If top minds of reddit is just about the jokes why are there pages of posts targeting and harassing specific users?

1  2018-06-20 by RMFN


Top minds of reddit is not a sub dedicated to "making fun of people" it's a sub dedicated to the targeted harassment of conspiracy theorists and anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders. Top minds is a hate group dedicated to making conspiracy theorists and right wing Americans feel unsafe on this platform.

This is bullying. And bullying is wrong.

Remember polkadotgirl? She didn't feel safe anymore after they targeted her. They harassed her until she deleted her account. Definitely sounds like just a funny joke... It's absolutely disgusting that such a hate group is allowed to exist on a site dedicated to feeling safe when discussing touchy topics.


That's true and how many others have they done this to. Why is a platform like this enabling users to do this is the real question. Is it them or their investors

Investors? Hmm. Hadn't really thought about that angle.

Can't be run by just 2 people they would have to have people from those companies to help out and guide. Makes me wonder why the push to keep anyone away from speaking their mind that's moderate to right leaning. Big question is do they feel that the left/progressive type is dying.

I've recently seen greatawakening users being blanket banned by insanepeoplefacebook. Very interesting web of power mods in that sub.

Indeed it is. Maybe people that are free thinkers and not skeptics are the real threat to social media.

A user was banned from r/surfing the other day because a mod saw he liked Jordan Peterson. How the hell is that even ok?

Reddit has turned into pure hatred.

I don't understand why liking Jordan Peterson of all people is "bad". Maybe that mod has lobster ptsd?

Yeah, I didn’t understand it either.

The comment that that community is not a free speech zone really stood out to me. A surfing sub... who would’ve thought?

They harassed polkadotgirl until she not longer felt safe to post here. Is that the kind of community reddit whats on its platform?

And they do so with the reddit admin's aporoval. That should tell you all you need to know about TMOR.

They like to drop reports on my comments referencing the death of my wife. Knowing as I review my comments it would jump out at me. 6 months ago, when I was pretty much ready to check out over ylthe loss, that would have fucked me up. Thankfully i'm in a spot where I find it pathetically funny now.

These trolls are absolute cancer. And it is so derivative, they literally wouldn't exist without us. How fucking sad is that?

Wow, that is actually disgusting. I knew that they were degenerates, but that is just another level of disgusting behavior.

What the actual fuck. Thats too far. If that would have triggered your suicide your blood would be on their hands.. I bet they think it's funny too.. How could anyone sane individual think that that is appropriate.

Yeah I'm adding this to the op.

I added another image.

Wow. How do these pathetic fucks live with themselves?

I could quit at any time if I was uncomfortable. But the effect of my continued presence makes for more comedy than anyone could hope for.

Glad you are in a good state to deal with this pathetic garbage. I really do appreciate what you contribute around here, keep it up. Their tactics are blatantly obvious to anyone who has any basic pattern recognition

Thanks man :)

Remember; pattern recognition is anti Semitic ;D

That they mention 'somethingawful days' points at that one not being just a dumb asshole kid, but a majorly fucked-up adult. What a scumbag loser.

TMORs lineage can be directly traced back through digg, into somethingawful.

That is fascinating. A long history of harassment then? Weird. I did stupid stuff like that in my teens, wayy long ago, and I regret it. Not exactly like that, just like ping floods and taking over IRC channels and shit, but still, its childish crap, how can someone not outgrow that?

I did that shit as a kid, and I don't feel bad...that is what kids do.

But we grew out of it. They figured out how to get paid for it.

What the fuck?!? I'm sorry you have to deal with that, no one deserves that sort of harassment.

It's alright. My position, actions, and attitudes invite a certain amount of bullshit. And I get that. Pretty cold though.

Now they are sending reports hinting at doxxing me lol.

Fucking cockwads.

It is truly pathetic that this is what they spend their time doing, harassing and trolling and generally being vile. Behaving like that does not lead to a healthy mind, definitely doesn't lead to a happy person. It's quite sad.

How does reddit allow this type of bullshit? It's harassment

there's a theory that some of the admins are TMOR mods. if that's the case, then naturally the rules don't apply to them :(

It's not like their stalking, harassment, and brigading isn't well-documented, it's not like it isnt obvious to those with admin privileges, it's not like it hasn't already been reported over and over. At the very least the admins are letting it happen, for whatever reason (sponsored the by DNC, perhaps).

isn't well documented

Forbes dedicated an entire article about corporate funded brigades in reddit.

Pardon me, my writing was unclear, I meant it is well documented.

targeted harassment

That is what is going on.

It seems like a bunch of bitter stooges being guided by users who wish to overthrow the moderators of this forum.

It does seem that way.

It seems like a bunch of bitter stooges are being guided by users who wish to overthrow the moderators of this forum.

Exactly. This is their goal. They always attack the mods the hardest, because their goal is control over the sub and complete suppression of certain topics.

2015 -https://www.adweek.com/digital/reddit-defines-harassment/

Reddit staff wrote in an official blog post:

We are unhappy with harassing behavior on Reddit; we have survey data that show our users are, too. So we’ve improved our practices to better curb harassment of individuals on reddit.

The change to the harassment policy was based on a survey of 15,000 Reddit users. Due to harassment, users were much less likely to suggest the site to friends, and many users didn’t comment because they feared negative responses from other Redditors. The primary reason users wouldn’t recommend the site was because they didn’t want to expose friends to “hate and offensive content.”

The new harassment policy is as clear as possible, and it defines harassment as:

Systematic and/or continued actions to torment or demean someone in a way that would make a reasonable person [1] conclude that Reddit is not a safe platform to express their ideas or participate in the conversation, or [2] fear for their safety or the safety of those around them.

Users can report others by emailing Reddit staff, and they will then make investigate the matter and possibly ban the harassing user. It’s hard to say if this change will have any effect on Reddit. Indeed, the blog post notes that this change won’t impact the majority of users, likely because the troll problem on Reddit is smaller than it appears.

2015 - "NPR's Robert Siegel spoke with Ellen Pao, interim CEO of Reddit," - https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2015/05/19/407971708/reddits-new-harassment-policy-aimed-at-creating-a-safe-platform?t=1529518917849

What happens if someone complains?

It's an extension of an existing policy, with more clarification to provide a better definition of harassment. Those who are being harassed on Reddit can complain to the site's administrators, Reddit employees, who are taking a closer look and managing harassment on the site

Have there been more complaints since the policy has been established?

We've seen more complaints coming to us. We've had about 20 to 30 complaints in the past ... half a week. With our larger team, it's been very manageable.

With millions of users and a few dozen employees, how does that work out?

It is definitely hard. We also have thousands of volunteer moderators who help people comply with the rules and policies of Reddit by taking an active role in managing the content. That's been a huge help in allowing us to get to 170 million monthly unique users and have only less than 100 employees.

Since Redditors are anonymous users, doesn't that mean that someone who's contributing harassing material can keep doing it under a variety of pseudonyms?

We have ways of finding them and we have ways of looking for repeat behavior or methods of coming to our site that can help us track down the anonymous users who may try to create fake accounts.

There are discussion threads at Reddit called subreddits, some of which are overtly anti-black or anti-Semitic. If a Jewish Redditor looked at a subreddit called, very offensively, "Gas The Kikes" and said it makes them feel unsafe to participate, would you take down that subreddit?

The question is whether it would make them fear for their safety, or the safety of those around them or where it makes them feel like it's not a safe platform. Somebody expressing ideas that aren't consistent with everybody's views is something that we encourage. There are certain posts that do make people feel unsafe, that people feel threatened or they feel that their family or friends or people near them are going to be unsafe, and those are the specific things that we are focused on today.

It's not our site's goal to be a completely free-speech platform. We want to be a safe platform and we want to be a platform that also protects privacy at the same time.

Are you thinking of harassment in terms of targeting a specific individual as opposed to an individual who's part of a group that would feel targeted by a whole thread of discussion?

That's a good question. We are currently focused on addressing harassment perpetrated by individual users. We know we do have a problem of group harassment as well, but we're trying to address one problem at a time and we will get to group harassment next. It's not something that's going to be very easy so we're taking it one step at a time. We are building tools and hiring more people so we'll have enough resources to do it right when we do continue to look at how our site is being used and the types of content and behavior on our site.

Is there any connection between these two things? When you were a high-profile plaintiff, did you find yourself being attacked and bullied online by people?

There were definitely comments from people all over the Internet that were pretty negative. More of the negative comments were from anonymous folks and it was difficult to see what the substance behind their comments [was] and a lot of the information was wrong.

I would have people reach out with very personal stories. Very emotional connections were formed over the course of the trial and before and afterwards that were really inspiring to me and really helped me feel confidence in what I was doing and feel good about what happened even though the outcome was not exactly what I wanted.

Yet harassment of people like me and polkadotgirl is encouraged..

Cyber bullying isn’t real , turn your computer off or log off the app on your device . Done .

So choosing not participating in social discourse is the answer? Do you not see how this is exactly the problem and is bullying people into silence?

Oh hi Grace! How was your vacation?

I'm sorry, what?


Then why did I get a pm from a deleted account of my first name threatening to doxx me of I don't stop posting here? That's not real?

Just out of curiosity, how are they harassing you? Are they sending you messages with real life threats and stuff? Doxxing you? Or are they just making fun of you?

Several times now I have gotten a pm from a [delete]d account with my first name in it that has never appeared on reddit threatening to doxx me of I don't stop posting here. They pm me regularly very nasty pornography, and hate rhetoric. That they know who I am. Most of its veiled threats to scare me. Which it has at times. But if anything the attacks have emboldened me.

You totally should post some screenshots of these DMs.

Report and ignore, done. And how is this related to your op? I mean, that's something different as the stuff your wrote in your op. How is this(tmor) harassing you?

Report and ignore, done. And how is this related to your op? I mean, that's something different as the stuff your wrote in your op. How is this(tmor) harassing you?

They send the pm and immediately delete the account.

Look at the link in the op. They have hundreds of posts linking directly to my posts or comments. They are targeting and harassing people that they label wrong thinkers. I.e. top minds.

They have hundreds of posts linking directly to my posts

Well, you have quite some output of posts thay may or may not be worth making fun of. I still have a hard time to see where this is harassment. If it bothers you, just don't read it?!

They have hundreds of posts linking directly to my posts

Well, you have quite some output of posts thay may or may not be worth making fun of. I still have a hard time to see where this is harassment. If it bothers you, just don't read it?!

Calling someone you disagree with insane isn't harassment? Making hundreds of posts about me and banning me when I come to defend myself is not harassment? Threatening to find out who I am isn't harassment?

What your definition of harassment then? If it causes emotional distress is it not assault?

If it causes emotional distress is it not assault?

I don't know what definition of harassment people should use but if someone is caused distress by words from strangers online then harassment is not their biggest problem in life.

The internet is the town square of this age. We are as much in the public interacting with people as anywhere else.

Being active on a forum, the public space of our day and having people actively trying to find out who you are so they can dox you or discourage you from posting on said public space is a big deal.

I don't buy into that kind of rhetoric and find it mostly comes from people with an over inflated sense of self importance (not directed at you). Being mocked, ridiculed and/or receiving erroneous threats for having different ideas existed long before the internet. Because some historical figures have been treated in that way people think if it happens to them it makes what their doing credible but that's almost never the case.

Thanks for the reply, good to hear from you!

;D you as well.

The internet is the town square of this age. We are as much in the public interacting with people as anywhere else

Except the little detail you are pretty much anonym here

Harassment : Threatening to find out who I am isn't harassment?

Not harassment : Calling someone you disagree with insane isn't harassment? Making hundreds of posts about me and banning me when I come to defend myself is not harassment?

I mean, are you serious? Oh my God, people call you insane on reddit...

Who. The. Fuck. Cares. Again, if it bothers you, don't go to their fucking sub. Report the RL stuff or just ignore the messages. Wtf

I thought TMOR was alt-right? Can someone please draw me a map, reddit is confusing as hell.

They just do as they're told to do with out realizing what the end goal is.

And what is the end goal?

Might just be to control the official narrative. Mods can silence anyone if they pls.

Tmor is anything but alt-right. I wouldn't necessarily give them a political classification though, they have plenty of this new breed of deranged faux-left, sure. But I don't think politics is a huge part of their game.

I think that they are basically authoritarian Leftist Bolshevik types.

That is probably close enough for government work.

Also instead of reading/listening to what's in front of them, they should follow their GUT feeling. Prob bad nutrition.


Proof of them brigading. The mod comment is at -28 lol

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I gave him permission to post my hometown unedited in that screenshot.


Tmor linked to this post and the karma started to drop form 15 to now 6. Maybe we need a sticky to keep them from sliding this.

Funny thing is the vote totals tanked before the tmor post. These shitheads must be collaborating outside reddit somewhere. God, the amount of time they waste on us...

Maybe they are a bunch of handicapped people or quadriplegics and just have a lot of free time between licking windows and having their mothers wash the shit off their backs?

They are not wasting their time.....if they are being paid to do what they are doing ;)

I think tmor has several tiers, and only like the top 2 are in the money. The rabble are just useful idiots.

Betting their D.C. interns....

People should use Reddit insight whenever they make posts like this. It will help track brigades by following vote trends.

Now 4.

Pedo-defenders gonna pedo-defend. You are on the side of righteousness and good. Sucks to be them.

God is my strength.

Mine too! But not theirs....they have nothing. Just a handful of cobwebbed jism, a mixture of dark lust and death.

The same reason Colbert, Stewart, Samantha Bee, John Oliver etc can say something and be taken as seriously as the news, yet say something racist or offensive and revert back to being comedians and "it's just jokes!".

Because their liberals?

They are sociopaths part of a corrupt system that just says things liberals like to hear. They are not liberals.

Your average "liberal" is a decent human being that values justice, fairness and equality. Their value system is used against them to vote against their self interests.

The same thing is happening to your average "conservative".

Because their liberals?

nothing liberal about them.

a true liberal is liberal...

That is just plain disgusting...

Now you maybe know why polka-dot girl deleted her account.

I'm still pissed off about that.

me too

Same here

Didn't know her at all, didn't agree with a lot of stuff she posted, but this stuff still makes my blood boil. Fuck TMOR; they smell of dried sweat and unwashed swamp ass. Disgusting.

When you have TOS written specifically listing harassment as a no-no, yet only selectively enforce those rules on one group of people you are setting yourself up for a lawsuit. Reddit will find out the hard way what a bad idea it is to allow this behavior to continue unabated.

I wonder if Polkadotgirl would have a legit lawsuit?

Absolutely. Not only the targeted harassment by TuMoR, but the admins for letting it happen. Several people (myself included) contacted the admins with little to no response. They were threatening to dox her and cause her to lose her job, so she did what she felt was necessary.

The fact that they keep them around, in a blatant display of double standards, is probably overall a good thing. Lest anyone get any funny ideas that Reddit rules are actually applied evenly and fairly.

As usual, not just with Reddit, the key to tyranny is to have vague and overly broad rules and laws that get selectively enforced against the "enemies".

Someone got into my machine

And the hits just keep coming!

so tired of their bullshit...

How many times can they break tos workout reprimand?


infinitely many times, but only until that admin quits or gets fired. then suddenly we'all have another "purge" of toxic subreddits & TMOR will be banned just like fatpeoplehate.

Did they actually claim that the reports about the mod's wife were made by himself?? That sure gives a glimpse into how their minds work. How sick!

They are very misguided people.

Absolutely Talmudic thinking right there. They endlessly justify their means through their mastery of pilpul. I.e. the art of reconciling contradictory ideas.

/u/dr_shillgood it's okay to ban someone when they come to your circle jerk to defend themselves? If you're sub is just about the lols why do you send me all of those veiled threats? Threatening people is funny to you?

I'm convinced you suffer from authoritarian personality disorder..

Now they are reporting every comment in this thread

How do I know it's not you reporting every one of your posts?

Yes fellow conspiracy theorist with 300 thousand comment karma. I agree. How do we know? How do we know you're not a top mind here to give an illusion of opposition to the idea that tmor are targeting and harassing people. Sounds like you're just a loony conspiracy theorist.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I'm a skeptic who enjoys conspiracies. Also, what does my karma have to do with anything?

Just proves what you are.

And that would be?

a skeptic who loves conspiracy theories


Selective enforcement of the rules, manipulating algorithms to make certain subs appear less -> not at all on the front page. Not to mention how many hate subs there are, the only purpose of them being to mock and harass other people. This site's a joke for the most part.

The most popular hate subs that earned a spot on my block list:

/r/MurderedByWords /r/iamverysmart /r/cringepics /r/niceguys /r/sadcringe /r/insanepeoplefacebook

yeah, i love how a few years ago reddit made this huge stance against hate-speech & banned fatpeoplehate and a dozen others, but since then they're like "ok well that's done. time to move on."

How are any of those even remotely comparable to tmor?

They have even gone as far as bringing up conspiracy theorists recently deceased loved ones.

Is poring about /u/mastigia's dead wife your idea of a funny joke?

Thats pretty shitty. Do you have any proof?

It is in the OP

They are only accounts, not actual people. And it’s becoming clear Reddit needs them here. Just play their game, they are losing

I think this is the most important. And I’m being serious. Anyone that spreads doubt on a conspiracy in the conspiracy sub is a robot and therefore null and void. Go to another sub somewhere else if you are a real person. I mean, if a sub like TMOR is so dedicated to attacking one sub then obviously these are not real human beings because why in the hell would a real person do that besides being a sick faq. Therefore doubters on /r/conspiracy have become either bots or super people who still deserve zero faq’s

I am as of this moment absolutely certain those people are some of the most terrible human beings in existence.

If you think TMOR would jump to defend Sanders then you're wrong. They're basically the militant arm of /r/politics. And /r/politics wants nothing to do with anyone but pro-establishment democrats.

By all means have your little war with TMOR but this thread is a who's who of brigaders and trolls who are dedicated to defending Trump and bashing their political rivals.


Ethnomethodology studies procedures people carry out in order to create a sense of orderliness within a particular institution or community.

Pardon me, my writing was unclear, I meant it is well documented.