Thoughts on meat industry and adrenochrome

1  2018-07-16 by wile_e_chicken

Adrenachrome is (supposedly) oxidized adrenaline, created in the blood of a person under extreme physical pain, as with Satanic ritual abuse (SRA). The blood is then said to produce a high when drank.

But is this adrenachrome production limited to humans?

I've seen videos where food animals (cows, pigs, etc) appear to be deliberately tortured before killing. Not just thoughtlessly mistreated -- deliberately tortured.

Is it possible that animals, too, produce adrenaline and subsequent adrenachrome? I really can't see why not. Can we infer, then, that there is a conspiracy to get the general population addicted to (animal) adrenachrome as a method of spreading the Satanic religion.


The stuff from Fear and Loathing? Seems intense and a bit sadistic to obtain.

I haven't watched that, but yes if it's a real thing -- and I think it is -- it's straight-up Satanic.

I don't think it applies to animals the same as it does to humans. The thing with animals is when tortured there will be negative energy. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. It's transferred. So in the case with animal cruelty it's transferred into the consumer of the meat. I'm not making a case for vegans and I'll probably trigger the atheists here with this comment.

Maybe, but in a chemical sense wouldn't it be the same? Animals certainly appear to exhibit extreme fear and something like an adrenaline rush. I wonder, too, whether the blood of these tortured animals is collected and sold for (sick) human consumption.

Do animals have a pineal gland?

That’s the question...i don’t think so

They don't and this is supposedly where the substance op is talking about comes from. A chemical mixture of course. This is why I say what I say. Humans and animals are very different. Torturing an animal and then eating it will be negative. Just like op's topic. It's very negative energy but different and used for different means.

The pineal gland (so called 3rd eye) produces melatonin. The pituitary gland is the one that controls hormone function.

i thought most vertebrates did?

Only humans do.

not even true. lol

Polar animals have extremely large pineal glands too...hence the frozen penguin glands to MIT in the 70s?

Interesting. Do you have a supporting link?

Continuing this thought thread... Why might this be? What natural purpose does this adaptation serve? Or what historical conditions could this be a vestige of?

Something about living at the poles gives you a large pineal.

Oh shit. I think I know why.

it’s on plusd on wikileaks if you search pineal gland

Interesting maybe it has something to do with that. My guess was the cold weather and making more adrenaline or something to try and keep warm. I know NOTHING about biology though so better not ask me haaha.

Adrenochrome apparently only gives the effect desired if you do a lot more than torture. You have to put the person in a state of extreme horrific doom and fear. I don't even know if it's real to be honest. It could be a psy-op or some form of controlled opposition meant to mislead people. You would think people would have discovered it at some point and made it widespread knowledge like smoking cannabis or drinking alcohol or something, but you don't really hear about it in myth or history as far as I know.

I do believe they drink blood and harvest some sort of "product" from their sacrifice. I also believe the meat industry is definitely used to hide human remains. Even serial killers have done that in the past, I'm sure that if the government is hiding these types of things, they use their huge processing facilities every once in a while. Hell, I'm pretty suspicious they put the bodies in our food for more reasons than to just hide them...There's plenty of material on this to look up if you haven't before.

Some Eastern countries believe the meat tastes better if the animal suffers. It could be related.

deer hunters know to hit the heart or the Adrenalin ruins the meat and makes it tough. i guess it depends on the animal.

Guess it could also depend on the culture and their definition of "tastes better"

Epinephrine (adrenaline) is readily available over the counter, and some google searching could teach anyone how to make some adrenochrome, either way, it doesn't seem desirable and there are minimal stories of users, with the apparent "users" all being pretty fucking psycho.

with the apparent "users" all being pretty fucking psycho

sounds like the elite.

I'm going to restate adrenachrome does in fact exist, but not in the Clockwork Orange, Fear and Loathing, or Pizzagate type of drug or stimulant. It's the name of oxidized epinephrine. Epinephrine is a hormone which when given as a medicine in small doses counters swelling caused by histamines, another hormone, released to fight allergic reactions. Larger doses are given for people in cardiac arrest to essentially keep the heart beating till the poor bastard can be shocked back into rhythm.

So basically anyone who's ever had an allergic reaction and had to give themselves an epipen shot has done adrenochrome along with those who survived a heart attack. Increased heart rate, rapid shallow breaths, and a shit load of sweating thats the high. Search for the phrase in vitro adrenochrome and see how easily it csn be manufactured in labs. Not a big mystery to it your just searching the wrong parts of the web bud.

If it can be made in labs no need to kill kids to get it, and if the drug could be distilled from human organs then it also could be from other mammal's adrenal glands.

Idk what videos you've been watching, but in the past and still in some primitive parts of the globe people feel that exciting or causing stress to an animal before death changes the flavor of the flesh. This is where bulldogs come from actually. Bull baiting was a sport where dogs were used to excite a cow before slaughter to get the blood flowing in the animal as well as hormones. But blood not hormones is what changed the meats flavor. Ever ate liver? If so then the distinct taste of it is from all the iron in the organ from the blood it filtered in life. It's why many butchers or hunters after killing an animal slit the throat to bleed as much blood to keep the meat from being so tangy tasting. Also when an animal is killed after being nervous muscles are tensed up. Why butchers hang meat to age it so muscles relax and your steak will be a lot more tender.

In the past though you have to understand flavor was lacking. Spices were limited pretty much to salt so any other way one could change up the flavor of a meat or any food was a viable option. So while there's definitely some fire in all the smoke around some issues of SRA and all associated with it, adrenochrome isn't one them. I've aleady dug into the issue obviously. Plus being a hunter raised on a farm and a EMT for 5 years also helped me with concepts I spoke of above.

In Vitro does in fact exist and it is used as a drug. Don’t know what to tell you there.

Yea I'm well aware it exists I stated as much in my OP. One of the uses is to treat ocular hemorrhages. It's harvest from kidnapped children to be taken as a psychedelic in Satanic rituals is what I'm saying is a pipe dream.

I fully believe there is sick shit going on among the ruling elites, but when people take accusations against them too far it only discredits all the accusations.

That’s fine and all but blood rituals have been going on forever...

A lot of times they’d involve taking 12 initiates into a cave. Then they would experience a “death” and “rebirth”

That's mystery school initiation stuff. Goes all the way back to Egypt and Classical Greece. Mithraism initiation in Roman times for example consisted of getting into a pit with a grate over top on which a bull was slaughtered allowing the initiate to be drenched it's blood. Also in Rome the emperor Tiberius, a known despot, enjoyed swimming in pools naked while naked children nibbled at him all over his body. He referred to them as "my little fishes". Sick Fucker huh?

I think where your getting turned around on my stance is that I believe sick fucks with sick fucking hobbies are among all classes only at the top depravity is more severe due to lack of punishment.

I just don't believe there are satanic rituals with child sacrifice for organs to get high off of occurring. Child sacrifice for success and wealth possibly. Child sacrifice to secure allegiance by making one accessory in a crime sure. Esotericism and Luciferians aren't devil worshippers from a horror movie. It's the worship of the lightbringer of knowledge.

...and what's with this shit? (that I felt like was related to your valid questioning):

People who eat elk and other wild animals and eat them talk about the life energy they feel I think this is Adrenochrome

it’s on plusd on wikileaks if you search pineal gland

Interesting maybe it has something to do with that. My guess was the cold weather and making more adrenaline or something to try and keep warm. I know NOTHING about biology though so better not ask me haaha.