Where’s all the posts about billionaires?

1  2018-07-12 by CaucasianEagle

Billionaires run society, yet nearly every post on here forgets that fact. I hardly even see rothschilds or rockefellers mentioned on here anymore.


They all ran out, drank the Kool-Aid and bought Red hats.

I remember seeing a rupert murdoch quote which was along the lines saying he would round up the internet conspiracy theorists and have them all watching fox news. At the time I thought it was impossible.

Seriously, I feel like I could have easily been taken with the wave. I think it really has a lot of roots in the peoples distrust in the government's involvement in 9/11.

But the thing is with 9/11 for like a month straight we were all hooked to the news, nothing like this had ever happened before and we all were hooked.

And Remember that news didn't always have that constant stream ticker at the bottom telling you everything else that is going on. So here we are watching the news, and Fox news and cable goes 24/7 where CBS and ABC eventually has to get back to Friends and Football, so where did people go? Fox and CNN. CNN while not unbias, trys much more than Fox does, and with 9/11 just happening and Fox yelling fire and fury, they are going to get a lot of viewership.

9/11 fucked this country super hard

Yep great insights, 911 began the fucking and our brave, noble leadership rammed the final fuck home.

CNN was a completely different animal from what it is today. As biased as FNC but to the other side.

Don’t forget the Kochs

Did you make that?

Did you make that?

Saved like a month ago and was researching fact checking it, but never finished

Also the Thomas Jefferson quote in the diagram is fake.

Can you post a source? Thanks

Where'd you find it from?

Here you go

You won't find the quote in a primary source.

from your source:

The second part of the quotation ("I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies") is a slight misquotation of a statement Jefferson made in a letter to John Taylor in 1816. He wrote, "And I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale"3

So this quote is legit:

"And I sincerely believe with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; & that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale"

"Bank-paper must be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it belongs."4

so in a sense, its still in the same vein/meaning

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered

That is a fake quote and is the majority of the quote in the diagram.

I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies

This part is real but is taken out of context of what he was saying. It's because it's the fear of spending going too much to the point where it's not sustainable.

The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

This quote is fake.

This part is real but is taken out of context of what he was saying. It's because it's the fear of spending going too much to the point where it's not sustainable.

even within that context, that comment alone says everything. Its true even if you take the quote on its own without any content. Look at the Ursury system, fiat, central banking, petro dollar, Federal reserve printing money at interest to the US Gov. These are all massive scams and Hierarchies that control America and its people

Do you agree that the quote by Jefferson that was used in the diagram was fake?

it was, but the quotes attributed as true in your source, still give the same underlying message. Too much power to a central bank is a danger to the whole country. Contextually it makes sense, considering the constitution was built to have checks and balances so that no one position, cabinet, arm, etc has too much power

Where did you find the diagram from?

Also the Thomas Jefferson quote in the diagram is fake.

"Misattribution does not necessarily imply malicious mendacity"

  • - Benjamin Franklin


Trump is featured by the mods here everyday.

Listening to Infowars is surreal now, its insane how far the enemy has shifted, from just a few years ago.

what do you mean?

ive never watched infowars but i find it funny that alex jones is essentially 1:1 with fox news. he even signal boosted trumps official news which was basically some north korea style dear leader praise

Was that always the case?

What about The Family? We should be looking into them.


The billionaires summon their hordes who want to tell us about Kanye and flat earth.

Don't you know?

Every billionaire is just a hardworking Joe Schmoe like you! Just a down-to-earth guy you'd wanna share a bear with, fellow plebeian.

You should feel bad for the undue legal scrutiny levied against them! Mistrust any organization that takes issue with their (assuredly hard-earned and well-deserved) disproportionate influence over certain politicians/political parties!

Who care about Billionaire / Nobility / Principalty When you belive in lie Like Freedom.

Not allowed to hate billionaires on this sub since 2016

I think many people these days feel as if criticizing the wealthy equals Marxism.

Their bots run Reddit and run disinformation and distraction campaigns. Consider yourself lucky you got to the fp of r/conspiracy. Or maybe you're a bot too.

People once thought the internet would be the best development ever for conspiracy theorists, but the story is of course more complicated.

Yes, the internet allows us to share important information with one another, but it also allows the government to share disinformation.

Think of it like lobbying: at first glance it seems democratic to allow citizens to lobby Congress, but at second glance you realize that concentrated power (corporations, industries, etc.) can lobby more effectively than private citizens or even groups of citizens, so lobbying tends to serve concentrated power. I think the internet works the same way.

Now turn to r/conspiracy: at first glance it seems like a great way for genuine conspiracy theorists to share important information with one another, but at second glance you realize that concentrated power (deep state, corporations, industries, etc.) can flood r/conspiracy with disinformation more effectively than private redditors or even groups of redditors can, so r/conspiracy tends to serve concentrated power.

As much as we try to share important, true things with each other, agents of concentrated power are paid living wages to flood this forum with important-seeming false things and in-important true things. If you pair this tactic with using bots (or bot-like accounts) to strategically up- and down-vote content, the result could be...something like the status quo.


Said quite well.