Beware Russian Propoganda Sites

1  2018-07-10 by Nixplosion

Hello everyone. I work at a web hosting company and Ive begun to notice an alarming trend. US based news websites being run by Russian owners, seemingly, in an attempt to generate positive view points of trumps actions. I discovered this just today after receiving a Trademark notification from USA Todays legal team.

Now, people will often infringe trademarks online to generate traffic or maybe even accidentally. But not in this case. This was purposeful infringment to deceive readers into thinking they were viewing the USA Today website. To date, I received three TM notices from USA Today over the past few weeks regarding websites using a variation of the sites domain name and layout theme. All three notices concerned three separate accounts. The common theme is the account owners were Russian.

The websites' content were subtly right leaning but not obviously so. They put just a bit of a positive spin on anything to with trump and the opposite for anything against his admin or policies.

All the articles were credited to seemingly made up authors with staunchly american names (Jason Miller. Fred King etc.).

So it seems there is a tangible push by Russian backed "American News" websites to generate positive coverage of Trumps actions.

Im kind of preaching to the choir in this sub but you can see how the unaware could unintentionally spread misinformation by using these websites as "sources" for political discussion and so forth.


Calm down Hillary

Who let her out of the hospice??

Ummm...have proof of your boring and unimportant claim?

This is the exact kind of thing Im talking about it! Thanks for finding this

Lol that website is clearly like the Onion. No one who isn't differently abled seriously believes it.

Omg another Russian collusion based bullshit story, we’re tired of being fed this crap.

You sound pretty eager to make this kind of discussion cease

Yeah because it's fucking annoying. This is a CONSPIRACY community. We KNOW that MSM is full of lies and that both countries feed subversive propaganda to each other. We should be skeptical of everything as a default regardless of country of origin.


You proved pretty eager to fuel this narrative. You seem DESPERATE to be seen as a whistleblower

So if they were anti Trump would they still be of interest to you??

My interest doesnt matter. Im reporting on what Im seeing. A foreign countrys attempt at influence over opinion.

That's their right as long as the USA sends pro-USA propaganda to other countries.

Literally what America is doing in every country in the world lol

You're literally arguing with anyone who doesn't agree with you. Your interests are not unbiased. You're pushing a narrative

I see this happening daily....obviously not with Russian propaganda outlets, but with Israeli backed interests. It's like, I cannot even watch a movie on Netflix anymore without seeing the obvious anti-American, anti-conservative, anti-white race-baiting jewish propaganda. I can't watch late Night TV without communists telling me I'm racist for voting for the other guy. I can't use any top news aggregates anymore because I've come to realize that they only post articles written by other pro-israel authors. Even Fox News is anti-American pro Israeli deep state funded. My old favorite movies were trolling me with 9/11 predictive programming. The entire MSM industry is Pro-Israel and anti-Trump. From Fox to CNN and from VICE to Alex Jones.

Im glad the left has opened up this topic. Dissemination of propaganda from a foreign country is a very serious topic.

Dude what? Captain America is blatant Pro-USA imperialism. Total world police bullshit.

without communists

I liked your whole post, but how is it possibly the communists?

Yes. They want more power and money handed to the state and less rights and tax dollars for the citizen.

Thanks for the warning! Now what if I come across coverage that criticizes Trump? I am to assume that is legit?

This is very important for me because I base my voting on opinion pieces, social media commenters, and ads I see online. I am of course but a mere mundane who is easily deceived and generally ignorant of the goings on in the world. I was unaware of this until the democratic party began slamming it down my throat nearly 2 years ago.

The only person I can believe is an anonymous guy from 4chan who pretends to be a Trump insider. That's basically the only person I can trust now. I base all my beliefs on what he says.


News agencies supported by advertising dollars have their own agendas and spins that are even MORE obvious and on-the-nose than the Russian ones. This media indoctrination is equally bad whether coming from Russia or at home. Propaganda is propaganda no matter whence it comes and I'm skeptical of all of it. Saying 'don't listen to Russian propaganda! Imbibe good 'ol American propaganda instead!' is bullshit. The USA has influence campaigns all around the world so fuck their hypocrisy.

Never said to imbibe US propoganda.

Maybe Russia can get the mainstream media to point out that the prospect of peace on the Korean Peninsula is a good thing . even if evil scary trump is involved .

You mean Isr43l bud

MUH RUSSIA is the biggest conspiracy around these days. TPTB are clearly very threatened by Russia.

TPTB are clearly very threatened by Russia.

Or they need a boogeyman to try & hypnotize the American public with....the problem is I think it's not working as well they thought it would.

I’m guessing that all of these Russian posts are in anticipation of Trump’s meeting with Russia this week.

Gotta get that narrative flowing.

CNN News, MSNBC News, ABC News... Russians are doing a big discredit to the MSM.

Did you ever think that maybe Russia has businessmen who work in countries other than Russia, who aren’t disinformationists, just Russian citizens? The whole Russia narrative is false and I wish people would stop posting stuff about it. America is corrupt without Russian involvement. Fix what needs to be fixed in the country before starting to blame another country.

Maybe we need some "big brother" to look through everything in the media and make sure none of them big bad rooskies say something we are scared of or disagree with. You know what, screw freedom of speech and the press, we need a Ministry of Truth or some other orwellian governmental agency bullshiite to protect us, right? C'mon, this is some insulting infantile fear-mongering propoganda that will prove effective on the segment of the population that is still entertained and feels informed by they man. So, congratulate yourself on aiming real low and hitting your mark.