Has anyone seen Alex Jones unhinged rant on Joe Rogan over Sorosbucks? How can anyone listen to this madman!

1  2018-06-23 by RMFN


This guy is nuts, I couldn't resist posting it. He's sure to have a paid caller at 31:00 to peddle infowars' fake products, too. It's important to note he mentioned he's Hispanic. That was purposeful, given the current immigration issues topping the news. You see, Alex/Trump actually like minorities and are out for their best interests. Now, go out and vote! This has nothing to do with Euro white people being outnumbered in two decades, gun rights, puritan values, women/minorities in power, or all of this gayness all over the place!


When you're done buying worthless supplements, be sure to give Robert David Steele's website a bunch of hits. Purchase a ticket to Dr. Steven Greer's latest excursion to the desert to make UFO's pop into existence with mindpower. Get a book at a convention from Ray Mcgovern or Stanton Friedman because they're waving some bullshit/inflated credentials around. Believe pizzagate and Tucson because it's all about the kids, not focused political propaganda with zero substance.

Alex Jones is Pat Robertson. He merely uses this word--> "Truth" <-- in place of "god wants you to do this". It's a very important word in these circles, because who likes falsehoods? No one, but the belief and desire is there just as religion operates. There's a distinction in believing something due to sufficient evidence, yet quiet another to go down certain paths just because you wish it to be so.

Explore, but don't be a sucker. Belief, at its best and most fruitful meanings, rarely applies in these communities. That's a dangerous thing. That's why this is such big business currently, and how so many people are easily and predictably led.

It'll all come crashing down any day now, just not this time. $tay tuned and vote for X in the meantime, though!

All of this "alternative news", it's not alternative it all. It comes from the same sources as the rest, but is twisted to cater to a particular audience. YOU.

^ There's your "truth". You're welcome.


There’s people out there that refuse to go to sleep every night without praying to Alex. Mad world we live in

Joe Rogan is no different

Right? People will use Joe to shit on Alex never admitting that Joe plays the game too. Certain things he won't touch cause of those precious shekels coming his way

What won't Joe touch? I disagree with him on UFO's and Cuba, but it's not like he doesn't touch them. I don't know, he's flawed, but I love the guy. He's certainly not comparable to that divisive, zenophobic freak Alex Jones.

but I love the guy.

No bias here.

No intelligence there.

Himself with anything other than Fleshlite. Take those idols you claim to love and approach them as if they would be most likely to deceive you to further their career. I used to "love" watching Alex jones fly off the handle because it confirmed my biases at the time. Perhaps you are approaching Rohan the same? He's a human, not an oracle and we should approach him as such.

You didn't answer my question, therefore you don't have an answer.

I'm not your oracle, my observation is an undeniable fact that should you choose to ignore will not move me one way or another. Any video where he has any sponsor is my proof. You can't have sponsors and be a commentator on UFC without playing the game which should automatically raise red flags when people reference joe as some impartial bastion of being "woke".

Tldr look for yourself, you want to legalize all drugs then I assume you've tried a few, can you not see the duality in Joe is the duality in us all? We all have agendas, most us peons however hold steadfast to what is defined as principle because we don't have to deal with the temptation of advertisers controlling our voice. This is ego 101

That post was gibberish. Again, what topics does Rogan avoid? I don't think he's had ads in a long time.

You're a fucking retard who can't even spell xenophobic, so you really should stick to words three syllables or under. I'm a huge Joe fan as well but Joe actually legitimises AJ regularly. See the Jon Ronson episode or episode 911 for confirmation. U/Oogabooga choosing not to engage you in debate is not necessarily indicative of not having an answer. Would you legalise scopolamine and heroin too? Or should you change your username to legalise psychedelics? Rhetorical question by the way. Climb out of Bill Hicks' asshole.

Removed. Rule 4. Only warning.

he wont touch israel anything for one. cant piss off your sponsors.....

exactly. and that is what aj is after. rogan makes a bundle through his sponsors. and he isnt going to rock the boat. aj is self suporting and that gets the ire of msm. its not that hes right about everything its that he is truly independent. and we cant have that.

I think you missed part of my point. Alex isn't truly independent, no one "on the grid" can be. Question all sources of information. They all have self interests and some may even be coopted by those they claim to oppose.

independent as in his program is funded by his products.he doesnt have any outside adverts that might try and influence his programs direction. so he can pretty much say what he wants. he knows rogan is in agreement with him on most of what he believes. its just rogan wont go public with it.

How is Rogan no different? To me it's clear Rogan really cares about the world and works to better himself. He has integrity and doesn't lie like Jones does. He's been a blessing for the weed legalization and psychedelic movements, with his very frank talk. His recent podcast with Dennis McKenna was great.

Who prays to Alex? All I see is people shitting on him on this site, wtf are you on?

I think he used to be genuine at one point. Now I can't stand to hear him talk even if I agree with the subject.

Ray McGovern is the only name with at least some credibility you posted.

"Alex Jones is Pat Robertson." Exactly, you nailed it. His father was a minister, you know. Jones doesn't even support weed legalization, hates on Bernie Sanders supporters because he's a prick, says all sorts of racist and zenophobic shit, and overall has a rough relationship overall with the truth.

Jones doesn't even support weed legalization

He supports states rights and decriminalization. Does every person need to support legalization to get your approval? What a shitty way to look at people.

hates on Bernie Sanders supporters because he's a prick

Is he not allowed to have an opinion? Look at all of the people on Reddit hating on Donald Trump supporters, I guess that makes all of Reddit a prick with your logic.

says all sorts of racist and zenophobic shit

Most of that "shit" is the truth if you do an ounce of research.

I guess he upset you because he attacked Joe Rogan and you're a Joe Rogan fan.

This is a hard defense if ever I saw one.

I think I said enough on this. Yes, not supporting weed legalization when you're supposedly a libertarian is a big point against you. I am a Bernie supporter, but all you have to be is honest to not say that Bernie supporters are horrible people. I don't say that Rand Paul supporters are horrible people.

There's more to being a libertarian than wanting weed legalised and there's more to life than smoking weed. You sir, are a fool. Good day.

If you support Alex Jones, then it's not me who's the fool, my friend. Yeah, there's more to libertarianism, but that's the good part!

I don't. And it is you who is a fool. That's the only part you really care about. AJ smoked weed on Rogans podcast and when the court was trying to defame him in his custody battle over his children he was questioned about it. He told the court he was testing it to make sure Soros hadn't been fucking with the strains. And if for nothing else than just that, you should see the funny side to Alex Jones.

Yeah, what a funny guy. ha ha. Great person. Gotta love his hate for the Bernie Sanders. Fucking prick.

Jones is CIA and Pizzagate is real.

;D you like that? Pretty interesting comments right?

And to think of all of the times you complained about the "TMOR shills". Too funny!

And to think of all of the times you complained about the "TMOR shills". Too funny!

What's that mean?

Its amusing that you frequently complain about TMoR running a "targeted harassment campaign" and "manipulating this sub", and then run off and reposr something one of their main contributors posted (nearly verbatim) as if it were your own. Gotta admit, thats pretty damn funny

Where did I say this was my own work?

Where did you credit it to someone else? Where did you say, "I got this from one of the most active members of TMoR"?

Is that required? This isn't some college class. I'm not using this for academic or monetary gain. I'm just passing it along. Something wrong with that?

Its not the fact you took this without attribution I find so funny. Its that you took it without attribution from a top TMoR contributor. Its as if you said "yeah, TMoR is a despicable hate sub, but dont mind me if I borrow one of their top users content and repost it under my own name". It makes you look hilariously hypocritical.

There is nothing "wrong" with that though. In fact keep doing it, it makes you look more than a tad hypocritical.

Passing something along I find interesting is hypocrisy?

Vicious hate groups are often full of good ideas. Just look at the alt right

Do you see anyone else sharing shit from the sorts of subs you listes without any sort of commentary or attribution? Are you familiar with the concept of comparing apples and oranges?

Do you see anyone else sharing shit from the sorts of subs you listes without any sort of commentary or attribution? Are you familiar with the concept of comparing apples and oranges?

Tmor quote me quite often in fact. Look at the flair of many of the users,

"go straw man yourself"

And others are my original statements used by tmor mods without me being listed as the source.

So full of double standards. Why can't I do what you people do?

So full of double standards. Why can't I do what you people do?

Feel free to check my post history. Ive never posted on TMoR before. Nice try though.

Then why are you defending them?

Pointing out your hypocrisy is defending TMoR. Too funny!

Please keep responding. This is hilarious

Pointing out your hypocrisy is defending TMoR? Too funny!

Please keep responding. This is hilarious

;D what's hyoocrical about doing what tmor does? You don't think I should do what they do? Like quoting people without asking?

Again where is my credit for coining "go straw man yourself"?

You should read what ive said before responding. It will make you look more intelligent. Here it is again since you clearly missed it the first time:

Its not the fact you took this without attribution I find so funny. Its that you took it without attribution from a top TMoR contributor. Its as if you said "yeah, TMoR is a despicable hate sub, but dont mind me if I borrow one of their top users content and repost it under my own name". It makes you look hilariously hypocritical.

There is nothing "wrong" with that though. In fact keep doing it, it makes you look more than a tad hypocritical.

That's racist.

Well seeing as how you are such a devotee to bigoted thoughts, its not shocking you would see everything as racist

Never have I said anything bigoted in my life.

Lol why am i not shocked a habitual liar such as yourself would lie?

Lol why am i not shocked a habitual liar such as yourself would lie?

Something wrong with lying now? You're all of a sudden a moral person?

Bwahahahahahaha and there it is ladies and gentlemen.

Bwahahahahahaha and there it is ladies and gentlemen.

Not going to answer? What's wrong with lying when morals are relative?

Hey ya liar, there is nothing wrong with lying ya big liar. Just expect no one to believe you, and to be regularly called a liar, you liar.

Hey ya liar, there is nothing wrong with lying ya big liar. Just expect no one to believe you, and to be regularly called a liar, you liar.

Calling people names isn't an argument, hon.

Im illustrating what is wrong with lying hon. If you dont want to be called a liar, dont lie. Simple as that

You're lying.

Thats too rich! You clearly lost the thread. You'd probably do best to just delete all these comments and switch to an alt. You're embarassing yourself


Oh man, now youre just down to one word responses? Clearly i triggered you hard mate! Look forward to rehashing this conversation again and again friend.


Troll harder mate

Interesting to see that since this thread, one of the users stopped using that flair. Pretty creepy.

Probably doesnt want to inflate your already over inflated sense of your own importance

Probably doesnt want to inflate your already over inflated sense of your own importance

How would they know to do it unless they are stalking this thread?

Reading the shit you post is stalking now? Too funny

After this comment why did you stop using "go straw man yourself" as a flair, /u/dr_shillgood?

Now whose the hypocrite?

Still you.

Still you.

I'm rubber. You're glue.

Not really applicable here son. But good try again

Not really applicable here son. But good try again

Did you just assume my gender?

Nice attempt at obfuscation

Backpedaling now?

Not at all. Youre self righteous indignation is just super transparent

Yeah, keep up the bigotry.

Yeah mate, im soooo biggoted which is why i frequently use echo tags, quote Hitler, and call black people apes.

Oh wait...that was you! My bad

I called all humans apes. We are all "great apes" are we not?

Don't be a science denier.

But wait, the last time you were confronted about this you tried to say you were "just triggering the libs".

Another day, another lie from u/RMFN

But wait, the last time you were confronted about this you tried to say you were "just triggering the libs".

Another day, another lie from u/RMFN

Every action had just one reason? Please.

How convenient! Just pick the excuse that works best in any argument.

;D just like you people.

Only one doing that here is you mate


Yes, that does accurately describe what youre doing

I thought the whole conspiracy community were about thinking for yourself? Why do you just take other peoples words and ideas and present them as your own? Dont you have an opinion on the matter yourself?

You should read about how persuasion works.

A simple "no" would have been fine.

I dunno, sometimes I see a good idea and adopt it too. There is nothing wrong with that. This idea that you create all your information from whole cloth, or you just suck up all your information from external sources is about the most ridiculous and illogical false dichotomy I have seen today...

But the day is young

But at least cite the source?

A lot of the information we work with is often rumor, or supposition based on connecting the dots between a myriad of sources. If something had great sources it probably wouldn't be considered conspiracy theory.

But, CTs know this.

That sounds like bullshit. If you take an idea completely, you should at least tell where you have it from, and what you think about it yourself. Everything else is lazyness, and doesnt help anyone get closer to the "thruth"

Alright buddy.

Its not exactly "thinking for yourself" to copy other peoples ideas and present them as your own. Thats not accebtable in any scientific field. But i guess its easier to seem "woke" when you dont have to think yourself.

Ok Top Mind.

Was Joe Rogan correct in stating that Soros was captured by Nazi's?

I called all humans apes. We are all "great apes" are we not?

Don't be a science denier.