Is it possible that Seth Rich was murdered by Russia?

1  2018-07-13 by The_Last_Commander


Yes, but for what reason?

Even if his murder was a random crime, Wikileaks and conservative media used his death for their own purposes.

Wikileaks and conservative media used his death for their own purposes.

This is called a motive.

I'll call it a long and twisted stretch of a motive.

SS: I really don't like speculating about this kid's death, as he, by appearences looked like a good kid. We don't know who did it. We know Russia is not beyond killing people on foreign soil. In fact, it's kind of a hobby of theirs. What if Seth somehow was working for them or found out about their hacking and was going to somehow expose them, so they did him in? We know they reached out to all sorts of people looking for leads.

Think about it. He found out about the biggest hack in history and was going to expose it, the jig would be up. Millions of dollars of investment wasted. A plan years in the making brought to ruin.

I'm been tilting that direction as well, although I realize it isn't a popular idea. It's laughable that almost no one will even consider a Russian angle. I'm not sure what Seth would have had on the Russians or anyone else because the damage had already been done when he was murdered, thus killing him for revenge doesn't make as much sense as stopping him from doing something even more damaging. However, he could have also simply been a victim of a cold-blooded psy-op.

While we are considering actual conspiracies, I have one that probably won't go over well. Donald Trump is fully on board with the NATO "Grand Strategy" agenda. We are being misled by TPTB and by Donald Trump. Donald Trump has no intention of cutting down NATO.

In fact, he will do just the opposite. He is threatening members not so that NATO will fall, but rather, in typical Trump style, so that he can extract the best deal (the most additional funding) out of those nations.

There has never been any good evidence to indicate that someone on Hillary's side killed Seth Rich.

The profiling of the situation -- namely that Hillary had Seth Rich killed as retribution for leaking -- never made sense. It never made sense because it would be plainly obvious to anyone that Republicans -- who routinely use 'mysterious deaths' against Democrats -- would do so.

So the better motive for killing Seth Rich is to create a fall guy for the DNC leaks to help Donald Trump. I've said this here before.

However, unless or until we have some information beyond the obvious motive, we have nothing but what criminal investigators would call a "working theory." In this context, a working theory is nothing more than a hunch.

Except it wasn’t a dangerous part of town. It was right by his apartment which is apparently an affluent section of DC.

Every big city center is dangerous after dark, and not sure what affluent means to you (daylight pics of the location, and here). In whichever case, it definitely wasn't a "botched robbery".

Agreed. It most definitely was not a botched robbery.

so wait your theory is the dems (who actually might of had a reason to kill a leaker) didnt do it, but the republicans who had nothing to do with it must have because the alternative is crazy?

i mean wikileaks has all but confirmed rich was their source, a group who before this email scandal had a perfect history of accurate leaks and you still refuse to buy it?

There is a new thread today that is saying Seth Rich was not Wikileaks source.

You need to read my comment, get it right, and then we can discuss our differences. :)

you are out of your fucking mind.

What about the email that says “I wouldn’t have a problem making an example out of a leaker”

Yes but no they didn’t. We know who killed him and why and it was made clear by Julian Assange. Everything being peddled right now is bullshit misinformation by the CIA

who killed him and why and it was made clear by Julian Assange

Please link me to any of this? He is clearly the source. Kimdotcom worked with him on releasing this informations and has publicly stated that Seth was in fact the leaker. This case is open and shut. Don’t fill this sub with your bullshit.

Why doesn't he release any of that evidence he claims to have. Use your head, he's broken promises to release info over and over, you're being taken on a ruse

was made clear by Julian Assange

No it wasn't. Assange was very careful to never make any definite statements that could lead to him being called a liar, he just misled.

It's possible he was killed by an unrelated party (Russia? Sure why not) in order to obscure the identity of the actual hackers and try to convince everyone it was a leak, here's the dead guy, the DNC did it.

To believe that you'd have to believe the story told by the intelligence community who are known to lie. I'm not sure we should trust the deep state


this interpretation of the affairs leaves something to be desired, although it does illumine to the truth.

almost a year later,

His name was Seth Rich.

Yes. Completely

professional assassins do not shoot their victims twice in the back and leave them alive to talk to the police. that fact alone should tell anyone paying attention that this was not a hit job.

CNN: Russia kills Wikileaks informant that helped Russia to collude in Election Collusion

Nah I doubt it but corporate media would love to run that story


why not?

Because it's Russia, the leader of the free world and all that is good. At least according to certain people on this subreddit, that is.

What if the DNC didn't actually rig the primaries, but did it to save America from an impending invasion? Is it possible that they pushed another candidate into the bushes to prevent an invasion from aliens who were working with Russia? I'll bet Seth Rich was playing the middleman between the Russians and the alien invaders...

Holy shit! That means...


It's tough to say, there's equal evidence for both of your theories.

Anything is possible, but what was their motive? I thought Seth Rich was upset with what was going on within the DNC?

So upset that the only thing he could think to do was go straight to Wikileaks, but ultimately didn’t realize that HRC was such a cold blooded bitch that she’d order him straight up murdered(well died eventually) purely just to get him back for leaking?


I thought Seth Rich was upset with what was going on within the DNC?

Is there any proof of this?

I think it's likely that he was killed by the people who convinced him to provide the leaked material.

It's possible that he was killed by Russians, and it's also possible he was killed by Tamil Tigers. Both probably equally likely.

What really most likely happened is he was killed by the same group of three guys who were out robbing other people in the same neighborhood at gunpoint in the weeks leading up to his own death.