It's become impossible to disagree with the mainstream narrative without receiving mass downvotes

1  2018-07-16 by ForetellFaux

Seriously; imagine if in the lead up to the Iraq war someone said "I don't believe the US intelligence services when they say that Saddam has WMDs" and then they received mass downvotes.

We're experiencing an incredibly varied propaganda push to force us to hate Russia and Trump, and while you're certainly entitled to hate both, the idea that we have to blindly accept ANYTHING that the FBI/CIA/NSA says is completely against the spirit of this subreddit.

I'm fairly certain we're experiencing a well-funded raid by the same people and organizations that very likely engaged in this behavior during the 2016 election (first: in getting Trump nominated for the republican party [see Podesta "Pied Piper" email], second: in eliminating Bernie Sanders from contention, third: in character assassination of Donald Trump and the gaslighting of his supporters, fourth: in the continued subversion of the current President [who's obviously outside the established power structure {although whether he's a part of a different, just as nefarious power structure is certainly debatable}]).

So let me just say this: If you accept anything a government intelligence service claims at face value, without question, then you do not belong here. Period.


Fucking A

For the same reasons too; the Iraq takedown and the current Russia narrative. Sadly almost two decades on and the majority haven’t learned.

"fuck the msm but I'll belive everything they say about russia."

  • this sub (shills)

That was in April of 2016. Do you have anything more recent?

Lol, they just went away after the election? REEEEEEEEEEEEsist

Uh why would she still spend? Hillary is over, can't you let her go?

SOROS and David Brock you dumbfuck

Well stop worrying they are all going to be impeached soon, oh sorry, QAnon said they are all down in Guantanamo.

I don't remember that one. But I do remember a nerd virgin faggot shill shilling in a sub about the shills of reddit, "That was so two years ago. No way they are still actively censoring and manipulating Reddit/internet." The algorithm changed November 8, 2016.

Yes this became the Russian central for the U.S.

Just wait for the midterms, we're going to get an influx of bullshit flooding this sub.

It's already full bore

So you think that something established over 2 years ago to help hillary with the election that had a budget of 1 million is still alive and kicking? And that of all places they are targeting /r/conspiracy?

You people are so wilfully ignorant. Yes, George Soros and David Brock are paying shills to do all kinds of stupid shit on Reddit. It's sad.

I think the real issue is how hard it is to have any sort of real discussion here. It's one thing to question the source of a piece of info but I feel we're approaching the age where no source is trusted and what should be a discussion on Trump or whatever becomes a circle jerk of "I don't trust that source", "Fake News", "you're an idiot if you believe that".

I use reddit but I still prefer the old school forum format without likes or upvotes, where everything is chronological and it's harder to bury an unpopular opinion or view.

It's division, plain and simple. One side refuses to even hear out the other side and vice-versa. Identity politics will be the end of the USA.

What's so strange for me is how out in the real world it doesn't feel all that different. There's the same loud-mouthed assholes who don't want to hear anyone out, and the majority seem at least open to discussion even if they have no intention of changing their stance. But the second you hop online the mood completely shifts to one that feels far more hostile and confrontational. I swear if we could better convey tone through text it's be a totally different ballgame.

Absolutely. Perhaps an evolution in how we use symbols to communicate online? (I'm dreaming here)

Anonymity, I believe, allows such hostile words to be thrown around. But anonymity is essential to internet freedom. Hopefully one day we will be able to communicate more effectively through text online, but until then we have this sort of dynamic.

Terrence McKenna talked about a more perfect logos, or a truer form of communication. I always loved that concept. As freaky as it is, I think in the future, mind-machine interfaces could encode sarcasm into text, sort of like how images have hover over text. So you wouldn't have to type out "I'm joking", it'll be built in. Metadata for tone. I'm just spitballing here of course.

Kind of like how a meme can use a picture and can convey text in a much more accurate way, as though you can actually feel what is being told. I do like the idea.

If only there were a way!!! /s

That works but only if you use it, and there are grey areas between outright sarcasm and being serious. I'm imagining something that can parse through all that subtlety in a more nuanced manner.

Dude worked for the government apparently. Paid agent according to Jan Irvin

Yeah, I've heard that and don't doubt it. I decided that I was going to take what good I could out of what he said and leave the rest, at the very least he had a great, almost hypnotic, way of phrasing certain things.

Ah yes, perfectly harmless hypnosis. ;)

Blessings to you.

"mind-machine interfaces" lol apologies but when I read that I had scary flashes of AI melding of our bodies, cybernetic husks with brains, or Devoe from The Flash season 4

I personally think tone is conveyed enough in MOST conversations by the use of words or caps lock already. Plus I doubt it makes much difference. On either extreme side, ANY attempt to disagree but try to understand is interpreted as a personal affront and death threat and is met only with shouting. These days it's about total compliance or ostracizing

The idea of a mind machine interface is terrifying but also incredible. Sadly I doubt it, if they ever exist, would be used in a way that benefits us without having to give up almost all privacy and autonomy.

We are letting the mob triumph over the individual.

This! See: people decrying "MSM" while pushing zerohedge and infowars.

I'm quick to say I don't trust the msm but I think we need to at least acknowledge that whether its cnn or fox or infowars or RT, there's usually some grain of truth buried in there. And when there isn't it's still important to track how the narrative is changing.

This! That’s why it’s good to read articles from all sides and compare

Nit always

Cnn literally heavily edited a video of trump

Meanwhile they lied about the planned Parenthood videos being edited

That's a case where you'd need to cross-reference sources, which would reveal CNN's manipulation.

A good example is the pictures that have been presented as children separated from their parents at the border, many have proved to be taken out of context. I think figuring that out is valuable and that revelation wouldn't come about if everyone just decried "fake news" without looking into it.

The problem is the blatant misrepresentation of everything. I make a video series on the MSM (that gets tens of views) where I show how they willfully misrepresent facts. People defend the MSM lies by saying it's at least partially true, and that's good enough for them.

Obviously the MSM lies about a lot. What I meant by it containing a grain of truth is that if they say Trump met with Putin or something, it's likely that actually happened. What's not necessarily true, is how they then frame it. It's tough, I don't think we can go around with our heads down refusing to believe anything, but it's also damn near impossible to find info on anything that isn't heavily partisan in its presentation.

I agree 100%. Well said.

I don't remember RT pushing for an illegal war of aggression which killed over one million civilians, with no apology or reparations after the fact. However, the New York Times gleefully endorsed the Bush administration's propaganda about Iraq. The "fake news" from alternative outlets like ZeroHedge and InfoWars is objectively far less dangerous than the propaganda the corporate media is documented to have published in its history. Okay, ZeroHedge might run an article saying the Pope endorsed Trump. What impact does that have? Zero.

Your downvotes are proving the OP's point.

It's fucking horrifying.

Its so funny that they would do that. Is it AI-driven and it can't parse the context to realize what is being said? Are they humans working from a non-English country who have no understanding of our language or culture? Are they just being assholes deliberately to say "yeah, what're YOU gonna do about it?"

And honestly, RT America has legitimately good segments. Please tell me what is wrong with CrossTalk, and Abby Martin's, Jesse Ventura's, and Chris Hedges' shows. I don't doubt the office in Moscow has more slant towards Russia, but the shows I mentioned are good at being factual. If you balance it out with some factual independent outlets like Mint Press, Corbett Report, and Consortium, you get a good selection of info.

MSM has its good reporting too, but is also inundated with misinfo and war propaganda.

How about RT literally being Russian state propaganda? At least since 2008-09 the government has had an interest in it, even declaring it of "strategic importance".

American state propaganda? British state propaganda? My point is literally every modern nation partakes in propaganda. It's why many turn away from say, CNN as a source. Though if you dare to say anything bad about CNN you get called a Fox News hound.

When in reality, every organization has a bias. To be a critical thinker is to be able to pick through the bullshit to find the facts.

There is a difference between propaganda and bias. You cited an operation from the 1950s as a source to discredit every American news source, which isn't critical thinking at all. By that metric I could discredit any source I so choose.

CNN and Fox News are more in the bias hemisphere than the propaganda one. Sources like InfoWars and RT shamelessly mislead viewers. Watching InfoWars might lead you to think there are interdenominational vampires (most of whom are Democrats) that feed on molesting children. While watching RT you might see reporting from Azerbaijan that shows people wanting Russian's to support their military efforts. Watching CNN or Fox would just show you the Left or the Rights view of things, which is bias.

You're absolutely right, there is a difference between propaganda and bias. That difference is when the state intervenes and gives the media the "correct" talking points. Do you want to know exactly why the mainstream propaganda picked up so hard? See there was this thing called the Smith-Mundt Act, right? What that did was make it illegal to push domestic propaganda on the citizenry.

Let's rewind back to 2012 to when Obama signed HR 4310. See that's called the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and Section 1078 where it repeals the Smith-Mundt Act and authorizes the use of domestic propaganda.

So while there may have been a short period where the media wasn't corrupted, it very much is back to being as corrupt now as it was back then.

Don't take my word for it, look for yourself:

I mean I’m sure RT supported Russia’s actions in the Ukraine so lol

That is a completely separate issue. I'll discuss that at the bottom of my comment. This is an example of what OP's post is about:

How is this not a HUGE fucking conspiracy to you people???!?!?!?! 308 points

Orly? You people?


Donald trump has exposed just how full of shit this sub and all other "freedom" pro-america people are. 75 points

This sub hates itself? These kinds of comments don't get upvoted here, except for specific threads where the difference is obvious. They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want you to believe that the subreddit is infested with nothing but right wing Trump supporters who apparently upvote comments that talk shit about them. They want you to believe that nobody is talking about this thing when we are upvoting and discussing that thing.

As for your comment, you will find many people here who cite sources from the mainstream media. A lot of us understand that the truth can be found there sometimes, but it's good to be skeptical and it's good to look for context and what they're leaving out of the article as well. Obviously some people believe that literally everything written in the media is a lie, but why should we even acknowledge such a foolish belief? it's a minority opinion and not even worth pointing out.

good post!

as an oligarchist, I am fascinated with what is happening to our world these days. Imagine the unity of two kingdoms that have been fueling the flames of the military industrial state for the bast 80 years.

Could we stop fighting one another on this globe and uniting in a One World Government? ...

Just in time for Enki's return.

They want you to believe that the subreddit is infested with nothing but right wing Trump supporters who apparently upvote comments that talk shit about them.

This is how I know the "Russian Bot" meme is in part a cover-up for the actual bot/sock puppet/alt account activity on Reddit.

This sub hates itself? These kinds of comments don't get upvoted here, except for specific threads apparently. They want to have their cake and eat it too. They want you to believe that the subreddit is infested with nothing but right wing Trump supporters who apparently upvote comments that talk shit about them. They want you to believe that nobody is talking about this thing when we are upvoting and discussing that thing.

This is the most absolutely insane thing in this sub. This super controlled sub apparently has problems actually controlling the discourse.

They used to obscure their lies with a veneer of truth. Now they don't bother with even making an attempt. Not towing the party line means career ruin and possibly a trip to the Gulag for professional propagandists in the USSA.

or people pushing stuff that MSM is feeding us with 24/7

as "conspiracies"

OMG Russia colusion, Why is media being silent on this

its like they dont want us to know

Not sure why you're being downvoted, but that itself proves OP's point.

In all fairness, here is an example of CNN blatantly lying to viewers from last week. "Dice que estan muy bien"

You should treat every single source with suspicion because they all have bias. You also shouldn't presumptively dismiss sites like zerohedge, infowars and RT either.

I'm pretty sure Infowars can be dismissed as a comedy act.

Despite his act and the fact he's gone overboard on a few conspiracies, Alex Jones still had many proven over the course of 2016.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Nobody said presumptively dismiss, but they sure have a fucking lot less credibility when you actually look at the facts and fact checking.

Plus it isn't just Alex Jones anymore. They have several reporters who I find to be very truthful at times. It may have started with him, but he isn't fully needed for InfoWars anymore

Alex has brought a lot of people around, he has been right quite a bit.

Nice, stifling discussion by saying that any other news source is not trustworthy.

Sadly, the MSM has become an absurd parody of itself. Nobody believes it. The situation is ironically, eerily, and ominously similar to how Soviet Union citizens about their official propaganda outlets just before the fall. If what you're saying is bullshit and nobody believes it, what you're saying has no power and is little more the the butt of a joke.

Unfortunately I have an old neighbor who believes CNN completely. I've had to request that he stop talking about politics with me because he won't let me speak. He interrupts and and starts yelling about Russian collusion. He's about 60, and we live in San Diego, CA. One thing is certain: the "media" hates, literally hates Trump.

Source please. But make it a source that I will never agree with /s

Might I direct you to America's Finest News Source?

Doing Hermes Work.

reminds me of CNN

It was people generally up voted for a post they liked, didn't vote for a post that they didn't, and only downvoted irrelevant non-factual stuff.

Then it was I agree, or I disagree.

Now voting is based on if it is an approved talking point of CNN or Fox.

It may seem strange and counter-intuitive after all the junk MSM has pushed on us, but MSM narrative, to the extent there is one that comes out over all the censorship, happens to be correct for a change. Donald Trump is bad for the United States.

For most of us, Donald Trump is bad because he wants to eliminate all of the societal advances that led to the great, growing economy lifting all boats in the 50's, 60's and 70's. DJT policies are almost identical to Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. In that sense, he is establishment.

The problem for MSM is that DJT is widely despised and -- just like at the time of the Great Depression -- risks a popular movement so huge that people decide to clean up the oligarchy. MSM is tactical. FDR saved capitalism. MSM is playing that role now.

Notice how MSM is constantly parading Republicans out to be outraged against Trump. This builds credibility for the same Republicans who destroyed the economy so many times -- in 1981, 1987, 2001, and 2008. MSM wants us to go back to these same policies and submit to them since Trump is so bad. The political spectrum moves 'to the right.'

Regarding "the Russia thing," it is generally true but also total cover for other things. By blaming Russia for the 2016 election, the solution is merely to get Russia out of the business of US elections. But that leaves all the other games we've seen since Bush V. Gore still in there. As people breathe a sigh of relief, the voter purges continue, the gerrymandering is permitted by the Supreme Court, the giant "free speech" money funds take over more of our information stream, CrossCheck continues, etc.

Finally, it is impossible to believe that all those Republicans IN POWER -- those who have the actual ability to stop Trump -- do nothing substantive to stop him. These people for some reason are not worried about DJT and Russia, even though they claim to be -- or they would STOP IT.

There is one reason why Republicans who wrote up the master plan to encircle Russia are suddenly not worried -- because they know something that is going to sucker punch us at some point -- Russia will be double crossed.

In the end, here we are with all the same problems that conspiracists have complained about for ages, covered over with layers of the 2016 election that makes everything harder to reach.

Interesting take. I agree that Trump isn't good for America (though honestly, who could be given that the issue isn't the person in the White House but the Establishment). I hesitate to give the MSM any credit for espousing this though. From my view it seems they aim to divide rather than unite.

The waters feel incredibly muddied these days, I'm having trouble keeping up.

Do what you can for you and yours. That's the main takeaway I've had after years online. Don't let yourself get caught up in a "great crusade" if you don't want that stress in your life. Take care of yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your positivity will ripple outwards and you will be able to find that happiness we all pursue.

That's been my mentality. Do what you can for your self, your family, your community, and we'll all be better off.

And yet, despite all that, still a better president than Ted Cruz would have been.

LOL. Could be. The problem is that Ted Cruz would have lost to Hillary. ONLY Trump could have gotten in. Republicans actually fooled naive Hillary into believing Trump was the weakest candidate. He was obviously the strongest. Then, Republican neocons endorsed Hillary, knowing that their endorsements were toxic. Clever game they played.

In all seriousness, why do you think that? Legitimately curious. And please, no incest porn jokes or zodiac killer memes and references.

I'll lay out some bullet points:

  • Ted would have closed the embassies in Havana & Washington, bringing back pre-Obama Cuban relations. He might have even reversed Clinton's progress by fucking with Vietnam.

  • Ted would push harder to undermine homosexual marriage, recreational marijuana, and abortion.

  • Ted would have refused to meet with people like Putin, Xi, and Kim at all.

  • You think Trump loves Israel? Ted would have bowed to the Israeli agenda even more fervently because his love of Zionism adds a religious aspect, while Trump is all business.

  • Ted would have pushed a Christian agenda.

Of all of these, reversing progress made with Cuba would have been the most disastrous. Sure, Trump pissed me off by rolling back some of the progress, but at least he didn't cut diplomatic ties and close the embassies. I hate Cuban-Americans and Vietnamese-Americans of that generation because they carry a blind hatred for progress and an inability to let go of historical baggage for the sake of improved relations.

I respect your opinion, thank you for laying out those bullet points, but I will respectfully disagree in return and say I agreed with a lot of Cruz's points that you laid out and I think he would have been a better choice than Trump. I lean towards the Christian values Cruz and a few others exemplified as I'm on the Christian side of the conspiracy truther movement (those who watch Call for an Uprising, FaceLikeTheSun, TheScariestMovieEver, and others in that category)

That being said I dont trust the system anyway or any politician and will only give them a certain amount of credit.

I agree with your point on Cruz refusing to meet with Putin or Kim, though. I consider Russia a potential ally that only Trump acknowledged

That's your business, and normally I wouldn't concern myself with American domestic politics at all, but the Cuba issue bleeds into the international stage. Speaking from a country that has official diplomatic relations with, well, almost no one, I hate to see rollbacks in international relations.

That is a fair motivation and I respect that. Overall I think a lot.of the problem has been the Elite using too much of our military everywhere and that has led to failed international relations in general. I'm definitely more isolationist like the Pauls when it comes to negotiations for trade and diplomacy, but saying out of foreign conflicts for a time while we fix our problems at home

That's why I'm surprised that you'd ever support Ted Cruz. You seem far more like a supporter of The Pauls (my personal choices for Republican leadership, for whatever that's worth). The Bush-Clinton machine is the worst, and while I generally dislike Trump, I like him more than that globalist tag-team because he's a threat to the global elitist juggernaut of the west. At least, I thought he was, but then he blows shit up in Syria and takes advice from a guy who is, as SJWs love to phrase it, 'literally Hitler', named John Bolton, who'd like nothing more than the Occident to triumph over the Orient, Rudyard Kipling style, ending our Neo-Confucian way of life here. With guys like him, it goes beyond the expected political anti-communism of the party, it spills over into cultural anti-Orientalism. For me, John Bolton is perhaps the only American 'politician' I can think of worse than Ted Cruz, and Trump is keeping him around. If I could order a hit on anyone in addition to the members of the Kim family (Czar-style), it would be John Bolton. Just dangerous as hell.

Well the foreign policy issue is thr one thing I disagreed with almost everyone on. And initially I was in support of Paul. But I saw he had no chance early on in the primaries so I flipped over to Cruz because he was talking real about the issues facing us, and I agreed with a lot of his stances and positions. Plus no one on either side liked him so to me that was a plus (I don't know how much I believe the Goldman Sachs connections. I think a lot of the reporting was exaggeration and oversensationalism).

The kicker for me was seeing that Trump was more of a fake I thought he was a Clinton plant to divide the republican party and I wanted the best shot at making sure Hillary would not be president.

I didn't vote in the general election because I felt it was completely fixed.

I was surprised Trump won initially but I'm still aware of his illuminati connections to so to me it's all a dog and pony show

If the elite want to prevent presidents like Trump and have democracy, then the only solution is media censorship/influence/conditioning. Letting the people think that their vote was their own idea, and such.

I use reddit but I still prefer the old school forum format without likes or upvotes, where everything is chronological and it's harder to bury an unpopular opinion or view.

this is actually really good point (or I am just dumb for realizing it before)

People really interested in discussion will often forget to upvote/downvote - but reddit system is dependant on upvoting/downvoting

Interest groups however can easily exploit this system to push their agenda on top and hide what they want to burry.

Be it merketing agencies/PR firms, political parties (any), secret services/government agencies etc

Old School Forums may really be better platforms for open discussion.

The old-style forums are definitely less active these days but a benefit of so many moving on to new platforms is that those who remain are usually looking for discussion rather than seeking out meaningless internet points (karma). There's obviously still trolls, = but at least you can't get downvoted to the point your comment doesn't even show up for some people.

People who have monopolized resources use those resources to wage war on our minds with DECEPTION. A person REAPS WHAT THEY SOW.

Agreed completely, plus on any subreddit your posts can be removed for even completely arbitrary reasons. Even on subreddits that have nothing to do with politics, like r/funkopop, I've experienced recently a removed post because they said I didn't flair it right, despite me doing literally everything correctly (proper title, proper flair, and the pic I used proved such circumstances of what I was posting), and despite the reply message saying I can contact with any questions, they've left no reply.

Reddit allows for full-on censorship, which is disturbing when it even happens at the non-political level.

Believe it or not, I find Imgur to be better at discussing such issues as despite the stupid 140 character limit that even Twitter has abandoned, and their own issues when it comes to moderation, you're still able to speak rather freely and openly and there is sometimes a good balance of ideas on all sides (even if the site leans to the left). And even if a comment gets deleted, it'll say "deleted" and imgur users can tell SOMETHING substantially offensive to the group was said which can create intrigue at their statement which can help.

Remember the yellowcake of Iraq evidence ... there must be caution when there is consensus

Mobile chemical weapons manufacturing facilities!!!

Hans Blix went there!

I have to agree. The votes trigger some sort of psychological response the biases us without fully ingesting the comment.

It's as simple as when someone has a claim that you can't understand, ask "why do you say that?" if they can't easily articulate or explain themselves chances are they don't even believe themselves.

No source should be trusted! Except the one I choose to use.

They do that on purpose to troll you.

I know my handle isn't over 2 months, R banned all my accounts 5+ years old, so I don't know if you'll get a PM about me responding.

I think we're going to find that this syndicate hoarded information about the world for centuries and might be manipulating the perception of our population just to ALWAYS make us feel like the minority.

IE: they might claim the world is 7b people when there's really only 500m, or the USA is 300m people when it's really only 20m and it's just impossible for 20m to "honestly" vote against 150m "fake" votes.

Or another example would be the up/down votes. We think Reddit has 10m viewers an hour when it might be 15k and they need to ensure we don't know we're the majority and instead make us seem like a small minority that's not actually in control.

AFAIK, just mind your own business, don't share opinions not relevant to you, and we might just be OK living our lives without lifting a finger.

It's the deception we need to act that tricks us into making the actual changes we don't want.

I call this the "Epistemological Dystopia" - we live in a society now where it is impossible to know anything. Every assertion is little more than a narrative and everyone is free to pick and choose what or whom they believe. For every assertion a supporting fact can be found, and every discussion between opposing viewpoints can spiral into an endless array of citations and quotes. The only honest thing anyone can say now is "I don't know" - because no one knows anything. It is absolutely amazing, and completely unlike any dystopia that anyone ever imagined in fiction. The Party in 1984 came close to this idea, but not exactly; they manufactured reality and an authoritative narrative - we don't even have that. Anyone can believe anything without actually knowing anything, and any attempt to "get to the bottom of it" will invariably just end in your picking whatever "facts" "feel most true" to you - which just takes you right back where you started.

I wish I had any inkling of what a way forward might look like, but I've got nothing. It appears that there's no way out.

I'm going to have to steal that phrase, I like it. Glad I'm not the only one feeling sort of lost. I've long believed that reality is far more malleable than most believe but it seems that's now being used to sow division and confusion rather than bringing people together with the understanding that no single viewpoint can be the true authority.

Yeah, but it is more inextricable than it seems. Like when you "rather than bringing people together with the understanding that no single viewpoint can be the true authority" - that assertion rests on an implicit universal assumption; a hard to see one, but it's there. One of the real difficulties is that really embracing the idea that there are multiple viewpoints with no single authority requires you recognize that other could have viewpoints which themselves claim that there is only one valid viewpoint. And you somehow have to be able to live with and alongside them even if they require that they eliminate opposing ideologies. If you do this faithfully you are wiped out. If, however, you say - no, I accept all ideologies and viewpoints as valid except those that do not accept other ideologies and viewpoints as valid you have then in fact put forth a universalist authoritative statement about how the world "is" and, ergo, have become the thing you say you reject. As far as I can tell there's no way out. It is completely fascinating. Every possible supposed way out of that trap that I've tried to find, either through my own thinking or by studying history and philosophy, always ends up falling apart if you think it through long enough. It always ends in authoritarianism of one form or another, or tribalism, or chaos. There really appears to be no philosophical basis for any kind of truly long term social stability that grants people all of the rights and dignities we desire as modern people. I guess the best that can be hoped for is for enough people in a single place to agree on enough foundational social and philosophical axioms for a long enough time to have some sort of stability bubble - a sort of localized social negative entropy bubble. But, that does not appear to be a time we're in right now. I'm not sure what the best that can be hoped for over the near term is. Based on what I've read of history it doesn't seem pretty though. Building a new stability bubble usually has a high price paid exclusively in blood.

Good point, all viewpoints seem to descend into paradox eventually. Strange world we live in, I'm still trying to piece together what I make of it.

As an addendum, I want to say: Do not give up on this subreddit. It's obvious that someone is afraid of the power we have here. Sure we get made fun of ("Oh you post on r/conspiracy! Now I don't need to respond to your logic!"), but the fact remains that this is one of the main hubs of conspiracy information on the internet.

The internet is the most powerful tool that has ever been placed in the hands of the masses; by proper utilization of this tool we can create new pathways to the future, that NO ONE, not even the most powerful of the elite, can control. That's why the 2016 election was so important; because despite all the parrots squawking the exact same story, here on the internet we decided to tell another... and the internet's tale won.

Absolutely. I say that I don't trust the FBI - boom - downvotes. All of a sudden it seems that it's the atmosphere that came about during the patriot act. "We trust our government, there's a foreign boogeyman in the closet!"

If you, as an American, had to pick between trusting the FBI or the GRU, which would you pick?

I don't have to choose, though. To be fair, I'm an american, so it should be clear that if the proverbial gun were put to my head, I'd trust the domestic agency.

Trump is an American and believes Putin over the US Intelligence agencies.

I think that was a foolish decision. Whether or not Russia had anything to do with meddling in the election (not here to weigh in on that), he should have stood by his country.

1000%. I think this is what makes the matter all the more suspect. It would take very little effort and would go so much better if Trump even appeared to take a harder stance on this, even if there was no teeth to it. But when he appears to roll over and show his belly to Putin like he has and is currently doing, it's quite frankly shocking.

Certainly, and makes the idea that he is a Russian puppet (which, frankly, I took with a grain of salt. USA is far stronger conventionally, it almost seemed ludicrous that such a thing could happen from Russia of all places) all the more plausible.

It's scary stuff as an American.

He's the president.. He gets all the info. He's compromised

Right. At least you have something in common with FBI agents. You are American. FBI agents are intrinsically motivated to make America a good place. This doesnt mean they are perfect.

But the kremlin not only lacks that intrinsic motivation to make America good, they have the OPPOSITE incentive.

intrinsically motivated to make America a good place

you're missing something - they're intrinsically motivated to make america a good place FOR THEM, which basically involves getting money and a nice place to retire.

At least we live in the same country. Something that might be good for an FBI agent is probably also good for me, or at least better than what is good for a Vlad Putin.

This isnt obvious?

Why are you downvoted lmao. Wtf

I dunno I'm reading bots on twitter responding to conservative pundits calling out Trump, and their consistent line is along the lines of "Putin is more trustworthy than Comey/FBI/CIA" - which is ridiculous no matter how bad you think Comey fucked up

Vladimir Putin. The man who said he doesnt trust Trump and Trump shouldnt trust him, and who said he has the Russian Federation's(read: his own) best interests at heart. He is more trustworthy than your own countrys law enforcement/intelligence

Yea trusting Putin is retarded. Read "Foundation of Geopolitics" by Aleksandr Dugin. The book basically describes Russian foreign policy and was probably taught to Putin.

The book emphasizes that Russia must spread Anti-Americanism everywhere: "the main 'scapegoat' will be precisely the U.S."

In the United States:

Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".

This is happening right now. Yet people think that Russia is a pseudo ally against the EU. The Russians are the masters of doing this. They've done it for decades in Eastern Europe.

Pick for what?


Why did you downvote u/ailhadkcalb instead of responding?

I didn't I'm only seeing his response now :)

Thanks for your help though.

So, you're only troubled by all of this because you can't get the number of up-votes you want? How terrible of those trolls to deny you such a thing!

I think op is referring to a particular sub and its up-voted content obviously being contrary to the spirit of the sub.

I agree with OP. If I wanted to hear about fake politics I would subscribe to any news sub. I come to this sub because I have complete distrust for the establishment. This sub should know without debate that the left right paradigm is a control mechanism used by sociopath elites to distract, divide and conquer.

Did you bother reading what OP said? Apparently not.

If you are a partisan person, you also don't belong on a conspiracy forum, yet.

The War Party always wins.

You underestimate the Money Party.

I think the Money Party and War Party are really just branches of the Power Party, which likely originated as the Want To Get Laid Party and things escalated from there.

Both parties hate Trump so he's doing something right =) MAGA

Thank god ran third party and put third party people in positions on power to help get rid of the two party system!

Phew! We are so lucky!

Thank God he hijacked the Republican party and made the two party system look ridiculous in the process.

Yeah, because the Republican Party's plans have changed so much. LOL

Whatever helps you sleeo at night knowing you're supporting a political candidate that's 100% like the rest.

Neo-Cons and Globalism out! Nationalism in, very popular. Once you reject the false song of Globalism and let Patriotism into your heart, there is no room left for prejudice or partisanship.

Ron Paul tried to do the same thing and look what the media and the party did to him.

Truth is Ron Paul meant well but was far too meek to fight back against the way these crooked fucks operate. We need a brass asshole to punch back twice as hard.

Like are supposed to forget about the contract Republicans made him sign? How about Paul Ryan parroting Obama that he should have been removed for comments he made early on? Why the fuck are these idiots wasting all their money on this right now? My guess is they are trying to legit test and see if they can sell the lie and get the numbers to impeach.

Newsflash dipshits: You won't. You flopped and got too soft. Just like in all other periods of history, you're losing and you've lost. You're just a giant body, so it's taking time... but it had already gone too far. I'd say give up, but you can't. Regardless you lost. ;)

Both parties hate him but Kim and Vlad are in love with him so you know he’s def doing something right where it benefits power hungry dictators.

If you are a partisan person, you also don't belong on a conspiracy forum

Says who?

Both parties are corrupt and work for the elite.

Sure, and the GOP is clearly worse in almost every meaningful way. Chomsky called them "candidates for the most dangerous organization in human history." Are his conspiracy theorist bonafides not good enough for you?

Try saying anything about APARTHEID ISRAEL and watch the shut down happen.

It's no different than downvoting anyone who questions the existence of Pizzagate.

It says they shut down almost two years ago. I'd get downvoted today for saying I think the "evidence" for Pizzagate is hot garbage.

It's also hard to lie and obfuscare without receiving mass downvotes. I wonder if that is related. Looks like 2 separate things.

I seriously dont understand how Russia has become the good guy to so many people. If you dont trust the government, that's fine. But that fucking includes Russia. Some people are under the impression that Russia just wants the best for the American people.

You didn't have to think Saddam was "good" to think that he didn't have WMDs. Just as you don't have to think Russia is "good" to believe that the 2016 election was simply a rejection of the establishment and "politics-as-usual".

Other than his ridiculous trade wars, Trump is only a departure from the usual in that he was willing to lie about anything and everything to get elected and has blithely disregarded any attempt to hold him accountable for his corruption. Other than that, his "policies" insofar as you can discern any coherent policies, are standard Republican playbook.

Whether you are right or wrong (trying to avoid any political nonsense here), it doesn't change the fact that centrists sided with Trump because they saw him as the closest thing to a viable 3rd-party candidate that we've witnessed in our lifetimes. Whether those hopes were well-founded is not the debate I'm trying to have in this thread.

Well said.

Trump lost the popular vote quite badly, I’m pretty sure he didn’t get the centrist vote.

Another partisan shill talking pure lies and nothing else. Who told you Trump lost massively haha CNN? Trump had 46.2% of the vote while Clinton had 48.2%. That's not even close to massive. That's one debate or apeech away from Clinton losing the popular vote.

His trade wars are not a departure -- they are an advancement.

Donald Trump is against multilateral trade deals. He is for unilateral trade deals -- each nation on its own. His tariffs are being used as threats to gain ultimate advantage nation by nation, divided and conquered.

This 'unipolarism' is the perfect next move to support American hegemony because it is easier to get better deals for American oligarchs when each nation must negotiate alone against the power United States.

In that respect, Donald Trump is perfectly aligned with Paul Wolfowitz when he wrote up the official policy that America should have no rivals, not even friendly ones.

Yeah or they just get closer to china and ignore the us. Just keep watching the stock market

EU is getting closer to China and distancing itself from the US as we speak.

Trump is only a departure from the usual in that he was willing to lie about anything and everything to get elected and has blithely disregarded any attempt to hold him accountable for his corruption.

I don't know what delightful fantasy universe you are from, but the one I'm in has "willing to lie about anything and everything to get elected" as a prerequisite to the title "politician". Any other narrative is naïvety or deception.

Stop equivocating. Trump lies every hour in such an extreme way it's hard to keep up. Politicians lie less and they do a better job. Trump is unhinged

The assumption was that politicians do not lie, not that they lie less. Saying trump lies hourly is pure hyperbole. My ststement contains no equivocating.

Anything else I can help you with?

That wasn't the assertion...

Are you mentally challenged, non-native english speaker? That was not the assertion and was never asserted. So you're lying to my face hoping I can't read up a few lines?

Trump is only a departure from the usual in that he was willing to lie about anything and everything to get elected and has blithely disregarded any attempt to hold him accountable for his corruption.

lie about anything and everything to get elected

lie about anything and everything to get elected

if politicians lied about anything and everything (to get elected ???) then there would be more evidence of their lies. Nobody says politicians do not lie. You created a straw man.

Are you mentally challenged, non-native english speaker?

I'm not sure what purpose this statement has. Maybe your list of fallacies has something to say on particular brand of totally organic discourse.

Nobody says politicians do not lie.

Trump is only a departure from the usual in that he was willing to lie about anything and everything to get elected

That is the implication of this statement. The suggestion is that Trump lies so much and so completely that anybody compared to him is a saintly beacon of truthiness. Of course, that is a big pile of horse shit. All politicians lie, it is the nature of the job. The reality is, anybody seeking political office in this country already lied about whatever was necessary to get on the ballot. You think every one of these politicians is exactly what they seem to be? Please consult your list of fallacies again, only reflect a bit more on them this time.

Trump is emphatically not a departure from the usual. He is business as normal. That is not a straw man, it's observable reality. Do you remember how hated Obama was by the right? It is the exact same now with Trump, in reverse. This is nothing new.

Trump's number of lies is so extreme that you head must be in the sand. All you can point at is "you can keep your doctor!!!" whereas Trump lies about what he said on video hours before, he says he is more popular than Lincoln ever was, that his inauguration was the biggest ever. The lies never stop. There are lists you can find. There is no fallacy here. You are creating an equivalence where there is none.

He is a tactless liar for sure. Maybe not so used to people being willing to call him out on it. But all politicians are liars, not only Trump. Every speech Obama ever gave contains lies.

I think we're not actually disagreeing about anything fundamental. Have a nice day!

We're disagreeing about number. Lies are lies but 1000 lies tells a much different story than 10 lies. You are being dishonest. Take care !!!

We're disagreeing about number.

I'm not sure that's actually true. We only seem to be disagreeing about how obvious lies from real politicians are. It's not hard to spot lies from Trump because he does absolutely nothing to hide them. His agenda in telling a lie doesn't seem to be explicitly to deceive (otherwise, why continue when it's obvious they do not work?)

No, if we are disagreeing, it's about whether or not a real politician ever says anything actually truthful. Only then does any comparison with Trump have any relevance.

You are being dishonest.

What part do you believe is dishonest? I have made no statements with dishonest intent (in the history of this account). My only agenda is Truth. Not truth as the Left or the Right sees it - objective Truth.

For the record, I am not a Trump supporter, nor do I despise him.

If you believe we are enemies, just know that it is entirely one sided. I will not engage you in a state of war, only discourse. If you cannot bring yourself to do the same, I only ask, why not??

Yes intelligence agencies are going to lie about stuff. Including Russias. The CIA didnt get us into Iraq. The bishop a administration did. There is absolutley no reason to believe Russia on this election interference stuff more than our own agencies. They have every reason to lie about it.

I don't understand why the Mockingbird Media is covering up for the criminals in our intelligence community. The same criminals said there were weapons of mass destruction.

Nobody says Russia is the good guy. But it's simplistic thinking to picture Russia as this monster that is responsible for all bad things in the world and is ruining everyone's life. I thought we were better than that, but maybe people feel better believing in a hero vs villain concept of the world. I just hope that will not lead to war.

If nobody says Russia is the good guy then why do I constantly see people jump to their defense and only bash the united states? Again, I understand why people dont trust intelligence agencies. But that includes Russia. I see nobody defending the CIA pr NSA, but I see tons of people trying to paint this picture that Russia is some misunderstood government that should be given the benefit of the doubt. And I dont get that at all.

Russia was the good guy in routing the terrorist rebels out of Syria. Russia was the bad guy in annexing Crimea and meddling in foreign elections. The only unbiased truth is that everyone is vying for hegemony, and groups will spin their actions as altruistic when it serves that agenda.

This needs to be seen. Damn you’re right.

Russia was the bad guy in annexing Crimea

I disagree. Ukraine was the bad guy in not returning the Soviet gift of Crimea to Russia when the USSR collapsed, which should have undone the transfer.

The citizens of Crimea even voted overwhelmingly to leave Ukraine and go back to Russia.

Yes, and imagine how much steeper that margin would have been had the referendum been held in 1992.

All these fucking downvotes? Are there Ukrainian nationalist chauvinists here? Crimea wasn't any more Ukrainian than Uyghurstan or Tibet is Chinese. Crimeans are Tartars and Russians, not Ukrainian! I don't give a shit how much you people crave your lebensraum.

Russia was never the good guys in Syria they support Assad and even attacked a US military Outpost.

Good, Assad was obviously framed.

So actually making progress in getting rid of ISIS is bad?

And in what world do you live in where our believe Assad gased his own people? Talk about mainstream narrative bullshit

Are you deflecting or pushing Russian propaganda I am unsure. I love the suggestion about Isis next time address the argument please.

I think just question the narrative of Syria. I mean what are we doing over there again?

I honestly have no clue the fact is with the drama of our current president we get hardly any information. I am aware our generals supposedly have near carte blanche and very little oversight from our WH. However this has no bearing to my comments.

I thought you were asking if he was deflecting or questioning which I think he was questioning the narrative.

There is never a problem with fact checking and looking deeper into any issue. This question the narrative bullshit and yes it is bullshit really means I believe what I want and the facts can be damned.

After the reporting and run up to the 2016 presidential election I think there is a meteroic rise in distrust of media and skepticism. NYTumest, 538, CNN, etc. It can be a slippery slope but not exactly unwarranted.

The distrust of the media mostly stems from nearly 20 years of conservative radio and TV spreading propaganda while the Leftist and liberal have spent their time attacking each other with mindless pc crusades with Democratic leadership that lacked a spine to call anyone out for fear of upsetting voters. Just to name a few things, as far as vast media conspiracies they are mostly fantasies. The media cares about sensationalist stories and keeping viewers that is where the real problems lie.

r/conspiracy is mainstream narrative only these days

so weird

So ISIS are the good guys in Syria?

What an incredibly naive world view. He dictator he bad, ameriga kom they bring power to pepol. Oops now syria fourth world terrorist country a la Afghanistan and Libya. You guys started the refugee crisis as well, thanks for that.

There is truth in what you say but your attitude towards me makes me think your unwilling to have a civil conversation. In the future you might want to engage people openly and stop being an asshole if you want anything more than bad arguments.

Eh. The Crimean thing is completely false. The referendum was legitimate and was backed by various independent polling organizations like Gallup and Pew Research.

This article is a good read on this.

The regime de factos isn't fascist. Fascism is a totalitarian ideology and Ukraine has free voting, you're just saying random RT and Sputnik shit but don't even understand basic politics. XD af

Russia is open about wanting to dismantle American global hegemony, primarily NATO. Russia is open about its unapologetic nationalist ambitions.

And Trump is actively helping, there can no longer be doubt.

Logic. How does it work???

Let's see Trump has alienated our allies, some even openly question if they can trust the US anymore. Trump has looked weak to NK Russia and China he has given up leadership in conflicts in Syria. Ukraine and the South China Sea. Shall I draw you a map now?

looking weak to NK? you mean that country bombed into the stone age back in the 50's? That country bombed into the stone age that America could not defeat by might of arms? That country bombed so badly that the USA ran out of legitimate targets and just started bombing anything not already cratered? THAT North Korea?

I have no clue what that history has to do withour president looking like a dumbass now that NK has been given world.recognition while steadfastly refusing to do everything our president claimed they would. I personally would love a peaceful and open dialogue with NK but our president just did everything conservatives feared Obama would do when he was elected.

I see it more as Trump not hurting it, rather than helping it. Clinton would have taken active measures to hurt it.

Trump committed text book treason Monday defending him makes you complicit.

I'd love to see that textbook definition of treason. How could I be complicit in treason if it's against the USA? That makes no sense.

I think a lot of people get kind of sick of hypocrite intelligence agencies like the CIA and the NSA telling us who the enemy is. If you really open your eyes to it, it's really annoying what the governments and msm are doing. They are purposely trying to create fear for Russia. And while it's very good to be alert and sceptical, actual fear doesn't necessarily lead to good decisions.

And misdirect us from the war being created internally to turn American on American of class issues disguised as race issues. Economic opportunities continue to diminished for majority of Americans.

Because in America, we are constantly told bad things about the "official" enemies of us (Iran, Russia, China, Syria, Aghanistan, Iraq, etc.).

What is discussed less often is how horrible we are. And even if it is brought up, it's always with the caveat that although we are horrible, it was secretly for the "greater good"; the greater good, of course, being a very amorphously defined phrase that allows the US to pretend that it is the "good guy" no matter how many millions of deaths we cause.

So when the current MSM dominates political discourse with anti-Trump/anti-Russia stories, people react by wanting to discuss the story from a different angle.

Almost never do you see true support of Russia, just people who are skeptical of the dominant narrative, which is something conspiracy theorists have always been about.

the US has much, much more power than russia in basically every way. military, tech, GDP, assets, viruses, surveillance, everything. i'm not jumping to their defense, but the idea that they could have pulled something like this off is just hard to believe.

it's the same thing with 9/11: some guy in a cave in afghanistan had a few shitty pilots do incredibly difficult piloting stunts, and the US could do absolutely nothing about it? no fighter pilots, no missiles, nothing. it's similarly hard to believe.

we were better than that before CTR shills tried to control this narrative on /r/conspiracy that all mass media conspiracy theories are true and all others are false/without evidence.

It's pretty damn obvious.

I don't trust any government, but people like Putin, Xi, and Trump are more transparent about their agendas, which is refreshing. It adds insult to injury to pretend to be one thing but actually another (globalists).

Authoritarians are “refreshing.” Get a fucking load of this guy.

I wouldn't go as far as calling Trudeau an authoritarian, myself. But, yes, authoritarian or not, transparent agendas are refreshing, even if I vehemently disagree with the agenda. It makes the hits more conscionable to order.

TIL "Tranparency" and "Authortarianism" are synonyms

Classic Reddit strawman. Laugh at the conclusion and ignore the reasoning.

Not sure why your DV’d, very reasonable statement. I used to consider myself a democrat until I saw how the Hopium that Obama gave the nation was just that, a quick high and nothing changed. That’s when I realized this whole two party system is a sham. Though I disagree with many of the Trump administrations policies at least he does what he says and that is refreshing.

AMERICA IS what America keeps warning everyone that Russia is, deflecting and fingerpointing better than the worse pedo's...

How did Stalin end up being the good guy in WWII? By standing up to the bigger monster. Putin is bad but he isn't as bad as the guys toppling country after country, killing 6 million since 9/11. Someone needs to stand up to the endless terror war.

They are beating the drums of the Mighty MIC which relies on war to sustain its greedy hungry maw, there is no money in peace.

Soros and Hillary pay for those downvotes. Imagine the sad sad life of all those Correct the Record nerd virgins!

Can't believe you got downvoted for printing a fact.

One of the largest issues is that the structure of reddit is not well-suited to political or geopolitical discussion. The upvote system was a decent solution to the problem of content aggregation. If I want to see gifs of cute kittens, I can go to a sub for that and, for the most part, the wisdom of the crowd who also want gifs of cute kittens will bring the best gifs to the top.

Yet for any topic which is controversial, and especially when participants have a vested interest in the affecting the opinions of others, the vote system breaks down. It becomes nothing more than a battleground of competing narratives, and 'reddiquette' is overwhelmed by ideological motives. Outside of small subs which aren't seen as influential, or subs with strict moderation, votes are only indicative of which side is more motivated at any given point in time.

This sub still has value but it is because we don't censor topics or subjects. You, the user, can find quite a bit of truth here, but it is on you to find it and separate it from the copious misinformation and disinformation. Browse /new, sort by controversial, and check your own biases and preconceptions. Explore rabbit holes that challenge your worldview. Question where information comes from and the motives people have for disseminating it.

This is very true, especially the part about the system only working on smaller subreddits. Once a subreddit becomes large enough it becomes a viable target for manipulators. I think I made this post more as a form of encouragement for those receiving downvotes for distrusting organizations that have traditionally been the target of distrust within conspiracy theorist circles.

That upvote didn't feel like enough. Kudos to you for a spot on response.

Check out, where instead of competing up and down votes, we have voting by 'insightful' and 'funny' so there's two types of upvotes.

We're experiencing an incredibly varied propaganda push to force us to hate Russia and Trump,

Propaganda is 'using information misleading in nature to promote or publicize a particular cause or candidate'. Is it propoganda 'forcing' us to hate Trump and Russia, or is it the overwhelming mounds of evidence, countless indictments & plea deals, years of discrimination, a devotion to the 1% and MIC, etc?

So let me just say this: If you accept anything a government intelligence service claims at face value, without question, then you do not belong here. Period.

And if your only counterargument to a government intelligent service claim is "they lied once, so never trust anything" you also don't belong here.

The only 'facts' are what we're told, no evidence, no backup, just here's the facts now don't question it. Weak friend, very weak.

Exactly. Repeat the same lie with no evidence 100 times, then claim that you head it 100 times so it must be true. Hard to believe people are so stupid.

You’re taking about Trump, right?

This sub is crawling with shills. Its obvious to anyone who has been here long enough.

You come here to see the underside of the narrative, the one they're not telling us, not to have the fucking Washington Post and CNN paraded as a conspiracy sources.

Trump being a Russian spy is worth discussion, stop crying?

Go read some more huff post snowflake

Sorry don't read tabloids or biased sources. I get it, you love the taste of putin's cock tastes like delicious librul tears.

Says the guy parroting CNN talking points

No, not CNN, literally everywhere across the globe that isn't trash LMAO

You're propping up mainstream media in the fucking conspiracy sub, son.

You expect a bunch of people here (who inherently distrust global media organizations as being run by elitists with their own agenda) to believe what they are pushing?

That's what's laughable. You're just a fucking troll and anyone who isn't a moron can see it.

Primary sources like trumps pro Russia behavior that no American had seen before is not mainstream news. Get real shill

Enjoy your ban.

Ban for what?

People will believe what they are told to believe by people they trust even if those people have been proven to be liars, charlatans and scoundrels.

Can someone explain to me why the left, people typically ideologically similar to Russians, are suddenly mad about the Russians trying to influence the election? Conversely, can someone explain to me how conservatives, people that have historically hated the Russians, suddenly dont care the russians were trying to influence our election?

Im confused or everyone else is retarded.

Change the r word to partisan and you nailed it...


Still not a big fan of using retard as a derogatory term, but that's okay I ain't mad at ya.

dont be so sensitive. retard, retardation, retarded are all perfectly good words.

Im not talking about downs syndrome people or people with mental defects making them special needs.

Im talking about retards. Adults that otherwise should know better but act very stupidly.

It's not a sensitive thing, when you slip up and use retard around a parent or caretaker who has to deal with things you'll never understand and it puts them in tears you might feel differently - or not.

That is a special kind of hell--having a kid with special needs. do you think the parents kind of feel happy when their special needs kid dies?

Some probably, sure.

can you imagine how bad you would feel for feeling happy your kid died?

I love it. Use the r word and watch the trolls out themselves. Brilliant.

Well, post USSR, the Russians are far closer to the right, ideologically. They're Christian, socially conservative, nationalist, pro-"capitalism" (which really just means they "privatized" formerly state operated industries and handed control over to selected oligarchs), anti-Muslim, etc. There's a reason a Russian national was arrested on Saturday as an unregistered foreign agent that was working closely with the NRA (sorry, GUN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION) to curry favor with the GOP, and it has far more to do with common ideology than it does anything else.

I think the Russians see a chance to align themselves ideologically with members of the far right in the USA, and both sides could see it as being beneficial.

Russia has the obvious benefit of improved relations with the country most forcefully demanding they be sanctioned.

As for the USA, it goes a bit deeper, and this is where we get to the /r/conspiracy worthy material (buckle up). It isn't much of a secret that many on the far right in the USA have a lot of disdain for our NATO allies and Western Liberalism in general. They feel like the USA is being used and getting away from what they think is the heart of our origins as a nation. There are aspects of the right in the USA that would like to see a reshaping of America into a Christian nation, governed by Christian law and ideals. Look in to Christian Dominionism to start down the rabbit hole. They believe that America was founded as a Christian nation and should be a Christian nation once again in order to restore our waning glory. These people are real, and have influence in the GOP. I believe Betsy Devos has been linked to some of these political groups to throw a name out there related to the current administration. Steve Bannon is also on record as having similar beliefs re: the state of the world being a war between the Christian West and everyone else. He was also pretty anti-Russia though, which, who knows, maybe that's part of why he fell out of favor.

I'm meandering a bit though so I'll try to bring this back to the focus on Russia. The aforementioned Russian national that was arrested appeared to do most of her political networking in two spheres, the NRA and events related to the National Prayer Breakfast. The National Prayer Breakfast itself is a relatively benign thing. Many politicians on both sides have participated. However, the origins of it are tied to a group that has been accused of some pretty shady stuff, an organization known The Family, or The Fellowship). While these people wrap themselves in the name of Jesus, the high profile misdeeds and moral failings of known political members show that they're far more interested in power and money than anything else.

Perhaps these individuals saw Trump as a chance to radically reshape the political landscape locally and globally with the help of populism and a little friendly assistance from like minded people in Russia.

I appreciate this reply and the light it sheds on the situation. I was unaware of this craziness.

No doubt dude, sorry about the downvotes you're getting, felt like a reasonable honest question.

It was an honest question. The world changes fast and I think its kind of fucking people up.

The "election influencing" topic is a red herring. It's a false trail that leads nowhere. Here's some news for you: elections have been bought and sold since the beginning of time. There may have been a brief golden age in the U.S. where it actually was a true democracy, but that ended a long, long time ago. Now all kinds of propaganda campaigns are waged, all kind of influence is bought and sold, corporations own politicians outright, etc.

But where do <<they>> have you focusing your attention? On some "Russian" hackers and trolls, some of whom may even have been employed by the Russian state, but who couldn't possibly sway the outcome of an entire election in the face of all the above.

Always try to peer behind the curtain, at what they are NOT focusing your attention on...

why does no one talk about the influence of AIPAC?

Lol you are not looking behind the curtain then. You are not looking at where trump got loans from. You are not looking at the denial of meeting with russians. You are not looking at russians hacking voting systems manufacturers. You are not looking at Trump lying about knowing putin. You are blinded by this bullshit idea that there is some clinton led group in Washington that hates trump because he is owned by putin instead of Clinton. The world doesn’t hate trump for no reason my guy, I promise there is no conspiracy involved.

Sometimes they just lock you at zero or -1 with their rebuttal at + 20 or 30. That usually does the trick as the mass down votes were becoming a bit obvious.

If you accept anything a government intelligence service claims at face value, without question, then you do not belong here. Period.

Is this gate keeping or is it No True Scotsman? I've never been truly sure on the difference.

Just try suggesting on any forum that some effort should be made to limit global population. You'll get labelled a Nazi and a Malthusian right off the bat. Meanwhile the earth dies.

Amen brother.

I read everything while pointing middle fingers at everyone.

Take a look at the upvote and downvote patterns in this comment thread. Does that look right to you? Just be aware that free thinkers with controversial beliefs are always embattled; we now must sharpen our ideas while struggling with the disingenuous in our midst.

This sub does not belong to the downvote brigade. It belongs to those of us who were here long before the election, and will remain with us as long as we are willing to search for the information that those in power would rather we not find.

How to get Downvotes...Post. Wait.

It does not matter. For some if they disagree with any part of what you say, they downvote.

I still go with, "Speak your mind, even when your voice shakes."

As for Saddam, he played us very well. He just died in the end.

It is mostly right vs left, but one thing I can say is this. I disagree with the massive MSM narrative of anti-white and "hate all white people" and fight racism with racism, fight fascism with fascism, etc.

The MSM is unhinged as hell right now the left who used to preach tolerance and peace have become the opposite of that, while I see many right people being more tolerant and anti-war, etc more than ever.

This isn't opinionated this is fact that is seen daily. You don't know how many liberals I have seen saying I am right-wing because I am centrist and point out certain flaws or been called a Nazi because of my skin color and told I should die or not be able to voting or speak my mind on issues.

There's no reason to believe that the USA and EU don't have an army of bots to upvote, downvote, spread fake news, etc. It's a pretty basic tactic for developed countries to sway the cultural and political climate online.

What would that look like? Outsourced to India to spread political discord in America? Only place I can think with a large, educated, English speaking poor populus.

That's actually a good guess, and perhaps it's true. Shills can be anywhere, really. Most countries teach English to their populaces.

it’s hilarious when people assume that only Russia has ‘social media influencers’. Israel was promoting theirs way before ‘Trolls and Bots’ were a thing.

That video boils my blood...

So this base has an influence/propaganda wing?

Intelligence Air Force base... wonder why they visit Reddit so much ?

I'm conflicted because it would be hypocritical of me to blindly lob the 'shill/troll/bot' label at anyone with whom I disagree, since such a label is unfairly posted on my virtual forehead all the time (Russian/Chinese). At the same time, I see whom I suspect to be western liberal globalist bots all the time, but I have to give the benefit of the doubt that they're just normal people who genuinely believe that. I wish there were a way to tell for sure one way or the other...

Given they've openly bragged about it:

Operation Earnest Voice:

Operation Earnest Voice is an astroturfing campaign by the US government.

"However, according to the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, dissemination of foreign propaganda to domestic audiences is expressly allowed over the internet including social media networks."


And according to Al-Bassam, JTRIG, an arm of Government Communications HQ (GCHQ) is tasked with creating sock puppet accounts and fake content on social media, in order to use “dirty tricks” to “destroy, deny, degrade [and] disrupt” enemies by “discrediting” them.

77th Brigade

British army creates team of Facebook warriors Soldiers familiar with social media sought for 77th Brigade, which will be responsible for ‘non-lethal warfare’

The UK alone hires 3000+ to disinform the public.

Russia, Syria, Trump, Conservatives all used the same private company to rig elections. This is why they're so made at Putin and Assad, they thought these people would be puppets for them but they learned everything they needed to know about making election wins happen and out-smarted them. The oligarchs of the west really don't like people beating them at their own game.

Now we have effectively rigged elections the world over and democracy is just a rubber stamping for who has the means to subvert the media will continually win. Good luck breaking the big lies of the past few decades with 10,000's of full time government sock-puppets lying to people 24/7.

There's one solution I can think of: a boycott on social media news. Skepticism as a default. Mistrust of media. When it comes time to vote, listen to the actual words of the candidates, and more importantly, follow the actual actions.

It is not just upvotes. In order to create an illusion of normality, the majority of the comments must agree and build on each other.

In cases like this, where they set it up they are willing to create fake discussions between themselves. s

I laughed because I thought you were describing r/news or r/politics because it looks like they do exactly what you're describing.

Politics was fully taken over during last election and I think after a while it became organic and only needed someone to run herd here and there. Some subs seem to only get brigaded for special occasions or when certain keywords come up.

The problem really stems from the fanaticism. most conspiracy theorists present a healthy dose of skepticism, but lately, especially on partisan political issues, there's a downpour of downvotes. Those responsible rarely present a cohesive argument more than ''how dare you insult my beliefs'', and that's a problem. we want discourse. we want to listen to different perspectives because that drives us to further question the nature of our collective realities. realistically, this sub should NEVER feature a downvote, even on the worst and least coherent offerings, because we the subscribed should be open to all possibilities.

In other words, you don't like that the news coming to light reflects poorly on your boy, and you don't like it.

It's a smoke screen. Everyday day trump fucks this nation backwards in ways that will redefine the meaning of incompetence for decades to come. There's enough solid stuff there just in his cabinet to keep the news companies in the black for just as long, but nobody is talking about any of that. They talk about about the Russia thing because we more need enemies so that we can buy more bombs from our leader's campaign contributors and also some one to distract us from the DFL's assault on it's own progressive constituency. I fucking hate trump. I'm here on this side because I know when I'm being lied to.

Thank God someone else gets it.

Personally, I don't give a fuck. Downvote all you like; knock yourself out#

Down voted for validation.

This sub is dead in spirit and has been heavily compromised for some time. At this point, it's just bots circlejerking bots. All the action any more is at r/thegreatawakening

ugh.. I think I'll take my chances here with the wankbots.

I don't have to watch the MSM to see there is collusion happening. From a political standpoint, it makes perfect sense as Russia is the hard right's wet dream state. A Christian oligarch head of state, with the power to crush anything seen as less than moral by the powers that be.

Love the comments that say, "You people finally have a real conspiracy here and ignore it! Donald 2.0!" Meanwhile it's plastered all over the front-page with far more upvotes and comments from "organic users" than any other thread. Why would anyone trust the alphabet soup who run mind-control programs and psyops against the American people on a daily basis? If anyone knows how to rig an election or subvert a society through mass media manipulation, it'd be them.

Most voices squawking at Trump and Putin are CIA or ex-CIA, including Anderson Cooper.


Or Trump broke their Brain.

Putin's just a misunderstood good guy??

/u/exoticstructures's just a moron who can't read??

Let me see if I follow the logic--Most voices squawking(saying neg. things) are cia/ex-cia, then Hmmm/scratcheschin. Meaning that it should be natural to not trust them and question it, correct? If we are supposed to question it--that must mean we're also supposed to come to some other conclusion about them?? Since they are saying that they are bad--one would then probably assume we're to conclude they are really good? How'd I do??

There's eomething between evil Khmer Rouge and good Jesus you know.

Don't forget the color revolution in Ukraine!

Honestly I wish we could do away with upvotes but I dont know what we would replace it with.

the shitlibs got bored of their default echochamber subreddits like r/politics and have trickled in here en masse seeking some engagement

I don’t think it’s a coordinated effort apart from shitlib subs like topmindsofreddit linking to here

I approve your use of brackets and logic. Are you some kind of math person?

Has anyone else noticed the wave of spam account posts on r/politics? I haven’t checked other subs, but i wouldn’t be surprised to see the same from other political subs that make the front page often. I suspect that political groups may have bought out some these acounts and even some of the mods.

Anyone paying attention can easily see the pattern in just which certain topics receive enormous amounts of upvotes.

So let me just say this: If you accept anything a government intelligence service claims at face value, without question, then you do not belong here. Period.

Absolutely. Given that the CIA has already been exposed as having a program designed to manufacture cybercrime evidence and pin the blame on foreign countries, why the hell would anyone trust any digital evidence coming from our intelligence agencies at this point?

This is not to say foreign agencies don't try to further their interests in the United States - that's their job, after all. But no one here should be accepting the spook narrative being obediently vomited up by the mainstream media.

And I think, for the most part, real /r/conspiracy posters don't. But we have a lot of people raiding from /r/politics, paid astroturfers, and the crew at Elgin AFB who radically skew the votes. It's all about shaping the narrative and manufacturing the consensus they want.

When dealing with misinformation, your best course of action is to ignore official channels and develop a narrative that best fits the motivations of the players involved. You can't trust most information they feed you, but you can trust people and organizations to work in their own interests. Once you figure out those interests, you will be able to build a framework by figuring out how shadowy organizations would move to support those interests.

It's no coincidence that the Russian boogeyman narrative was created just as the War on Terror is wrapping up. It's in the interests of our intelligence agencies and military contractors to maintain a perpetual state of war - preferably hot but in the absence of an easy target, cold will do.

I also find it perfectly reasonable that Russia was motivated to develop close ties with the subordinates of a president-elect in order to further Russian interests. Just as I would expect Israel or China to do. China, in fact, was very influential in Bill Clinton's presidency and Israel exercises undo influence over every president.

Our spooks are using this combination of normal foreign power plays and manufactured evidence to renew our permanent state of war -- and Russia is just the easiest story to sell because their hands are never clean.

It's also possible, and I would argue likely, that this is retaliation for something Russian oligarchs or the Russian government itself did (i there's a difference anymore) that had nothing to do with the election. My own theory is that the Flash Crash was a successful dry run and that Russia is attempting to engineer something even more crippling and financially beneficial.

Our government doesn't want to admit the house of cards could crash. The Russians don't want to admit they're trying to blow it over. And so we get this stupid show over "election meddling" to cover for the real reasons for increased tensions.

Lol so with ALL of the evidence that the interfered with our election you think it’s a massive conspiracy and the Russians are innocent and the US is purposefully painting them to be evil? Do you not look at history or the news? Putin kills his opposition, he rigs elections, he launders mafia money through russian banks, they celebrate spies when they return to russia, like come on dude. It’s not some massive conspiracy this is just basic cause and effect.

Not to mention the fact that whenever a "bombshell story" drops (seems to happen every day lol), there is a definite coordinated effort to swarm the post on this sub and have all the highest upvoted posts be something you would read in r/politcs, and mass downvoting of anybody doing what you say OP.

Never forget that in the Vault 7 leaks, CIA tools to frame foreign powers for cyberterrorism were found.

The Russian GDP is about twelfth in the world...quiet the evil empire. It's a country like many others.

almost 0 debt too, I wonder who hates that

It’s not propaganda to hate trump and russia it’s just pointing out the facts and you either react like the majority of the world or you don’t. You can do whatever you want man. It’s so sad to see this is what being a conspiracy theorist has become. Someone once told me “dont go too deep, everything will be ok”. Not everything is a conspiracy, I promise. Clintons don’t rule the universe, trump isn’t hated because he is “against the deep state”, putin isn’t just a “good guy who is misunderstood”. You can treat everything like a conspiracy but you have to be prepared to look at every side, not just what you want to be true.

You dedicated your screenname to your hatred of Trump.

And you come in here wanting to be taken seriously?

Pointing out that trump is in debt up to his neck means I hate him? How did you draw that conclusion? Since when does pointing out the facts mean you hate someone? You trumptards have got to stop assuming shit without the facts being present. Notice how I called you a trumptard? Now it’s safe to say I hate trump, justifiably I might add. If you dont dislike trump I’m not sure you can call yourself a conspiracy theorist honestly.

Pointing out that trump is in debt up to his neck means I hate him?

You literally created your account with a moniker displaying your obsession and hatred of him. Your entire account is dedicated to attacking a single person. Who does that? Enjoy your short time here.

You're proving his point, just checking your posts reeks of TDS.

Case in point...

Investigation or Matter...

Agree 100%, but you forgot to mention 9-11. The patriot act was like dealing three cards up, instead of 5 down. Each agency got to peak into the abyss and gambled on freedom and liberty, while bluffing on privacy. It was all going on before this, but nothing like it is now. Snowden was the dealer who changed the game from 5 card stud to 7 card roll your own, king killer, queen follower, one eyed jacks, and deuces wild. It’s a fucking nightmare where anything goes and no one knows what the other is holding because there are too many variables when everyone goes dark. It’s going to crash down hard. The only winners are the people at the table. The spectators get to pay the consequences. US citizens have never realized our country was the gamble.

Imagine not caring about downvotes!

This sub is compromised as hell, but the one thing that it does not do (as far as I'm aware..) is remove posts/comments. So they may be downvoted to hell for speaking the truth but at least they aren't removed (like almost all other top subreddit).

Might want to keep an eye on the Mod Log:

I unsubbed from this subreddit after the obvious coup the current mods pulled several months ago, in coordination with the Reddit admins.

Old mods weren't inline with the Reddit narrative, so they had to go!

Only came here because r/WikiLeaks cross-posted this page.

We're in an information war right now. People from every side all vying for intellectual control over the population.

I'm at the point now where I don't care anymore, I just want to sell all my shit and go live in the woods down by the river.

Quite close to that point myself honestly.

I’m very close to that point but I want to leave the country, I don’t like where we are now and where we are headed

When's the best time to get off the Titanic? Before it hits the iceberg.

I've been pricing boats.

These bastards actively pestered me off facebook. They didn't want me posting there. I was blocked on all counts. At the end they even started giving me 7 day bans for posting technology news in technology related groups. Never an explanation. I kept pushing and pushing for two years, finally gave up and closed down all FB activity.

Time and engagement can solve this, the problem is not everyone is a politics dork like me who argues for fun -- 90% of my political acumen, easily, comes from 20+ years of internet narrative checkers.

Any advice on how to further convince people there's something worthwhile to this?

Any advice on how to further convince people there's something worthwhile to this?

Well they're fighting us pretty fiercely; must mean we've had a meaningful impact.

If I bring my own sleeping bag and pitch in can I come? I'm a great cook.

>trusting intelligence agencies

Consider this counterpoint.

You're a conspiracy subreddit. Your entire purpose is to seek out, verify, and comment on ongoing conspiracies in the highest levels of world governments.

And one of them takes up the entire 24 hour news cycle for the past two years.

Concurrently, the character of the subreddit appears to change as what seems like an army of bots intent on ignoring the conspiracy suddenly sprout up around you.

The President of the United States of America is directly implying a "deep state" conspiracy within our own national Intelligence circles and the MSM. Let that sink in for a minute.

The Intelligence agencies of the United States and the MSM are directly implying that the President of the United States of America is a traitor to his country and a puppet of a foreign power. Sometimes they directly say it. Let that sink in for a minute.

Alternative Media, such as Infowars, Zerohedge, what have you, are outright claiming every wild click-batey thing they can to make money off this situation and knock the MSM off its perch. Consequences be damned.

Forums such as 4chan, 8chan and reddit have become battlegrounds because they are literally the only thing we have left since Facebook and Twitter have gone full-blown 1984 on us.

Reddited is designed to be a tool of control, not a tool of discussion. If it was a tool of discussion it wouldn't have Upvotes and Downvotes and "karma scores". It is structured to be a competition which favors bot armies and nation state actors.

In 2018 there is no one left to trust. Welcome to the Post-Truth era.

I wrote an article not that long ago on how the truth still exists we just have to identify the propaganda and parse the truth from it.

How dumb do these fake ass people have to be? Newsflash douches, you lost the election because you didnt rig it high enough. There's so many more of us than you. You can pretend it don't be like that, but it do.

Your shilling is poor and the real people here see it immediately. You're part of a bad joke. You're the teenager that still thinks he can get out of the shit he started... but the hammer is coming bros.

Trump is better than you, switch sides while you can.

I honestly believe anyone that likes the karma system is either a shill or a total retard. It's the only thing that's keeping Reddit from freedom.

The last person who openly opposed the US intelligence agencies was JFK

"scatter them to the winds"

People celebrate him, but they think Trump is a traitor because he sows mistrust in the same intelligence apparatus that most of the country believes killed JFK.

I've seen Trump do nothing but mouth off at them for the media facade and then increase their budget and the military budget and give support to foreign countries such as Israel and Saudi Arabia.

This is true in every topic nowadays, this place is infested with shills and sheeple, it is almost impossible to have constructive discussions when hundreds of people are not interested in it, but just vote posts into oblivion if they don't fit their narrative.

If you're saying it's on all sides, I'll agree with you. Because there are most definitely people across the political spectrum who are no longer capable of having any debate that doesn't match their locked in "common sense" system.

But it's ALL sides. Not just liberal OR MSM OR QAnon.

This goes for the flat earth theory too, most people in the conspiracy community laugh it off without looking at it. People in this community don’t believe what the government says about anything but good ole NASA would never lie to us! eyeroll

Or perhaps most people who laugh off Flat Earth do so because experiments consistently show otherwise, when they're done correctly (unlike most Flat Earth videos I've ever seen.)

I don't need to "blindly accept" anything from anyone other than Trump's own mouth. His weakness today was the sign of someone either owned by or an asset of a foreign country.

Believing that Trump is a traitor doesn't require anything else after today.

Totally agree with you. This place, among others, has become a joke when it comes to really talking about "conspiracies".

Its infested by the enemy. Worst than you can think of.

Or I mean it could just be the very obvious fact the Donald Trump is a bumbling, psychopathic idiot, a fact which is almost universally agreed upon. The fact that anyone would think there even needs to be a conspiracy against him at this point is beyond me. I am a believer in deep state conspiracy theories in some regards, but anyonee who wants to conspire against Trump just needs to sit back and watch.

This thread's downvote percentage will show how many shills are over here. (68% upvoted) currently looks a lot.

Entire reddit is like that. Focusin on this sub in, that by its function is anti establishment and seeks to find conspiracies is by no means exempt from the attack by organised forces. MSM calls out russian trolls and bots, but as far as I am aware, reddit is majorly populated by western shills bots and trolls. So its a one sided battle against the narrative.

holy shit the trolls are out doing damage control.

it's not whether you can agree or disagree, it's the simple fact that people are breaking the law. They are going to jail.

Wear the downvotes with pride, ita always a giveaway that are commentating is right on the money.

Here's a bit of glass-half-full for you:
If you get people to speak honestly IRL (offline), you'll find that it's mostly an illusions created by bots & shills.
Most people aren't actually as dumb & duped as those downvotes seem to indicate.

Do you see that The_Mueller Traitor post with 100k+ upvotes and 50+ gold... Yeah it's pretty clear what's going on! They were definitely prepared to mobilise for the Trump-Putin summit. All I heard from it were positive things...

Before I'm banned for calling out the Washington DC mod, I wany to say I find most sites microcosm of all that is wrong with America. Some entitled asshole banning or limiting access to a thread because he or she is butt hurt you don't play well with the other kids.

Trump is an idiot, but this presidency has allowed the working class to see the Dems are nothing more than Republican's in Blue. Bottom line as long as we're allowing Congress to sell out the middle class, perpetual war so the rich can make more money at the expense of national healthcare and education it's a shit show and the intelligence communities can go suck a dick too. The rich and the mods on Reddit because....

When Bernie wins we'll be dragging billionaires from their mansions to send them to live in the ghettos they built for us!

There is a concerted effort to turn this sub into /r/politics and reddit admins are definitely complicit.

It's less about accepting the word of the intelligence agencies and more about not trusting a serial liar.

This is the same guy who condemned Hilary and her friends for taking advantage of tax loopholes, got called on going the same thing ten seconds later, and defended himself with "that makes me smart."

He's another politician who doesn't give a fuck about you and gets off on lying to your face. He has the balls to say he doesn't know any Russians when he's been talking about a Moscow Trump Tower for years now.

There's enough instances of him saying absolute bullshit that believing him is foolish beyond belief.

Disagree with the mainstream narrative... receive mass downvotes.

This is a very succinct description of a couple of a few things.

  • The group mind. This is the mass of users on reddit who are a bit less aware and a bit more weak-minded. Once part of the group, they are more vulnerable to the manipulation of the group by those who understand group psychology.

  • In this case, the mainstream narrative is the manipulation.

  • Downvotes are part of the control. They represent a score, a quantifiable display of how closely the user's comment conforms to the group. Since the group conforms to the manipulation (ie. mainstream narrative), the comments must conform to the narrative in order to receive upvotes.

Sometimes, the best comments are the ones that have the most downvotes. Why? Because they represent someone with a strong mind who is still capable of thinking for themselves and willing to express the truth (as they see it) despite group pressure and downvotes.

fourth: in the continued subversion of the current President

When you look over at worldnews, you see tons of negative headlines and negative comments getting tons of upvotes. When you look at the front page, you see posts from the bogus anti-Trump subreddits getting 20k upvotes.

It's a lot like watching a whole herd of cattle suddenly start running in the same direction. This is called a stampede. It usually happens because something got a few of them spooked... not because each of the cattle are thinking for themselves.

tldr; If you have an understanding of how crowds and herds act, reddit becomes a lot more obvious.

I was called a racist and my country founded by thieves because I stated to a millennial(likely from Cali or the west coast somewhere) that I didn't care if a person was from Mexico, Germany or fucking Mars, if they want to be American they come into the country properly like my great grandparents did. Period.

But that makes me a racist, because I don't want to give illegal immigrants everything for free while my country internally continues to rot. Are there still more vacant houses than homeless people?

I don't agree with everything Neil Degress Tyson says. Not at all. But he makes fair points sometimes.

Young people in particular, I'm young too, but younger than I seem to be suffering from fuzzy thinking.

What's worse? The fake moral high ground is MUCH worse.

Whoever said that is 100% delusional, do not feel as if you are in the wrong.

Course. It's madness. The entire fake moral high ground is madness, democratic party bullshit designed and intended to divide the American people. It's a freakin Roman Empire tactic. >.>

Oh, I'll gladly test this theory.

Las Vegas was a staged hoax, with no real shots fired and no real gunshot wounds or injuries.

Remember they killed Kennedy because he wouldn’t goto war with Vietnam

We're experiencing an incredibly varied propaganda push to force us to hate Russia and Trump

Either you are.

A.) A Russian B.) A Russian Bot C.) A Racist D.) A deplorable white American

Worth noting this is the same website that was a Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders hotbed. Probably the biggest nexus for both on the entire internet.

Talk about a drastic shift in just one year.

I've posted stuff about 9/11 and Vaccines on the joerogan subreddit and everyone thinks I'm full of shit. Massive downvotes. I didn't even claim vaccines we're bad just that the anti-vaxxers weren't baseless in their claims. Easy way to get downvoted to hell I guess.

*Downvotes immediately* :v ))

Not only that, but it seems you have to be foaming at the mouth crazy mad about Russia or you are clearly a Russian bot. There is no middle ground here. When the possibility that Russia isnt literally running our country right now thru our puppet government who was elected because we as a people were fooled by bots and facebook ads is brought up that person is crazy.

They cant even reconize that Russia was not even a thing during Obama. Its nuts.

Seriously, imagine if in the lead up to the Iraq war someone said "I don't believe the US intelligence services when they say that Saddam has WMDs" and then they received mass downvotes... ON A CONSPIRACY SUBREDDIT.

Correction - US intelligence services said the WMD's were 'unverifiable' - Colin Powell (under direction by Dick Cheney) suppressed that and said they had weapons of mass destruction.


This place has been a dead end for almost 3 years now.

There are literally more accounts posting here with anti-conspiracy sentiments than there are serious researchers or curious onlookers.

It’s absolutely a controlled narrative here at this point.

Seek truth elsewhere, there is very little left here anymore.

"YOU DON'T BELIEVE THE 3 LETTER AGENCIES??" "Must be a Russian spy!"

looks like our President is going through this gauntlet right now.

I got torched on politics for saying that basically there’s nothing we can truly do to Russia to make them regret what happened during the election without serious consequence and loss of lives. People mentioned sanctions but honesty sanctions haven’t worked on anyone at this point. We can win a war against Russia but at what cost? The US is just as guilty in the same respect with elections yet millions must die because Hillary lost?

mmm...those tasty Government sanctioned and media propagandized conspiracies. That has got to be what this sub is for, right

Ya it's not just politics. Most people are very stupid so I get downvoted on a variety of topics when I point out how stupid they are.

it has already become this soon after Reddit settled in.

Agree with OP. If you have an opinion that differs from what is force fed to Americans via the media, you would be downvoted and be met with comments that assume your a huge trump supporter.

List of things the leftists would rather support than Trump:

  1. North Korea

  2. MS-13

  3. Illegal Immigrants

  4. Any country but the USA

  5. FBI

  6. CIA

  7. NSA

  8. Nuclear War

hell yes. doesn't even have to be about politics. the reddit hive mind is getting kind of scary now. i've started lurking more cos i find it really rather distasteful. the site has become just echo chambers that silence all unpopular opinion, regardless of veracity, by social disapproval; exemplifying the worst exclusionary and divisive aspects of human culture.

My favorite is when that say “how can you guys be so worried about the government but ignore this obvious conspiracy?” They hate our ideas then use a double standard so we have to say oh yes trump is an evil Russian. Bullshit I wouldn’t have given trump any attention if it weren’t for the liberal establishment freaking out

Upvoting for closing all the Parentheses properly. Nice!

Well said! This constant McCarthyism is extremely annoying, especially when you see it taking root in the minds of the american people. It becomes all about fear and hate and adversarial thinking, and most importantly, buying more guns so we can be 'safe'.

Lmao you've "woke" yourself into a coma. The damage is already done. Now it's just a matter of waiting for you to get what you've got coming to you.

Both sides are fraud. Let go of party. Let go of incestuous hairpiece. It goes so much deeper.

"fuck the msm but I'll belive everything they say about russia."

  • this sub (shills)

Some probably, sure.

I appreciate this reply and the light it sheds on the situation. I was unaware of this craziness.

Authoritarians are “refreshing.” Get a fucking load of this guy.

Yes, and imagine how much steeper that margin would have been had the referendum been held in 1992.

That's actually a good guess, and perhaps it's true. Shills can be anywhere, really. Most countries teach English to their populaces.

Or perhaps most people who laugh off Flat Earth do so because experiments consistently show otherwise, when they're done correctly (unlike most Flat Earth videos I've ever seen.)

Not sure why your DV’d, very reasonable statement. I used to consider myself a democrat until I saw how the Hopium that Obama gave the nation was just that, a quick high and nothing changed. That’s when I realized this whole two party system is a sham. Though I disagree with many of the Trump administrations policies at least he does what he says and that is refreshing.

American state propaganda? British state propaganda? My point is literally every modern nation partakes in propaganda. It's why many turn away from say, CNN as a source. Though if you dare to say anything bad about CNN you get called a Fox News hound.

When in reality, every organization has a bias. To be a critical thinker is to be able to pick through the bullshit to find the facts.

The assumption was that politicians do not lie, not that they lie less. Saying trump lies hourly is pure hyperbole. My ststement contains no equivocating.

Anything else I can help you with?

No, not CNN, literally everywhere across the globe that isn't trash LMAO

I'm conflicted because it would be hypocritical of me to blindly lob the 'shill/troll/bot' label at anyone with whom I disagree, since such a label is unfairly posted on my virtual forehead all the time (Russian/Chinese). At the same time, I see whom I suspect to be western liberal globalist bots all the time, but I have to give the benefit of the doubt that they're just normal people who genuinely believe that. I wish there were a way to tell for sure one way or the other...

When's the best time to get off the Titanic? Before it hits the iceberg.

Any advice on how to further convince people there's something worthwhile to this?

Well they're fighting us pretty fiercely; must mean we've had a meaningful impact.