Just a late night shopping thought about e-books...

1  2018-07-12 by Yellowtag1

It would seem that all these books that are on computers or online. Could be manipulated by the whims of govment by the keystroke. That instead of burning books, they can just be edited or changed online. Any reference to x is now y. And does it strike anyone else as odd that people read ebooks on a "kindle"? kin·dle1 ˈkindl/ verb light or set on fire. Thoughts???


Wow! Good connection there with the word! Never thought of that.

But I'm old fashioned and still prefer paper books.

Me too. I like a book in my hands


I've been rereading alot of my old favorites for the past couple months, and have noticed that nearly every ebook I've come across has tons of errors from being scanned in.

So if there was a scheme to alter ebooks en masse, they could claim it was an error in the transfer.

Books are the vinyl of literature.

What a beautiful way to put it!

Well said!

Do you mind if I steal this and call it my own in my personal life?

Why was this an unpopular question. -1? Also above me someone says "Well said" also a -1.


I think Natural News had an article on this several years ago. He documented the changes. Wish I could remember which book

I had actually never thought of people changing ebooks before. But it is definitely a doable thing!

Paper books are better technology for books.

God damn right. A book can be burned, which I find much harder than deletion. Knowledge will be lost to 1’s and 0’s quite easily.

Someone is shadow banned

Thomas Sheridan said this in 2013.

Dont know Thomas, but I'll check him out. Thanks

He's amazing..

I've never thought about that, but yeah, makes it incredibly easier to edit things over time. This will be the easiest way to re-write history; no paper to replicate perfectly, no penmanship to study and duplicate, just typed font on a digital plane, simple and ubiquitous to replicate by anyone with a computer with hardly a trace that it was faked or manipulated. Scary shit, thanks for adding something new to my burden, lol.

People frequently extract epub files from thier e-readers, so there would be hard evidence if a publisher ever edited a file.

Wait til they try to totally digitize the US constitution (the original will disappear or simply degrade). We'll be in Animal Farm then.

Example: Huh, I was pretty sure the 1st Amendment said freedom of speech.

No that's fake news. It always said Freedom of thought.

In a post-truth era, digitized laws only would b very dangerous

Blockchain to the rescue. The information, in this case laws, can be saved on a distributed ledger.

Should we start compiling the list now of individuals who are never allowed conch privileges? And agree that in Animal Farm USA the conch goes only to individuals and never to corporations?

This actually happened to me with "Behold a Pale Horse," I got it on audible for like $0.99, few weeks later it was gone.

I reading that now. Wow.

I definitely think it's possible to. I don't necessarily believe it's being done on any sort of significant scale yet, but that doesn't stop me from extracting my files onto an external hard-drive just in case Amazon or something decides they want to delete my books for whatever reason.

The other thing is.. when all information is digital and physical books are phased out - what happens when there's no power or network left or worse when there's an enemy or false flag EMP strike? All of that knowledge is gone. Now people that don't know anything without digital information have no idea how or when to plant seeds for food, how to prepare their own meat, repair solar panels.. let alone how to escape into fiction anymore.

Being in a rural area, loss of power and network is some what common.. and each time I think - is this library of books, records, music, films and games enough for when you cannot get any more?

This may have happened numerous times in Earths history already.....dun dun duuuun.

This is some good food for thought OP. I dig it.

if we stop printing/buying real books, when apocalypse comes again we will have nothing to leave behind.

i barely know anybody who still buys hard copies of books unless its their favorite or something.

most of the historic physical books we have around from 100 or more years ago are favorites. some books only exist in single numbers in librarys.

the unwanted ones got trashed or burned.

There are still a lot of us who buy hard copies of books. I am one of them. I also save all my books.

I self published a book/eBook. I'd be honored if someone thought me important enough to alter it.

What a out audiobooks and scanned books via torrents?

I heard Alan Watt (https://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com) talk about this very thing a decade ago, how the youth will never be bothered to find the hardback rotting in a basement somewhere but will happily accept the scanned digital version as gospel.

For anyone interested I would recommend Fahrenheit 451, it has become the book of our times. Look up the history of movable type too, fascinating look at how literature can shape culture to this day.

There was just recently a post about the larger conspiracy that included this. Something about the breath of life.


Kindle Fire

But, editing books is more of a 1984 thing.

Could they be obliquely warning us by referencing Fahrenheit 451?

Like that time they remotely deleted everyone's copy of 1984?


Words have different meanings which is why is is best to read all of them instead of stopping at the first one.

  1. Fig.: To inflame, as the passions; to rouse; to provoke; to excite to action; to heat; to fire; to animate; to incite; as, to kindle anger or wrath; to kindle the flame of love, or love into a flame. [1913 Webster]

          So is a contentious man to kindle strife. --Prov.
                                                xxvi. 21.
    [1913 Webster]
          Nothing remains but that I kindle the boy thither.
    [1913 Webster]
          Kindling her undazzled eyes at the full midday beam.
    [1913 Webster]
          Could swell the soul to rage, or kindle soft desire.

    Syn: Enkindle; light; ignite; inflame; provoke; excite; arouse; stir up. [1913 Webster]

There are less and less 'used' books in circulation now as you have to pay retail price to read an ebook. You cannot buy second hand ebooks.

On top of this, the deleting of ebooks from your digital library, vulnerable storage of digital data and device obsolescence, it's easier for books to be 'burned' now more than ever.

I reading that now. Wow.