Question for those who read High Level Insider's threads. What could he have meant by this: "the breaking of the current regime will look fairly ordinary to the masses"?

1  2018-07-08 by ToddWhiskey

Almost 2 years ago, 3 month before the election, HLI answered to an anon asking this: "Ive heard basically that as soon as martial law is declared or the economy crashes (or anything that breaks domestic harmony) the military is going to go Coup and detain the president and most of congress for treason. As well as taking down the corrupt corporate elements."

HLI answered:

" There are elements in existence that are prepared and able to fight, but it won't go down the way you perceive.

Instead, the breaking of the current regime will look fairly ordinary to the masses."

What did he mean by that?



Have you noticed how many ppl are not running for re election?


Is there a summary of which incumbents are Choosing not to run again?

Not that I’ve seen, but would be interesting

Maybe anon was under the assumption Hillary was going to win, and HLI was describing what we are currently witnessing with Trump. Doing things through the proper legal channels. Getting SCOTUS picks that are against the deep state agenda (disarming the people, eliminating freedom of speech, etc.), making peace with our “enemies” all over the world, while simultaneously “creating enemies” of those we once considered allies (who are also on board with the globalist agenda).

Idk, just spitballing. I don’t really remember too much of what HLI claimed.

Getting SCOTUS picks that are against the deep state agenda (disarming the people, eliminating freedom of speech, etc.), making peace with our “enemies” all over the world, while simultaneously “creating enemies” of those we once considered allies (who are also on board with the globalist agenda).

That sounds pretty extraordinary, IMO. So, how do you make it look fairly ordinary to the masses?

I mean, I think it’s kinda already started happening. Hypothetically, had Hillary won and been able to appoint not just one, but two far left, SJW-type justices to the courts, the globalist agenda would have been able to move ahead at near full speed unimpeded (even just 1, really). At the very least, their plan has now been set back likely 20-30 years, right?

Meanwhile, the old regime’s media has got everyone absolutely FREAKING OUT as if the world has ended because of these appointments. Most people don’t even understand the significance of what has recently occurred. It’s why we are seeing the media become even more and more aggressive lately.

It just feels like behind the scenes, A LOT of people in DC are the ones who are actually freaking out. All the people that “played ball” their entire careers because that’s just how things worked, and they knew (thought) they’d never get in trouble for any of it because the power structure would insulate them from consequences. But externally, they appear calm and just upset about Trump and his policies. Giving the appearance of “business as usual”.

I think it’s kinda already started happening.

My sentiments exactly.

And is your theory similar or different from mine?

No, because you summed it up pretty well:

Most people don’t even understand the significance of what has recently occurred.

You get it.


far left


The deep state are just pawns used to set up the board and to be the enemy everyone focuses on while Trump positions himself as the hero taking them down. In reality, this was all part of the plan and Trump is the one who is going to bring in the NWO by "taking them down".

Got any evidence to support this wild accusation? Because to my knowledge, a crucial objective of the NWO is disarmament of the people...

It might be but for now, that knowledge is being used against people. These people have just been psychologically tricked and this has been going on for decades. They've been conditioned over and over to be terrified that a Democrat is going to take their guns and a lot of them are the type that are aware of the Secret Societies and the elites and such that run things and are pushing us towards a one world government. So they're terrified of the threat of it happening and what a tyrannical government would do once their guns are taken. This fear was constantly reinforced for a reason and the fruits of its labor are about to be harvested. They used Obama as a red herring to get these people all whipped up into a frenzy for 8 years so they would be desperate enough to vote for Trump. The NRA wasn't being used to arm the people to rise up against an oppressive tyrannical government, they were arming people to fight FOR one.

Do you think it's an accident that Trump has been talking about this for 30 years? That his uncle use to talk to him about nuclear weapons and he's always wanted to make deals with Russia about nukes and a peace deal in the Middle East? That he became the leader of the birther movement? That he checks every single box of the Fox News watching, conspiratorial, white, Christian conservative American archetype? Rails about the liberal media, fights against the Clinton's/Obama, fights for the working man, loves the military and the police, respects the flag and the national anthem, is all about American exceptionalism, #1 issue is illegal immigration, pro business and anti regulation, pro tax cuts, doesn't believe in climate change. It's like your typical Fox News viewer's entire belief system came to life, complete with thinking he's a victim and superior at the same time. And dressed up in a nice pseudo fake Reagan costume just to really get them hooked.

Trump is the Messiah they've been waiting for. The outsider who is finally going to drain the swamp and make america great again. End the corruption and kick all the worthless bums out of our government and set things right. He's going to fight the evil hold the Elite and the Secret Societies have on the world and free the people from them. Except they've been tricked, brainwashed even. Their own knowledge and awareness were use against them to blind them to the trick that was being pulled. This Trump vs Deep State thing is just pro wrestling. A conflict conjured up so the next stage can be implemented. They've slowly been conditioned to vote for Trump for decades without even realizing it. Why? Because what better way to bring a covert plan into fruition than to lead the people aware of the plan who are trying to thwart it into carrying it out themselves unknowingly.

What do you do when you want to takeover a government of people who are very paranoid, armed to the teeth and are aware of the typical tactics that a tyrannical government would employ to do such a takeover? Make those people in favor of the takeover and even cause them to initiate it.

Turn your TV off.

I don't watch TV. What channel is the story I am telling on anyways? Because I haven't heard this theory from anyways else.

Through a perceived radical "outsider" going against convention, but within the system? Not saying that's what's happening, just guessing, to make a plausible fit "fairly ordinary".

The rumor is that the military was going to have a coup, but decided to wait and see what happened with the 2016 election. I suspect there still could have been a coup if Hillary had won. Certain elements in the military have been awoke for a long time.


It is just a rumor...

It's flatulence.

Let's hope not, or we are screwed.

We're screwed if we don't have a military that's willing to overthrow a democratically elected leader?

If Hillary had won, it would have been because they rigged the election. My understanding is that a certain military group stepped in and stopped the rigging. There were also threats to reveal the contents of the Weiner laptop.

Another point is that, if the democratically elected leader (i.e. Obama) is committing acts of treason, then the military needs to step in and stop it.

If Hillary had won, it would have been because they rigged the election.

No, it would have been because she received more votes.

Another point is that, if the democratically elected leader (i.e. Obama) is committing acts of treason, then the military needs to step in and stop it.

Where in the Constitution does one find this?

LOL. You have no idea...

It is in the Declaration of Independence, and the military takes an oath to protect us from foreign and domestic threats.

You really need to do some research here.

No, they take an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. You don't have any idea what you're talking about.


I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

You really need to do some research here.

Yes, a coup would be unconstitutional. Ergo, you are wrong - the military, acting according to the letter of the highest law of the land, has no authority to remove a president from power. Only Congress can do so. I suggest you read the Constitution.

"Yes, a coup would be unconstitutional." Source?

"Ergo, you are wrong - the military, acting according to the letter of the highest law of the land, has no authority to remove a president from power." The military can do a lot according to military law. They are not required to stand there and do nothing while any of the three branches of government commit treason. The American people are allowed to reform the government, and the military is allowed to help with this.

"Only Congress can do so." And, what if Congress is committing acts of treason? Then what?

"I suggest you read the Constitution." I read it in law school.

Are you not aware that a "coup" has been going on since Trump won the election? That is why all of these people are resigning from business and government. They are NWO globalists, but they lost the 2016 election.

This might be why there are 40,000+ sealed indictments since last October. We will see about this.


Article 2, Section 1, Clause 1.

They are not required to stand there and do nothing while any of the three branches of government commit treason.

They are required, by law, to follow all lawful orders from the Chief Executive.

The American people are allowed to reform the government, and the military is allowed to help with this.

Only insofar as the President orders them to, within the confines of the law.

You seem to have very little understanding of the United States Government.

And, what if Congress is committing acts of treason? Then what?

Expel them, duh (Article I, Section 5, clause 2). Are you sure you've read the Constitution? Failing that, vote them out.

You are not following what I am saying.

"They are required, by law, to follow all lawful orders from the Chief Executive." And, if the Chief Executive if committing treason? What is the protocol?

You believe that the military is required to follow the orders of a Chief Executive who is committing treason.

"Expel them, duh (Article I, Section 5, clause 2)." Again, you do not understand. What is the protocol for expelling a treasonous Congress? You seriously do not expect a treasonous Congress to expel themselves do you? I would say "duh" here, but it is immature and does not help the discussion.

"Failing that, vote them out." How can you vote them out when the elections are rigged? Do you wonder why Maxine Waters keeps getting re-elected? Who controls the election machines and who tallies the results?

"The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do." Joseph Stalin.

"Are you sure you've read the Constitution?" Yes, positive. There are at least two semesters of Con law.

You are very naive.

I said they are required to follow all lawful orders from the President, and they are. I'm just going by the Constitution. The only legal way to remove the President from office before the end of their term is to impeach them. It's crystal clear. If you want more options, then push to amend the Constitution.

Then there is a misunderstanding. I am talking about when the President is committing treason. What is the protocol for the military to step in? Same with Congress.

It is unprecedented, actually.

The military cannot step in, legally. If the President is commiting treason (a 'high crime') then he can be impeached.

How do you impeach a treasonous President with a treasonous Congress? At some point, the military has to step in.

And if the military is treasonous? There's no legal means for the military to remove a President or Congressman. Of course it can happen, but it would be illegal (and it would be proof that the US is a failed state).

That is actually a good question. Then I suppose all is lost, and it would be up to us to do something about it.

I am sure you have noticed that Congress continually votes for the interests of the banks and corporations. They sold us out a long time ago, and now we are stuck with a $20T+ debt.

declaration of independence

With all of the bullshit the military has been through since forever people think the time they would actually set up a coup is when and because B.O was prez? Lol this is a joke right?

There was already a military coup that took put the CIA. Of course, it was not just the military that was involved, but they were at least complicit in the plan.

What was Obama doing to justify a military coup?

There were many presidents between JFK and Obama that should be tried for treason.

That actually is pretty accurate. We are told to hate the Russians and worship the ones who have enslaved us with debt and steal our tax money.

Russia wants to destroy us. Trump is the culmination of a century of trying to destabilize us. Why do people not understand this? The right was screaming about Russia right up until Trump. Then all of a sudden not only are they our friends, we should just completely do their bidding.

In Foundations of Geopolitics, Dugin calls for the influence of the United States and Atlanticism to lose its influence in Eurasia and for Russia to rebuild its influence through annexations and alliances.

The book declares that "the battle for the world rule of [ethnic] Russians" has not ended and Russia remains "the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution". The Eurasian Empire will be constructed "on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us."

Military operations play relatively little role. The textbook believes in a sophisticated program of subversion, destabilization, and disinformation spearheaded by the Russian special services. The operations should be assisted by a tough, hard-headed utilization of Russia's gas, oil, and natural resources to bully and pressure other countries.

In Europe:

Germany should be offered the de facto political dominance over most Protestant and Catholic states located within Central and Eastern Europe. Kaliningrad oblast could be given back to Germany. The book uses the term "Moscow–Berlin axis".

France should be encouraged to form a "Franco–German bloc" with Germany. Both countries have a "firm anti-Atlanticist tradition".

The United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe.

Ukraine should be annexed by Russia because "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics". Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible.

In the Middle East and Central Asia:

The book stresses the "continental Russian–Islamic alliance" which lies "at the foundation of anti-Atlanticist strategy". The alliance is based on the "traditional character of Russian and Islamic civilization".

Iran is a key ally. The book uses the term "Moscow–Tehran axis".

The book emphasizes that Russia must spread Anti-Americanism everywhere: "the main 'scapegoat' will be precisely the U.S."

In the United States:

Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".

After encouraging Brexit, fueling instability in the US that's about to lead to a civil war, pulling out of the Iran deal, okaying Russia's takeover of Ukraine, ruining the our partnership with Europe and turning the whole world against us, its time to help form that "Franco–German bloc"!

Report: Pentagon looking at withdrawing troops from Germany

Trump suggested to Macron that France should leave the EU: report

It will take me some time to look through your post.

Russia paid off its debt to the international bankers, then kicked them out. Russia is not paying a huge interest payment to them.

The U.S. has a $20T+ debt to the international bankers, so our interest payment to them is huge. Our debt grew significantly under Obama, and would have grown even more under Hillary.

We don't pay taxes to the Russians. We do pay taxes to the international bankers.


Its summing up a book. Go look up the book if you want to challenge the information.

Doing things through the proper legal channels. Getting SCOTUS picks that are against the deep state agenda (disarming the people, eliminating freedom of speech, etc.), making peace with our “enemies” all over the world, while simultaneously “creating enemies” of those we once considered allies (who are also on board with the globalist agenda).

If you really think Trump is fighting against the "deep state" then you probably think WWE is real because that's exactly what it is.

My two biggest concerns, freedom of speech and the right to (continue to) bear arms, are far more likely to be preserved under President Trump and whomever he nominates to the SC. In order for the deep state to achieve its goals, these two rights must be stripped from the people. Had Hillary won, any justice she would have put on the courts would agree with her that any of these so called “rights” can be limited by the SC, starting with the reversal of DC vs Heller (if you’re unaware, go check out the dissenting opinion in that case... it’s terrifying).

If you don’t mind me asking, what exactly is your definition of the NWO?

your definition of the NWO?

This is a very interesting point, a focus of HLI's posts too, as you are surely aware.

I actually wasn't aware of that. What is HLI's take on it?

HLI's take is super interesting actually. He said that our language was subverted and that it's the Old World Order we are standing against, not NWO. Some selected quotes, just quick:

The old world order is your enemy. It already exists. It is not something that is coming down the line.

They do not have end goals. They are attempting to maintain control. The idea of a "new world order" is a psy-op. It is an old world order that is being guarded and propped up, not a vision for the future being worked towards.

The old order doesn't have an end game. They are not plotting a new world order, but rather fighting to maintain the old order. The language you have been given to describe your predicament is all upside down.

The old order is composed of conscious individuals who seek to limit the extent of consciousness, maintain a slave / unthinking class beneath them. We disagree with this secrecy and limitation and seek general enlightenment, cooperation, and progress of all people.

The new world order is basically the ambitions embodied in the American revolution. The old world order is comprised of bankers, nobility, secret societies which seek to conceal information and feed upon the downtrodden masses.

We plan to preserve US hegemony and use it as intended: a city on the hill that lifts up the rest of the world, rather than the military arm of the old world order that it is now.

You are opposed to the old world order, not the new world order. It is a few thousand years old. The new world order is what needs to be built - the American enterprise.

As I have said repeatedly, the world order that most of you are aligned against is not a "new world order" but rather a regime seeking to maintain the old world order.

We believe that the organizing principles and ambitions of the old order are not only wrong but unsustainable. It needs to be overthrown not only for your own good, but ours and theirs as well.

We are actively working against the old world order and setting into motion the coming transformation, a process that will only continue to accelerate.

We will seize control of the US state apparatus and use it as a force for good in the world. You'll see the emergence of a new world order of sorts, not by conquest or subversion or trickery, but because people admire the progress and values and wish to share in it. We will build the entire world up, starting in America and spreading rapidly elsewhere.

Holy hell... how do I not remember any of this???

Thanks for the quotes, now I have to dive back in.

I brought this interpretation of OWO vs. NWO to r/con a few times but it was either downvoted to hell or ignored. It's probably too confusing for people to understand even though it makes a damn lot of sense.

I'd try again. It is certainly interesting.

So, the NWO that GHW Bush talked about is really the OWO???

Right. Their NWO = OWO = the continuation of global enslavement.

Some of this seems true but then the rest seems like a subversion to trick us. Mainly this part.

We will seize control of the US state apparatus and use it as a force for good in the world.

This is the trick. "All we have to do is completely take over the US and we will surely do that for the purpose of good and not evil". No, they say this to use America as a facade which they will rally all the anti-NWO people to their side while they bring in the NWO themselves and cause a global financial collapse. It's all a trick to get your defenses down. They scared the death out of us for decades with this NWO talk and now magically, some force has it all under control and we shouldn't worry and "Trust the plan" like Q says? LIES.

You sounds scared. I suggest you go back to reading. Don't freak out when you notice 'space elevator'.

This is another trick they use. Give you only 2 choices and they both are shit. They win either way.

My definition of the NWO? Simply a one world government with one religion and one currency, instituted by humans or probably some sort of alien. If you want a run down of what I think might happen, check out these 2 threads I posted.

he is covering all outcomes by saying that, if nothing happen it is because you did not notice, if something happen, he will said it is the break and now you can see.

You actually didn't read the threads, did you? He was pretty clear about WHAT would happen:

"We will seize the US state apparatus in 2024 at the latest.

Within a year or so, you will see a massive transformation of the economic landscape. GDP growth of well over 20% annually sustained for decades. The NSA and similar sorts will no longer be permitted to keep technology on a leash, we will release cures for diseases and invest heavily into biotech focused on life extension."

i stand by what i said in my comment

The black budget programs have technology that can revolutionize the planet for eons to come. Do doubt in my mind.


but you right i did not read this delusional piece of text in any place, but now i read, and i can't believe that this is the source...

we will release cures for diseases and invest heavily into biotech focused on life extension. Within about 10 years at most you'll see life expectancy climbing at a rate greater than one year per year. By mid to late 2030s, people will be coming to terms with the idea that they are only at risk of dying very narrow set of causes like acute trauma / violence, etc.
In terms of marriage, you should realize that when the institution was invented life expectancy was dramatically shorter - not much more than what it took to bring your kids into independent adulthood. We strongly value the nuclear family and marriage institution for procreating and raising a family, but this is already not really a lifelong activity and as our lives extend into hundreds or thousands of years, the reproductive phase is merely a short episode in one's own life. The attraction that people have to such permanence creating schema will fade as the fear of their own mortality subsides, but the will also invest themselves more intensely in their current relationships. You can expect shallow pleasure seeking to grow dull and uninteresting to most very rapidly and people to gravitate to things that fulfill them only on the deepest levels, love, enchantment by their music, the most richly crafted novel, or other things of this nature.

reading the rest of the text, i can't believe that this is a source for any real information. this is just a delusional person with followers

Read my other comment here. Welcome to the 90%.

You can lead a horse to water...

haha, spot on

: )

Thanks for sharing the HLI link. I’m going to have to go back and read those. So much has happened in the last two years, it’s hard to keep up.

In all honesty, I would have thought all this is crazy several years ago. I am curious, though, so I will research what people say to see if it is true. Same with you and the others here.

The floodgates have been opened over the last few years, and I think a lot of it is by design to keep us chasing for answers. It’s hard to really nail anything down when you got a thousand things hitting at once. I try not to give concrete belief into any one line of information, reading them all repeatedly. At some point bits will start to stand out as true or false, at least to me they do. I really can’t even remember if I read the HLI drops when they first came out, lol. I’m thankful users like u/ToddWhiskey has a trove of drops at the ready to share, makes it easier.

You're welcome :)

Yes, we share freely, and are not being paid to do this.

It would be cool if technology was actually u leashed for the public good.

HLI probably assumed it would be evil child sacrificing mega criminal HRC who was detained and not DJT. I would imagine since DJT is working in conjunction with the Alliance he will not be detained.


It's all a ruse to placate you and it's obviously working.

1% rule the world.

5% sold their souls to the 1%.

5% know about the 6% above.

The rest, the masses, have no clue what is going on, and don't believe you when you tell them.

Best comment on a post with a lot of them. I would only add that more and more of the masses are waking up and moving towards the 5% battling the 6%, whether they realize it or not.

Yeah, I think we don't really need that many as far as percentages go. We just need to be able to leverage the 6%. Exposing their pedophilia and ritual human sacrifice is really good leverage.

The sheep will be sheep no matter what. I read that one sheep dog can herd 100 sheep, so we have that leverage, too.

offer people solutions. I do this daily when talking to people about a space elevator. Ive had many people come up and tell me that they see the space elevator on the symbol of space force when they saw cbs announce it.

show people that the 2 party system doesnt work. refer them to the era of good feelings

Yeah, it is like they need to be spoon fed. I have told people I know too much and I see their brains switch off.

the thing about % though is as the population grows so do the number of the 5% and 6%. Is it waking up or keeping up?

High level insider is a 4chan larper who makes threads on pol and then shares them here pretending to be someone else.

i believe it was the other way around, the redditor started out here then went to 4chan

| What did he mean by that?

"Quiet Revolution"

Quiet, and full of carefully laid traps...

Another interesting HLI quote was something to the effect of "we will be bringing many of you onboard."


You're welcome :)

Yes, we share freely, and are not being paid to do this.

With all of the bullshit the military has been through since forever people think the time they would actually set up a coup is when and because B.O was prez? Lol this is a joke right?

HLI's take is super interesting actually. He said that our language was subverted and that it's the Old World Order we are standing against, not NWO. Some selected quotes, just quick:

The old world order is your enemy. It already exists. It is not something that is coming down the line.

They do not have end goals. They are attempting to maintain control. The idea of a "new world order" is a psy-op. It is an old world order that is being guarded and propped up, not a vision for the future being worked towards.

The old order doesn't have an end game. They are not plotting a new world order, but rather fighting to maintain the old order. The language you have been given to describe your predicament is all upside down.

The old order is composed of conscious individuals who seek to limit the extent of consciousness, maintain a slave / unthinking class beneath them. We disagree with this secrecy and limitation and seek general enlightenment, cooperation, and progress of all people.

The new world order is basically the ambitions embodied in the American revolution. The old world order is comprised of bankers, nobility, secret societies which seek to conceal information and feed upon the downtrodden masses.

We plan to preserve US hegemony and use it as intended: a city on the hill that lifts up the rest of the world, rather than the military arm of the old world order that it is now.

You are opposed to the old world order, not the new world order. It is a few thousand years old. The new world order is what needs to be built - the American enterprise.

As I have said repeatedly, the world order that most of you are aligned against is not a "new world order" but rather a regime seeking to maintain the old world order.

We believe that the organizing principles and ambitions of the old order are not only wrong but unsustainable. It needs to be overthrown not only for your own good, but ours and theirs as well.

We are actively working against the old world order and setting into motion the coming transformation, a process that will only continue to accelerate.

We will seize control of the US state apparatus and use it as a force for good in the world. You'll see the emergence of a new world order of sorts, not by conquest or subversion or trickery, but because people admire the progress and values and wish to share in it. We will build the entire world up, starting in America and spreading rapidly elsewhere.

Right. Their NWO = OWO = the continuation of global enslavement.