Welcome to the new and improved r/Conspiracy: Bringing you all the latest MSM-approved conspiracy theories since 2016!

1  2018-07-27 by DontTreadOnMe16

Please refrain from discussing any of the unapproved "crazy" conspiracy theories that people like Alex Jones or other alt-right conspiracy outlets push. We don't want any of that here. There will be absolutely no discussions about already 100% debunked conspiracy theories like elite pedophilia in Hollywood/Washington DC/UK/etc., the overarching deep state behind all of global politics, the past crimes lies and cover-ups of all intelligence agencies, the past lies and cover-ups of the mainstream media or their ties to the intelligence agencies, false flag theories of any kind, manipulation of this sub, the moon landings, none of this "Q" nonsense, and above all, absolutely NOTHING about Hillary Clinton, her husband, her foundation, her employees, or anything even remotely negative that is related to her. Theories about 9/11 may sometimes be permitted upon review.

Only links from The Hill, the Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, Vox, The Verge, or Snopes will be viewed as legitimate and make it to the FP. Any other sources are to be mocked, ridiculed, and downvoted, because as everyone knows, "alternative media" is nothing more than alt-right lies and Russian propaganda. Anyone that disagrees with OP is also to be mocked, ridiculed, and downvoted.

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The_Donald 2: Electric Boogaloo

Case in point

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha because its like that movie from the 80s but you replaced it with the_donald hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha whooo good stuff

Damn dude it was funny not that funny

Not sure what your conspiracy is but Hillary is two years ago, 9-11 is almost two decades old, Trump is today. It’s just a factor of current events and new revelations hourly that’s my take on it. If there was really something new and groundbreaking on 9-11 it would get the attention but right now it’s just more rehash of the same theories and evidence— it’s just not interesting right now it falls into the repetitive fatigue zone imo. Same with Hillary but because she is more recent it gets some play.

Please explain how Trump does not fall into the repetitive fatigue zone? It’s been two years straight now, no?

Trump fatigue is there but there are new revelations all the time so the rehash is about new angles and options. That’s why it still plays.

I figure it will go another two years regardless of the outcome.

Every president deals with this level of scrutiny and coverage it should be in the job description.

Every president deals with this level of scrutiny and coverage it should be in the job description.

......is that a joke?

No it isn’t. I remember FOX through Obama’s run. Same shit.

So... 1 channel vs LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE. Apple News alerts, Google, Facebook, every other cable news station, all entertainment companies, anything that came out of Hollywood... they all kissed Obama's ass so hard, and assured everyone that anything Fox News talks about is crazy.

You think that's the "same shit"? Are you fucking kidding me right now?

No I am not. News aggregators do not provide new content nor are they new concepts. The actual content is not different in its criticality only in its distribution levels. This phenomenon will only accelerate as technology improves communication channels. It’s not unique to Trump it’s just a sign of tech advancement. That’s specifically why propaganda has flourished over the last decade. The content isn’t generated at a new level only the distribution of the content. Most of it is shit but it gets echoed regardless.

Propaganda has flourished over the last decade because Obama made propaganda against US citizens legal.

Yup, and all sides have taken advantage. Sucks but let's not pretend one group is worse than the other.

All I’m saying is, let’s get the facts straight.

How about let’s stop pretending both groups are equal when it comes to extent of media reach.

I’m so sick of this lazy argument of “both sides do it!!”

“Every President deals with this level of scrutiny” Yet you provide only one example, Fox News vs. Obama. That was no where near the same level of scrutiny, but whatever. Provide another example.

I don’t see Trump having to show anyone his birth certificate, do you?

Trump is today.

So let me get this straight... Trump being president has made the mainstream media, and nearly the entire DC establishment, suddenly be on the side of the people? They are now telling you the truth about conspiracies? We should now listen to and believe them?

The President ran on a platform of weeding out corruption in DC. "Draining the swamp", if you will. He wins, and the establishment absolutely loses their MINDS. Immediately launches into full fledged attack mode, and hasn't let off the gas since... and you think THOSE are the people we should trust? The ones that he was talking about during his campaign, which is why so many people voted for him in the first place??

Meanwhile, those very same people tell you that anyone who supports the President is essentially Russian propaganda. He's Putin's puppet and must be stopped.

I'm sorry, but anyone who's actually been paying attention, and has been a conspiracy theorist for much longer than this past election, can see right through TPTB's attempts to stop what seems to be coming. The harder they fight, the more I actually start to believe in Trump. And that's really saying something, considering I hate both sides (despite what some trolls may try to claim about me).

The fact of the matter is, at NO POINT in my 7+ years here, have this sub and r/news or r/politics EVER been in line with each other. Topics discussed on this sub were almost exclusively ones that the MSM, both left and right outlets, would try to hide. Now that they are loudly promoting them, it's time to be suspicious. They aren't doing it for YOUR benefit. They never have, and never will, had the people's best interests in mind.

The msm is divided into two camps. Cable, broadcast, local, radio and then internet. The left/right camps are well established across all platforms with left holding the upper hand on cable/broadcast and the right on local/radio with the internet split down the middle with the added benefit of foreign participation. The access to the people is roughly the same - that’s my claim but I think it holds up.

When Obama was president one side gave him a pass the other ranted conspiracy theories hourly. The only thing different today is that the sides flipped - one sucks the cock the other parrots conspiracies.

The whole idea that the MSM hates Trump so he must be good is complete bullshit.

Exactly. I am constantly frustrated that this knee-jerk response is what I see so often in the conspiracy community at large (not just here).

Even if I accept the entire premise that the MSM is entirely corrupt, that doesn't make Trump a shining example of ANYTHING. Just from his tweets and own statements alone, I can't fathom why anyone actually supports him--unless they are equally corrupt.

Making this a black/white, either/or issue is the TRUE conspiracy running around. And I really, sincerely wish that the conspiracy community would figure that out.

I can't fathom why anyone actually supports him--unless they are equally corrupt.

But I bet you were totally with Her, right??

And this, friends, is a perfect example of “strawmanning”.

I don’t think you know what a straw man is.

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man."

Nah, I think I’ve got a pretty solid grasp on what it is ;)

Just because you didn’t the point I made doesn’t automatically make it a straw man. Calling out hypocrisy does not a straw man fallacy make.

You failed to make a point, you attacked an argument they didn't make by accusing them of being "with Her" - even though nowhere in their comment did they even mention Hillary.

You didn't even call out hypocrisy, even! You literally made a straw man and smugly knocked it down... which appears to be your modus operandi.

And this is why I’ll never take you seriously. It’s always a deflection. Every. Time.

Pointing out blatant hypocrisy is deflecting? Got it.

Where was the hypocrisy in his statement? Just because you assume he’s a Hillary supporter? Why don’t you actually address what he said? Trump is corrupt no matter who or what you compare him against, Hillary’s corruption doesn’t absolve him of his own sins.

Hahaha my fucking god, still deflecting to Clinton. Just shows how shallow your arguments and motives are.

Pointing out hypocrisy is one of my biggest motives. The ones with a lack of arguments are the people like you, claiming im just “deflecting to Clinton”.

If you took the time to actually think about why I said that, you’d understand that.

And yet instead of making an argument you only basically say "no u".

Pointing out hypocrisy is one of my biggest motives.

Pointing out hypocrisy isn't a logical argument and cannot win any discussion based on evidence and the rules of debate.

Making this a black/white, either/or issue is the TRUE conspiracy running around.

You said it.

The President ran on a platform of weeding out corruption in DC. "Draining the swamp", if you will.

And how exactly has he done that? By appointing Goldman Sachs executives like Mnuchin to his cabinet? Or how about the founder of Blackwater (who this sub used to despise) being one of his top advisors? And the guy's sister as his Secretary of Education? Or how the ex-CEO of Exxon Mobil was his Secretary of State.

Any true conspiracy theorist would have a problem with that. And they definitely wouldn't be continuing to relentlessly defend a President like that and continue to insist that he is "anti-establishment" when he is literally the leader of the most powerful nation on the planet and his political party controls every branch of government.

really? you read the entire OP but you're not sure what the conspiracy is?

we're on a conspiracy forum where it is ridiculed to want to openly talk about potential conspiracies that don't fit a certain criteria

we're on a conspiracy forum where it is ridiculed to want to openly talk about potential conspiracies that don't fit a certain criteria

Which they then project as "r/conspiracy's agenda is the same as T_D", so that anyone calling them out can be shot down as a partisan pro-Trump shill. It's absolute madness.

The reason we tend to line up with Trump and the right wing isn't because we're "pro-Trump", it's because Trump is and always has been pro-conspiracy!!!

Then he became president, and suddenly anyone who believes in conspiracy theories is now "alt-right".

So was Edward Hoover. Believing conspiracies doesn't excuse you from corruption which Trump is neck deep in

From everything I’ve seen, he’s involved in FAR LESS corruption than 99% of the people screaming the loudest that he’s corrupt. They’ve dug as deep as they can into this guy and have only come up with a couple porn star affairs and unfounded claims of Russian collusion.

If you're -really- interested in what Mueller comes up with in the end, then wait until the investigation is actually finished.

But if you're already deciding that Trump is involved in "FAR LESS" corruption, then IMO that's not actually doing that at all. It sounds more like a comment that's designed to -appear- somewhat balanced but is actually pro-Trump.

Which is amusing to me, given that the OP was all about how you can't be pro-Trump here. I don't particularly care if you're pro-Trump. But it also doesn't mean that I can't point out exactly how dangerous -I- think the last two years have been for this country. Even as I can and do acknowledge that if you are wealthy in the US, these have been great years for you.

But if you're already deciding that Trump is involved in "FAR LESS" corruption, then IMO that's not actually doing that at all. It sounds more like a comment that's designed to -appear- somewhat balanced but is actually pro-Trump. Which is amusing to me, given that the OP was all about how you can't be pro-Trump here.

Your statements are equally "amusing to me". I guess I don't really care at all about "your opinion" then, because you're patently wrong, despite trying to tell me what I think or believe.

But it also doesn't mean that I can't point out exactly how dangerous -I- think the last two years have been for this country. Even as I can and do acknowledge that if you are wealthy in the US, these have been great years for you.

What in the fuck are you talking about? Please justify either of these claims even a little bit.

And running a fraudulent charity, and ripping off contractors and having a meeting in his building with Russian lawyers about dirt on Hilary, and having multiple allegations of sexual assault and walking in on miss teen USA dressing rooms and acting like Putin's little bitch at Helsinki and rolling back environmental regulations and Mueller has multiple indictments already either Trump is so stupid he can't judge the character of people he hired or he's just as corrupt as they are neither are good

I'll take all that in a fucking HEARTBEAT compared to having Hillary in office. At least I still have my first and second amendment rights no longer being under imminent threat.

You wanna talk about corruption and fraudulent charities... I mean Jesus Christ

The point is no longer who should be elected to sit in the White House - you get that, don’t you? Hillary's not in office. Hillary’s never going to be in office.

People can think Trump is corrupt as fuck and not like Hillary either. And it doesn’t matter because it is no longer a race to elect one of them

From everything I’ve seen, he’s involved in FAR LESS corruption than 99% of the people screaming the loudest that he’s corrupt.

So you admit he's corrupt and therefore a worthy person to be discussed in a conspiracy theory group?

“Alt-right” then magically became “Neo-Nazi Hate Group” overnight

Not really. They've been moving that way for years. Trump's presidency simply made it possible for them to finally step out of the shadows and prove they ARE that racist/phobic/etc.

Pretty much all moments in history appear to happen 'overnight' but are actually bubbling up for quite a while.

100% agree. Before Trump became president, I had to murder minorites in secret. Now I just kill them in public, because of the police are called, they join in the killing spree.


It didn’t really happen overnight but you know that one night when the alt-right/neo-nazis carried lots of torches around and chanted Nazi slogans and then one of them killed a non-right protestor? Yeah that didn’t help.

Neo-Nazis and other white nationalists branded themselves the "Alt-right", so it was really the other way around.

Don’t think anyone is restricting discussion here but there are lots of contrarians on certain topics but again that doesn’t limit what is discussed or linked. I think people mistake different opinions as shilling or attempts to control a discussion. Ignore and move on or engage and try to change someone’s mind.

Lol seriously, you could at least try spicing up the talking points a little! Try adding your own flair to them, rather than just copy and pasting them!

I think people mistake different opinions as shilling or attempts to control a discussion.

This is literally the entire point of vote brigading and forum manipulation. To give off the APPEARANCE of public consensus.

Ignore and move on or engage and try to change someone’s mind.

That's literally the exact opposite of what the people this post is mocking do in this sub. That's what USED to happen here. Now it doesn't.

Jesus Christ man, you can't really be this blind.

I can’t speak for others but I do not do that. I am literally running from meeting to meeting at work following this discussion when I have pauses because I like the topics and conspiracy community. When you throw shill and talking point accusations around you really show ignorance.

Also up/down vote shit means nothing. The context of a post speaks for itself.

Keeping thinking, friend.

It's been ages since 9/11 and all the "proof" out there isn't really convincing. I would never feel comfortable to talk about the 9/11 conspiracy theory because the evidence isn't enough to convince a "normie".

And I agree with you, it's just things that are recent. I think the sub is absolutely alright at the moment.

I think so too. It’s polarized just because everyone is passionate and that’s a good thing. Discussion is lively and active.

You forgot to include buzzfeed on your approved list. Please report for re-education.

And politifact

I knew I was forgetting something! Fixed it.

Idk I think snopes should be consulted to verify buzzfeeds legitimacy

And TruePundit

And the top upvoted posts of r/conspiracy. They prove themselves!

Yeah, I don't want to worship Donald Trump. So I get upvoted. Sue me.

You don’t want to worship Trump, but you can’t help doing it anyway.

Pathetic. Is he too Alpha for you?

Is that what you need in your life? A big strong alpha for the beta to follow?

You can’t stop talking about that man. Your obsession with him seems unhealthy. I hope you can get the help you need, friend.

LOL hilarious reaction. Follow your alpha, beta.

The crapflood of noise and old stupid shit sure is high today as well.
Only noon too.

Trump already kicked out CNN. He’ll probably kick out more news agencies just like Hitler did. You’re right to be worried we might miss something.

But reddit banning /r/The_Donald from all of reddit is 100% A-OK with you, right??

Censorship is only "just like Hitler did" when you disagree with it, right??

Reddit can do whatever it wants though. If a business can refuse to make a cake for a gay couple, why can't Reddit refuse to host content?

Yes! We demand censorship!! You are a good citizen, citizen; please stand by while I shower you with gold!!

I have no problem with it. What I do have a problem with, is them pretending to be just a neutral website, while censoring and manipulating things behind the scenes. That’s what I have a problem with.

It’s be like if a baker advertised baking cakes for all couples, straight or gay... then behind the scenes they were denying the gays their services.

Why are you making assumptions? Where did he say anything like that? Stop projecting your bias on otger people


I love it. You guys finally started using the p word!

Do you get extra troll points for that?

I love it. You still make overgeneralized statements about someone youve never met. You probably also think I don't own the sig p228 that's sitting between my drivers seat and the center console too huh

Is that a threat???????

Nah jk, respect level definitely jumped up for the sig... you’re right, I would have assumed you didn’t own that.

if the donald was gone. what would they all hate even tho they claim they don't go there? :P

CNN = #Propaganda

Nah... #cnnisfakenews

This subredit is called /r/conspiracy but it should be called /r/The_Donald2


Hey u/blowtheroofoff... ^ Exhibit A

Didnt expect a different answer... after checking your last comments... Trump lover


Hey /u/NorthBlizzard... ^ Exhibit B

Keep it up guy, you're only further making my point lol

This subredit is called /r/conspiracy but it should be called /r/The_DonaldDickSuckers


Rules 4 and 10.



Yeah, well, you can cry while sucking my dick.

Much better.

Are they paid or are they useful idiots?

If they're paid they're not good at their job.

lol right? how fucking obvious are these morons

Op brought up r/esist so he did bring Trump into this convo.

When you cannot criticize communism without anyone calling you a capitalist or calling out trump without someone calling you a communist or marxist, something is wrong.

Exactly. I love how the same people that hate Trump being the head of our government SO MUCH... are the same people that want to grant that SAME government an immense amount of more power and tax dollars. Because just as long as THEIR party is in power, everything will be sunshine and rainbows.

I don't trust any of them, which is why I want the government's power to be as limited as humanly fucking possible. That way it doesn't matter who the hell is sitting in the kings throne if they can't do much.

The government spends hundreds of billions of money per year on Social Security benefits. But they don't have much power there. The 60 million plus who get that money and seed our economy with stability while guaranteeing some income for individuals who are old or disabled get those benefits whether "government" likes it or not ... without ideological tests.

The prove they are retirement age (birth certificate usually), they prove they are legal (birth certificate or USPP or nat cert or permanent resident card), and they get paid the money. For disability, they have to actually prove they are disabled.

I might question the people who want to get rid of Social Security and take that power to exist with dignity away from over 60 million people and hand it over to the stock market or just end it on more tax cuts to the ever-growing billionaire class. 30 years ago, you could memorize and name every billionaire. Today, there are over a thousand. And that's not inflation either. That's wealth redistribution. Those people have tremendous power. They buy and sell governments, including American states (i.e. "states rights") and take control over our lives.

Yea, and you know the best way to stop that? By taking power away from the government. What are the billionaires going to "buy" if the politicians have no power anyway?

We're in this whole mess because of big government. Social Security should have never began in the first place (at a federal level I mean). Safety net systems are much more efficient and effective the smaller and closer they are to the people needing help. The bigger it is, the more leaks of money you have along the way up. It's also flawed in the fact that the age of 65 was set when people died at 70. The system is a ponzi scheme at this point, because those of us currently paying in will never see a dime of that money.

Big governments are the ones who helped create these massive multi-billion dollar multi-national corporations. Big governments are and were the ones pushing for globalization.

I don't understand how you see the solution to ANY of the issues you just brought up... is more and bigger government. That's just absurd to me.

Because I am not looking at the situation in terms of ideology. While I can agree that sometimes having things done at a more local level is preferable, there is no big answer. There is no general rule about closer versus further. There is not even a rule about bigger versus smaller government. People argue this stuff all the time and it just goes in circles.

When I saw you general view of government, I gave one example so that you might say it's not so simple. SSA is a giant program, apparently far from the people and it works. Why don't we focus on good government rather than some generalized concept of big versus small or close versus far?

Right now, current SSA benefit levels plus inflation could be maintained forever on a funding increase of less than one percent of GDP.

Big governments are the ones who helped create these massive multi-billion dollar multi-national corporations.

As I recall, there were some huge corporations and three oligarchs in the 1800's who literally owned more than two percent of the entire economy. Government came in and broke them up.

Anyway, it's too late. Corporations are too large. Getting government out of the way will not shrink them. Something else must be done.

People are too invested in their side of the false left / right paradigm and cant make choices in a grey or independent way. They operate on a black and white world

It's almost like a conspiracy sub with no political affiliation is capable of featuring stories about potential conspiracies involving all parties and players.

All conspiracies are political. All the current political conspiracies have a place here and should be discussed regardless who reports it. If you want a different kinda of sub make one.

Are you intentionally missing the point?

Op doesn't like all the Msm conspiracy articles that get posted. That's the point.

I actually don't think the mainstream media is even coming close to reporting the conspiracy.

My crack pot theory? This has been in the works since the end of the cold war.

The Russian deep state has been setting this coup up since then. Trump was the perfect dupe to manipulate and control. When he couldn't get any more funding from US banks he went to the Russians and got all the funding he wanted. This is the origin of the control they have over him. Over the years they were able to collect shit loads of kompromat on him. Including among other things human trafficking and money laundering through bloated real estate deals. They were also able to get a handler into his immediate circle in Melania. She is absolutely deep state intelligence.

They bought their time and slowly over the years were able to infiltrate US intelligence agencies and buy government officials across the board. This is the origin of the power struggle within the alphabet agencies we see today.

Once the public was dumbed down enough and social media came along they were finally able to install their man at the highest level of US government. Trump went along with the campaign because he figured he'd never win and ride off into the sunset having paid his dept to the Russians. In fact he tried to sabotage himself at every turn including releasing "grab her by the pussy" and generally doing everything possible to act unpresidential. Russia released the Hillary bomb to combat this. But it didn't go as trump planned, he won! Ever see his face when the result came in? That's an I'm fucked face, not a hooray face.

The mainstream media can't report this because people would freak the fuck out. There is a secret war going on right now and in my opinion the mainstream media isn't even coming close to touching it. They'd rather talk about porn stars and model payoffs.

How is that for a conspiracy? Who said lefties aren't crack pot conspiracy theorists?

Honestly, I at least commend your effort. Your theory is equally as believable as the shit CNN and Buzzfeed have been spewing.

Thanks? haha, I've never been known miss an opportunity to get all paranoid with speculation.

That's close to my whole marijuana theory, it seems fairly obvious given the moves being made. Don'tTreadOnMe16 is still a shitty troll who thinks he's on Trumps level. It's like all of these dingdongs responding to him forgot about 2000-2010 internet etiquette.

I'm pretty sure that the machinations of a president who is obsessed with conspiracy theories, and is himself involved in a number of real, non-theoretical conspiracies, should be fodder for a message board discussing conspiracies.

Or is the Dear Leader off-limits to criticism?

and is himself involved in a number of real, non-theoretical conspiracies,

Examples? Sources? Anything not from the Washington Post?

Or is the Dear Leader off-limits to criticism?

How incredibly typical... do you guys all use the same script or something?? Not a single original argument from the downvoters here. I've said this a million times already, but one more can't hurt.


Are you coming from TMOR where they labled me "Alt-Right" for calling out reddit's bull shit? Not surprising.

Um, the president and his campaign are under investigation for collusion with a hostile foreign government.

That isn't mainstream propaganda, its a fact. It doesn't matter where you get that information from, its literally true.. no speculation needed.

“The president and his campaign are under investigation for collision with a hostile foreign government...”

Would that be the same hostile foreign government that every one’s favorite president Obama sold 20% of our nation’s Uranium to? Or do you get to pick and choose when Russia is a bad guy and when are not?

Whataboitism for 100 Alex. Trading uranium for peaceful purposes is completely normal. Uranium is traded all over the world. It's traded on the open market.

Whataboutism: The only response of hypocrites that can't justify their MSM programmed doublethink.

Hahaha, BOOM!

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Right wing conspiracies get plenty of traction here. What doesn’t is pathetic defenses of this administration which is criminally corrupt to previous unseen levels in modern politics. If they’d stop being so bad at being bad they wouldn’t get caught so often. There are times where people push back against some of the more tenuous links to Clinton, just like there are times when people push back against some of the dumber Trump accusations. There is some bias involved I’m sure but I also appreciate reading responses that are critical of the conspiracy theory proposed, whether left, right, or otherwise.

quiet down, you

Help! I’m being brigaded!

close. youre being trolled and blocked.

Help! I’m being trolled and blocked!

You should block everyone whose views don't perfectly align with yours. You should block me, right now.

Look OP. Trump is guilty. That’s been proven time and again. There’s no MSM narrative, except for Fox News and Russian bot farms trying to normalize white Nazism. That’s been proven too. Q and elite pedophelia is Vladimir Putin running a LARP, and all the Trumpets here at T_D 3.0 fell for it 100%. That was also proven. /s

Wow, you got me good there lol. I was steaming by the time I got to the tiny /s


This is a true American HERO right here. I wish I could give you TWO purple hearts, patriot!

This entire post is someone whining about people talking about conspiracies that he doesn’t accept as ‘real’ conspiracies, saying they’re not ‘real’ conspiracy theorists. But you’re whining about the Trump conspiracy not being Proven. Is this the same standard you hold ‘real’ conspiracies to? You expect that all conspiracies discussed in the sub have proof?

Trump Russia collusion is a fact. He’s guilty of treason. He’s going to jail any day now. That’s all been proven. New here?


Lol r/socialism. Pathetic.

the moon landings

People talk about them all the time on this sub. It is just they don't have many, if any, answers to the evidence that we actually did go to the moon. Same with the flat Earthers the post some but they don't have any evidence either.

It is just they don't have many, if any, answers to the evidence that we actually did go to the moon

Go read Wagging The Moondoggie and tell me that you've got any "evidence" that we actually did go to the moon. Until then, you're just parroting propaganda.

you're just parroting propaganda.

Prove that statement.

I have read portions of that abortion of a website before. It is disjointed and jumps all of the place so if you wish to discuss it point out which portions please.

Brockroaches stick out like sore thumbs in this sub.

It's RES tagging season!

It seems to me like this board was very receptive to right-wing propaganda during the 2016 campaign and now that the tide has turned a little bit and people aren't tolerating the totally baseless conspiracy stuff like pizzagate or Seth rich is murder there is a real hard push back from the people who want to push those things

As a lurker on this thread, people with your type of opinion are the problem here. It doesn’t matter how outlandish you or fellow group thinkers believe a conspiracy to be. This is a conspiracy sub. Insinuating the Seth Rich or pizzagate stories as completely baseless right wing propaganda literally feeds the political division of this sub. And the fact you get upvoted for such a narrow minded and baseless conspiratorial assertion in itself, to me; signifies this sub is washed with people/bots/agents who would like to push an agenda or feel validated by a group instead of staying open to the potentials of ya know, conspiracy on all levels. Not just those which are feel good, or are ideologically aligned.

I think conspiracy theory Message Board should be for conspiracy theories. But unfortunately there are some political propagandists who try to pray on that. In my opinion that is the worst possible thing you can do on a conspiracy theory Message Board, to try to use it to spread total falsehoods in the name of some kind of political win for your team

Uh, that's just what you did? Did you read what you wrote? You thew out non-partisan conspiracy examples, asserted they were used as propaganda tools of the far-right, then used that opinion, to make a nonsensical, partisan and absolutist point.

The fact that I get down-voted for saying people should think for themselves and not participate in divisive political narratives, and instead should not believe anything that plays into any narrative, especially a partisan one. Shows the manipulation on reddit and this sub is complete.

There's no real question about it that Pizzagate was just a political smear. There's no argument you can make that it was a legitimate, it's just based entirely on blatant lies.

I'm partisan. I share partisan conspiracy theories because that's what I find most interesting and frankly, it's the biggest story of our day. But I never share propaganda like Pizzagate or Seth Rich. If you're being downvoted, it's because everyone can see how those were sheer propaganda and the people who used to boost up those theories have filtered away.

'There's no real question about it'

Well there you go - Anyone who can read in between the lines understands.

But to bring it home. How could you be so absolutely sure? Where's your one hundred percent infallible evidence? Irrefutable proof?

It's neither here nor there, and to say otherwise is disingenuous. Being impartial is a fundamental aspect of having an open mind. Popular conspiracies are popular conspiracies for a reason. Some may be used as political propaganda tools, some may have plausibility as actual politically motivated criminal conspiracies. I get it. But, there's no true test to know whether it's here or there or neither.

I have no problem with your personal opinion, but to speak in absolutisms, in a conspiracy sub, on a post about partisan-media biased narratives being pushed in comments, you've triggered my ironic sensibilities to the point of absolutely having to explain to you, why what you said, is ridiculous.

Yeah... go back to being a lurker pls.

Go back to r/news

Here is a another good conspiracy. Front page.


Hahaha Hahahaa Hahaaaaa

You're so whack, go pick a side and die for your flag dumb ass.

absolutely NOTHING about Hillary Clinton

What's the matter. 12 posts a day about Hillary killing people not getting you off anymore?

Well, there goes my friday.

I don't know where else to ask this. When I search for this sub over google, I can't find it anymore. I just get a link to an HERE’S ONE WAY TO REFORM AN INTERNET CONSPIRACY THEORIST.

I never felt paranoid and usually I don't agree with the whole "everyone is a shill and we're being persecuted" stuff. But this is really cynical in a way. Present someone who is searching for this sub with that article. Google is being very funny.

Right? First result is the Finland conspiracy, and then r/actualconspiracy or whatever, another bull shit r/conspiracy knockoff.

People say things like “You seriously think TPTB give enough of a shit about this sub that they’d waste their time brigading it??”

Obviously, we’re effecting enough people that google feels the need to manually remove us from their search engine.

So now they’ve moved on from trying to hide us, to just launching a full out takeover with shills and vote brigades. I’m really starting to get tired of trying to fight back.

Yes, it's scary. You can find any sub on Google by searching for it. But r/conspiracy doesn't show up.

So now they’ve moved on from trying to hide us, to just launching a full out takeover with shills and vote brigades

This has also happened on YouTube, it's been going on for two years. All those conspiracy channels that have been bullied off the platform under the guise of not being "advertiser-friendly". Curious, what took them so long? Why now and not ten years ago?

Curious, what took them so long? Why now and not ten years ago?

Because they had to build the platforms up first. They had to appear neutral in order to gain mass appeal. If you notice, everything ramped up to 10 when Trump got elected. Now it’s so bad that they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. That’s because they don’t have time to slowly move things in their direction, because they need to lock down the conversation ASAP (which raises a multitude of other questions, too).

And now because they are trying to move so quickly, people are easily recognizing it and it’s going to seriously damage them. They are showing their hand, and the market is responding.

Ten years ago the same plan was still in progress. They did it all through the Obama years, it was just so slow most people didn’t notice (which is how their plan is supposed to work). David Icke refers to it as the “Totalitarian Tip-toe”, which I think is a perfect term to describe it. Little by little, no one notices. Big jumps cause people to start waking up.

I think we’re currently witnessing everyone starting to wake up.

It's gotta be the very first dictatorship of a conspiracy theory message board that I've ever seen. Half the fun of conspiracies is being able to discover them- whether everyone believes them or not!!-and discuss and learn about them from both sides of the argument. Like grown up adult people.

Isn't the point of conspiracy theories for them to eventually be accepted by the mainstream?

There’s a big difference between being accepted by the mainstream and being pushed by the mainstream. One requires overwhelming evidence over a long time to the point where it can’t be refuted anymore... the other requires pretty much no evidence, and just a collective effort of media personalities to just continually repeat the same unfounded claims over and over as nauseam.

Well what do you want if you're discussing conspiracy theories? Do you want the mainstream to talk about them? Or do you NOT want the mainstream to talk about them? Seems like damned if they do, damned if they don't...

The mainstream is never looking out for the people’s best interests. If they are pushing something, it’s to fit an agenda. Any conspiracy theories that I want the MSM to talk about, they would never talk about, and anything the MSM talks about, isn’t really a conspiracy.

The media empires are our enemy (collectively, left or right). CNN, Fox, doesn’t matter, they all tow the same line at the end of he day. It’s the issues and stories that NEITHER of them will talk about that we should be concerning ourselves with.

This sub used to be about covering those issues. Now we only seem to be interested in covering the same stories that are also covered EVERYWHERE ELSE in media.

You see what I’m saying?

•Love the fetus, Hate the child •Love the business, Hate the worker •Love the soldiers, Hate the vets •Love the American, Hate the immigrant •Love the Dictator, Hate the Democracy •Love the Russia, Hate the America •Love the conspiracy, Hate the truth

Case in point

Not really. They've been moving that way for years. Trump's presidency simply made it possible for them to finally step out of the shadows and prove they ARE that racist/phobic/etc.

Pretty much all moments in history appear to happen 'overnight' but are actually bubbling up for quite a while.

Lol seriously, you could at least try spicing up the talking points a little! Try adding your own flair to them, rather than just copy and pasting them!

I think people mistake different opinions as shilling or attempts to control a discussion.

This is literally the entire point of vote brigading and forum manipulation. To give off the APPEARANCE of public consensus.

Ignore and move on or engage and try to change someone’s mind.

That's literally the exact opposite of what the people this post is mocking do in this sub. That's what USED to happen here. Now it doesn't.

Jesus Christ man, you can't really be this blind.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha because its like that movie from the 80s but you replaced it with the_donald hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha whooo good stuff

Yes! We demand censorship!! You are a good citizen, citizen; please stand by while I shower you with gold!!

The point is no longer who should be elected to sit in the White House - you get that, don’t you? Hillary's not in office. Hillary’s never going to be in office.

People can think Trump is corrupt as fuck and not like Hillary either. And it doesn’t matter because it is no longer a race to elect one of them

It didn’t really happen overnight but you know that one night when the alt-right/neo-nazis carried lots of torches around and chanted Nazi slogans and then one of them killed a non-right protestor? Yeah that didn’t help.

Neo-Nazis and other white nationalists branded themselves the "Alt-right", so it was really the other way around.

I have no problem with it. What I do have a problem with, is them pretending to be just a neutral website, while censoring and manipulating things behind the scenes. That’s what I have a problem with.

It’s be like if a baker advertised baking cakes for all couples, straight or gay... then behind the scenes they were denying the gays their services.

There’s a big difference between being accepted by the mainstream and being pushed by the mainstream. One requires overwhelming evidence over a long time to the point where it can’t be refuted anymore... the other requires pretty much no evidence, and just a collective effort of media personalities to just continually repeat the same unfounded claims over and over as nauseam.