If Q is a LARP, would the debunkers please stand and offer their reasons why this project should stop?

1  2018-06-28 by historyeraser4sale

So far, the multiple Q proofs have been combatted by certain people eager to maintain a higher ground of moral superiority. Trump has always been establishment in their experience, so anything connected to him is oligarchy. That is about the single solid rebuttal of note, for Q. If the staunch anti-larp crew has more predictions and rhetoric in their arsenal, are they willing to deploy now, or is this a strategery schedule?


Sure, I'll step up.

Being intentionally vague, while also not"commanding" followers, the Qultists have become increasingly misled. What was once "Where we go one, we go all" has become "Where we go one, all but anyone on the left side of the political spectrum goes".

Warping motivations has led to a demonizing of the entire democratic party and anyone who supports them, as if they were all complicit in a child trafficking ring.

Nevermind the fact that truly no promises have been kept, and the continual moving of the goalposts by followers, any reasoning and logic will not help them to see what is either a PSYOP or a troll.

This can become a dangerous "faction" (for lack of a better term), if the group becomes radicalized, seeing as how they view half of the country as enemies, who hope for a bitter pill that the democrats will suffer while trying to swallow (if it all comes true)

This is my own interpretation of the matter, also I'd like to say I have no party affiliation

Thanks for reading. I'd love to know what you think about what I'd said here, OP.

Thank you! I seek out analyses of Q inconsistencies, to begin approaching equilibrium in this scenario. Saying "if" is merited but those I notice so far are not alarming. My open question is what harm is truly done? Isn't increased interest in American politics good? Some noobs are rabid anti-D, but maybe they're psych cases, which every sub culture harbors.

I believe that increased attention to the politics of America is a good thing. However, we need to watch out for polarization and us-vs-them mentalities. This is the main thing that both sides need to work on. If we can't work together then we have no hope. And how can we work together if the other side insults and de-legitimizes the the other side?

I say they are free to do as they please, up until the point where they start planning violence against their domestic enemies (if this should ever be the case, which is doubtful)

Identity politics and ideological possession are destroying America and the West in general.

Completely agree.

says the right, which is dripping in identity politics

Says I. I am not right or left.

what harm is truly done?

Neocon regime change in Iran. Disinfo that the Pentagon is "not corrupt." That's just for starters

I'm a pretty avid Q follower, and I can tell you that I don't demonizing the democratic party, nor anyone supporting them. This is the biggest obstacle I think people can't get past. They go on the board, and they see one shill saying anti-Semetic things, and now in that person's mind, ALL of them are anti Semitic. Q specifically states it's not about left vs right, and that some people on the right are just as guilty. He said to watch people stepping down from public office, and not seeking reelection. Also to keep an eye on CEO's CFO's, and other high level executives of major corporations.

Sure, but take a look at the community of the Great Awakening from about 6-7 months ago, and compare it to the community today. How far does it go? Is there a "breaking point"?

Not that user, but what is the difference now other than there are more people? What sort of breaking point are you envisioning?

Without someone leading them, they are left to their own interpretations of vague phrases. More people means more of a chance of some radical joining up and taking a position to suggest things that others could agree with and follow. You can see this happening with the level of emotional language in their community today as opposed to several months ago. Give them a couple slogans such as "These people are sick" and "There are no coincidences" and you have a group that could see change in only one way: the rope

Please take this with a grain of salt, I am a bit biased in my own perspective, and I do not know the whole truth

We've always said these people are sick and that there are no coincidences. As for emotion today- people in GA are jovial, not violent!

More people just means more eyes and more fact checking and recording. Also more people to guide the newcomers that don't know how to search or navigate.

Great Awakening hasn't been a community for 7 months. It started off on 4chan, then moved to the ocho. Also on Reddit, there was CBTS and a couple other lesser known subs, and then GA became the main one. What you're seeing here, are the normies coming in, not having read all the posts, and being gleeful about what they understand might be coming down the road. I've said this before, it's like the this scene from contact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYzc_H9cgqM&feature=youtu.be&t=1m13s
You're seeing the believers and non believers descend upon the compound.

yea I guess this post was just of the lulz. man that top upvoted comment.

Are you watching DC right now? And where is Obama? Drop 894 maybe not all that farfetched friend.

Well..couple of things I guess. First, Q actually said that. That Obama would claim Kenyan citizenship. I'll be the first to admit some of these things are hard to believe, don't get me wrong.
Second, that post doesn't have any hate for any democratic people. These people are discussing with the presumption that it's A: It's true, B: the Q thing is real, and C: Obama did some bad stuff while in office. There is some talk about capital punishment, but it's in the context of alleged crimes of treason against the united states. Honestly, you could probably find much better examples to illustrate your point. Lastly, again it's not about left vs right. Disparaging Obama does not equal disparaging the democratic party. There will be some people who take an extreme view in any group of people, of course.

I don't agree with the memes myself. If they want to keep a core message they need to primarily post what is relevant to Q's posts and what coincides in the news. All opinion.

Q specifically states it's not about left vs right

Q refers to Obama as "Hussein." Not exactly intended to appeal to Democrats.

I don't care about BHO, but imagine if a left-wing "Z-anon" appears, leaking Deep State secrets and professing to be "saving the nation" but calls Trump "Donnie" or something similarly intended to demean. Q only seeks "national unity" under a right-wing agenda, and has zero loyalty to the U.S. Constitution, which is explicitly anti-"Trust Me".

Q also lies. Q says the Pentagon is "not corrupt", when the real truth is that the Pentagon is connected to every Deep State event from JFK to 9/11 to Satan-worshipping child sex pedophile rings.

I agree it's not Democrat friendly. However he's not singling him out for being a Democrat. That's his actual middle name, Hussein. While I see where you're going with your analogy, Q would have had to call him "Barry" or something.
To your quote, he doesn't specifically mention the Pentagon. Other than that, I see a few entries regarding the Pentagon directly: He refers to the Pentagon audit (in a good light), he links an article about the Pentagon killing "life log".
So this is interesting, you believe all of the stuff Q is talking about, but you have a problem with Q specifically?
Not being a dick, honestly I slept very well when Obama was in office. In fact, if you asked me 4 years ago I wouldn't have said I was a Democrat. If you pressed me and did the whole if I gave you a million dollars to choose a party, I would have chosen Democrat. Now, not so much. However, the thought of me referring to myself as a Republican is just so...ewww. So take that for what it's worth.

Huh, I've been ignoring the whole Qanon thing for the better part of the last year. I didn't know it had morphed into what you described.

I also have no party affiliation, and what I saw back then was promises that predictions would come true, with plenty of evidence at the time that Q was just giving out handjobs to his followers because if the predictions did come true, he'd be some kind of savior/prophet.

The whole thing stunk of a charade.

Now, if it's a LARP, it should be presented as such. I used to LARP in the 90s, and it's dangerous not to inform those not involved that it's simply a game. In a LARP, there are in character and out of character actions. So if it's a LARP and they're insisting it's real, then they deserve what they get. Roleplaying is not meant to endanger people.

My current view is much as yours. It's a either a psyop or a troll. If I were a gambling man, I would bet on the latter.

The thing is, the followers are so ingrained with a sunk cost fallacy (opinion) that they would call any denouncent of the movement from Q themself as disinformation on purpose to confuse the deep state.

Isn't that cognitive dissonance, when you're so invested in your world view that proof of the contrary would make you crack (at least temporarily)?

Nobody likes to be the butt of a joke. That's why I keep searching for truth. One source is just one source, and if you can't verify it, there's no telling if it's misinformation or not. It's better to assume you're not getting the whole story and ask questions which will lead you to the real answers.

I know for many, reading an abstract is a chore. Internet sleuths should study investigative journalism and ethics if they really want to get to the bottom of things. "Theories" are great and all, but without any proof, it's not even a theory, but a hypothesis. And I love this sub as much as the next person, but I don't stop with one post and consider it the end all, be all. I find other sources and purposely look for contradictory reporting. Then you can start to determine what is true and what is opinion and what is wishful thinking.

Be a skeptical conspiracist, or you will look like an ass.

Absolutely, my worldview is jaded (as is anyone's), and I try to search for the truth. That is why I like differing opinions, to help me find the truth. I like to stumped in an argument (in a way) because it means there is something to learn.

Again these are all my opinions. But that is what the OP asked for

It’s neither.

Q is real.

Questioning motive of that truth would be the next logical step.

I haven't read a lot about this topic, but watched an intro video last night. It seemed to me that Q is very bipartisan and is clear that neither party is innocent. I think this is probably a LARP, and that it's intention is to get get folks to realize how big is the effort to control us. We already know it's happening, this is just a way to make people look into things more.

Didn't he fuck over Alex Jones or something?

nothing says bipartisan like being a Trump worshipper

Dude trump was a democrat for a long time. He is very moderate.

Basically Q is a scam using a Cold Reading to feed the marks what they want to believe.

Oh, they're in the process of radicalizing, right now!

Who cares?! Now suddenly he wants everyone to support regime change in iran. If that doesn't tip you off to the fact that it's a psyop, nothing will and you're hopelessly brainwashed. I mean, isn't that the opposite of what we want? Wasn't trump elected to stop regime change? Wasn't that a major bullet point for his campaign?? Now you support it because q said so?!?! Come the fuck on!!!

You don't support the people of Iran rising up to change their oppressive regime????

It cannot be America's business. The nation's people are sick of being world police

Q hasn't mentioned any such thing, only that their strings will be cut and the people will be free, much like North Korea.

I realize Q said to the people of Iran to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, but in Q terms that means to educate, tweet, meme and be loud.

From my own interpretation of events (And this is an opinion, please take with a grain of salt), Q looks like a neocon psyop. Neocons were in office right before and during Iraq, and I fear something similar could happen with Iran given enough support, which Q seems to be raising.

I very rarely have known a neocon group to do everything they can to keep the people completely knowledgeable and informed on every iota of the goings-on of government. Q asks "who was there and why?" tells us to "follow the votes" "look into the wives" "know these board members" "remember these dates" "track resignations" etc. Neocons work in secrecy and try not to educate or empower the people. This is not that.

Also, there is a very anti-war vibe in Q. It is about neutering the deep state and allowing peaceful resolutions. Q is not friendly to warmongers or their profiteers. They are on the enemies list.

Perhaps I am wrong about this. I will look into this more and let you know what I may find (if my opinion changes, even)

Thank you, I have no defense against this argument.

Thank you, I have no defense against this argument.

I do.

Great reply.

Thank you, friend. I literally wrote that while watching my kids ride bikes, drinking my coffee, being a normal person that wants to see peace. For everyone. I'm done with the scrappy, twist-your-words-and-I-won BS.

Q specifically calls the Pentagon "the only part of government not corrupt" which is the most corrupt thing I've ever heard.

Q wants you to know some things but not question other things, just "trust" him -- Cheney's mantra.. Is Q Cheney? Or just Oliver North.

Neocons work in secrecy and try not to educate or empower the people. This is not that.

"Trust the [secret] plan." If you ask questions, you are a "traitor." And don't post questions on /r/greatawakening. Don't ask why Q never mentions 9/11 or Anthrax or their connections to U.S. military intelligence.

If I respond will you talk in good faith?

Cuba, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Libya, Korea, Vietnam, Iran (before) and on and on, would all like a word about America helping with regime changes.


Absolutely! We have a terrible history of regime change. But none of those things have anything to do with Q and I challenge you to find anything in the drops that encourage past corrupt tactics.

No matter what, whatever Q followers believe will have zero impact on what the administration chooses to do besides telling Q/Trump what we want and I challenge you to find a single user in GA that supports boots on the ground. We want an empowered people in Iran and we want our manipulating spooks out of their business so they can have peace and freedom.

If there's a regime change in Iran you can be sure the US and Israel were neck deep in it.

According to Q it is different this time - much like North Korea.

It isn't quite fair to use our past history of meddling as an example of the intentions of this administration if we are going about world peace in an entirely different fashion, is it?

I mean, look at the people foaming at the mouth demanding impeachment right now - how much have they profited from war in their lifetimes? Christ, Bill and Bush are best buddies now that help each other with their damn socks! Pelosi, McCain, Feinstein. Why is anyone believing anything but the opposite of these warlord's opinions?

Seems like the complete definition of insanity.

I don't think any American Q followers are actually making any moves to do anything to do with Iran. If you Google "iran protests", you'll see that if there is a regime change, it's happening because the people are demanding it. It appears to be quite organic, and well within their rights as a people to demand this.

I get what you're saying. And for the record I consider myself undecided and open-minded on Q. That said, I don't think that regime change is, by default, a bad thing. It can be bad thing if it is done for the wrong reasons, and against the best interests of the people, as it has been many times in recent history.

However, regime change can be good if it is the will of the majority of the people and would be in their benefit. Hypothetically speaking, imagine that the government of Iran is in bed with TPTB/NWO whatever, and that they are oppressing the people. I know several Persians who came to the US during the Revolution, and they say that Iran was a much better place before all of this happened.

Finally, I think most of us can agree that we don't want boots on the ground, and we would like to intervene as little as possible, assuming regime change would actually be a good thing.

When the U.S. is involved, regime change has been devastating for the people of those countries. No one should be fomenting regime change unless it is the people of the country. Not the oligarchs, not the CIA, not MI6, the people.

The U.S. has helped to overthrow so many democratically chosen regimes and then tells U.S. citizens that those regimes were communist dictatorships. The truth is those leaders would not bend to the will of U.S. financial interests, so we call those interest "national security concerns" and then sell weapons to their enemies. That's why ISIS exists in the first place. We radicalized Islamic leaders in the 80s, and they've been growing ever since. Shit, Britain did the same thing to India by introducing Islam and then fomenting conflicts between them. India was set back at least 100 years by the British Empire. They stole their resources and destroyed their world trade.

That's just the tip of the iceberg of why the middle east and eastern world don't trust us any further than they can throw our fat asses.

The people of Iran are the ones demanding the change though...

I think I've been conflating Syria with Iran. I'm uninformed after all. I know that Syria's regime change attempts have been documented to be backed by the U.S.

They don't want a complete regime change over there, they want the Mullahs out. The people like Rouhani because he is more liberal and brought some prosperity back to the country with the nuke deal. The Mullahs don't like Rouhani because he is more liberal and he did the nuke deal bringing prosperity to the people, giving them hope. Isn't it funny how there are 2 groups(Mullahs and GOP), who are on different sides of the Iran deal, who say the deal is awful for their country? How is that possible?

Isn't it funny how there are 2 groups(Mullahs and GOP), who are on different sides of the Iran deal,

I'm confused, you're saying the Mullahs and GOP are on different sides of the nuke deal? I thought they were both against it. What are you trying to imply with this comment? Do you think regime change would be a bad thing for the people of Iran?

I meant that they are on opposite sides of the table, as in the US vs Iran. And yes, the hardliners hated it, saying it was awful for them, the GOP hated it, saying it was bad for us. If the hardline guys over there hate it, and that is who we are really against, how is it a bad deal?

After the US's great track record of replacing regimes, I would prefer to completely stay out of it. I highly doubt it ends up that way though. Iran has the full backing of China and Russia because they need them to pull off the Petro Yuan. That is the one issue I am worried about. Oil, Super Powers and Money in the Middle East

Now suddenly he wants everyone to support regime change in iran.

TIL that an oppressive theocracy is a good thing.

No, today you gave an example of a false dichotomy (regime change or oppressive theocracy). You know who else has an oppressive theocracy along with Iran? Turkey, Afghanistan, and, gasp, Israel, just to name a few.

But the U.S. has never lifted a finger to address Israel's theocracy and oppression of the Arab population, because they're our friends and we make money because of them (and vice versa).

Q lists those countries as slated for freedom. Israel is particularly noted as being last.

"Stated for Freedom" sounds kinda punk. But as a thing that is going to happen to a country, sounds frightening.

More frightening than being oppressed by TPTB?

To me those two things are the same. The US dies not make countries free, they make vassals and tell the US citizens were delivering freedom. We are free do do what TPTB tell us we can do.

I'm just copy/pasting another comment:

According to Q it is different this time - much like North Korea.

It isn't quite fair to use our past history of meddling as an example of the intentions of this administration if we are going about world peace in an entirely different fashion, is it?

I mean, look at the people foaming at the mouth demanding impeachment right now - how much have they profited from war in their lifetimes? Christ, Bill and Bush are best buddies now that help each other with their damn socks! Pelosi, McCain, Feinstein. Why is anyone believing anything but the opposite of these warlord's opinions?

Seems like the complete definition of insanity.

It isn't quite fair to use our past history of meddling as an example of the intentions of this administration if we are going about world peace in an entirely different fashion, is it?

It is if you believe that it's the deep state and other unnamed groups running the show and not the administration or congress.

I mean, look at the people foaming at the mouth demanding impeachment right now - how much have they profited from war in their lifetimes? Christ, Bill and Bush are best buddies now that help each other with their damn socks! Pelosi, McCain, Feinstein. Why is anyone believing anything but the opposite of these warlord's opinions?

I agree. Hypocrites one and all. They are all neocons and neoliberals. Their foreign policy is identical (kill 'em all, put a puppet in place, make great deals for the oligarchy). They only differ on domestic policy because that's the only thing Americans really pay attention to. Push identity politics on everyone, then watch your little puppets dance and fight with each other instead of realizing that the oligarchy is fucking everyone underneath them. And if someone underneath is sufficiently powerful to make trouble, they either bring them into the fold, bribe, blackmail, or kill them (either professionally or literally).

If you believe what Q says, the DS ties in Iran have been cut, the way they were in NK.

I think you and I truly align in our world government philosophy and I believe Q echoes that.

Honestly, I can't find any harm in Q. We aren't meth heads, schizophrenics, cultists, basement-dwellers, Nazis or Russians. We are regular people that have been given insider clues to the workings of high government and have been united and empowered to unmask the bad players and demand justice.

We were talking Iran and not Israel. Regarding Israel, Q reportedly said "saving best for last" or some such.

Thanks. I hope you people understand that even seemingly bad people or bad countries can be leveraged to do good. A lot is happening behind the scenes.

Oh, without a doubt. I just like to share that drop when people question why Israel seems to be left out of "the plan".

TBH, I think Israel shilling and social media propaganda is just as rampant and as bad as Russian shilling and social media propaganda operations.

I would not be surprised if Q is an Israeli operation.

You know who else has been supporting a regime change Iran for even longer?

The Iranian women.

Now suddenly Q wants everyone to support regime change in iran. If that doesn't tip you off to the fact that it's a psyop, nothing will

This guy gets it.

If, in your argument Q is larp, what other reason would be needed to stop the project? If it's fake as the argument assumes then it's fake.

I think if he was LARP someone would have figured it out by now. There are a lot of intelligent people looking into Q.

It's not a LARP, it's a prosperity scam. The shit that Qultists say to convince themselves that the "awakening" is happening is exactly what Iraqi dinar buyers told themselves when the "RV" didn't happen as promised.

My guess is that the person or people behind Q are making serious cash off it. Why stop now?

A guess is damn good condemnation of any unknown QQQuantity, but others may beg to differ. Copyright violation T-shirts are assuredly huge payday fodder, but other revenue streams are thus far fully occulted

How are they making cash off of this? Not merch, that is all home grown. Not dues and subcriptions or shady seminars - Q condemns that.

You have no idea that the person posting as Q isn't also selling Q swag like clothes and books. What about ad revenue from YouTube videos?

And I have no doubt that if Q put up a GoFundMe or Patreon, it would get swamped by cash.

How many Q shirts have you seen out there? And YouTube vids? People are getting paid for their time I guess, but there is no crime in that and they aren't getting rich. Real Q followers have been warned of monetization of the movement and we call out frauds and hawks in a second!

As for a GoFundMe, not a chance. Look me up when it happens.

Btw, Red Hen set up a GoFundMe the day after they got bad press. Go figure....

Yeah, but that isn't Q! People sell shit that other people want to buy. That is commerce, not Q profiteering. When did selling a coffee mug become suspect?

All being sold by individuals who are cashing in and branding a movement. Not Q himself.

Need I go on?

I think this t-shirt shaming is surgical tactic to keep the brand from spreading.

You don't know that. Q is anonymous. You have no idea if he/she is selling Q merch.

You're right and neither do you. We're both clueless to Q and none of us have the definitive answer. All just speculation.

I have said on here many times that Assange was "Q" until his internet was cut. In the last post that I think was Assange posting as "Q", he posted, "will be offline" in one of his messages. The next day, Assange's internet is cut, then, 2 days later, "Q" posted his page had been compromised so it was moved from where it had been for a while. And there were many ways that "Q" and Assange seemed to speak the same way. Also how he would tell people to dig in the Podesta stuff. He wouldn't just come out and say what he found. It was just too many similarities and coincidences for me. Mainly the internet being cut and his page having to move. That is a big one to me. Then add that over the past few months, a lot of people have said the content is different, people are trying to profit from it, people are coming out saying that it is a group of people posting shit, etc.... Nothing like this had happened until Assange's internet was cut. I think people knew it was him and once they realized he wasn't coming back online, they took it over.

Assange being spirited away from UK and public visibility would be some historically awesome happenings. More duping of msm narrative manipulation is always a goal for the 99%

This is why I'm interested in checking back on Assange last Oct. Today's drop about the beginning of CBTS makes me wonder if that isn't connected. Just a hunch.

She then disappeared, but we have heard enough, right?

You are so gonna look back on this Q/Trump stuff and shake your head about how silly and wrong you folks were.


North Korea won't.

thanks for the form letter: this is the exact rhetoric pre '16 election

Q is real except it and move on they are bring stuff to light what is wrong with this.

You should probably just accept that posts that tell people to "just accept" something they don't agree with are going to get downvoted.

Add something to the conversation. What evidence supports just accepting that Q is doing anything other than making predictions. What evidence exists to show that he actually has insider knowledge. And what evidence is there that if the former is false and the latter is true, that Q isn't a psyop or LARP?

Q hasn't mentioned any such thing, only that their strings will be cut and the people will be free, much like North Korea.

I realize Q said to the people of Iran to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT, but in Q terms that means to educate, tweet, meme and be loud.

You should probably just accept that posts that tell people to "just accept" something they don't agree with are going to get downvoted.

Add something to the conversation. What evidence supports just accepting that Q is doing anything other than making predictions. What evidence exists to show that he actually has insider knowledge. And what evidence is there that if the former is false and the latter is true, that Q isn't a psyop or LARP?