Adrian Lamo was likely murdered four months ago by Russian intelligence assets, here is the Autopsy report showing 'no cause of death', yet plenty of physical injuries.

1  2018-07-18 by prankcall_of_cthulhu

There is no official cause of death, Autopsy report trys to hint the physical injuries may have been from a seizure, but only in the most subtle of fashion by referencing his history of seizures (last reported incident over a decade ago), and that he took seizure medication.

Healthy 37 year-old male hacker with ties to the intelligence community and actual enemies in the form of Julian Assange and Putin is dead, and nobody is raising an eyebrow?

Adrian deserves better than that.


LMAO if you actually believe this.

Adrian pissed off the Russian intelligence community when he outed Chelsea Manning.

Cool story.

It's documented fact that Lamo turned Manning in, he was high profile for that, and now he's dead without any cause?

1. There's way bigger fish to fry. #2. This is one conspiracy that I just genuinely don't care about even if it is true. #3. Lamo was a federal snitch. Fuck him.

So we only care when the 'big fish' get assassinated by intelligence agencies?

What is your opinion on Seth Rich?

I never knew Seth Rich, so I have no opinion.

Did you know Adrian ?

Lots of people knew Adrian, I happened to be one of them.

Yeah I bet

I really don't care, I answered your question.

Rule #6

Fuck Adrian lamo, I revel in that traitors extermination.

Unless you work in the intelligence community - how would you know he's a traitor, and traitor to which country? He's famous for turning in a soldier that did the largest US government data dump in history.

The only country he betrayed is Russia.

Are you claiming the Collateral Mirder video and other manning leaks, which were in the public interest, were a Russian plot? Are you saying Manning was a Russian Agent? Was Obama also acting on behalf of the Russians for pardoning manning?

I can't speak to Assange's status prior to the collateral murder video, but presently he is in regular contact with russian intelligence community members.

Autopsy report trys to hint the physical injuries may have been from a seizure, but only in the most subtle of ways by referencing his history of seizures, and that he took seizure medication.

His physical injuries are definitely not life threatening. He had a number of small abrasions, just scrapes really. There'd need to be more to convince me that he was assassinated.

Yeah, abrasions consistent with a short struggle perhaps, and yet - NO CAUSE OF DEATH.

It's not listed as a death by foul play because they're no evidence to suggest that found during the autopsy. A finding of undetermined doesn't mean the case is closed, if they wanted to close the case they'd concoct a suicide narrative.

Well, nobody is testing the body for Novichok, so I question how they intend to find anything if they don't plan to do a deeper dive on the autopsy.

healthy people don't typically just 'drop dead' - and when they do, an autopsy

they do in the US, no autopsy, and its considered normal...

same as no 9/11 plane has been reconstructed, in third world countries they do so after a crash (with outside help).

Nerve agents would leave signs that would be picked up during a regular autopsy. Vomiting, excess fluid, losing control of bladder and bowels, etc. They don't kill without a trace and none of those were present in the report.

So what kills consistent with the autopsy report that isn't normally tested?

The ME gives several possibilities in the report that leave little trace to find during an autopsy. One of which adrian suffered from and was on meds for.

Outside of evidence from another facet of the investigation, there's really no choice for the examiner to arrive at any other conclusion than the one he did, but like I said, it doesn't mean the investigation is closed by itself.

What about the reference to Asphyxia ?

What about it?

seizures /= healthy

if he died of a grand mal seizure, it would be in the autopsy report.

the fact there is no cause of death is suspect.

I wouldn't exactly call an obese drug user healthy. Lamo had a massive taste for over the counter stimulants and very often would resort to street drugs when those weren't available.