Brigades on this sub must end up with something.

1  2018-06-19 by Mrexreturns

I believe it means that when world war iii comes and America falls, Reddit Admins and various government spies in reddit's big subs like politics and topminds of reddit will give your information and posting history to the revolutionary fronts that destroyed the US. If they find that your participation in this sub is fairly frequent, they will find your home, round you up and send you to a concentration camp to be shot en masse.

These people CANNOT be working for anyone but the government. It is pretty obvious that they work for the government, hands down.

Also, beware whatever you say and watch on youtube, because again your watch, search and comment history will be used to provide evidence for revolutionary fronts to round you up.

Facebook and twitter is the same thing.

But back to reddit.

It is pretty much evident since gamergate, reddit censorship has been becoming more omnipresent and you cannot say anything bad against the government, Trump or Hillary or anyone else, you cannot say anything bad about the current social quo, where nationalists are on par with fascists and if you are male or female you are respectively male or female, and you cannot say anything bad about communism or global warming.

Now, they bridgade subs like this as a facade and deterrent. It can come in the form of "I'm fed up because of shills" posts (Despair), blatant bridgading of pro government or communist statements, or other low handed activities. This is all a facade. In reality, they want us to stay as long as possible until their big day comes.

This big day is world war iii, and if it happens, revolutionary groups will take over america and destroy free speech. Any proof or data of criticism of the elite's worldview, socialism, marxism and communism will be given to the government and will be used to round people up. Just commenting, viewing and participating such sites instantly invites you as a target. Once the revolutionaries (ISIS, Mexican Gangs, Russian and Chinese Troops) enter your home, they will instantly take you to fun camps where they will keep you for a few days then shoot you along with other dissendents.

It doesn't matter which site you are in, they will still round up dissendents in voat or other alternatives.




Lol mods r big gay

^ This comment r make no sense.

Removed. Rule 10.

Do you think you may be taking reddit a little to seriously?

330 million users. It surpassed Facebook in popularity. I think you're downplaying their reach.

I'd bet 9/10th of that is simply bots. I think you're upplaying their reach.

330 million users. It surpassed Facebook in popularity.

Depends what you mean by popularity because Facebook has at least a couple of billion users.

I think if companies like Stratfor take it as seriously as they do, it's likely for good reason.

These people CANNOT be working for anyone but the government. It is pretty obvious that they work for the government, hands down.

Look who funds the astroturfing organizations and you've figured it out.

Oh no, my imaginary internet points! What will I do?

of all people you'd be fine

Well that's the thing, some people that may learn a certain way view KARMA as a way that their voice is heard. People that are downvoted all the time may take that as "no one wants to hear what they have to say". Don't let down votes away the opinion.

IMO there could be some low level military intel types running the cubicles, or it could be chiefly private contractors to give the gov't more deniability - either one makes sense and I haven't seen any evidence to distinguish between them - but these seem like the two most likely options to me

Didn't somebody say alot if them were traced back to Amazon servers?

The brigading is truly a waste of time. People like myself check the most downvoted comments first.

What if downvoted comments are just stupid and not brigaded?

I get brigaded for what i feel are reasonable and logical comments. They just happen to be against the narrative of the brigadeers.

Brigaded or downvoted?

Both I'm sure, but I've earned posts over there. Almost proud of it

What if down voted comments are a means to make freethinking not "skeptics" people leave.

Then people would have to accept their comments are shit rather than just blaming any and all disagreement on brigades.

There's a guy below even using "brigaded" as a synonym for "downvoted"

It is pretty much evident since gamergate, reddit censorship has been becoming more omnipresent and you cannot say anything bad against the government, Trump or Hillary or anyone else, you cannot say anything bad about the current social quo, where nationalists are on par with fascists and gender is an illusion, and you cannot say anything bad about communism or global warming.

What? Plenty bad about Trump and Hillary gets posted here all the time.

This subreddit is almost nothing but bad about government and status quo.

There are plenty of right-wing subs to post bad things about communism in.

I don't know what Reddit you are seeing here.

Im betting 9/10 of brigades are memes.

People doing it for the lulz.

If you ignore them they go away. Everytime someone spergs out on TMOR they win and get a boost so they will do it again.

The simple solution here is to ignore them and they will get bored.

When you get worked up like this they love it.

Did you forget your pills today?

Well you're not wrong except for the rounding up part.

Imagine being so delusional that you think:

  1. This sub isn't full of anti-government, anti-Trump and anti-Hillary posts.

  2. That not only does the government target r/conspiracy but that it does so through downvote brigades rather than something actually effective.

  3. That you can't criticise communism on Reddit and that the elite, literally the richest people in the world whose power derives from the wealth capitalism enables them to collect, secretly want to promote socialism and communism; ideologies that would at best result in their power being permanently removed and at worst would involve them being violently killed in a revolution.

  4. That Reddit, ISIS, China, the cartel and Russia are not only in cahoots with each other but also the hidden communist overlords.

What if downvoted comments are just stupid and not brigaded?

of all people you'd be fine

Well that's the thing, some people that may learn a certain way view KARMA as a way that their voice is heard. People that are downvoted all the time may take that as "no one wants to hear what they have to say". Don't let down votes away the opinion.