"Who is Jeffrey Epstein?" sign held by protester at Trump rally, shown live on Fox News.

1  2018-06-21 by Diablos_taint

The protester held a picture of Trump with Epstein that read"who is Jeffery Epstein, and was shown close up by Fox cameras as Trump yelled at him to go away. Could this help bring up questions about him to those who don't know? Happened around 7:15 Central. Sorry for the poor post, just saw it live and wanted to share.


Yeah, I saw that. Clear shot of it on the screen.

SS: Could this get him trending in searches for the average fox viewer? This rally is in Tucker Carlson's time slot which is the highest ratings on Fox News. I was surprised how long it was shown live and close enough to read easily. Wish I had a screenshot.

It was at the 7:17 Central mark on the Fox ticker for those that want to find it.

Nice work, appreciate it.

Wow, you keep adding more. Excellent work, this should be at the top!

I would certainly hope people look into that name; anyone who's hob-knobbing with a convicted sex offender is either a creep themselves or an enabler 🤷‍♀️

I would have loved the opportunity to hang with Jeff on his island


FBI, here you go ^

Fuck off.

That was probably some Russian agent, reminding him of what they have on video.

Or a concerned former Trump zombie that woke up and has some questions about his relationship with a convicted pedophile.

Can you explain why trump kicked him out of his country club?

He didn't

Watch how an adult responds:

He did.

(Now i will provide a source)


Radar Online, the same site owned by the National Enquirer that has been going all out to protect Trump? That's a terrible source, and it's sourced to nothing.

I've seen the claim that Trump banned Epstein, and it's bullshit.

Lmao probably.

You honestly believed that 4chan hoax?

I have a personal conspiracy that the "pee tape" is originally and Epstein blackmail tape. No real proof tbh beyond the whole Trump-Epstein connection and some BSing extrapolation but I still think it a bit.

So what’s the angle? Bill connections? Trump connections? The revelation that he was an informant?

It was the picture of him and Trump, so idk.

Tried to find it and had zero luck. If it was trump/Epstein and he chased them off it is definitely interesting. Is there any audio? I would love to hear what was said.

Look further up the comments page, user Orangutan posted 4 links.

Just watched - that was funny.

I was surprised they zoomed in on it. Thought they would pan away like a streaker at football match.

Definitely. The comment that it was on one camera and was edited from the feed is telling.

This is the picture he held up. It said “who is Jeffrey Epstein?” Where this one says Getty Images.

Yes, thank you.

Thanks for sharing. I've been shining a light on their relationship for quite some time.

It apparently got taken down.

its covered in the daily mail story about trump . you can see the guy holding up the pic in a photo http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5866937/Trump-hold-rally-state-LOST-fires-supporters-Minnesota.html

Weird that the highest rated comments are pro-Trump despite being a UK publication.

Daily mail is a trash newspaper most the time . Defitenly leans right on political stuff (well race stuff anyway ). The other 1/2 of there articles are tabloid trash stuff like what bikini is reality contestant wearing

Very true, it's not as right wing as it used to be (kind of goes without saying since it was pro-fascism and pro-Nazi at one point) but it still leans that way.

The reason I find those pro-Trump comments odd is because here in the UK he's not really very popular among the right. Obviously he's more popular with them than the left, but your average British conservative thinks he's a joke.

Same here in australia but people i know who are anti immigration and against so called political correctness love it (i would call them bogans ) . I guess the combination of boobs and anti immigration articles hit the spot

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy, He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

~Donald Trump

Still better than riding in his plane around the world 26 times with Epstein. - Bill Clinton.

Do you people ever get tired of defending Trump?

It's amazingly easy to.


Then why are you failing at it? "Well, he's a less prolific pedophile..." is hardly good ground to start an argument on.

I mean in general, it's fairly easy to correct most of Trump's critics. This thread is simply full of jokes.

most people agree pedophilia is wrong.

Apparently not Trump, since he thought Epstein was a great guy despite knowing his preference for women on the "younger side".

Plus, there are rumors about an incident at Mar-a-Lago in 1999, which made some people claim Trump kicked Epstein out of there, yet we have a photo of Epstein at a Mar-a-Lago party in 2000. He probably just waited for the heat to die down.

All while he was a private citizen. Still shitty. But if we follow what the other user was trying to say, then we can conclude that holding power (especially being the President of the United States) makes there charges a bitore serious compared to a private citizen in 2000.

"a bit more serious"....holy shit, are you even hearing yourself right now? Cultish

One can be worse than the other. I'm sorry you're having trouble understanding why the president should be held at a higher standard than a private citizen.

How about we start with the blanket rule that literally no one should be fraternizing with serial child fuckers. Can you do that?

I agree, but the president and the secretary of state need to be held to a higher standard and with more scrutiny.

Sure...and now that he's president. Do you think his preferences have changed?

Let's have a look at some of his quotes over the years:

"You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass,”

“Cause I like kids, I mean, I won’t do anything to take care of them. I’ll supply funds and she’ll take care of the kids. It’s not like I’m gonna be walking the kids down Central Park.”

On Sexual Assaults of Women in the Military

“What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together?”

Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

So you can go get fucked if you think that now he's president all of this part of his character disappeared. He just threw candy at the chancellor of Germany.

If he's friends with Epstein and they've traveled together, I can connect the dots. Especially with his views on women.

His own wife can't fucking stand him.

You belong to a cult, plain and simple.

I believe now Trump need to be held to a higher standard for things done after 2016, while in office and in power. Simple as that.

So like covering up his affairs with porn stars....got it.

The guy who flaunted being a Playboy star running around the Playboy Manson has sex with a hot porn star? Color me surprised.

He's still throwing money at it after he was president-elect. Many woman were silenced while he was campaigning.

How are you OK with these actions? Are they fit for a president? Should we elect:

The guy who flaunted being a Playboy star running around the Playboy Manson ??

(It's spelt mansion btw)

If it was Obama you'd be tearing his head off.

Melania still lives in Trump tower to get away from him and you don't see a problem. If the US was paying for Michelle Obama to live in one of Barack's real estate buildings in Chicago, you'd be out of breath and red in the face.

But.....it's Trump and he can do no wrong.

So answer me this, after all I've presented, much of which you've agreed with, you think having a President who doesn't respect woman and has had multiple allegations of rape brought up against him is OK just because it was.....more than 2 years ago????

Well, Clinton and Hillary both have had sexual encounters while in office and much worse than what Trump is accused of. You're a bit off topic if you're trying to compare Obama to Trump here, while Hillary and Bill both have had scandals while in positions of power.

I honestly do not mind the president spend money sueing the actress for breaking her NDA. Very different circumstances than lying to the public about an affair.

Your selective outrage was once blow off by Democrats during Hillary's time, now the shoe is on the other foot and it's all of a sudden a problem.

News flash, people in power like to fuck.

Please point out to where I defended Bill or Hillary....I'll wait. I know they're scum as well.

You still haven't answered my question, you literally just brought up the Clinton's which is exactly what every Trump supporter does.

You belong to a cult just admit it. Any time someone brings up Trumps fault you instantly point the finger elsewhere to justify his immoral actions. That's not how shit works.

So please answer the question I had posted before.

The same applies to the other. I'm sorry you're having problems understanding how to compare and contrast two political icons.

I'm sorry you're having problems answering the question.

This isn't about Bill or Hillary...can you even function without bringing them up?!

Answer the question........

Trump was not in position of power during his accusations. Major difference. Especially if you look at similar cases which you ignore.

She was paid in October 2016, one month before he was elected.

1.) That's close enough for me to not see a difference. 2.) You and I both know he got into the white house because that information was kept silence. 3.) I haven't ignored any similar cases 4.) You're excusing a sexist pedophile by pointing in another direction. 5.) Shame on you.

You're equating going on a plane with Epstein, with settling a lawsuit for a sex act during the 90's? I'm citing a similar case as any lawyer would do.

Is it? All I’ve seen is whataboutism. No one really defends what he does or says (except the people who are nonsensically convinced he’s acting), they just make the conversation about something else.

Follow the logic. Another user asks if Trump being president increases the seriousness of the matter. Well, I'm bringing up another president who did the same shit and explaining how Trump was a private citizen at the time. Major difference another user brought up. Get pissed off at them for bringing up the presidency and the seriousness related to being in office at the time.

“You people,” again. A collection of individuals is a lot harder to attack than a 2-bit talking point, it’s no wonder the tactic is deployed so often

At some point, when it comes out that all the politicians on TV are all one part of a satanic cult that fucks and eats babies, they'll probably say "Well, Trump only ate 2 babies, Hillary ate 5, so who is the bad guy here?"

The republican party actively defends school children being murdered in exchange for money (from the NRA) and power (from 2A voters).

What do you call people who sacrifice children for money and power?

Why do ALL the other baby eaters hate him so much? Hmm? why did Hillary say "if he wins we all hang"? We're supposed to just assume Trump is a rapist becaues he boarded the Lolita Express a couple times? Gimme a break. I highly doubt each and every trip in that jet was for the soul purpose of raping kids--other than the 26 times Bill clinton flew, of course (since he's a CONFIRMED rapist).

Have you ever considered that a lot of the controversy is make-belief created to give a controversial president enough internal support in order for him to do controversial things on the foreign policy stage like moving embassies and bombing people in Yemen and Syria?

Maybe if enough people talk about the nonsense that is being echoed through the zionist media, they'll realize America is acting as an instrument of Israel in implementing its vision for the middle east? Maybe people will realize that there's a close relationship between the far right in Israel and Trump's family? Maybe they'll realize a reality-show star knows exactly how to manipulate media and public opinion?

It's the oldest trick in the book, make people look in one direction while you do another.

Do you just have to say "raped babbies" to make the average American intellectual see red and act purely on emotional impulses?

controversial things on the foreign policy stage like moving embassies

Only an anti-semite would give af about where the nation of Israel chooses to put its own capitol. THEY wanted us to move it there, so we did. And all the jew haters said REEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm actually glad he did it because it gave our girl Nikki a chance to take note of all our fake allies.

Go feign outrage somewhere else. We're all stocked up.

You know Trump went on Epsteins plane multiple time, right?

Yup, and Hillary went will Bill a couple of times as well.

So does that make it all gravy or should we take an honest look at Trump now that he’s you know, the president.

Compare and contrast. If you hate one you also hate the other, and if you love one then you also love the other.

Jesus christ are you actually saying it's ok because trump wasn't in office yet? Dear god

You obviously are missing the point the other user was trying to make as well lol.

set at a higher standard

My apologies for taking your words at face value. The standard should be "this is unacceptable" regardless of whether or not someone is in public office.

If your best attack is that I'm not facing the facts, you better find a new slant

Read the other user, they brought this up pal. Use context and I'll be waiting for you to quote me.

Look, both are bad. The user you were repplying to was saying that the Clintons don't somehow exonerate Trump from guilt in this scenario. he was replying to a common trope of dismissing Trump by bringing up Clinton -- as if somehow Clinton's previous actions make Trump's any less disgusting

Again, there's a big difference between doing this shit while president or a presidential family than compared to a regular citizen. Comparing and contrasting does not stop just because someone lost an election.

One of them is currently a public figure -- the other two are not. One does outrage me more -- the one who continues to hold a public office.

One was a private citizen while the other was an ex president. Selective outrage much?

You honestly are arguing that Bill and Hillary are not public figures?

Lol, pedos are cool as long as theyre not in politics at the time. Wow you morons are scumbags, hahaha

Where did I say it was acceptable? There should be different weight between the president of the United States and a private citizen. If you're unable to see that then I'm sorry but I cannot fix common sense.

Youre fucking wrong. A pedophile is just as bad whether theyre potus or a janitor. Its incredible that you cant see that.

When a president does it while in power, there's a much greater issue than if it is just a single individual private citizen. I cannot believe you're accusing me of supporting pedophilia just because I'm pointing out the difference between a presidents responsibilities and a private citizen.

Is one plane flight the equivalent of 16 flights?

So does that make it all gravy or should we take an honest look at Trump now that he’s you know, the president.

Jesus Christ you're trying to excuse Clinton because, well, reasons?

Dude literally NO ONE is trying to excuse the Clintons in this thread. No one. Some people are defending another highly influential political figure however...

One was president and their wife secretary of state while these occurred. That doesn't bother you?

Yeah obviously dipshit

And wouldn't it be a bit uneven to compare that type of couple, a couple in power for over a decade, with a private citizen?

Trump ran for President in 2000...dude...I don't even know right to say right now...I'm just disappointed in you

Did he get the GOP nomination? Was he in power for more than a decade? Why are you not answering my question? Why is it so hard for you to admit your outrage for Trump is skewed?

the victim card doesn't play as well when you've been in power for 16+ months

Did he do anything within those 16 months? Your asking the right questions but fail to see the irony.

I was 7 y.o. when W was inaugurated...get fucked man you are seriously deluded

Where did that come from? Stay focused on the topic and let's not discuss Bush here. That was random.

Removed. Rule 4. 1st warning.

I wouldn’t necessarily consider Trump a regular citizen at any point in his life, he was born into the elite class and lives in a different world than the rest of us. Trump has the power and is the current man on the top, that’s the biggest threat. If Hillary won I’d say the same about her.

But you'd agree not on the same level as the fucking president of the United States?

No pedophile is better than another pedophile. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? DOES THAT REGISTER IN YOUR MIND?

Let me bloody repeat it in case it was not clear, ABSOLUTELY NO PEDOPHILE IS BETTER THAN ANY OTHER PEDOPHILE, a citizen pedophile is not better than a president pedophile, THEY ARE BOTH PEDOPHILES. Do you comprehend that?
A private citizen who has done pedophilic shit BEFORE taking office is on the same pedophile level as a private citizen who has done pedophilic shit AFTER taking office. A PEDOPHILE IS A PEDOPHILE IS A PEDOPHILE.

Your bias and attempt at white-washing a pedophile is blatantly obvious. SICK. Christ, 2018 and defending one pedophile over the other. WHAT THE FUCK

I want this comment to go viral

One was a private citizen while the other was an expresident. Selective outrage much?

Removed rule 6. You are welcome to tone it down and notify me so I can release it again.

Hello, thank you, moderator. I have self-censored according to the rule for tone-policing (rule 6), as per your request.
I have used italic respectively bold-italic in 2, respectively 3 places of my newly modified text, please let me know if that is the safe amount of text stylization allowed on your subreddit or if I should remove it entirely.
I apologize for not closely following this subreddit rules, but most importantly I deeply and honestly apologize if I hurt anyone's feelings with my excessive use of caps lock and I will try my best not to repeat this mistake in the future and instead help make this subreddit a safe space for everyone to participate in.


Thank you as well, moderator.

You're gross.

You cannot follow along.

"Trump's the best pedophile. He's great. Super good pedophile. Cuz he's a normal guy. Not the president. The president is a bad pedophile."

Amazing how comparing and contrasting a couple who was in power for over a decade is now being sounds into me claiming pedophila is ok. Amazingly sad and sick.

it's okay to rape children BEFORE you run for president

THE PEDO DEFENDER HAS LOGGED ON! All defenses online, must defend the poor rapists and pedophiles!
Holy shit, this fucking guy right here. What kind of mental state do you even have to be in to say something this insane!!!

I keep telling you Americans, they putting something in your water or some shit, there's absolutely no way any normal person would say shit as stupid as this on their own. I N S A N E

I’ll accept proof now

He flew on it at least once.

Epstein, 64, was a regular for several years at Mar-a-Lago. Testimony in a prior court case indicated that Trump flew at least once on one of the planes Epstein owned and Trump’s phone numbers were in Epstein’s personal phone directory.


That’s not evidence he flew on the plane. The article states he knew Epstein, never flew the Lolita express

Huh, I thought the part I bolded was about him flying on Epstein's plane. I wasn't aware that only a certain plane was the Lolita express.

Hey says trump got a ride to New York and asked jeff for a ride never went to his island either

Right, whatever you need to tell yourself, fam. Keep denying that reality because daddy Trump is your cult leader.

I didn’t even vote for him you fucking jackass

There is no evidence that trump ever went to Epsteins Island, please show me anything?

the only proof of Trump on epsteins plane is testimony from Epsteins brother about a flight from florida to NY. There is no other evidence of trump on the island or on his plane.

Trump flying on a pedo plane.

Using conspiracy logic, that means Trump is a pedo.

Funny how "proof" is all of the sudden a relevant factor when Trump is the one being accused of something.

You - makes a claim - "You know Trump went on Epsteins plane multiple time, right?"

Me - please show me evidence of multiple trips. I looked and only found one reference to Trump on an Epstein plane, made by Epsteins brother. But, there is no record of trump on any of Epsteins flight logs, while President Clinton is clearly listed several times. The evidence seems to point to there being no record of Trump ever on an Epstien plane,

You - Mock, impugn character, false association. but no response to my Question, shpw me the evidence to back your initial claim...... crickets.

And i never said anything to you about "crazy left", but if you have any questions about my reasoning or proof for anything I have posted ,please ask away.

Go back to greatawakening, go back to your cult. You asked for proof Trump was on the plane, proof was provided.

Using conspiracy logic, Trump is now a pedo.

We aren't talking about Bill fucking Clinton. They both were close to a pretty shady guy. One being closer doesn't mean the other is innocent. The constant deflection makes this forum pathetic.

We are talking about a private citizen Trump and presidential family Clinton. Major difference. We are talking about the current president being accused of rape and we all of a sudden are not allowed to talk about previous presidents? lol

No, it's not

One was a private citizen while the other held power in America for over a decade.

One was elected president after these things came to light. Basically you're saying it's better to remove all doubt about a president interacting with a pedophile than have it revealed after.

I haven't seen anything yet us there video of the guy actually doing this.

I don't blame him then. I too would throw out an agitator from my rally if I was being accused. So what's the conspiracy.

Go read your Saul Alinsky book. I applaud the dude for bringing this to the attention of his cult supporters.

Well how is holding a sign a conspiracy. I can hold up one of myself and obama at a trump rally, so my ? Is what does what does that even prove.

i think the conspiracy is that trump was a a regular at epstein parties with young girls ( as well as other high profile people) and has not been talked about in MSM

Could be talked about more. But ya know the media for years hasn't been very truthful at all. How am I supposed to believe even when I know a lot of journalists that stay away from the truth and use there own agenda to make it big. All I see is propaganda coming out of both sides. Have you personally seen him at the parties. Have you or anyone else here hung out with them. All we see and here is what's on the boobtube or when we look at our phones. In reality (mine and yours) we don't have the truth.

Probay because the truth would hurt both sides. Clinton and trump would have stuff on each other. You never hear anything about others besides them 2 which i think there is a few other high profile people from different areas . If the truth got out it could hurt a lot of areas

So be it. The truth needs to come out so the citizens of America can finally make changes.

Not talked about in the msm or alternative or fringe outlets. It's bizarre.

Look at the other comments

You can argue that Trump knew Epstein but didn't partake. You can even argue that Trump knew what Epstein did, found it offensive, knew Eostein was trying to recruit from Mar-a-lago and banned him.

But if any single one of those things is true, then Trump still ABSOLUTELY knew what Epstein and his island was and did nothing to report or expose it. Therefore he's an enabler or complicit in it.

Trump sounded the whistle in an interview he did, but if Trump wants to take down the pedo elite, you think he'd be president?

Trump wants to take down the pedo elite, you think he'd be president?

They'd probably try to smear him, frame him, compromise him, or assassinate him... oh wait, they did.

Fake news

I thought Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl at one of Epstein’s parties?

He was. He's been named in a court case along with Epstein.

The first filing was dismissed because of filing errors, then it was refiled in New York and the complainant then dropped the case, claiming threats had been made aganist her life. The woman filed the initial papers (which are on Sribd) let the case lapse.

Threats against her life. Sounds like something trump would do. Wait, it sounds like something trump would get someone else to do

Jesus. That complaint is chilling. Poor girls :(

Eh, I'm not convinced on Trump either way, but that case stinks to high heaven. It came from an anonymous person , with an identity that nobody ever could verify, never showed up to court or police, address was fake, and after the election it just dropped. Not to mention that the origin of the story was an extremely biased borderline fake nes website, with no verification by any even mildly reputable publishers makes the whole thing very suspect.

Trump knew Epstein, and just because he wasn't in the flight logs doesn't make him innocent at ALL, because at best he heard or knew something and kept his mouth shut. So he could be a monster just like E, but this case in particular just doesn't hold up.

Some sources (Snopes, because they don't have a pro-trump bias)/ This one was last updated 4 nov 2016


In late April 2016, rumors began to circulate online holding that Republican presidential Donald Trump had either been sued over, or arrested for, raping a teenaged girl. One of the earliest versions of the rumor was published on 2 May 2016 by the Winning Democrats web site, which reported that woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old)

origin of the reporting: winningdemocrats.com


Notes: Winning Democrats is an over the top extreme left wing website. Demonstrates severe bias in wording and story choices. Has a very poor record of factual reporting. Winning Democrats produces left wing propaganda. (11/18/2016)

from the Snopes article again:

According to RadarOnline’s initial reporting, the lawsuit filed in California on 26 April 2016 was dismissed over technical filing errors (the address listed in court documents was a foreclosed home that has been vacant since its owner died), with the plaintiff failing in her attempt to avoid incurring the cost of the litigation

Then the suit was dropped because she listed a vacant lot as an adress and a phonenumber that went straight to voicemail.

Conclusion on the matter from this Snopes article from Okt 2016, updated Dec 2017:


s our article on the lawsuit notes, “Katie Johnson” alone is the source for all claims contained in the lawsuit, she has not been identified or interviewed, and she has not provided any information or evidence outside of her court filing. Donald Trump hasn’t been afforded any opportunity to confront his accuser or the evidence against him in court, and the case may never get that far.

So yeah, Trump may be a satanic pedophilic POS still, but this case is dead end and is easily debunked imo.

Both original articles are gone, and nothing has happened with this case since 2016, with no articles appearing on google from a later date or anything new besides peope mentioning it in opinion articles from MotherJones or HuffPo, every time with the caveat that KJ is still unidentified and there is no evidence whatsoever besides an anonymous report from a fake identity/alias.

Of course I did only google for a second so maybe I missed something, open to new info.

The lawsuit was filed by a former Jerry Springer producer who has a history of filing bullshit lawsuits against celebrities.



Defendant Trump initiated sexual contact with Plaintiff at four different parties. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied Plaintiff to a bed, exposed himself to Plaintiff, and then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect. Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff’s pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted. Exhs. A and B. 11.

Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened Plaintiff that, were she ever to reveal any of the details of the sexual and physical abuse of her by Defendant Trump, Plaintiff and her family would be physically harmed if not killed. Exhs. A and B.

True or not, this accusation was levied against the current sitting President of the United States of America

And anyone can make any accusation about him or you..

I heard you are drug dealer that secretly bangs his best friend's wife

thats not the point. how many previous presidents have accusations like that against them, filed as actual lawsuits?

Not enough, allegedly.

Take it to court, go through the motions, get a lawyer, pay the fees....then you'll see how easy it is.

Fucking retards.

Stop defending someone who is obviously immoral.

He was, that is correct. Funny that the corporate media never really attacked Trump about that lawsuit and then it vanished into thin air. I've seen others speculate that she was threatened somehow to kill the lawsuit. I wouldn't be surprised.

You must be great at strategy, it’s chess not checkers, you don’t just take the first opportunity you see. You wait for the right moment to strike. It’s been a concept of overcoming opponents or enemies since Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Go read if you haven’t

He's president. He has all the power in the world at his disposal. What if, the bankers think he's going to blow their supply guy Epstein open, do they hit a switch that blows a bomb in his head?

No, he hasn't done it because he is complicit.

You think the U.S. President is all powerful? Lololol don’t be silly

Have you read Art of War?

Flip on the lights before you set the traps and the roaches scatter everywhere.

I wish more people would read Art of War.

And then watch some old, classic WWF, learn about kayfabe.

Then they would understand that there's a lot going behind the scenes that we're not aware of.

That would risk them having to possibly “change their minds.” Can’t have that now

Have you read Art of War?

Do you think Trump has?

Have you read Art of War?

Bits and pieces. Will you answer my question?

Now that you’ve finally answered mine. Yes I know he has.

How do you know Trump has read it?

Why don’t you read it and tell me what you think

Trump appointed the guy who cut the sham club fed deal with Epstein to his cabinet. That deal was a major miscarriage of justice and likely downright corrupt and Trump rewarded him with a cabinet spot. Gross. All the information is pointing to these guys being connected and running in the same circles

Dershowitz, who has a connection to Epstein as well, is all of a sudden Trump's most prominent legal defender.


i completely agree w/ you but Trump focused incredibly on child sex trafficking when he became president probably to ease his conscience.

Actually, that would make Trump a co-conspirator.

Yeah and do what ? Get “”wet worked”” suicided ? The dudes president now and can do something without getting wacked.

You don't know that Trump did nothing. Informants and police reports are not made public.

I think Epstein is a cointelpro honey pot

Thank you

Trump still ABSOLUTELY knew what Epstein and his island was and did nothing to report or expose it

The whole crutch of the Qanon "conspiracy" is that he IS doing something about it.


Thank you


Qanon is fucking retarded

Probably, the more glue I inhale the eaiser it gets.

I really wish Trump was doing all this shit to "keep his enemies close" type thing, so he could get information, but its been 2 long years. I think he's full of shit and politics will continue as usual, along with the protection of high ranking pedos.

They're all complicit.

I think you're spot on. That goes for all of holywood too they know whats up. The thing is, the way trump called out anthony weiner was huge. He's the only celebrity I've every heard of doing something like what he did. "WARNING, ALL GIRLS UNDER 18 IMMEDIADLY BLOCK ANTHONY WEINER"

Idk dude this and the huge number of human trafficers Trump has taken down maek me think he's on the right side on his.

Trump hasnt taken down any human trafficers, that's pure propoganda. All of these operations that have resulted in arrests during Trump's presidency had been going on for years. Don't be so easily deceived.

Lol oh okay whatever you need to believe

Oh a twitter user with a meme as a source, it’s like the inception of bull shit

Oh no counter data just insults k

I wasn’t even the argument. Just reading it. Besides it’s really more like neither of us has any data

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Ah the classic shifting of the burden of proof.

Riddle me this. Why does the twitter source claim 6355 trafficking arrests when the official White House source claims 1,602 arrests? You are knowingly spreading propaganda and misinformation. Quit it

Damn, you're right. That was humbling actually.

Who would you report it to? The FBI? Like they didn't know already.

The clintons are too of course.

Trump flew once, BC flew 26 times on Lolita Express.

Trump banned Epstein from his hotel, Epstein's madam has a front row seat at Chelsea's wedding.

Anyone wants to go after Trump for his Epstein connections, that's fine. But were the same people currently going after Trump as worried about an Epstein pal getting the Dem nom in '16? And, overwhelmingly, the people pointing fingers at Trump were crapping on both pizzagate and the larger pedogate.

This sht is so obviously political. DAE constantly find themselves defending DJT just out of a sense of basic fairness? I'll never vote for the guy, but... The constant slander and hyperbole against Obama & Bill by AM radio isn't OK now that its an R in the Oval.

How do you know Trump didn't run for President because he wanted to stop it??

Damn. I was gonna go to that today...

Duluth is pretty

if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a pedophile.

jeffrey epstein is a duck.

wait, i think i have that backwards.

Burn the witch.

What are you all doing watching Fox News???

Haven’t you heard? The highest rated news channel is definitely not the msm.

It's refreshing to see something that isn't echoed across other news outlets. Breaks up the monotony.

How much cable news do you watch? Also, just bc it’s different, does not make it better. They are literally trying to brainwash you man, you’re better off watching almost anything else.

The point of my post was some guy had the balls to do that and made it on MSM and possibly unwashed a brain or two.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he did, but it’s just surprising to ke how many people on this sub watch Fox News enough to catch shit like this.

Trump doesn't fuck kids and if you think he does you're a fucking moron

This probably won't get much traction, as Epstein was extremely well connected. Both sides of our WWF political sphere and msm want to ignore Epstein. Note that Hillary nor anyone used it against trump. Apparently Epstein was also a protected source for mueller, maybe just for political blackmail?

Also look at his facial expression very telling along with he said absolutely nothing about it after it happened just made a joke about the individual hair and if he is a guy or a girl. This should speak volumes about what he knew about Jeffery Epstein since he was silent.

Sure.... Orangutan gets all the credit but leave the titties out...

It's my personal conspiracy against Marlon Wayans

A rich man that likes young girls that has rich friends.

Just saw the clip on the news. This is the thread I was looking for, I knew you guys wouldn’t let me down.

Good question. It's my understanding that Jeffrey Epstein is a wealthy pimp providing underage girls to people like Trump

Do you people ever get tired of defending Trump?

You know Trump went on Epsteins plane multiple time, right?

Yup, and Hillary went will Bill a couple of times as well.

Jesus christ are you actually saying it's ok because trump wasn't in office yet? Dear god

I wouldn’t necessarily consider Trump a regular citizen at any point in his life, he was born into the elite class and lives in a different world than the rest of us. Trump has the power and is the current man on the top, that’s the biggest threat. If Hillary won I’d say the same about her.

I’ll accept proof now

it's okay to rape children BEFORE you run for president

THE PEDO DEFENDER HAS LOGGED ON! All defenses online, must defend the poor rapists and pedophiles!
Holy shit, this fucking guy right here. What kind of mental state do you even have to be in to say something this insane!!!

I keep telling you Americans, they putting something in your water or some shit, there's absolutely no way any normal person would say shit as stupid as this on their own. I N S A N E

We aren't talking about Bill fucking Clinton. They both were close to a pretty shady guy. One being closer doesn't mean the other is innocent. The constant deflection makes this forum pathetic.

Very true, it's not as right wing as it used to be (kind of goes without saying since it was pro-fascism and pro-Nazi at one point) but it still leans that way.

The reason I find those pro-Trump comments odd is because here in the UK he's not really very popular among the right. Obviously he's more popular with them than the left, but your average British conservative thinks he's a joke.

Same here in australia but people i know who are anti immigration and against so called political correctness love it (i would call them bogans ) . I guess the combination of boobs and anti immigration articles hit the spot

We are talking about a private citizen Trump and presidential family Clinton. Major difference. We are talking about the current president being accused of rape and we all of a sudden are not allowed to talk about previous presidents? lol

most people agree pedophilia is wrong.

Apparently not Trump, since he thought Epstein was a great guy despite knowing his preference for women on the "younger side".

Plus, there are rumors about an incident at Mar-a-Lago in 1999, which made some people claim Trump kicked Epstein out of there, yet we have a photo of Epstein at a Mar-a-Lago party in 2000. He probably just waited for the heat to die down.

No, it's not

One was a private citizen while the other held power in America for over a decade.

One was president and their wife secretary of state while these occurred. That doesn't bother you?

How do you know Trump has read it?

There is no evidence that trump ever went to Epsteins Island, please show me anything?

the only proof of Trump on epsteins plane is testimony from Epsteins brother about a flight from florida to NY. There is no other evidence of trump on the island or on his plane.