On the world stage, at the joint press conference with Putin, Trump just refuses to condemn Russia for election meddling, citing the missing DNC server and Imran Awan (“the Pakistani IT man”)

1  2018-07-16 by mjr133113

Usually leaders stick to the establishment script in these events, and I, personally, am shocked that he just mentioned the missing server and alluded to Awan. Our president is citing conspiracy theories, so I feel it’s worthy of this sub. Wanted to hear everyone’s Takes.


He's with a Russian right now!!!!

Our president is citing conspiracy theories

Oh boy you're in for a rude awakening lol

A rude awakening or a Great Awakening?


Why not both :D

The biggest, rudest, greatest awakening.

It's gonna be yuge.

Hahahaha trust me I’m aware he’s been doing it, but it’s certainly different when he’s side by side with Putin at a summit. Not just babbling on twitter

6 states attempted to hack the server it's what they do. How possibly could a country influence an election. They lost they're making excuses for it. Do you know about the Clinton and dnc server

That's what this is partly about: the Russians' hack into the DNC network.

Ok, 6 countries had access to it, so why is it a Russian hack. Also https://consortiumnews.com/2017/07/24/intel-vets-challenge-russia-hack-evidence/

It's a "Russian hack" because they are the ones who initially infiltrated the network via spearphishing.

Oh dear according to which sources

I am referring to the indictment that was released a few days ago.

On twelve people that Putin has invited Mueller and his team to go to Russia and question. What about the previous investigations from 12 months costing millions which revealed nothing

You mean the investigation that has already gotten multiple guilty pleas from members of the Trump administration and has the former campaign manager facing literally hundreds of years in prison?

Watch the Putin trump debate then discredit it

You didn’t address what I said at all

Fair play send me the link

What link?

Former campaign manager. Who when, suggest you look at serialbrain2 analysis yours is way off

Paul Manafort. Here is a link to the indictment document. https://www.politico.com/f/?id=0000015f-6d73-d751-af7f-7f735cc70000

I’ve seen Serialbrain2’s posts and, like most things posted on their favorite sub GA, are not based in reality.

So how about the 400 million illegal tax free Russian money - have you seen the meeting read the transcripts

Do you have any intention of addressing anything I’ve said with an actual response or are you going to continue to deflect?

Usually leaders stick to the establishment script in these events, and I, personally, am shocked that he just mentioned the missing server and alluded to Awan

Why are you shocked? Trump loves spreading unverified ideas like the Birther movement (debunked), millions of illegals voting for Hillary (debunked), Pussy grabbing tape was faked (after he admitted to it), FISA court abuse story (which was swiftly debunked), Spygate (also debunked), US paying for 90% of NATO (debunked, US pays 22%), basically all stats on immigration, Russia not election meddling even though his cabinet and even Republican controlled Senate Intel committee all have said Russia absolutely was fucking around with the election.

I'd be absolutely gobsmacked if he said something that everyone in DC was expecting.

He doesn't give a shit on what the rest of the government thinks, or whatever our investigative/intelligence bodies find, he just says what he likes.

His senseless rhetoric usually doesn’t bleed into his more professional role as a diplomat. That’s why I’m surprised

Ahh, I get what ya mean. Something to keep in mind is that for all his bluster he's never been confrontational with other world leaders in front of the cameras, or in person. This is the man who spent the week leading up to the G7 conference incessantly attacking Canada and Trudeau, but at the actual conference it was reported that he only made a few stupid remarks and he spent his photo op with Trudeau acting like his best buddy. It was only after he left that he went on twitter saying Trudeau deserves a special place in hell and stabbed him in the back.

Same goes for May. The day before his presser with may he gave that crazy interview to the Sun where he brutalized her (not that what he said was extreme personal attacks, but rather what he did say was a political nut punch to the embattled May who had just suffered 3 resignations from crucial cabinet members). Then the next day he says that interview was fake news and should be talked about cause they didn't mention his comments about him thinking of her as a tremendous person. Compliments mean shit when a head of state says the other is doing such a poor job that he'd rather see her rival take over and that if she continues doing what she is doing that he'll take any trade deal off the table to punish her. Yet in the presser he only plays nice.

Point I'm making is that he lacks the gumption to follow through with his big man persona in person with these other leaders and thus won't actively promote his dumb bullshit. But, when with someone like Putin who is totally cool with him dropping shit everywhere he doesn't have to worry about push back. Putin isn't going to push back on any of the dumb shit Donny says, Putin encourages it.

Aka propaganda

Trump loves spreading unverified ideas like the Birther movement (debunked)

Obama's BC that was released was found to be a forgery by 2 separate law enforcement forensic document analysis agencies. It is a poorly done forgery at that.

Oh please I'd love to see sources on this.

Second question, what would be the point of Obama being born in Kenya? Who was pulling the strings to make that happen? Wouldn't His mother's passport have a stamp from the British Empire/Commonwealth/Territory of Kenya then? At what point did he decide to change the narrative and pretend to be born in America? Wouldn't the DMV notice when he went to get his license? At what point did he manage to create forgeries and convince the anyone who could disprove it that they should go along with it anyways? Before he was a senator? While he was running for president?

You realize their was an about 5 year law enforcement investigation into it right? This is the press release of the findings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk3KRxTfkLM&

Okay I can't watch that because that's 1 hour long. I don't have time or care enough to watch that. What I do now just from opening that up is that Joe Arpaio led the investigation. The same Joe Arpaio who ran desert camps with deplorable conditions and was convicted by a federal judge.

Instead of linking an hour long presser how bout you post links to the actual document findings. What was the case number of this investigation?

Just because it was investigated by a law enforcement person doesn't mean it's a law enforcement investigation. Arpaio is notorius for having unsual ideas on the law so him being the investigator brings no credibility.

More importantly if this was true, why didn't the republican controlled congress act on it and impeach Obama? Considering how desperately they worked to stifle him we all know they would have loved to impeach him on faking being born in the US?

I don't believe the investigation was legitimate so please provide actual sources of the findings and the investigation itself instead of a fox news covered presser.

Yeah! Move the goalposts!

It's not moving the goal posts to ask for more information. Like I said I'm not committing an hour of my time to watch a press conference on a dubious "law enforcement investigation". What part of asking for links to the documents and reports of the investigation is moving goalposts?

This is one of those things I hate about reddit.

Oh please I'd love to see sources on this.

Asks for proof. Reasonable.

Is linked to proof:

Okay I can't watch that because that's 1 hour long. I don't have time or care enough to watch that.

And then, refusing to examine and address the presented evidence, continues to attack the source for three paragraphs instead.

What I do now just from opening that up is that Joe Arpaio led the investigation...

Examine the evidence and come back with why it is wrong or don't bother. You were the one who requested it.

Haha are you saying it's disingenuous of me to ask for the actual investigation findings instead of sitting thru an hour press briefing?

When has a press briefing ever been more comprehensive then the actual reports being covered by the briefing?

I admit my biases about Arpaio because I prefer to be honest. What would be the point of pretending I think the man is legitmate. Either way if I get those links to the actual investigation findings then you know whatever my take on it is is geniune. Just cause I think Arpaio is a fuckdog doesn't mean I'm incapable of fairly evaluating information.

Great job chastising me for requesting more comprehensive sources, absolutely brilliant.

Lol at your choice of words... debunked? Thats like a dog whistle. Everyone here knows who you work for.

You read a lot of fake news my friend. Just...lol

Well that depends on one's interpretation of "fake new".

If it's on any major network, it's fake or twisted so far out of true as to be the same thing.

Putin also said he would allow the extradition of the 12 hackers and even allow the Meuller team to go to Russia to question people.

Ya, I saw this post and was wondering if we saw the same show lol.

Putin cited the 1999 Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty PDF warning

This isn't entirely accurate.

Putin offered to allow investigators into Russia to question suspected hackers, in return for Russians to be allowed into the US to investigate Bill Browder. Putin knows -- although based on his words at the press conference it's possible that Trump doesn't -- that there's no way America would ever take Putin up on this offer.

How many bricks would everyone shit if trump brought back those 13 indited russians.

"I got em! saved ya a trip. here they are ready for court! lets do this!"

It just wouldn't be reported on much.

IF Russia hacked anything, then why:

Didn't the DNC turn over their server for investigation prior to having crowdstrike destroy it? That would have PROVEN beyond any doubt.

Data transfer rates have been proven to be far faster than the internet connection. Had to be a thumb drive or similar done on site

Did Mueller request a delay when the company Mueller indicted responded asking for evidence / hearing (which was denied).

There is to date no evidence that Russia hacked anything, the only thing proven is that they spent a small amount of money on some FB ads. Rosenstein stated last week there is no evidence any American knowningly colluded with Russia and that there is no evidence that any votes were compromised as a result.

So based on that, why would we continue to point fingers at Putin that serves no purpose but to increase tensions. Russia has extended an offer for Mueller and his team to sit in on questioning of the indicted individuals. If Mueller refuses, this entire thing is one big sham.

Because you have no evidence of election meddling, which countries hacked the server, why can't you name them

Why would he condemn when there is no evidence do you have it ?

Okay I can't watch that because that's 1 hour long. I don't have time or care enough to watch that. What I do now just from opening that up is that Joe Arpaio led the investigation. The same Joe Arpaio who ran desert camps with deplorable conditions and was convicted by a federal judge.

Instead of linking an hour long presser how bout you post links to the actual document findings. What was the case number of this investigation?

Just because it was investigated by a law enforcement person doesn't mean it's a law enforcement investigation. Arpaio is notorius for having unsual ideas on the law so him being the investigator brings no credibility.

More importantly if this was true, why didn't the republican controlled congress act on it and impeach Obama? Considering how desperately they worked to stifle him we all know they would have loved to impeach him on faking being born in the US?

I don't believe the investigation was legitimate so please provide actual sources of the findings and the investigation itself instead of a fox news covered presser.

You didn’t address what I said at all