The first 144 digits of Pi equal 666 and the synchromystic path of discovery revealed Via other people.

1  2018-07-11 by qwertycoder

Hello folks. Ive had a largely peculiar series of events regarding numbers and synchronicity. What it really comes down too is incredible levels of improbability.

Certain numbers enter my life and interact like characters in a story. The numbers relate too time and or space and the designations attributed them. Like 864 is a solar number via the diameter of the sun being 864,000 miles and there being 86,400 seconds in a day. If you look at that once again you may see how WEIRD it is that miles of diameter of the Sun resonate with the spin of the Earth.

My experience with numbers has highlighted particular numbers as important actors in the stage of reality. 365,666,216,864,432,108,144. These guys show up everywhere.

Ill get right into the story then. My wife and I are fire spinners and entertainers, we recently had a gig a a local library and we did juggling inside and Fire outside. While we were inside I noticed the “Maximum Occupancy” was 365. The number of days in a year. I commented to my wife if we had as many people as days in the year in here we'd have a problem.

We continued the show outside and finished up for the day with the librarian handing me the check. I looked at it once we got to the car and noticed the check number was 86400. I mentioned that's odd that's how many seconds there are in a day. I also mentioned the convergence of the size of the sun and seconds in the day.

About 20 minutes Into the car ride after mentioning that a commercial came on the radio saying “There are 86,400 seconds in a day, we are open 24 hours a day 365 days a week.” I sat stunned pointing at the radio “did you hear that!” My wife said holy crap I sure did.

That was a couple weeks ago, but a couple days ago I stumbled across this gem while looking for significance into the number 144. As I had just found out the first 144 digits of PI add up too 666. I had also read that PHI's first 144 digits added to 666 but this was false. The first 144 digits of PHI add too 660. the next digits are 006 so truthfully the first 147 digits of PHI add too 666.

This little article showcases a prime example of what I call guided research. An example of ideas popping into mind and when checked resulting in improbable results if it were cherry picking or the like. It truly is odd how gematria can surprise you.


The author found the peculiar link between these 2 phrases. And had made a designation for words that were spelled out like ONE THREE ect...


The author describes seeing the Mayan calendar laid out in a 10x26 grid and noted the fact the alphabet would nestle in quite nicely.

Realizing this matrix consisted of 260 cells, the number 260 caught my attention. I recognized it as base-10 harmonic of 26, the number of letters in our alphabet. I was compelled to substitute the numbers in the matrix with the letters of the alphabet. The result reminded me of one of those Find-The-Word puzzles. So I began scanning the matrix for any words that might have randomly occurred. I was stunned when I discovered the word "KEY" magically appeared, intact, exactly 9 times.

Now this is when my face gets hit by a brick because I have SEEN this chart before!

About a year ago a friend I met online made this graph you see in the first rectangle. The second rectangle is the inspiration to add the alphabet too the grid.

The amazing thing is there are 9 KEYS present in this Mayan grid


1 Baktun = 144,000 days So the Mayan calendar is directly linked to the number showing up in the English gematria of these simple phrases.

Note that the Sumerian Gematria for all of the 144s is 864.

THE ALPHANUMBER = 144 Sumerian 864

ALPHANUMBER = 111 Sumerian 666

In the midst of all this research My grandmother calls downstairs asking if I wanted to pickup some outback steakhouse. I look on the menu and settle on the 'Big Sky Burger” we call it in and a silly little voice says ' Check the gematria, teehee.”


I couldn't believe it the fact that the stuff I had just been looking at echoed the choice I had just made at the request of my grandmother.

So that was the mid story, today another amazing “COINCIDENCE” happened

I was writing this post above and my wife was working online next to me on her computer. She mentioned huh “i got a 666 ticket”

3652666 was the ticket number

She said oh that's weird its connected to a 111 ticket number. 3651113

I immediately thought too ALPHANUMBER= 111 ordinal and by extension Every-time ordinal is 111 then Sumerian would be 666. But do you also see the 365 in both ticket numbers.

This is where IMPROBABILITY does not cover it. The ticket had a voicemail attached and she played the voicemail. The mans name was SOLOMON!!!!!! Does anyone in the audience know the significance?! I felt woozy when I head the name and pulled up the bible verse being referenced.

Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold,

over the course of 365 days/666 talents of gold. And the name Solomon. I have never seen something this POTENT as far as the ping pong, recursive Receive info/research info/ acquire acknowledgment in the form of coincidence/sync. I also have never had such machine gun hits in Gematria research.

Lets recap the Gematria that was discovered I found 2 groups. One group is the (111 ordinal /666 Sumerian) the other is (144 ordinal/ 864 Sumerian)

Here are the significant standout words.

This post is about the act of venturing down someones rabbit hole that then has synchronicity leading deeper into the rabbit hole. Diving down rabbit holes (note RABBIT HOLES=111ord/666sumerian)

I found Gary Val Tenuta 's gematria work detailing the 144 9 secret keys. I had seen the graphic but never the gematria findings. So while researching this I was asked by my grandmother what I wanted from outback and I chose a burger and had the tingle to “calculate” the gematria and found that “Big sky burger was identical to the other 144/864 findings.

Then came my wifes ticket numbers with the 111 and 666 directly connected with solomon.


3 direct links came up via different methods.

Grandmother asked me what I wanted from restaurant and I chose the only thing that had a gematric match. “Big sky burger” and then later finding “Rabbitholes” = 144/864 and then “KING SOLOMON”

I wouldn't have checked the gematria for KING SOLOMON had my wife not brought up 666/111 and solomon.

This whole this got jumped off from this simple fact.

The first 144 digits of pi add too 666. Now I had also read that the first 144 digits of PHI added to the same but that was not quite accurate as the first 144 digits of phi add too 660.

so I went looking into the significance of 144 and I found 3 direct connects

1st is biblical being the 144,000 chosen people, which is 12,000 people from each of the 12 tribes.

2nd is Mayan baktun is 144,000 years

3rd is the realtion of the sun and the moon too the wheel of astrology.!topic/opentarotnexus/-GYTLO9F9uE The life of PI is 111/666 as well.

The magical square of the sun is 666 and 111 in relation to positions. So mathematically the SUN/864 is once again connected to the 666/111 sun moon and earth connected intrinsically via gematria.

SUN MOON = 111/666 as well

I suppose ill leave you with another seeker who I feel has been traveling similar rabbit holes. And I hope at the very least you could get some entertainment out of reading this. It SOUNDS insane/crazy ect. But I just report the facts. Its about time and space and the INTRINSIC oddity and connectivity of the universe we live in.

Below are some previous posts so you can get a feel for the level of “Research/experience interaction.” Its like the universe wants to be known in all its intricate glory.

Above is an infographic I made on the improbably measurements present at the Giza pyramids/Mexican temple of the phoenix, The shard/silbury hill and The temple mount/ Kaaba of Mecca. You may notice the 666 and 144 links within and note the oddity of comparing Nautical miles to meters.

Below is the last nugget that this all seems to be hearkening back too.

108,216,432,864 these numbers are intricately linked to the SUN EARTH MOON trinity. Note how these numbers interact in the biblical Gematria of the Genesis triangle. There is an elegence just below the surface of everything and unless you take a HOLISTIC view on things you wont/cant have the full picture.

The bible is important, the Mayan calendar is important, time and space measurement are important. Numbers are important, astrology ,tarot, etymology,onmancy,geomancy,prophecy.... ect... are all facets too this reality. The underlying holographic nature of consciousness is expressed with the underlying energies of language and number. The universe wants to be discovered and known I think.


Not to jump to conclusions but have you spoken with a mental health expert about this?

For recognising patterns? Is that a mental illness?

This guy definitely needs to see a doctor of some kind, this isn’t healthy behavior.

I've never seen a post about numbers that didn't sound like a mental issue. Before I clicked I would have bet my bank account this post was going to be long as hell and a string of incoherent psuedo relationships.

reminds me of the main character in the PI movie. like obsession, i guess.

Good movie, stunning visuals and a perfect get drunk / high and chill for 3 hours kind of thing.

Truth is revealed via the wand of HollyWood.

I know. ive learned to hold judgement and try and understand before feeling that. Its hard too acquire context through words over the internet. i appreciate you reading though.

A doctor could turn out to do more damage than good, especially since this person's experiences might be used to take advantage of them.

Maybe I should have said something else, but I truly believe he needs to see someone. A therapist or something. I’m not certain who he would need to see but i think it would benefit OP. I agree with doctors not always being the best.

If he's not harming himself or anyone else, and he's reasonably happy, then it would be a waste of time for him to seek treatment

people like you would shun a modern day da vinci. or john nash. or mozart. or galileo. ffs, the world needs people who see differently. look where "rational" thought has gotten us.

Look man, based on your other posts in this thread I'm probably not going to get through to you but hopefully this can help a few others.

I'm all for thinking differently, outside the box, etc. It's literally my job every day of the week to think differently. The problem I have with OP and his post history and this one in particular. He's going down a rabbit hole of nonsense to try and make sense of things that have seemingly no correlation to each other. It would be funny if this were a meme but this dude is dead serious, nothing about this is OK. Rational thought has actually gotten us very far in this wonderful technology filled world of ours, despite what you and others in this sub would like to think.

You're using these incredibly phenomenally smart intellectuals as a reference to how they were viewed from a society as a way to put down my voice on OP, but they actually had the respect of their peers, and the people closest to them and could actually make out what they were trying to convey, irregardless of the perspective of society. I'f you're trying to compare OP, who is trying to find meaning behind completely unrelated phenomena, events, and standards of math and how we function as a society (couldn't find a better way to say this, I'm talking about his view on number of days in a year kind of thinking) to his own liking, to Galileo, who had decades of knowledge, education, and the forum of debate with some of the greatest minds of our modern Renaissance, you're insane.

The difference between great schools of thought and the crazed writings of random people on the internet, is a bit of a fine line. But first and foremost the difference is thus; if you have to change details, no matter how seemingly irrelevant they may be, such as rounding numbers up or down, you're not finding anything interesting. You're making you're own narrative to fit how you would like it to read for your own personal world view.

TLDR; Having your own thoughts is great, but they shall forever remain your own opinion if you have to manipulate the information that you base those thoughts on.

The world would benefit from the ingenuity of the mentally ill? These situations are rare but, ya maybe you could be the one. However, it is the individual (and their family) who pays the price for it. That estranged lifestyle takes a toll. For example, Robin William's bipolar disorder was a source of talent. He did a lot of great works. But how did that turn out for HIM? Sometimes it's like this; Assuming you are right, and that you could come up with a cool painting, or nice song unlike anything before. Which is more important to YOU? Proving you're right to make that song, or being a happy individual and living a nice life?

Thank you, for this friend, but i am no Da vinci or Mozart. There are people who are curious and open to this realm of inquiry and others who still hold their protective barrier of..... not ignorance, thats too harsh. more like they SEE the ridicule someone who holds my ideas gets and they dont want that. I see the various ways people reply and can tell which side they fall on. Thanks for being an open minded seeker.

Who are you? The thought police?

No a random individual on the internet who’s expressing his concern for this guy who’s going slightly crazy with things that have next to 0 correlation, let alone any type of causation between them.

I’m concerned for OP, nothing more nothing less.

from the article you linked to:

"or if people with mental disorders are especially susceptible to or even looking for these experiences."

These experiences find them. The patterns are there, and some people are aware of them, and there are people who've studied and written about patterns in chaos. It isn't necessary to fabricate the patterns, and whereas the awareness can certainly complicate things for people, it's questionable whether anyone would deliberately seek it. You should consider, also, whether the powers that be, which includes members of the psychiatric industry, are well aware the patterns are there, but want to discredit those who have them manifest themselves. Those in the know are adept at manipulating reality though occult means, and they don't want to share that with the rest of us. The knowledge that the patterns are really there and part of reality is occult knowledge, as in "hidden".. They can even make people crazy with drugs that blast a person's mind wide open to make them realize the patterns and thus incapacitate those who present some kind of threat to them. Think CIA.

It's a lonely feeling to experience reality in a way so unusual people will refuse to even listen to your description of it. You should keep an open mind and try not to belittle those who have experienced things you haven't.

"Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music". Nietzsche

+1 response.

It is INsane or within sanity too make connections innately obvious.

No, recognising patterns happens to be our brains specialty. Naming constellations based on the characters they resemble, spelling words in your alphabet soup, and finding pictures in the clouds are all examples of this completely normal behavior. But the intense focus on them may or may not indicate obsessive thought patterns. Also the belief that the patterns have a specific meaning that needs to be investigated, may or may not be symptomatic of delusions of grandeur.

It is completely normal to notice that a spot on your toast looks kinda like Elvis. Thats ok. However, if you think Elvis must be trying to communicate to you through your toast; this kind of cognitive thought pattern is concerning. Still, not jumping to conclusions though. Source: fourth year Psychology Major.

What about patterns in chaos?

That's my points. If you jumble enough numbers up randomly. If there is enough of them, occasional pattern are inevitable, especially in chaos. This is a statistical certainty. As humans, to notice this is more than likely to happen. Attaching meaning to it and devoting a lot of time into it is the concern. It isn't necessarily bad, some religion's see numbers and patterns as significant importance, they certainly aren't just a bunch of sick individuals. It is in a gray area though. Something a person may want be aware of, and.... consider?

If someone notices the patterns and assigns meaning to them which affects their actions, then It would be a problem. But if they believe they indicate some kind of intelligence is responsible for them, it;s going to be a life changing thing. That's something that would probably come into someone's mind when seeing too many patterns for them to be considered random.

It's also possible to mess with someone's mind by planting a series of items or pieces of information that are identical or similar enough to be perceived as connected. It could be a form of gangstalking/experimentation. Peope in the intelligence fields including psychiatrists would be suspect.

Removed. Rule 10.

His comment may have been a bit misguided and i don't agree that OP should necessarily seek out a therapist or anything like that.

But, his comment did not break rule 10. It was in no way an "attack" it wasn't even necessarily worded rudely or anything.

yeeeeah, reading through your comment history, what you would consider not rude is a little rough for me. idk what this comment was, but.. i mean, well look at yourself.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but humans are genetically programmed to find patterns in anything. Ever seen an object in the clouds? It's just a bunch of condensed water, why would it assemble in the shape of a whale.


Hehe bubble not burst. Have you ever thought there MIGHT be a reason to our innate pattern recognition? There is a difference between water vapor assembling into the shape of a whale as that is subjective. Now if an ACTUAL whale appeared then we would be in the same boat.

Were you able to comprehend the content being presented here. All i do is report the findings and muse on what the data could mean.

Pattern recognition is a very valuable skill on a species wide level but that doesn't mean all patterns have meaning.

True but if you will comprehend the patterns presented you may begin too see the patterns present have meaning when you have context too the numbers presented.

in this context, your username's disconcerting. 0.o lol

I was a former league of legends analyst and I liked the name and it's Greek meaning given my analyst position

makes sense. you can see the humor, given the discussion?

Anyone would jumps in a discussion to contribute a contrarian point of view that is in agreement with the mainstream is giving more information about who and how they are as an individual than info that defends their supposed personal viewpoint. That they would take the time to defend an already defended (mainstream) point of view indicates something is amiss- not with the post to which they are responding but with their own motives and thought process.

No one is passionately fighting (autonomously, of their own accord) in favor of a status quo - that which is widely accepted. No one “normal” or well-intentioned jumps to defend that which is the center of the road, the already-widely accepted viewpoint unless the person challenging the status who has a point and it personally upsets the contrarian OR they are being charged with the task by external forces.

Let’s say you come upon a post and the person is writing that:

“I have been tracking and measuring the patches of colors of grass in my yard and it corresponds directly with events in my life.” And they proceed to break down somehow how the way the grass grows is reflecting a pattern of their experience.

It sounds pretty out there to you and you disagree that this is possible, and don’t understand how someone could logically think this... BUT Do you respond by saying “Hate to burst your bubble but the grass isn’t talking to you. U SOUND NUTS. You should probably go seek help bro.”


“Here is evidence that grass does not communicate. Insert evidence that plants are not conscious. More links to info about our brain’s natural pattern seeking tendencies. More comments about how it makes no sense and then more examples of people who said they could commune with nature who turned out to be wackos, according to mainstream....”

All neatly lined up with bold and highlites and links and formatting.

Who takes the time to DEFEND SOMETHING THAT IS ALREADY ACCEPTED? And to do so so....elaborately...? Do you know what I mean?

Now if an ACTUAL whale appeared then we would be in the same boat.

But using this logic, you haven't pointed out any "ACTUAL whales" that have shown themselves from any of the things you've mentioned.

There are tons of whales being whales.

Do you see the 20x13 grid in the middle. That is the Mayan calendar laid out. 13x20 is 260 so the english alphabet will fit 10 times within this grid.

The grid on the left I first saw a year ago when a Facebook friend posted it. He had got there through an entirely different series of operations and ideas. And yet the result is the 9 KEYS that show up.

The grid on the right i saw earlier this week. The gematria of THE SECRET KEY- 144- NINE IS THE KEY was the..... key element of this that really connects it tightly. 144,000 days is directly connected to the Mayan calendar through a BAKTUN.

the next whale was the burger i ordered. I know that sounds silly but what are the odds that the thing i order is IDENTICAL too the research being looked into. 144/864

Then My wife had the ticket number that was 3652666 and it was connected too ticket number 3651113. a 111 and 666. and SOLOMON was the caller. SOLOMON was given 666 talents of gold per 365 days.

Then further whales appear when finding KING SOLOMON is the same as the 144/864 counts.

RABBIT HOLES is 144/864 as well.

you can see the 2 main focal points of this is 144/864 and 111/666

Ok but nothing you are saying is anything significant. You have some numbers on a ticket, did it win? You heard numbers on a radio, did anything special happen from that? No. No actual whales just numbers.

You just don't have the context or experience to understand the significance. When i say a whale is a whale i mean 666 is 666. OR THE SECRET KEY =144 = NINE IS THE KEY. This is a matching and comparison game. when i state "there are 86,400 seconds in a day and then have the announcer say the exact same thing and then too have that number 864 come up in a significant relation too 144.

You haven't mentioned what you think of the fact that overlaying the English alphabet over the Mayan grid shows NINE KEYS and that 144 connects to that. I know its tough, you have to be able to hold alot of things in your head at once.

The ticket numbers were just pings referencing the research AND offering a new path of research. I had not looked into KING SOLOMON before and the reference too 666/111/365/SOLOMON via her work tickets added more information too the puzzle.

Ok so today someone mentioned the Fibonacci sequence having 144 as the 12th # and that 12squared =144.

So i think " I wonder what the 216th Fibonacci digit is. "


Thats quite a number now i wonder what it adds up too!?

You've gotta be kidding me!? 216!!! the 216th Fibonacci number sums too 216.

Now lets try the 360th Fibonacci number


Well that's weird IT equals 360!!! So im thinking this is an odd pattern and it must continue i popped in and calculated a bunch of others and could not find any matches like this.

Well there it is someone else has discovered the same facet.

out of the first 5000 Fibonacci numbers only 18 have this phenomenon occur.


Last little finding. 2368 is the sum of greek gematria for JESUS CHRIST and it shows up in the weirdest places. Anywho i found what the 2368th number sum = 2220....... nothing really stood out so i searched.

the last verse of the bible REV 22:20..... Thar SHE BLOWS! :P

Oh I have the understanding. You just aren't saying anything that holds water. Yes ok these numbers repeat but what actually happened? What significant event has happened as a result of being linked to these numbers? The bible, really?

111th comment.

Lol damn dude. Jim Carey the number 23. Don't let this obsession dictate your entire life.

Haha i am SIRIUS when i play. But really im glad you brought him up.

From APOLLO 11 mission until the release of MAN ON THE MOON is 11111 days! also 11111 days is 365 months...... let that sink in. Days of the year, in months = 11111 days

Furthermore Dr SIRIUS is the Dr in the number 23. The 23 enigma brought to the world attention by Robert anton Wilson. Jim plays EDWARD NYGMA or ENYGMA. Sirius is the star that almost STRIKES Truman in the Truman show.

> To Greek observers, this signified certain emanations which caused its malignant influence. Anyone suffering its effects was said to be "star-struck" (ἀστροβόλητος, astrobólētos). It was described as "burning" or "flaming" in literature

The term STARSTRUCK derives from SIRIUS. Now where does truman want to go????


>the declination of Sirius matches the latitude of the archipelago of Fiji at 17°S and thus passes directly over the islands each night

Who is the only Service DOG who dies on 9-11?


Here he is chilling will Bill Clinton 1 year exactly before his death.

It doesn't dictate my entire life.... i do research and learning instead of wasting my time playing games as much as i used to.

my initials are JC btw.

What is the most amazing thing about this reality that you know? what gives you passion?

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Passion? Fitness, love for my wife and daughter, finding the truth about life, death and everything in between.

Me too, sans the daughter. I appreciate the conversation but i am noticing you haven't even said ANYTHING about the content im presenting too you other than..... "There is nothing here "OR" I don't believe you"

Put on the glasses my friend.

All i am doing is promoting PLAY. play with your mind, play with history, play with words.......

Play is the ROOT to learning, all you have to do is watch your daughter and you can see that.

You may discount my experiences as fabrication, but the numbers cant lie.

You know, the most incredible thing you said is that you have a wife.

Sick burn.

I got another number for you, in Islam the number for Allah is 786.


You wanna go down a number rabbit hole then type in 69 on Google Images. Also turn off safe search.

you and I have a completely different definition of "rabbit hole"

Do you know what synchronicity is

And patterns in chaos.

I suppose that's what consciousness is.

damn lol I looked at most of it and will go through more of it later. I saw you mentioned Lost but nothing about the numbers 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. Do you have any info about these numbers? Because they are also referenced in the arcade game that "doesn't exist" POLYBIUS, which is also full of sacred geometry.(if you haven't heard of this already heres a video about it ). 42 is everywhere in the bible, 42 months of the antichrist, egyptian book of the dead your soul passes by 42 judges.. ect 23 is a big occult number and linked to Eris the greek god of chaos. 9/11 = (9+11+2+0+0+1)= 23. Hiroshima bomb dropped at 8:15 (8+15=23) and the list goes on forever. But I'm not sure what the other numbers mean. Anyways, heres a list of "conspiracy" related books I've been reading You should really check out the 9th book on the list about ascension frequencies. Its only 25 pages and talks about the Matrix in our DNA.

The first 144 decimal digits of pi (after the decimal point, as in no 3 at the beginning) = 666... important distinction to make

Add the 3 and then you get 669

Yup that was a slipup.

Something i just thought about is it takes 365.25 days to get around the sun. That kinda throws off all these perfect numbers right?

This is true but it doesnt necessarily throw off any of the applicable numbers here. 144 decimals of pi does equal 666 the first 6 Roman numerals do equal 666. The number of beast and man is 666. Carbon is 6 electrons 6 neutrons and 6 protons.

Carbon isn't necessarily limited to 6 neutrons either. Look into isotopes..

You're derailing into instability concepts.

Except isotopes are by definition stable compounds. C14 (Carbon-14) is literally so stable it is used for carbon dating and has a half life of 5730 years. Thats older than literally the number systems used in this discussion.

Ancient context root for 'iso' is . . . ?

You are speaking of equals that are not purely equal.

If I take a sting and make a loop out of it, is it still a string? It's a string with a loop. Equal, yet not.

The etymology of the prefix iso- as derived from the Greek is 'equal'.

If you are in any way implying that C14 is not the same as C13 or C12 I would strongly encourage you to review basic chemistry as the defining characteristics of what classifies an element is the number of protons residing within the nucleus. Any atom with 6 protons is considered to be carbon. There can be more or less neutrons. Technically, there can also be ion forms of elements with varying electrons as well, though those are very unstable in the case of carbon.

I'm not sure quite what your point is here.

C14 is C14, just as it is not C13 nor C12.

You're trying to state C flat is alike C14 or others with isotopes which is absolutely no correct.

First of all, 'C flat' is technically Carbon 12. Secondly Carbon isotopes are called just that 'carbon isotopes'. C-14 is not a new element or a different chemical. It is carbon with an extra neutron. Carbon 12, 13, and 14 are all alike entirely on the basis of protons, electrons, and nearly every other measurement technique or characterization machine that can be used to discern elements from each other.

Please also refer to the literal definition of isotope: "any of two or more forms ofa chemical element, having the same number ofprotons in the nucleus, or the same atomicnumber, but having different numbers ofneutrons in the nucleus, or different atomicweights. There are 275 isotopes of the 81stable elements, in addition to over 800radioactive isotopes, and every elementhas known isotopic forms. Isotopes of asingle element possess almost identical properties."

Hell, if anything, the argument isnt an equal or nonequal comparitor. It's more in line with the square/rhombus syntactic nuance.

All C14 is carbon but not all carbon is C14.

That is true.... Anything else?

Yeah, if you really want to drag elements into this nonsense your best bet is to point at Period 6 of the periodic table which happens to contain Hg. Mercury is a very odd outlier in regards to all other chemicals due to being liquid at room temperature and was believed by the old old Chinese traditions to be a miracle elixer for eternal life.

I don't believe in any of this shit to be real with you, but if you want to pull chemistry into this please at least try a bit harder than 'Carbon'.

I don't believe in any of this shit to be real with you

OK then. well im sorry you don't think this is real. it seems cognitive dissonance is getting triggered pretty hard.

I dont know what you are saying about mercury though.

Why have you chosen your point of contention to be with carbon.... there are 30 other facts here that you haven't addressed, you may have to step back a bit too see it.

So it's not cognitive dissonance to say I don't believe while still considering. The reason I chose carbon specifically is because I am versed in chemistry enough to speak to that.

That being said, what you have is a significant amount of what is known as 'survivorship bias'. It's really easy for you to remember seeing these numbers in strange places because your mind is actively looking for them. I guarantee if you do a statistical comparison between those numbers showing up and every single number you forgot or your brain didn't pick up on in between them. Consider things like cell phone times or radio stations or nearly any sign marker on any road. There is a significantly larger amount of numbers you didn't recognize because you werent looking for them.

It's the same reason that once you buy a red Chevrolet pickup you start to notice how many of that same make and model are on the road even though in reality they didn't all go out and buy them at the same time as you.

Cognitive dissonance is defined as: "the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change."

I do not believe in anything of your post at all. The reason I provided the Mercury example is to demonstrate how easy it is to pick any subject, especially chemistry, and find something to fit the numerology you subscribe to. In fact, by not believing and still being able to process your train of thought to produce a similar one I am demonstrating the ease at which it is to 'make this up'.

> I do not believe in anything of your post at all. The reason I provided the Mercury example is to demonstrate how easy it is to pick any subject, especially chemistry, and find something to fit the numerology you subscribe to.

I dont know what is to believe or not to believe. I suppose i could have made up that i have a wife or lied about the numbers. but why? seriously. why are you here in this subreddit if not too learn and grow?

I'd be here to discuss real numerology not some guy chancing across numbers in his life and claiming some divine connection.

What is real numerology?

Numerology typically focuses on the discussion of numbers as being connected to divine instances or situations of importance. Saying that you found a number on a ticket neither really, to me, constitutes divine or significant.

Again, to me, it seems a significant amount of survivorship bias that you've failed to address in any of your responses to me. If you feel this is as valid and insane as you say it is, can you refute to me that there were not large amounts of numbers that you likely ignored or passed over unconciously until you say a handful you were looking for?

Papyrus 115 (which is the oldest preserved manuscript of the Revelation as of 2017), as well as other ancient sources like Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, give the Number of the Beast as 616 (χιϛ), not 666

I had always heard/thought it was 621? Not sure where I got that from.

216 is 6x6x6

Ive seen this brought up and it is interesting.... i dont care if it is 616 or 666 im am leaning heavily toward 666 becasue of the redundant iterations of this specific number.

Revelation 13:16-18

>Here is wisdom Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

2 Chronicles 9:13

>Now the weight of gold which came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold,

Kings 10:14

>Now the weight of gold which came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents of gold,

Ezra 2:13

>the sons of Adonikam, 666;

Revelation 20:4

>Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years.

The fact that Solomon was mentioned getting 666 talents of gold over the course of the year by 2 different books of the bible is odd.

Genesis 1:1's total gematria value is 2701 which is 37x73. 2701 is the 73rd triangular number and the 37th triangular number 703 resides upside down triforce style. the phrase "and the earth" is the 703.... which leaves 3 triangles of 666 surrounding or on top of the earth..... Its a simple metaphor.

2701 is a fascinating number as 2701+1072= 3773. 37x73=2701+1072=3773

37 is the 12th prime 73 is the 21st 12squared=144 441= 21squared

Note also that #3652666 was my wifes ticket number who was attached to Solomon which got me to look up the bible verse with Solomon which mentioned both 365 and 666. Then checking KING SOLOMON in the gematria calculator and finding it is IDENTICAL to the previous 144/864 gematrias.

...its 666 because of a mistranslation. The bible wasnt written in English first.

Of course all of those will have 666 because they mistranslated the original mark of the beast 616.

Did you know the 'foreigners' are in the Bible? Several time actually.

It says it right in Psalm 144.

Your math also does line with the size of the sun. Old alchemical terms for Sun and Moon are Gold and Silver.

Would you be surprised if I told you that our Sun is partially made of Gold and Silver. It is just not in the structure or matter that our scientists think it is.

How do you mean Foreigners.

The Goldilocks zone is a funny thing. As an AU is the distance from earth to sun and and AU is also gold. The Goldilocks zone is ~1 AU from the sun.

you talking about the obelisks and the keyhole shape of the Vatican?

I'm talking about Stars being made of actual gold and silver.

It getter better - 365.256363004 :)

The human mind is an inference engine. Identifying patterns is what it does.

hey buddy, what ya smoking there?

Your consciousness.

I used to do this a lot when I was bored, lay out numbers in various ways and find synchronicities. My favorite creation was the pyramid of 100 consecutive #s. I came up with this one day just randomly doodling. It’s amazing because the pyramid is perfectly shaped with 100 digits exactly and 10 rows. Then from there you begin to add the sides, the columns, the rows and you come up with some interesting totals. Eventually you will spot certain patterns that reveal themselves like a story.

I used to do this a lot when I was bored, lay out numbers in various ways and find synchronicities. My favorite creation was the pyramid of 100 consecutive #s. I came up with this one day just randomly doodling. It’s amazing because the pyramid is perfectly shaped with 100 digits exactly and 10 rows. Then from there you begin to add the sides, the columns, the rows and you come up with some interesting totals. Eventually you will see certain numbers repeating themselves in specific ways alluding to a deeper meaning.

I really tried to read the whole thing. I really did, but you do a terrible job at explaining what you are talking about, 99% of it made absolutely no sense.

Also the fact that you are able to think so well(?) and still not know the difference between "too" and "to" blows my mind.

Work on this stuff, and get back to us. Good luck armstrong.

i want to help you, what did you have issues understanding. surely a spelling issue wouldn't distract you from actually comprehending. try and work past those mental blocks you set. I really would like to share till comprehension.

Whatever you’re on, I want some

mushies, lysergic acid, or ket.

Lots of odd synchronicities there OP. Have you figured out what the Creator is telling you?

Too pay attention. and too share my experiences.

666 is only interesting in base 10

what about base 60?

Nice post! Getting into gematria and Numerology recently myself, so interesting

Thank you, i can tell you dont try and apply solid meanings to a number or let someone tell you the meaning. Just see how the number comes into your life and how it connects.

heres a great rundown on the basic Gen 1:1 triangle.

The meru foundation has some of the most groundbreaking research that noone really knows about. but the gist is that GEN 1:1 actually GENERATES a three dimensional shape that when viewed from specific angles will cast the shadow of the various Hebrew letters.

Marty leeds also breaks down the Septenary cipher of gematria.

Well, I've been slowly looking into this for about a year now, and even though I understand the concepts and such, those videos gave me that mind blown feeling again, cheers :D

calculate PI in relation to crop circles or maybe crop ellipses !?

Also 1+4+4 = 9 and if you turn it upside down, it’s 6


You may notice that those numbers in bold are octaves of each other -- that is, doubled. They are "A" on the Pythagorean A432 musical scale. /r/pythagorean432

432 (and its octaves) shows up a lot. Here are some weird space maths:

  • 4322 = 186,624 = speed of light in vacuum in miles per second within 0.19% of measured (186,282 miles/s)

  • 432 * 2 * 1000 = 864,000 = diameter of the sun in miles within 0.11% of measured (864,948.7 miles).

  • (432 / 2) * 10 = 2160 = diameter of the moon in miles within 0.05% of measured (2159.2 miles)

  • 432 * 60 = 25,920 = precession of equinox in years (usually rounded to 26,000 years)

  • Measured distance from Earth to Sun (92,960,000 miles) is 108x the measured diameter of the Sun (865,400 miles) within 2.4%

  • Measured distance from Earth to Moon (238,900 miles) is 108x the measured diameter of the Moon (2159.2 miles) within 0.6%

    No idea what's so damn special about 432, but it's even weirder that nobody wants to talk about it.

Added non-432 bonus that kind of blows my mind:

  • 1,000 x 360 degrees in a circle x 365.24 days/year = 131,486,400 = circumference of Earth in feet within 0.01%!!! (131,479,713 ft)


These from OP and those numbers you equated, when the numbers are added or broken down together, they equal 9 as well. (Except 365) Ex. "666" 6+6=12, 1+2=3, 3+6=9. or "864" 8+6=14, 1+4=5, 5+4=9 and etc.

186624, 864000, 2160, 25920

The numbers you resulted in your post, also all add into 9.

A lot of these numbers that seem to be important in our measurements, angles, ancient structures, musical frequencies, may have been fabricated to fit a pattern or miraculously naturally fit into one, these important numbers tend to add up into 3s, 6s or 9s.

If only you knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 you would have the key to the universe. - Nikola Tesla

Also the solfeggio scale, that includes the 432 hz frequency, every scale adds into 3, 6 or 9.

UT-396, RE-417, MI-528, FA-639, SOL-741 & LA-852

Another interesting thing about 9, that doesn't happen to 3 or 6s. Is that when number X is added to 9, it always breaks down back into X.

SS: Here's a series of 9/11 news reports and interviews that are, if not 100% proof, at least a credible "smoking gun" that an F-16 from the D.C. Air National Guard, directed by the White House, shot down Flight 93 over Shanksville, PA on September 11, 2001.

Myself, I can't imagine another jet was targeting the Pentagon. Perhaps the State Department building? A car bomb was reported by ABC News, then not mentioned again:

The implications of a physical airliner attack are what interest me. What was the target and why? What did Israel hope to get from that they did not get from the 9/11 attacks as they played out? Perhaps simply more intimidation of the State Department to attack Afghanistan and Iraq -- or else??

I did some digging. Numerology "digital reduction" plays into this. Here are the frequencies of the notes on the A432 Pythagorean scale:

and here are their digital reduction:

So in A432 Pythagorean, "C" (1-2-4-8-16-32-64-128-etc.) reduces to the integers 1-2-4-8-7-5-1-2-etc. Its perfect fifth, "G" (1.5-3-6-12-24-48-etc), reduces to 6-3-6-3-6-3-etc. And everything else on that scale, including the sharps and flats, reduces to 9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-etc. (!!)

(Note that A440 Equal Temperament or Pythagorean digitally reduces to an utter trainwreck, no integers, just totally random looking.)

There's more on this in /r/Pythagorean432/

Best I can tell, 432Hz is the resonance of the universe -- kind of like certain frequencies make cymatic patterns on metal plates of certain thickness/stiffness:

If you want to go a bit deeper -- trust me, it looks more complicated than it is -- here's an introduction to Vortex Based Math:

which forms the blueprint for the "Rodin Coil" or interference coil:

said to be the key to "free energy":

And, of course, careful with information surrounding this stuff. The whole "528 Solfeggio" thing appears to be disinfo. All those notes digitally reduce to garbage.

Wow a lot of interesting info here, most of it is going over my head but I want to take some time and digest this.

In regards to the Solfeggio Scale. I always thought there's something a bit off on it all and it's hard for me to articulate why.

I'm still learning this whole musical frequency and scales. But to my understanding, everything we tune we use A440 scale or frequencies or something?

But A432 scale applied to music is perhaps the frequency that is natural or organic. (Depending on what you mean is natural) and it matches those frequencies resonating in our universe?

However, this tie in of A432 has been incorrectly associated with this Hz scale called the Solfeggio Scale, incorporating the frequencies I listed in my last post? 432, 528, etc. These frequencies/numbers is not actually in the realm of A432? I'm probably grossly mistunderstanding scales and frequencies, and apolgies for my potentially nonsensical rambling.

Regardless, thanks for the links, I intend to check into them.

Yes, modern tuning uses A440Hz Equal Temperament.

If this all new to you, Jamie Buturff has an excellent, easy to follow series about Pythagorean 432, including how to calculate the frequencies, why they're important, and why 528 should not be taken to be a frequency:

Awesome. Thanks again.

Yeah the reduction too 9's is an odd phenomena for sure. and 9,s and 6's are kinda shaped like spirals so the relation too Fibonacci is elegant.

I would like to thank you for being a positive addition to the conversation. You seem like you have a curious play about you and thats what we need in this field.

Scott onstott calls it the cosmic sequence. there is some stunning "Organization' behind all our measurements its staggering.

432+234=666..... the earths axis is tilted 23.4degrees 23.4-90 degrees= 66.6 degrees.

The measurement from the Kaaba of Mecca too The Temple Mount is 666.6nm 1234.54km but the angle in relation too the north pole is also 23.4 degrees the same number as the tilt.

Hey, thank you for the link -- good to see other folks on this same path, whatever it means. I wonder, is it possible that some of the man-made patterns we see with (for example) gematria in names and days between deaths and such... Could it all be a grand psyop to distract us from the natural patterns that could, say, hold the keys to free energy? (And if/when that happens, TPTB lose control.) So the idea is that they generate false patterns to obfuscate the real ones, thereby hiding deeper understanding of reality. Just a thought.

I read through the comments so far; there are a few who are interested, and recognize the work you are doing. thank you for this information.

now, as i am sure you have noticed, you have gotten an inbox full of, "are you high?!" and "dude, grumbles mentally ill, bruh." thing is, they always use this tactic. they always have, whenever we've gotten close through millenia. They would like us to think it's all mumbo jumbo, but they use the numbers.

they insinuate that you are high and nuts for two reasons; it creates a false narrative, that the casual reader will buy at first glance, chalk you up to a recluse and close the link, (i wonder who would care enough to find time to do this, AGAIN and AGAIN?) and it makes you feel alone. more isolated, perhaps insane, certainly no one worth noting, much less listening to.

You are not alone. there are many of us. more than they want. which is why there are so many people willing to simply put you down for what appears to be trolls getting their jollies.

the road less traveled is fucking weird.being peaceful, remaining humble, and having a willingness to look the fool are vital. best of luck to you.

One of my favorite comments on Reddit. Ever.

Our Ancestors came from Outer Space by Maurice Chatelain, a NASA employee at the time of the Apollo missions.

He goes into specifically the mathematics behind pyramids, calendars, etc. from all over the world and shows how their number system worked. You are onto something here and you personally might really like that book.

also, the amount of negative attention this post is attracting is interesting to me

I know right. Its like numbers scare people or make them angry. The nitpickers like to highlight a single error and ignore everything else so that they don't have to worry about thinking, thinking is tough and its just easier to find a reason to write off everything and not have to strain the brain.

No, it's because you could literally nitpick any number sequence apart to mean anything you want when you make up your own rules for how they apply to each other.....gasp

No, it's because you could literally nitpick any number sequence apart to mean anything you want when you make up your own rules for how they apply to each other.....gasp

YOU can nitpick and make the numbers fit sure. But i am simply presenting ALL the data. NO cherry picking. Its easy to look at a corpus of number data and assume that the data was picked and there was hours of plugging in and disregarding data that didn't fit the "Narrative". Narrative being an odd word because i don't determine the narrative lol. The NARRATIVE is the universe, i am just mentioning things that happen in my reality that have a higher than usual threshold of probability.

Mathematics determines the rules that mathematics goes by. Point out in detail my manipulation of any data point.

Or just ignore the Math portion entirely and look at the Mayan calendar English alphabet grid.

Lets break down the levels at play here.

3 separate people people (that i know of) have noticed that the TZOLKIN grid has resonance with the English alphabet of 26 letters.

Now in this type of research the finding itself is a level of improbability. Then the actual person going through the motions to FIND the data point is a magnitude higher improbability.

For someone to think "Hey that looks like i could overlay the alphabet over it." and then BOOM you see nine keys.

2 of the people that found this data point made absolutely no mention of the Gematria links.

only GARY made the "THE SECRET KEY=144=NINE IS THE KEY" notice.

Now Gary's experience and research is by itself a corpus of synchronistic data. The fact that THE FIRST WORD i checked OUTSIDE of the research IE "BIG SKY BURGER" had identical gematria to the collection of words already shown within the data.

The fact the Mayan TZOLKIN resonates with the English alphabet is true. as is the fact that SEMANTICALLY 9 keys show up and metaphorically can be interpreted.

144,000 days in the long count BAKTUN calendar.

144,000 White polished limesone bricks encased the Great pyramid of GIZA

144,000 chosen people of GOD.

Lastly ill go over the biggest and most difficult fact to take in.

The Pyramid of Giza to the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico is 6666 Nautical miles Which is ALSO 12345.432 Kilometers.

This world is much more peculiar than you think, Its hard to accept but there is alot too learn. and honestly i think the only way is Holistically.

Here is the gentleman who has taken the keys to a completely other level.

Here is some background and a good source of facts for you.

Significant figures have little to do with any of this. im not doing ANY rounding here.

You couldn't possibly believe that this ISNT cherry picking but if you go through my post history with an open mind i think you'll begin to see a little better.

Its kinda like trying to explain a TV shows plot that is 100 seasons in and in order to explain the most recent episode i have to bring up all of these other points that have no meaning without context or experience.

As far as the rules go......... i don't make them. The Narrative, i didn't craft it, im just reporting. This is the opposite of cherry picking as i dont choose the numbers.

And as far as i can tell the "NUMBERS" are just like the wind moving reality. Its like a underling engine that you cant see but can infer from its motions and reactions that there is "something".......... i guess that's really the only narrative i push.

"Something" in the universe is special and wants you to know it.

Miles arent even used by basically every country

How does that play into any of this?

Because there cant be "magic numbers" in a unit of measurement that is relatively new and not used by anyone.

This is basic common sense

I can't follow any of this, not to mention you don't know the difference between to and too.

'Big Sky Burger” we call it in and a silly little voice says ' Check the gematria, teehee.”

Nobody actually says "teehee" I don't care where you're from.

true nobody actually said teehee. i made that up for comic flair.

12x12=144, and is also the 12th Fibonacci number.

Thats a great point too make and really is a fine nugget

PHI is the 21st letter of the greek alphabet. 21x21=441 which is the mirror too 12x12=144

holy shit i am having my mind blown with the rabbit hole you sent me down.

the 216th fibinaci number sums too 216


I was blown away as this was the first Fibonacci i got the sum of.

I next pop in 360 and find that IT TOO equals 360!!!! i then think of 72 and boom once again!!!!! the 72nd fib number sums too 72!

I then go willy nilly checking other Fibonacci numbers sums and i don't find a SINGLE other one that has these properties.

i seek it out and it HAS been discovered before.

18 numbers under 2222 result in a mirrored sum. i found 3 in a row.... What are the odds of that?!

just to verify im on the right path i check TWO ONE SIX and find it is EXACTLY the SAME as the 144/864 findings yesterday

FASCINATING. I love reading other peoples synchronicity stories and something about it reminded me of what I just read, thought you guys might like:


I have a feeling you haven't heard of the words "significant figures" before