How is such a cancerous post able to garner 3000+ upvotes with 90% upvotes, in a conspiracy sub?

1  2018-07-12 by DontTreadOnMe16

This thread is no different than FP garbage, and full of nothing but pro-big government socialists who have zero concept of economics and know nothing about what it takes to start/run/own your own business.

I expect this shit in r/politics or /r/LateStageCapitalism... not here. I guess all the anti-Trump conspiracies have brought in all the socialists from the rest of reddit? It's absolutely hilarious hearing people argue for UBI, but somehow HATE the current government.

Not to mention, the ONLY regular users here that I recognize are only found when you sort the comments by Controversial. Something typically reserved for default subs.



What's wrong with the late stage capitalism sub

Bad parenting, or lack of medication. Something along those lines.


Corrosive educators, too. Can't just blame the parents.

Ohhh man, i missed a big one.

Great sub

You must be an oncologist.

Im just one of the many of us that find late stage capitalism sad, depressing and quite evil

You know what caused it???? BIG GOVERNMENT. How do you want to fix it? ...more Government?

Fact is, all of the things people bitch about over in /r/LateStageCapitalism are literally direct results of government regulation and intervention in the free market. It's absolutely maddening to watch. But then if you recommend ACTUAL solutions that could work to fix the problems, they just cry and scream about "conservative capitalists just trying to increase their profits through less regulation!!!!" or "the free market is what caused this in the first place!!!". Pretty much any solution besides more big government is shouted down.

Absolutely ridiculous.

You know what caused it???? BIG GOVERNMENT. How do you want to fix it? ...more Government?

Bingo. Socialist are the result of talking point, virtue signaling, and hearing one side of a story or debate. The truth isn't pushed. Socialism is pushed from a one-sided perspective. It's one the reasons republicans get shunned unfairly on social media. Another attempt to hide the truth.

The truth is not somewhere in the middle. The truth is socialism is and always will be an epic failure. They push this "republicans are against progress" narrative. This too is complete bullshit. We're against progressing backwards to a failed system that is and always will be destined to fail.

Hell, just look at modern day socialist countries, such as Scandinavian countries. Highest cost of living in the world! B-but they have such a high min wage, and all this free stuff. A pair of levis is $120, a gallon of gas is $7, a value meal at McD is $12. Rent is off the fucking charts. All that money and they can't afford anything.

If that is what the sub was about, I would still be subscribed. It is just another one of the hundreds of corrosive troll subs now.


It could be that people thought it was refreshing to have a post made to discuss instead of 100% stating something is a fact. But the post can really get you thinking on our current system of slavery. You get so much flak if you try to live frugally off the land instead of going and 'earning your living' at a job. Homelessness and starting self-sufficient communities is illegal. So I don't really understand how a post that questions if our society is being forced on us and asking for discussion on it is cancerous. Its way less cancerous than "Omg this foot in this guys mouth is 100% a childs foot" or "Trump is god saving our country"

It could be that people thought it was refreshing to have a post made to discuss instead of 100% stating something is a fact.

There are plenty of posts that do that here all the time. That's the second time I've heard this narrative being pushed, and it's just simply not true. But that's not surprising coming from someone that NEVER posts here.

The rest of your comment is completely unrelated to that post, and equally inaccurate as the first line. Thank you for further proving that the post in question is attracting people that DON'T COME HERE, to spread their poorly thought out economic beliefs.

This is far more than just "people want to live frugelly off the land". This is about STEALING people's money in order to make everyone happy, which is flat-out wrong.

I never post anywhere though? I keep to comments and I read through posts on conspiracy every day. Its full of cancerous I'm right you're wrong posts and comments. People don't want discussion just like you don't want discussion but just want to be validated. And I think the point of the quote is that money shouldn't have value and society evolve past that to promote further learning and consciousness for everyone. Its obviously depicting a fairy tail world as something like that will never be possible due to greed. Someone will always want to control everyone and everything.

That site includes comments, not just posts. Also, you're flat out wrong by completely generalizing an entire sub based on your opinion of this sub. I for one regularly make posts specifically to try and create discussion, as do many other users here.

Someone will always want to control everyone and everything.

I totally agree, which is why the best option for everyone is limiting government as much as humanly possible. Something that cannot be true when advocating things like UBI, like they are in that sub.

" ... people that DON'T COME HERE, to spread their poorly thought out economic beliefs."

I don't know, man. I see a lot of conservative, regressive politics on here.

What exactly is your definition of "regressive"?

Do you even understand what the term "conservative" means?

Very interested, as I'd love to discuss this further.

Could it be that it was upvoted and commented upon because it was an interesting discussion? I know that’s why I upvoted it. I enjoyed a lot of the points made from a variety of different perspectives, and I assume other people did, as well.

Literally every top comment is just a giant socialism circlejerk. Not surprising that you consider that "interesting discussion" and you "enjoyed a lot of the points made", because they are all more or less the same opinion, only with slight variations of just HOW to go about socialism.

Anyone pointing out the massive flaws and immorality of socialism can be found in the negatives at the very bottom of the thread.

Not to mention, A. It's not a conspiracy and B. Very few things make it past 2000 votes here... the fact that a socialism post did is absolutely absurd.

Maybe people just disagree with you, and that’s why you get downvoted. Maybe people downvote you because you’re trying to control the narrative and stifle conversation here, instead of letting people discuss what they want to discuss. Maybe some people in the world think pure unfettered capitalism is a failure, and that we can do better.

It’s funny to me that you don’t even consider that a possibility. It must be some massive nefarious plot against you, it couldn’t possibly be anything else.


Ok guy. Keep up the great work!

Oh, so we’re not actually having a discussion, you’re just here to troll people. Carry on then.

Oh no, I’m very much having pretty great discussions with many people ITT. I’m just not having a discussion with you. Your projections are not only obvious, but ineffective.

If you’d like to hear any of my opinions on this topic, please refer to the conversations elsewhere in this thread.

Yeah, because everyone being able to eat and pay bills is cancerous.

That's not at all the point of that post, nor the point of the conversation in said post.

STEALING people's labor or generated income from their labor in order to feed and pay the bills of people that DIDN'T earn that money is cancerous.

Trying to claim that people that are against socialism = against "everyone being able to eat and pay bills" is either disingenuous or ignorant.

STEALING people's labor or generated income from their labor in order to feed and pay the bills of people that DIDN'T earn that money is cancerous.

This is exactly why I'm a leftist.

Because you value free shit over individual responsibility and work ethic? Please explain.

Your self-own was free, and I valued that.

Sorry, I still don't understand what you are talking about. Could you be a little clearer?

But we gotta think bigger than what is. We have to imagine a world where there is no such thing as stealing others labor, because AI will have automated out almost everyone and allowed for super-abundance. We have to envision a different future if we want to change anything.

I think that one day, if we played out cards right, a Star Trek like post scarcity, post money future isn't out of the question.

I don’t disagree with that at all. But trying to implement socialism before that scenario is a reality will only result in poor quality of life for the many and an incredible decrease in quality of goods and services, and inevitably mass casualties and fascism (considering it’s never ended any other way thus far, because of human nature/greed).

I think that a "culture of Socialism" must be established first. Without this the post-scarcity system will never sustain itself. What I mean by a culture of Socialism is one in which we can all agree on basic things- such as a desire to provide things like Healthcare to all citizens, or College/Trade educations. As a People we must see each other as our greater family, and realize that we must all work together to see the world change in this way.

Without this, once the automation comes it will be maintained within the hands of the Elite's and only further the divide between ruler and ruled. Now don't get me wrong- I understand how difficult and even divisive just my two stated goals above are to many people. But I believe in fighting peacefully, within the framework of the Republican Commonwealth we call the United States, to persuade the People that this is the proper course of action. And I expect, respect, and hope for, opposition in doing so. So that these policies might be better forged and the People given a True choice.

The thing is, I’m 100% in favor of helping my neighbors that are less fortunate than me with their healthcare costs or schooling, but through charity, not government taking my money and distributing it how THEY deem fit. I could not possibly be more against that idea.

Also, I don’t believe that education and healthcare are a right. A right is to have access to something, not demanding free goods and services. For example, I’m a strong supporter of our Second Amendment right to bear arms... that does mean I think Remington or Glock should be required to provide everyone with a free firearm. I support the right for anyone to access firearms. Financial shortcomings are not an unconstitutional barrier to that access, even though some people believe that to be the case.

Should we have programs to assist those of us in need that exhibit the desire and drive to have those things? Absolutely. Should we deem it a “right” and provide it to everyone no questions asked? Absolutely not. Imagine how strained the systems would be here, or how abused they’d be if free to all? All the good doctors would leave/people would stop putting in the massive amount of work to become a doctor, no one would spend the millions of dollars to innovate and create new treatments or drugs, etc.. The list of problems goes on and on, most of which can only be mitigated by a post-scarcity society.

All this not even taking into account the shitty state our healthcare system is in. That needs to be fixed first, mainly by getting government the hell out of the free market.

not government taking my money and distributing it how THEY deem fit

See, we have to work simultaneously to change the government to one that represents our own interests while maintaining the capability to defend and enforce our interests via arms. We have to believe in a better government of the People, and then fight for it. No simple task.

I don’t believe that education and healthcare are a right.

And I think that with enough work and effort, we can change this in anticipation of the post scarcity situation where this should indeed be a Right, due to the overabundance of resources and goods to make it possible.

Imagine how strained the systems would be here, or how abused they’d be if free to all?

This ties into imagining a different future, one radically different from the world we currently inhabit. It's about preparing for the Realities that that new world will bring with it- and seeing a different way of doing things and taking care of each other.

I know we are pretty opposite on these things here, but I still think that through these opposites we can forge a better future.

The only thing I disagree with there is your statement about changing the definition of a right in anticipation of a post-scarcity society. In a post-scarcity society, I’d be 100% in support of providing those things to everyone. I’m not even sure anyone would! The only reason I don’t currently believe they are rights is because resources are indeed scarce, and valuable. And the most effective system to efficiently manage those scarce resources without violence is a free market economy.

The danger is anticipating that day when we no longer have scarcity WAY too early, and creating an overbearing government that is in charge for taking care of its people. The moral hazard there is far too significant for me to ever put my trust in any government to take care of me, whether it be education, health services, or even my safety from others (aka no guns, since those would be the first to go).

And yes, I agree. Somewhere in the middle of our two perspectives is the answer. The only way we’ll ever find it is through conversations like this! (Which is the opposite of what i saw happening in that other post, hence the reason for me making this one)

Implying the free market isn't the best system for this to happen?

I was in there trying to get a convo going about synergetics! That quote is one of the less interesting Buckminster Fuller-isms. I never expected that to rise to the top when I first saw it in /new.

Could you please give me a TLDR on Synergetics)?

The ELI5 would be that Bucky looked at physics "upside down." Up was viewed as "away" and down was viewed as "inwards."

He sought to create new means by which one could engage in problem solving with an emphasis on visual and spatial phenomena.

Essentially, some major league looking at things from a different point of view.

fantastic exercise for the brain.

Well you sure got that right, considering I still don’t even get it after your ELI5 lol.

I’ll have to dive into that wiki page when I have more time (and a dictionary 😂)

Not necessarily required to dive into the whole thing but it's fun

I knew better than to dip into that cesspool of a post. There is no arguing with a bunch of young “I shouldn’t have to work” brigadiers. A person only has so much patience, ya know.

I don’t think it’s uncommon for younger people to rebel against the mainstay of adulthood, of course they rather not have to work. Reality of being an adult is a force that some are just not ready to deal with just yet. But this “FreeLife” mentality is being encouraged, and that is where it’s a problem. History has shown it doesn’t end well.

And another thing, fuck no I’m not paying your way so you can think of what gender you want to be today.

Bitch, you betta work!

"If you are not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative by 35, you have no brain."

Lord knows, you ain’t wrong.

How is that cancerous? It's a damn fine and valid discussion. Get off your high horse. Sheesh.

If you read more than just the title, you’d understand.

So then are you a fan of the idea of a socialist big government taking hold here in the US?

So then are you a fan of the idea of a socialist big government taking hold here in the US?

So what if someone is? Does that make them inherently cancerous to this sub?

No, of course not.

An artificially brigaded mob of them, absolutely.

I have much more of a problem with the lack of Fair and honest discussion displayed in that sub than I do with the actual concept of communism.

I responded and gave an upvote, but didn't realize it had so many upvotes. Since I feel we're already acting as a quasi democratic socialist country, my thought-reasoning was...

I'm kind of inline with this thinking, but because of greed there will always be people at top that need a population to suffer to gain their wealth.

interesting upvote volume none the less.

I completely agree with your reasoning, which is precisely why I’m such a fan of as small a government as humanly possible. If you don’t give the government power to determine massive contracts, or enact regulations on private corporations, or any other type of power on a grand scale, then it takes away the power for corruption to be so effective because bribing politicians would be less effective, right?

My view is to try and limit the human element as much as we can. It’s commonly known that the smaller the level of government, the more effective/efficient it is (local, district, city, state, then federal). I’d be ok with the federal government being in control of the military and that’s it.

why that post was even brigaded is weird. Is someone trying to play a long game?? Because I've seen plenty of "philosophical thought" posts on here, and maybe a few hundred upvotes tops.. But never generating that much interest.. with as much fake narrative upvote brigading we've gotten over the last 2 years, why shouldn't we question those high numbers.

Because Reddit wants you to believe that it’s all “organic” because “that’s just how popular socialism is now”, and if you question it, you’re just a crazy conspiracy theorist who hates poor people... or something like that.

This push has been happening for some time now, which is why I even bothered creating this post in the first place. I’m sick of hearing these mental children spout half baked ideas sold to them by people like Bernie Sanders, and being shouted out when trying to unpack those ideas regardless of how politely I try to be. My patience starts to run thin lol

To those who think that all this sounds like science fiction, we point out that yesterday's science fiction is today's fact. The Industrial Revolution has radically altered man's environment and way of life, and it is only to be expected that as technology is increasingly applied to the human body and mind, man himself will be altered as radically as his environment and way of life have been.

man himself will be altered as radically as his environment and way of life have been.

I guess I’ve always kinda known this generally speaking, but reading it worded like that just gave me shivers.

I agree about pushing to fabricate a fake majority here on r/conspiracy of all places, it comes off as dumb as fuck.

fake thoughts pushed here: "hey don't talk about that stupid conspiracy". my thoughts: "what the fuck are you even doing in this subreddit?? Defending r/conspiracy from... conspiracy??" ridiculous.

As for Bernie, (whom i'm a staunch supporter of, and i can't defend the "half baked mental children", especially the ones that went hill anyways.) remember he got shut out by the elites, dems and media too. He was my anti-establishment choice. I feel the democratic socialist label is just more two party paradigm labeling. I'm happy that trump is shaking shit up, and i'm hopefully for the future, but I think it's still just establishment labeling.

Hey, I traveled to Philadelphia to protest the DNC, I was very much a fan of Bernie (until I dig deeper into his ideas). He’s verrrry much a socialist, Democratic or otherwise, I don’t think it’s just establishment labeling.

I think the only reason they screwed him is because it was Hillary’s turn. Also because they knew the public wasn’t primed enough to support socialism yet. I do think he’ll run in 2020, which is also why I think places like Reddit are pushing the socialism meme so heavily like this.

Yeah I don't think a 2020 run for him will happen, definitely not as a dem, and dems won't win anything until they nuke their current leadership base. If they think shifting to a "socialist" card makes them more appealing that would just be a facade, because their current leadership is pushing heavy fascism-esque narratives all the while accusing others of just that (whaaaa?).

As for reddit, I don't know when the dam is going to break. Simple critical thinking sinks any brigaded narrative, and the streissand effect just paints easier targets. If solely PsyOps they're making me feel like a master digital sleuth, so... thanks, tptb??

I think you might be the most rational and logical Bernie Sanders supporting democrat I’ve ever met on Reddit 😂

I sure hope the dam breaks soon though, because I’m ready for a better substitute to arise.

haha well that's because i'm an independent that only went dem for bernie then promptly demex't it out of there after the primaries and had my ballots changed to "permanent vote by mail" which i've never been. Thanks Alex Padilla, CA SOS!

Cancerous? It is obviously about the ancient hierarchical system that requires the labor of 99% to support the 1%.

Buy what authority do those with power use violence to maintain their power?

It can't be called a natural system, because it there are always revolts against that excessive control.

ancient hierarchical system that requires the labor of 99% to support the 1%

Implying that the 1% doesn’t provide any labor? How about the risk incurred by business owners? How about the fact that the success of what you call the 1% leads to a correlated increase in the 99%?

I take it you’ve never owned a business, or taken financial risks of any kind, right? You’ve never been responsible for providing a good living to others. You’ve never experienced the countless hours and 80 hour workweeks it took to build that business up.

Also, newsflash, this system that you seem to hate has helped elevate a large majority of this country INTO the 1%.

there are always revolts against that excessive control.

Except when you strip people of their right to firearms, right? Kinda like the left wants to do, right?

Sounds to me like you have more of a problem with the .01%, and are applying that to millions of people that are very much hard working, and more deserving of more wealth than 99% of others. I too have issues with elitest dynasties like the royals or the large banking families. Doesn’t mean socialism will fix anything.

this system that you seem to hate has helped elevate a large majority of this country INTO the 1%

Read that over a couple of times and see if you can find anything wrong with it.

I can kinda see what you’re getting at, but I may be off. What do you see as the problem with that statement?

"A large majority into the 1%"

I don’t know if anyone ever told you this... but life isn’t equal. Nor should it be.

Well I don't know what that means in relation to the posted comment...but...clearly a large majority of people aren't part of the 1%...unless new math has 1% being a large majority of 100%

Ohhhhh I get it now. I meant 1% of the global population. My bad, I thought you were saying that we should bring everyone in the US into the global 1%.

And what is the source of this risked money?

The top 1% has made tremendous success since 1981, but the working middle class and working class once the ones in the U.S. were richest on the globe, but are now near the bottom of the modern industrial nations. The working and middle class has declined in wealth and political power as the wealthy gained more wealth.

And you fail to note the game for the last 50 years has been to privatize the tax monies, that didn't take any investment or risk.

And what is the source of that risked money?

My savings from working 80+ hours a week for years while providing my labor to thousands of consenting parties that wanted my services on weekends. Are you kidding me right now? You think everyone who started businesses were just handed money to do so? The great thing about the free market is the incredible mobility allowed in the system, despite what Democrats and socialists might have you believe. I wasn’t in the 1% for most of my life.

I won’t even continue this conversation until you realize how absurd that question is, and how much it demonstrates how narrow minded you are on this topic.

And for the record, it’s not capitalism that is shrinking the middle class, it’s the big government created oligarchy, and the increased welfare state quasi-socialist federal programs that has.

There are certainly some issues that need to be dealt with at the very top, but that’s the fault of free market capitalism, it’s from government corruption/intervention. And you think the answer is even MORE governmental power? Yea... great idea! /s

Why didn't you just do like Romney told you to do, and like Trump did, just have daddy lend you some money. /s

If you weren't born rich, you must have stolen it from the rich. /s

...I’m so confused.

this is interesting. Attempts to crosspost where whomever thinks there needs to be more "narrative control".

reddit crossposting of the "what do you all think"

Wow, good find! The certainly explains where the extra votes came from at least. Thanks for the screenshot!

Dunno. Resource production is up, yields are fatter with less human labour.

One day the human population will achieve equilibrium, but because we grew populations too use in labour and those jobs are being taken by even better technology we will have a vast population that can't work.

Every drop of water and every ounce of wood will soon be accounted for soon. Doing work without finding employment means you are stealing wood and water for your own side project. There just won't be the jobs to buy the food we can easily grow.

This zombie nation of people that can't do anything but eat and wait for the government to restock the grocery shelves. Biggest threat to all our accumulated knowledge.

Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone. ~ John Maynard Keynes

Fascism is capitalism in decay. ~ Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

When you give food to the poor, they call you a saint. When you ask why the poor have no food, they call you a communist. ~ Archbishop Helder Camara

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. ~ John Kenneth Galbraith

In the 1980s capitalism triumphed over communism. In the 1990s it triumphed over democracy. ~ David Korten


Oh dear god.

Can you please direct me to an example of when communism hasn’t lead to corruption and mass casualties?

Oh dear Lord God in heaven, please help this lost soul.

Dear sweet Jesus Christ. Where in any of those quotes make you think I am supporting communism. I pretty much reject all 'isms'. Haven't seen one that works well yet.

'Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent.' ~ H. L. Mencken

I guess you're not paying attention.

What you have is capitalism for the 99% and socialism for the 1%.

You have to be smart enough to see that.

Remember the housing bubble that messed up the economy?

Anyone with an IQ more than a rock saw the the rich got bailed out, while everyone else lost their homes.

Think about it. Why didn't the bailout go to the home owners. The home owners would have got their homes and the banks would of got their money. Instead the banks got their money and the homeowners lost their homes. Does that really make sense to you. It is obvious socialism for the rich.

If you are unwilling to see and admit to that, you pretty much suck Satan's peter, and I don't mean the apostle.

It is a government of the people by the people for the people no longer; it is a government of corporations by corporations for corporations. ~ Rutherford B. Hayes

My bad, I thought the Camara quote was an endorsement. I see now that you’re more just anti-capitalism (or any ism), not one of the idiot kids/socialists I’ve been arguing all day.

I’m very well aware of everything in the rest of your comment. Thanks for your concern though.

What’s your suggestion if you’re against ALL isms?

Are you labeling this as wrong thing?

No not at all. If you actually read my post or any of my comments ITT you wouldn't ask stupid questions like that.

This post is about vote brigading.

This thread is no different than FP garbage, and full of nothing but pro-big government socialists who have zero concept of economics and know nothing about what it takes to start/run/own your own business.

It's absolutely hilarious hearing people argue for UBI, but somehow HATE the current government.

Seems like you're labeling it as wrong think and using an accusation of a brigade to try and get this point across. But yeah, seeing as you so quickly label people / counter viewpoints as stupid I'll thankfully bow out of this conversation.

Could you please give me a TLDR on Synergetics)?

You know what caused it???? BIG GOVERNMENT. How do you want to fix it? ...more Government?

Bingo. Socialist are the result of talking point, virtue signaling, and hearing one side of a story or debate. The truth isn't pushed. Socialism is pushed from a one-sided perspective. It's one the reasons republicans get shunned unfairly on social media. Another attempt to hide the truth.

The truth is not somewhere in the middle. The truth is socialism is and always will be an epic failure. They push this "republicans are against progress" narrative. This too is complete bullshit. We're against progressing backwards to a failed system that is and always will be destined to fail.

Hell, just look at modern day socialist countries, such as Scandinavian countries. Highest cost of living in the world! B-but they have such a high min wage, and all this free stuff. A pair of levis is $120, a gallon of gas is $7, a value meal at McD is $12. Rent is off the fucking charts. All that money and they can't afford anything.

I don’t disagree with that at all. But trying to implement socialism before that scenario is a reality will only result in poor quality of life for the many and an incredible decrease in quality of goods and services, and inevitably mass casualties and fascism (considering it’s never ended any other way thus far, because of human nature/greed).

Oh no, I’m very much having pretty great discussions with many people ITT. I’m just not having a discussion with you. Your projections are not only obvious, but ineffective.

If you’d like to hear any of my opinions on this topic, please refer to the conversations elsewhere in this thread.

No not at all. If you actually read my post or any of my comments ITT you wouldn't ask stupid questions like that.

This post is about vote brigading.