Are liberals making comparisons between Nazi Germany and Trump's America acting in bad faith?

1  2018-06-26 by argalarga

I detest Trump as much as any liberal, but I'm starting to get tired of the constant fear-mongering that America is sliding into fascism and turning into Nazi Germany or a country under Nazi occupation or Gilead from "The Handmaid's Tale" or some other country in the grip of a strongman's cult of personality.

No authoritarian dystopia is alike, but I'm pretty sure the residents of a country under the fascist boot can't vote to throw their oppressors out the way we can, nor can they protest so loudly that they force the regime to change its policies, the way liberals did with the recent family separation controversy.

We can still vote, exercise our press and religious freedoms, even leave the country for good if we wish to. In fact, we have a golden opportunity to put a massive check on the "dictator" in this year's midterm election. Our courts are working, our military isn't being turned against us, our representatives are checking him (at least the Democratic ones are trying), and overall, the country is looking about what you'd think it would look like with a majority Republican government.

And while I understand that people are afraid (with good reason, in many cases), this "irreversible slide into Nazi hell" that many self proclaimed "experts on authoritarianism" are selling in massive Twitter threads just isn't something in evidence.

So why are they doing it? To sell books? To raise their own profiles? To make us think things are so bad that our vote doesn't matter because "hey, the election's just gonna get cancelled anyway" and make their own prophecies of doom come true?

Are the fear-mongers acting in bad faith?


Mid term elections

Im a Nazi. AMA!

At what temperature do you set your ovens?

For rare:

I like slow roast, so I start out at 500 degrees and leave it at that temp 5 minutes for every five pounds of "roast". Then I just turn the oven off, keep it closed and let it stand for about 5 hours.

What are your goals in today's world?

I would like to have sex with two women at the same time.

What about the same problem going the other way?

Like this post

For what it's worth, that guy is a troll and has been banned (along with a few other alt accounts) according to the mod logs.

Nice, I didn’t know he was banned but good riddance, I’m currently on mobile but could you check if the user I was going back and forth with in the comments of that post was banned also?

To understand where this is coming from, you must first understand what they did in the first place. Then you'll see why they fight.

I understand it completely. And I understand that we're not there by a long shot.

I think that many people legitimately believe that Trump/his administration are essentially Hitler/Nazis, these people are easily manipulated and have a large lacking in understanding of history. I also believe that the remaining people that say things along these lines are very much doing it in bad faith with conscious intent to manipulate the first group that I mentioned.

The press is acting in bad faith when it minimizes the danger of centralized authoritarian oligarchy. The left-establishment press minimizes it when they're puppet is in power. The right-establishment press minimizes it when they're puppet is in power. The revolutionary press focuses on it at all times.

They want centralized authoritarian oligarchy, just not one run by the likes of Trump.

First off, Liberals are anything but Liberal these days, but that is beside the point.

You're mostly right, but the irony is that Nazi Germany was not that bad, it has just had the most vicious and thorough smear campaign against it in the history of the world.

"Nazi Germany was not that bad, it has just had the most vicious and thorough smear campaign against it in the history of the world"

lol wut?

I know, it sounds pretty wild, right? Its true though. Even the concentration camps were nice, relatively speaking, until Germany started to lose the war and conditions in the camps deteriorated.

Its amazing how TPTB have completely altered history. But that is a whole 'nother conspiracy.

I agree with you in principle, that these comparisons are intellectually dishonest. I think its mostly just extreme propaganda to really rile up the base, and to get them fired up and motivated for midterms. These kinds of lies could be called atrocity propaganda against children, which is very effective, especially on women and younger people.

Right, yeah I hear the gas chambers were pretty nice actually. Lile a nice realizing sauna.

Right, yeah I hear the gas chambers were pretty nice actually. Like a nice relaxing sauna.

Right, yeah I hear the gas chambers were pretty nice actually. Like a nice relaxing sauna.

they were nice, they removed typhus carrying lice from your clothing

They also killed you.

Which not one single autopsy revealed.

You’re trying to make the claim that the people who treated others like trash would go to the trouble to do autopsies on them?

Yes, just like they provided swimming pools, musical instruments, gynecological exams, and postcards.

Googled it, came up as a common bullshit point raised by holocaust deniers. Back to larping with you.

You didn’t Google what I told you to Google, obviously. You claimed that there were no autopsies when yes, there were. You then Googled “did no autopsies reveal death by lethal gas” or something like that and obviously came up with pro-Holocaust results. Your lazy dishonesty won’t work with someone who has actually researched the topic.

“Researched” LOL. On one of your Larping sites. Thanks for telling me what I googled.

Debate me publicly about the Holohoax then.

Yup, this is the right answer. It was a good thing to take those precautions for the sake of the prisoners (and the guards of course). We had camps for the Japanese, as well, and hopefully we did the same.

With hydrogen cyanide, you idiot.

Yeah, with Zyklon B, what's your point?

Hydrogene cyanide kills not only the lice, but the person wearing the clothes...

Yeah, supposedly. 6 million is a huge lie, proven by Auschwitz changing their number from 4 million to 1.1 million.

Wait, are you for real that they changed the number like that? Literally my whole life it's been 6 million but now it's not just lower but way lower, this pisses me off so much. I remember in school and all these documentaries they paint Nazi Germany as this ultimate evil that killed 6 million completely innocent men, women and children and started a war of aggression against Europe and eventually most of the developed world killing countless millions more.

Now, thanks to you I see that while all of that still remains true the Nazis ONLY killed 1.1 million innocent people. Wtf, I only take genocide seriously if it's in excess of 5 million. That seriously makes me downgrade them from "Ultimate Evil" to "They 'Aight" in my book.

Oh wait, no I'm a completely reasonable person who still sees the wholesale slaughter of over 1 million innocent people as completely offensive and very, very bad. So even if what you're saying is true, it doesn't really make any excuses for the Nazis. Genocide is genocide, I don't need to see a certain number to be disgusted. The act speaks for itself.

FYI - I hope you keep this apologist stuff to yourself in real life. My reaction (sans the sarcasm possibly) will be the reaction of 95% of the public. People who think Nazi Germany gets a bad rap are very much a minority in this country and the world.

Yes, until the late 80s the official number killed at Aushwitz was around 4 million, so this figure was critical in establishing the total of 6 million killed. Aushwitz changed their number, but the 6 million never changed. 6 million is a magic number for occultists and they have been obsessed with it since long before WWII. You can find pre WWII articles talking about the genocide of 6 million Jews, really bizarre stuff.

My point here and many other revisionists points has nothing to do with Germany/Hitler being good or bad (Hitler clearly worked with American bankers and Zionist elites and invaded countries he didn't need to and murdered fellow Nazi's for wrongthink, not a highly respectable figure). Instead the point is to show that the holocaust was largely manufactured, and this biggest lie ever is used to justify terrible policies like Israel ethnically cleansing Palestine. The Zionists hide behind the Holocaust and Judaism, but we can't talk about that because 6 million died.

I know, it sounds pretty wild, right?

More like just silly and wrong.

No, it doesn’t sound really wild because it’s the same horseshit Nazi Larpers have been slinging for decades. It’s about as fresh as a slide rule.

Remember this guy you're talking to, and remember he is not as much of an outlier as you might think.

Nazi Germany was not that bad

I've seen more and more revisionism lately when it comes to defending the nazis

Ok, but I am attempting to revise history in order to more accurately portray the truth of what actually happened. I think that's a good thing.

I would like to hear your reasoning, because nazi Germany was very fucking bad

I mean, what do you want to hear about? Hitler brought the people out of abject poverty in an incredibly short period of time in what was hailed as an economic miracle around the world. Life was good, tradition, culture, heritage, and community were celebrated. New technology was developed. Animal rights were developed. Jewish people were allowed to move to their supposed ancestral homeland with all their wealth intact. I could go on...

You can bring a people out of poverty without militarizing the nation, invading others, and persecuting and minimizing the rights of the Jews. And also that whole starting WW2 which lead to whole continent of Europe burning, Germany broken up, and yknow there's that pesky oh Holocaust

Hitler knew that Germany would be a target for TPTB after he got rid of (((Central Bank))). In order to survive, they realized that they would basically need to create an autarky. They are made out to be warmongers, but that is all projection. If you want to discuss a specific aspect of the war, such as the annexing of Austria or the invasion of Poland, it will be easier to discuss.

Oh man I'd love to see your excuses for invading both Austria and Poland, especially Poland. Or Denmark for that matter. Or their alliance with Italy and Mussloni who's own goals were to start another Roman Empire aka a fucking war monger.

Or look at Generalplan Ost, the plan designed by the Nazis to eradicate slavs and Jews in the baltics and create new colonies for the "master race"

Or the whole concept of Lebensraum that was pushed by Hitler and used as a justification to permanently get rid of the natives in eastern Europe and settle in germans

How can you say with a straight face they werent war mongers

Austria is easy, the people of Austria overwhelmingly supported annexation. Poland was much more complicated, I just pasted some text that gives some good insight into the situation.

Nope, they planned on removing the natives one way or another, and that included mass murder. They didn't plan in murdering literally every single slav, but they accounted for killing a good bit.

Either way its fucking inexcusable, it's their land, it wasn't the Nazis. That right there breaks apart any apologia argument you had that tried to portray them as peaceful and not as warmongers.

Either way, what in life lead to you no ironically defending nazi Germany? Like the fuck man?

Either way its fucking inexcusable, it's their land, it wasn't the ____.

History in a nutshell.

Were you aware that Poland had just recently invaded Czechoslovakia? The point is that the situation was far more complex than you seem to think it was. The Bolshevik terror was a very real threat, and Germans were genuinely being persecuted in what had been, until recently, German land that was still full of German people.

All irrelevant when it comes to genociding all of fucking eastern Europe

Justify how you want. It's still warmongering, it's still evil. How would you feel if some guys with a bunch of guns and tanks come to your town, kill half the population, then say you have 2 days to pack your stuff because you're being sent to some camp. You'd be okay with it? You'd say that the invaders were peaceful? Foh

genociding all of fucking eastern Europe

They didn't want to genocide Slavs, or Jews for that matter. They just wanted a little Lebensraum for the German people in their ancestral homeland, without outside groups trying to exploit them and subvert their culture.

Lebensraum in motherfucking west of the Ural, the best thing that ever happened to Germany was the pacification of them after WWII. And yes, establishing their Lebensraum was about murdering Slavs (historical hobby of Germans since the middle ages...) and Jews (historical hobby of Eastern Europe). Generalplan Ost is real man, and fucking scary, especially as I'm pretty sure despite being their allies at the time, my nation would have also fallen victim in the future...

The Nazis planned to exterminate 85% of Poland and my family was in death camps. Wanna explain why that happened?

The Nazis planned to exterminate 85% of Poland and my family was in death camps.

Let me guess, they miraculously escaped certain death?

Nope. A couple rode out the war, one broke out and killed your buddies on his way to America and the others all died. None of the survivors managed to escape unharmed. All were tortured.

Sounds like quite a story.

And guess what? We've got proof too. Isn't that fun? The holocaust happened and it was proven beyond a doubt. Take a trip to auswtichz when you're older kid. Just keep your arm down or you're gonna have a bad time.

Maybe some of your family was in a concentration camp, but its silly to call it a "death camp." I also doubt they were tortured, but who knows, it was war.

Considering the stated goals of the Nazis was extermination of 85% of poles it's a death camp. We have proof of torture in Nazi death camps you know. Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't make it fake. Why did you never respond to the photo I sent of a Nazi soldier shooting a Jew into a mass grave of bodies? Is t a fake photo?

I could go on...

Like to the millions of Germans he got slaughtered, the massive amounts of German territory he lost, the destruction of large parts of the country and the bullet Hitler put into his skull after he fucked it all up?

Well, Germany had war declared on it by warmongers, and TPTB got most of the developed world to fight against them. That's a bit of a tough spot to be in.

Sure, Nazi troops just accidentally found themselves in Poland and shit - it was the other guys who were the warmongers!

You know that Russia was also invading from the east, right? Understanding why Germany invaded is very key. It seems that they were most likely baited into the invasion in response to attacks by Bolsheviks against ethnic Germans, especially in the Danzig Corridor.

This is a good read:

As regular readers well know by now, the ultimate culprits behind the disaster of World War II were the high-level masters of the New World Order crime gang (Rothschild, Rockefeller, Sulzberger, Baruch et al), and their skilled operational henchmen of the political world (FDR, Churchill, Daladier, Stalin et al). By the way, this is the same self-perpetuating crime syndicate now agitating for confrontation against Syria, Iran and ultimately Russia and China. Same game; new players, long story.

But the one thing this dirty gang could never have accomplished by themselves was to trigger the actual war. As even the most geographically illiterate Boobus Americanus or Boobus Europithicus should know, the US, the USSR and the UK did not share a common border from which to make mayhem against Hitler’s Germany.

France does share a border with Germany, but when Hitler permanently renounced any claims to the disputed Alsace-Lorraine region in 1935, a possible flash-point between the two rivals was diffused forever.

Another potential trigger was diffused in 1938 when the Munich Agreement – since dubbed by propagandists and ignoramus parrots alike as “Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement” – fairly settled the German-Czech dispute to the mutual benefit of Czechs, Slovaks and Germans.

Nor was Germany bound to any dangerous entangling alliances, as it had been prior to World War I when the Reich was committed to fight alongside Austria-Hungary after the Russians and French began mobilizing against that nation.

Unfortunately, neither Daladier nor Chamberlain would be strong enough to hold back the continued pressure from the warmongering factions around and above them.

In November of 1938, the U.S. mid-term Congressional elections dealt a crushing blow to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Democrat Party. With America still reeling from the decade-long Great Depression, absent some foreign “crisis”, it appeared that the failed two-term President would not be able to seek a third term (He ultimately held office until his death in 1945). It should be noted that at this hard time in American history, prosperous Germany was enjoying full employment, a strong currency, the Autobahn, the Volkswagen, and a happy reconciliation between labor and the entrepreneurial class. But I digress.

Even the claims of Jewish persecution in Germany were no longer valid. Though the dominant Jewish elite had in large measure been stripped of high positions in finance, press, government, law and academia, the truth was, the 330,000 Jews who remained in Hitler’s Germany were unmolested and actually quite prosperous. Indeed, after anti-Jewish riots broke out following the 1938 Paris murder of a German diplomat by a deranged Polish Jew, it was Hitler himself who, via Goebbels, immediately issued an Emergency Order for the anti-Jewish violence (since exaggerated in scope) to cease.

And so, by 1939, the New World Order crime syndicate and the British & French chauvinists had nearly run out of all options and all propaganda pretexts for instigating another war against peaceful and prosperous Germany, as they had done in 1914. The last hopes for starting the war to re-enslave Germany rested on the shoulders of one man, and one man only. His name was Edward Smigly-Rydz; the criminal fool who started World War II. As is to be expected, his name is virtually unknown outside of Poland. It’s high-time this dirty, rotten, ego-maniacal scoundrel gets the posthumous “credit” he so richly deserves.

A Tale of Two Marshals

Born and known as Edward Rydz, the young army commander served in the Polish legions of Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I. He later became one of the leaders of a Polish independence movement that sought to establish a Polish state carved from the Polish majority areas of Austria-Hungary and Russia. Smigly, by appointment of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, became commander of the Polish Military Organization and adopted the ‘nom de guerre’ of “Smigly” (Fast or Agile). He later added ‘Smigly’ as an integral part to his surname, which tells us something about his ego. His self-promoting renaming is similar to that of Loseb Jugashvili, who later took the name “Stalin” – Man of Steel.

As a Brigadier, Smigly commanded armies during the Polish-Soviet War which followed World War I. The treaty which ended that war, the Peace of Riga, divided the disputed territories between the relatively new state of Poland and the new Soviet Union (fka Russian Empire).

Marshal Pilsudski would go on to become Poland’s head of State until his death in 1935. It is important to note that Hitler and Pilsudski were on good terms. Pilsudski had actually congratulated Hitler on winning the 1933 elections, and the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact was signed just 10 months after Hitler came to power. According to the Pact, both countries pledged to resolve their problems through bilateral negotiations and to forgo armed conflict.

Just before his death, Pilsudski re-emphasized that Poland should maintain neutral relations with Germany. The death of Pilsudki proved to be a great loss for Germany – a fact which Hitler himself expressed during the closing days of World War II.

A Dictatorship Without a Dictator

Following Pilsudski’s death, Smigly-Rydz became General Inspector of the Armed Forces. From that point on, Smigly was rapidly elevated. In 1936, he was awarded the title of “Second Man in the State after the President”, by the Polish prime minister. Later that year, he was promoted to the rank of Marshal of Poland. Smigly’s carefully crafted image as Pilsudski’s anointed successor alienated many of Pilsudski’s supporters, who saw him as a shameless self-promoter.

The period of Smigly’s rule, 1935–39, was often referred to as “a dictatorship without a dictator”. But he lacked the moral authority of the beloved Pilsudski, and many Poles were divided over their new de-facto dictator. The regime became increasingly authoritarian. This was illustrated by the creation of the Ozon movement, whose objective was to build a popular mass movement that would transform the tin-pot dictator into “Poland’s second great leader” (after Pilsudski himself). Several of Poland’s senior politicians made a point of distancing themselves from this phony “grass-roots” cult movement.

In addition to being authoritarian, and not all that popular among his own people, the pompous Marshal had grandiose delusions of restoring the old Polish Empire of 1569-1795, in territories which had long since been devoid of Polish inhabitants (Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus, Czechoslovakia and Prussian Germany). To that end, Smigly’s gang embarked on a campaign of aggressive intimidation and forced annexation.

Smigly-Rydz Strong-Arms Lithuania & Czechoslovakia

In March of 1938, Smigly issued an ultimatum to the tiny Baltic State of Lithuania. Lithuania had refused to have any diplomatic relations with Poland after 1920, protesting the annexation of the Vilnius Region by the new Polish state. The ultimatum demanded that Lithuania unconditionally agree to establish diplomatic ties with Poland within 48 hours, and that the terms be finalized within two weeks. The establishment of diplomatic relations would mean a renunciation of Lithuanian claims to the region containing its historic capital, Vilnius.

Tiny Lithuania, preferring peace to war, accepted bully-boy Smigly’s ultimatum and conditions. Had Lithuania stood firm, it’s quite possible that Stalin would have used the ensuing war as pretext to take the Baltic States (which he eventually did in 1940) and start the 2nd Polish-Soviet war. Such was the recklessness of Marshal Smigly.

Many in the “democratic” West, including, ironically, the anti-German New York Times, expressed dismay over Poland’s militaristic bullying of Lithuania; a development so dangerous that it caused jitters among Wall Street investors. (here) But in the end, it was generally understood that Poland would be needed for bigger things, so the West “held its nose” and tolerated Smigly’s antics.

Later that same year, Smigly made a similar bold move against the Czech government when he took advantage of the Sudetenland Crisis to demand a portion of Zaolzie and some other smaller areas. The Czechs were powerless to stop the forced annexations. Again, the “democratic” West shook its head in dismay, but held its tongue.

Smigly the Tyrant Eyes Danzig

In addition to the expansionist foreign policy, the Polish military junta was infamous for suppressing ethnic minorities living within its new borders. Indeed, during the 20-year history of the League of Nations, literally hundreds of formal complaints were submitted by German and other ethnic minorities trapped in the stolen lands now controlled by ultra-Nationalist Poland.

In 1939, supported from ‘behind the scenes’ by elements in the UK, France, and the US (yes, Roosevelt was deeply involved!), Smigly-Rydz was encouraged to ignore Hitler’s sincere and generous proposals for resolving the bizarre and hated partition of Prussia that had caused tension ever since the end of World War I. At one point, Hitler had even agreed to give up claims to western Prussia in exchange for the return of Danzig and a 1-mile wide highway – railway passage linking Germany to eastern Prussia.

Underestimating Germany’s resolve, overestimating Poland’s power, and foolishly trusting in the western intriguers who were manipulating his bloated imperialistic ego, Smigly ignored Hitler’s offers and ratcheted up the abuse of Germans trapped in western Prussia and Danzig. The suffering of the Prussian Germans is not “Nazi propaganda”. It is historical fact which the West’s “court historians” have purposely edited out of their Orwellian history books.

Believing that the western powers were truly behind him, the cowardly Smigly ‘stood down’ and allowed predominantly Jewish-Bolshevik terror gangs to attack innocent Germans; both within “Prussian Poland” and inside of German border towns as well. These gangs of Red “partisans” had been salivating at the prospect of triggering a Western “holy war” against Germany ever since 1933.

Again, Smigly coveted the “free city” of Danzig (98% German) and wished to eventually annex all of eastern Prussia. Step by step Smigly plotted the restoration of an empire that was long gone, an Empire which even his own people didn’t want. A man blinded by such ambition was easy pickings for the British, the undisputed masters of foreign intrigue, and also for the cunning Roosevelt.

By August of 1939, Germany had exhausted all efforts to reason with Smigly’s gang. The British and French urged Smigly to allow the Soviet Army to march westward, in the event that war should break out with Germany. Smigly refused, stating that: “there is no guarantee that the Soviets will really take active part in the war; furthermore, once having entered Polish territory, they will never leave it”.

Smigly-Rydz Forces Hitler’s Hand

On September 1, 1939, after all German attempts to reason with Poland, France and Britain had failed, and after the Polish military, at the urging of Britain, went on full mobilization, the Germans invaded Poland and liberated Danzig. On September 7, along with most of the government, Smigly ran from Warsaw as it came under attack. The immediate counter-attack promised by Poland’s French and British “allies” never materialized.

Unbeknownst to the blinded idiot Smigly, the Allies had no such plans and fully expected not only the fall of Poland, but the entry of Stalin’s hordes. The Allies only interest was to have an excuse to declare war upon Germany, and then wait for Stalin to attack Germany from the east, necessarily having to pass through Poland. Stalin was indeed ready to pounce on a distracted Poland, but his move against Germany was to be on his time-table, not that of the Allies.

The Allies continued to ignore Hitler’s impassioned pleas for peace and would spend the next eight months plotting Scandinavian-based maneuvers and deploying a massive mechanized fighting force in northern France, in anticipation of invading Germany via Belgium and Holland, sometime in the spring of 1940.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Once Smigly-Rydz had given Britain and France the phony pretext needed to declare war against Germany, he was given his 15 minutes of fame and then “thrown under the bus”.

The Allies Abandon Smigly; Stalin Finishes Poland

Smigly’s ego-maniacal pipe-dream of a new Polish Empire was further crippled when the opportunistic Stalin attacked Poland from the east on September 17th; an invasion which Britain & France, in spite of their “defense guarantees” to Poland, said nothing about! Having picked a fight with one superpower, Germany; and thus exposing Poland to invasion from another, the Soviet Union; Smigly-Rydz sealed his county’s doom. His criminal stupidity enabled the brutal butchers of the Soviet NKVD to round up and execute 10,000 of his Polish Army officers at Katyn Forest.

Had Smigly followed the late Marshal Pilsudski’s advice and remained on friendly terms with Germany, the Soviet invasion and the Katyn Forest massacre of his officer corps would never have happened.

Rather than choosing an honorable punishment for the disastrous folly which he drove Poland into – such as suicide or at least surrendering to the humane Germans – the coward Smigly fled to Romania. Like a true narcissist egomaniac, he deflected any and all blame for the disaster that he and he alone engineered, later stating from his Romanian hideout:

“Cost of construction of modest fortifications along our western border was equivalent to 18-month budget of Poland, and at the same time, we were working on fortifications in the East. A modest armament plan was up to 5 billion zlotys. What was I supposed to do? I am not an economist.

We began partial mobilization in the spring 1939. The nation hated it, more than 1000 Silesians deserted to Germany. We were unable to keep Poland mobilized for so long, we could not afford it.”

Pathetic! Smigly admitted that Poland was ill-equipped for war; that the nation itself did not want war; that the Soviets posed a threat from the East; and that Poland could not afford the cost of war. And yet, he purposely pissed in Hitler’s face and eagerly rushed head-long into war anyway!

In defense of the accusation of cowardice in regard to his flight, Smigly issued more excuses:

“They say that I am a coward. I had three options: to surrender, to kill myself, and to be captured. It was impossible to fight, as I had only half a company of soldiers with me. To kill myself meant failure.”

“To kill myself meant failure”, eh Smigly? That would be like the captain of the Titanic abandoning the ship that he helped to carelessly destroy, sneaking onto one of the limited lifeboats, and later declaring, “To have stayed on the ship would have meant failure.” As it went, Captain Smith stayed on the Titanic and shot himself as the ship went down.

In light of what Smigly’s folly enabled the Soviet butchers to do to his officers at Katyn Forest, the pain of remorse alone should have driven him to suicide; but that’s assuming Smigly was any kind of a decent or honorable man. Clearly, he was not. Smigly-Rydz would return to Poland in 1941 to work with the Polish underground. He died of heart failure soon afterwards.

Hitler Exposes Smigly

During his speech to liberated Danzig in 1939, Hitler addressed Smigly’s folly:

“No power on earth would have borne this condition as long as Germany. I do not know what England would have said about a similar peace solution (Versailles) at its expense or how America or France would have accepted it. I attempted to find a solution – a tolerable solution – even for this problem. I submitted this attempt to the Polish rulers in the form of verbal proposals. You know these proposals. They were more than moderate.

I do not know what mental condition the Polish Government was in when it refused these proposals.”

In that same speech, Hitler goes on to speak of Smigly’s cowardice:

“The Polish Marshal (Smigly), who miserably deserted his armies, said that he would hack the German Army to pieces.”

And of his cruelty:

“And martyrdom began for our German nationals. Tens of thousands were dragged off, mistreated, and murdered in the vilest fashion. Sadistic beasts gave vent to their perverse instincts, and this pious democratic world watched without blinking an eye.”

And of Smigly’s willful blindness:

“I have often asked myself: Who can have so blinded Poland? Does anyone really believe that the German nation will permanently stand that from such a ridiculous State? Does anyone seriously believe that?”

The twice-decorated and twice-wounded war hero Hitler had this slippery, sleazy, sniveling, self-promoting Smigly clown all figured out!

It wasn’t merely the fact that Marshal Smigly-Rydz was a tyrannical, imperialist, warmongering weasel that should have made his name infamous. Compounding all of these vices was his abject stupidity. All “Polish jokes” aside, did Smiggy actually believe that Poland could defeat Germany? Really? Evidently so.

Did the Smigster not suspect, that with his hands full fighting Germany, the bestial Stalin might capitalize on the situation and invade from the east? Evidently not.

Did His Royal Smigness not suspect that his British, French, and America “allies” were just using Poland to pick a fight with Germany, only to throw her out like a used up lemon rind afterwards? Was Smigly not aware of how the Allies seduced the Russian Tsar to fight with them during World War I, only to refuse him asylum when he was overthrown? The Bolsheviks then captured and murdered the Tsar and his entire family.

Was Smigly not aware of how the British, during World War I, encouraged the Arabs to rise up against the Ottoman Turkish Empire, only to renege on promises made to them and then steal Palestine as well?

Ironically, what Smigly-Rydz was not able to see was, again, very clear to Hitler. In that same Danzig speech, Hitler spoke about how Poland had been played for chumps:

“For these men (British warmongers) Poland, too, was only a means to an end. Because today it is being declared quite calmly that Poland was not the primary thing, but that the German regime is. I always warned against these men. I pointed out the danger that in a certain country such men could rise and unmolested preach the necessity of war – Herren Churchill, Eden, Duff-Cooper, etc.

Will History Repeat?

Smigly’s imperial folly, criminal negligence, and astonishing stupidity not only doomed Poland, but the world as well. That’s what happens when a man is blinded by his ego and his ambitions.

Given these true facts about the horrible historical record of Marshal Smigly-Rydz, one would think that, in spite of the conventional misunderstanding of World War II, the Poles would universally hold his memory in contempt. But that is not the case. Marshal Edward Smigly-Rydz Park is a large tree-covered public park in Warsaw that honors the memory of the man who not only started World War II at the behest of his western manipulators, but doomed his nation to Soviet conquest, mass killings, and nearly 50 years of Communism.

One would also think that Poland learned a valuable historical lesson about ‘messin’ with super-powers. And yet, the current Polish government, much to the dismay of more than a few Poles, is taking the lead in provoking Putin’s Russia on behalf of its EU and US handlers!

How does the old adage go? “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.

Dope gish-gallop, dude.

Pro-tip: learn how to concisely and eloquently phrase your arguments for a debate, otherwise no one is going to take you seriously.

There were no bolsheviks in the Danzig corridor, Poland was a semi-fascist, anti-communist authoritarian state at the time.

Hitler declared war on Poland after their independence was guaranteed by the West.

You have got to be fucking kidding me man. You wanna talk about what happened after 1936? Or just gloss over that?

I would love to see you two talk about what happened after 1936 and you be completely embarrassed for the Dunning-Kruger that you are.

The fuck are you even talking about? I've been coming to this subreddit for as long as I've been a redditor.

The place wasn't always so packed with losers eager to explain away Nazis though.

"coming to?" I clearly said "post," genius. You don't post here. If you want the Stephen Spielberg version of WWII stick with /r/worldnews, where you actually have posted before.

You're a Holocaust denying fool. Go back to Voat or Stormfront or whatever fucking scum covered rock you crawled out from under.

Haha. Nah, I'll stay here since I actually contribute.

Yea your submission yesterday with 0 upvotes about Alex Jones being bill Hicks was a real barn burner. Talk about Dunning Kruger. Yikes.

I actually made 2 yesterday, both full of evidence, both 0 upvotes. That's how you tell something is actually worth discussing and truthful around here, unfortunately. What you're not mentioning is how the post that did reach the front page, claiming that they are not the same individual, was utterly demolished by myself and others in the comment section when people started shooting down OP's non-arguments and posting even more evidence in favor of the theory, so much that OP ended up deleting the thread.

Why don't you start a thread and debate me about literally any topic? It's unclear which conspiracies you subscribe to, if any. The Holohoax perhaps? The Jones/Hicks thing? I'm not scared of you, my interloping mainstream Dunning-Kruger.

Why would I debate you about the Holocaust? I know where the level of proof for that lays with someone like you - it could never be obtained, because all universally accepted forms of evidence (original documents, primary sources, photography, video, witness testimony) would simply be called a "hoax".

You live in a fantasy world. You're not woke. You're not interesting. You're not unique. You have no special insight into anything. You get your rocks off by anonymously trolling and arguing in bad faith the merits of a "conspiracy" that is so revolting and thoroughly debunked in it's claims that any credible "Conspiracy Theorist" (as you fancy yourself to be) would be foolish to even engage you, lest your stink rub off.

I'm not interested in anything you have to say whatsoever. But you already seem somewhat deranged, with delusions of both grandeur and persecution, so I have a feeling this won't be the last I see of you unfortunately. .

Why would I debate you about the Holocaust?

You wouldn't, because you would be thoroughly embarrassed, and you don't post here anyway.

Upvotes...... kind of like I average almost 3x as many per year as you, and that's while being downvoted in a coordinated fashion by shills. And your upvotes come from echoing mainstream narratives and calling people Nazis...... so brave.

Removed. Rule 10

If you want the Stephen Spielberg version of WWII

So true. And how they clutch it like pearls.

I feel like you’re actually just trying to rationalize the Nazis. Not so much accurately portray the truth as much as making you feel ok for hating the people you hate. Maybe you identify with the Nazis, so you’re trying to downplay their evils?

Holy shit.

Shut up


lmao how come i keep seeing your retarded nazi comments everywhere on reddit

Why are you like this? Who hurt you?

I think you're seeing a combination of a few things.

A lot of people (myself included) see attacks on the press, trying to restrict access to voting, constant praise and claims of wanting to emulate current dictators, and certain statements such as removal of due process for certain persons, etc. as examples of how a fascist leader would act. Doesn't necessarily make him one, especially since most of it has been all talk, but it is worrying given the number of different examples.

Once that starts you have fear mongers who do just want attention/the revenue it can bring and the people that buy into it taking the idea and making it more interesting. Hence Trump = Hitler.

Oh I definitely see the authoritarian tendencies. But how much of that is just Trump being an asshole who's used to unilaterally running a business and being worshiped by a coterie of sycophants?

No I think he knows exactly what he's doing. He's attacking the press. He's attacking the court system. He's attacking the constitution directly.

The 3 things that hold his power back.

Donald Trump has blamed the US constitution for the problems he has encountered during his first 100 days in office. In an interview with Fox News to mark the milestone, the Republican called the system of checks and balances on power “archaic”. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.”

Then there's the heavy nationalistic tone to most of what he does. Remember the giant military parade he wanted? How about all of the nonsense arguing with the NFL while simultaneously complaining about how much "real" work there is to get done?

His spat now with Harley Davidson? Should a sitting president be threatening an individual company like this? Very Anti-Rand.

He's attacking the constitution directly


Modern (neo) liberal ideals really bend towards Marxism, and as such they need an upper class to fight against. So they created one in all the white and conservative people in the country and label them the most heinous thing they can: fascist/Nazis. They see this divide as justification to assume power, even though they artificially created it in the first place. So, is it in bad faith? It abso-fucking-lutely is. It's the same political games played multiple times in history, and we need to make sure we don't fall prey to it.

tfw you need to sport $200 boarding shades and dirty Nordstorm's last season to fight fascism.

Actual marxists in America probably make up less than 1% of the population. We dont even have universal healthcare, because even the slightest mention of it causes people to cry SOCIALISM!!!

Modern Democrats are really not all that Marxist, at all

They don't call themselves that, but they sure are talking the talk. They are pretty much defining their own proletariat based on race and other things like sexual orientation, religion, you name it. It's largely a 'social' thing right now but they have started mentioning the need to attack their enemies and even civil war.

Who are the liberals, do you mean the MSM, because the latter is "bad faith" by prime directive, both the right and left MSM is staffed by highly remunerated propaganda professionals whose purpose is to distract the masses still watching them who believe they are getting a free education in the ways of the world without reading, as opposed to what it really is free propaganda for those unimaginative or unmotivated enough to read for themselves.

The U.S. and many countries actually are sliding into fascism through NEOliberal/corporatist economics (aided by corporately bribed gov), that's why we're on /r/conspiracy. The world is not remotely fine. Our rights are being eroded. It's even worse in "poorer" countries where things are likely even more overtly corrupted.

However, ignorant people including SJWs (NOT remotely the same as left wingers, centrists, "liberals" or anything like that) are viewing things the wrong way: they think fascism is coming because Trump's cringey comments about "Mexican immigrants are rapists". Lol that's not the reason. The economy sucks for the average person because it's deliberately rigged. They've screwed over worker rights, ethical small/medium businesses, customers, environment, sick, poor and disabled, etc.

Ok so why is SJW CNN and moron Fox News both fanning the flames (they're both corporatist shills so why do this)? Divide and conquer. It's like Bush/Obama 2.0. One shitty corporate channel pretends to hate the red candidate, another shitty corporate channel praises the blue candidate (or vice versa). It's a psyop imo. Fake left vs extreme right. Decades ago, politicians were actually closer to centrist, people like Bernie/FDR/JFK I think. Corporate talking heads/think tanks have tried to shift the goal posts on "liberal vs conservative". Hence some corporatist shills calling themselves liberal, and other corporatist shills calling themselves conservatives. Lost meaning.

Trump isn't literally Hitler but he's the same model of modern Dems/Repubs who are extremely authoritarian and corporatist bastards.

This is their agenda:

You voted a racist hatemongering sexist retard in the white house, what'd you expect?

Hey, I didn't vote for him.

I don’t know, Nazi apologists keep telling me how wonderful Hitler was. What’s the problem with comparing Trump to Hitler? I’d like to see some campaign ads along this line.