I just got banned from /news for posting about the guy who was killed in front of his two kids while camping and how he was working with cancer and AIDS treatments

1  2018-06-25 by robaloie

Basically, the post about a scientist who was randomly killed in front of his two kids while camping was working on breakthrough cancer and aids treatments. I posted his work and immediately started getting downvotes and called crazy! As always.

But then I got this message, I wish I could have seen who sent it. And right after this message was sent I was banned from /news.

All for providing information about what the scientist was working on. I think it’s just some troll trying to scare me but wanted to share here.



I am not scared anymore than I was before considering my activist work always leaves me paranoid. But this was a weird instance that I wanted to share with people. Here was what I found it looks like the guy was working on some very interesting stuff that big pharma would love to patent

Could you link your messages? You can always ceddit to find them before they were removed.

I just viewed my messages but am not sure how to link it

Please do, anecdotes don't float the boat I'm afraid.

It doesn’t have a link button, I am on my phone

Can't link out messages.

That is a comment, not a private message. The image in OP is a private message, unless I am mistaken?

I was hoping OP could link the comments that got him banned

I went to his comments and tracked down what I believe is the comment chain in question. Bear in mind, if the mods removed anything you won't see it. But they are still available to read in his user history.


This link might not even work if the comment was removed, I forgot to check when I wrote this out haha.

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Cheers, thanks man!

Sorry if this seems ot but as I tried to click above and it wont let me among other strange things I am DONE DONE DONE with this new format that I randomly got the other day...can anyone send me the old version of ths sub somehow?

Sorry fellow conspirators carry on!! Peace!

Insane that this is worthy of being removed. Poor reddit :(

He really did a good job in that thread, worth checking out all his comments.

Screenshot, edit out names



You understand that when you work for a company, all of the work you do is owned by them? They would own the patents whether this guy was dead or alive.

"To ply the fool." Interesting.

Are they forced to speak the truth? Or flaunting their ugliness? Or just plain stupid?

Freudian slip?

I forgot that one! Definitely possible.

Dont take people who cant spell seriously, that includes the moderator who banned you.

Those people are sad and pathetic

They banned me for trolling even though I was serious about my comment

That's what you get for being a filthy conspiracy theorist!

Shoulda blamed it on trump somehow. No matter how insane.

They eat that shit up in news.

Things like this happen all the time. You might be on to something. Criminals don't like to be exposed, or caught.

r/news is a little dictator ship I got banned because I disagreed with left wing liberal post , those mods are worthless and should be fired

"left wing liberal"??? wtf is that?

leftists hate the democrats just as much as you do.

Democrats are center right. Stop insulting us actual leftists by lunping us in with them. You dont see us lunping you in with republicans do you?

Left wing or right wing it's all apart of the same bird.

Welcome to the fascist Reddit forum where what you get to see when it comes to news is regulated by the Deep State. Fascism is alive and well in the United States.

Don’t forget, if you have a different opinion from the masses all hell breaks loose. They’ll also twist the shit out of anything you say.

I find those types are better to ignore and I just happily take my downvotes from the fake internet point system.

That's odd bc i thought he was working on vaccines.

One of us!

/news is bought and paid for my cucked spez hilary xlition money

on r/news it was immediately posted that he wasn't working on anything interesting

now we learn that there is more too it, wow how naked it's getting

good work, plz links to research thanks

yeah! here it is, this is what he published 8 years ago

I don’t think anyone who is passionate about this field of work would suddenly stop working towards it. But this paper goes into depth pretty accurately gene editing and crispr like ways of curing aids and cancer

Shill fearmongering.

Being banned from that sub is blessing. It is like receiving a vaccination that prevents cancer.