Conspiracy Theory: The agenda to push “trans” issues into the forefront of public attention through the media...

1  2018-07-06 by DontTreadOnMe16 because they are priming the public to be more accepting, receptive, and sympathetic towards trans people, before a bunch of famous people/politicians/(royalty?) are likely to soon be outed for being trans or something similarly atypical.

Disclaimer: It is my personal belief that you have the right to do or be whatever the hell you want to be, and should be treated with the same common decency as anyone else. It’s a free country.


Going along this line of thinking, it could also be to neutralize some type blackmail material that some powerful people have over them.

Exactly. It feels like there is just a push recently that is purely agenda driven.

When the msm made that wall to wall coverage over who can use which bathroom, like it was the most pressing issue, is when it felt like it was agenda driven to me.

Yea very true.

That agenda was disgusting.

Conflating and inverting the masculine and feminine roles only serves to increase cognitive dissonance. A mind that is so divided is easily manipulated. When met with such confusion, the individual often submits to the hierarchy of the group.

It's been this way for a while. You see it everywhere in tv shows, news coverage, and movie portrayals in an effort to quickly normalise the situation through exposure. It's just another way to subconsiously influence the population

its called a psy-op and ur fighting a useless cause by even trying to defend it.

So if you dont care about this then why di you care about this?

I dont see where OP claimed he didnt care about this.

Just curious about the sudden drastic increase in media attention ever since Kaitlyn. And there’s reasons to suspect a bunch of famous people are hiding things due to things like CDAN and the like. I find the idea interesting, and wanted to hear other people’s opinions about it.

I dont know why people made such a big deal about Jenner. Probably because it was a celebrity and he kind of put the whole thing on the map in the media. I dont give a shit what people want to identify as or whatever. In my opinion, nobody should care. If they want to be called a girl instead of a boy it ain't shit to me.

Completely agree.

This made me smile dude. My bad on the snarky comment earlier. I've seen you around and I'm pretty sure we dont agree on like tons of stuff. But it's all good. Lookin forward to battling it out with you in the future.

reasons to suspect a bunch of famous people are hiding things due to things like CDAN and the like

Well, if they are hiding their gender or sexuality, the reason why is implicit in your initial post. You thought there was an agenda to make the public "more accepting, receptive, and sympathetic", which indicates that some people aren't those things at present. And why would people want to expose themselves to harassment from people like that?

I don’t think they will have a choice in exposing themselves to harassment from people like that. It could be a big chunk of the blackmail that, as someone else has said ITT, is he currency of Washington DC and Hollywood.

But it won’t just be from those you’d consider intolerant bigots, it will be from a lot of people that will be pissed they’ve been lied to about so many people (unless of course, you make it socially unacceptable and shameful to question the motives or behaviors of anyone who is trans or comes out as trans, which is kinda what we’ve been seeing).

As I said, I think all humans should be treated with compassion and kindness, so it’s not like I have anything against the trans community. I would however have a problem if I found out tomorrow that let’s say, the previous First Lady is trans (not saying she is, I just know that’s one of the conspiracy theories). I think a lot of people would still have a problem with that. Hence the media driven agenda to push acceptance faster and faster, to a point where it’s now become noticeably forced.

Just spitballing here. None of my ideas are concrete. If you disagree with this theory, I’d appreciate hearing your reasons why.

I feel this way about attempted normalization of sexual harassment and assault. It's as if some one is trying to normalize it, by pointing out and exposing how many famous asshats are perpetrators, 5 -10-15-20 years ago. There is an agenda behind all these accusations coming to the surface since 2017. As if the biggest jerk of them all is trying to make the abuse and harassment of women "no big deal," so when the true nature of the jerks disgusting indiscretions come to light, he will simply point to the others he exposed and say, "See, no big thing."

How on earth did you take that from the revelations? Sexual harassment has been "normal" for women right up to now, and the exposes are not to normalise it but to try to stamp it out.

In context to the question posed, My comment was addressing the flood of accusations since trump took office. Since he is not pro-woman, it makes me wonder why people feel empowered to come forward, now during this hyper toxic masculine soup of a crap storm. Maybe, if i suggest, there are two sides to the current storm, one; there are evil people trying to suggest with all the allegations that its a normal male "thing to do", and it's not a big deal and two; there is a large group of victims that will not let a person of questionable character abuse, harass and demean women present or past with the power of the white house behind him, imply - as his political base did and is doing by way of apathy, ignore the seriousness of the abuse. That maybe the victims see the attempts to normalize it and can no longer sit silently, letting it become normalized and "ok" by his election to our highest office. Sorry if it was confusing. His corrupted character, and his station, to me - allows some to claim those facts alone, make his actions "OK" and normalize something that should not be as common as it is, and in his defense some try to "normalize" such behavior.

I would agree that Trump's election probably acted in some way as a catalyst to the MeToo movement, in that having such an obvious sleazeball as president was the final straw. But sexual harassment always has been a thing for women, and we can only hope that we're going to see real progress made against it.

in that having such an obvious sleazeball who is also Republican as president was the final straw.

Didn't hear a peep while Bill was in office. Hell, they covered up for his actual sexual assaults, as opposed to the rather flimsy accusations we've seen against Trump. Which just shows how the media is really just using this whole metoo movement as a political tool, rather than it being an organic "tipping point" where Trump is the final straw and they really care. They care until their party is back in power, and then it's "Look, we fixed all the sexual assault! Everything's fine again!". Meanwhile, they just went back to hiding it and covering up for their executives, as they always have.

All they had to do was first sacrifice one big name of their own (Harvey). Then a few big names down the ladder a little. Then turn their sights on the President (which is exactly what we saw them try to do with that whole "TimesUp" movement).

Eh, I think Caitlin Jenner just started a fad to try and fit in with the instafame and it just snowballed culturally. Multiple guys I went to high school with suddenly became trans during this fad (ironically both were failed click bait bloggers) so I always assumed it was an easy way to fit in to a trend and have people like you for being edgy (and subsequently subscribe to your blog). Especially since both those guys were completely unkept dudes with girlfriends up until.

Multiple guys I went to high school with suddenly became trans ... Especially since both those guys

So, two people then. How do you know they "suddenly" became trans? It's more likely the reaction to Caitlin Jenner made them more comfortable with revealing that they were trans.

I always assumed it was an easy way to fit in to a trend

Are you telling me that you'd start identifying as a trans to fit into a trend then? Irf not, why would you assume that of others?

I’m not saying it’s completely unheard of that they had this notion before. I grew up with them, have known them and been close friends with them my entire life. There wasn’t a single person who said “makes sense” However, they’re extremely vocal about it now. They take a shit ton of selfies and are obnoxious and profit from the style change. Yeah, maybe I’m a bigoted asshole. Or maybe I can smell a phony. Not that they’re intentionally phony, I just believe them to be severely influenced by the current trends of gender politics. You can not deny it’s hip. Hip, and provides a platform for their failed writing. We’re friends. But I haven’t given them the support they constantly bitch about needing on social media. I haven’t started kissing their ass because they decided one day they were women. I haven’t been shouting encouragement towards their shitty outfits. They pretty much made a mockery of women if I can be so frank. They took everything feminists worked their ass off to avoid, highlighted it and said THIS is what it means to be a woman. Fuck our genuine struggle. It’s now about cute hairstyles and taking selfies with different blouses and glasses and bitching at anyone who says anything about it. Honestly, fuck them. They probably just realized they were ugly dudes who received little or no attention and found an easy way to get it. They aren’t gay. They never were gay. It’s about dressing like a woman and virtue signaling how they need to be accepted all day long on tumblr blogs. It’s 100% about attention. That’s them, whatever. But as someone who’s known both parties my entire life, I can see through that shit and it’s annoying as all hell especially when we grew up with ACTUAL trans people who struggled all through high school and were rejected by these SAME PEOPLE. So yeah, fuck them.

You can not deny it’s hip

I can deny that and I do.

Fuck our genuine struggle. It’s now about cute hairstyles and taking selfies with different blouses and glasses and bitching at anyone who says anything about it. Honestly, fuck them.

There are plenty of women who do that too.

They aren’t gay. They never were gay.

Gay has got nothing to with being trans.

It’s 100% about attention.

So, if you're trans you can't want attention? Is it only people like the Kardashians women who are allowed to be attention whore?

especially when we grew up with ACTUAL trans people who struggled all through high school

You've just undercut your whole argument there. You started off by saying it was all just a fad and trans people were just trying to find an easy way to be liked and to be edgy, and now you're admitting you based all that on two people who you think have nothing to do with real trans-gender people at all. WTF?

Ok well you keep on thinking identity politics are real causes and distracting from actual issues in the world. The rest of us who aren’t attention seeking will continue to get the work done that y’all are too lazy to accomplish. Identity isn’t a real struggle and it shouldn’t be brought to the main political stage. I honestly don’t give a fuck that they wear dresses, it’s the consistent virtue signaling and asking for attention and recognition. If you think narcissism is valid, good for you. I however think it’s annoying and distracting. So no, I don’t support people just one day deciding they want to identify as whatever and demanding attention. If that makes me an ass, so be it.

they are priming the public to be more accepting, receptive, and sympathetic towards trans people

No, it's because fewer and fewer people these days feel the need to discriminate against others because of their sexuality. Added to that is the fact that the media are a lot less restricted in what they can print and broadcast these days.

No trans people are in the media now more than ever because after the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage Republicans lost the ability to cater to Christians by using keeping gay marriage illegal and protecting traditional marriage for political points. Look at the 2016 elections as proof. Many Republicans who were formally against gay marriage came out saying that they would attend the marriage of a gay friend if they were invited, even Rick Santorum hinted at this.

But now Republicans are attacking transgender Americans because they are now the boogeymen Christian Americans are afraid of. Think about it how often did you hear about transgender rights or bathroom bills before gay marriage became legal.

This is actually a great point

What kind of terrible shilling is this. Everyone knows they’re obsessed w trannies Bc of baphomet. Anything other than that is shilling. They think being a Hermaphrodite is beautiful and want us to think that too.

Everyone knows they’re obsessed w trannies Bc of baphomet.

What garbage.

You’re ignorant and uneducated on their belief systems.

Caitlyn hasn't gotten chopped because "she" isn't actually trans, just a cross dresser who took things to an elevated level for attention, because that's what that family does.

One person being a phony doesn't mean all trans people are phonies, though. Transgenderism is a legitimate intersex condition that affects millions of people across the globe.


How many have penises and how many have had surgery?


I thought loving traps was a 4Chan thing.

I take some offense to the shilling accusation, because I don’t see how anything I said contradicts the theory you are suggesting. Both things can be true.

The baphomet comparison is new to me, was baphomet a hermaphrodite? If so then what you’re saying makes sense. So wouldn’t it also make sense that the media is priming everyone to accept it for when the public finally figure it out?

I thought it was against sub rules to accuse others of shilling. You should report that comment.

Meh I could, but I'd rather find out why he thinks what I said is "shilling".

I really doubt you’ll get an answer as they usually do this to simply discredit the other person when they don’t agree with what’s been presented.

How can it be new? Baphomet is their god and is why they are obsessed w trannies. this is like low level conspiracy stuff.

You could not be going about all of this in a worse possible way. Being an asshole is not how you get people to come around to listening to you.

take as much offense as you want I don’t care- this sub is been brigaded brutally (the person requesting you report me for example) and I take offense when someone is giving incorrect jnformation

The person requesting me to report you is not only a long time user here, but he is 100% right in what he said. You could not have more blatantly broken a well-known Rule in this sub, and you should absolutely have your comment removed by the mods for it. If that's your definition of "brigading", then I question your true intentions here.

If anything, you are doing more damage to the theories you are promoting, this sub, and conspiracy theorists in general, by your condescending/know-it-all tone, and taking everything to the most extreme levels of the theory without doing any kind of quantifying or self-awareness that you could be wrong.

It's almost so bad that it feels intentional, as if that is your actual goal.

I don’t care.

Removed. Rule 10.

I kind of think the same thing is going on with the whole "deep fakes" and such. Methinks, a massive tidal wave of truth is going to hit very, very soon.

This. So much this. Great parallel.

When much of the blackmail is on video, how do you protect yourself? Create the belief that we can’t even trust our eyes anymore. Before that Radiolab showed us we can’t trust our ears with audio anymore.

That way when something gets out, there’s enough plausible deniability out there to fool your base into not caring about it.

If your blackmail is people finding out that a bunch of people are actually trans, how do you protect yourself? Create an environment that is more receptive and accepting of the concept.

no its a psy-op.

gay straight black white sphere flat trans cis blue red communism capitalism

u talk about an agenda without even knowing what the agenda is. look at all these "divisions" i marked. what is the agenda behind them? the only agenda is to confuse people and to make them fight for a pointless cause.

veganism vs meat is the only real agenda driven cause. meat and specifically raw organ meats from natural fed animals is the most vitamin dense diet yet nobody talks about this. vegan diet is based on relying on big pharma. even hitler pushed soy products and he was funded by rothschild.

look up what veganism is and what grains have caused this world then u will realize what the only REAL conspiracy is. the nwo diet.

the nwo diet ...

... involves also insects as a source for protein. We are starting to see the normalization of insect consumption. It's so great for the planet.


They are a great source of protein that has been hsitorically consumed by certain cultures. Nothing wrong with eating bugs. Tried crickets, they weren't bad, although not very tasty.

That's great. I'll keep eating my steak tartare and filet mignon, enjoy your cockroaches :-D

Not knocking the nutritional value, I just don't want to be eating cockroach jelly blocks like in Snowpiercer.

better than the recycled clone milk from Cloud Atlas.

First of all, I’m very aware of the diet issue. Been keto for almost 3 years now. And I agree that TPTB also want to drive many wedges of division throughout society. But I completely disagree with you that only THAT one is the real conspiracy. The NWO (or whatever you want to call it) is certainly capable of having more agenda’s to push than veganism.

Just seems like a very closed-minded way to look at things. Rule of thumb for any conspiracy theorist... never pretend like you know anything for sure, especially when it comes to shadowy organizations that don’t even have a name.

Unless you’re in some secret organization of the NWO, your theory is literally no more valid than the one in my OP, or any other theory about TPTB.

Food for thought.

You can be sure about one thing: a divided masses is less of a threat to them than a unified people. The more divided the better, it’s preferable that we are kept in a state of permanent disagreement. It literally can be about anything so long as we don’t agree. The solution is taking a step back and seeing it all for what it is.

This comment, perfection.

But it is nearly impossible to “wake up” 99% of people. So what do we do? I’ve spent so much time trying to different ways to open minds but we’re simply not “built” the same, whether it’s by nature or by’s like we’re the only ones who can see the fire, but we can’t put it out ourselves so we have no choice but to watch it burn...

This is how I feel sometimes anyway.

(We are the 1%)

Lol meat and veganism are both NWO diets. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian has the strengths of both...

That is the strangest shift I think I have ever heard. What we eat is the real agenda? People eat a lot more "food-like" substances than meat (if one were to even take you serious). Obesity and people's crap diets (and meat eating) are pretty low on the list of things people in dark suits in board rooms, the halls of Government, and swank resorts conspire about.

Meh, there’s definitely a lot of shadiness and effort put into keeping the truth about sugar and grain consumption from the public. 90% of the food industry would suffer massive losses if that knowledge went mainstream too quickly.

That being said, it’s definitely not the only agenda. Probably not even top 3. But it’s probably at least top 10.

That makes it more clear to me. Perhaps I misunderstood your post. I see sugar and grain consumption as less of a conspiracy and more of a profit motive. People like sugar, fat, and carbs. They have all sorts of bad effects on health, but that's not the concern of corporate profits. Funny you never/rarely see a commercial that says, " some".

I don’t know... people still smoke cigarettes despite common knowledge that over 200 chemicals, many known carcinogens, are added to tobacco during processing and packaging.

they catch them young when style and fashion trumps good sense.

nicotine is a beast of a drug to give up. millions do but millions cannot, or relapse back to smoking.

a vegan or near vegan vegetarianism diet with manufactured and artificial meats.

this is what most poor people eat now, from hotdogs to fakish burgers to boxed foods. lots of carbs but not much in the way of meat proteins.

The recent spike in homophobia and transphobia on this sub is concerning.

This thread is a rational discussion. We’re not saying there’s anything wrong about wanting to switch gender, but there is still a huge stigma against it.

And if 1 out of 1000 average people are trans, then it’s likely the same for Hollywood and politics. There’s probably quite a few trans persons in positions of relative power who are having the fact they’re trans held over them as a form of blackmail, so if they have friends in big media who can help rid them of said blackmail, then surely they would utilise that?

Labelling this thread as homophobic/transphobic just makes you sound like a shill who is trying to discredit the theory by screaming “hate speech!”

This thread is a rational discussion.

Ok but then:

I’ve watched some stuff about a supposed trans agenda in the elite, mainly Hollywood.

If true, they delve into transsexuality to serve an androgynous god named Baphomet.

Yes, how rational. Indeed.

I guess you missed the “If true” part of my comment. I don’t believe in it, am merely putting the theory up for discussion.

Feel free to make more low effort comments in an attempt to discredit me 👍

are you triggered?

No? Are you triggered?

Which part of my post is it that you deem "transphoic"?

Not yours per se, but the commenters'.

I think trans humanism will be the best rollout. Declaring bag editing your dna is your choice. Then comes the eugenics.

I’ve watched some stuff about a supposed trans agenda in the elite, mainly Hollywood.

If true, they delve into transsexuality to serve an androgynous god named Baphomet. Kids of these elite apparently go through gender reassignment at a very young age.

It sounds bat shit crazy but there are some celebs that I find hard to believe were born as the gender they are now. (Looking at you Serena Williams 😜) Anyone else heard of this theory?

I've definitely heard the theory. And I'm well far enough down the rabbit hole where that doesn't sound bat shit crazy at all haha. Dave Chappelle talking about it is what first introduced the idea to me. Both back when he did the James Lipton interview, and in his most recent Netflix specials.

Which is why it would make sense that they are trying to push acceptance before any of that info is divulged to the public.

It's to normalize the idea of androgyny for sure. It's already at work. The first famous person I was convinced was a trans was Mike Obama. When I would talk to people about it they would say "so what if she is?" That's exactly why they do it. At the time of the Obama election if people knew that it would have been a huge deal. Now days, it's something that we aren't suppose to care about. You have trans playboy models, trans miss universe Spain. They lie and say these are the first of their kind yet it's been going on forever.

A bunch already have been outed ie: mike obama, barraks husband.

It just sells. They’ll sell what sells.

They also create what sells.

Trans people are certainly being exploited by liberals for the appearance of "progressiveness", but talk to any trans person and they'll tell you they fucking hate the tokenism and exploitation liberals put them through. Look at the most recent nonsense where they have Scarlett fuckin' Johansenn playing a fat trans dude. I'm pretty sure if the NWO was trans, they'd do a better job making life less fucked up for trans people.

Trans people are exploiting women by violating our spaces.

Maybe people actually identify as the opposite gender, and you guys are projecting conspiratorial beliefs where they (in this case) don't apply. Anyone who thinks that trans is a conspiracy: what is your overall comfort/approval of trans people? If it's a negative view, you might be biased into accepting a conspiracy theory to explain their existence when in reality so many things exist beyond our own perspective.

Also, wtf is with the "vegan diets are a conspiracy"? If that's true, why do governments around the world support the traditional diet (despite massive evidence of its contribution to cardiovascular disease)? The meat and dairy industries are powerful and put out studies "proving" that their products are healthy or at least not as unhealthy as plant-based advocates are saying. How many of you that believe veganism is a conspiracy actually understand the health arguments against the Western diet? What if you're being duped by a meat/dairy conspiracy against your own health? It would be like 50+ years ago to believe that tobacco is good for you or at least not as unhealthy as those pesky doctors/scientists are suggesting (when in reality you are addicted to tobacco and will do any mental gymnastics to justify it...just like people who are addicted to meat/dairy/eggs)

No where did I say being trans is not real or a conspiracy. And as I actually said in the post, I could not care less what someone wants to do with their life.

The purpose of this post is strictly addressing the extremely obvious push by the MSM to incorporate the discussion into all facets of everyday life. Which I don’t even think is arguable that this is not what is occurring.

As for the vegan conspiracies, that has absolutely nothing to do with my post. If you have a problem with that, then you should be replying to the user that wrote the comment, not to me.

It's another issue for the conspiracy-minded people they've conditioned to grab ahold of. They will believe they've actually uncovered something meaningful, something apart of the "agenda" but it's just a distraction, there will be many more.

Not sure at all what you are talking about here. Could you please explain a little more?

I dont see where OP claimed he didnt care about this.

Just curious about the sudden drastic increase in media attention ever since Kaitlyn. And there’s reasons to suspect a bunch of famous people are hiding things due to things like CDAN and the like. I find the idea interesting, and wanted to hear other people’s opinions about it.

Exactly. It feels like there is just a push recently that is purely agenda driven.

Completely agree.

I guess you missed the “If true” part of my comment. I don’t believe in it, am merely putting the theory up for discussion.

Feel free to make more low effort comments in an attempt to discredit me 👍

Meh, there’s definitely a lot of shadiness and effort put into keeping the truth about sugar and grain consumption from the public. 90% of the food industry would suffer massive losses if that knowledge went mainstream too quickly.

That being said, it’s definitely not the only agenda. Probably not even top 3. But it’s probably at least top 10.