Can someone explain why the FREAKING OUT re: Trump's meeting w/ Putin in Helsinki? SPECIFICALLY, what did Trump do to set-off the #warcriminals (Brennon and McCain) and their supporters (Anderson Cooper) to describe Trump as "the most disgraceful President in history"???

1  2018-07-18 by xolotl-tlaloc

Can someone explain to me why everyone is freaking out about Trump "colluding" with Russia? I mean... what did Trump do - SPECIFICALLY - that has set-off such #warcriminals like John Brennon and John McCain (not to mention their supporters, like Anderson Cooper) to describe Trump "the most disgraceful President tin history" ? (request for non-partisan answers only, PLEASE)

Thank you in advance.




...of whom?

of anybody

sorry, i don't understand.


Fear of what?

Fear itself

i mean... huh?

McCain, Brennon, Anderson Cooper, and many others have called Trump (as a direct result of Trump's meeting in Helsinki w/ Putin) "the most disgraceful President in history" ...


... and your saying it's because if "fear itself" ???

That's just lunacy!!!

Sorry, I don't believe that's the correct answer. There MUST be something more to it than that.

Still waiting.

I guess you’re stuck with forming your own opinion

nah -- just waiting for a better answer ;)

Funny how Russia already retracted that, but everyone's parroting the original figure.

So they changed the amount and are trying to negotiate with Meuller for the 12 indicted Russians.

Bill was paid 1/2 a million for a speech after the Uranium 1 deal went through and the Clinton Foundation had a $140 million dollar donation from Russia.

Seems to be a lot of money coming out of Russia to the pockets of "Not Trump" who is the one being investigated for Russian collusion.

"Afterwards, our president asked us to correct the sum for $400,000 from $400 million," Kurennoi said.

It wasn't exactly retracted, more like adjusted.

It isn't anything specific Trump did that set them off; it was the face to face meeting with Putin itself. For almost two years now they've stated that Trump is in Putin's pocket, so with this press conference and closed door meeting they saw an opportunity to further that narrative and score some points with the public at the expense of Trump. They're not genuinely responding to his words, the words are immaterial in themselves. They're playing the outrage card to rally people against Trump.

They're not genuinely responding to his words, the words are immaterial in themselves.

i mean... that's borderline insanity.

You won’t get a genuine answer because there isn’t one. It’s absolutely ridiculous. All of a sudden Trumps a traitor because he didn’t publicly execute Putin? Didn’t co-sign the CIA/FBI bullshit?! These so called journalists got a bone and are running with it. It will eventually bite them all in the ass.

wow. sorry, i am just finding it really hard to believe that is the correct answer.

still holding out for someone to point to something even remotely atrocious.

He stated he trusted Putins word over unanimous American agreement and understanding that the Russians did meddle in our elections. We are no longer arguing if Russia was involved, we are trying to square away why and what they achieved. Prepare for the worst.

Imagine how different the world could be today if GWB had trusted Saddam Hussein's word over the CIA regarding WMDs.


Imagine how different the world would be if the American Supremecists had decided to drag the US into the war on the side of the Nazis, or to stay out in the name of Isolationism due to trusting Japan after pearl harbor when they promise it was a one time thing. I can imagine Trump and Trumpists doing both!

Perhaps I wasn't clear with my phrasing. I meant the reaction was predetermined, like that woman's march tweet that had the nominee as "XX". It was the timing and the setting that were important - not what was specifically said at the presser.

A small minority of the MSM reporting that I’ve seen has revolved around a few sentences that trump said, and the vast majority has been basically high- brow Insults. Saying it is the worst performance of a president they’ve ever seen, saying that he looking like an asset dealing with his handler, and the general complete lack of variation in degree of these claims. Just looking at it from a ratio analysis perspective the majority of the reporting revolves around other people’s interpretation, rather than reporting in full what was actually said. This is not a new phenomenon.

The media really doesn’t even have to listen to what people say, and I’ve found that when you go to the source, you realize how much “spin” (read: lies) you are receiving.

Finally, I think the greater thing to consider is the escalation of tension between the greatest nuclear powers on earth. It really seems like people don’t realize it will be THEY are sent to slaughter. It won’t be Trump, and it won’t be his kids. It won’t be anyone who actually makes the decision to go to war. It will be the citizens who die. I don’t like Trump, but I appreciate the effort to decrease tension. I don’t want to die in battle over a damn unfounded Russian email hack.

These "journalists" wrote their articles about the conclusions of the meeting before the meeting even took place.

Just like Women's March already wrote their "racist" attack on Trump's supreme court pick before they even knew who it was.

Its like all this trump russia hysteria was started as a way for the than current obama whitehouse knew that they were going to lose and the last 18 years we spent prepping to invade Russia were about to be shot to shit bits because de escalation is not in the plans of the donor class.

The real winner? Jfk. He wanted us to politik. And thats why the guntrigger happy neocoalition is biting their tongues off.

They were calling for him to not even meet with him, so when he did that shit bricks.

Why’d they freak? Because the need that Russian boogeyman to keep banging that collusion war drum.

There is nothing every other sitting president hasn’t done. Meet with Russia to keep us from having war with them. Listen to what Prof. Stephen Cohen has to say on the matter. He is a well respected Russian scholar and tells it like it is, bullshit.

They were calling for him to not even meet with him,

are you serious???

Trump is the fucking POTUS.

Why the hell should he not meet with another head of State?

There is nothing every other sitting president hasn’t done.

thank you

Listen to what Prof. Stephen Cohen has to say on the matter.


Yeah, all the Dems were calling for him not to do it. Why, I have no Idea. You can just look on Twitter to see them all.

It’s all horse shit! Don’t buy into the treason hype.

Why the hell should he not meet with another head of State?

Why did it have to be behind closed doors?

So you ask a ridiculously partisan leaning question and ask for non partisan answers....right.....

So you ask a ridiculously partisan leaning question

i don't believe it was partisan. for the record, i didn't vote fro trump.

ask for non partisan answers....right.....


but at this point, i'll take what i can get. do you have a partisan answer? or are you just trolling?

You called McCain a war criminal. C'mon, man, at least try to not act surprised when someone calls you on your shit.

He is a war criminal. Whether it was him ratting out his fellow service men or aligning with Jihadis in the Middle East. He is a war criminal and war monger. He doesn't have the nickname "song bird" McCain for no reason. Look into it.

Look into it.


It'll just be downvoted, though. The PR firms are working overtime for these old traitors. It's blatantly obvious, with "Biden Bros", Bush, and now "song bird" McCain. It's sponsored.

Well that certainly is the narrative being pushed isnt it?

I was listening to an NPR piece on how Russian accounts starting attacking McCain hard at the same time on twitter.

Im trying to find the site that catalogs known Russian bots and trolls. Ask yourself why a foreign entity wants to push that narrative.

No. That's not how this works. Calling a politician a war criminal is not partisan because political party has nothing to do with being a war criminal. We've all seen the pictures of John McCain posing with ISIS leaders. Getting in a huff over the accusation may be partisan. Making the accusation is not.

That is precisely what I'm saying. "Getting in a huff" is exactly what hash tagging a reddit post with an unnecessary detail is.

"Getting in a huff" is exactly what hash tagging a reddit post with an unnecessary detail is.

i disagree.

  1. i was hash tagging to highlight a key word;

  2. not an unnecessary detail -- it's a key detail -- hence the hash tag.

hahahaha... common man. mccain is a war criminal.

that's just a fact :D

Whether he is or isn't a war criminal is irrelevant. You're expressing a narrative yet asking for replies to do the opposite. By using McCain as an example instead of the literal dozens of politicians and news agencies saying the same, you're trying to provoke a partisan response because of the recent history between him and Trump. And by labeling him a war criminal, whether true or not, you're painting the narrative of "this obviously very bad guy thinks Trump is doing something wrong, look at how crazy the accusations must then be."

You know exactly what you're doing and it's fucking frustrating because all you want is validation, and not a genuine response.

Well, he went to Syria to set up the whole "mercenary" operation. What do you call that? A push for peace? Calling a spade at spade isn't partisan whatsoever.

It's cuz they're LOSING .

Maybe they're afraid of what might have been said behind closed doors, because Putin knows things that could destroy a lot of corrupt people. They could make Trump more dangerous than he already was.

Maybe they're afraid of what might have been said behind closed doors,

i mean... REALLY?

behind closed doors happens every day. Trump could simply pick up the phone and call Putin ANY FUCKING DAY ... right??

WTF happened in Helsinki? That's what I want to know.

He literally said he didn't see why Russia would interfere with a the election barely 10 seconds after saying that his guys came to him with Intel and knowing that Russian agents had been inticted for meddling. He might as well have said he believes putin over his own country's intelligence agencies. That's pretty atrocious.

Sorry, posting this anwhere it might be relevant.

I am of course manifestation of horrific russian botnet/GRU assault on indelible US democracy. Notify Anderson Cooper and NORAD

this is what i have been looking for -- thank you.

He basically told the world that he trusted Russia more than his own intelligence services. Which is a pretty smart move, considering.

quoting :whacko_jacko (above)

Imagine how different the world could be today if GWB had trusted Saddam Hussein's word over the CIA regarding WMDs.

LOL- comment of the year on Reddit!! Too bad your score is hidden.

Yep. No intelligent person would trust the US IC given their history.

Considering the track record of these intelligence agencies, remember wmds in Iraq? That war alone probably resulted in the death of half a million people. The agencies have been aligned with special government or military industrial interests for a while now. they will fix the intelligence around the policy.


That soccer ball

oh i see what you mean... like... the democrats are like... the soccer player that trips himself, and then falls only in agony gripping his shins ??

Anderson Vanderbilt doth have an issue with his Lord. They shall fanny about, and much ado about nothing will commence. Perhaps a slap with a glove across the face, as is custom for the elite. We are all to be impressed and more importantly, not pay attention that we are waging how many wars now, on how many fronts?

I'm pretty sick of my fellow american for being partisan when it's really time to stop and think about that, a lot.

What did Trump do?

Not being Hillary.

Had she won, right now she'd be praising the propaganda effort by Zuckerberg to help her win public approval for the Iran invasion and the Color Revolutions all over the countries bordering Russia.

Damn. We had one job.

I’m just getting sick and tired of the bullshit. I’m tired of this Russia nonsense and trump on every headline like he’s a bad guy. Dude is just trying to do what’s right and everyone is on his shit every step he makes. It makes me wonder if this nwo mission is real for the deepstate. Trump is unwinding it all it seems.

Maybe they're scared to death that peace might break out after a decade of trying to gin up a war with Russia.

The western world is watching as the "leader" of the free world butts heads with his allies and cosies up to his enemies. He has attacked any media portraying him in a negative light. He has fired advisors who disagreed with him and is now practically surrounded with people who act as though everything he does is great. He has disregarded his intelligence agencies and chooses instead to take the word of putin, a long-time enemy of the United States. Obviously it's in putin's interests to at least fracture nato and cause havoc in the eu and trump is doing it all for him. This is why he is disgraceful.

To be specific, if trump knows that Russia interfered with the election (which he does cos y'know, intelligence) and if he was aware of the interference during his campaign (which would be collusion) then he is an illegitimate president. The Russian meddling and trumps collusion are two separate things. Trump basically said that he didn't see why Russia would interfere with the election even though that's been proven so his denial is pretty much pointing to the fact that he knew about it the whole time.

Obviously it's in putin's interests to at least fracture nato and cause havoc in the eu and trump is doing it all for him.

lol Sure

Last week, Trump met with fellow NATO members, pushing them to increase their spending on defense.

Which they were doing anyway. The agreed deadline was 2024.

Obviously it's in putin's interests to at least fracture nato and cause havoc in the eu and trump is doing it all for him.

Jens Stoltenberg NATO Secretary General
‏Verified account @jensstoltenberg
May 17

Good meeting with @realDonaldTrump. Your leadership on defence spending is clearly having an impact - Allies are adding billions to their budgets. We are also stepping up the fight against terrorism. In uncertain times we need a strong #NATO.

Which again, they were doing anyway. Why did trump feel the need to act like a big bully? The EU and NATO has already spent billions on America's wars in the middle east.

Obviously it's in putin's interests to at least fracture nato and cause havoc in the eu and trump is doing it all for him.

This is still just more of the artificial, virtue-signaling narrative against Trump to distract from the real crimes of the deep state, the wikileaks dumps, Uranium One, CF, and the DNC. It morphed into incoherent mass hysteria a long time ago, but the screech is still intensifying.

Luke Rudkowski talks about this very thing.

President Trump talked to the Russian president, therefore Russian collusion is proven. I think that's the logic they're going with.

Look at the criticle thinking post on the p Front page and think it through

The narrative since the Start of the COld war is "Russia Bad, America Good"

Now we have a case that alleges the Russians tried to Interfere in US Politics.

The President who is supposed to be the Poster Child for "America good, Russia Bad" is saying, Hey "Putin is an okay guy"

This sets of warning bells and scares people.

TL dr: Us and Russia have been enemies for so long, peace between them cannot exist.

of anybody

He is a war criminal. Whether it was him ratting out his fellow service men or aligning with Jihadis in the Middle East. He is a war criminal and war monger. He doesn't have the nickname "song bird" McCain for no reason. Look into it.

No. That's not how this works. Calling a politician a war criminal is not partisan because political party has nothing to do with being a war criminal. We've all seen the pictures of John McCain posing with ISIS leaders. Getting in a huff over the accusation may be partisan. Making the accusation is not.

hahahaha... common man. mccain is a war criminal.

that's just a fact :D

Well, he went to Syria to set up the whole "mercenary" operation. What do you call that? A push for peace? Calling a spade at spade isn't partisan whatsoever.

These "journalists" wrote their articles about the conclusions of the meeting before the meeting even took place.

Just like Women's March already wrote their "racist" attack on Trump's supreme court pick before they even knew who it was.