[No Meta] Open Source Investigation: the White Helmets

1  2018-07-26 by CelineHagbard

The White Helmets, officially Syria Civil Defense, is an organization founded in 2014. According to their official website, they are:

a group of nearly 3000 volunteers who work to save lives and strengthen communities in Syria. We rush to the scene of attacks to save the greatest number of lives in the shortest possible time and to minimise further injury to people and damage to property.

We are a neutral and impartial organisation. We do not to pledge allegiance to any political party or group. We serve all the people of Syria – we are from the people and we for the people.

Despite their claims of neutrality, the White Helmets have operated only in rebel-held areas, and their training was provided by former British Army officer James Le Mesurier through his NGO Mayday Rescue (funded by the UK, Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands goverments.

President Assad claims the White Helmets are terrorists, and a number of independent journalists have made the same claims, or at least doubt the White Helmets' official claims about their neutrality and intentions, including Ben Swann, John Pilger, James Corbett, with Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett doing the yeoman's work of investigating the White Helmets, including on the ground reporting from Syria, something few of the large news outlets have bothered to do since the conflict started.

This month, Israel, Jordan, and Western powers have evacuated 422 White Helmets and their families from Syria into Jordan, yet many more remain "trapped" in Syria, and the group's leaders and advocates are petitioning Western governments to evacuate and resettle the rest. This move has different implications depending on what the nature of the White Helmets really is.

I'd like to use this thread to gather information and arguments about the White Helmets, including their founding, funding, loyalties, and actions, as well as how they've been portrayed by various media.

I think this thread could serve as a useful resource documenting the various sides of the argument, and I'd ask you to cite sources where possible, and prefer splitting longer comments with multiple distinct points into separate comments.

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They've been on my mind recently and I was pondering posting a similar thread. We're on the same wavelength CH, are you burrowing your way into my brain? JKing (Am I?)

There's absolutely no evidence that the White Helmets are a product of Al Queda or ISIL. Plenty of evidence they are funded by western powers who oppose Assad. They are an ideal operation for Assad to attempt to demonize for propaganda purposes. By the same token, they share the same state adversary as the US, UK, Al Queda, and ISIL, so it makes sense they would be grouped in with such sides in this conflict.

As terrorists, though? No evidence. Not saying it's impossible, but I've seen no such evidence to support the claim. (Honestly wouldn't surprise me though).

There's absolutely no evidence that the White Helmets are a product of Al Queda or ISIL. Plenty of evidence they are funded by western powers who oppose Assad.

I think there is some evidence pointing in that direction, in terms of pictures purported to be WH members in pictures with known terrorist groups, but I'm not sure how conclusive it is. I added the link to Assad's comments for completeness and not because I necessarily agree with him.

I do think it's more likely a propaganda front by the Western powers, which seems to be the position of Beeley, Bartlett and the others I've listed as well.

I think it's also possible, and maybe even likely, that all three narratives are true to an extent. The White Helmet "volunteers" themselves, or at least many of them, might be legitimate people just seeking to help their fellow civilians who've been devastated by the war. Various terrorist groups might also have members within the WHs, either for strategic or propagandistic reasons. And the Western powers might also have funded and promoted the WHs for propagandistic purposes, as we know they've funded "moderate rebels" for strategic purposes.

Thank you for conducting an open source investigation into all the material that is out there on the White Helmets. In the context of deception related to the Syrian war, it is also necessary to remind viewers that the western powers were well aware in 2013 that the FSA (which they were financing) was nearly completely made up of al-Nusra Front terrorists. Their own reports acknowledged this. Thus, the question should be asked " who were the White Helmets really protecting?" Link to article proving such:

Free Syrian Army rebels defect to Islamist group Jabhat al-Nusra


Roger Waters of Pink Floyd White Helmet Terrorists Speech - HD Version With Psyop Images


Massive White Helmets Photo Cache Proves Hollywood Gave Oscar to Terrorist Group


Large Compilation of Clarity of Signal Most Important Investigative Posts (March-May 2018)Exposing White Helmets, False Flags And Propaganda Produced For War in Syria


Huge Cache of White Helmets Exposed Links All In One Massive Volume For Sharing and Red Pilling - Over 400 Images in 22 Files


This is the group Hollywood and MSM loved so much. And people wonder why we question MSM

Not forgetting the irony of Hollywood awarding an Oscar for the White Helmets "documentary", and then US immigration refusing to allow the leader of the White Helmets into the country to accept the award.

Good point. Not to mention the funding behind the group. ISIS to White Helmet rehearsals.

White Helmets only worked in rebel areas.

Know what I mean?

And the BBC agrees - the title of my post above is here:

The White Helmets operate only in rebel-held areas, although they say they are non-partisan.)

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Devil's advocate : rebel held areas received the heaviest bombardment and would be most desperate for primary care (the white helmets), particularly given UN blockades by the Assad regime.

Why did Israel take them in, aside from the obvious reasons

Because they were their problem if they got caught?

I had an actual shower thought that these guys would cross over from Canada and be used in some blame Iran false flag op in the US.

Just to add a few links to the OP.

Canadian Journalist on Easter Allepo (United Nations)


Eva Bartlett - independent journalist in Syria


White Helmets Propoganda


Carla Ortiz - White Helmets walk-through


The only reason I don’t find much of interest in this topic is because it is only the flimsiest veneer of a conspiracy...

It is plain and obvious that these guys are a UN group of politically motivated actors. It is like someone shooting a person while saying they are not shooting the person, not even meant as a convincing conspiracy or cover.

It is a flexing of political muscle in broad daylight as clear in intent as the Israeli snipers.

Agreed, it's shit like this that forces me to hold my tongue and not use the stereotypical epithet of "sheep" for the vast majority of the public that buys the white helmet story.

I know this is reddit but I will try my best to give you examples:

White Helmets Caught Celebrating On Camera With Al-Nusra Front Terrorist Group https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=8a4_1494423214

Western and Gulf State Propaganda Deception: White Helmets Caught Numerous Times Operating In Conjunction With Al-Nusra Front Terrorist Group in Syria https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=845_1513432577

Syria - So-called "White Helmets" facilitate an al Nusra execution https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fd8_1430900709

White Helmets early filmset https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=3d8_1505073030

Documenting western fakenews on Syria https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c88_1504951749

White Helmet Pallywood production https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=49b_1498059710

New Footage of White Helmets Caught on Camera Working with Terrorists and Western NGO https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=b8e_1488073783

White Helmets Caught Interacting with Murderous Terrorists with Bodies of Dead Syrian Soldiers https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=bed_1483679415

White Helmets | Lights Camera Action | November 2016 https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=818_1479817993

UK's ITV 4 video shows White Helmet embedded w/ al-Zinki terrorists who beheaded boy https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=0b3_1475792886

TL;DR - White Helmet is a terrorist organization sent to create propaganda, false flag attacks and help the terrorists in Syria with Western money.

The Syrian conflict is a long standing proxy war, for strategic control of the region
It's complicated and there are various factions.

These two pictures sum up the Syrian conflict.

Original: 2012

Updated: 2017

The Syrian conflict is largely about the control of resources to Europe.

Russia (via Gazprom) is the largest supplier of oil and natural gas to Europe.

The long standing conflict in Syria is a manufactured crisis by US, French, British, Turkish, Saudi, Israeli, and Qatari interests (including globalists and war profiteers) who wish to build a natural gas pipeline from the middle east through Syria and Turkey to supply Europe with natural gas. It could also lead to an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Europe.

To make that happen, President Bashar al-Assad, the leader of Syria had to be removed from power.

Russia will not willingly let this happen for two reasons.

  1. If Assad is removed from power, Saudi/Qatari pipelines threaten Europe's dependence on Russia for oil and natural gas.

  2. Syria holds Russia's only Mediterranean naval facility in Tartus and air base at Hmeimim, Syria.

Under Obama, the US was officially supplying Syrian Opposition Forces around Syria as well as Turkish forces (SDF) in the North with weapons, training, logistical and military support. It's assumed that the CIA, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are funding and supplying "moderate" rebels, and white helmets (ISIS, Al-nusra masquerading as peacekeepers). The rebels are mercenaries that fight, while the white helmets are used for disinformation and intel.

These "gas attacks" on civilians in Syria conveniently always happen when Assad has gained ground and is in position to finally wipe out the ISIS "rebels" and US backed Syrian opposition forces. Conveniently the white helmets are always filming when these incidents happen. Conveniently these incidents are always followed by increased pressure for war and US military strikes.

The White Helmets:

A Recent 2018 "gas attack" in Syria appeared to be another incident in a series of false flags initiated by US interests backing ISIS rebels masquerading as peacekeepers "White helmets."

Familiar faces were pressuring Trump for war in Syria. (MSM, Republicans, Democrats, lobbyists)

When there is concensus for war, usually something foul is afoot.


“I was with my family in the basement of my home three hundred metres from here on the night but all the doctors know what happened. There was a lot of shelling [by government forces] and aircraft were always over Douma at night – but on this night, there was wind and huge dust clouds began to come into the basements and cellars where people lived. People began to arrive here suffering from hypoxia, oxygen loss. Then someone at the door, a “White Helmet”, shouted “Gas!”, and a panic began. People started throwing water over each other. Yes, the video was filmed here, it is genuine, but what you see are people suffering from hypoxia – not gas poisoning.”

Germany's Largest Public TV News Broadcaster: Syria Chemical Attack "Most Likely Staged"

ZDF heute: The world continues to puzzle over whether the banned chemical weapons were used in Douma. ZDF correspondent Uli Gack is in Syria for us: "you were in a large refugee camp today and talked to a lot of people - what did you hear about the attack there?" Gack responded, "the Douma chemical attack is most likely staged, a great many people here seem very convinced."

Ben Swann

Reality Check: Who's Funding the White Helmets?

Tucker Carlson

Tucker was removed from the air for a few days shortly after this report

Tucker: Why are questions avoided about US in Syria?

Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Syrian Chemical Attack "Makes No Sense," Another False Flag? (17m 39s)

Jimmy Dore

Carla Ortiz Shocking Video From Syria Contradicts Corp. News Coverage (40m 46s)

Award Winning Journalist Debunks Ghouta Gas Attack (15m 43s)

Tucker Carlson Tells Truth About Syria (21m 2s)

Chemical Attacks In Syria Proven To Be False (23m 25s)

Proof American Wars Are All Lies & For Oil (13m 27s)

Bombshell: Professor Stuns MSNBC Panel On Syria (18m 26s)

A warning to others, some of these videos are extremely disturbing.

These videos alone are case open and shut for me. These guys are terrorists. They should not be allowed to leave Syria, and should be detained.

There’s a pretty easy explanation for why the UN Humanitarian forces seem to be only working with rebels: Assad and his administration are supposed to be providing services - a main function of government - for people in their controlled territory, while the people in rebel-held territory don’t have a functioning goverment to provide services to them.

The Assad administration is much better funded and equipped, and used it to brutal effect - including allegations of banned practices like barrel bombing, chemical weapons, and indiscriminant targeting - so it’s no surprise that there’s severe humanitarian need for those in Rebel occupied territory.

It’s also worth noting that none of this would matter if Russia, who has a clear stake in Assad’s regime winning this Civil War, didn’t keep using its veto authority on the Security Council to stop the world from reigning in Assad’s tactics and enforcimg some rules to level the playing field (esp. Mo-fly zones).

And underneath all that geopolitical superpower context is a complicated on-the-ground network of loosely aligned groups that are working together as frenemies in that classic enemies-of-my-enemies way. The US is allies with Turkey in Syria, and the US is allies with Kurdistan in Iraq. Unfortunately, the Turks and the Kurds hate each other. Israel and Jordan, Russia and the US, Al Queda and Daesh. It goes on and on. The alliances are a weak and complicated mess that span global geopolitics, regional geopolitics, and local sectarian rivalries. It’s a complicated war.

The Assad administration is much better funded and equipped, and used it to brutal effect - including allegations of banned practices like barrel bombing, chemical weapons, and indiscriminant targeting - so it’s no surprise that there’s severe humanitarian need for those in Rebel occupied territory

While this is true to some extent, it doesn't mean that rebels haven't used gas, or are more discriminant in their targetting. Civilians were hurt on both sides, but WH exclusively operated in rebel-held areas.

Bystanders are hurt all the time. That’s war. What we need to talk about is the scale to get away from the equivalence issues. Bombing a whole city is very different from suicide bombers. And yes, the WH’s are operating in Rebel territory because the Assad administration is supposed to be providing services in the territories they occupy as a function of governance.

Civil War

Do you mean to imply the forces fighting Assad are primarily Syrian? These are the kind of people that mount dawn suicide raids on villages and slaughter 200+ civilians.

reigning in Assad’s tactics

Do you mean to imply alleged nerve agent attacks such as the attack the White Helmets said occurred in Douma, which led to the US, UK and France courageously launching missiles into Syria? That nerve agent attack never actually happened, according to OPCW investigators (the US, UK and France don't believe in waiting for investigations to be completed before destroying countries).

level the playing field

Do you mean to imply that the US trained and supplied jihadis are at some kind of unfair disadvantage in their efforts to topple a secular leader and replace his regime with an Islamic state?

(esp. no-fly zones)

The kind that Hillary put in place over Libya? That worked out well, didn't it?. And in view of Russia's involvement in Syria, pretty much a call to start WW3.

Do you mean to imply the forces fighting Assad are primarily Syrian?

I think I was pretty clear in stating that the “sides” are actually a mishmash of global, regional, and loca sectarian powers using the civil war as a proxy in larger rivalries and conflicts.

Do you mean to imply alleged nerve agent attacks such as the attack the White Helmets said occurred in Douma

Chlorine gas is a chemical weapon. The source you linked states plainly that chlorinated compounds were identified onsite in Douma. Your source also does not address at all the allegations of Sarin use in Khan Shaykhun, which is a different place incident altogether.

an unfair disadvantage in their efforts to topple a secular leader [...]

Syria is not a secular state. The Constitution explicitly states that the president must be a Muslim and that all laws are to be based on Islam. And yes, no matter how many guys with guns you have, it’s no match for a precision bomb dropped from an airplane in the dead of night. That’s true in Syria, and it’s true in the insane arguments people have about the 2A and it’s role in potential rebellion in the US.

[No fly zone] in Libya [...] Russia [...] a call to start WW3.

Obviously the no fly zone in Libya worked because the Russians didn’t intervene despite misgivings. The Russians have consistently stymied attempts to get a no-fly zone in Syria though. Its a completely different circumstance with sizable air fleets on both sides.

I think I was pretty clear in stating that the “sides” are actually a mishmash of global, regional, and loca sectarian powers using the civil war as a proxy in larger rivalries and conflicts.

Yes, "proxy war" is far more accurate.

Chlorine gas is a chemical weapon.

The OPCW did not find evidence of chlorine gas used as a chemical weapon at Douma. As my source made clear, the OPCW found evidence of chlorinated organic compounds, but that is not the same thing at all. These are common in, for example, cleaning products. I am not saying this is evidence that chlorine was not used as a chemical weapon at Douma, but the argument that domestic cleaning products have caused a "false positive" for chlorine has also been used by Western apologists for the jihadists fighting Assad when they have also been suspected of weaponising it.

The point of course is that chlorine was not the only chemical weapon alleged to have been used at Douma. Nerve agents were also alleged to have been used and it is this that caused the US, UK and France to so courageously make a massive missile attack on Syria, even though the "chemical weapons" sites they attacked had very recently been inspected by the OPCW and given the all clear. As I said, the US, UK and France don't really believe in or respect OPCW investigations.

As far as Khan Sheikhoun goes, the OPCW broke its own rules on the chain of custody of evidence in that case, horribly undermining its credibility and international reputation as a trustworthy independent body thereby. Small wonder then that Russia objected to the continuation of the JIM under these circumstances.

Syria is not a secular state.

That's not what I said. I said Assad is a secular leader and I don't think that claim can be reasonably disputed in general terms. Christianity for example is more than tolerated by the Syrian government: this is far more than Syria's Christians can expect from even the so-called "moderate rebels" that the US has trained and armed, should they take control. The pluralistic character of the Syrian Arab Army is a major reason why the Saudis have failed to bribe its soldiers to defect, even though the SAA's forces are principally Sunni, fighting a radical Sunni enemy for a Shia (sect) president. A sectarian force the SAA is not: they are fighting for their country.

Obviously the no fly zone in Libya worked because the Russians didn’t intervene despite misgivings

Depends what you mean by "worked". The no-fly zone was "stretched" to become a justification for NATO's destruction of Libya, which in turn revealed the very real basis for Russia's misgivings. Gaddafi predicted his ousting would lead to a refugee crisis for Europe, destabilising the EU and leading to the reactionary movements we are witnessing now -- not to mention the terrible fate for Libyans themselves, once the most prosperous people in Africa, now reduced to slavery.

Of course, this meant nothing to Hillary Clinton, who delighted in the news that Gaddafi had been sodomised to death with a hunting knife by the "rebels" she enabled.

Lets examine the differences between youre claims and the evidence

That nerve agent attack never actually happened, according to OPCW investigators (the US, UK and France don't believe in waiting for investigations to be completed before destroying countries).

From the link you posted as evidence

"A fact-finding mission by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) warned it was too early to come to conclusions about the suspected attack on the town of Douma, saying "work by the team to establish the significance of these results is ongoing".

Why lie right?

You're a big tough guy aren't you? /s

I like how you complain about my sources but don't bother to actually read my follow-up comment in reply to u/CrazyMike366 where I link directly to the actual OPCW report. There you would have read

OPCW designated labs conducted analysis of prioritised samples. The results show that no organophosphorous nerve agents or their degradation products were detected in the environmental samples or in the plasma samples taken from alleged casualties

(Emphasis mine). You realise that the prioritised samples represent the best evidence the OPCW collected, right? And you realise that no organophosphate-based nerve agent means no sarin, VX, novichok or whatever? That means no nerve agent was used at Douma.

That means the White Helmets faked a nerve agent attack -- or at the very least, allowed the world's media to believe there had been a nerve agent attack, even when the doctors at the hospital the victims were taken to denied they were seeing patients with symptoms consistent with such an attack.

I suggest you read the rest of the post I made before coming off all tough about what you think credibility is and what you imagine your opinion is worth.

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If you add all the publicly known funding#Partnerships_and_funding), they had at least $100m, and the volunteers only get $150 per month, so that's a maximum of $25m officially spend on them. I have never seen them working with expensive equipment, except maybe their cameras. Where does all the money go?

Video editing and paying off journalist and news orgs to promote it.

It's important to place the White Helmets into full context. For 6+ years, the UK has aimed to overthrow Assad, the White Helmets is just another propaganda turn along the road.

I think that it is important to look at the pre-2014 propaganda efforts in Syria, they are important in understanding why the White Helmets came about.

The big decision was a vote in the UK parliament in August of 2013. The BBC aired news broadcasts about Syria. There is clear fabrication in the BBC's coverage, around this time, which was only uncovered by meticulous analysis by Robert Stuart and others afterwards. This shows clearly that the BBC, or elements inside the BBC make atrocity propaganda in league with proscribed terror groups. I can't recommend reading through his notes and watching the evidence. It is an inversion of reality which shows fakery beyond any reasonable doubt. The hope of this footage was that MPs (elected representatives) would vote to agree to plans to attack Syria for another "humanitarian" war.

This was the attempt to influence votes and public opinion before the White Helmets was created. This group does not exist in isolation, this is not the first time war propaganda has been made, and it won't be the last. I think the big barrier for any to overcome is the sheer cynisism requred to comprehend the sheer scale of the lie. In the words of Hitler:

It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

Any modern propagandist will have studied Hitler and will be impressed by how effective he was. I recommend reading "Dr Emma Briant's research" as it gives a unique insight into the private thoughts of key people at Leave.EU and SCL. Especially given the relationship between SCL Group and the UK Military. These The speech in 2015 by James Le Mesurier at the Performance Theatre (he was opened by Graeme Lamb, known for his contributions to counter-insurgency), explains how he transformed the public perception. It's worth listening to fully with a sceptical mind as it's interesting hearing the founder talk about their public facing "why".

It's about making "heroes" in a place of "bad guys (Assad) vs bad guys (ISIS and others)". They bring up "barrel bombs" (unguided muntion as used in many conflicts, originally by Israel in 1948) and "double taps" (again used by many countries over many conflicts, including the CIA). They use the age-old tactic of using the same name as the original Syrian civil defence so that if anyone googles the original name, it'll be on top of the original, as well as literally attacking them at the same time. The UK government admits to running a press office for the opposition fighters (only against ISIS, as if it didn't start earlier).

It also acts as a useful part of propaganda laundering, instead of news reports having to source from a group named something like "Jaysh al-Islam" (Army of Islam), everyone can cite "Syria Civil Defence" all the way from their comfy offices 100's of miles away. Sounds more impartial that way doesn't it? Means that down the road, if these organisations get revealed they can just claim they weren't able to figure out these groups were lying. The current method being that they dismiss it all as a "giant conspiracy theory", especially as they get carefully written "counter-pieces" by reputable organisations like the guardian.

Thanks for your helpful post. The whole issue of UK govt connections with jihadists for their own purposes over the years was explored in Mark Curtis's book "Secret Affairs" and the matter of the White Helmets is yet another instance of these covert practices. Its Arab nationalism which most seems to be their target however it manifests itself ( did it start with Nasser back in the 50's?) and Assad was clearly the most recent focus of their propaganda efforts.

After hearing Jo Cox on the BBC pretending she didnt know the FSA in many parts of Syria had by then been completely sidelined by overtly Jihadist groups I communicated to her on Twitter citing clear evidence. I could not decide whether she was just ill informed or acting in a very dubious way promoting a view she knew to be false. In other respects she seemed a very decent Labour MP. A few months later she was dead.

The Syrian conflict is a long standing proxy war, for strategic control of the region
It's complicated and there are various factions.

These two pictures sum up the Syrian conflict.

Original: 2012

Updated: 2017

The Syrian conflict is largely about the control of resources to Europe.

Russia (via Gazprom) is the largest supplier of oil and natural gas to Europe.

The long standing conflict in Syria is a manufactured crisis by US, French, British, Turkish, Saudi, Israeli, and Qatari interests (including globalists and war profiteers) who wish to build a natural gas pipeline from the middle east through Syria and Turkey to supply Europe with natural gas. It could also lead to an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia to Europe.

To make that happen, President Bashar al-Assad, the leader of Syria had to be removed from power.

Russia will not willingly let this happen for two reasons.

  1. If Assad is removed from power, Saudi/Qatari pipelines threaten Europe's dependence on Russia for oil and natural gas.

  2. Syria holds Russia's only Mediterranean naval facility in Tartus and air base at Hmeimim, Syria.

Under Obama, the US was officially supplying Syrian Opposition Forces around Syria as well as Turkish forces (SDF) in the North with weapons, training, logistical and military support. It's assumed that the CIA, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are funding and supplying "moderate" rebels, and white helmets (ISIS, Al-nusra masquerading as peacekeepers). The rebels are mercenaries that fight, while the white helmets are used for disinformation and intel.

These "gas attacks" on civilians in Syria conveniently always happen when Assad has gained ground and is in position to finally wipe out the ISIS "rebels" and US backed Syrian opposition forces. Conveniently the white helmets are always filming when these incidents happen. Conveniently these incidents are always followed by increased pressure for war and US military strikes.

The White Helmets:

A Recent 2018 "gas attack" in Syria appeared to be another incident in a series of false flags initiated by US interests backing ISIS rebels masquerading as peacekeepers "White helmets."

Familiar faces were pressuring Trump for war in Syria. (MSM, Republicans, Democrats, lobbyists)

When there is concensus for war, usually something foul is afoot.


“I was with my family in the basement of my home three hundred metres from here on the night but all the doctors know what happened. There was a lot of shelling [by government forces] and aircraft were always over Douma at night – but on this night, there was wind and huge dust clouds began to come into the basements and cellars where people lived. People began to arrive here suffering from hypoxia, oxygen loss. Then someone at the door, a “White Helmet”, shouted “Gas!”, and a panic began. People started throwing water over each other. Yes, the video was filmed here, it is genuine, but what you see are people suffering from hypoxia – not gas poisoning.”

Germany's Largest Public TV News Broadcaster: Syria Chemical Attack "Most Likely Staged"

ZDF heute: The world continues to puzzle over whether the banned chemical weapons were used in Douma. ZDF correspondent Uli Gack is in Syria for us: "you were in a large refugee camp today and talked to a lot of people - what did you hear about the attack there?" Gack responded, "the Douma chemical attack is most likely staged, a great many people here seem very convinced."

Ben Swann

Reality Check: Who's Funding the White Helmets?

Tucker Carlson

Tucker was removed from the air for a few days shortly after this report

Tucker: Why are questions avoided about US in Syria?

Ron Paul

Ron Paul: Syrian Chemical Attack "Makes No Sense," Another False Flag? (17m 39s)

Jimmy Dore

Carla Ortiz Shocking Video From Syria Contradicts Corp. News Coverage (40m 46s)

Award Winning Journalist Debunks Ghouta Gas Attack (15m 43s)

Tucker Carlson Tells Truth About Syria (21m 2s)

Chemical Attacks In Syria Proven To Be False (23m 25s)

Proof American Wars Are All Lies & For Oil (13m 27s)

Bombshell: Professor Stuns MSNBC Panel On Syria (18m 26s)

One of the most detailed exposes on the White Helmets I’ve come across. - the clickbait title seems out of place against the writing... weird but hey.

Great work btw u/CelineHagbard - it’s high time these frauds were put under the scrutiny their duplicitous fuckeries warrants.

Please open reddit on your phone and search white helmets. The results are filtered to exclude the white helemts. I get only references to video games..

I've got a great idea . Send the white helmets to Yemen . That place is being bombed indiscriminately by Saudi Arabia for a few years now ,hell its even on the verge of a famine due to the air and naval blockade on it. The white helmets are propaganda . Nothing more. Their only job was to make videos, real or staged, to demonize Assad to a Western audience.

Fucking Trudeau made a big mistake letting 250 of them into Canada.

I remember seeing a video of a group of what appeared to be white helmets defacing a war cemetery. Went looking all over the social media platforms I could think of to find it to no avail. Does anybody else know what video I'm talking about? There were at least a dozen people actively performing the defacing and multiple with weapons. Many onlookers shouted out how it was wrong but obviously nobody stepped in as they were long barrel rifles. Didn't appear anyone else was armed so I doubt it was in America/UK I feel it was a war memorial maybe in occupied territory.

i see 3 different options of what the white helmets are:

  • they're the western backed paid force protecting the rebels (terrorists). They are medics to the rebel and help protect rebel brigades from the syrian army.

  • they're actually the rebels themselves. they're paid by western organizations as a way to directly fund the rebels without breaking international laws.

  • they are an actual aid organization that acts like an ngo to cover for funding of the rebels.

i really don't see any other conceivable options.

All of the above.

Canada plans on taking in 250 white helmets and family members. Just wanted to appreciate the connection, input and civility in all of you through this compilation. What would take hours for me to get through and to you have provided in sane and careful manner. Cheers Note: I may have broken a rule here.

Whilst I'm also a bit worried about the White Helmets background, apparently special service funded, and all the links from BurgerUSA, but I'm still sceptical.

I personally talked to the guy who made the White Helmets documentary Firas Fayyad, the long one, and he seemed to be totally honest and everything matched out. He was with them for over a year, he was in one of Assad's prisons, most of his family was killed.

Proof that Firas Fayyad is a terrorist.

Exposing “The Last Men in Aleppo” – FSA Terrorist Psyop and Oscar Nominated Propaganda Campaign


Nonsense. The Free Syrian Army is the only non-terrorist army in the Syrian conflict. It's unfortunately a bit corrupt at the top, that's why the US army delivered to them showed up with ISIS.

Proof that the FSA is full of terrorists groups, specifically, al-Nusra Front, Nour al-Zinki, Army of Islam, Ahrar al-Sham, al-Qaeda and ISIS.

“All McCain’s Men” in the FSA Terrorist Factions in Syria – A Lesson in How Not To Conduct Covert Foreign Operations And Provide Support For Terrorists


Thanks, that explanation looks good.

An open source investigation linked with conspiracy ? I thought QAnon was just a larp, if it's just a larp why censor it ?

Kinda makes you wonder, if, as they say, they are neutral & impartial, why on earth would they need to be evacuated? Surely once the Syrian army linked up with them they would be hailed as heroes & a national treasure? (SARCASM)

Thanks for your helpful post. The whole issue of UK govt connections with jihadists for their own purposes over the years was explored in Mark Curtis's book "Secret Affairs" and the matter of the White Helmets is yet another instance of these covert practices. Its Arab nationalism which most seems to be their target however it manifests itself ( did it start with Nasser back in the 50's?) and Assad was clearly the most recent focus of their propaganda efforts.

After hearing Jo Cox on the BBC pretending she didnt know the FSA in many parts of Syria had by then been completely sidelined by overtly Jihadist groups I communicated to her on Twitter citing clear evidence. I could not decide whether she was just ill informed or acting in a very dubious way promoting a view she knew to be false. In other respects she seemed a very decent Labour MP. A few months later she was dead.