Why are mexicans asking the US for asylum @ the US border & why are so many bringing children w/ no documentation that the children are actually theirs? Why do dems want to let them in without proving this first?

1  2018-06-20 by NIGGA_DICKIN_ur_GIRL

Dems & their useful idiots whether their useful idiots realize it or not are part of a huge conspiracy to move children across borders with no questions asked. They are doing this for political purposes & do not care if children are in harms way as long as they can exploit these children to fulfill their political ambitions. Fuck your open society if it looks like this.


you realise that trump is responsible for this situation, right? its not the dems, or congress, its trump. trump could end this right now in exactly the same way he started it. but he would rather blame the dems and try to gain political points than fix this.

The parties blame each other for everything and strangely regardless of which party is in power things just keep getting worse.

Next time though, boy them Dems gonna get it done up right!

you guys are correct. there is a conspiracy going on here. youre wrong about its being played out though. slick willy and the dems may have crafted the current immigration laws but trump is the one attempting to undo anything any dem has ever done while lying, cheating, and blaming the dems for everything. to me, that sounds very "deep state"esque. trump is the puppet of the deep state who are trying to destroy the country and you all are falling for it, even helping them along.

Guy, if you’re blaming one party over the other you’re the one ‘falling for it’.

Im not blaming either party. Im blaming trump. He started thr zero tollerance and kidnapping, he can end it whenever he wants. He doesnt want to. He wants to hold those kids hostage till he gets us, the tax payers, to foot the bill for his wall.

And either party could have fixed immigration via the legislature over the last few decades.

You’re a bit off on the details, and judging by your ridiculous language you’re not interested in anything but partisan bashing.

Were children being held, without their parents, in internment camps over the lasr few decades? What has happened recently that caused this mess? Can you see the obvious solution that would end it?

What’s the obvious solution?

And yes, children have been held apart from their parents in certain circumstances.

What has caused this seems to be decades of inaction on immigration.

No. What caused this was trump implementing a zero tolerance policy.

Right, after decades of the same failed policies and inaction of the legislature- and again both parties had the opportunity to do something, and neither did.

youre an idiot. i think you may be choking on trumps cock, as well. lack of oxygen to the brain might be your problem.

When you got nothing resort to personal attacks, lame

you cant force a blind man to see. when all is lost, bring out the insults. arent you conspiracy nuts supposed to be all anti government anarchist and stuff? why are you guys towing the line for trump?

Seems pretty clear who here is ‘nuts’ and it isn’t me.

Appreciate your honesty though, that you’re not here for the purpose of the sub. So why are you here?

to laugh at you. youve seen the news right? trump ended the family separation policy at the border? bwahahahahaha seems you were wrong, son. it was caused by trump policy, started by trumps pen, and ended by trumps pen. maybe now we can get back to enacting proper policy.

You really have no clue what you’re talking about. Have fun playing tough guy on the internet.

well, trump did just rescind his zero tolerance policy that was separating families at the border. that was my initial post on this topic, that trump has the power to stop it since he is the one who started it. you are the fools who were towing his line of BS claiming it started decades ago and its all obamas fault, "BUT HILLARY!", and shit. i corrected your errors and you ahd to wait for trump to actually act before you could finally see your errors. you were too busy trying to be edgy, or anarchist, to see the real picture. stop tripping over your own feet and maybe you could walk a little better.

You still have no idea what you’re talking about. The comments here are easy enough to follow, you should try it sometime.

someones butthurt from their recent PWNing. its ok if you wana cry, dude.

you realise that trump is responsible for this situation, right? its not the dems, or congress, its trump. trump could end this right now in exactly the same way he started it. but he would rather blame the dems and try to gain political points than fix this.

thats my original post you responded to. bwajhahahahahahaha. butthurt much?

Yeah, and? You’re all over the place.

all over your face now that i busted my PWNnut up in it. just admit it dude, you were wrong. its not that hard, even your boy trump can admit when hes wrong. well, whether he admits it or not will remain to be seen.

What was I wrong about exactly?

Youre a conspiracy nut, youve been wrong about everything.

Removed. Rule 10.

Oh damn, so Trump has actually been working for the Deep State this entire time?

How is trump responsible? It's my understanding this law was passed during the clinton administration.

The vast majority of these kids are brought into this country by traffickers/smugglers. They use these kids for protection. If the law is repealed without another plan in place, the trafficking of children is going to skyrocket.

What do you suggest be done? to stop trafficking? What do you suggest be done with the kids when criminals are arrested?

Surely you don't suggest we kick them out on the street. Surely you don't suggest we let traffickers go free because they claim these kids are theirs. Do you have any suggestions?

he vast majority of these kids are brought into this country by traffickers/smugglers. seriously? i bet they end up in the basement of some pizza joint in DC, right? stop being a tool.

The vast majority of these kids are brought into this country by traffickers/smugglers.

seriously? i bet they end up in the basement of some pizza joint in DC, right? stop being a tool.

I didn't say that, you did.

You make claims that yiu can't back up. How do you expect people to treat you?

The vast majority of these kids are brought into this country by traffickers/smugglers.

Just plain wrong

Even given the increased number of alleged smugglers this fiscal year and the decreased number of family units, those smugglers, those traffickers, those MS-13 members, make up only 0.61 percent of the total number of family units apprehended at the border. In other words, for every 1,000 families that approached the border in the first five months of this fiscal year, only six allegedly involved individuals pretending to be a child’s parents. The percentage of alleged smugglers in fiscal 2017 was smaller, at 0.1 percent.

Where do you get the self-regarding to lie so much?

Are you aware it is possible to be wrong about something without intentionally lying?

Those poor migrants wouldn’t lie would they? Nooooooo, they just want a better life in America! Pure as the driven snow I tell you! Hey, how about this....why don’t you personally volunteer to house some of the poor, ill done to people?

Hey, how about this....why don’t you personally volunteer to house some of the poor, ill done to people?

Multiple oceans mitigate against it.

Still though, nice idea! Do something good for people!

It’s a nice idea, but in reality all it would lead to is bad shit for you.

Trump is responsible, because he moved to a zero tolerance policy, which means even the ones attempting to enter legally under asylum are being detained(previous administrations did not detain those seeking asylum)

This change to zero tolerance has caused a dramatic spike in the families being detained(2000 kids detained in the past 6 weeks)

There are also pictures going around that show kids detained during the Obama administration, but they are unrelated, as there was a spike of unaccompanied children entering during 2014 due to a spike in violence in South America.

That was Sessions that switched to a "zero tolerance policy". Not Trump. The law was passed two decades ago, Sessions in enforcing the laws on the books.

Again, how is Trump to blame?

And Sessions was appointed by Trump. He did not do this without getting Trumps blessing.

When you are in the big chair all paths lead to you. All he has to do is tell Sessions to stop, and it back to the way it was before, but no, he wants this. Trump wants to use this as leverage so his wall will be funded by taxpayers.

It appears you have no idea how any of this works. It has nothing to do with trump. Trump can fire AG Sessions, sure. He can suggest certain things.

Trump does not have the authority to boss around the DOJ. That's not how any of this works. It was designed to prevent exactly that. Checks and balances

Yeah and then people would say Trump is a dictator, using his power to tell the Department of Justice how to uphold their laws. Trump can’t just tell the Attorney General how he should uphold the countries laws. That’s his job. Why do people think the President has the power to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants? Checks and balances exist for a reason.

Ok, it's obvious what side you are on. Can you at least admit this is a political game? There are ways to do immigration that does not, or at the very least minimizes the need to separate parents from their children. One side has decided to use this a political tactic to cause immigration reform. The other side is trying to exploit that tactic for the opposite gain.

Both sides are using people, flesh and blood, as ammunition to get their way.

I didn't name parties on purpose, because you and pick and choose which is which depending on your own personal experiences and preferences.

No matter what the cause is, the poor is affected the most.

I am with you on that. This is a giant political game. Using children as tools to advance an agenda is never ok. Where was the media when this was happening under Obama? So, his policy was to separate children from parents on their second attempt, not first. So that makes it ok? The whole reason for this - The Democrats who wrote the bill intended for it to save children from abuse and trafficking. You think it’s ok to put kids together with a bunch of adults? These people arrive with no documentation, nothing to prove they’re actually related. Traffickers use children as shields against getting caught. The world is not that nice and rosey. People look to take advantage of children who have no say. What is the alternative? Just release thousands and thousands of undocumented, unaccountable, illegal people into our cities and tell them Good Luck??

LMFAO! Oh those pictures of kids in cages under Obama are unrelated. Totally different story you guys, come on.

As to what has caused the recent spike. I am not saying that is not a problem, it is. I was just trying to speak within the last 6 weeks. I just went back to where there was a dramatic increase.

That’s the issue though, isn’t it? This shit began years ago....not 6 weeks. Nobody had anything to say until everything else the threw at Trump was a dud...so now they try this. Tug at our most basic levels, our hearts and children.

No, it's Jeff Sessions ... whom the establishment Democrats have protected from Trump's wrath for the sake of Mueller's coup attempt. Meanwhile Sessions has been radicalizing the already weaponized DOJ and preparing it to launch drug, prostitution and immigration sweeps. Perhaps the establishment Democrats will join in the calls for Jeff Session's removal now that Mueller's coup has been suppressed, its plotters are beginning to face justice and Jeff Session's goons are throwing children in cages?

Wrong. Trump only implemented a zero tolerance policy to the laws that have been carried out by Clinton, Bush and Obama. Zero tolerance against people breaking laws is a good thing.

You do realize that this is also a crackdown on child trafficking right? You do realize that the "parents" of these kids can provide no evidence to that. You do realize how easy it is for someone who wants to enter the US to kidnap a child to use? Lax immigration policies of "if you have a child you may enter" encourages this.


zero tolerance to breaking the law is a good thing

Tell that to the thousands in prison for smoking a joint.

They are getting off easy.

Ok...laws are laws. Did they or did they not break them?

It was against the law to protect Jews from the Nazis.

Walk around town and decide which laws you want to ignore because you believe yourself to be the moral authority. Let me know how that goes.

I break the law every day smoking weed.

The law is not synonymous with what's morally or ethically right or just. Do you really need that to be explained to you?

Laws are laws and as such are expected to be followed. Freedom is for the law abiding, jails are for the law breaking. You're feelings are irrelevant. Do you really need that to be explained to you?

Does everyone convicted of a misdemeanor go to jail?

youre all a bunch of tools. i shoulda never posted in your crazy. ill see my self out

Don't leave. These people need to be challenged as much as possible otherwise they'll keep spreading their venom unchallenged.

Normally id enjoy the arguments, but this crazy is just too much for me. Ill stick to laughing at them from afar.

Removed. Rule 10.

You are hiding behind the law because you know you stree in the wrong. There is a difference between legal and moral. The laws were put into place to be able to use when it circumstantialy on a case by case basis.. not implemented for every single person. This is creating chaos because it was never intended to be used this way. We don't have the infrastructure or man power. The court systems are being over run. But keep hiding from morality behind your pool lack of knowledge on how the law was intended to be used. This is going to end in a Republican blood bath and it's not going to be the services coming it itts going to conte from within. Make sure you're on the right side of history.

What?!?! Laws are to be applied on a case by case basis? No, laws apply to every single person. That’s kinda the point of having laws in the first place.

Wrong. The point of the law was to let homeland security prosecute people who were either repeat offenders or have prior histories. It made it possible to easily prosecute them. It was never intended to be used on every single person and if it was they would have had the infrastructure and logistics in place to do so. Which they don't so thats why they have the chaos going on that you see now. It's only going to get worse.

Wrong. The law is the law.

So if you were alive when slavery was the law you would be okay with it? That's the kind of person you are? Got it. All Jewish people must be put in concentration camps. It was the law right so I guess that means that it's right in your eyes. I mean the laws the law right?

If you don't like the law, then get off the internet and run for office and change it.

Yes, slavery and genocide are the same as stopping illegal immigration.

Not saying they are. They are examples of immoral laws.

I'm not hiding behind anything. Why the outrage over holding people accountable to the laws of this country vs outrage that people are KNOWINGLY attempting to cross a border ILLEGALLY, therefore breaking the law. You aren't looking at this long term. If the precedent is set that those with children will be gleefully accepted with no consequences, what it will turn into is more child trafficking to cross the border and then dump the kids wherever.

What's the point of having laws if we get to ignore them or bitch about them being enforced because feelings.

My priorities: US Citizen children who are homeless and starving US Veterans who are homeless and starving US Citizens who are killed and/or injured by illegal immigrants

Until those three items are addressed there is absolutely no reason we should even be discussing illegal immigrants entering this country

Why are you so afraid of immigrants? Do you think they are all criminals who are a burden on the state? It sounds like you don't even know any of them. I recommend talking to them and asking them why they do what they do. Yiu might learn something.

Where did I say I was afraid of immigrants? I just don't think we should be going out of our way to accommodate those who wish to illegally cross our borders. There is a process, many follow it everyday. Why should we reward those who wish to jump the line?

And more importantly, why should we put resources in place to house, feed, etc these law breakers when we have our own citizens we should be worrying about.

Pardon me for say so, but until every man/women/child US citizen, especially those who fought for this country are properly taken care of, ILLEGAL immigrants can wait.

And yes, they ARE a financial burden. https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers

For these people the line doesn't exist. This talking point makes no sense. First of all you act like people in this type of situation are not aware and not educated on how to even start the process. Those that do start the process or even just apply for visas almost always get shot down unless they are wealthy. Do you even know how to start the process? You can Google it sure but these people don't have computers let alone have access to the internet. Wait their turn? That's the biggest load of bullshit that right wing talking heads keep regurgitating every day to help sleep sleep at night.

I dare you to cross any other countries border illegally.

Zero tolerance against people breaking laws is a good thing.

Remember saying that, next time you roll a joint or go 35 in a 30 zone.

Yes. Going 30 in a 35 is exactly the same as illegal immigration. To your point, I had to go to traffic court recently, and I was shocked by the number of people there who got tickets going 40-35 or some shit like that.

If I did either of those, I would expect to be held accountable to the law. Those who don't expect to be held accountable believe they are owed something. Nobody owes you shit

They'll downvote this out of sight just like 90% of other posts that go against MSM narrative. Here is what we're up against

No one’s saying let them in but there’s no humane reason to separate children from their families. If you insist they’ve broken the law by asking for asylum, detain them as a family unit. Or deport them immediately. Separating children from the only people they know is just cruel, period.

The humane reason to separate them is there is no way to prove the adults are in fact their parents. Also, these are people caught illegally entering the U.S. If they're applying for asylum they have to do it at a port of entry and at the first country other than their own. You can't cross Mexico from Guatemala to request asylum.

This has been my thought with all the media about “separating families” how do they KNOW they are “families” how do they know if these adults are the parents of these kids? And then if they are not what is the fate of these poor kids if not separated? But by separating them where are these “parents” going? Jail? Back?

I don’t know but if I am breaking the law which these “parents” are and dragging my kids along with me while I break the law of course my kids will be taken from me until I have had my day in court and served my sentence. Why is that not understood by the left as a thing?

What’s wrong with this whole picture?

I don’t know but if I am breaking the law which these “parents” are and dragging my kids along with me while I break the law of course my kids will be taken from me until I have had my day in court and served my sentence. Why is that not understood by the left as a thing?

Do you really think every single child has come in with "parents", even the ones who want to stay with their families and cry for their mother and father? Because Trump is separating all children from their parents, whether they broke the law or not.

Okay but when you say whether they broke the law or not but we are talking about families coming here ILLEGALLY so they are breaking the law either way. They parents should not be brining they kids along to enter a country illegally.

The intricities are that first timevillegal border crossing is a misdemeanor. Hence why Obama's policy just returned the family back to thier resident country without seperation. Trump policy is to seperate families always, under Obama policy this happened upon the second crossing attempt.

The Obama administration struggled with finding a solution and it is documented they decided not to use seperation of families as a deterrent.

Why has the MSM not once mentioned that Obama also separated families by the thousands? Okay, so it was for the second attempted crossing, not the first....do you not think that if these people are busted that they do not turn right back around and do it again? They have nothing, and have nothing lose. They will try over and over and over again until either they’re jailed, killed or succeed.

They did mention it, however as part of the larger picture. Just like US families get seperated when a single parent goes to jail, the seperation was resulting from the felony. The difference is mainly those seperations were identical to seperations of US citizens under the same circumstances. These seperations without being a felony are done only to illrgal immigrants.

What’s wrong with this whole picture?


Exactly. If you, as an American, broke a law and was sentenced to prison, your children would be taken and put somewhere (if you didn’t have a family member to take them). The court wouldn’t be, oh erin136 has kids so guess she can get away murder.

You realize the kids in this case are being separated before any sort of trial or sentencing, like in your example, right?

They are breaking the law by stepping over the border. They only bring kids (most of the time not even there own) to make immigration officials feel bad for them. I’m not saying this is 10 percent of the case, however, Child trafficking is a huge problem at the border. If it was my kid, I would rather them detain the kid rather than let it enter a foreign country with a stranger.

You really think that someone would let some random person drag their child to a foreign country where they can't go visit them? That's a long, dangerous journey. I sure wouldn't let my sister, neighbor, or anyone otherwise take MY child to another country without me

Yes. They do it all the time. The parents realize their kids chances are better in America without their parents than if they stay where they are. So yes, parents absolutely do that every single day. Either that or the traffickers and cartel members just snatch the kids and take them anyway.

That's perhaps the case for some, but there's no way you could prove that to be the case for all.

Obviously it’s not the case for every single person. I’m sure there are plenty of honest legit families that have gotten caught in this mess too. They knew what they were getting into when they decided to come here. The question I have is what is being told to these people to make them think nothing will happen to them? They should know by now that new new regime doesn’t play around.

Illegally crossing the border is a misdemeanor with a $250 fine, and not many Americansor or foreigners get sent to prison or detained for a misdemeanor offense like littering or traffic violations. A majority of the time it's a ticket and a court date and seldom jail time.

ITS STILL ILLEGAL. No matter how minuscule the crime. If I crossed over illegally to Mexico, I would face 2 to 10 years in a harsh Mexican prison. I don’t agree with the separation of kids, however we have to stop the influx of illegal aliens into our country.

Yeah, it's still illegal, however most people find it immoral that a misdemeanor is being punished by detention and the forced separation of families. Families in America are not often detained and split up due to misdemeanors such as traffic violations.

I didn't know that it was a 2-10 year punishment for illegal entry into Mexico. That's a little confusing because when I went in they waved me through without giving me a travel Visa. I cant find anything on the internet, you got any sources for that?

Why? Why do we have to stop illegal aliens from coming in? I truly don't understand that part. We don't have any legs to stand on, considering all of our ancestors came here illegally too. Unless you're a Native, your opinion is very hypocritical.

Why? Because they are not legal, lawful residents of our country. We have borders and laws for a reason. You really think people should just be able to come here and set up shop automatically? It doesn’t work like that.

Not automatically, no. But this is the country made up of immigrants.

Yes, immigrants who did it the correct way, and followed the laws. I’m perfectly cool with immigrants from all countries joining us, it’s the ones who break the law and try to sneak in that I am talking about.

I mean, do you know what conditions the illegal immigrants are coming from?

The person I know is from Honduras, where police have to wear masks on duty, because if they're recognized, they'll be killed. Dead bodies are left in the streets for days.

I can't imagine waiting for years in that environment to see if another country will take me in. Especially when the Honduran government may or may not even give me the go ahead to leave.

I mean, that sucks for them, and my heart goes out to them, but doesn’t that fall under Not My Fucking Problem? We have our own problems to worry about.

Yea, but we don't bother with those either.

I don't really see how illegal immigrants are bothering me. Honestly, the one that I know (who I'm not really allowed to talk about or I would explain further) has done more for me than most other people have.

So, when I think about it, I have empathy and would want someone to have empathy for me if I was in the same situation. Because, let's face it, we could be and possibly would have been if Doofus had actually gotten us into a full on war with N.K.

Lol, you mean the same doofus who just actually solved the NK issue? What kinda backwards ass logic is that?

If you're really a dt dick sucker, I'm not engaging with you. I can't educate you into being smart.

If anything I said is false, you let me know. The only one sucking dick here is you buddy.

Rule #10

Never really heard the slaughter of native americans be called 'the right way' and 'legal'. Curious, I've heard many state here Israel was created illegaly. Is there an official barometric where you can gauge if a country is founded legally or illegaly?

Yes, because what happened in the 1700’s is analogous to our situation today. The Indians got a raw deal, so in turn that means we should open our borders to everyone 300 years later?

Thank you. Me too. It’s also a slap in the face to anyone who took the time and came here legally.

Exactly. If all you have to do is sneak in, why should anyone do it the right way?

Littering and traffic tickets aren't misdemeanors, people go to jail for misdemeanors, that can be up to a year. They don't get to take their kids with them.

I've seen such ridiculous misinformation from people like you: Trump is sending the parents back and keeping the kids, Obama would send them all back, kids are being kept in inhumane conditions... Do some research instead of talking out your ass.

My bad, clearly I've been using that wrong. Would the right word be infraction? I've been going off this https://codes.findlaw.com/us/title-8-aliens-and-nationality/8-usc-sect-1325.html and I assumed that a $50-250 fine was a misdemeanor.

And sorry if it seemed like I was spreading misinformation. From what I've read the Trump administration has been keeping parents in detention until their federal court date and by extension keeping their children separate. If you got any more info I'd appreciate it cause I wouldn't mind learning more.

Because there is audio of 1 kid crying on the news. People are such propaganda sheep.

You do realize it’s not only “Mexicans” it’s Central Americans that are coming over the most with their children and Trump is just trying to justify building this wall that will cost tax payers more money.

Why does America spend billions bombing and destabilizing other countries, then complain when the refugees they create want to come to America to escape the horror back home?

America is not bombing Mexico, silliness.

These aren't just Mexicans. Many are South Americans. America has been busy destabilizing South America for 50 years. Your CIA turned it into a drug infested shithole and the families there just want to get out. They grew up being told that America was the promised land, just like many generations of displaced europeans. They believed that "Bring us your huddled masses" crap and came, to be met by men with bayonets ripping their children out of their arms and putting them in wire cages.

Most are from Mexico and with 98% of asylum claims from Mexico being fraudulent it makes getting to folks with legitimate claims much more difficult.

Unfortunately this was a long time coming, but something had to change and since there is little change from the legislature options are limited.

Stop creating refugees and your illegal immigration problem will largely disappear. Do you think someone will uproot his family and make them walk to a foreign land unless there's no other option?

Seems you’re mixing legitimate refugees with the vast majority that are not legitimate and that are clogging the system.

Obviously someone will uproot their family to travel to a foreign land, it’s been an issue for a long time and there are millions of illegal immigrants already in America.

Where are you getting your "facts" from regarding which immigrants are "legitimate" and which are not?

Shit argument. Russia was destabalizing central & south america as well as the Nazi’s. The whole region was fucked even if we chose to do nothing.

Yeah, all that bombing we do in Mexico....

We have never bombed Mexico.

Virgin ground eh?

people are complaining about ALL immigrants, not just south of the border ones.

People in the USA are only complaining about ILLEGAL immigrants, not all immigrants.

Not the ones that I've listened to. Take my mom for instance. She complains about Muslims, too.

What are we supposed to do with all these people illegally flooding into our country? Do we just give them a wad of cash at the border and send them on their merry way? Do Dems really want open flows of migrants with no oversight into our country? What’s the point of having a border? What’s the point of having legal immigration, when you can just hop the border and have everything handed to you???

I have a small child, and I would fight to the death of someone tried to take him from me. But, I am also not putting him in an extremely dangerous situation and breaking the law while he’s in my care. It’s illegal to enter our country without permission. If you do something illegal you get arrested. If you have kids with you while you get arrested, and have no other family to take care of them, what is to be done with the children??? People act like these kids are being held forever. They are processed and released. It’s an awful situation, with no good outcome. What’s even more awful is using children to further your political goals. The ABC world news played about 10 seconds of children crying. No way to prove it’s actually the migrant children, just kids crying for their parents. This is used to tug at our most basic human emotions, and it works like a charm.

We actually have a terrible immigration system. I know this bc I know someone who has been trying for 18 YEARS to become legal. Maybe if we had an actual process that people could follow, we wouldn't have this problem.

Maybe if, instead of throwing money at other countries like we do elsewhere, we could actually help to grow the Latin American countries until they're stable and people wouldn't want to come here. Maybe we shouldn't contribute to their instability.

Do you really think that people WANT to flee their home countries, their land, their houses, the rest of their family, etc to come to a place where they can't speak the language or earn money or even come to safely?

What a sad thread, it is so much easier to complain than to present solutions.

Solution. Deport all of them & build a wall. Tell those who want to move here to get the fuck in line behind those already following the rules.

America used to have one spot called Ellis island on the east coast of the US. It served as a Federal Inspection Station for most immigrants on the east coast. It was closed in 1954 when Air travel became the most dominant form to immigrate in the US. I bring this up only because America is known to have points of access. Ellis island is how my family came over to America. I know i may be asking this in the wrong spot, but why cant we have a Federal Inspection on the southern border?

Like it or not we are getting flooded with a mass of people in a short amount of time.I myself dont like the fact of separation. It is obvious that we dont have the facilities to handle the mass of people coming though that border.

Under Obama, if you drug a kid with you on this dangerous and illegal journey, any kid, you got away with it for free.

Guy, if you’re blaming one party over the other you’re the one ‘falling for it’.

Oh damn, so Trump has actually been working for the Deep State this entire time?

Most are from Mexico and with 98% of asylum claims from Mexico being fraudulent it makes getting to folks with legitimate claims much more difficult.

Unfortunately this was a long time coming, but something had to change and since there is little change from the legislature options are limited.

As to what has caused the recent spike. I am not saying that is not a problem, it is. I was just trying to speak within the last 6 weeks. I just went back to where there was a dramatic increase.

Virgin ground eh?

Solution. Deport all of them & build a wall. Tell those who want to move here to get the fuck in line behind those already following the rules.

someones butthurt from their recent PWNing. its ok if you wana cry, dude.

you realise that trump is responsible for this situation, right? its not the dems, or congress, its trump. trump could end this right now in exactly the same way he started it. but he would rather blame the dems and try to gain political points than fix this.

thats my original post you responded to. bwajhahahahahahaha. butthurt much?

Yeah, it's still illegal, however most people find it immoral that a misdemeanor is being punished by detention and the forced separation of families. Families in America are not often detained and split up due to misdemeanors such as traffic violations.

I didn't know that it was a 2-10 year punishment for illegal entry into Mexico. That's a little confusing because when I went in they waved me through without giving me a travel Visa. I cant find anything on the internet, you got any sources for that?

people are complaining about ALL immigrants, not just south of the border ones.

Why? Why do we have to stop illegal aliens from coming in? I truly don't understand that part. We don't have any legs to stand on, considering all of our ancestors came here illegally too. Unless you're a Native, your opinion is very hypocritical.