Whenever Israel behaves badly, there is an uptick of stories on Anne Frank or Holocaust Survivor stories

1493  2018-07-21 by [deleted]



Brave. Very brave. Upvoted.

I concur. OP, brace yourself for impact.

I largely agree with Malcolm X (and most sensible people), who effectively said '22 Million Black men are victims in America, and here you are worrying about some Jews over there in Europe! America is a hypocrite! Let the Jews fight over in Europe, and we will fight right here in America.'

Which is to say that 1) Worry about yourself, blacks have it way worse than Jews (but they have a terrible marketing campaign), 2) Fix yourself before you go talking about the thorn in someone else eyes, and 3) Do not fight battles for others.

It is EXTREMELY striking how effective the "Jews had worse than anyone ever" marketing campaign has been, and the "You need to die to protect the sacred Jews!" notion.

You will never get a Jew-phile to give a shit about the death of Russians, Blacks, Whites, 'virtually every other nation in history', as much as they care about the death of a Jew. You will also rarely (if ever, I never have) meet a Jew who gives an equal amount of shit. Most Jews don't spend their lives 'defeating Nazi's'. They live normal lives, it's just Jew-philia that causes others to go nuts over this.

Regarding OP's comment, it's clearly a staged marketing campaign "Remember the Nazi", "Remember the Jews have it the absolute worst, and everyone needs to take solemn vow to protect Jews above all others or they are a heartless savages" - And it does seem to correspond with times when either Israel is seen acting as a typical nation-state (vs the holy land of salvation for the sacred people), or when other people are trying to complain (Jews had it worst! They are the true victims, not black people! Save the ephemeral, rarely seen, Jew! The people you actually see hardly suffer compared to what an imagined Jew could be suffering, RIGHT NOW!).

Side note, America owes the Jews for assisting in forming it's independence. But likewise, it owes the German, English, and especially the French, and so on. So that's to say, in most cases 'we are all in this together', and we don't need to single out one particular group to be above or below the others.

You’re going to cite a leader of the Nation of Islam for your view on Jews. That’s a bold strategy and I’ll use it when talking about the plight of 21 century whites by citing David Duke. Jesus Christ that’s idiotic.

Nice try there. We should care about and remember the history of both black people and Jews. It does not have to be mutually exclusive.


And Iraqi, Iranian, Egyptian, Chilean, Argentinian, Turkish, English, Spanish, Germans, French, and Russians... And Greek, Roman, Muslim, Catholic, Atheist, Quakers, Puritans, Armenian, Natives, Ethiopian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc.

Crocodile tears do nothing for me, and promoting the idea that the Jews have had it the worst is just absolutely false, ignorant, and bigoted. And as it applies, I suspect Jew monuments outnumber the monuments attributed to every single other atrocity combined.

What about the "random small tribe of native Americans that got completely wiped out"? Y didn't have it as bad as Z is bad form.

Yes, the Jews had it bad, but by fucking god after 50 movies about it, I've gotten the message and moved on. There are more times in history and more peoples to learn about and discuss. - You are right, one can acknowledge both things, and it's bad to obsess over one thing to the exclusion of others.

That is an an interesting perspective. Completely different from how I see it. From my point of view, I hardley see anyone talking about holocaust rememberence day anymore. Last Holocaust rememberence day, it was hardly mentioned on Reddit (except in cases where people were denying it). The Holocaust is barely covered in schools anymore because people feel that it is too upsetting for kids. I am kind of glad those 50 movies you mention exist.

Wut are you talking about. It's mentioned at every grade level

The kids speaking out in the Parkland shooting met in Holocaust class

There's a top post on Reddit almost weekly

A holocaust class is hardly the norm. It is definitely not a required course for students.

Are you really sitting there and telling us not enough people remember the holocaust? That's literally the only genocide a majority of people know of.

I knew that you were going to pull up that WP article. That's the article that makes you believe what you believe. Ask anyone on the street what the holocaust is and they'll know. If you don't believe that you're a shut in.

Most people on the street will probably know in general what the holocaust is. But, like the article says, they will not be able to identify basic facts about the holocaust and what lead up to it. Maybe there will be enough lost knowledge that people are not able to identify the warning signs of another holocaust in the future (against any group of people). That is what I think is alarming. You don't have to agree and that is fine.

Dude your entire post history is you talking about Jews.

How's the JIDF paying nowadays?

I am not a member of any group. I know it is easy to assign people to groups and discard their feelings. I do what I do because I have conpassion for people who are unfairly attacked.


You will never get a Jew-phile to give a shit...

Whatever you say, Adolph.


Not sure if you mean me calling him Adolph or his use of the phrase "Jew-phile".


It is. And it was used earlier in this thread. That's what I was referencing. I personally find it disgusting.

yes posting words online, so brave... keep patting yourself on the back

Anne Frank used a ball point pen.



Removed. Rules 6 and 10.

Ball point pens became commercial available in 1944 and cost $150+ in today's money. Anne Frank Diary is forged, unlike the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


can you imagine what you've been told by the people on TV is a lie?

I’m sure whatever Facebook article told you this is a lot better source

Hahaha o ya that’s a lot better. You’re funny guy

Actually, most of her diary is written in fountain pen ink. The only instances of ballpoint pen are a few sheets of loose paper added afterwards by (most likely) her father. In addition to being a different ink, the handwriting is very clearly different. The other instances of ballpoint pen were page numbers, which were also most likely added afterwards when it was being compiled.

Basically, you’re wrong.


any non jewish source on this?

Why would the religion of the source matter if the information is correct?

The source for this specific page is from a physical book, which is a full annotated version from Dutch researchers of her diary. The source is at the bottom of the website page, though since you probably didn’t even read it you of course wouldn’t know that. I’m sure you would be able to find a copy of the book at a local library, or order it online. Not that I expect you to do either of those things, but I figured I’d mention them anyway. And in case you care so little so as to not even check any information about the book, here is an NYT article talking about it from 1989:


That's cool sir/madam and I'll check it out.

Anne Frank Diary is forged, unlike the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.



Use the report function. My queue is clear (and the modlogs show me banning people within the last two hours for anti-Semitic stuff, so there's that.

"Conclusion: The 1980 BKA report stated that paper and writing materials used for the actual text of the diaries were available and commercially available during the relevant period. Further statements, in particular those concerning the authorship of the diaries, were not made in this report. The BKA emphasizes: The expert opinion of the Forensic Institute of 1980 can not be called into question the authenticity of the diaries of Anne Frank. The BKA resolutely distances itself from all speculation aimed at such a direction"


One of the most easily debunked myths. The ball point pen annotations have been clearly shown to be in minority to the majority of the diary which is written in fountain pen.


So only a part of it was forged?

I mean if i answer yes that still means the actual meat of the diary is still true so i dont really understand what you are aiming for here.

But you are asking a loaded question so my response probably doesnt matter to you. Enjoy your clearly invalid views.

If you are found lying to a judge once they will now suspect that everything you say is also a lie.

Except that analogy is in no way relevant to the situation. No one claimed that the ball point annotations were the work of Anne frank,so no one has lied to the judge.

I don't have a dog in this fight but I personally can't tell what point you're trying to make, or what you are refuting. Are you saying her entire diary was forged?

So scenario a = yes = the ball point annotations are forgeries = the diary of anne frank as written is still true, since the annotations in no way change the actual truth of what the diary covers, namely ths experiences of anne frank at the hands of the nazis

Scenario b = no = no the ball point are not forgeries = the entire thing is true.

The problem is that the way the question has been phrased means i am effectively answering two things at the same time. If i say yes "only part of the diary was forged" i am agreeing the the diary was a partial forgery but if I say no, intending to mean none of it was forged, the phrasing of the question makes it sound like im actually saying the whole thing has been forged.

I mean if i answer yes that still means the actual meat of the diary is still true so i dont really understand what you are aiming for here.

But you are asking a loaded question so my response probably doesnt matter to you. Enjoy your clearly invalid views.

This is pilpul.

Excellent thesaurus use.

I mean thanks i guess? Im not jewish but i suppose i dont need to be to emulate a good development of a point in a legalistic manner

Why does this matter? Ball point pens have been around since the late 1800's.

They may have existed but were not widely distributed until well after WW2. In the late 40s and early 50s they were a rare, expensive luxury product.

Her grandparents were rather wealthy. It could have been a gift. It's a stretch, but I don't think it's impossible for her to have written with one.

According to Wiki the first practical ballpoint pen was invented by Laszlo Biro in Argentina in 1944. They were made by the Reynolds company and sold by Gimbel's department store in New York. They went on sale October 29 1945, price $12.50 each. This would be about $170 in today's money.

The chance of anyone in Europe having one during the war is nil.

Fact check? False.

The first ballpoint pen patent was from 1888. https://books.google.com/books?id=_7pJAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA1150#v=onepage&q&f=false

Factcheckers provide sources, bad actors spread disinformation.

And that means they were widely distributed at that time?

It means it's plausible or even likely she had one.

Oh did she? Mind to provide a source?

What is source?

Its pretty simple to look up.

I will take that as a no

I see this a lot on the BBC. It seems like about once every week or two, they have another story about the Jews during WW2. It has been fucking 70 years. Practically everyone who involved is dead or senile. But they have to truddle it out. You have to wonder about the motivation.

I think they're going to keep bringing it up for centuries.

Russians and Chinese need to step up their anti commie game as the jews are milking their victim complex a bit too much.

They will never stop.

They still complain about fucking Egypt.

This is the truth.

The docs were outrageous as well. They stated that the Nazis used the Jewish people's hair for insulation, and that lamp shades made of Jewish skins were sold. The lamp shades were more expensive if the Jews had tattoos. I'm not making this up.

They used to have examples on display, my father says he remembers them from elementary school field trips. Although once dna testing became a thing, they all quietly disappeared.

Wait, is this not taught in schools anymore? It certainly was when I was a child.

You were taught that Jew-skin lampshades were made and sold? Very interesting. Not ridiculing you or prodding you, I grew up in the same corrupt American education system. Just very... interesting. We learned a lot about the Holocaust, focusing on Jews of course as they were targeted mainly, but that was never in our stuff.

Oh yes. During the 8th grade, which was in 1987, they had our parents sign a waver and we spent a week watching videos of concentration camps, piles of dead bodies, reading descriptions of soap and lampshades, piles of gold teeth, etc.

In retrospect it's very odd that only one group of people in history had the honor of their suffering being so graphically shown to us students...

Jews don't have tattoos, it's against their religion. The lamp shades were common parchment paper lamp shades you could buy in any department store in the 30s.

They were tattooed by the Germans. Against their will and as a serial number to dehumanize them.

It was probably to keep track of them. It's not like they just gave everyone a random string of numbers as a "fuck you" to appear mean in the history books.

Of course, it was to serialize and catalogue them.

Show me the lamp shades with serial number tattoos. I have seen the pictures of parchment paper lampshades with decals that were passed off as tattoos.

yeah, it really irks me. I'm no trump fan, but after Trump's recent Russia meeting, some guy who lost his kids in a plane crash of a plane downed by Russia had a story on the BBC where he criticized Trump for it (even though the US or Trump had nothing to do with it) with a picture of his young children as the header. Just pure propaganda, and it's becoming more and more obvious (to me at least) as of late.

The media is run by the multinational corporate overlords and they all hate trump, that makes me love trump.

Monkey see, contrarian do.

I think you're missing the point. Trump was asked multiple times if Russia had done anything to cause the worsened relationship between the U.S. and Russia. There was a whole list of things that Trump could have mentioned: annexing Crimea, sending Russian troops disguised as Ukrainian "rebels" into eastern Ukraine, shooting down airliners, nerve agents in the U.K., and, yes, interfering with the U.S. election.

But Trump just kept blaming it all on a witch hunt against him. Because he's a narcissistic lying moron.

Again, I'm not a Trump fan in the slightest. But blaming Trump for everything Russia did and then using children as the header picture to play on readers' emotions comes off strongly as propaganda and isn't totally linked. yes, trump could have said this or that, but it still doesn't make any sense to connect him to that event unless Trump is suddenly responsible for all Russian crimes.

Of course the timing made sense. It was the 4th anniversary of the crash and Trump has just finished chumming it up with the president of the country responsible for it.

Don’t forget the 6 gorillion, goy! We wuz holohoaxed n shiet!

I’m no fan of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, but... we have to ensure the Holocaust is never forgotten or taken lightly. I think there should be a rotation of coverage/reminders for all acts of genocide in our world’s history whether it’s the Holocaust, Armenian, Bosnian, Darfur or Rwandan. The Holocaust is probably the most important for us to remember because it happened in Western modern societies and was so thoroughly documented. Judging individuals based on things they cannot control (namely race) is not OK.

but... we have to ensure the Holocaust is never forgotten or taken lightly.

Why? Why this holocaust and none of the other ones? Why is it the attempted genocide of only one people worth saying never again about?

See I find it suspicious that there have been so many genocides and somehow those don't matter, it makes me question the motives involved.

Never again? Pashaw!

Indigenous New World Aborigines.

Did you read my comment? I specifically said why, and mentioned others as well.

I specifically said why, and mentioned others as well.

Because it happened in Western Society? Sucks to be Bosnian I guess... Are you really going to pretend that documentation of something seventy years ago is better than that of more recent events, which yes I do see that you have listed them.

Again, what is it that makes these people so much more special or important that only their pain can never be forgotten?

Especially when clearly the rest of the world can (and we agree has) suffered just as much without any sort of memorials or chest beating even close to what we see on the events of World War II! What makes this group so much more important than any of the others? Why must we remember them and then seem to forget the rest?

One thing that strikes odd to me(and is disgusting) is how it is unacceptable to claim holocaust doesn't exist or identify as a Nazi these days, but then it is completely fine to do these things with holodomor and communism(which killed even more people.)

I agree about the remembrance of massacres, and they should also be studied more thoroughly at schools

Communism should carry no more stigma than capitalism. They're just ideologies. Only actions should be condemned, not ideologies. Freedom of thought and belief trumps all.

I wouldn’t say it’s acceptable to be a communist and deny Holodomor, at least in the US. For sure, it’s relatively more socially acceptable than being a Nazi who denies the Holocaust, in the same way that being a rapist is relatively more acceptable than being a serial killer. Personally, I think they should be equally contemptible.

communism killed more people

That's literally nazi propaganda

communism killed more people

That's literally nazi propaganda

Goddamn Nazis and their goddamn racist facts. Everyone knows that you only compare death totals before and during World War II, not the continuing tally afterwards! All those people killed by Communists after WWII don't even count!

While I agree the holocaust happened, it was GREATLY over stated. There is so much evidence to point to it (although it's difficult to link to many credible sources since this is such a contentious and taboo topic), such as the fact that the reported death rates were a tiny fraction of the 6 million that is now common knowledge (and this 6 million is associated with a Jewish holy text that says the Jews will be allowed to return to their homeland when there are 6 million fewer of them. The way in which they were killed is also dumbfounding, literally millions were allegedly shot, one by one -- is that the most effective way to kill millions of people? The time frames and numbers just don't add up. There are a number of inconsistencies, and it's notable that even though many other mass killings have occurred with much greater numbers, we constantly reference the Holocaust, and it's even illegal to deny it in many places. Did you know that congress members had to pledge an oath to Israel? (here's another source that says "300 members of Congress have signed on to a declaration reaffirming their commitment to "the unbreakable bond that exists between [U.S.] and the State of Israel").

I don't think that those who believe in the official narrative about the Holocaust are in any way uneducated or stupid. It's incredibly difficult to discern what's truth from fiction in today's world, especially when you have laws that literally prevent this sort of information from being publicized, and even when it does make some sort of headline, it's quickly shunned as being 'anti-Semitic'. It's a really brilliant ploy by the US and other national governments to once again silence any form of nay-saying and promote their preferred narrative, and it's been remarkably effective.

Who ever you can’t criticize is who controls you

I thought the Jews were gassed more than shot, so nazis could kill entire groups at once. I agree that shooting one by one is not very efficient, and the Germans are nothing if but efficient.

I’m not a historian. Whether it was 1 million or 6 million or whatever is not important to me. The fact that Germany decided that entire races of HUMANS were inferior/subhuman is what alarms me, and that mentality should never be allowed to surface.

entire races of HUMANS were inferior/subhuman

Oh, like Goyim, "beasts on two legs" and 'cockroaches'?

The Jews aren't a race to begin with.

The idea of race doesn't make any sense, considering that all humans can interbreed.

Ok... the idea of killing GROUPS of defenseless individuals.


It makes more sense.

Germany wasn't special in believing in entire groups of humans were inferior.

The Native Americans, the Australian Aborigines, etc, were all considered as lesser by the invaders. The Jews are hardly special. They've just had a far greater marketing team to keep the victimization alive so many decades after, and then Germany also being kept in the minds of people as somehow being responsible, despite Nazism being long gone.

And strangely, Hitler was known to have had many Jews in his army, so they can't have been all bad to him. Only specific groups of Jews, seemingly. Which is weird to me, but whatever. I won't claim to understand Hitler's mind.

You are missing that commenters point. They decided that an entire group of people, whether it is race, religion or whatever, were inferior and wanted to wipe them out. We can argue that Jews aren't a race or that the concept of race is stupid, all day but it doesn't address what the commenter said.

I agree, but I think the point we should take away from the holocaust is that we as citizens should be constantly vigilant about what narratives the government is trying to push. It's awfully ironic that 'fake news' seems to be painted as the thing we should fear, when it's usually a label given to either small news outlets or individuals. But in reality the 'fake news' we should be afraid of is state sponsored propaganda and its clear links to major news outlets. Large scale propaganda is what's capable of getting ordinary citizens to be okay with committing atrocious acts, much more so than small scale journalists reporting on something that might or might not be true.

I think it has been taken much too far. I repeat: I see one of these articles every couple of weeks. To me, this is not journalism, it is propaganda.

It never happened

Aaaaaaannnnd people like you are one of the reasons why the Holocaust is still talked about so much. There's about as much evidence for the Holocaust as there is for Finland existing.

Do people sometimes overuse appeals to historical suffering to excuse Israel's actions? Probably. Does that mean that the historical suffering is fake? No.

there are 365.25 days in a year. Each day consists of 24 hours. Each hour consists of 60 minutes. The amount of minutes in a year is 365.25 x 24 x 60 = 525960. The Holocaust was from 1941 to 1945 which is a span of 4 years. 525,960 x 4 x 2,103,840 minutes in those 4 years. Now it's stated in the history books that the Holocaust had at least 6 million victims who were distinctly Jewish, and up to 14 million victims in total. So how many individuals were killed per minute in the Holocaust alone, and not the way? That would be at least 6,000,000/2,103,840 = 2.8519270326. Lets say about 2-3 people per minute, assuming this is going 24/7 nonstop.

So my honest question is this. How could anybody maintain the rate of killing 2-3 individuals per minute, 24/7, for 4 years?


Removed. Rules 4 and 10.

This is such a ridiculous argument...

The methods are pretty widely known. The most basic research could figure it out.

Also, appeal to "wow that's a big number, and since I did math my argument must be right", isn't the best logic. If that's your go-to Holocaust denial argument...no wonder people don't take Holocaust deniers seriously.

Edit: Also, at this point I'm pretty sure you aren't participating in good faith, so this is my last reply.

Oh fuck off


Rule 10.

The recent amplification of Holocaust denial on social media (and comments on this post) should be motivation enough.

The Holocaust is the Jewish race card.

Muh holocaust


Collect them all.

Hitler tried...


"Damn! They are starting to hate us again! Fire up the Anne Frank diary and Holocaust stories on America TV!"

"Fire up !"


You’re such a gas!

OY OY soi boi goi!

It wont be long before they'll be revising the death toll to 8 million.

They will soon discover some "lost records of the Nazis" indicating that the death toll could be a lot higher.

And that the Nazis killed Anne Frank multiple times.

And then Albert Einstein clapped

Unlikely. The "6 million" number has Talmudic significance.

People without Talmud decoder rings don't get this!

Is shipping and handling free?

If you're chosen!

Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine.

...but the numbers are unbelievable.

Well, at least there's one true thing in that article...

Hahahaha 20 now??

Yes. It’s called compound interest.

Something Jews are famous for!

Even then, Israel even admits that the Soviets murdered 11 million, so multiply that by a number. I've seen some estimates up to 66 million.

Wait, I'm fairly sure last time I read about it it did say the death toll was 8 million... It was long time ago though, might be wrong

When I was in elementary, the number of Jews killed was two million. A few years later it was three million, then four, then six, then eight, then twelve. Now twenty million?

sauce on 8 and 12 trillion? i havent stopped laughing at 6 yet. i didnt know we got 8 and 12.


Are you nutters trying to say that the concentration camps were a myth? That death camps didn't exist?

Are you trying to lamely create a strawman fallacy, since nobody claimed what you are saying?

How the hell did you make leap

Where did you see someone say that? Some people just think that the death toll is exaggerated.

Based on what? That estimate has been in place since the end of the war.

But, that's OK. Give vent to your "Jew-phile" nonsense. Fuckin' ridiculous.

Ah yes, questioning things makes me a jew-phile. And you questioning me makes you a transphobic islamophobe since i identify as a gay muslim.

I noticed you didn't give any citations regarding the death toll. Just some complaining.

Whip it out. Where's you proof?

EDIT: and I didn't say you were a "Jew-phile". Hell, I don't even use such a phrase. That's a straight up quote from elsewhere in this thread.

I don't care what you identify as. Identify as a leprous penguin if you want to. Where's your fucking proof that the Holocaust didn't happen/was greatly exaggerated?

I wasn't starting a debate you idiot. I simply said that SOME PEOPLE think the death toll is exaggerated.

Lol, you literally said "Give vent to your "Jew-phile" nonsense."

I notice that you objected to my quoting that earlier asshole, but you didn't have anything to say about him regarding his use of the phrase.

I also noticed you still haven't offered up any support for that assertion.

"some people". Yeah. "Some people" thought that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza joint that didn't have a basement.

So.....where was your outrage over the other guy using the phrase "Jew-phile"?

EDIT: and I agree - "Jew-phile" is a disgusting turn of a phrase. But it's exactly what I would expect from a NeoNazi, a redneck dimwit, or a guy who lives in a country which used to have pogroms.

The estimates have gone down since the end of the war. All the shit Germany supposedly did was based solely on anecdotes.

And had nothing to do with the obsessive record keeping the Germans did?

Death camps did exist, just 6 million people weren't killed. The real number is around 300,000.

Based on what?

You have to overcome 70 years of historical record. You're saying only 300k people were killed in the death camps? The burden of proof is on you.

Let's have your best.

EDIT: Crickets.


Rule 10

They were real, the gas chambers weren't though.

That is a lie.

Prove it.


Yes they are

No they don't, hasbara bro.


wow log off you psycho!!

LOL commenting on your alt account now? Pretty sad dude.

no i am someone else & this is my only account i just saw how rude you were & wanted to say like, wow, you are despicable & mean & super intolerant & you use heinous language. i dont know who that other person is but you are obviously more foul than they. have a good day lover


lol you are such a freak! have fun being mean

Of course totally different person who is not an alt account!

Removed. Rule 4. 1st warning.

this what true anti-semitism looks like.

As an expert on anti-semitism, could you let me know if this Wikipedia article is antisemitic? I find it fascinating, but I want to make sure that feeling isn’t antisemitic. Thanks.


Yeah - I don't know why I'm surprised. This was the sub that pushed Pizzagate.

Who doesn't like pizza tho

I like this sub for the real conspiracies that are just fun to talk about not these nazi trump supporters jacking off about how much they'll hate jews no matter how often their redneck lies are exposed.

I was cool with it until it became TD2

Pretty much, Around the election the place started getting brigaded hard by trump nuts who ironically accuse everyone else who disagrees of brigading them haha. That classic Trumptard projection.

Does this kind of propaganda even work? Being the victims of the holocaust does not give them any grounds to do what they do, DAILY to Palestinians.

It used to work really well due to the near zionist version of the Christian faith in America, plus everyone generally being more positive and non war-saturated.

With the reductions in faith, that angle doesn't work, and most people are so desensitized to death and war that the holocaust is just another big whoop nobody can connect with. Plus, afaik, kids get hammered in school with holocaust classes, and as we all know, school makes you hate topics more often than like them.

Plus, you may have noticed that the media doesn't often cover what Israel has been doing. Hardly anyone thinks of them as the aggressor, which they are.

What worries me is that I might in a sense adapt to this environment and come to be comfortable here and not resent it anymore.

What did you think the education and media systems were designed to do?

Our "education" is handed to us on a platter, so when it stops, we never learn anything new, because we've never been taught how to learn. And the media systems are designed to saturate you with politically correct violence and controlled humour, so you never want for anything that takes effort.

The best and worst thing about learning these sorts of truths is that you don't forget it. Just like everyone else, you'll always have that niggling feeling that something just isn't right, but unlike them, you'll have a name for it.

It would seem that it does.

When Muslims behaves badly, theres is an uptick in stories/anecdotes of xenophobia and racism.

Please. The Islamics are no saints, but let's not kid ourselves. The entirety of "Islamic terror" pales in front of the subhuman, globally destructive communitarian force known as political Zionism. The fact that the even an inkling of a thought enters people's minds that Islamic terror is somehow more dangerous than Zionism is the result of a century of careful global conditioning, deceit, and complete control over the all global media and governments.

People aren't afraid of "Islamic Terror", those are just the words people know to use. They're really afraid of being slowly but surely over run by a group of people who do not integrate (integration does not work ever), who are extremely religous, and completely opposed to everything the west values.

But yeah, Jews are basically the reason this happens, so it's kind of a chicken/egg scenario.

Sorry am I missing the Jews gunning down Parisians one by one at heavy metal concert?

Interesting how that works

The same with blacks?

I've noticed Reddit's "Today-I-Learned" will, with surprising regularity, have astroturfed articles about some righteous Gentile who saved thousands of Jews, and will produce so many stories that, when you add them all up, you're left like Norm Finklestein's mother, who asked, "With all these survivors, who did Hitler kill?"

I catalogued something like 32 different "righteous Gentile" stories, and that's just scratching the surface.

See the articles: "Meet the Muslims Who Sacrificed Themselves to Save Jews and Fight Nazis in WWII"

"The Man Who Saved More Jews Than Schindler: Ho Feng-Shan. He Risked His Own Life and Career to Save Thousands of Jews in WWII"

"Colonel Jose Arturo Castellanos, a Salvadoran Diplomat, Helped Save the Lives of Thousands of Jews During Nazi Occupation"

"Chiune Sugihara, Japanese Vice-Consul in Lithuania, Who Helped Save Thousands of Jews"

"Today I Learned That Albert Goring, the Brother of Deputy Fuhrer Herman Goring, Despised the Nazis and Saved Thousands of Jews"

"Tibor Baranski, 96, Risked His Life to Save Thousands of Jews".

Anyway . . .

You get the point: There was only a finite number of Jews in Europe. (In Germany, in the 1930s, they only had 320,000 of them, in a nation of 60 million.) So if you have pages and pages of heroes who saved "thousands of Jews" at a pop, the math on the Holocaust starts to fall apart.

(And this is complicated yet further by the mass-emigration of Jews at precisely this period to places like New York, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Toronto, Canada, Sydney, Australia, etc. Literally millions flooded into other parts of the world in the 1920s and 30s. So you can't use them for Holocaust census figures. New York's population of Jews went up a whole million in the decade preceding WWII.)

So since Jews had a finite [and small] number, and, since reams of people were saving thousands of Jews at a pop . . . you can see how this becomes problematic pretty quickly when you aggregate the numbers.

Nevertheless the Israeli Ministry of Propaganda floods Reddit with these stories to condition the public. We'll know what the "right" behavior is if the Jews ever fall out of favor. We'll know to defend them with our lives (and our children's lives, for that matter).

I leave you with a couple of other articles from the "Today I Learned" subreddit: "Australia Has Made A Swedish Diplomat Who Saved Tens of Thousands of Jews from the Holocaust its First Honorary Citizen"

"Conflict Archive 1939-1945" The Swiss Diplomat Who Saved Thousands of Jews: Carl Lutz"

"Dutch Man Who Saved Thousands of Jews During the Holocaust Returns for His Medal"

"Today I Learned That Danes Saved Almost All Danish Jews During WWII (99%)"

"Today I Learned that Rudolf Vrba and Alfréd Wetzler hid in a pile of wood for 3 days and saved 200,000 Hungarian Jews from the gas chambers"

"TIL Gábor Sztehlo a Hungarian Lutheran pastor saved 2000 Jews from the Nazis during WWII. After war he also founded "Gaudiopolis", a self organized "Child State", where he took in children whose parents died or couldn't provide for them."

"TIL that Constantin Karadja, a Romanian prince and diplomat, saved more than 51,000 Jews from deportation and extermination during the Holocaust"

Most Jews left Germany before shit got serious. They changed their names, so 'disappeared'. Rubinstein became Ruby, Kupferschmied became Cooper, etc. But...MUH 6 GORILLION!! To question any aspect of it is worse than actual murder.

It was an occult ritual sacrifice to ensure their future success.

Yeah, we were abused and killed so now we can do the same to different people but who cares

You motherfuckers are transparent.

Are you saying that Isreal doesn't commit atrocities?

Anne Franks journal is taught in high school, every year there are millions of people who are introduced to her for the very first time. It is like summer reddit and re posts, there are fresh eyes seeing it for the first time and they want more. The fact that Israel still does shitty things every year doesn't mean the two are correlated.


Sorry, not Jewish and I don't really care much for Israel one way or the other.

It was ghostwritten by Meyer Levin lol.. Also, she died of typhus, not 'muh gas chamber' as most peeps believe. Most prisoners, and many guards, died of typhus, malnutrition, and TB.

Do your own research, you can look up the case that this argument is based on and find that it is bogus as shit.

The fact of the matter is that the book was already published a full 3 years before Meyer Levin helped promote it in the United States.

He ghost-wrote it..so what if it took a few years to get published? The Beatles had to go to Germany to get a recording contract.

wow so they lied? Shocker

This is like another Shoah! Take it back you filthy goy!! It was real in my mind!!!!


username checks out

Yeah keep lying to yourself like that bud.

Um...all that is easily verified..try that new (((google))) thing, or better yet, Bing.

Don't stop there, every shit story gets dredged up. Happens all over the media and even here in the same way.

As soon as they start bombing Gaza, just watch the correlation.

Nah. Israel just does bad stuff all the time so it seems like they are producing new stuff from the Holocaust-Industrial Complex when maybe it's just new discoveries.

Having said that, Israel is world-class in their propaganda!

new discoveries

New forgeries, you mean.

She died of typhus.



Rule 6

Rule 6

Well jews have 100 organisations.

The real conspiracy to me is why the media never brings up the six days war.

Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Bad goy

Say all you want about Anne but she did quite a lot considering she was blind and deaf.

She also invented the ball-point pen.

Annie are you okay?

I'm sure they'll find some missing chapters of Anne Frank's diary where a Palestinian German rapes her or something. Written in ball point pen of course.

Anne Frank is a time traveler.


Who?.. said so because ball point pen. Her der her.

Oy vey

The first holocaust or genocide on this planet was that of the ppl of native America. Before they enslaved black ppl and WAAAAAY before the holocaust. The numbers are nothing compared to how many millions of natives were killed. Nice talk about Malcolm x but the circle doesn’t fully close until the natives are recognized and the genocide that started in 1492 against the indigenous ppl of north and South America. My issue in reading Malcolm x was that he didn’t recognize that. Native ppl of America have been subjugated to this mass scale total annihilation violence since 1492 and u do not see them in any way ever having received any of the help the ways the Jews do. Every attempt the US gov made throughout the years to assimilate natives was code for destroying them, their family dynamics and way of life. Aside from devastating the natural habitat and raping our women and bringing diseases where there were none the white ppl didn’t do much for the natives. So I don’t think one can or should even give af about the Jewish holocaust bc no one even recognizes the native genocide here in turtle island. Christopher Columbus is still celebrated... he was a fucking racist who was the churches puppet. Israel gonna keep crying on top of their piles of money saying Palestinian children are attacking them and taking the attn from the ppl who REALLY have needed it for centuries. They are scared bc they know those children will grow into adults and just like the natives the resistance will always continue in the hearts of those who will fight for dignity and their ppl and their land. The natives are 7 generations into the genocide and illegal occupation from the European invaders but there r still many of us who are ready to pick up the fight for generations to come. Because we know the truth that the Europeans keep trying to change or erase. What happened here with the natives is the same as Israel.

I see jews all the time. Not sure I've ever seen a family of native Americans in person.

Come to the Midwest they are all over

You're ignorant if you think that was the first genocide on this planet. Genocides have been happening since ancient times.

The oldest skeletons found in North America are European with some found having arrow heads stuck in them and the asian migrants genocided them thousands of years ago because asian migrants came in large waves. There is no such thing as a Indian tribe genocide they were asian migrants first of all that mass died from famine before Europeans came back thats proven from archaology evidence. They then started a war with the the brave European settlers that they lost too. NE Asian migrants sided with the French and that was their real undoing why would you give land to people who you were just at war with. The tribes that were friendly towards the settlers were given their own land protected from their rival tribes and survived until modern era.

The myth of the noble savage, Indian tribes weren't a peace loving people they were constant warring tribes that genocided each other and life was brutal for them because how they treated each other.

Arcaheology evidence show the asian migrant tribes also had death pits where they would seperate the body parts of entire tribes they massacred including children. Slavery was abudant among the asian migrants infact the Cherokee nation had one of the largest slave populations they brought black slaves on their Trail of Crocodile Tears.

Indian Americans never progressed from stone age technology it was a blessing for them and the world because Europeans created the modern world all the technologies you rely on , the language you speak can actually be written,law systems, medicine, the White Europeans altruism has never been matched. Not counting all the bullshit NA indian privileges they get from the government.

If Europeans didn't rediscover their lost land you know who would have? Islamic arabs and they wouldn't have left it alone they would of genocided as many as they could and enslave the rest. Just look at North Africa in 770 ad when the European Christians were genocided and they had actual sovereignty with a rather peaceful advanced civilization that loved to trade , North American asian migrant tribes would of never survived into the new world if Europeans didn't come back to claim their ancestors land.

When people are uneducated and push the lie that North American asian migrant tribes had their land stolen is like someone claiming you stole their car becaused the Police repossessed it because they stole that car from a dealership and you bought the car the dealership.

I'm a Native American who need doesn't lie to themself and spout all psycho babble they were told to believe.

Source for Europeans first in NA?

I'm Cherokee. My family is registered with the Nation. I find you're comments further disparaging my people highly insulting. If you are ACTUALLY indigenous, which I do not believe you are, then I would think you would know who the true savages were! You would know the heart of your people!

Never forget the swimming pool 6 quintillion.

reddit doesnt have enough shills to downvote this one

There's almost always a WW2 sob story in /r/TIL and similar subs.

For decades, I literally thought that the only genocide was what happened against the 6,000,000™ Jews.

masters of propaganda, and they do not spare resources for.. well PR.
Perhaps they are getting too much military aid...

Yes of course, they play the victim whilst they are the ones commiting crimes against humanity.

Not gonna justify either side.

I myself am from Egypt.

But war is war. Hamas should not send missiles and shoot idf soldiers (and yesterday killed one) and expect no retaliation.

It's not war. One side has all the power and the other has nothing. It's occupation.

Then how will you call it?

Where are you from? Imagine being bombed constantly, Gaza and Israel.

War isn't defined by 2 sides with same power! It's defined by actions. Hamas is retarded when it comes to actions.

Killing a soldier and expecting no retaliation?

It's like slapping a bully and expecting him to not kick your ass.

Occupation. Like I said.

... Occupation is not the opposite of war.

You can be in occupation and not be in war.

If there's something I've studied is attack patterns.

Israel is never the first to attack (at least from news reports) and Hamas is always the first to attack.

Binyamin Netanyahu said a few times that Israel will retaliate every attack with 5 times the force.

Im sure that Israel is literally waiting for Gaza to attack because they want to destroy their weapon stashes, NO DOUBT, but they don't do it cause if they would it would look much worse.

Killing of human beings, whether in Nazi Germany, Armenia, Soviet Russia, Rwanda, or Palestine is appalling and should never be forgotten or forgiven.

6, 60, 600 or 6 million -- does it matter? All were people, all had someone who loved them, all deserved better than to die because of hatred of the "Other".

Some of the comments in this thread make ashamed to be a human being.

GOD. People can be ugly.


uptick of stories...

I was told this by a former employer over thirty years ago. I then started noticing that just before Israel did something big, they would show movies that showed Jewish suffering like with Moses or the Holocaust.

I could predict with reasonable accuracy when Israel was about to do something.

Also, Israel usually waits for something big to happen in the world. That way, the Israeli story ends up on the back pages of the newspapers.

It has been found a lot of times that some holocaust survivors had been lying and other anti Semitic hate crimes had been committed by Jews themselves.

It's estimated that 17 million died in Nazi death camps and 6(XD)million were Jews, also millions died during the war and by Soviet and Japanese hands. Do we ever hear this? No it's always the Jews. Recently I even tried to find a good book from the perspective of an axis infrantryman but all the books I found were just the generic "jewish family persecuted". This is getting weird fr.

I thought they did this when they needed money or other support (more money). This seems to have the same result.

Now this is the kind of information war countermeasures that are useful.

In the lost pages "Surely the fine Jewish people could never commit such Nazi barbarism." Also angsty teen girl sed stuff.

Deny. Detract. Divert.

You're gonna end up on Canary Mission, be careful.

Im sure there are Russian trolls, but the jewish media are the OG. Not to say there are not jewish idealist on both sides, but Zionism isnt just a road in Bethlehem.

Same thing goes for Elon Musk, whenever he says something stupid (happens a lot), you find another bullshit article in r/technology.
Oh and the same for American police, whenever one of theirs executes an American, the very next few hours you can be sure to catch some picture of a cop with a dog in r/aww or some shit like that.
Never forget, cops are never-ever your friends. Never trust a cop.

You realize this is part of the reason that police brutality happens. If cops are ostracized and have no place in the community of course their going to get mean and even violent. Say all you want about the way America handles police but don't attack all cops for the actions of the few.

Maybe if your average cop did more than pick a new hiding spot to lurk in everyday to catch those dangerous speeders people would have more respect for them. The mental gymnastics your average American goes through to try and rationalize how police generating revenue by giving people bullshit tickets that jack up their insurance and cost enough that most people have to go on payment plans to pay off is beyond me. Ask yourselves how the autobahn in Germany is safer than the American highway system if there is no speed limit there? Ohhhh yeah..... and not abuse their power on a regular basis too. That would really help the publics perception of them.

So you're problem with the individuals is the system and the minority of them. seems like you definitely paid attention to my comment.

If you'd have any other organization form members with the same kind of pattern of behavior towards others, you would be quick to place the blame on the organization and the system behind it.
But because the institution have had such life-long brainwashing procedures and thus people jump to its defense.

I'm not "attacking" the cops, as individual people, I'm attacking cops as a job description, the police as an institution of the state.
I think there's a massive failure of the people to understand what is the purpose of the police in the context of the system they're in. This is why you see a lot of anti-authoritarian leftists push against the police, as the police is an extension of the state and thus the ruling class.
Even the American courts have ruled that he police have absolutely no duty to protect you, they are not legally liable when it comes to protecting you, a full American citizen. You on the other, if you fail to aid them, you are going to jail. It's illegal for you not to help a cop, it's not illegal for a cop not to help you. Even if let's say you're being raped in front of him. Even if you're beaten to a pulp. He can there and watch. If you do the same, you'll go to jail.
Just couple weeks ago there was a post about this on this very sub https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/8t16yn/police_in_the_us_have_no_legal_duty_to_protect_you/
Time and time again, all over the world, the police have been shown not to side with the people, but with the ruling class. They are not there for the betterment of the society.
The police, as an institution, needs to be completely re-vamped. But then again, to get to that point, you'd need the ability to re-vamp the state and that's gonna take a while till it happens, especially in America where control is fully in the hands of the rich and where the will of the people doesn't really matter.

They're freaking out because in almost all continents antisemitism is on the rise

I see you've backed up this claim with data and evidence. It's not hard to go through reddit posts, correlate them with dates where Israel behaved badly, and show the uptick in these stories.

Maybe its because those people are here now. ?

Jesus loves you

Don't get me started. Anybody here know about Seana Fenner?

Glad I'm not the only one who sees it. To add to this, remember who owns the media...

Muh holocaust, muh shekels, where does it end

The world is run by time traveling Kabbalah Jews. They are in control of EVERYTHING. This whole thing is a pre planned movie. We never had any control and we never will unless we completely break free of governmental, corporate, religious and monetary control. The global move towards agriculture thousands of years ago is the only thing that made our enslavement possible. They traveled back in time and gave us this technology and pushed us in these directions to get us to where we are today.




"I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan."

-Revelation 2:9

"Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you."

-Revelation 3:9

The Holy Bible


We must become more involved of the affairs of the Jewish people in order to help them resist the lies of the satanic parasites living within them causing confusion and chaos in the world abroad for their own benefit and our detriment.

The Bible is based.

Jesus was actually pretty awesome, but his message has been Jewed

lol Yes it is based on fact.

lol because during your forming years you were indoctrinated by it?

What facts? It was written by men, and as we've learned through history, man is a flawed creature who is inherently ignorant. Things that are explainable today were once believed to have been done by "God". Theres no facts 8n the Bible. Just baseless stories told by older guys who weren't notorized.

You sound like a teenager

How so good sir? It's been a while since I was that young.

God's Word is inspired by Him directly. Unfortunately, the bible has been revised, when God specifically said not to add to or take away from His Word. The things that are explained today, that take away the glory of God, are obviously blasphemous deceptions. Space is fake, man cannot leave the dwelling of the earth, earth is flat and motionless, the sun moon and stars revolve around us.

Ephesians 6:12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

is this bait?

Yes. Bait for you to begin your endeavor of truth!

Found the dumbest comment in this whole thread!

I agree the Israeli GOVERNMENT is using the Holocaust card a bit too much (especially in Israel to get more Israelis to want to go to the army and make them feel it is a live or die situation for us today) but your comments here are going from a legitimate conspiracy to being just fucking racist, wake up, there 14 million jews in the world, most of us just struggling to pay rent like the rest of you, we are not all part of a media scam that trys to rull you all. And again these comes from a guy who openly condems time people use this horrible story of how every human can get, under the right Circumstances, to the point where he can kill a mass of people who are not connected to him.

Don't use this forum to spread hate to people. Use your wisdom to make a different between the people and the system.

He isn't spreading antisemitism at all. So I really don't understand your premise here.

Mostly talking about the comments the conspiracy isn't that far off

People think that every Jew is some kind of subversive globalist agent, it blows my mind.

You may be over generalizing here and wrongly assuming that everyone thinks this way when in reality, they don't.

I never said everyone, I said people. This is a common belief that I see in the conspiracy community, sorry if you don't like me stating what I've experienced.

I admire your compassionate response, but this kind of ignorant trash will always look for a target. They're the first to sign up to be the camp guards.

I think you mean whenever Israel takes totally reasonable countermeasures to being attacked constantly, and you make them out to be monsters for it.

Its their foundational myth. Like ours with George Washington chopping down the Cherry tree.

So if you mention them shooting protesters at their borders, its okay because "remember the 6 grillion"

I know shills go crazy but i unironically think like 90k jews died in the holocaust and not from gas chambers with wooden doors either. I think they died from saturation and disease when the supply routes were destroyed at the end of the war.

I don't believe the roller coast, baby shooting in the air, jerk off machines, or electric floors stories at all. So many have been proven false but if you try talk about it, you are a "denier" like it is some belief system and not a historic event.

I don't get why they would even bother. Israel is not a wedge issue for voters. They can have whatever policy they want with Israel how does public opinion play into this at all?

Isreal is slowly becoming a wedge issue. Younger progressives/liberals don't line religion at all and don't like the way Israel treats the Palestinians. You've probably seen the support of Islamic people in Reddit grow over the last couple of years too.

meantime Switzerland politicians are wanting Jews to register for Kosher. Whatever the reality of her story is... we have forgotten the lessons from it in under 60 years. That's 60 years of borderline harassment of 'never forget' - well...we forgot. Perhaps it would have been more meaningful if instead of reminding us of being victims we should have been 'bashed over the head' with how Facism takes hold instead, cause were doing that shit again too!

for every time Israel leans on the holocaust to defend STATE policy, some pack of assholes give them yet more ammunition

and a reminder... Anne Frank was apparently denied immigration to the United States, forcing her to hide in a friggin closet in the first place

As a young Palestinian I find it interesting what some of you are starting to see what I’ve always known.

I’m young but no idiot. Studying in a US DoD school abroad I never read the diary of Anne Frank in the 9th grade because the second I saw the introduction by Hillary Clinton I knew something was off.

Reading 1984, I understood the concept of double speak might be useful to apply with your Zionist government and media in the following context. “Our best ally in the Middle East, and the world” “The only democracy in the Middle East”.

As for your conspiracies, I listened carefully to my old American world history teacher who loved to answer any questions I had. So I asked him about Sirhan Sirhan, and the first word out of his mouth were “Sirhan Sirhan didn’t shoot Robert Kennedy.”

Had Robert become president he would have opened an investigation into who killed his brother JFK. It’s easy to see now that Lee Oswald shot and killed JFK, but it wasn’t Oswald who was behind the murdered of JFK and American democracy on that unfortunate day.

Free Palestine, Free America.

Whats bad about Israel declaring they're a nation state? Who the hell cares? I can imagine I might have to be belligerent too, considering who their neighbors are.


A few years ago, Israel did something belligerent to the Arabs (I forgot what they did at the time),

"The arabs" lol.

But yeah, they defended themselves against terrorist attacks.

I think some of the American conspiracy hate for Israel is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the racial makeup of the country.

Most Jews in Israel are Mizrahi. Which means they are from that region and look Arab, and most of them came as refugees from the surrounding countries. Iraqi, Syrian, even Palestinian Jews. That's the majority.

People in the US tend to frame it like "white colonialists suppressing brown people" and clearly have no fucking clue what is going on there. But that's convenient as hell if you also happen to be ignorant racist trash looking for a minority to blame your problems on (like a lot of people on this sub).

Holovaust and world war 1 happened millions of years ago. It was a human extinction event. Germania was human. Rest. No. Cloning has always been around to create workers/slaves. Slavery gets shit done. Look at all people built and still no exit.

I mean, Idk, Hamas snipers killed an idf soldier.

It's not like Israel attacks for the sports.

No they do kill for the sports. IDF soldiers giving each other high fives, laughing and mocking dead kids us what those cowards do and they have the blessing of their government as every soldier jailed for war crimes has either been let out early or has been pardoned. Fucking animals

I bet I won’t.

You do realise that all these Jewish theories have been around since time immemorial right? I mean, it's a little boring.

I thought this sub may be interesting but it's just antisemitic stuff that has literally been said a million times.

Read up some more information rather then spouting rubbish and try and be a bit more creative.

I find it bizarre and clearly antisemitic how Israel is always the bad guy. Hamas is a terrorist group but can't seem to do anything wrong...

How many banks do Palestinian Muslim's run?

Take Palestinian out of that question and I'm sure you'll find a few banks. If you actually look into the history of WHY Jews ended up in financial positions etc then that will shed more light on the situation for you.

And because Israel has contributed significant amounts to the world, where as Palestinians have not, this makes Israel the bad guy?

I'm genuinely interested in why people are so drastically anti-Semitic.

What is your opinion of usury? Is it moral?

Personally, I don't have a problem. The word "usury" can relate to money lending, in general, were the initial sum is paid back with interest.

So, by that logic, is getting a mortgage usury? A loan for your car?

What about gambling, is that moral? Sure, some people will say it's not, in Islam for example. Does that make anyone that gambles immoral? Of course not.

The reason why there was usury is that Jews were banned from having physical assets, so they focused their efforts on liquid assets. This was the only way they could make money.

Rent is also a form of usury.

Sure. It is not some dirty word and some evil conspiracy theory. Money lending, in any sense, has helped MILLIONS of people, and I'm sure has helped you in your life and will do in the future.

Debt peonage is your definition of "help"? Absolutely Talmudic..

I think you need to get a life man ...


Rule 4.

And is their comment still up? Thot police!

We could use less bombs in the world, from h-bombs to f-bombs.

As far as the other comments goes - if they think you need to get a life, it's not a sidebar rule infraction.

Just poor argument technique.

Swearing isn't allowed anymore? Can't call op a fag anymore? Gotta keep the sub kosher for the advertisers I suppose. Carry on thot.

Definitely can't call OP a fag.

If you removed the f-bomb above it would be hard to argue abusive/threatening language.

Does that pass the censor?

Of course. It depends on context.

Is it immoral to charge interest on loans if people voluntarily accept them? Clearly not

So abuse is good if someone is talked into it? A drug charge is morally acceptable if the convicted person accepts?

I dont think its abuse, more like how are economy works well

Securities backed mortgages aren't abusive? Yeah you have no idea what you're talking about.

So because something has happened for a long time we should ignore it? Kind of like a 'used by' date eh? Also if the whole world is constantly against you [for millennia], maybe it's you that needs looking at? This is probably the biggest conspiacy theory in the history of mankind. The 'chosen ones'. I think this sub is a smashing place to put it!

Rape is bad but it's existed for millennia. Therefore... Pilpul logic.

Totally unscientific BS. It isn't the same at all. Anything bad that has existed for millennia is not ok. However if something exists for that long and it isn't ok, you are allowed to ask why!

See how you completely misunderstood everything?

Not at all, but what is "something that happened for a long time" but the hypocrisy here is that many Jew haters talk of how certain Jews bring up the holocaust and that it happened a long time ago so we should forget it...it seems incredibly hypocritical.

Who said the whole world is against us? And by Us I'm presuming you mean Jews and not Israelis (because, shock horror, not only Jews live in Israel)

I'm not aware of Jews who think the whole world is against them. Sure, certain Muslim states who despise Jews, but the rest of the world? Nah, I don't think so.

Hey, I am not even a Jew hater. I am stating merely historical facts and give a solution! It is a fact that jewish people have been persecuted throughout history. It is a fact that this was done by a variety of differing countries, nations, people. Why? My answer was that if things like that happen it would be time to look at their own. Maybe they do something that nobody else likes.

Please concentrate on the gist however, that the post that was called 'unsuitable for this sub' is absolutely suitable for this sub, more so than any other conspiracy ever. It isn't even a conspiracy as it is well known that Jews consider themselves the chosen ones. So what is jew-hating about any of this? That you don't like facts?

Yes, Jews have been persecuted by lots of people/nations for a very long time. That doesn't mean they have done something wrong. The main reason is that everyone needs a scapegoat, and of course, the Jews are the obvious choice.

Other than jealously, lack of understanding, prejudice and outright lies, what is the reason that people don't like them? I'd like to know why, apart from conspiracy theories.

Your "Chosen Ones" point is pretty easy to defend against as Christians believe this too (especially evangelical Christian) it doesn't mean that they think they are better than others. This, like any information in the bible is believed by some and not by others. What about in Islam when they are told to slaughter the infidels? In this scenario, clearly the Muslims are the Chosen People doing God's work. Why is that discussed by you?

I love facts, but I'm not really seeing any to be honest. Yes, Jews have been persecuted for a long time. That isn't enough of a fact to make me believe Jews are evil.

Nonononono. You are not wriggling out of this one that easily. They are not scapegoats. Plenty have shown mercy and let them in yet after a while started to get 'annoyed'. I am disappointed that you don't even want to consider an actual positive I'd like to offer you. What if, what if Jewish people are clever and good with money, what if they have very tight family bonds and stick to themselves and eventually rule the roost through money?

Possible right? If you say no, then I know that nothing I can say will even make you contemplate that behaviour will have consequences. Good or bad.

Further more, the chosen ones. I agree 100% that muslims also think that they are special and christians but the story behind it is different. Every religion will make their believers 'special' or otherwise nobody would 'sign up'.

However, there is a huge difference in how it came about for jewish people. First of all, it is the oldest religion in town. Islam is a baby compared to judaism. Furthermore it stems from such times when actual 'gods' [or whatever you think they may have been] roamed the Earth and actually lived amongst us. The first people they saw were jewish and they made jewish people their priests. Only jewish people could 'serve' the gods [literally, food and drink].

Here: http://triumphpro.com/enoch-and-the-prototype.htm

After that jews have adhered to this notion more than anyone else. They truly believe they are 'more' chosen than anyone else and awaiting the return of the gods to leave everyone else behind. All family businesses, all hollywood filmmakers, all bankers and priests work towards one goal and that is to be recognised once again as the 'chosen ones'.

It truly is amazing how jewish people around the world hold the reigns.

I am not religious, I think islam is destroying the world with oppressive thinking and violence and the koran was actually written by a warmonger. I think christians are all deluded and are closing their eyes the natural way of things. Yet the Jewish 'story' is different.

Either you could say that they are taking history a bit too serious or maybe they were annointed by beings [don't think they were in any way related to an omnipresent god, if they needed food and drink but that's another story].

Whatever it is, it is absolutely and tangibly different from the 'special' of other religions. Where you are basically lovable sheep as long as you bleat the right notes.

I'd love to hear if you can see that there is a difference or that they believe in a far more 'serious' way [all encompassing really] that they are 'chosen'.

Maybe they even are! It doesn't matter. It matters that judaism is geared towards the end days. I'd like to have a proper discussion. Plus discussing this is exactly what we should.

My opinion or not opinion is utterly irrelevant and as such there is no need to call me something [jew hater] on the basis of one sentence. It is far more complicated than that.

Will try and answer as coherently as I can as on mobile.

Without question, they have been scapegoats. By far the most scapegoated group in history. I'd be interested to here another group then the old "it's the Jews!" I am not disagreeing, and I agree, some Jews are good with money, others...not so much. How do I know? Because I'm a Jew. The stereotypes you give are definetly applicable to some, but definetly not for all. I don't know about ruling the roost, but I don't think it's a negative to want to be successful.

Your point about The Chosen Ones. Firstly I have no idea of that story that you told (will check the link later) but I have not heard that at all, and I'm presuming that is commentary of some sort, and one source cannot be taken as fact. Regarding timescales of religions, Yes Judaism is the oldest, but I don't see how that makes in the open to ridicule/conspiracy etc? Maybe I'm missing the point. Re Islam, we agree there.

How can you say "they truly believe they are..." where is your evidence of this? Again, as you mentioned, doesn't every religion think they are the better one? I knew a girl in school who was Christian and literally told everyone that they were going to hell for one reason or another. I knew a Muslim who openly calls Jews sons of apes and pigs. Have you seen what these Islamic states teach their kids? So why hate of a group that doesn't actively hate on anyone? Is a Muslim walked around in Israel, nothing would happen remotely. If a Jew walked around in any Muslim state, well, that's not a good situation to be in. This is the kind of hypocrisy I struggle with.

Your note about the Bankers, Filmmakers etc...I don't know why this is of huge importance. Yes, Jews have a disproportionate amount of power in that sense, and are in high powered jobs etc. They work for this though, they create companies, they do well for themselves, I'm not sure of the problem. So, if all Jews stopped their work ethics and just worked minimum wage jobs, would that make the conspiracy theories stop? Why should I know work my ass off to make money and have an impact in the world? Who is something to tell me that it's only because I'm Jewish these things happen? That's bullshit.

I am not religious, and I don't care for who is Chosen and who is not. I don't know if I believe in God. BUT, to me, there is something remarkable about the Jewish community and how we have survived, thrived and made immeasurable differences in the world. I think that sounds be celebrated.

I appreciate your response, as I can see you are genuinely interested in the subject. I am not easily offended, but it does bug me when my people are deemed to be the one thing wrong with the world. I find it totally bizarre.

I too think it is a good place for Stormfront gatherings and misinformation.

EDIT: no subreddit should give a platform to Holocaust deniers.

im convinced the motive of this sub is to spread israel hate, this stuff reaches the top multiple times on a daily basis

theres never two sides to the arguments here, the community here is so clearly anti-jew that any comments that are even objectively correct in favor of israel will get downvoted.

simply noting that this is not an israel friendly sub? yeah thats not the kind of stuff you can comment here.

Yep! Certainly seems that way. Will unsubscribe.

oh ffs get off the bloody "Jooooose did it" thing


i forgot how much anti-semitism is on this fucking sub

Enough with crying fucking wolf whenever someone stands up and has an opinion against your psychopathic, genocidal, hypocritic government. The US wants to stem the flow of immigrants and the media cries their liberal little hearts out. Isreal bans all immigrants and they're somehow hero's.

Do you people realise just how fucking twisted your leaders are? You don't because every time your IDF cowards kill another 12yo the lame excuses start flying.

Do you realise how many Palestinian citizens you fuckers have killed in the last 20 years?..... Over 7,000

The problem is Israel doesn't want peace. They want every last Muslim removed or killed from Gaza. Their is no solution as Benji will not stop until every house is leveled and turned into Israeli settlements.

Is it anti-Semitic to want peace and for Palestinians to be able to live in a world where their not looking over their shoulder?

Is it anti-Semitic for Palestinians wanting water to drink an electricity?

The only land where racism and hate breed is Israel.

The only land who has stoked the flames of war and false flag attacks are staged lies within Israel.

For a people who live with the pain and suffering of the Holocaust and know first hand what its like to be exterminated but then turn around and commit crimes as Hitler did cries of hypocrisy...

However, the brainwashed Israelis feel whatever they do is okay even when its genocide they are guilty of.

But since the media is sympathetic to Israel they will continue to suck little boys ball sacks, giving them STDs,

Use snipers to murder 11yo kids throwing rocks.

Bulldoze entire neighborhoods

Limit the movement and jail whomever the choose...

And so on and so on and so on.

Cry me a river you poor, oppressed people who can't handle the truth.

i dont think you realize this comment was specifically about the anti semitic wording op used, you can be supportive of palestine without being anti semitic, and that im neither supportive of what israel is doing to palestine, or american.

Kinda like in the US right now.

Trump does something bad suddenly "Obama" and "Hillary".

Is there no topic where people can't sneak Trump in? Seriously.

The username tho


That's not the point at all.


I don't think it did

More like Trump does something good and suddenly the intolerant left goes "RUSSIA" or "IMPEACH" lmao. Or Trump causes something good and the intolerant left goes "That was because of Obama despite the fact that the results occurred after Trump changed/removed Obama's policy."

Ya think? Here's a challenge then... Name one single thing that Trump had done that helps the American citizen... Not American corporations... American citizens.

I dare you... Cause I don't believe you can.

Lmao yeah that's it keep telling yourself that jimbo.

There are some pretty observable correlations. Take last months NK summit, the same time that USA is finally working on diplomatic tensions with the hostile dictator of NK the media decides to report what? That maybe Trump got a bipartisan win and that the world will be better with one less hostile nuclear force? No, they bring up Immigration issues near the border and blame it all on him, despite the laws being brought forth by a previous President and Trump's administration simply following orders.

I do not bring that up in order to spark debate over whether the family separation was Just or Right (I'm glad they EO'd it away). I show that as just one instance of the media at large not willing to give credit to the President for a job well done by continually running negative press and if there isn't any FINDING some.

Korea is going terribly. Also those border stories didnt happen at the same time. Also how the fuck are all these people pro "the power" in a conspiracy sub.

"Cuz when I hear squeaky clean and good intentions...I think Donald J Trump"

Bi-partisan win? What exactly did Trump do in Korea? Legitimize a brutal dictators regime nearly ending all hope for a peaceful unification of the north and south? Got them to demolish their already collapsing public nuclear facility while we caught them building 3 more secret ones?

I think that you


have Trump Derangement Syndrome


and are refusing to give credit


where credit is rightfully do


would you rather have gone to war with NK?


why fight when we can talk it out?


because I'd rather see peace amongst their brainwashed and impoverished people and ours


you say we will never see reunification, but strictly through Trump's pushing, we are closer to seeing a peaceful Korean Peninsula then ever before


if you really believe that Trump will let NK slide after they met face to face and made a deal for denuclearizing


"The sanctions are remaining. The hostages are back. There have been no tests. There have been no rockets going up for a period of nine months, and I think the relationships are very good, so we'll see how that goes." ....he also said that the process would likely be longer "than anybody would like" during a press conference in the United Kingdom last week.

then I'm sorry you bought into the fear mongering. These changes don't happen overnight


tl;dr 6 years it took South Africa to denuclearize

and Trump would (sadly) bring us to another war (rightfully so) if NK ever tried something on us, destroying their deal.

Well, I even used all your sides sources, if you want to cherry pick them apart be my guest. I don't believe that I can ever convince you to love our President and our Country the way I do. But I do hope you could reconsider that not everything he does is Evil, in fact most of it is strictly in regards to American interests, which to me and most Americans that it a good thing. I suppose you put your priorities elsewhere, which is fine, just a shame to see someone discredit someone greater then them because of ridiculous media-motivated bias.

All of those articles are from 1 month ago, since then we know for a fact disarmament is a joke to North Korea, evidenced by them continuing construction on nuclear facilities.

But i don't exactly expect a rabid trump supporter posting on the donald everyday to admit that.

They were from a month ago because NK summit happened a month ago. If you won't trust your own Leftist sources then I don't know how to get through to you and for that I am sorry. You're gonna have a hard 6 years until he is out of Office if you really hate him so much.

And I don't post on The_Don daily or really often at all, and certainly wouldn't classify myself as a rabid supporter, he has his faults, and I don't love everything about him. But I do feel a need to stick up for our President when everyone else only focuses on the negatives (most asinine or outright false) and look on the bright side of our accomplishments these past two years.

Thanks for contributing to the political division of America though via shutting down attempts at conversation, we don't have to agree but I do wish people would stop demonizing Conservatives/Trump supporters like you have. But I'm sure if you continually blindly hating others for thinking and voting differently it'll all work out in the end.

You say im shutting down coversation but you obviously didn't even read my reply and instantly dove into this holier than thou tirade haha.

Yes the summit was a month ago, and since then we know that literally NOTHING has come of it.

Same handlers perhaps?


Religions are a race?

No but Jews are an ethno-religious group and therefore get special rules

Polish Christians aren't? Why are there special rules for only one chosen religion?


Your a race....ist lul

Your? Well I can tell you're not a grammar Nazi..

Rule 10.


Is this the new talking point now?

David is lacking in creativity.

How is a country a race? How can a religion be a race? Judiasim is the most diverse religion on the planet.


Being intolerant of a backwards misogynist and patriarchal religion that oppresses women and monities is unacceptable to you? What are your view on Christianity?


So a rabbi sucking the blood of a baby's dick isn't pedophilia? It's something we need to be tolerant of? Genital mutilation is something we should just accept because it's "their culture"?


Circumcision is absolutely what I'm talking about.


Okay so ignore everything else because you’re wrong, cool discussion. How are you mad about what parents choose to do with their own child’s penis? Hospitals and doctors do it, it’s a norm now it has no religious significance in hospitals or doctors offices. Dig for what the Circumcision god commanded Abraham to perform actually signaled, before you bash someone for something so slight.

Absolute pilpul. With that line of logic pedophilia is justified..


Removed. Rule 4.

Is calling circumcision genital mutilation anti Semitic?

I suppose it's just a coincidence every Jewish meme posted in this thread uses the exact same "hairy jew w/ big nose" caricature

Judaism is a social construct.

How is that a reply to my comment?

What if there is actually an issue with the Jews/Israel? Just keep an open mind, that's what conspiracies are all about

"keep in open mind to me completely denying the holocaust and saying that all media is jew lies"

Ill keep my mind open to the fact that you are 100 percent a mongoloid and i'd never give a fuck what you said.

Did I say the Holocaust didn't happen or that all media is "Jew lies?" No, I did not. You gave enough fucks to comment so that's good enough for me lol


I 100% agree with you that posts here should not be fueled by hate, but I mean, what if some of those posts are actually pointing out something legitimate? I haven't seen those posts myself as I don't frequently browse this sub but I don't know most of the time people here seem pretty smart


You don't think conspiracies have legitimacy? Isn't that what we're on this sub for

At least Anne Frank existed, unlike the fictional Palestine.

So if Palestine never existed what was that land before Israel took it over?



JIDF plz go

We’re not going anywhere! Hahahaha

Jewish antics are quickly making people lose their patience. You're on the fast track, buddy. You're people more than any should know what happened last time you were put on trains.

They will soon discover some "lost records of the Nazis" indicating that the death toll could be a lot higher.

Unlikely. The "6 million" number has Talmudic significance.

Collect them all.

God's Word is inspired by Him directly. Unfortunately, the bible has been revised, when God specifically said not to add to or take away from His Word. The things that are explained today, that take away the glory of God, are obviously blasphemous deceptions. Space is fake, man cannot leave the dwelling of the earth, earth is flat and motionless, the sun moon and stars revolve around us.

Ephesians 6:12 - For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

LOL commenting on your alt account now? Pretty sad dude.

Wait, I'm fairly sure last time I read about it it did say the death toll was 8 million... It was long time ago though, might be wrong

That is an an interesting perspective. Completely different from how I see it. From my point of view, I hardley see anyone talking about holocaust rememberence day anymore. Last Holocaust rememberence day, it was hardly mentioned on Reddit (except in cases where people were denying it). The Holocaust is barely covered in schools anymore because people feel that it is too upsetting for kids. I am kind of glad those 50 movies you mention exist.

It's not war. One side has all the power and the other has nothing. It's occupation.

You sound like a teenager