Ever feel All Alone
1 2018-07-20 by tjweeks
I started believing in some conspiracy theories several months after 911. I used to think all that stuff was just coming from crazy people. But once I realized how impossible the governments story on 911 I started looking into thing on my own. I am now totally convinced. Problem is, now all my family and friends think I am a Fruit Loop. Whenever I try to talk to any of them about it they either politely excuse themselves or just fucking get up and leave. This shit has changed my life and not for the better. I don't have one like minded person to sit down and discuss this with. I Think that all of them are so close minded that they just can't see the elephant in the room. Even my wife. I am very unhappy with my newly enlightened life. Do any of you know what I am talking about?
1 Itsandylandman 2018-07-20
yeah, i know exactly what u are talking about. You need to get way less agressive and just plant seeds. If you try to rock someone their belief system (AKA EGO) will rear its head and fuck you up. Think about it, you say 911 changed you but i'm willing to bet some seeds were planted first (not meaning that in a rude way). The event was just like the water and sun for the seeds, but they were already there. I was where u are 5 years ago. Now I have my family and friends asking me questions from time to time. Which is all i do. answer. I dont push.
1 realityexposed 2018-07-20
Being "woke" is like quitting dope... can't make someone ready that have to come to that place themselves... As the guy above states just plant seeds of doubt where they are obvious ( to you ).
1 out-of_mana 2018-07-20
I had my friends and wife watch the movie loose change and it kinda swayed their opinion, I think what helps is in the movie they have architects and engineers who go on record to say that stuff isn't adding up. Here's the thing, don't bring it up to people who are close minded. They've already made up their minds and cannot be turned.
You could also bring up WTC 7, I've found that that catastrophe alone changes most people's outlook on 9/11.
1 throwawaymcgrowaway 2018-07-20
Building 7 is the tiny little thread that causes it all to unravel once pulled.
Once you look objectively at it and realize that it’s just not physically possible for that building to have fallen on its own, you have to question things.
Who knew about 9/11 ahead of time and could have set up a controlled demolition? Were the other two towers controlled demolitions? Why would someone stage this whole thing? WHO would stage this? Who is really pulling the strings and what are their motives?
Next thing you know they’ll be open to the idea of a new world order.
Start with Building 7
1 DOOMman007 2018-07-20
There is no going back friend.
1 russianbot01 2018-07-20
Meh, you can lose yourself in things like relationships, work, hobbies etc. It can actually be very easy to go back and that's probably by design. :/
1 Zap_Powerz 2018-07-20
I became friends with whiskey. Whiskey listens. Whiskey is waiting for me to get home and help me feel better. I like the way it looks in a glass with one large ice cube in it....very sexy. Whiskey has never once called me a name or hurt my feelings. You can pour your heart out to whiskey and whiskey will accept you the way you are.
1 Deaconblues18 2018-07-20
With respect: Drinking ain’t exactly good therapy for everyone. I’ve seen the sauce take good people to the cemetery.
1 Zap_Powerz 2018-07-20
we all end up in the cemetery.
1 Deaconblues18 2018-07-20
Valid point.
1 Justsaguy12345 2018-07-20
Read his name.
1 Deaconblues18 2018-07-20
1 Justsaguy12345 2018-07-20
Zap powers.
1 Deaconblues18 2018-07-20
I am a proud member of the League of Fruit Loops. It IS tough. I also know very few people that I could talk to about this stuff. That’s why I spend time on this sub, where 80-90% of the posts/posters are Bullshit. It’s the other 10-20%that makes me realize I’m not a lone Fruit Loop. Hang in there. Peace.
1 Butt_mugger5000 2018-07-20
Don't make it your life. Just use your new knowledge to better your future decisions. You cannot control everyone around you to make the same decisions as you. And if you absolutely have to make this part of your life then put yourself around people that care about it.
1 BloodWillow 2018-07-20
Some absolutely great advice, yet it should be prefaces with words of caution.
As one that's made the latter decision, having a support group of real friends is essential. But this is a double-edged sword.
How should I put this, once you get active and start building relationships with liked minded people. Especially people in the conspiracy, anti-establishment community. You'll start witnessing oddities.
This is not meant to frighten you, but more to inform you.
Once you take a stand, you become a target.
Choose wisely.
1 BloodWillow 2018-07-20
Don't make it your life... And if you absolutely have to make this part of your life then put yourself around people that care about it.
Some absolutely great advice, yet it should be prefaces with words of caution.
As one that's made the latter decision, having a support group of real friends is essential. But this is a double-edged sword.
How should I put this? If you get active and start building relationships with liked minded people (especially people in the conspiracy, anti-establishment community) you'll start witnessing oddities.
Once you take a stand, you become a target.
1 Reality_is_a_scam 2018-07-20
... do we ever. It can exciting at first seeing behind the curtain. But then you relize just how deep it goes and how ppl are literally programed to reject anyone that even acknowledges the currents existence.
But heres the thing deep down they all know things are fucked just not ready or willing to face it. And theres not much you. And theres not much you can do to change it. Come to terms with your new awareness and try to be the best person you can be is imo the only effective way to attract others that want to raise their awwarness.
We in a school of hard knocks.
1 Sugarismyfavorite 2018-07-20
I always try to tell my boyfriend about the interesting stuff I find. He says it's entertaining.
My boyfriend likes to watch anime and I thought that was weird up until I realized I liked conspiracy theories and that's pretty weird to a lot of people too. It made me more accepting of his anime appreciation lol not that it was even a problem I just thought it was silly
I'm sure your wife has a thing that most other people aren't into. Expose her to it and make her realize that it's perfectly normal to have an unpopular opinion.
Maybe even show her this post and everyone's responses and she'll realize that her opinion on conspiracy theories isn't worth making you feel alone.
And try to find a buddy thats into this stuff too! I get that it's tough but we're out there!
1 yummypeanutjelly 2018-07-20
What’s your favorite?
1 Fish-n-Things 2018-07-20
Don’t lose yourself in it, but stay open minded. It can consume you, especially at first. Do a metric ton of research and discussion with other open minded people before your mind is completely made up. My family knows something is up, but they don’t want to hear details. We are programmed to think one way. It’s tough to try and convince others. It will drive you mad. Don’t convince, but discuss it. If they deem you a looney, always remember that there are others who believe. That number is growing by the day. Your not alone. Stay awake.
1 i_cansmellthat 2018-07-20
You want them to accept you for who you are, just like they want you to accept them for who they are. It works both ways. All you can do is plant seeds and see if they sprout an interest. Some people just don't want to see things differently, no matter how big the elephant is.
My family and friends think I am out there as well, proud member in the Fruit Loop club. I love them anyway.
1 Justsaguy12345 2018-07-20
Yes. Its terrible.
1 Entropick 2018-07-20
Hey, yes, excessively so. My .02, get fit, lift weights, let a little fury through, don't get sick or anything, use the "pain" to motivate you. When you're super fit, folks are more inclined to assume you're just eccentric, not fruity loops. It's a win, win, win.
1 TheRisenOsiris 2018-07-20
That's my theory!
You become a walking case of cognitive dissonance for them.
1 formulated 2018-07-20
The worst is people saying it doesn't matter. The deaths of thousands of people and civil liberties being taken away doesn't matter? But you're the crazy one! As well as millions of people not saying "what?! Buildings don't do that!"
Also.. another rabbit hole. Look up the packaging for "Fruit Loops" look at the branding.
1 KarmaPolice777 2018-07-20
Just be careful that conspiracies don't become your escape from reality.
1 stygge 2018-07-20
In a world of lie's the truth is the oddball
1 Pete_Castiglione_ 2018-07-20
Well I cant talk to anybody irl about this stuff, and when I post here Im either wrong or made to look wrong, so now I just lurk. Alone.
1 bourgie_quasar_rune 2018-07-20
That’s why I come to this sub. You got you people to talk sports with, people that talk about games, work friends etc. I wouldn’t give anyone the full dose of the red pill if it comes up, people gotta ease into it at there own pace. You’ll develop better skills of blending in and pretending to be a sheep when you need to.
1 throwmeabone1120 2018-07-20
It’s tough man, but most people refuse to believe the official narrative. In all honestly, I would just stop talking about it with them because if they refuse to hear the evidence, then there’s no changing their stance.
I try to tell my family the many benefits of psychedelics on the mind and just overall health, but since the government said it’ll make you crazy and fry your brain, that’s how it is to them.
All we can hope for is that they come around someday.
1 Anarchist16 2018-07-20
The more you realize how sick the systems work, the more you'll want to change about the world.
1 rover1818 2018-07-20
If your gonna bring it up to closed minded people then you can expect bad results.
Most of my friends can’t wrap their head around the fact that a bunch of people in a cave didn’t plan out the biggest attack on American soil.
In the future you either have to fight to get your point across and just spit facts
Or just keep your mouth shut
1 Vladie 2018-07-20
That's why we're here friend :)
1 DerkDerkinson 2018-07-20
It’s very easy to become disconnected from those around us when we obsess over the truth. It is also very unfortunate that so many people aren’t interested in discovering the truth (like your family).
I’ve struggled with the same weight you’re feeling on your shoulders. Take a break and a deep breath. Remember what makes you happy.
It’s always better to know the truth than to live in ignorance. It’s not easier, but better. You should pity your family and friends for not caring more about the truth.
1 BloodWillow 2018-07-20
Some absolutely great advice, yet it should be prefaces with words of caution.
As one that's made the latter decision, having a support group of real friends is essential. But this is a double-edged sword.
How should I put this, once you get active and start building relationships with liked minded people. Especially people in the conspiracy, anti-establishment community. You'll start witnessing oddities.
This is not meant to frighten you, but more to inform you.
Once you take a stand, you become a target.
Choose wisely.
1 BloodWillow 2018-07-20
Don't make it your life... And if you absolutely have to make this part of your life then put yourself around people that care about it.
Some absolutely great advice, yet it should be prefaces with words of caution.
As one that's made the latter decision, having a support group of real friends is essential. But this is a double-edged sword.
How should I put this? If you get active and start building relationships with liked minded people (especially people in the conspiracy, anti-establishment community) you'll start witnessing oddities.
Once you take a stand, you become a target.