
1  2018-07-04 by DrFucksAlot

What do you think it really is? Are they biologic agents that pacify us and make us into better workers?


😂 are you working better?

what do you mean?

Did the chemtrails made you better at work?

I'm just asking an honest question...why are you trying to bully me?

Just answer the question

Was also a honest question.

I don't know

Bully? Jesus you pansy gtfo

wtf is your problem? fuck off with your alts

Removed rule 10

Is it possible to release biological agents into the air and have them dissipate into the atmosphere? Yes.

Is it possible to manipulate weather? Yes.

What are those funny lines in the sky? - Probably just normal passenger jets. A jet engine leaves a line in the sky because of the mechanics of how it works. There's nothing nefarious, necessarily, about it.

You don't ever see those in other countries with passenger jets

Yeah, you do? Like, absolutely you do.

You do know that France is part of NATO correct?

You do know that I was replying to a person who stated that contrails don't exist outside of the US, correct?

The best part is, you could then proceed to show them trails in non-NATO countries and then the argument would silently shift again to something else - "so what, you think other countries aren't spraying their populations??". It's frustrating to talk about things on here sometimes.

Trying to hide the Nibiru/Planet X flyby so the public doesn't panic. End times?


Here in Canada, the sun is rising NE and setting NW, which is not normal for our season and latitudes. "Global wobbling" is the scientific term, yet there is a total media blackout on the topic. Also notice chemtrails and phoney clouds attempting to hide and cover up the sun at sunrise and sunset near cities. It seems obvious to me that they are doing this to prevent he public from seeing something in space. As for global wobbling, what would cause that? The Earth is a magnet. So, another magnet. Another celestial object in our solar system has come close enough to Earth that it is causing Earth to wobble like a top. Chemtrails can't hide this! Do they think we are stupid? I wonder what they have planned for us. We must keep a close eye on the government and the elite.

Some things to consider:

(a) What do you think the volume of a chemtrail is? (b) What altitude are the aircraft flying at? (c) What would be the density of the chemtrail once it has dispersed and reached the ground?

How is it every commercial plane has enough room for thousands (10s of thousands?) of gallons of chemicals?

i think chemtrails are doing a lot of bad things .. releasing heavy metals (to better assist HAARP in heating the atmosphere) and also releasing GMO organisms (a hybrid virus/bacteria/fungus pathogen they created in a lab) .. its all fucked up .. and if people wonder "but why would they release something that would infect them too?" the thing is it is designed to only attack certain genotypes/blood types so they are not affected

Do you beleive that releasing carbon dioxide helps heat the atmosphere?

...soft kill...

To be honest, I think they have stopped using them. I havent seen a single one for 3+ weeks. Usually a daily occurrence

Could it be that conditions of condensation in the upper atmosphere around exhaust particles have something to do with it? Could be that the weather is a factor in this?

Summer solstace?


I know. Plausible deniability. Gotcha

I'm pretty sure they're using them to protect us from the sun.. Has anyone seen the hole in the ozone lately? It's gigantic, and they only show us over Antarctica..

The sun burns people are getting this summer have been unreal in case you all haven't noticed..

UV can rekt us and I believe it's higher than normal.

explain please.

"Chemtrails" were seen by our ancient ancestors as evidenced by their symbols, mythologies, and religions.

Sounds ridiculous I know, but it's true, provable, and explains so many of ancient man's mysteries.

Check out this post and my reply for more.
This one too.

Here is a really good video on the subject if you are serious about learning about it.

OP, please watch WITWATS and its sequel on youtube or whatever viewer you subscribe to.

What in the world are they spraying and Why in the world are they spraying are two great videos that should give you some basic info about this topic.

Don't just ask for people's opinions here and take them as they are.....there are people paid to be here and misdirect you and others.

Please watch at least the first 20 minutes of WITWATS and then post again, see how certain people change.

Someone mentioned this in the thread already... for the past two days i have not seen ANY trails of ANY kind. If these things are just 'normal', are we to believe that on some days they just don't appear?

What makes a plane 'naturally' release the trails and on some days, no trails are left at all?

I don't believe in Chem trails, but just to add another element to this thread I'll share a weird idea.

People believe that there are UFOs out there that can cloak. Sometimes we see long lasting grid patterns, covering up the sky on a clear day, because the US government has no other way to track these craft. The clouds in a grid pattern provide a source of visual confirmation.

Fwiw, I moved to uae a couple months ago, and I've not seen any contrails or chemtrails here.

Feel the same as ever.

The best part is, you could then proceed to show them trails in non-NATO countries and then the argument would silently shift again to something else - "so what, you think other countries aren't spraying their populations??". It's frustrating to talk about things on here sometimes.