Why do Jews not regard Jesus as the Messiah?

1  2018-07-22 by NYC_Subway

Because even after he died, Satan’s rule on the world was still in tact. This is the major requirement of what constitutes the messiah. He has to overthrow evil. And since evil has ruled since even before Jesus and until present day, Jesus cannot logically be the messiah.

This is why when the Torah talks about the “next world” it is always in the context of a peaceful, God loving place where “the lamb will lay down with the wolf.”


Because there's no credible historical evidence for said Jesus messiah?

Because they created Christianity and wrote the bible, many Jews are atheists, which would mean that Judaism isn't a religion nor is it a race, it's more comparable to a cult or non theistic belief system.

Where could I find more on this?

The Talmud

Are you interested in the real reason? I'm Jewish and can share it with you.

Please do.

Okay, first let me say that I'm Jewish but not really religious. I don't believe all the stuff in the Bible. I don't think it is meant to be taken literally. But I think it is still important because it has hidden meanings.

Okay, the Jewish Messiah is supposed to come from the line of King David. It might even say (not sure) about the Messiah coming from David's seed (sperm). So that would mean coming from a man in King's David line. Remember, way back then they didn't think much of women, so it wouldn't count being from a descendant of a woman in David's line.

In the Bible is says that Jesus is related to David through Mary (his Mom).

Also, even if Joseph was related to Kind David, it wasn't Joseph's sperm that impregnated Mary. She was impregnated (so the story goes) by God or Angels.

So that is the main reason.

But Joseph, Mary’s husband, has his genealogy traced back to David as well. So, legally, Jesus is descended from David’s line. It’s bec of the virgin birth then.

Yes, it is because of the virgin birth. Jews do not think that the Messiah will be the literal son of God. They think he will be a mortal man and not a God.

being born from a virgin aint enough for you people lol


But why is King David so revered in a spiritual sense? His story doesn't seem to make him out to be super holy or god like.

You are right. David doesn't sound like a good guy. He spied on a girl while she was taking a bath. She was married. So he sent her husband to the front lines in battle (so he would get killed), just so he could sleep with her!

I don't know why he is so revered.

God seems to see David turn to Him and trust Him more than most other men, called him “a man after God’s own heart.” David was chosen to be King over Israel after the ppl had chosen an inadequate Saul, who kept straying from God’s instructions and having bad judgement. The promises were made to him that someone from his family would sit on the throne forever —messiah. There are many other notable ppl in Jesus’ genealogy, probably not as famous, including women, like Rahab (a former prostitute) and Ruth (both nonIsraelites).

This ain't the main reason. You have been poorly taught.

The main reason is that the savior to the jews is supposed unite the world through conquest. Jesus on the other hand sacrificed himself and did pretty much everything opposite to what a conquerer/tyrant would do.

It's fairly simple. If you look at (what Christians refer to as) the "Old Testament" prophets, they were all specific about who the Messiah would be.

For a start, his name would be "Emmanuel" (this is the reason the Christmas carol "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" contains the odd-looking lyric: "Pleased as man with men to dwell/ Jesus our Emmanuel.")

Also, if you read the New Testament, you can see that Jesus went out of his way to stage stunts designed to "fulfil" the OT prophets -- presumably in order to win over converts from Judaism. The entry into Jerusalem, for example -- the Bible doesn't even try to hide the fact that Jesus and the Disciples purposefully set out to tick all the "set design" requirements of the predictions.

There's a lot more to it than I've put here, but that's the gist of it. To the orthodox Jewish inhabitants of occupied ancient Judea, Jesus was just another in a never-ending procession of messianic imposters and pretenders. He just happens to be the one that got remembered.

Same reason as we don’t consider allah as the prophet.

But also Jesus is an amalgamation of different beliefs. The Roman centurion god Mithris also had a similar story to Jesus. And at the time of Jesus there was a more convincing and popular prophet, Simon. He apparently levitated and also did miracles.

Whilst Jesus almost certainly lived it seems it was peter that did the job of spreading the word than the word actually spreading. He appears to have been a good story teller. Then the nostics writes the bible 110 years after Jesus died.

There’s a decent amount not to believe in all honesty. Where as the old testimony is still applicable to daily life. The new testimony tends to be about bigging up Jesus.

40 days in a desert to avoid temptation ? 40 days in a brothel with a bag of silver would have been a little more impressive.

40 days in a desert to avoid temptation

Look up hermeticism.

That was just a joke btw.

I wasn't offended. I've read a bit of the Apocrypha and it proves that the Christian canon is incomplete. Jesus killed people in the Apocrypha and had other God like powers. I think it's possible that he was another Elohim (son of god); if those really do exist.

I think it’s possible many are. There are those that kind of come from the seventh plain. They don’t need to come here, but do. Violence is just part of earth, killing and war is just part of it. Can we all live in peace and reproduce like rabbits ? Nope.

The story of Jesus has definitely been lost in time. That is something we can be sure of. He was nailed to a tree not even a cross. That’s how lost the story has got. We should have trees round our necks. Lol. And I’ve always found it strange the worst way the Romans had of killing people is commemorated for enternity. Perhaps we should add the rack as well and a cat o nine tails to get really spiritual.

I find it incredibly difficult to believe that a Jew thinks "Allah" refers to a human being.

I meant Mohammed. Not thinking.

They were the evil that Jesus preached against. They crucified him, but that only strengthened his word.

They believe in an earthly Messiah that will bring about and be the ruler of a one-world government, where the each Jew will live in paradise and have something like 3,000 goy slaves.

Because Jesus was crucified and because he was not an earthly king, he can not be their Messiah. In fact, Jesus was probably not ethnically Jewish (Sephardi), and clearly did not share their mindset. Galilee was a much different, and more Occidental place than Judea, and I think Jesus' character shows that.

But what will the wolf eat?

Lol nobody ever has an answer for what the (literal) wolf eats.

Christianity is a litmus test. If you fall for it, you don’t pass the test.

Alright, I'll play Jesus' advocate. There were several diffent groups around the time of Jesus' who differed as to who or what the Messiah would be. One group, the Essenes (a group of ascetic people who dwelt in less urban areas and were amongst the poor) thought he would be "the Son of Man", an apocalyptic figure who would oversee the end of the world. The Pharisees, a more urban and middle-class order, thought of the Messiah as the "Son of David" (or descendant of David) who was supposed to restore their royal lineage and lead them into dominance. The other major group was the Sadducees, who already held temporal power over Judaism, and thought their high priest was the embodiment of Messianic prophecy, and that they were living in Messianic time (they were the upper class, much of their belief system is attributed to the power and control they held). The Sadducees were cast down in 70 AD, when the Romans destroyed the Jewish Temple. This left two major ideologies fighting for control, the Essenes and the Pharisees, with Christianity just budding under Paul's interpretations and travels. The Essenes were at two distinct disadvantages though, one was a lack of procreation (celibacy in the group was a thing) as well as distance from concentrations of people/power. They eventually died off, while early Christianity (originally a Jewish ideology) began to flourish in the Levant, Greece and North Africa. Meanwhile, the main leaders of the Jewish people were the remaining Pharisees, who were the prototypes for the modern-day rabbis. The Pharisaic Jews were in conflict with Christians over how the fate of Christians and Jews (who were still very intertwined) would be decided. The closeness of the groups soured though, which you can see in progression chronologically through Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Eventually, the groups went their own ways, the Jews not having gotten their son of David, the Christians believing they had found their Savior. So many differences based on perspective, it's kind of fascinating. But that's the general picture of the difference in Messiahs between the two, who sprang from the same source.

sources: Gabrielle Boccacini, University of Michigan, Rick Rodgers, Eastern Michigan University.

cause they beChristians if they did?

I always thought the lion would lay down with the lamb.

Lucifer runs the "world".

He goes to great lengths and great effort to conceal himself, but the wise know he does indeed exist.

The most powerful people on the planet are Luciferains, they worship Lucifer. They worship death and destruction. They hate creation and wish to perverse it in any and all ways. They do evil things to people unimaginably. They feed you the dead corpses of your own children. They poison your mind in ways you never thought possible. They lie about all things and invert all truth that they are allowed to.

They believe in Jesus more than most do and despise him so dearly they wish you to utter his very name as a curse whenever something bad befalls you. They hypnotize people into becoming shells of their former selfs lusting after a desire that is not theirs. They convince people their sick and have mental illness. They spread disease and encourage divide in men. They want you to hate, they want you to despair. For you are God's glorious creation and every ounce of energy is spent influencing you negatively everyday until the final day comes.


This should be an Oscars acceptance speech

The Jewish messiah is supposed to enshrine the Jewish people as the rulers of this world with all the goyim as their slaves. When Jesus said "my kingdom is not of this world" he angered those Jews who adhered to the teachings of the Pharisees who demanded the messiah would make them the rulers of this world.

exactly .. if its not "good for the jews"...but most of the jews are fake evil jews like it says in revelations

Well I got a buddy who’s an expert on identifying these things. Can you hang out in the shop while I call him?

what do you mean

but jesus did overthrow satan .. he died for our sins allowing us salvation grace and mercy and entrance to heaven, through him and his sacrifice

Because in Jewish culture a 33 year old man with no wife and children was probably gay. Between his magic tricks and his predilection for male companionship his behavior was highly abnormal within the community. Then he started taking people away from the power structure of the temples. He was bad business. And a white dude...

Okay, first let me say that I'm Jewish but not really religious. I don't believe all the stuff in the Bible. I don't think it is meant to be taken literally. But I think it is still important because it has hidden meanings.

Okay, the Jewish Messiah is supposed to come from the line of King David. It might even say (not sure) about the Messiah coming from David's seed (sperm). So that would mean coming from a man in King's David line. Remember, way back then they didn't think much of women, so it wouldn't count being from a descendant of a woman in David's line.

In the Bible is says that Jesus is related to David through Mary (his Mom).

Also, even if Joseph was related to Kind David, it wasn't Joseph's sperm that impregnated Mary. She was impregnated (so the story goes) by God or Angels.

So that is the main reason.