9/11 in HD : Destruction Analysis & Tower Design using New Videos

35  2018-07-21 by jje5002

9/11 in HD this channel contains some good videos in HD/enhanced quality (note some are videos claimed to fake or doctored, but can still be useful .. also interesting to note is the differences in dialogue among the different videos .. some of the conversations are very clearly voice overs and VERY badly acted .. back then there was no youtube or dvr, so footage was designed to be watched once. there is SUCH a clear intention in the voice over dialogue to push a certain agenda it is painfully obvious. buzzwords that just werent used back then are easy to identify as being seed words. "terrorist, suicide attack, 737, passenger plane, american airlines etc" further down i will link to some newly released ones that are interesting) in the linked video at around 31 or 32 min mark: "there was definitely a bomb in the second one. i dont know how the first one went off but there was definitely a bomb in the second one" "i saw that second building blow up. it just flat out blew up."

take note the design of the towers .. i totally believe they were made with destruction in mine. notice the design on the steel encasing on the buildings: vertical lines with no horizontal distinguishing marks .. could this be done give the appearance of "collapse" if destruction started at the top and work itself down? it would look like the buildings are "falling" when in reality are being destroyed vertically from the top down. hence why are videos are shot zoomed in and followed down with camera panning. if you watch the videos with this in mind you can really see it. this effect can very clearly be seen here , especially if you slow down video speed. things to look out for are puffs of smoke being ejected out of the building right below the destruction line. other things to note are the ominous "buzzing" sound right before the destruction starts and how you can actually see the top portion of the building implode in on itself at the start of the collapse. you can actually see it happen very clearly. what i think they did was break off the top portion of the building above the fire line so people watching would see the roof of the building "fall" while the top/down destruction of the building started from the fire line on down. again you can very clearly see this.

this makes sense when you realize the building couldnt just be "falling" or collapsing because it leaves nothing in its wake ... for it to "fall" something has to be there to trail and hit the ground .. barely anything hits the ground. just a path of destruction shooting clouds outward follow the path of the building until it reaches the bottom.

watch the destruction of the south tower multiple times slowed down the .25x. dont forget to slow it down and try to focus on these things. many different videos in HD & enhanced quality can be found here so watch it from multiple angles. the north tower also shows the same characteristics in its destruction with some difference in the start of the destruction and the top section, but for the most part follows the same pattern.

top section of building above fire line/impact zone

  • lets start with this view first thing to note is how right before the destruction starts; the intensity of the apparent vaporization of the inside of the building appears to intensify. you can hear a buzzing sound and the destruction show begins.
  • around 16:48 you can clearly start to see the vertical steel lines start to bend inwards. this is important to note i think because if we were to believe it was a pancake collapse it would probably start from the fire line and below not above and even that wouldn't make sense.
  • another thing to note is how the top section of the building breaks completely free of the rest of the building. this is very important for multiple reasons.
    • If the official story were to believed and it was a pancake collapse, if the top section of the building is broken free as seen in the video, why would the bottom section start pancaking? Weight was removed from above it and the bottom section was undamaged. It was previously supporting much more weight there is no reason for a top/down collapse pattern
    • Design of the buildings: 9/11 was all about shock and awe and apparent uncontrolled destruction. However the destruction was very contained and did minimal damage to neighboring buildings (very important exceptions here: see blow). The buildings for the most part stayed in their footprint. So to give the impression of collapse the buildings were designed with very key design elements in mind:
      • Vertical unbroken lines on exterior casing of building. This draws attention to key points of the towers: The spire, the roof line below before vertical lines start, and the few darkened horizontal sections breaking the visual aesthetic of the tower into a few sections. These cues are very important to take note of why the buildings were designed this way.
  • So when watching the video, you can begin to see why they destroyed the buildings how they did. The destruction starts in two ways: breaking off the top portion of the building from 91st floor/fire zone and above, and starting top/down destruction from that point below shortly after.
  • First watch it with your eyes only on that top section of the building. Ignore the destruction below for now. After the vertical supports start bending inward, you can know without a doubt that the top section has detached by looking at the vertical lines, especially those of the corner section of the tower, the roof section above the lines and the spire. It begins to spin, rotate and lean while falling. It must of become unattached to do this and have the bottom remain stationary. I believe this was done of purpose so if you were watching you would see some form of downward motion to get your brain started. You see the spire and the roof line go down.
  • Another thing I found interesting is how the top section remained in the building footprint. I don’t want to get into the debate of with technology was used to destroy the buildings, but it was unlike anything seen before. Most likely a combination of things. But anomalies like this are important to note. You can see corrective measures of some kind being taken when you see the rook/spire start spinning or leaning then going back into place.
  • Also important to notice is the destruction of the bottom portion of the building is already in full swing and working its way down before the roof line of the building has even descended fully into it. This alone makes the pancake collapse theory impossible because the rest of the building is already being destroyed before the above section has even started to crash into it.

go through again with other videos like this and this (dont forget to slow to .25x)

Remaining 3/4ths of building 91st floor/fire line and below

· As the destruction begins keep your eyes at the black hole where the vertical lines are broken. You will start to see them start bending inwards. But there is nothing above them crushing them. Very strange. The building is very clearly imploding. The outside casing is bending inward, followed by huge smoke clouds being pushed outward. The entire way down the larger smoke clouds are preceded by tinier ones the entire way down. Another important thing to note is the way the outer casing of the building so easily implodes in on itself, as if it is met with barely any resistance.

·as the destruction begins, keep your eyes ahead of the destruction a little bit. you will see how the vertical lines give the illusion of the structure falling as the destruction works its way downwards. notice how the momentum of the destruction starts from the center of the tower, and sprays outwards in a upwards curve the flows down almost like a banana unpeeling. this destruction pattern is uniform for the entire show. notice the pieces of structure sent hurling UPWARDS and out .. how would a pancake collapse cause this? it wouldnt.

go through again with another angle (this one is VERY interesting because you can clearly see support columns and section and building remain standing while the rest continues disappears downward and then continues to destruct.) (dont forget to slow)

· Even though I said I wouldn’t I want to consider destruction methods for just a moment. Again, I want to say I think multiple destruction methods were used. For the initial fireball/explosion I think more traditional methods were used. This was the exact section of the building that received “fire proofing” leading up to 9/11 (by the same company linked to the “fire & missile proofing at the pentagon destruction zone if you can believe that). They wanted to make sure everything on these floors got destroyed. These floors contained securities and insurance companies all with ties to high ranking gov’t officials and 9/11. Marsh, cantor, eurobrokers and garbon all had offices here and all needed to have their datacenters destroyed to hide the evidence of the hundreds of billions moved through there. Nano-thermite would do the job nicely. Now is where it gets more tricky.

· Like most things the government tries to hide in plain view, directed energy weapons (a weapon that does not use kinetic energy like bullets) were adamantly denied by gov’t officials and the like until they weren’t. in this video from a press conference in 2003, then secretary of defense rumsfeld becomes visibly uncomfortable when a reporter asks a question about directed energy weapons. he all but admits they exist and are used. a frequent mistake made the gov't when trying to hide guilt is when giving explanations on things they know will later be proved fault, they already have a tone of trying to over explain and justify as if having already being accused of guilt and wrong doing. a major tell and is seen over and over. it is apparent in their explanation about the case studies on GMOs in the 90s.

· what if immediately following their initial explosions, the interior contents of the towers began to be vaporized or disintegrated in some way? this would explain the lack of ANY items found such as toilets, building materials, carpets, desks, plumbing or phones etc. it would also explain the almost complete lack of resistance seen in the destruction. it would also explain the smoke pouring out of the towers. what if this smoke is actually the steel and other contents of the towers pouring out of, for the most part, only one face of the building? also the smoke looks like it is being pulled or sucked .. bypassing open windows where it should go out instead all being pulled out of one opening. this is especially apparent and disturbing in building 7, i have to find the video.

we already know they want heavy metals sprayed in the sky to facilitate HAARP, amongst other things, what if the steel dust going into the sky played into that as well? who knows. what if, somehow, force and winds taken from hurricane erin somehow played a part in the destruction?

also the more videos you watch the more it is very plain to see that the "No planes" theory really does hold some weight .. you can hear many many times in the videos many new yorkers watching from the streets exclaim how they heard and saw bombs go off, not planes. this can be proof to discredit anyone who uses the argument "what about all the people in nyc who saw it happen with their own eyes" when they try and dismiss the no planes theory .. hearing the people on the streets being so sure it was not planes but bombs, or at least something that looked to them like bombs, is really proof of how the rapid fire brainwashing outrage fatigue trauma programming nonstop news coverage injected the ideas of planes and terrorists into peoples minds.9/11 was a "shock and awe" event done to hold the mesmerized public's attention, while behind the scenes, one of the biggest money heists of all time was conducted. the exact spot of the impact and explosion in the north tower was on the 95th floor, four floors above the offices of marsh & mcclennan. at the time they were the largest insurance company .. the spot of the explosion was where their datacenters were housed. these computers held the records to the securities held by the bush family. these securities were set to mature on 9/12/01. they contained the dirty secrets of blood money used for dark espionage and were for billions of dollars. they also contained the records of the insider trading done on 9/11 by those with inside knowledge of 9/11. these stock puts were done by those who knew the companies that would be negatively affected by 9/11 would see sharp stock decreases; so by placing put options they saw major gains on their investments. marsh at the time had just completed installation of a completely new kind of transaction connection method called silver stream, which linked them and AIG. this method was never used by anyone else in the industry. perfect way to transfer this money without anyone knowing.

also strange that other key players: deutche bank, bankers trust etc, had buildings surrounding the wtc complex, and also had their systems and buildings sustain "damage" erasing their records.

additional thoughts

seen over and over in the 9/11 videos, but for example [in this video] the person shooting the video would surely notice the plane on its way to hit the north tower, yet there is no mention of it, no zoom out, no nothing .. the only shock is at the time of the explosion. very telling about the existence of the plane. also telling is how the audio. the sound doesnt sync up or sound like a plane hitting the building, and their convo is very strange .. nothing mention seeing a plane coming when they were looking right at the towers, and immediately going to "thats terrorists" when that word was not even part of the american lexicon at the time. also interesting in that video is around 5:05 you can hear someone say "its all because of israel."

in this video the plane looks different after each pass behing each building on its way to the tower

this is VERY INTERESTING and very shocking .. in this video taken ON 9/11 you can clearly see the remains of the towers. you can see how little debris there was SAME day .. something else extremely telling is the remains that are still standing. if they are still standing, how did the towers collapse on to them? they would be flattened. its almost as if the building above simply disappeared.

the pentagon sustained damage to the area that held their accounting offices and the explosion took out the records and employees that held knowledge of the missing 2.3 trillion dollars which was publicly announced the day before.

follow the money and follow it even deeper

edit: the FOIA contain so so so so many interesting, telling & disturbing things i may make a second part 2 post


SS : an analysis of the destruction of the WTC on 9/11 and the design of the towers being based on this event. also exposes how the tower destruction was really a magicians slight of hand trick to hide the real crime on 9/11: using the WTC as a distraction, trillions of dollars was stolen and the evidence washed. all in plain sight.

Thanks for taking the time to post all of this!

The thing that I know is impossible is the vertical stabilizer 'tail' of Flight 175, or any 767 is a hollow aluminum tube. Even IF the entire aircraft made it inside the tower.... the stabilizer most certainly would have sheared off, and crashed outside the steel.

that is one of the other more telling things the 'airplane' glides right into the building with no resistance like a ghost .. no impact no pieces falling to the ground no windows breaking just goes right into the building .. come on they had better graphic on NES