If the Earth Where Flat would that not make it the Greatest Conspiracy Ever in all mankind??

1  2018-07-27 by unappreciated_genius

Been here a few months and This is my First post So At the risk of being Call a Psy op, Shill w.e i just wanted to Discuss. Lets just say suspend disbelief if you find the idea ludicrous. Say in fact the world was in fact not a spinning ball and that it was flat would that not be the mother of all lies in mankind?

Im on a conspiracy sub so i hope that we can discuss what some might find stranger and ridulous.


If there is known knowledge of the afterlife being suppressed, I could give 2 poops if the earth was shaped like a bagel. That would be the mother of all conspiracies for me.

But out of the ones thats proposed out there, would not this one rock what we thought we knew.

No because the world as we know it isn't real, we live in a simulation so the shape is irrelevant....

Absolutely correct.

Correctly absolute !

They are related. The reason for the wet spinning ball in a place called "outer space" lie is to create more nihilists, agnostics, and atheists. If everyone knew the truth that we are in a flat enclosed cosmology these types of people would look at Genesis in the Bible and see truth instead of fairy-tale. The lie is to discredit the foundations of the Bible so in a way it's covering for the greatest evince of God there is which is the creation itself. The only thing that the true powers that run this world don't want you to know is all you need to do to receive eternal life is to repent and believe this:

1Co 15:1  Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 

1Co 15:2  By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 

1Co 15:3  For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 

1Co 15:4  And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 

I think some people are afraid to commit to Christianity specifically when pondering the implications of a flat earth. Don’t other religions also have flat earth models?

Catholicism has officially adopted modern cosmology and the big bang. The Jesuits were responsible for that deception in the first place so that makes sense. Most eastern religions and Buddhism are tied it's "cosmic" stuff and heavily involve outer space. All New Age is intrinsically tied to outer space. The only one that shares the flat earth is Islam. They also recognize Jesus Christ and know he will be coming back to defeat the Antichrist in the end times. They just don't think he's God incarnate who paid the price for their sins which is the part that matters the most. Once you whittle all he possibles down it's easy to tell King James Bible believing Christianity is the most derided "religion" there is. They support Islam and it's spread. The main thing the world is against is the blood atonement of Jesus Christ. Anything else they are ok with.

I love talking about flat earth but people seem sick of it or they just hate on it because it's stigmatized but there are actually some really good points to it!

I spent about a month just doing research on FE and when I walked away from it all I could think was "holy shit... if this was real it would be a fucking game changer"

Thats exactly how i felt, To realize if indeed this was true made think that it would shatter everything we think we know. I believe that why alot of people have trouble believing its true.

Any good sources or videos for a convincing FE theory

Its mostly just 2 years of research, Ive watch hundreds of videos its a deep rabbit hole to fall into i wouldnt know where to point you to begin.

You have literally zero proof.

Oh, you watched some YouTube videos for the last few years, and now you know what's up?

Provide some sources with concrete proof, like people do with they try to disprove going to the moon.

Cold hard facts don't like. Results that we can all go test.

You were given simplistic ways to test that FE isn't real. Why not try it?

Oh, cause like you just said, that would mean the past few years beliefs were all wasted.

And some people can't get over their ego to accept new information.

People, please stop watching videos with good production values as if they are educational.

Go read a well sourced book and test the knowledge you want to learn about yourself.

Best line from you yet. . . "I've watched two years of videos. It's a deep rabbit hole. I wouldn't know what direction to point you in." - in response to the question "Any good sources for a convincing FE theory?"

Cmon brah, do you even conspiracy?

If I have zero proof then don’t ask for sources, I can already tell you are the type to shout no no that’s wrong. If you find yourself interested look into it yourself you can choose to accept or reject.

This was such an obvious shill attack out of nowhere

Asking for sourced material so you can make an educated attempt at understanding something makes you a shill?


You don't even know what that word means, clearly.

The OP, and people of the same ilk, is the reason this sub gets mocked.

"We don't need proof, I've watched videos for years. And no I won't share how I came to this conclusion. What's that, you don't trust me? Fake News!"

Lol move along.

Tone is everything.

Did you go dome route, level in a game route, or something else possible?

What was the best point you fond?

Never said I had proof. I simply said it would be cool if it turned out to be true.

Please simply name one convincing argument for FE. I won't ask you for an entire catalogue.

One is all I am asking for.

One convincing thing is the fact that multiple people have sent up balloons and Even Picard said the earth seemingly flat with upturned edges. IT should not be so if science which claims that at a certain altitude you should see a curve. Think about it the horizon remains level with your eye no matter how high you rise where is the curve.

Could you add a link to one of those pictures you are refering to? I am not sure I understand what you mean with upturned edges.

i dont have any but if you google "auguste piccard upturned edges" look into it.

Wait, you can't back up your argument with the pictures you declare your proof? I won't go searching for you, but I am open to take a look if you can provide them.

I never said i couldnt back it up, i said i dont have those pictures, and i wasnt asking you to go searching for me, you requested something i did not currently posses. A 2 minute google search would bring up all the informartion straight on the first page. I have no problem providing sources but its a deep rabbit hole i pointed you in the direction i thought you where looking for information on.

You are going to cop some flack I reckon, however, I will suspend belief and give you my thoughts.

If it turns out that Earth is flat I would take that as confirmation of Simulation Theory. We are all just a version of Civ/Sims v100

I have heard a Flat earth simulation theory but i don't know much about it to honestly say or make a decision on that.

Check out the mandela effect, double slit experiment and string theory. It’s a simulation.

lol fake.. bs.. bs...

Flat Earthers are seeing the discrepancies of an Earth that is growing and is far larger than what we are told. If the universe is ever expanding then why would planets. There is a wabbit hole for you.

You wascal

Science tells us THe universe is expanding. I for one do not trust Nasa of any of these space agencies.

In Genesis 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth were completed, and all their vast array

So if my bible is to be believed i dont think the universe is expanding.


Could also be like a garden, the gardening is completed today, but tomorrow theres more gardening or a program with new data).

Genesis 2:1

i See what you mean, But the bible also says there is nothing new under the sun. It speaks as the earth not moving and if you dig in flat earth it aligns perfectly with scripture.

nothing new

There are multiple ways to look at that, Solomon also suggested it was better to have never been born, and that a countless number of books may be written on the topic of God and life, but at the end of the day our responsibility is to find God, love God, and do good.

I Agree, May the most high bless you.

You try so hard to get people on your side, to justify your beliefs.

First you tried to be skeptical and discuss a "conspiracy" and now it's clearly shown you only want people to provide YOU with proof so you can justify your religious beliefs.

You are the literal worst.

Stop attempting to bring our sub down with your intolerant and ignorant beliefs.

When you want to have an open and educational discussion, then by all means try this again.

Exactly. From seeds came a forest. It's not contradictory.

I highly suggest that you do not take the bible literally but more metaphorically. It is by far the most censored and re-written book in history. I'm not religious nor am I atheist just so you know.

But why should i take the word of man literal vs God, let God be true and man a liar. The government and evil have more to gain from deceiving me.

The bible was written by man.

inspired by God, It has predicted things from before you and i where born. The only thing i have faith in its words, and though you may never know the full truth because it was tampered, God says that he will gives us knowledge

Still written by man. You should also look into self fulfilling prophecy. You're contradicting yourself here.

Not at all, Th bible spoke of the signs in the heavens the moons and stars that where predicted thats never before happened. Go take a look over the past few years at how many signs have been in the stars moons and skies that the bible predicts that have never occured. Its not a self fulfiling prophecy God has been using evil to prove himself and make himself known.

Man wrote the bible and man has longed to explain things they cannot explain. I do believe in intelligent creation but the bible is not the word of god but the interpretations of man trying to understand reality and existence.

You don't believe NASA, but believe the bible?

Just look up how many lies NASA has been caught in and you want to trust them. The Bible doesn’t lie

I disagree.

The universe is expanding in the sense that galaxies are moving away from each other.... how would that affect a planet? We can tell that they are moving away due to red shifting.

All life grows right? We'll die before a red wood tree does. It'll keep growing and so will the planet. Think about it.

So the planet is alive? Where does the material to grow come from? A redwood takes minerals from the ground and much more to grow.

Good question and there are a few theories. One of the biggest ones is that all planets are hollow with internal mechanisms. Think of a heart and baby. Over time it grows. Where does the matter come from to allow this? Same concept. Seriously, just think about it.

Wouldn't this growth be measurable? And our gravity field is consistent with a non hollow core, furthermore the magnetic field around Earth is created by our liquid iron-nickel core. It would be a cool fantasy concept but it is not rooted in reality. (No joke tho I would read the hell out of a book based on this)

Everything stops growing at some point though.

Great deluge.


Expansion and contraction.

Yes, if the Earth was truly flat it changes everything. Our view of mathematics, physics, astronomy, religion, cartoons. How many times did one of our beloved cartoon heroes dig their way to China.

Satellites orbiting a flat Earth??? How would I get my Direct TV?

It would change everything.

Exactly and i believe that is why many people already shot the notion down without even approaching it i think.

and some of us gave you a way to prove it to yourself and you wont do it.

that brainwashing was strong on a certain type of people.

another sign of a failed society

Obviously i wasnt asking for proof i asked a statement which you didnt even bother to address and felt harsh i didnt even feel the need to bother.

Holocaust is a hoax. Apollo Moon landings never happened. Everyone fell for 9/11. All bets are off.

Yes,Yes, and Yes. Its all a lie :)

The whole thing is a lie bud.

It's a mindset. Not about our physical vessles but about our sould that we put into these internets. If your whole world is on the these portals (cellphone, tablet, laptop) then your world is flat. Presented in a 2 dimension space(your screen) yet you are able to plop in any part of the world with clicks

Where you from? Im Genghis Kahn hoe.

it is simple to prove to yourself for less that 200 dollars.

if you don't make an attempt to prove it to yourself you are a sheep and should be treated as such.

Why do we weigh Gold by mass and not weight?

Why do things way more at the poles than at the equator?

A digital scale and a 500 gram weight is what you are going to use to prove it to yourself. and a car that can drive 300 miles north or south.

you will see the weight change from where you originally measured it. depending on if you go south or north.


Calling me sheep for having believes makes you the type of person to get emotional , no further need to discuss. If you want to do research go ahead.

so you have the option to prove it to yourself and wont.

you sir will be taken advantage of.

I have done all the research i can verify i just dont feel like engaging with you.

So you clearly just /thread.

Great post.

Idk why people want to "discuss" without going and doing the work themselves.

Its like, What, you want someone to say what you want to hear so you can increase your already skiewed beliefs?

That is faith, and we don't need faith in anything but our own ability to test and use logic.



We have a gravity map of Earth where you can see the varying degrees of gravity. This is known that it changes. And pounds are a weight, slug is the imperial mass unit. I imagine that gold is measured in whatever unit is convenient at the time and usually in oz in the US. Oz is a weight not a mass.

Why do things way more at the poles than at the equator?

Why do things way more at the poles than at the equator?

That one is even pretty easy to figure out yourself. Have you ever sitten in a roundabout? When it spins you are pushed to the outside. This is centrifugal force. The same happens with the rotating earth. There you have gravity pulling you down and centrifugal force pushing you away. Of course gravity is much stronger in this case but this is the explanation. This is also the reason launching rockets near the equator requires "less" energy than closer to the poles.

I think he knows that and he uses it as proof for a round earth. It was a rethorical question imo.

Gravity is something that wouldn't work on a flat earth modell.

Yeah, just reinforcing that point with an easy to understand example before some flatearther comes ridiculing this point with bullshit arguments.

Just hypothetically: Gravity works wherever you have mass. But in order for it to act in the way that you could stand on a flat disc shaped object and have a force pulling you down vertically to the ground, that disc would have to have a lot of mass. Also how this mass would have to be distributed is an interesting mind game. Would it have to have gradually more mass on the underside of the disc the further to go to the outside? How would that object keep its shape instead of deforming and becoming a sphere eventually?

Yep. It's almost as if a flat earth isn't possible without inventing a new set of physics ;)

You don't need new physics, just some unobtanium to build it xD

In all seriousness, Flat Earth people legitimately believe that it's all magic. Everything is the way it is because God wanted it that way. It's one big magic playground he created for humans to live in and the rest of the Universe is a fancy backdrop which is just there for us to look at. It's pointless to even bring physics into the discussion because it's merely an afterthought in the Flat Earth model and it can work in any arbitrary way without breaking their worldview.

No you won’t. By that adage you’d see the sea bulge at the equator. It doesn’t

The whole earth does bulge along the equator, due to centrifugal force. There was an interesting what-if-documentary once that went into detail what would happen if the earth suddenly stopped to rotate.

Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx_pawMRPAY It's an interesting mind game.

Thaat doesn't prove it's a ball lol.

Earth's rotation and spin have never been observed or measured. Start there, pretty big problem to overcome

well it is one of the OG conspiracies...there definitely is some truth to it

I think sentient life would value each other more if the common belief was that the earth was flat, all of the scientific narrative that we are just tiny insignificant beings makes people not value others. I am really skeptical about this whole water on Mars thing because that just creates a focus on another plane(t) when peace on earth should be attained, the continuation of life on a different planet means some people will be left out

There could be some clues to the reality of space with this eclipse coming up

If the earth turned out to be flat it truly would be the biggest conspiracy in all mankind. All other bets would be off then.

But luckily you can verify the globe earth yourself. Just observe the altitude of Polaris above the horizon at different latitudes to confirm the globe model.


Why are you laughing? The behaviour of Polaris is incompatible with a flat earth model.

You have round eyeballs so I’m calling confirmation bias.

Another good one: if the horizon is caused by light distortion through atmosphere, then why can you see for 150 miles or more from an airplane but not from the top of a building? Why do these line of sight observations perfectly match the predictions that the Earth is curved almost exactly like a ball? Another similar observation: why is sunset significantly later in an airplane than it is on the ground below? You curvature of the Earth is something which can be appreciated with your eyes. People complain "but the horizon looks pretty flat even at high altitude". Slow down. Think. Why is the horizon a circle that goes all around you and why does that circle get bigger when you climb altitude? That's the curvature.

Flat Earth is the best conspiracy theory because people think it will be easy to disprove but it's actually very difficult. Although, the simulation hypothesis is also very interesting. If the world is simulated, it doesn't much matter what shape the simulation might be.

That’s how I fell into this rabbit hole. I started out trying to disprove it and you start to realized just how difficult it was. I was suggested the Sim theory will do more research on it.

Flat Earth theory is trivial to disprove. The next time you are in an airplane, watch as the horizon gets farther and farther away smoothly as you gain altitude. That is a direct consequence of curvature.

Wouldn't it be a Great Conspiracy if clouds were really made of candyfloss and the Moon is actually green cheese? I mean for realz..?


FLAT BRAIN Science has proven that the Earth is a spherically cuboidal torus in a form of a pear-shaped peach.

Ahh you science lovers who let others do research and just recite it

Well it all makes sense. You don't realize that regular people actually do science all the time. You don't realize there are professional scientists, engineers, and mathematicians posting here all the time that genuinely understand what they are saying and not reciting the work of others.

im not saying that there isnt people who actually do scientific work. What im saying is Science is the new religion people look to science to explain everything in the universe. People in positions of power will find a way to exploit it.

Well, the moment you flipped into saying the only thing you believe in is the Bible because it's 'predicted things', that made the point of this thread clear. There's no real discussion being asked for, IMO.

That’s your opinion your entitled to having them, people reject things when they don’t align with their views.

The point of FE isn't even the shape of the earth, it's the fact that there's no infinite space and we're not moving. And yes it is a big deal.

Im on a conspiracy sub so i hope that we can discuss what some might find stranger and ridulous.

Of course you can have a discussion, but for that you need actual arguments for this proposed subject. If have not heard one flatearth argument which did hold longer than the time needed to formulate it. The sad part is that most of the stuff that is brought up can be easily shown to be wrong by some personal observation that show that the earth is not flat.

Flat is as flat does, both in the case of girls and of worlds.

That’s how my view has changed, focus more on those around us treat them with respect and compassion

It actually is, if your interested look into how Polaris fits into the flat earth.

Mandela effect is real I’ll do more research on the others

It would.

Now we have to decide how all the World Leaders come together to disclose that we live on a FE under a Dome without World Wide Chaos breaking out.

You also have to decide at that point how this will be handled without it becoming that Dreaded NWO or One World Religion! AND that one is a huge linchpin in the whole Disclosure Deprogramming Project.

If the little people realize that Rockets can only go so high, that they do not race around a spinning ball - that makes Mass Attacks really scary. We're all vulnerable but MAD already addressed that so we just have to curb the little tin-pot dicktaters, right?

It has been trotted out for years now that between Saddam and Gaddafi that they came across a pretty huge religious (shift/awakening?) A Portal or Door and that Giants DNA was unearthed as well. Some believe he/they had discovered plates, scrolls, texts that only the Vatican is/was suspected to have. They were fine with him/them turning their Country around, only Up to a Point. When they wanted to release the Information to the World they unleashed the Kraken on the Middle East Disclosure.

All the high strangeness going on at Antarctica? The only place on the Earth that every Massive World Leader can agree that Peace Exists Unilaterally, no matter what is happening on the other Continents!? Really?!

There was a similar awakening or revival that was building in the mid to late 1800's and that fomented what we call the Great Wars. The sheep, the lowly cattle were waking up to the Reality of the World and they had to shut that down PDQ!

So, rather than debating the Shape - how would World Leaders go about the Disclosure?

It's a huge Box to unpack. Or as others have said, they have us all twisted into a Simulation, which for me is depressing, unnerving and a worse Void that I just struggle to embrace at this time.

Every major religion at some point has had the FE as a Model of Creation.

While not every conspiracy theorist embraces Predictive Programming many do and there's tonnes of FE PP to dive into.

FE from creationists POV vs atheists can be very contentious but some have found enough common ground. Watching atheist agree that science has become a "religion" is pretty strange optics to me. Even watching all the various creation sects battle this out in their little YouTube world has been kinda crazy.

The world leaders wont disclose this, they have known for decades. Things like the The Ziggurat in the middle east are interesting thats when i looked at Iraq and the surrounding nations.

Can you elaborate on the Kraken? as in the giant squid-like monster?

Antartica should be the biggest red flag indeed, all world leaders take trips down there and is the only place on earth for peace like you said if more people where aware they would demand answers.

Yes, the Kraken but also...look up the word Sulanuth. It is a bit more descriptive in Jasher but it comes up sounding like an Octopus. We've seen an increase in news reports about how incredibly smart these creatures are, yes?

It is quite descriptive of a Tornado as well. The roof is torn off, house utterly destroyed, people whizzed away to the sky and yet a table with a cup of coffee and the morning paper is left untouched.

So, our minds can go several directions if we do not get boxed in.

While so many love to ridicule and discredit free thinkers...the moment a large Government gives disclosure to say, manipulating weather - all the Real Freak Naysayers suddenly disappear and the next round of Mind Games begin with the second wave of RFN.

It can be annoying after many many years but WTH I've little else to lose and another persons ideas, thoughts or theories cost me nothing in my daily life.

I tend to agree that disclosure would be veiled as something else and for me that takes me to NASA, Space, Universe and mans religion. It will have to be Aliens or Catastrophic Weather?

As others in here have been open to Simulation Theory, Hollow Earth or Off World Colonies, the majority will shut down hard to straight up End of Days Creation and perhaps some of that is correct thinking given how dark most people find God to be.

You've given me a lot to think about and research thank you.

We do not have to love or hate Trump but another nugget to chew on was his recent remarks about Tesla...I found this very intriguing in conjunction with his catching everybody off guard about the SPACE FORCE - I nearly choked I was laughing so hard at all manner of people freaking out or going to one extreme or another.

Go watch Putin and his disclosure of the Russian Military Weapons. I cannot say for certain that these two are hand in glove (in a good White Hat kinnda way...) but I'm leaning that direction more and more.

Look into the Rods of God event in China. All the possible Laser Fires that China is currently being blamed for in some odd ball corners.

If you've been down this rabbit hole you'll pardon me for bringing it up, otherwise have fun!

Nice shooting the breeze with you!

Im look for Trumps comment on Tesla if you have a source would appreciate it. I have heard of the Rods of God but not more than a hearsay. I feel as if i have been made aware of it in film and television. When i watch T.v or movies i analyze them because i feel thats how they disclose things without telling us directly.

BUt thank you for these nuggets of information, be blessed.

My error, he commented about his Uncle from MIT during the presser after Kim talks in NK...but the Tesla/Trump rumor theory has long been floated.

I don't watch TV unless it comes off an internet query. I ditched TV before 9/11 hit. I'm limited in a small town by time, budget and physical constraints to Library etc. so lots of PDF that I then have to back-channel research.

Enjoy your day!

See I felt the same way 2 years ago and set out to disprove it and here I am now, it’s a personal journey because it’s lead me to smite and deeper truths alit of people won’t connect the dots. But I say the best way to approach it is with the idea of trying to disprove it. You’ll soon realize it is not extremely difficult which it should be

Say in fact the world was in fact not a spinning ball and that it was flat would that not be the mother of all lies in mankind?

YUP. we call it Black pill around here.

Exactly and i believe that is why many people already shot the notion down without even approaching it i think.


Could also be like a garden, the gardening is completed today, but tomorrow theres more gardening or a program with new data).

I highly suggest that you do not take the bible literally but more metaphorically. It is by far the most censored and re-written book in history. I'm not religious nor am I atheist just so you know.

You don't believe NASA, but believe the bible?

Absolutely correct.


Another good one: if the horizon is caused by light distortion through atmosphere, then why can you see for 150 miles or more from an airplane but not from the top of a building? Why do these line of sight observations perfectly match the predictions that the Earth is curved almost exactly like a ball? Another similar observation: why is sunset significantly later in an airplane than it is on the ground below? You curvature of the Earth is something which can be appreciated with your eyes. People complain "but the horizon looks pretty flat even at high altitude". Slow down. Think. Why is the horizon a circle that goes all around you and why does that circle get bigger when you climb altitude? That's the curvature.