Alien photo from plane crash outside of Rothschild's estate?

1  2018-06-23 by the-99th-monkey

Early this year/late last year there was an image floating around of what was claimed to be a Rothschild in reptilian/alien form following a plane crash - anyone have that? I can't find it anywhere, it was an extremely unsettling image.



Bernie Sanders is the second coming of Christ.

I do not recall seeing that photo.

On a related note, I still wonder if this is really what happened.

Jacob Rothschild is dead!:

he probably swapped bodies! transferring his vampiric consciousness into a fresh husk

Or maybe he's still alive??

Maybe. I am still waiting to see.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Husk. Lol. I imagine an old, shriveled husk.

That story is pretty far out.

Yes it happened and that was no mossad pilot.

He is dead? I am still looking for confirmation.

Hey i cant find anything but if you find it, please post a link on my comment. thanks.

I never saw it again, and I can’t find it in image searches - makes it even more creepy.

Google cleans up nicely.

Google is Trump's slave.

google is anti-trump. before the elections, he wouldn't even come up in search for republican candidates. trump is anti-establishment. google is 100% establishment all the way up to being tied-in with the black hats in the cia.
-source for my claim:

Trump tricks the poor hard working people to think he's anti establishment. Him and his billionaire friends ARE the establishment... giving tax cuts to the corporations is not anti establishment smfh.

corporations are people, don't you know that?

Word so what's your point? An establishment is a business organization, public institution, or household...

I got a tax break and I’m not rich. Also all of my friends and family have good paying jobs or have found better paying jobs since Trump took office. He has definitely done more for the little guy than any other president in my lifetime.

Go check out job boards like Monster and see how many jobs are currently posted. I am friends with several IT recruiters who have tons of unfilled IT positions because everyone is working and they can demand huge salaries.

If you want to go after Trump I wouldn’t pick the economy. My recent 401k gains prove you wrong.

Yeah this kind of blew me away when someone informed me the economy has improved under Trump and taught me once again no matter how informed I am I’m still uninformed

How do You know the Alien took the photo of the plane crash? did his thumb cover some of the lens? Do aliens have iPhones? or aPhones?

Thank you. What os woerd about it is that you can sorta see a likness.

it was a 4chan post I do remember..

I don't believe 4chan. It's the first internet forum I've seen where the majority of people believe that Trump only wants deport illegal immigrants. But there's proof that Trump has already deported over 1 million non-white citizens that aren't illegals! 4chan has no credibility.

4chan has no credibility.


4chan has all the credibility lol

4chan has all the credibility lol


REALLY? show the "proof"

No, what I recall seeing was non human figure in a plane cabin, injured.

Yeah, man. 4chan actually believes that Donald Trump is an American citizen. Even though it's been proven that Trump is Hitler's descendent. People attack and insulted me there when I pointed out the truth. 4chan is so dumb. At least here in conspiracy everybody knows that Trump is evil and satan reincarnate.

Yeah, man. 4chan actually believes that Donald Trump is an American citizen. Even though it's been proven that Trump is Hitler's descendent. People attack and insulted me there when I pointed out the truth. 4chan is so dumb. At least here in conspiracy everybody knows that Trump is evil and satan reincarnate.

You sub to the Donald and put relatively pro trump posts, piss off shill

I used to be pro-Trump, but after he started putting kids in cages and not saying anything against muslim-controlled Russia (he even wants to bring Russia back into the G8), I can no longer trust him.

Fair enough. My apologies

Don't apologize. Look at his comments. They're shitting up this thread with babbling nonsense.

Could you cram anymore buzzwords into that?

There’s more to the image...

Yes, there was a picture, but I think it was debunked as being from an upcoming movie.

No, it's not. That's actually Donald Trump. Hitler escaped into space at the end of WWII. Trump is Hitler's descendent, and he has come to complete Hitler's agenda of killing all the jews, gays, and non-whites and to establish his racist and fascist rule. This is a proven conspiracy.

What in the fuck are you going on about? Are you schizophrenic?

I thought Merkel was the Hitler descendant?

Heh. Those suckers really are falling apart if they actually let that get out into the consciousness.

Yeah!!! I remember that image!! It scared the shit out of me!!! Commenters were quick to deem it as fake I remember

Right!? I thought I saved that in multiple places but can't find it anywhere.

Wow that’s creepy af...I’m cramming a blue pill up my ass on this one...good luck fellow humans

I was actually talking about a different photo, I don’t think it mentioned the rothschilds at all. But it was looked like an actual scaly reptile humanoid in a desert setting. That’s creepy too though.