Putin's Kompromat on Trump

8  2018-07-21 by consuli

Since the legendary press conference in Helsinki on Monday 2018-07-16 after the Trump-Putin-summit ("Although I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today.") and Trump's 180 degree backflip on the next day ("I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia") nearly everyone has become aware, that Putin has a kompromat (compromising material) on Trump.

The only questions is: What is it?

Here are major theories:

  1. It is something from Trump's former visit to Russia. [Obviously it has been pretty strange to perfom a state visit between Putin and Trump in Helsinki (Finland), right?]. Here are the main sources, that believe so:
    1. CNN: Does Russia have Kompromat on Trump? Here's Putin's strange answer.
    2. Vladimir Putin told us exactly how he's blackmailing Donald Trump, and everyone missed it.
    3. Ex-FBI chief says Russians may have "kompromat" on Trump.
  2. It is the old Stormy Daniels video.
  3. It is a former dirty finance deal with the Russian and Itialian mafia, when Trump's company was bankrupt.



“We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.”

-- Eric Trump (2014)

Follow the money. If there is kompromat, that's likely where it is.

Finland was a good neutral place.former USSR and not in NATO

It's a hoax. Your reasoning demonstrates classic confirmation bias. There is no evidence or even reason to believe that Trump is compromised.

No, these are natural refelections, which deduct straight forward from Trump's strange servile behavior towards Putin in this situation, especially as he usually treats everone else severely arrogant. A lot of people - now - believe and media frequently ask, wether Putin has compromising material against Trump. (The Google search " Putin compromising material against Trump" lists more than 700'000 hits.)

Trump is doing what is best for America. He is not in thrall to the military-industrial complex the way the media and most of the political class are.

Ah yes so that’s why he hired people like Bolton

He had to throw a bone to the Jews. You'll also see that he allows Israel to do whatever the f*** it wants. But the Jewish agenda is much bigger than Israel, and on issues like free trade and open borders Trump is willing to dig in his heels.

Trump is compromised

I agree with this.

I said it in another post, what do you want Trump to do to Putin? Invade Syria and Crimea, triggering a war we avoided throughout the Cold War? We already have them boxed in via NATO and sanctions placed on them.

No, I suspect Putin has 'stuff' on Hillary, who everyone expected to win the election. The Democrats ALWAYS accuse others of their own crimes. They called Trump a rapist and were rewarded with #MeToo which took down a bunch of Democrats in Hollywood.

Well he could stop publicly attacking the idea of NATO/the leaders of NATO countries while at the same time praising Putin. That’d be a good first step.

Also his walk back the other day was pretty funny. Changing one word to change one sentence doesn’t change the tone or content of everything else he said at the press conference.

NATO is obsolete. Germany says they need NATO & America for protection but they won't pay up and refuse to buy LNG exports from America in lieu of cheaper Russian gas. Good thing Trump isn't a chump and is willing to stand up to those "allies".

Sorry, your comment is off-topic. It is essential, that the president of the United States can act freely and unblackmailed, especially in regards to Russia.

You want war. That is the only thing that can absolve Trump of his unproven sins.

unproven sins? lol

Sorry, your comment is off-topic. It is essential, that the president of the United States can act freely and unblackmailed, especially in regards to Russia.

Well he could stop publicly attacking the idea of NATO/the leaders of NATO countries while at the same time praising Putin. That’d be a good first step.

Also his walk back the other day was pretty funny. Changing one word to change one sentence doesn’t change the tone or content of everything else he said at the press conference.