The Purpose of Vaccines

1  2018-07-05 by wile_e_chicken

Everything is inverted in western culture. Education makes people stupid. Entertainment makes people upset. Religion destroys spirituality. And the medical system destroys health.

Let's talk specifically about vaccines, which are marketed as strengthening our immune systems. Quite the opposite.

A primary purpose of vaccines is to damage people's immune systems on such a large scale that chronic incurable diseases become normalized -- i.e., when every other person has diabetes... or heart disease... or allergies.... or cancer... or whatever, that just becomes the new "normal". Each victim then becomes a lifelong customer of the pharmaceutical industry, with a laundry list of symptoms to treat using pharma's latest expensive products.

And with nationalized health care, even the healthy folks who see through this game have to bear this cost. It's brilliant!

This is how the Middle Class is farmed. It's population control, political control, and highly profitable.

(Lower Class doesn't have enough money for this, so they're shoved into prison factories.)

I'm not the only one saying this. Elite Dutch banker whistleblower Ronald Bernard says something similar (timestamped at relevant part):

A Japanese Study Found Systemic Autoimmunity Was An 'Inevitable Consequence of Repeated Repeated Immunizations' --- i.e., Repeated Vaccination Causes Autoimmune Conditions:

Testimonies of dozens of doctors and medical professionals sharing their stories of vaccine-damaged patients:

A response to those who think US lifespans are better than ever -- all mainstream sources; this is well-acknowledged:

Notice I said "A primary purpose". There are others:

  • Brain damage is a big one. A stupid population is easier to control, easier to trick into medical slavery.

  • This also provides direct access to the population's bloodstream for [whatever] reason. For example, it'd be easy enough to target a particular vial to a particular recipient for, say, "political" reasons.

Now is it possible this will be turned around on us at some point? Definitely. With biowarfare there may come a point where a vaccine is a legitimate defense. If we write off vaccines entirely, we could be vulnerable. To that, I can only suggest that we keep ourselves informed.

We all know fuckery is afoot when it comes to vaccines. Do not put your faith in those who profit from your disease. You are responsible for your own health. Let's get this conversation started. Protect yourself, your loved ones, and spread the word.


In theory they're supposed to train the body to recognize inputs and build appropriate responses. They actually do this, to a degree.

In practice, the widespread imposition of vax upon the public also does the following.

a) It stresses the cohort in ways that can't be predicted nor accurately safety tested before.

b) It actually lessons the cohort defense capacity, because of, which means that the first antigens tend to stick. So if you wanted to maximize your cohorts ability to adapt to disease mutation, you're fucked as you've blown your wad. Better to not apply coverage so broadly. Better to do it on demand. Better to culture antibody rich plasma so that you have it when you need it. But we don't do any of that, eh.

c) the widespread imposition of a tech that is inherently incompatible with the set of everybody (it's all just basic combinations math) creates a monoculture stressor wherein the "incompatibles" have to deal with the side effects of the incompatibility. you're basically filtering out those who aren't part of the monoculture of "compatible". you're decreasing genetic diversity. you're weakening humanity.

no one ever talks about vaccines and childhood cancer like leukemia and rare brain tumors. what percentage of children who have not been vaccinated develop these in early adolescence?

I suspect records of this sort are hard to come by, as these kids are kept outside of the medical system. Neat trick, huh?

i was reading that c-sections, ultra clean disinfected living spaces, and lack of siblings can attribute to leukemia, but i feel somehow presence of vaccines MUST be a factor in that trifecta, especially since leukemia is immune system related. i wish search engines worked how they used to instead of pushing news stories to the top.

I suspect records of this sort are hard to come by

Well by definition a "rare brain tumor" is rare, and most kids are vaccinated, so you are looking at a very tiny pool of people.

Leukemia is from both the formaldehyde and the leukemic monkeys which are used to make some vaccines.

You are crazy, vaccines prevent people from getting diseases. Unless you want polio, I suggest getting vaccinated.

yeah enjoy your acute flaccid paralysis instead ^

or your SV40

or your various encephalopathies and your own immune system trying to kill you slowly!!!

"Correlation does not prove causation", as you guys are fond of saying. Except in the case of polio. "Polio". Then... TOTALLY the polio vaccine eradicated "polio".

Except that was mostly marketing. Smoke and mirrors to take credit for something their vaccine had nothing to do with.

Smoke, Mirrors and the "Disappearance" of Polio

Hey, I should post this vid -- thanks for the reminder!

So we’re going with the lalalalalalala I can’t hear you argument. Got it.

Um...not picking a side here....but aren't you the one kind of doing that?

By reading the article you just showed you will see that he problem isn’t the vaccine, it’s that they don’t have enough of the vaccine.

that is one way to interpret it. Another is, it is a failure.

Don't waste your time try to talk to an antivaxxer it's like trying to explain 9/11 to a truther. facts don't matter only their feelings, supposition and correlation matter

Even if you get polio, 95% get no symptoms, 0.5% may get paralysis, and of those 0.5%, 0.05% die. Fear mongering is a great tactic though.

”In 95% of the cases of polio, there are no symptoms that are experienced. The most common symptoms that are felt during an attack of polio are sore throat, headache, fever, and diarrhea.

”The reason why polio is scary is the fact that one in every 200 infections (0.5%) will lead to an irreversible paralysis that usually affects the legs. Up to 10% of patients who experience paralysis (of the 0.5% = 0.05%) end up dying from polio because their breathing muscles have become immobilized.”

I had a school friend that had polio. He wasn’t vaccinated. He walked with leg braces and crutches. His parents were ultra religious and stupid. To me, that’s child abuse.

Sounds more like DDT poisoning, also the Rockefellers did re-engineer the Polio virus into a more dangerous one, and the vaccine itself spreads Polio and also is contaminated with a cancer causing vaccine

The world is a vampyre.

i believe in pizza gate, 9/11 didn't happen but vaccines, like chilll i'm not about taking risks when it comes to your kids. vaccinate them

Funny -- I wouldn't take the chance of vaccinating my kids. Why TF would you trust a power structure that rapes children and lies us into wars??

i just don't see enough info/evidence of kids being healthier not vaccinated rather than those that are.

How about the testimonies of dozens of doctors and medical professionals? Should take you a few weeks to get through all this:

Or are you waiting for reports from the pharmaceutical industry saying we're better off not using their products?

There are far far more of us who side with vaccines than the small handful that don't. I would suggest that those of us in medicine, who do not side with science and common sense, choose a new career.

oh no, 'dozens' of doctors, verses the Thousands upon thousands who are pro? Or the mere fact that your local hospital no longer has a polio ward full of children doomed to spend their lives in iron lungs?

Fuck off you filthy plague spreader.

Removed. Rule 10.

injecting them IS the risk. and not allowing for childhood incoculations of begnin bacteria and viruses to naturally grow the immune system.

you’re putting their immune system on “steroids”

the fact that major illnesses acquired during childhood vaccination are the result of “genetic mutations” of certain genes is a call for concern.

WHAT is mutating them.

Solar radiation causes more mutations. That’s right, sun rays.

“In a study of 24 passages of a nuclear polyhedrosis virus through cell cultures there were both insertions and deletions in the virus, appearing to suggest that the virus both donated genetic material to and received genetic material from the cells in which it was cultured, therefore also suggesting the possibility of similar viral exchanges in the human system (our interpretation)”

full explanation here

the questions are:

If vaccines are so safe why does a vaccine injury court exist?

Why do they constantly have to cover up data that shows harm?

Why do they bully and shame anyone into getting vaccinated?

Why to they need to create laws to force us to take their product?

Why do they destroy the reputation of doctors and scientists who question their science?

And what you said is impossible to argue against, that is why instead they namecall, equivalent to waving the white flag

I love the people who say they force people to vaccinate to keep everyone disease free. Well how about they force your fat asses to stop eating cheeseburgers and to start lifting weights instead of lifting that quadruple cheese burrito into your mouth instead? You know, to keep everyone healthy.

Can I use this as a copypasta?


This post is the very definition of anti-intellectualism. To say education makes you stupid and medicine is harmful makes me think that your lack of the first makes you question the latter.

I feel that those of you who full heartily preach this gospel, do not fully recognize the extent to which it fully displays your ignorance and complete lack of understanding of the very basics of science. I also feel that you do not recognize that, at this point, you may as well argue if gravity actually keeps you from floating away, or if the ozone layer actual protects us from anything, or even if oxygen is truly needed for human survival.

Anti-intellectual? You do realize I have a master's degree in mechanical engineering. Shove it, pleb.

Couple of science degrees here too from top universities, and like you I have found vaccine science to be at best a pseudoscience and highly corrupt.

Funny thing is that the shills likely never went past high school level science, otherwise they would have been able to get a better job than to post propaganda soundbites

As the redditor stated above.

the questions are:

If vaccines are so safe why does a vaccine injury court exist?

Why do they constantly have to cover up data that shows harm?

Why do they bully and shame anyone into getting vaccinated?

Why to they need to create laws to force us to take their product?

Why do they destroy the reputation of doctors and scientists who question their science?

How is this not a mafia?

Cui bono?

As the redditor stated above.

the questions are:

If vaccines are so safe why does a vaccine injury court exist?

  • Vaccine court was created to take the cases out of civil court. Injuries can come from vaccines, but not in the same way you people are thinking. If an administrator were to give a vaccine to someone who had an allergy to a vaccine ( rare) or if the vaccine was administered wrong. There are cases where lack of oversight has caused injuries, the same with any type of medical procedure. What's important to remember is that 2/3 of all cases brought to the vaccine court are dismissed. It's also important to remember that most all vaccine lawyers will not except cases involving autism or someone seeking a waiver for vaccines. It's a court for oversight by the administrator, not the vaccines themselves.>

Why do they constantly have to cover up data that shows harm?

  • They don't.

    Why do they bully and shame anyone into getting vaccinated?

  • That's your opinion. People do feel strongly about having children vaccinated because it's a safety issue and to most people in a civilized nation, a no brainier.

    Why to they need to create laws to force us to take their product?

  • Safety and disease prevention. Just like we are force to except laws that say we can drink water from the same pipes we use for sewage.

    Why do they destroy the reputation of doctors and scientists who question their science?

  • "They" don't destroy anything. Doctors who deny science ruin there own reputations. As a doctor I can attest to this personally. If there was a doctor in my hospital, which there isn't, who denied basic science, we would not be looking to said doctor for council and advise.

    How is this not a mafia?

  • How is it? This is simply your opinion due to a lack of factual information.

You stupid anti-vaxx fuckhead. Vaccines have wiped out Smallpox, and are mere months away from wiping out fucking polio.

which are marketed as strengthening our immune systems

No they are not. Firstly they aren't marketed at all. Secondly, vaccines work by presenting your immune system with a weakened version of a disease that it can handle and thus learns the tricks required to handle the real deal. At least the the least fucking bit of research before you go spouting bullshit!

You know what claims to 'strengthen the immune system'? Fucking homeopathic bullshit.

And with nationalized health care, even the healthy folks who see through this game have to bear this cost.

And yet, not a single country that has switched to a nationalized healthcare system has gone back to employer based or private. Do you know why? Because HEALTH. IS. NOT. FOR. SALE. You cannot rant against 'big pharma' and nationalized healthcare, because one of the very critical components of nationalized healthcare is that is absolutely obliterates corporate pharma profits.

A stupid population is easier to control

And yet IQ has risen consistently ever since we've started measuring it. And the rise has increased quite dramatically once we started getting rid of lead in everything.

People like you make me sick, and the saddest part is that it is your children who will get sick when diseases that should be on the road to being eradicated, suddenly become epidemics again.

You want to blame your diabetes on being vaccinated? Put down the fucking soda bottle for a change fatass!


On the contrary, it's the largest private industry on in the US. Big money.

Yes, and we thank the USA for being an example on how NOT to run a healthcare system.

On that, we agree.

As the redditor stated above

the questions are:

If vaccines are so safe why does a vaccine injury court exist?

Why do they constantly have to cover up data that shows harm?

Why do they bully and shame anyone into getting vaccinated?

Why to they need to create laws to force us to take their product?

Why do they destroy the reputation of doctors and scientists who question their science?

How is this not a mafia?

Cui bono?

Quite simple:

  • As with anything in medicine, nothing is 100%, there is always a minority of the population that will react adversely to anything.
  • Firstly I dispute the existence of coverups, but if such a thing exists, it is only to keep the general public from panicking. We've all seen how one celebrity cunt with an autistic kid can spark a worldwide backlash.
  • Why o why would we bully and shame people into vaccinating their kids so that plagues no longer ravage our children?
  • See above. Your right to ignorance does not outweigh my right to not having my child die of a preventable disease.
  • It's called peer-review, it's a fundamental part of the scientific method. You may want to look it up sometime.
  • For starters, their product is legal.

No one claims they are 100% safe. But most 'mainstream' sources say they are 'safe and effective' to the point where anyone who questions that, is a crazy person. Bots then heavily downvote you on Reddit, in particular.

But when we go deeper concerns arise.

We know that thousands of cases have been proven in court, damages paid of over $3 Billion, and hundreds of thousands of cases of adverse reactions being reported (that is only in the US with about 4% of the global population)... safety seems to be extremely subjective.

Some data points:

1.Prior to the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, Vaccine Manufacturers were being successfully sued for damages caused by their products. The Pharmaceutical Lobby persuaded Congress to pass this law that grants them COMPLETE IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY.

2.After passing the NCVIA, Vaccine Manufacturers began ramping up production of Vaccines.

3.Autism Rates have seen a steady increase clearly in relation to the increase in the vaccine schedule.

4.US Supreme court has ruled that vaccines are “Unavoidably unsafe”

Changes in vaccine schedule since NCVIA took effect

As an example we will look at the DTP (Diptheria, Tetanus & Pertussis) Vaccine. The DTP was causing the vaccine manufacturers to be sued successfully. In 1978 only two suits related to DTP were filed, but by 1986, more than 250 were brought annually. In 1985, lawyers sought $3.16 billion in damages -- 30 times more than the value of all DTP vaccine sold privately that year. Clearly there was a problem with the DTP Vaccine.

Instead of fixing the problem with the DTP Vaccine shielding manufacturers from liability resulted in the increased use of DTP, and then DTaP, (acellular pertussis) plus adult TDaP vaccine from 1 dose in 1960 and 5 doses in 1983 to 7 doses by the age of 18 in 2016 – not including the “every 10 years” adult boosters and pregnancy doses.


I have been asked to keep better track of my posts, so below I created an index.

US Government has paid out over $3 Billion to people injured by vaccines

Hepatitis B & Multiple Sclerosis

Vaccinated Kids have more health issues

The manipulation of the vaccine conversation

Vaccines and Asthma

HPV Vaccine and Infertility in Women

Vaccines & Autism

Vaccines & Autoimmune Conditions

Vaccine Related Injuries

It's an excellent documentary, great to see it available here. Below I'm going to provide a quick red pill of information on the vaccine situation for anyone would like it.

Once one learns what is really going on, we discover that unfortunately the science is not settled as the industry refuses to fund the necessary studies to find out if vaccines are bringing a net benefit overall, the industry doesn't want to find the harm their products cause as it can mean loss of confidence, sales and also huge compensation payouts. So what they do is whitewash their products, data is played with, statistics are used to lie.

For example the honest experts are so sick of Big Pharma for not funding any proper studies into the safety of injecting Aluminum, that now they are crowdfunding for over $600,000 to perform the trials.

Private forces to raise funds for research into aluminum in vaccines

Here are some sources to get people started

For those from a scientific background I'd strongly recommend the presentations given at the Vaccine Safety Conference

The rest is a general starter pack for people who want to learn more:-

The Tetanus vaccine has now been found to be reducing life expectancy rather than extending it

Conclusion "DTP was associated with increased mortality"

Study finds Hep B vaccine causes brain damage

"This new study demonstrates that vaccines can affect brain development via immune activation. Hence, the immune activation experiments are relevant to vaccines…The hep B vaccine increased IL-6 in the hippocampus (the only brain region analyzed for cytokines)."

The authors noted that the HBV mice showed “significantly increased” IL-6, which we know is a biomarker for autism.

Dr Peter Gøtzsche exposes big pharma as organized crime

Birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine may not be necessary: Study

Professor Gordon T. Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Public Health, Glasgow University, explains exactly the dangers of the Whopping Cough vaccine from a Emeritus Professor of Public Health

"the marginal advantages of the vaccine in children over one year of age have to be offset against adverse effects of the vaccine itself, which are very common indeed and may be followed occasionally by irreversible brain damage, paralysis and mental deficiency. Because of this danger, or for fear of it, many parents and doctors are reluctant to vaccinate their children."

Dr. Suzanne Humphries Lecture on vaccines and health

Dr Tenpenny, What the CDC documents say about vaccines

Here a professor explains his findings regarding the dangers of injecting Aluminum, which is contained in most vaccines

Here's the study itself:-

Aluminum adjuvant linked to Gulf War illness induces motor neuron death in mice

Experts complain of the 'witch hunt' which takes place after any scientist reports on vaccine dangers

Association between type 1 diabetes and Hib vaccine Causal relation is likely

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given

The Polio vaccines are causing problems worse than Polio

"Furthermore, while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated. The principle of primum-non-nocere was violated."

Recordings from the CDC whistleblower exposing lies, corruption, manipulation of data and destruction of evidence

Follow the money!! (see below)

How Much US Pediatricians Make From Vaccines

"So how much money do doctors really make from vaccines? The average American pediatrician has 1546 patients, though some pediatricians see many more. The vast majority of those patients are very young, perhaps because children transition to a family physician or stop visiting the doctor at all as they grow up. As they table above explains, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays pediatricians $400 per fully vaccinated child. If your pediatrician has just 100 fully-vaccinated patients turning 2 this year, that’s $40,000. Yes, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, that bonus jumps to $80,000. V But here’s the catch: Under Blue Cross Blue Shield’s rules, pediatricians lose the whole bonus unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinated, and that includes the flu vaccine. So it’s not just $400 on your child’s head–it could be the whole bonus. To your doctor, your decision to vaccinate your child might be worth $40,000, or much more, depending on the size of his or her practice.

If your pediatrician recommends that your child under the age of 2 receive the flu vaccine–even though the flu vaccine has never been studied in very young children and evidence suggests that the flu vaccine actually weakens a person’s immune system over the long term–ask yourself: Is my doctor more concerned with selling me vaccines to keep my child healthy or to send his child to private school?"

Screenshot Page 5

2016 Performance Recognition Program PDF

Harvard doctor admits he's too scared to speak truth on vaccines as Big Pharma are watching, implies there will be consequences

Human papilloma virus vaccine and primary ovarian failure: another facet of the autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants.

Smoke, Mirrors and the "Disappearance" of Polio

In the Senate Big Pharma getting told off for putting substances in vaccines without first performing the necessary safety studies

This study found that it is the vaccines made using aborted fetal cells which are causing Autism

Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979

Under Freedom of Information we see that CDC experts privately admit the dangers of vaccines, they admit that vaccines are causing neurological problems, speech delays and they warn the information must be embargoed.

Key quotes below:-

Dr. Johnston, pg. 14-15 & 19-20: "The data on its toxicity (shows) it can cause neurologic and renal toxicity, including death.”

Dr. Weil, pg. 24: "There are just a host of neurodevelopmental data that would suggest that we’ve got a serious problem." .... "the potential for aluminum and central nervous system toxicity was established by dialysis data. To think there isn’t some possible problem here is unreal.”

Dr. Verstraeten, pg. 31: "we have found statistically significant relationships between the exposure and outcomes for these different exposures and outcomes."

Dr. Verstraeten, pg. 44: "Now for speech delays, which is the largest single disorder in this category of neurologic delays. The results are a suggestion of a trend with a small dip. The overall test for trend is highly statistically significant above one.”

Dr. Bernier, pg. 113: "So we are asking people who have a great job protecting this information up until now, to continue to do that until the time of the ACIP meeting. So to basically consider this embargoed information."

Dr. Johnson, pg. 198: "This association leads me to favor a recommendation that infants up to two years old not be immunized with Thimerosal containing vaccines if suitable alternative preparations are available.” ... "I do not want that grandson to get a Thimerosal containing vaccine until we know better what is going on."

Dr. Weil, pg. 207: "The number of dose related relationships are linear and statistically significant. You can play with this all you want. They are linear. They are statistically significant.

Dr. Brent, pg. 229 "we are in a bad position from the standpoint of defending any lawsuits"

Dr. Clements, pg 247- 249: "that I am very concerned that this has gotten this far, and that having got this far, how you present in a concerted voice the information to the ACIP in a way they will be able to handle it and not get exposed"

Dr. Bernier, pg. 256: "just consider this embargoed information, if I can use that term, and very highly protected information"

Superb post!!

Vaccines being used for social engineering

  • HPV jab is to reduce fertility

  • Old persons flu jab is to send into early dementia, allowing for their wealth to be drained back into the system

  • Childhood vaccines like MMR, Hep B and DPT are to reduce intelligence, making us easier to control

  • All vaccines can induce autoimmune diseases, allergies and damage the immune system, meaning we are left dependent on big pharma drugs, essentially adding extra taxes onto us which get paid to pharma, making us easier to control and more likely to be a wage slave.

Couple of science degrees here too from top universities, and like you I have found vaccine science to be at best a pseudoscience and highly corrupt.

Funny thing is that the shills likely never went past high school level science, otherwise they would have been able to get a better job than to post propaganda soundbites