The sky is getting worse.

1  2018-06-22 by oswald__mosley

Very limited discussion on this topic, most if not all is shilled/ridiculed and linked to TMOR. Even tiny posts like this will be likely be linked and thus brigaded with inane comments. Have to ask yourself...why? Why put the energy into it? Why the mass geoengineering? The orange hue that is growing larger everyday on the horizon? The long after glow when sun goes down, noticeably longer than before? How the fuck does noone notice? Phones? Have we forgotten what the sky really used to look like, or does nobody even look up? Limited correlation between sky phenomena, volcanic and EQ activity despite noticeable increases since 2012 and definitely no signs of any decrease. Are we experiencing the effects of another planetary system? Does Mandela Effect and Schumann resonance tie into all of it?

What limited focus there is on the internet(reddit) is focused on Q anon at the moment, whether it is a LARP or not etc etc. It IS most definitely an intelligence operation (distraction).. but to what end? To keep us hanging on every word? Q has never mentioned chemtrails or geoengineering..why?


... what? Idk what you're trying to say, but if it gets darker slower that's becasue it's summer.

Summertime. I hope you all find a beach, lake, river, creek and a cold drink.

A stiff vodka on the rocks

Huh? You read nothing of what i wrote. It is not incoherent

Yesterday was the longest day....sad

I think you're asking too many questions in one paragraph, I don't understand what you're saying.

Are you saying the light from the sunset is filling more of the sky than before and you don't understand why nobody else is noticing?

You don't post in conspiracy? How did you find this post so fast! Break it down a question at a time then, that is not what im saying.

I subscribe to conspiracy. I always sort by 'new' first to see the stuff that doesn't get super up voted.

But yeah, I don't understand your message. I might not be the only one just just giving you the heads up that this might reach less people.

Also don't forget to brush your teeth.

Brush my teeth..?

My mistake, thought you were someone else.


Coincidence? I think not bro...

It isn't the first time ive had a spooky coincidence comment, last time it was from a mod (newly appointed at time) and it still sends shivers down my spine thinking about it..

Dont panic.

Too late

Well dont in the future.

well we (northern hemisphere) are in the summer and yesterday was the summer solstice (the longest day time of the year). Also depending where you live, there might not even be night (eg Lapland, Finland)

It happens every year.

Yes, but i am talking of a daily phenomena that has lasted for quite a while for others and I who have noticed. That is only one part of it anyways everyone ignores the rest. Geoenegineering? Higher UVB and UV levels, cosmic ray increase...

Are you saying they are hiding something in the sky?

I am wondering if anyone actually looks up and notices, it is obvious for anyone with half a brain that geo engineering is real and visible above most of our heads..depressingly so. It's often near the sun and its completely obfuscated at sun up..and sun down. No idea what is being hid but I am embarrassed at this thread and my fellow man for being so out of tune and lost..i blame cellphones

Most people don’t look up. If they are hiding something or just poisoning us or maybe both?

time will tell

I have that tattooed on my wrist!


you smoked some bad shit bro

I wish I could boil it down to that

A sunset is one of the most photographed thing in the world. This website has photographed every sunrise since 2005 for example. Surely you can post some evidence of what you are talking about that is not just one random day vs another but a trend of photos.

Great website thanks, will do some analysis on it. Shame its not sunsets also

This is one of the more laughable posts ive seen here. All the things you mentioned are normal. Like the orange glow, that's light from the sun reflecting off stuff. Im not sure if this is a troll post or just someone getting into the medicine cabinet.

Troll comment more like

At least this made sense. Well done.

See.. everyone that's not aligned with your thinking is either a troll or shill. This is a dangerous way to see the world. I encourage you try to look at perspectives other than your own. If you're confident in your perspective than doing this should reaffirm it.

Haha, nice try. Any lurker reading knows the score with downvote brigades and goading comments and what they intend to do to the poster...

Your best defense is to remain mature and respond to them with a serious and meaningful answer. Not point fingers and complain..

This thread is useless without pics.

I havent had the time but I have been compiling a large collection but all need to be EXIF'd as there are some creepy people on the internet

Just take a pic and upload it. Takes 2 minutes, surely you have time for something so important.

I have if you check post history. Heres one at high altitude - Sun is what can only be described as WHITE yet the reflection upon the earth a deep shade of red/orange..peculiar! you not understand that bright lights appear white? Also the color of the sunset is created by Rayleigh scattering, and appears red because the suns light has to travel through more air. Because it is at a more extreme angle.

No, the definition online does explain what the scattering is (links it to blue sky...) but there is no valid explanation for the image in my previous comments. The "science gurus" always show up in these threads and throw in a stream of text that looks legit to a lurker but grows tiresome and obvious in large numbers that often contradict one another in the same thread.

Literally go outside on a clear day and look at the sun. It’s white

Yes...thats the point. It used to be YELLOW. I have seen it described well by another user it was an incandescent style bulb back in the day and now its almost harsh like an LED.. perfectly described the changes I have noticed and experienced

What the fuck are you talking about. In children’s books it’s yellow, but the sun is so bright that it looks white. It’s always been this way

Something that is obviously beyond your capability of understanding

That’s pretty ironic coming from you

You're talking about the destroyer. The Kolbrin has a good description.

Chapter Five – The Destroyer - Part 3
MAN:5:1 The Doomshape, called the Destroyer, in Egypt, was seen in all the lands thereabouts. In colour, it was bright and fiery; in appearance, changing and unstable. It twisted about itself like a coil, like water bubbling into a pool from an underground supply, and all men agree it was a most fearsome sight. It was not a great comet or a loosened star, being more like a fiery body of flame.
MAN:5:2 Its movements on high were slow; below it swirled in the manner of smoke and it remained close to the sun, whose face it hid. There was a bloody redness about it, which changed as it passed along its course. It caused death and destruction in its rising and setting.

Sky event/watch the water (above). But shhhh, don't mention it.

I am indeed, i am surprised the agitators havent worked to ban you. They ban coherent voices on this subject

Interesting times we're in. Future is surely proving past here.

All I can think of when reading your post are the rabble rabble rabble scenes from southpark. maybe if you complained less and get to the point more eloquently you would get a better response. Just saying..

Huh? Where did I complain?

Literally half your post.

If asking questions is considered complaining nowadays then I have lost all hope for humanity. Give me a specific area that i complained rather than a blanket, troll response

Are you really that oblivious or do you just have tunnel vision? Read your first two sentences. Not specific enough? Are you the type of person who calls everyone a troll or a shill if they disagree with you? Man up with the complaining and be straight forward. I promise you people will be much more responsive to your posts if you do.

No, those sentences are based on all previous experience of discussion on this topic and are facts, not complaints. Linking to TMOR is something that happens with these posts, not a complaint but an observation. If anything it just solidifies the concern I have in my post...why have you put so much energy into this post? Just downvote and move on..that goes for most of this threads comment always!

Google the word complain. Read the definition.

I found "u/prolix"... what do?

Complain about it? Perhaps?

Holy shit you're right, this comment thread is maybe 90% redirection or hijack. WTF are you guys spraying in our skies!!?

Thank you!!!!!!!

Operation Popeye has gone worldwide.

Too bad they aren't dropping tins of spinach down for some of the posters in this thread, think they need it..

Nice analogy lol!

Too bad it will become lost amongst all of the noise in this thread

I hear ya man. Im at work or id post some of pics for the unbelievers. But ive been watching the sky get worse for years. And besides a few people, most are completely oblivious even when you point it out.

Why the mass geoengineering?

What hasn't a single person rented a plane and flown up and directly sampled what is claimed to be geoengineering?

No government approval is necessary and it really doesn't cost all that much money.

stupid comment is stupid. A random user who points this out (me), how are they going to find the time and resources to do this? I can barely get a day off work let alone sample geoengineering for "all that much money."

If that is your mindset then I don't think I can change it but it is strange that you are so closed minded and so prone to jump to insults.

Crowdfunding? Lots of other ways to fund it too if you would think about it

The long after glow when sun goes down, noticeably longer than before?

Where is your data that shows the intensity and length of the light in question?

Being compiled in a research facility that is part of the Military Industrial Complex

What haven't you collected the data?

Have you considered the possibility the orange glow after the sun sets is due to urban sprawl? It's been pretty noticeable the past 5-10 years here in the Pacific Northwest, the glow grows stronger in most directions, depending on location. Some nights it feels as if the sun doesn't fully set.

Just trying to check simple things off the list. Personally, I suspect there is something being hid from us. Whether geoengineering is a part of that I'm not sure. I do wish people would put their phones down and look up more often though.

Why. I think they spraying for 5g and advanced weapons to better control space hear and just outside of the planet

I for one have been noticing that the sun is more intense lately, It feels different, it looks different. Something is up.

Thanks for sharing a coherent message, precisely the reason I authored this post was the highlight the tactics being used to stifle the discussion on this topic. Something is different and we are in the small minority I am afraid..

Sorry, again late to the party on this one. You said "Q has never mentioned chemtrails or geoengineering..why?" and that's what I've felt ever since Q's beginning last year. I'll get to this, but first...[warning: at the end I get all Christian]

There are a myriad of evil reasons for geoengineering which is ongoing. In addition to infusing the human population with heavy metals, thus increasing the chance of illness and sickness, there are even more nefarious uses, such as spreading actual pathogens and poisons into the air, if they haven't already done that before. Then there is the dimming of the sun, to wreak havoc on agriculture and human need for sunlight in order to be healthy. Then there is weather control/warfare, combined with HAARP. Think devastating hurricanes/typhoons and torrential rains. And finally there is the future combination of spraying, 5G, and super-powerful D-Wave computers, which will enable the powers that be to know and control, and thus enslave, the human population.

Chemtrails/Geoengineering/Solar Radiation Management is definitely something that affects us all negatively. All fingers point to the military industrial complex as being the culprit of this global problem, which is something that Q has not addressed. Don't get me wrong-- I am a total fan of and believer in Qanon, and I'm a patriot who cares about his country. I think the Q phenomenon has helped along the patriotic movement around the globe. Q has helped show us that Trump & Co. are taking down the Deep State, starting with Saudi Arabia, more recently North Korea, and now currently in the trenches versus the Deep State at home in the U.S. Next hopefully is booting the Deep State out of Iran. In the future, Israel? The Vatican? England? Whatever. I firmly believe that justice will be brought to many perpetrators of evil. Trump will be vindicated of any and all collusion with Russia. The public will (if not the media/entertainment world) be exposed to many truths. BUT until Q exposes the evil-doings of a limited part (see above bold italic words) of the very thing that is helping him win, then we are stuck with un-Godly skies. Sad to say.

On the bright side, the Lord knows and sees all. He wants all of us to pray for the souls that need saving. And that's ALL of us. For we are all sinners, whether our sins are small or big. And BTW how are we to be saved? Believe in the one God, who created heaven and earth. Believe in the God who sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins so that we can have a chance to live with Him forever after this life, instead of having this be our lone existence and being destined for the Lake of Fire. We are also called upon to love God above all others, and to also love our neighbors (and not all of our neighbors are nice!). We are all His children, good and naughty. I'm sure He would be overjoyed if we can, in all of our own little ways, bring light to darkness.

Well, at least Q does mention God very often. And that' s why I cross my fingers and pray!

Are you saying they are hiding something in the sky?

Too bad they aren't dropping tins of spinach down for some of the posters in this thread, think they need it..