Flakka: 5$ Insanity Drug

1  2018-07-03 by 4brkfast

I live very near Camden NJ. So that means every sort of drug, almost of any kind, is literally minutes from me. It's part of my life whether I want it or not.

I responded to a comment in r/paranormal about a person's friend and their behavior. Most commenters were talking about 'drugs' being to blame without being specific of which one.

It prompted me to do a bit of research into new drugs, like those bath salts I suppose(which I don't know much about to be honest).

And I actually found one that's beginning to grow in the south. It's called flakka. I have no idea what it is either, had never heard of it and will continue to look into it.

It was coined the '5$ insanity drug'. And the videos are remarkable.

The reason people OD on Heroin is because of the different tolerances between people. 10% could get you high, others need 80%, etc and visually there's no way to tell what percentage something is. This is one of the biggest reasons people OD. And for active abusers and users, the difference between getting high and ODing is sometimes as small as a 5 or 10 dollar bag, meaning less than a gram.

In Flakka's case people are dying after their first use. Not because of an OD but because of how it makes you behave.

Is the CIA going full retard with this drug? Anybody know anything more about it?


Cathinomes are stupid dangerous. Flakka always struck me as more of a weapon than a medicine.

Hunter Thompson wrote about how you can tell a lot about the overall health and mood of a society by the drugs of choice. From the optimism of LSD in the 60s to the mind numbing era of heroin in many ways reflects where we are now.

Shit like flakka and spice strike me as means to escape so far so fast from one’s life that there isnt much left for the person

I don't understand the thinking behind it. Most drugs I can understand in some way. This one I do not.

The same as PCP, shit turns people into the hulk, stories of people getting tased or shot and just acting like it's nothing, crazy shit, I'll just stick to acid lol

I had my run ins with flakka (a-PVP) I am gratefully clean and sober today its a nasty form of "Fun" i am one of the lucky addicts to get out of the way if train before it completely took me to another place. Like in the ground.

Good job! Glad you chose life.

Thank you a almost 3 years later still dealing with night mares i almost positive from the bsth salts ugh but yes life is so good today

I tried a-php back when it was in vogue in the rc scene. Shit was like crack

Im sure the redose is extreme it should be extinguished for ever

Interestingly enough it was federally banned about six years ago. How did you continue to get it?

That's like asking how do people continue getting coke or heroin.....that was NOT being rude just another perspective for you....its a drug just Google where to buy A-pvp and bang there is your answer. The drug itself has been around since like 1960 about china keeps the production moving.

Don’t want to be that guy OP, but these days a TENTH of a gram difference is all it takes to kill you. Fent is measured in micrograms. A single gram of H costs around 150 bucks. So we’re dealing with quantities that can kill you the size of a few grains of sand. Nasty, nasty shit.

It definitely depends on the substance and the concentrations.

You're right about heroin, but if it's cut differently(like it is around here, very impure) the differences could shift quite a bit.

High quality heroin? Yes, a tenth of a gram or even less!!

A single gram of H costs around 150 bucks

If you live anywhere where heroin is more common (East coast, west coast, chicago area, southwest, texas) heroin can be anywhere from 30-120 bucks a gram. Back when I was an addict, I was getting it for 80-100/g

When Obama wasbinvit was 5-10$ a bag

I lived in a tar area, wasn't familiar with bundles and bags. Usually bought in half g's(40-50) or whole g(80-100)

I live near Camden too (by the lindenwold speed line) and right now you should be more concerned with wet than flakka

Exactly correct.

Wet weed is nasty shit.

And now I want to listen to Leak Bros.

What's wet?

From what I've heard it's weed dipped in emboming fluid

Jesus fuck. That can't be good

Got soaked.

It's actually a mixture of chemicals. I've dipped blunts in straight embalming fluid but that shit burns and definitely doesnt give you the same high

More than likely either A) a spray of some kind to increase weight on the scale

B) improper cure (people curing via microwaves or paper bags) ultimately leading to botrytis/mould/etc

C) people blasting their flower with butane to extract the cannabinoids+terpenes to make a concentrate (shatter) then reselling the flower minus all the good stuff and a whole lot of solvent left over.

I know a lot of dealers and everything comes from a cost perspective. There’s no reason soak weed in embalming fluid. May as well soak it in 7up and get those “lemon lime” terps

Actually I just remembered it wasn't emboming fluid it was PCP.

But yeah bro, they said wet not soaked.

The term Getting Wet is slang for using PCP and it's derivatives.

Whe one sees a person on flakka, there is a tendency to think, why didn't you just shove a bee nest up your ass? The effects seem like they could be similar.

Or play with a Ouija board. The effects are -remarkably- similar(this is another way of saying we can't tell the difference).

The 'zombie' drug is extremely accurate.

Comparing the effects of drugs the same to as playing with a ouija board . Come now.

Look at the videos. They're all over youtube. Look up apparent 'possessions' then look at flakka videos.

You may not like it, that's fine with me, I'm just pointing out something I noticed.

What a change of heart you’ve had in less than 24 hours.

Not really.

My issue with what was being spoke was 'drugs did it' when, for one, this is the paranormal subreddit and there was no paranormal discussion taking place.

Not to mention, considering how broad the word 'drug' is it was inappropriate and speaking frankly, ignorant and heartless to speak of these things so lightly. 'Maybe she was itching for a fix'.

That's not how people itch for fixes by acting possessed. It's a form of physical and psychological pain in many cases.

And I stand by exactly what I said, it was a dumb thing to say - be specific, which drug because marijuana doesn't do that, pcp doesn't do that, heroin, coke, ready rock or E doesn't either, not as they are intended. These designer drugs are entirely a different animal of course, so it's possible for somebody to OD on something like E easily and that it could be a 'bad batch' of the drug.

And it still doesn't make people act possessed.

This CIA-driven flakka bullshit is an entirely different animal and I would actually encourage use of a different word to describe it.

Is there another recreational drug on the planet which has the intended purpose of making somebody act insane?

That’s not at all what happened...I said none of those things and you jumped all over me, repeatedly saying how right you were and you’re the only person who knows anything about the topic. Don’t try and change history when it’s still available to view.

It’s clear you still know nothing about flakka. It’s intended purpose is not to make somebody act insane?

...also, the “paranormal” subreddit is meant for questions to be answered logically. If hundreds of people agree that it’s not paranormal, sorry but it might not be paranormal.. Just because it’s that sub doesn’t mean every response has to be paranormal, the stories and questions are. Who are you to dictate what others respond with? Again, alllll about you. As well, there was paranormal discussion going on. Do you want me to link you back to those comments or do you just want to continue with your fake narrative?