Why does everyone (especially in this sub) willingly ignore the US's Israel problem?

1  2018-07-24 by coolguy_420

People won't shut up about Russia, yet it's an open secret that Israel has an unparalleled amount of sway and influence in our politics; even more influence than Russia had or even dreamed of having.

Don't get me wrong. The Russia problem deserves coverage, but holy shit, people. Why are we just ignoring the largest source of foreign influence in our politics?

It's almost like TPTB aren't even worried about people discovering the more serious threats. Like this is a distraction and they are so confident that people will just mindlessly eat up this spoon-fed agenda like the obliviously gullible dipshits we are. Every country but the US can see how controlled America is. It's embarrassing.


SS: Zionism works through the Israeli Lobby, or AIPAC, which is the most powerful lobby in our country. It has arms and legs in Hollywood, MSM, finance, etc. to push an agenda.

Are you kidding with that title?

If you're new here, I'd hesitate before making broad proclamations about the sentiments of this subreddit.

I posted the same post in /r/conservative, so the title was primarily directed at them, as I just x-posted with the same title. (and as you can probably guess, no responses from them)

But that's not to say that this sub is guilty of falling for the Russia distraction. And this is coming from someone who fully acknowledges the existence of Russian interference. It's just comically ridiculous how we willingly slurp up this information right out of the press's wanker like a bunch of droids being programmed. And all of this Russia hysteria tells our simple minds that there's no threat more serious than Russia--there's no need to look anywhere else.

Again... huh?

The dominant tenor of this sub is that the Russia thing is a joke... yet here you say "slurp up."

Also, the dominant tenor of this sub is that Israel's affect on the US is disaster.... yet here you say "willfully ignore."

Comical, given that a solid chunk of content on this sub is Israel-related (spoiler alert, the content is not complimentary).

Oh, come on. Almost every post that goes against the Russia narrative inevitably turns into:

"Yup, checks post history just as I guessed. This guy browses T_D. Downvote and carry on."

People who say that aren't here in good faith and they aren't regular users.

But that's not to say that this sub isn't guilty of falling for the Russia distraction. And this is coming from someone who fully acknowledges the existence of Russian interference.

This sub's genuine users are by and large well aware of the fallacies in the Russia narrative. There are outside forces pushing MSM talking-points coming from all directions. And r/conspiracy is an epicenter of much of it. It's the nature of the beast and a fact of life, unfortunately.

Sort by new if you want real discussions with real people who aren't still ingratiated to the left/right paradigm.

Here's your answer. (Wikipedia - Israel is paying internet workers to manipulate online content)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x2DFnGI9Ac]

The best we can do is upvote everything we see against their agenda.

yup. and more than a few dnc/hillary trolls have been flat out busted recently.

Sure... Um... Yep... Ummm...

SSSCCC...HILL..ARY... Clinton did this. Right. Well, you nailed it... Nice work... Connecting the dots... I suppose...

Title sucks but the issues are real. Removing jew from the conversation helps as we are hold them accountable regardless of religion, but my the merit of their actions. The thing that should worry people is that 4 or Russias 15 wealthiest men have moved to israel in the last 8 years and are dumping Russian money into Aipac and other US lobbies. Since then we have seen a shift in middle east politics from holding everyone to par and allowing exceptionism to flourish for Saudi Israel Pakistan, the 3 leaders of arming and pushing destabilization of ethnic areas. Now Russia is working with Israel to sure up Syria and is slowly losing their touch with Iran. Iran is now going to the EU and UN, which trump putin Netanyahu are attacking.

A few year back, say in 2001, the Zionists were an existential threat to the US, and the US went off fighting Zionists wars for decades. But today, the existential threat come from China and Russia. So, unless Mossad throws a hissy nuclear false-flag operation to recommit the US into its proxy wars, the Zionists are now a 2nd-order problem. And we may even need to ally ourselves with them in the fight against China and Russia, and maybe Iran.

Last time I checked, our mass media/press, the one source from which we receive our information, isn’t infiltrated by Russians.

Well, Russia does troll the social media pretty heavily. And China has bought into Hollywood. But propaganda is one thing, and covert wars are another thing. And both China and Russia are conducting covert wars, attacking critical infrastructure in the US, maybe even to the point of HAARP weather warfare. I'm not aware of any Zionists attacks since 9/11. Actions speak louder than words, that's why the Zionists are now a 2nd-order problem.

What is this Iran thing that keeps popping up then if not the next Zionist proxy war?

Apparently the Iranian mullahs have a dangerous end-times eschatology whereby the Mahdi (whatever that is) will only return to earth in a time of great chaos, so potentially Iran could become a nuclear suicide bomber to foment this chaos. When it comes to religious loons, mutually assured destruction is thrown out the window. That is why there is a great worry about Iran acquiring nukes. If Iran acquired nukes, they could use them against the US and Israel, even if they kill themselves in the process. So, when the mullahs chant "death to America, death to Israel" you have to wonder if they mean it. The fact that this coincides with Zionist agenda, and looks like another Zionist proxy war, doesn't matter much. It's an existential problem for both countries.

All US considered actions coincide with the Zionist agenda. That is what is called a coincidence.

because that's the point of the Russiagate psyop- to direct attention to somewhere other than where it should actually be.

Mossad Complicity: MSM Articles and Videos Reveal That Israel Supports ISIS Terrorists in Syria


Now they have also evacuated the White Helmet terrorists (media and Hollywood darlings) this past weekend. The US's worst enemy is in-house.

They're our friends. /s

I ignore them for two reasons:

1) unlike many other races I could name, the Jewish people in general and no Jewish person in particular has ever done me any direct harm. I'm sure you can point out supposed indirect harms, but about those, I quite honestly do not GAF.

2) Anti-semites and their propaganda nauseate me. My personal sense of style and taste causes me to avoid everything to do with them.

That's about it. I am well aware of how shallow I am. I am, however, ruthlessly honest, and that's enough for me.

I consider them losers, and symbolic of practically everything I seek to avoid being as a man.

I am well aware of how shallow I am

Why does everyone (especially in this sub) willingly ignore the US's Israel problem?

This subreddit criticizes Isra3l's american influence daily hourly. You must not be paying attention.

Yo, go to the sidebar, and click "view all moderators". Notice how there were bunch from 11 months ago?





but they leave you alone if your jewish.

Because we've all been paid to. You're the only actual user here.

Or no one actually ignores is and you're just chatting breeze

if any place on reddit brings up this issue, it is this sub... Just because all Israeli related posts are downvoted to oblivion before reaching the top does not mean nobody is aware. Watch new for a while, the 'us/israel' problem is a common theme around these parts.

you're kidding right? this sub has never ignored the Israel problem. It's probably one of the most discussed and posted things on here, newb

That is literally all this sub talks about

The media 24/7 gaslights the Russians 100% and projects what they have doing to USA democracy for last 40 years.

If you look at the US media, you won't find many Russian CEOs/editors... but you will find another ethnic group over-represented by several thousand percent.

It's the method of boiling a frog. Jewish influence in the US is huge, and acts on tiny little details of life. Because this influence is so pervasive, people have gotten used to it (as it's not detrimental either) and seem to identify more easily with Israel than with the palestines.

That, and the palestines have lost the war, and have to face the consequences of course...

read Noam Chomsky's Gaza in Crisis book.