More compelling evidence Alex Jones was Bill Hicks.

1  2018-06-25 by Thetanster


May your crotch be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels.

If I recall correctly, Bill Hicks called Alex Jones a nut, waaay back.

Lol No. Bill wanted to create a Rush Limbaugh type conspiracy radio DJ that will one day be killed on air. Its all a performance, and a good one.

wow so if Alex gets killed on air conspiracy = confirmed?

I think he's waiting for it to happen still. Its all a big joke. And a kinda hilarious one. I had never seen those Halloween specials before but this clip of AJ opening for Stanhope shows that Alex Jones understands stand up despite claiming never done it before.

Pictures of Jones and Hicks taken around the same time look nothing alike. Some people just can't process faces, I guess.

SS: There is a Conspiracy Theory that Alex Jones is a controlled opposition agent who used to “be” Bill Hicks. This video offers circumstantial evidence why this theory may be based on the Truth.

SS: There is a Conspiracy Theory that Alex Jones is a controlled opposition agent


Stop right there & you're good.

How insulting.

Did you watch the video? Cuz I like Bill Hicks too man, but its not impossible.

You think it's possible that Bill's Mom put some strange guy into the ground instead of her son?

Pft, nm.....waste of time if you think this is the case.

Empty grave. All actors.

Alex is 'Bill's new character. Yes, the two are the same person genetically. You can see it in the teeth. Tooth for tooth. Freckle for freckle. Same facial profile. Height. Weight. They worked with the same producer, Kevin Booth, and began their fame in the exact same city under the same man. When testifying in court, Alex Jones defends himself as an actor... the same as any WWE actor.

After Bill passed away... (under very suspicious circumstances with no official burial from pancreatic cancer at (32!!!))... Alex Jones pops on the radar with his Rush Limbaugh inspired public access style show. (Actually replacing a first 'Alex Jones' of which only one video recording exists in '97 - this 'Alex' was replaced by Hicks) Keep in mind that Bill's final standup acts vehemently critisized Rush for being people's "daddy" and ranting about people not being able to think on their own. Bill despised Rush's style and the way people echoed his every word while valuable independent social critics/comics had no platform or following. Bill was definitely not a republican style neo con. He was a 'conspiracy theorist' as one would say today who indulged in shrooms and philosophy, but he taught the ideas of Chomsky and the foundations of quantum physics in a palatable way for crowds to understand or just laugh with him.

Watch Bill's last interview, and his last stand up. He's 50 years ahead of his time. He created the world's greatest joke and he's laughing at the entire universe, while still half educating and half providing a layered satire unlike any other. The fact that you see comments all over the internet stating things like "Bill was a genius. Fuck Alex Jones he's a stupid conservative." is only a testament to how brilliant Bill is. He fooled the world.

He's waiting for someone to call out the bullshit in a way he can't slither out of. Right now however, he's actually successfully educating the audience from a different satirical angle while peddling products that are shown to increase IQ and testosterone. He's got his own gravy train so why stop now?

Bill/Alex is pure chaotic neutral. Although, I think his radical opinions have been greatly suppressed by the CIA. He's performed this act for so long - will he fly too close to the sun? Will Obama or the CIA make him disappear?

Tune in next week for more Bill Hicks/Alex Jones antics!

What a ridiculous idea.

I wish Hicks was Jones. If Jones was funny and not just cringe worthy maybe I would watch him.

this is my most hated conspiracy, I love this forum, but I really wish there was less mandala crap and this terrible jones-hicks thing

These are the kind of conspiracies that make this sub fun. Its nice to take a step back from the real situation and joke about this a bit.

aaight, i get that harmless fun approach, If I had to defend them I would say those dumb conspiracies make us look harmless, so they pay less attention when we are uncovering the world cannibal elite

I wouldent call them elite. They dont score higher in university. They dont win gold medals. By no measurment other than wealth are they elite. And they simply came into wealth typically by murder and some form of slavery.

So i would call them the ruling class. Because that is what they do. They rule everything.

And as for an not taking the sub seriously, sure. I can understand that this may make us look bad.

But at the same time anytime you say "world cannibal elite" no one is going to take you seriously any way. You might as well say Pink hipographs ailean hot dog.

They call themselves EL-ITE cause "EL" means god, look it up, the more I mention their Cannibal inclinations the more likely someone will get redpilled when they come across things like "spirit cooking" or the world famous "human hunting parties" that everybody around the world knows happen on the "black forest" also look that up, Hansel and Gretel is based on that forest, that is how famous it is

It is portraid on almost every piece of mayor fiction, for example in "one piece the anime there is the elite who live on a private area and keep all species as food and slaves, if you look for this after hearing someone like me mention it, you will see it EVERYWHERE, I highlight it on every chance I get, they are after the "adrenochrome" that humans produce in the blood when scared, then they drink it, its their main thing. nice link thanks.

'The Most Dangerous Game', 'Island of Dr. Moreau', etc.

Dublin Mick is the dude.

You fucking sound like Alex Jones. I'm sure THEY wouldn't think you're spelling is very elite either.


i'm all for fun & games, but this sort of stuff, like walt disney & hitler are the same guy, or jfk & jimmy carter are the same guy, delegitimizes the whole sub. It's super-cringy & slightly embarrassing, guilt by association, as it were.

The Mandela thing has been controlled from the beginning. There's something to that. If not for anyone else but for me personally in that I have all three versions of the same creepy ass Halloween "berestein/bernstein/barenstein" book. I think really that one just comes down to changes in branding.

Its the worst

I watched Alex Jones on access TV when he was in his early 20s, and I also knew who Bill Hicks was. They were different people, and Alex Jones is the same guy now as in the 90's.

This is not proof either way. Watch the video, then tell me you feel the same way. I thought BS for a long time too, but this is legit.

I did watch the video. While they do resemble each other, they are clearly not the same person (as amazing of a story as that would be). Bill Hicks was huge at the same time around these parts, and the younger Alex was quite obviously copying him in mannerisms and broadcasting voices. They are both white guys from the same region; it's not exactly mind-blowing evidence that they share some physical characteristics. I suspect this whole thing is enabled by autistic face blindness, no offense.

Did you watch the video? The evidence is hard to just dismiss.

I thought the video was going to be a joke. No it's real. After watching I'm totally convinced. The evidence is overwhelming.

Bill Hicks NEVER tried to sell me super hardon pills!

The new thing that the CIA is selling to gullible conspiracy people is that any two celebrities that look even remotely alike are actually the same person, mostly from flatheads who say atomic bombs are fake as well as electricity.

Alex is 'Bill's new character. Yes, the two are the same person genetically. You can see it in the teeth. Tooth for tooth. Freckle for freckle. Same facial profile. Height. Weight. They worked with the same producer, Kevin Booth (Sacred Cow Studios), and began their fame in the exact same city under the same man. When testifying in court, Alex Jones defends himself as an actor... the same as any WWE actor.

After Bill passed away... (under very suspicious circumstances with no official burial from pancreatic cancer at (32!!!))... Alex Jones pops on the radar with his Rush Limbaugh inspired public access style show. (Actually replacing a first 'Alex Jones' of which only one video recording exists in '97 - this 'Alex' was replaced by Hicks) Keep in mind that Bill's final standup acts vehemently critisized Rush for being people's "daddy" and ranting about people not being able to think on their own. Bill despised Rush's style and the way people echoed his every word while valuable independent social critics/comics had no platform or following. Bill was definitely not a republican style neo con. He was a 'conspiracy theorist' as one would say today who indulged in shrooms and philosophy, but he taught the ideas of Chomsky and the foundations of quantum physics in a palatable way for crowds to understand or just laugh with him.

Watch Bill's last interview, and his last stand up. He's 50 years ahead of his time. He created the world's greatest joke and he's laughing at the entire universe, while still half educating and half providing a layered satire unlike any other. The fact that you see comments all over the internet stating things like "Bill was a genius. Fuck Alex Jones he's a stupid conservative." is only a testament to how brilliant Bill is. He fooled the world.

He's waiting for someone to call out the bullshit in a way he can't slither out of. Right now however, he's actually successfully educating the audience from a different satirical angle while peddling products that are shown to increase IQ and testosterone. He's got his own gravy train so why stop now?

Bill/Alex is pure chaotic neutral. Although, I think his radical opinions have been greatly suppressed by the CIA. He's performed this act for so long - will he fly too close to the sun? Will Obama or the CIA make him disappear?

Tune in next week for more Bill Hicks/Alex Jones antics.