Tmor mods filling /r/conspiracyright, the sub flytape used to mod, with leftypol memes. I didn't agree with flytape on much, but seeing the subversion of his creation by tmor is saddening.

1  2018-06-25 by RMFN

Just look at the new queue of /r/Conspiracyright. A bunch of posts on left wing topics from none other than the most active mod of tmor.

Another tmor mod even put in a reddit request to take the sub, since the mods are deleted and inactive.

If tmor is just about the lols why are they actively subverting conspiracy forums? Why don't they ever attack anyone to the right of Hillary Clinton?


Why does tmor only attack the right? Never seen a post there criticizing even the most batshit insane lefty meme.. It's all hate directed at one ideology... American right wing thought.

Is tmor filled with liberals?

Stop gives them free publicity in this sub, dingus. That's all you do, when you're not spouting off hate speech and telling us how great Infowars is..

People here need to know the extent of their subversion.

We do. It's referenced nearly every single day. Ignore and move in.

Ignore the subversion of conspiracy forums?

He's basically saying just relax and let it happen

Pathetic. Keep pointing them out. Awareness is the Light.

God is my strength. I will not cease.

You can add /r/Conspiracyii to the list of subs they have subverted.

That sub was a safe space for semitists since its inception.


Most definitely.

Why do you care about a sub that TMoR has infested? Let it die.

You can always make a new sub

Why do I care about conspiracy communities being subverted?


No idea.

Should conspiracy communities be partisan like the one listed above?

Should conspiracy communities be partisan like the one listed above?

Any community can be whatever it wants to be. That's the magic of reddit..

I'm just not sure why you would want to push people to be political, seeing as everyone knows that conspiracies see above the left/right paradigm

That's what you got from my previous comment?

That I'm pushing people to be political by pointing out the subversion of a forum?

Many subs are subverted daily, what makes the one you linked different? If you're trying to protect a sub that is inherently right politically, then I believe you're further driving the divide of conspiracy into left-right bullshit. The antithesis of what this community is about.

FlyTape made that sub as a result of being kicked of a moderation position here.

Pointing out subversion of a community is defending it?.

It brings attention to a sub that actively drives political divide in conspiracy. By not mentioning it, you would be defending that divide less.

The moderation team seems to do a pretty fair job of keeping TMoR out. By calling them out, you bring attention to them, which they want. So good job, I guess

Tmor want us to call attention to their behavior?

I'm not playing games with you. You seem to be quite bothered by TMoR attacking a partisan sub. Block them and move on. Your mentioning of them on this sub only plays into their purpose more.

Rent-free living and all that.

You think it's okay for the to go around subverting conspiracy forums?

A sub that is political in nature and only divides our community further? Let it die.

tmor want to see it die too. Why do your goals and tmor's goals align?

That is quite the accusation, friend. Have any evidence to back it up? Or do you throw accusations at people you don't like?

My evidence is everything you've just said.

Better record it and bring it to the proper authorities then. I thought you weren't supposed to attack users here; why are you accusing and attacking me?

Said like a true warrior of the light.

Come out and say it, no need to be daft

Say what? That it's really odd seeing someone defend the subversion of conspiracy forums?

I'm sure you would defend Conspiracyleft with all the same might, yeah?

I would. That's what being an avid free speech advocate entails. Defending speech I find abhorant with my life is the true path of a free speech advocate.

I used to be very far left wing until the whole movement became nothing but identity politics.

You know that sub was created with the expressed objective to destroy this one, right?

ConspiracyLeft appears to be a private sub. I doubt they would destroy this community.

ConspiracyRight was created when FlyTape was removed from the conspiracy moderation team.

I misread...I thought you referred to ConspiracyII. Sorry, sometimes I wad through so much stupid some of it gets in.

Not a worry my man

Because at the top tjey probably get paychecks to do instigate this shit.

TMOR was probably a COINTELPRO op from the get go.

Just read the comments in the link in the op.. The delusions of grandeur and the projection is palpable.

Well, when you got deep pockets backing your internet funzietimes, it probably gives the illusion of power.

It's called authoritarian personality disorder.

I'll be damned, you didn't just make that up haha.

Authoritarian personality syndrome added as clinical disorder to the new DSM ( 5 ) The "Dominance-SubmissiveAuthoritarian Embrace" is a social phenomenon that sociologists, historians, psychologists and other social scientists cite as being largely responsible for disasters such as the Holocaust.

Sounds about right...horseshoe effect singularity lol

Source (multiple lulz here):

Adorno came up with it.

The root cause of this syndrome is still debated, but what is known is that their cognitive-social-intellectual development remains immature into adulthood. It leaves them with limited abilities for deciding questions that require the ability to think in abstract and complex ways. Instead they seek out authority figures who will (and do) inform even their most basic decisions for them.

Sounds about right.

Hits them right between the eyes lol.


To a T.

Daily complaints about TMOR, and I wonder why they do what they do.

Why do they get so much free rent in this sub, and in certain people's heads?

It is funny hearing myself quoted in reverse.

You think you made that saying up?

No, but I said it a bunch of times of them last week, and then they started parroting it in reverse. Hilarious.

I do not frequent TMOR. I resent the implication.

Ahh well, sometimes the baby goes out with the bathwater when shit starts to rhyme.

My best guess... dude has an ignorant view of himself. An over inflated sense of himself causes him to think he actually is above the cut intelligent. Anyone worth their salt doesn't go around banging their chest claiming how smart & crafty they are. Then add in his tag-along gang of TuMors and it's very clear we have a person with a very inaccurate self assessment.

TMOR = dumbest of the dumb. They even have a hard time fitting in at r/politics and r/worldnews.

I think it may be time to never mention TMOR again.

Impossible when it's the mods favorite topic.

Many have voiced their concerns over this. Some believe it is important to keep pointing them out.

The two allegations against them are their brigading of this sub and their harrassment, which many including myself have experienced.

I don't know the full history of the war between these subs having for many years only been a lurker that tuned out that content. If the mods have made their appeal to the admins and nothing has been done, either their case wasn't strong enough or the admins are protecting some groups over others. Prepare a better case or keep the wars behind the scenes. I don't think it is a good look for users here to bring them up all the time.

As any fifth grader knows, complaining works really well with bullies. If I didn't know better, it would seem to have an ulterior motive of some kind.

If I didn't know better, it would seem to have an ulterior motive of some kind.

From my perspective the admins are giving mods free rein. Either they take it into their own hands or you're sol. If groups like tmor want to brigade and slide and then call fascism rewrite the rules to make their comments obsolete.

Somebody gave them the ok to continue. They are all over this sub too

This reminds me of what happened to /r/moosearchive.

I don't think the sub is moderated anymore. The left is very desperate at this point.

Why do you think their desperate? Because we are seeing a reversal of their totalitarianism?



You think Flytape is leftist?

Excuse for moving off topic, Is Flytape still around? and that other one, Putin_loves_cats?

Great post OP, sad to see tmor has attacked it in kind.

They follow me around ;D

It brings attention to a sub that actively drives political divide in conspiracy. By not mentioning it, you would be defending that divide less.

The moderation team seems to do a pretty fair job of keeping TMoR out. By calling them out, you bring attention to them, which they want. So good job, I guess

It is funny hearing myself quoted in reverse.

It's called authoritarian personality disorder.

A sub that is political in nature and only divides our community further? Let it die.