species. Killer whales aren’t naturally occurring animals, when people get hurt by a “captive orca” it’s a biological machine that is malfunctioning, not a living being. Michael Crichton knew too much and was hitting too close to home with his Jurassic Park books so he had to be silenced like Shamu. Not a pair of allies to be trifled with bruv they will wipe your existence from the earth at all levels if you ask too many questions.

Are are you serious?

I think he was being sarcastic, at least I hope so.

I dont think so

It's so hard to tell now.

Great more mocking of conspiracies in the only sub where you can talk about it, barely.

There's no theory behind what he said, no cited evidence. I've been a member of this sub for a long time, longer then this account. I'm in no way mocking conspiracies I'm saying what he said has no evidence to back it up.

I'm adding to what you said not accusing you of doing that man

My bad dude misread it, completely agree.

Omg you are adorable, I have some robot dinosaurs to sell you. explain to me how dollywood and dolly parton play into all of this.

Dollywood is the Mena, Arkansas of illicit chimera smuggling. Parton's father was an infamous African poacher and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. They traffic all sorts of experimental hybrid species in and out of there like a distribution center. The reason she's still in such good health at an advanced age is that she benefits directly from the dark science they are doing. Hell there's even a rumor that her breast implants are made of ivory. Anyone who gets too close to discovering what dirty Dolly is up to gets a foot cut off as a warning (which is why lone feet sometimes wash ashore in different places). Second indiscretion and you and your whole family is deleted from the face of the earth.

Do not fuck with Dolly Parton or her crew.

I've always wondered why Dolly Parton was so sexy at 72...

thanks for the olive branch

I think many flat earthers follow this belief as well. It’s a strange modern behavior of people questioning even evident truths. What a time to be alive.

There is a resurgence of devout Christianity going on right now. Its easy to see how a post-truth world where we can't trust anything would lead people back to the bible and a greater power that can be trusted, and that by its very nature can't be disproven (no risk of further disillusionment). There is great comfort and power in the absurdity of religion, after all. Being a rational skeptic in this day and age is becoming increasingly demoralizing.

Yeah, I don’t trust a book that folks claim was written by god through some people either, even more so when some writings were kept in and some left out by another group of people. I especially distrust religious people. We have repeatedly seen that power you speak of used for unthinkable crimes throughout history. Being a skeptic has always been demoralizing at some level, especially for people that have high expectations of their fellow men, those in power and institutions that WE fund. I learned at a young age to curb my expectations and, although that does not prevent disillusionment, it does help a great deal in bouncing back to normality.

This offers great insight into devout religious types, thanks!

I would be cautious of what one calls an "evident truth". Personally I do think the Earth is round and dinosaurs existed, but saying anything is an "evident truth" without thorough research and truly looking at all sides of an argument is a wonderful conversation stopper and destroys any ability and possibility of critical thought.

I would encourage everyone to be mindful of what they think are "evident truths". Some things seem evident from a very mainstream perspective, but when you dig deeper, they are not evidently true whatsoever.

There are plenty of examples for this - an obvious "conspiratorial" one would be 9/11 and how most people think it's "evident" that it was Al Qaeda that piloted those planes into the towers (or so at least it seemed back then, nowadays I'd say that the mainstream opinion has shifted and the official 9/11 narrative doesn't really fall in the "evident truth" category for almost a majority of people).

There is a lot more, including theories related to historical events, such as who and how various megaliths and structures throughout our history (including the pyramids for example) were built...etc. many evident truths become very fragile when they are put under the magnifying glass and a lot of seemingly good science is shown to have very flimsy foundations.

I think this modern behaviour of doubting everything is good. The only problem is that you can get lost in the process and sometimes ignore truly overwhelming evidence for something because you go too far (I'd place flat Earth into that category, no offence to anyone who believes the Earth is flat). But that's just my opinion, some would say everything should be doubted and examined...some don't even believe "outer space" exists, because they have not been there themselves. I am not in that camp, but certainly it is an interesting perspective to have...

Alot of Christian fundamentalists thinks the Earth is about 6000 years old - which means dinosaurs can't have existed, and so the skeletons are either placed there by God as a test, or by humans working against Christianity.

I believe either its to further advance the "there is no God, just aliens" psyop

I mean the first half made sense... but you lost me in the second half. There isn't a God - religion is just social control.There's way more chance of there be aliens than God.

But yeah, some big threat from beyond could be used to pass any number of laws. Nations always need threats to control the populace.

Or to unite the country, diverting attention away from the satanic pedophile elites.

Yeah, except satanic pedophile elites are the distraction. I mean, people keep saying Trump and Q have all this evidence about evil satanic rings, yet they don't seem to be doing anything about it. Almost like it's a manufactured bogeyman that the right-wing media is using to justify more draconian powers for the government... which brings us back to the alien attack....

I mean the actual Church of Satan is nothing like the pearl-clutching right-media Fox news types would have you believe - if anything its focus on respect and enlightenment should be welcomed by open minds.

Conspiracy inception....

God isn’t real.. you should join the church of Satan though because we believe Satan is actually an alien who gave us critical thinking and he loves us! Lmfao

The Church of Satan doesn't actually believe in Satan or God. It's an allegory. They actually work to help the separation of church and state. But most people don't actually read about other people. they just take opinions as fact.

Or maybe Trump is doing all he can to be idolized like Reagan by Republicans.

He doesn't care what the party thinks of him, and many of them still hate him, even as he enacts their agenda.

His ego demands worship. Politicians may hate him but there’s plenty of “the people” that think he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

dinosaur psyop

PLEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEEE don't be a fool . If aliens are found ( I don't think personally there are any ) the repercussions would shake the foundations of all religions around the world and would cause much more instability than a so called alien attack that we could not defend against if there are aliens ( any civilization able to cross between star systems would have the technology to easily wipe us out from high earth orbit while we did nothing but run around like ants under a magnifying glass

Scientology and Mormonism would be fine tho.

You all have misread the Von Braun quote

The word alien back in the 60's referred to beings from other planets with ray guns. He was talking about the publics perception of aliens will be used to hide what really is a huge force that cannot really be explained.

And yes. This is currently happening.

I’m with you brother.. aliens are a lie. There is only God and the firmament that separates us from the heavens

lol the SPACE FARCE!


I am totally getting Starship Troopers the movie vibe going on....

Would you like to know more?


That movie is a classic piece of predictive programming. The aliens were throwing the meteors at us..

Easiest way to win an Interstellar war. Throw rocks at them. Planets do not dodge.

Let's look at it from another angle.
Where there was once darkness, there is now LIGHT.

When the black hats try to pull off a FF alien attack, what IF a secret space force by our own military shows up to spoil their day? He's telling them, go ahead, make our day. We will open up all of this dark technology to the public, no more secrets.

lets make America paranoid again..

People should watch Trump's Space Force speech, it was pretty entertaining (he called out Lockheed Martin and the whole thing was just kind of freaky). It's cool we're alive to witness these crazy shenanigans.

Ayy lmao

I think Space Force is his way of shutting down NASA officially and totally, and then rolling over/destroying all research and development based on whether or not it can be used effectively by the military.

You need to get off the Internet for a while. I'm a raging conspiritard, but jesus wept, I'm so glad I fucked off from this shithole. Hi tmor!

The Formics are coming.

You're 100 percent right. Just to be safe, don't accept the mark of the beast. Just playing it safe y'all.

pretty much agree that this is one possibility

dinosaur psyop ?

I've been making posts to Facebook pointing out that this new rash of UFO stories allegedly leaking from military sources is all a set-up for some kind of air disaster being caused by Anomalous Aerial Vehicles operating in our airspace. Now, once the disaster occurs, we can have our "space force" spring into action I guess? Maybe the "space force" shoots down one of the AAVs and retrieves the craft and we're supposed to cheer and root against the aliens? The only thing that makes me doubt that this will happen is the fact that I've been publicly predicting it.

Post like these are why people think conspiracy theorists are idiots.

Dinosaur psyop? Really?

Further elaboration on the "dinosaur psyop" ?

I am genuinely curious.

Just heard it the first time today, but i gathered so far this info. Dinos never happened, fossils are apparently fake. Oh, and aliens are coming.

If the lottery is a tax on the dumb, religion is a tax on the gullible.

Maybe Niribu is really truly coming

Space Force has been in existence for decades perhaps every longer.

No different a tactic than A51 or NSA denial of existence.

Build it. Operate it. Deny it. Then after enough time has passed; or enough evidence of its existence has come to light—- then announce it’s exitence.

Incoming alien trade sanctions for pursuing awesome weapons.

Blue beam.

As a Christian, I believe Dinosaurs did exist as they are mentioned in the Book of Job. When they existed, or how, is a different question. The Bible mentions the Leviathan and Behometh among other creatures.

Also, the Religion lie is deep. Jesus came to set us free from Religion. It was the Religious Pharisees who had Jesus crucified on a cross.

"The Vatican" literally translates into "Divining Serpent". The REAL King is coming soon to set things straight. He doesn't send any body to Hell. People send themselves there. Jesus came to give us a way out, with eternal life.

Jesus came to give us a way out, with eternal life

So why he didn't do that? That is a bit rude to advertise that and then not do it

He absolutely did. He was raised from death after three days in front of 400 witnesses. And then He told us that if we believe in Him, we will be saved and our souls will live in paradise, an eternity prepared for us by Him. Heaven is real, so is Hell

This post is beyond retarded. I mean come on people, dinosaur PsyOp? That's fuck hilarious! Who buys this shit?

Don't get me wrong, I'm a firm believer in ET... But this post is absurd, all of it.

Anyone spreading fake alien invasion fuckery, is participating in and spreading the real PsyOp. Doesn't anyone find it interesting that every corner of the internet has heard of this Bluebeam bullshit... Maybe there's a reason for that.

Garbage Post

There is an article on r/c_s_t talking about more disclosure from to the stars academy. That may be of interest to some.

I will have to watch the space force talk but I agree I think there will be some sort of psy-op soon.

Or trumps legit, tries to release information about it, gets assassinated publicly JFK style, and then the govt. pushes a narrative as usual, they take our guns and we’re all defenseless. Then we get an alien “attack” followed by martial law and/or pandemic from “space bacteria “or some shit.

Seems like a joke post. But, I'm new here.

How exactly would signs of intelligent alien life advance a "there is no God, just aliens" thing?

I honestly can't tell if this guy is a troll, disinfo agent, or just plain dumb. The first part starts out as classic conspiracy theory then devolves quickly. Yeesh, this sub has gone downhill since I last visited.

I’ve been waiting a long time for the alien false flag

Or it could be a force to defend a massive infrastructure project like a Space Elevator

I cant wait for real alien disclosure! I was getting bored with both males and females. Cant wait to have sex with an alien off Tinder! :D

I believe either its to further advance the "there is no God, just aliens" psyop (closely related to the dinosaur psyop).

What exactly is the benefit of the government to do this? This is where right wing conspiracies always lose me. The motives never makes any damn sense.

I know when I was going to church more growing up we would talk about aliens being the excuse for what will happen when Jesus Christ returns.

That aliens would be pushed as a way for keeping people in the dark.

> If you are made to believe the enemy is ET then what good will guns do you? Hand them over to us and we will protect you.

"guns can't protect us against this one particular threat, so you should turn them in even though they still protect you against other threats." how does that make any sense? and why would the government even need more guns if, as you said, they are useless against alien threats? do you think people would feel safer by handing over the most effective personal defense tool currently available to the masses?

I believe either its to further advance the "there is no God, just aliens"

But there is no god, lmao. And there is almost 100% possibility of there being aliens somewhere at some time in this vast universe.

I'm waiting for the Moon Patrol. Then I'm enlisting.

dinosaur psyop

Paging /u/cdace

e din do nuthin. We seek peace with our human compatriots....bykillingyouall

I think what's actually happening is that a Space Force already exists, and this announcement of a newly formed space division (as well as its subsequent funding) is in essence a disclosure to the public of it's existence or at least some type of partial disclosure to desensitize people to the idea. It is in effect legitimizing something that is more of a shadow figure currently, but has been a functional part of reality for decades.

My real hope is that it's part of a larger disclosure that we have already made contact with intelligent life outside of Earth.

This post and upvotes brought to you by "cognitive infiltration of conspiracy theories"

Get in the line buddy. People have been calling a false flag alien attack since forever.


OP you are an idiot

That's the stupidest thing I've read on the internet today.

Build that Space Wall !!!


The false flags you listed were US only.

Except the entire world "fell" for them. They were global deceptions.

How can I hate an idea? Lmao dude, you're literally screaming "no don't use logic cause my religion doesn't allow it because if I do I realize how bullshit it is so I'll call it hate".

Maybe I'm being anti semitic lol.

That's just a spaceship crash. Unless what you are getting at isn't a false flag that we're being attacked, but a false flag that hey there's aliens we MAY get attacked in the future?

Yes to both.

I disagree. We are therefore at an impasse.

This will happen form time to time.