I´m working on an essay on the ridiculously high prices of the US health-care services and the comparison with other countries. Does anyone knows where can I find data on most US prices in this sphere?

32  2018-07-21 by QuartzPuffyStar

In 4 months I have to present a work showing why the US health-care system is among the most expensive in the world, the possible causes and how other countries manage to have a similar quality level for a lot less money.

I´ve seen in some sites/articles that there are pdfs and databases around the internet with the base or average prices of almost all available medical services. But I´ve not been able to find them :(.

Anyone interested in this knows where can I find them?

Thanks in advance!


Dude, can you get me a copy of this paper when you’re done? Would love it just for my personal edification. Thanks 👍


Ditto. Post it here..

Yep yes please

I'm not sure where to find the info, but when I walked into the emergency room for a kidney stone, which happened to finally pass right as I was walking in, it cost me $3900 to have my stomach scanned and talk with the doctor for less than 5 minutes.

you can poke around on cms.gov to see if you can find medicare & medicaid data.

you can request a comprehensive coverage list from a private insurances, but you might have to be on a plan with a company in order to get that data. I'm not too sure how private insurances handle requests for that info.

as far as an open database for national medical costs, i haven't ever found one :(

Medicare costs are often used as a proxy for overall healthcare costs. Here is the CMS website that links directly to the costs database:


It seems that the US spends more per person already compared to Canada etc. Some graphs show $12000 plus compared to $8000 ish. All this with millions uninsured, pre existing condition woes, and most paying for extra coverage to boot. Below someone commented on the Nixon decision around profits. Nail meet hammer. If the US had similar systems each would pay much less, everyone covered, etc. Sales of yachts and jets would go way down. Pure personal perspective here. Capitalism should be limited in health and military.

OECD and WHO have data sections that may have some of what you want. Depends how in depth you want to get and whether you want the data yourself.

All you need to know about US healthcare can be traced to the Nixon health act that removed restrictions on profit for the industry and gave out government subsidies to his best friend, financier and campaign partner. Administration fees skyrocketed while everything else stayed relatively the same for costs.

Then factor in big pharma, which makes up about 6 of the top 10 spending lobby groups in America and how every other country spends very little on medical research and you get America, with unlimited profits and no government control like socialism, and Americans are guinea pigs for drugs and pay mark-ups to fund the rest of the world.

In exchange for this, they also have the quickest access to healthcare and better care. The average US survival rate for cancer is over 70%. Socialized countries is significantly lower. UK is 54%. 4 million people die on waiting lists for treatments in the UK, up from 3.4 million high in 2015. In one month, 300,000 patients were forced to wait over 4 hours in emergency rooms to see a doctor. Over 25% of cardiac patients die waiting for treatment in the UK.

And the biggest kicked is while only 1% of patients of patients in the USA had to wait over four months for any surgery, the number was 12% in Canada, 17% in Australia, 22% in New Zealand, and a shocking 33% in the UK. That's averages. If you have back or knee problems, they don't count your 6 months to a year wait time just to see the specialist and THEN schedule the surgery. It's not uncommon to be waitlisted in Canada well over a year and forced to 'tough it out' on expensive painkillers (oxy, Tylenol 3, etc) before finally being "in enough pain" to justify scheduling an appointment (not even the surgery).

tldr - American politicians removed restriction on profits, now US funds big pharma, who then sells to the socialized leeches for less off the back of Americans.

Its not that American prices are too high, it’s that other countries don’t pay royalty fees that they should to our pharmaceutical companies, to they are basically stealing property. They don’t pay enough. Universal cuck care is cancer.

-Albert Fairfax II

Wut?. Why would someone have to pay a company for a compound that´s not protected with a patent? lol.

Wut?. Why would someone have to pay a company for a compound that´s not protected with a patent? lol.