Drake Killed XXXTentacion

1  2018-06-29 by Encrypt0rj0nes

Look at the lyrics to I'm Upset and research occutlism and satan worshipping in the music industry and realize most celeb deaths are planned from the start, prince and robin williams for example didn't commit suicide it's just a big sham, but back on topic my take on this whole scandal is drake was coming up on some sacrifice list so to move his name further back he needed to sacrifice someone and he chose X because they were beefing in the public eye anyways so it's clear drake did an underhanded approach and secretly created a hit contract out on X and the people will never be found because drakes has a multi million dollar networth, he probably hired the best hitman in the buisness so all tracks were cleaned up tight and drake will get off scott free because he's drake no one would believe someone if they claimed he was involved in X"s murder.


Possibly. Looks like the death of Anthony "Fife" Soares, a close friend of Drake's, could've been an inside job

Same theory new day.

Show me some proof and not some fucking lyrics.

Research luceferianism and other forms of satan worship and rituals, numerology, etc and research the start of occultism by researching the best known man behind it him self Alistair Crowley, he's the most known occultist in history, the music industry has luceriferian ties im surprised you don't know this, it was the first topic of interest I ever looked into when getting into the truther/conspiracy community and I realized the rabbit hole goes extremely deep.

I mean, is this real? Because I've been following the industry for a while and I do know about the occultism and worshipping that goes on . I low-key do believe that he might have been behind it. And he just dropped an album that's being highly praised and sells a lot. They are rewarding him.

Yeah you make a good point I even got a thing for a free 1 month apple music certificate for drakes new album its pretty disgusting how he gets appraised for playing dirty.

The words he's using are real words. Aleister Crowley was a real person. The rest is hyperbole and frantic scrambling to piece together a conspiracy with limited understanding of the subject matter.

Luciferianism is more of a philosophy than a religion. Some cults might be described as Luciferian, like some cults are Christian. But Luciferianism is not equivalent of Satanism or Demonology for example. But both of those practices probably require believing a Luciferian philosophy.


And if by "shady shit" you mean "he almost beat his ex-girlfriends to death" then yeah, that's some shady shit. I might think a Christian cultist murdered a piece of scum like that, but you'd think someone who believed Luciferianism would want a woman beater on their side, not dead.

You're delusional if you thin this is scrambling or hyperbole first of all it's a conspiracy THEORY for a reason, it's not fact just a write up of what we know and were making conjecture based on information already given to us, we weren't on the crime scene for all we know drake was completely unrelated to tentacion dying but if you piece everything together it's known the music industry is involved in satanic cultures, theres millions of people on youtube that covered this most were investigative journalists, a lot were bored kids with a lot of time on their hands but you can't make this shit up, satanic dances? hand symbols? what are you gonna claim next that tons of these journalists imagined this and that there schizophrenic and that more then one person is magically wrong? you seem to be trying so hard to shoot down the truth but you're actually shooting in the dark iv'e done plenty of research on this already but it seems you jumped on this thread empty handed making comments on something you barely know anything about.

On the matter of you being retarded: it seems true. I investigated it, I should know. My girl even knows some of your friends' friends, and they also confirmed it by whistle blowing on the dumb shit you say. They said, "him? Oh yeah, he retared." I am not saying either way, I just THINK your retardation is extremely suspicious and deserves to be investigated.

So your telling me tentacion or his friends didnt live near broward county florida because last I checked he was a south florida boy and all his friends and my girl are from that area so go waste time memeing someone else because that wont fly with me dont hate on someone with authentic info, hes been to the local mall a few times I believe it was sawgrass hes been to diff ones though.

I'll clarify, since you did. Aleister Crowley is a well known occultist. That he is the most well known of all time is debatable. Hyperbole is simply the way you used "the most" and "the best" and "everybody knows."

Words are important, more important than you may realize. Words have power, but hyperbole muddies the waters, it makes things less clear, and confuses the reader. XXXtentacion knew this. His words had to make sense to his audience.

I'm not trying to hate on your conspiracy. You may be 100% right, I don't know. I'd have to spend some time looking into it.

But if you're concerned with the visibility of your posts, be more clear, and provide at least links to clear examples of what you're talking about. XXXtentacion is a completely new name to me, so realize probably a good chunk of your readers have to play catch up to understand what you're talking about.

And by frenetic or frantic, I meant that while reading your post, it felt like you tried to explain your hypothesis with about half the amount of words necessary for someone new to your conspiracy to understand or follow it. It's okay, I've done it, a lot of people do.

Also, find a way to show your connection to XXXtentacion without revealing enough information that someone could identify you. I feel like you've left a few too many clues that might put you in danger if you're right about a conspiracy.

But I could be talking out my ass. You do you. I could just be projecting my frustration onto you.

"if anyone knows anything about the situation the most it would be me,"...cause my gurl works at the mall and she knows someone who knows X and he was in some crazy shit...blah blah Alister crowley.

Another shill go gag on the NSA cognitive infiltration units balls more im tired of seeing you astroturfers everywhere.

lol this was funny AF

So who are the guys that have been charged with the murder ? There's videos of those clowns celebrating with X's bag. I think he fucked up by not having any security with him, I think he knew the guys that killed him. Why would drake kill this guy ? For what ? Because he supposedly stole his song and x exposed him ?

Drake didn't kill him directly obviously HE HIRED a hit out on tentaction.

Wut? Robin Williams suffered lifelong depression. This was known. He was then diagnosed with Parkinson's. I was not surprised that it happened. I worked with Parkinson's patients and I would probably find a way to kill myself too, because quality is more important than quantity.

Your telling me the obvious I have inside knowledge I knew this too, but again you expect me to believe every celeb that died of suicide actually died from that? yeah no it's known the government paints murder as suicide to misdirect any future research into the case and they mostly end up getting stored in some portfolio somewhere as a cold case thats sealed. The old co owner of reddit(Aaron Schwartz)apparently hung him self which I know for a fact is complete BS and some ex hacking buddies of mine were in IRC chats with him and it was known the FBI wanted him dead because he poked his nose in private government servers and they were scared he stumbled upon very confidential documents so don't tell me just because williams was depressed automatically means he was more or less likely to have officially ended his own life.

So then what's the motive for murder? In Williams' case specifically?

I know there are motives for some celebs, but I don't buy Williams. I know Bourdain stepped on toes, for instance.

The only motive I could personally think of was he dipped out on a movie deal because his own depression was getting in the way of his acting career and the director lost money so they killed him off(Theres probably a more important motive I personally couldn't tell you much on Robin Williams specifically) because if you watched family guy they placed a predictive programming episode with the Robin William clones and at the end of the episode Robin wWlliams dies, this episode just so happened to come a week or so before he died, it was clearly predicted and the only way they could of known he was gonna die is if the director of family guy Seth Mcfarland had access to the sacrifice list and im sure he does, if you notice every couple months 3 celebs randomly die in the news they kill them in 3's(skull and bones/other occultist groups that have pull in the music industry) I barely know much about Robin Williams the only reason I know what I do about tentacion is my girl lived near him and happened to know the same people he heavily associated with before death.

I didn't know xxxtentacion, but Anthony Bourdain was a particularly special soul to me who opened my eyes to a different way of seeing the world. He was a kindred psychonaut and fellow traveler. I knew who Kate Spade was in general.

But I maintain it isn't satanic. Demonic would be closer, but demons are actually higher dimension / density Service to Self (STS) entities. The sacrifices are literally food in exchange for power. Kate Spade and Bourdain were exposing child trafficking. I don't know that xxxtentacion had anything to do with that, but I hear he had entry of enemies.

People like YOU killed this thread.

Who gives a shit.

So sick of these stupid posts.

I wish DeGrassi jr. High wheelchair boy would just go away.

well some one just shot up one of drakes boys in toronto yesterday so you might be on to something.

No it's a combination of both like I stated in my theory the new world order/skull and bones/illuminati/etc whatever term you wanna describe the superiors that the musical artist must listen to requires a blood sacrifice every couple months and you make this list depending on a list of deeds each artist commits during there career, good things cause them to go lower in the list bad things make them come up sooner in the list, I know about this list because 1. im an investigative journalist that digs my nose in places I shouldn't, yes I know it's risky before you tell me but I do it to help expose shenanigans that go on in this world and 2. I occasionally run into whistleblowers that are wise and contribute valuable knowledge and insight to my cause. Anyways on topic drake pissed them off because he must of did too many deeds they considered bad so his name was at the top of the list and prior to this drama going on he had ongoing issues with tentacion so because of his selfish desires to save his own ass he had tentacion sacrified extraordinarily early in this career because he didn't like tentacion anyways and he needed a sacrifice so it's a win win for the elites and drake. They need exactly 3 sacrifices every month or two in this case it was Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain and the final sacrifice which was xxxtentacion, the final sacrifice was most likely going to be drake so drake was actually meant to die very soon but tentacion took his place since drake was pretty high up in this secret sacrificial list.


There was an organized murder in canada. The victims were atendees at drakes night club. Drake was there that night.

If you some how connect drake to that incident, coke deal, or bad karma, or body guard beef, anything, then i can get on board with this.

But right now, i stand at 2 occurence that are slightly related to drake. And im not interested in accusing some one based off of two incidences thay are slightly related.

After all, the odds are high that there are two incidence that i am some how slightlt related to even though i had nothing to do with it.

Im not ready to go make blind assumptions. The repercussions or stakes are too high.

Drake didn't kill him directly obviously HE HIRED a hit out on tentaction.

You're delusional if you thin this is scrambling or hyperbole first of all it's a conspiracy THEORY for a reason, it's not fact just a write up of what we know and were making conjecture based on information already given to us, we weren't on the crime scene for all we know drake was completely unrelated to tentacion dying but if you piece everything together it's known the music industry is involved in satanic cultures, theres millions of people on youtube that covered this most were investigative journalists, a lot were bored kids with a lot of time on their hands but you can't make this shit up, satanic dances? hand symbols? what are you gonna claim next that tons of these journalists imagined this and that there schizophrenic and that more then one person is magically wrong? you seem to be trying so hard to shoot down the truth but you're actually shooting in the dark iv'e done plenty of research on this already but it seems you jumped on this thread empty handed making comments on something you barely know anything about.