23 and Me. (Service / enigma)

1  2018-07-23 by evadyugemos9

Waiting for my results. I got the 200 dollar kit. Do you guys have any experience with the service? What have you heard / know about it? Should I have chose a different place? What are some cool things I can look into after I get the results? Is there a connection between the German movie and why I chose this service? 🙃


Well. This is one of the DNA services. So I'd advise the not commit any crimes.

Just out of curiosity why did you sell your DNA to corporate entity?

he didn’t sell it. he PAID them! and writing that out just now and really thinking about it is so surreal.

Jesus...reading that comment sounds fuckin surreal. Truth be told though

You're in a database now . There was just a case where they used a DNA services customers DNA to match it to a family member who committed a crime in an unsolved case . Narrowed it down and boom got a Suspect .

Yes, he has just voluntarily given the State/tyrants the ability of irrefutably identifying him and his children in perpetuity.

This case was like a distant cousin or some shit . Familial DNA

I mean I was on probation at one point and they took my DNA. Lost it. Then made me submit my DNA again. So I was already in the system. Js. It was a drug crime. I've never committed a violent crime in my life.

You just sold your entire lineage out.

It was already sold out. 😞. Trust me.

" Sound paranoid? Consider the case of Google. (One of the founders of 23andMe, Anne Wojcicki, is presently married to Sergei Brin, the founder of Google.) When it first launched, Google billed itself as a faithful servant of the consumer, a company devoted only to building the best tool to help us satisfy our cravings for information on the web. And Google’s search engine did just that. But as we now know, the fundamental purpose of the company wasn’t to help us search, but to hoard information. Every search query entered into its computers is stored indefinitely. Joined with information gleaned from cookies that Google plants in our browsers, along with personally identifiable data that dribbles from our computer hardware and from our networks, and with the amazing volumes of information that we always seem willing to share with perfect strangers—even corporate ones—that data store has become Google’s real asset. By parceling out that information to help advertisers target you, with or without your consent, Google makes more than $10 billion every quarter. "


Thank you! This is a lot to look at. And yeah. That's interesting about the Mason's. I'm in Missouri and they have that here. http://mochip.org

not exactly sure why you got downvoted for asking a question, oh well, decided to make my response a thread. might be some replies worth looking at as well

Because I'm me. I appreciate your response though for sure. I mentioned the German movie 23 only for the sake of posting in this subreddit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/23_(film)

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/23_(film)

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I'm guessing OP didn't get the response He/She was hoping for.

Lol. I did. Why do you think I chose this subreddit. Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.

Seriously? It's hard to imagine that you are not trolling with this post. I mean how could anyone who has any remote interest in conspiracy theories possibly give their dna to a corporation? I don't believe you.

lolllllllll. I'm sorry you don't. Your entitled to your opinion though. Even mentioning the movie didn't give me street cred!?

It's just so inconsistent...I mean why would you do that? lol.

I was just curious. And like I said in other comments. I was put on probation in Illinois at one point and they took my DNA. Lost it. And then made me submit it again. So fuck if I know what they are doing. But I do know the corrupt overlords already took it. Probably used it as lubricant to fap. So I figured, "Meh, 23 and me, why not?" Plus my mom was adopted and has found no trace of her real parents. So she did it for the health aspects. I'm more curious about the ancestry and stuff. And the problem I found with ancestry.com was that you like pay for it. But then they end up charging you more fee's for more information.

Simply put. Idk.

That's cool. You are funny!

Find me on Facebook. You'll change your mind. Facebook.com/evadyugemos9

I mean how could anyone who has any remote interest in conspiracy theories possibly give their dna to a corporation?

So many people here think there is an all-or-nothing approach to conspiracies. There are many reasons information provided by DNA services would surpass one's conspiracy concerns. Off the very top of my head would be hoping to find a lost relative. Second to that would be gaining medical history information. Both reasons the rewards could far outweigh the risks.

It's a fair point that you make :)

All the conspiracy concerns aside, you have a couple of additional options once your results come in.

You can upload the date into GEDMatch, which is an external database that compares the results of submitting users from 23andMe, Ancestry and another popular one I can't remember. It will bring up more genetic relatives that may not be found through 23andMe.

Second, you can upload your data into a database called Promethease. Unlike 23andMe, this one reads more of your genome which provides A LOT more genetic medical reports.

I must caution you, though, you may find information you could possibly not want to know. So make sure you actually want to know the good with the bad. The hereditary gene Huntington's Chorea runs in my family, which is why I wanted the test run (it is much cheaper through these DNA services than through medical offices). Thankfully I did not test positive. But I was prepared for the bad news if it came. I did test positive for the BRCA gene, which can cause breast cancer, which wasn't the best news (though I'd take that over Huntingtons any day). And the good news is now I know I need to be diligent with screenings and what to look out for. It can also tell you if you are predisposed to things like diabetes, ADHD, heart conditions - there are dozens of different reports.

The concerns in this community are worth heeding. Who knows where all of this information has or will end up. For me, the rewards outweighed the risks. But since you've submitted it, you might as well get the most bang for your buck.

Dude. Incredible. Thank you. That's another big component of what I was asking. What I can do once I get them.

There's a lot of different databases you can enter your info into, but those are the big two. Also, it was GEDMatch that linked the EAR/ONS serial killer. So if there are suspicious people in your family you worry could be the Zodiac killer or D.B. Cooper, you may want to take that into consideration.

It was already sold out. 😞. Trust me.