College shouldn't exist

1  2018-07-13 by Naruakira21

I don't think this a conspiracy and I don't know if this is the place to post this but I think college shouldn't even exist. Of course I already know the answer why college does exist with it being a business corporation and all. I just hate that so many people believe that higher education is the only way to get a good paying job in this country. My mom is big believer in it and I wish she wasn't. I'm just tired of living in a world that's full of corruption and people are struggling when they don't have to. I'm tired of the elite being in control when we can do something about it. But everybody is too busy trying to make a living, on their damn phones (I sound like a hypocrite) and worrying about who's our the puppet in office. I just want to live a life where corruption wasn't in power and everybody would have time to be with their loved ones instead of spending most of their time trying to work for a damn dollar that's worth shit. I guess I'm just ranting but do most of you who know the truth feel this way too?


Education is important, even if the system is a bit screwed.

Education does not necessarily equal schooling.

Let me ask you this. What has gotten you to learn more? College or the Internet?

The internet

Who invented the Internet? People who learned online or people who went to college?

That is the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard. Congratulations

What good are books if the guy who invented books didn’t learn it from a book 🤪

So you learned to read books without anyone helping you to get started?

Well I didn’t need college for it.

Well neither exactly. I've learned most of my head knowledge from actual books rather than internet. Books that I found on my own research by web however.

Thing is, there is a misconception that all of our knowledge is online now. So not true, tons of important information is hidden away in books. Never to be found on the internet.

Dude. That is the power of the internet. 99% of my library I never could have gotten or would even be interested in without the internet.

Yea exactly. It's a powerful tool for those who use it as a means of discovery, not a means to an end.

This is true. It’s a big time sucker also

That's why I don't own a tv, and I don't use social media other than Reddit. I might spend an hour a day on Reddit some days. An occasional few hour bender if I'm super bored. Usually I have my head in a book though.

The internet is all spammed out. It is not at its peak usefulness. That would be probably in the late 00's as technology was still improving faster than spamming. Once spamming got the upper hand, it was a losing battle.

Google created too many complicated rules, requirements, and conventions to block the spammers, and Google definitely favors certain web page formats over others regardless of content. But who was going to spend all that time gaming the rules? Spammers or people who just want to put out good information?

I wonder if anyone at Google ever even considered that?

Education is indoctrination.

Good university does not give you just the facts, but teaches you methods to learn.

At least that was my experience, but then again I majored in applied math.

Exactly, I'm all for higher education. How else would we push forward intellectually? What's fucked up is how much it costs and how entrenched in ideology some academics are.

College is necessary for certain jobs. Like surgeons who operate on you. I certainly don't want to be operated on by someone with only a high school education.

How about one who went to automotive school? Its basically the same thing only different.

Yes, that is important to learn too. Some people learn from their fathers or other people, from watching them work on cars. But other people aren't that fortunate and need to attend classes to learn how to work on a car.

To be honest, I've thought about attending a few basic automotive classes.

But useless for anything with the word studies following it.


It's only necessary to keep things in line with the government's rules. Surgery has been practiced for millennia and the modern idea of college is not at all necessary for the passing on of such knowledge and skill.

Yes, I see what you are saying. But the knowledge does have to be passed down and learned.

You are correct on a lot of what you said. Higher education has gotten out of hand. It's become big business, with money as its focus. Unfortunately, you and I can't change it. What you need to do is understand how the system works, then make it work for you. Easier said than done but possible. It's your life and you make the choices. It's all about the choices you make. Choose wisely and carefully. Good luck.

College should exist as a place where one can further their studies on subjects they deem worth studying. College shouldn’t exist as elitist communes where only the rich benefit and the poor with dreams are left crippled by financial institutions.

It's all part of arrested development. As foretold in the Talmud.

If you want an education go to the library. You go to college to get laid. - Frank Zappa.

College should exist. I don't think it should cost as much as it often does. If you don't go to fuck around or get some bull shit degree you can actually do pretty well for yourself or pay off loans within a couple years. It really can further you in the rat race. I'm not saying college is for everyone and I wish a lot more people would get experience or education in trades rather than wasting their own money or their families.

Many colleges work with corporations for internships/coops to further your learning and help you land a job right out of school. College is "indoctrination" in a way that they are preparing you for the constant bull shit, long hours, and work ethic(meeting due dates, researching, etc). Pending on your major and how much you put into it you might actually learn something too.

Americans growing anti education movement worries me.